HDC :: Volume #5 Scarlet Firmament (赤霄)

#145: purple qi enters spiritual platform

After that creation refiner since was separated from great array, body spirituality strength erupts full power, escapes to go toward the east side rapidly. 造物炼士自从脱离了大阵之后,身上灵性力量全力爆发,一路朝着东面迅遁而去。 How although after he does not know oneself walks, that side Xi Prince to be, but Xi Prince is to avoid the curse strength attack, decided that replaces plan of body is the plan that early morning sets, therefore the final result is almost certain. 虽然他不知道自己走后熹王那边会是如何,但是熹王为避免咒力侵袭,决定替换身躯的谋划是一早定下的计划,所以最后的结果几乎是一定的。 Once the Xi Prince dying news leaked out, certainly will provode an upheaval, he does not know that Xi Prince to also had the arrangement, but he must complete the matter of Xi Prince entrust as soon as possible, moreover he did not determine whether Mianlu Metropolitan Area these people will pursue, only had returns to Light Capital to be safe as soon as possible. 熹王身亡消息一旦泄露出去,一定是会引发一场变乱的,他不知道熹王是不是对也有安排,可他一定是要尽快完成熹王交托之事的,而且他也不确定眠麓城域那些人是否会追来,唯有尽快回到光都才算安全。 after having left the great array, he also felt that periphery has existences of several internal qi, the guess is the person of observing all influence sends, these people looked that probably is quite interested to him, but finally and no one goes forward to stop him. 在出了大阵之后,他还感觉到周围有几股气机的存在,猜测是各方势力派遣过来的观战之人,这些人看去好像对他颇有兴趣,可最后并没有人上前阻拦他。 On the one hand this is these people is not clear to the in the array situation, does not dare to begin rashly, another is he escapes fast also is quite quickly rapid, spirituality strength is powerful, looks at the strength is not weak, wants to block is not easy, instead possibly makes others pick up a bargain, so dreads under mutually, can make him successfully flee. 这一方面是此辈阵中的情形不清楚,不敢贸然动手,另一个是他遁速也极为迅快,灵性力量强盛,看得实力并不弱,想要拦下也不容易,反可能让别人捡了便宜,这般互相忌惮之下,得以让他成功走脱了。 But he had not detected what is, when his flying, that grain of Purple Qi Dust is also following his aura change changes to wisp of purple qi slowly, and integrated in his spirituality. 而他不曾察觉到的是,在他飞遁之时,那一粒紫炁砂也是跟随着的他的气息变化慢慢化作一缕紫气,并融入了他自身的灵性之中。 This grade of external object enters the body, even if he and Zhang Yu level has a disparity, but may also detect, but he because of being separated, the consciousness is also being places to guard against on others anxiously, instead neglects to oneself slightly, therefore cannot discover this matter. 这等外物入身,哪怕是他与张御的层次有所差距,可也是有可能察觉到的,但他因为急着脱离,意识也是放在防备其他人上面,对自己反而略微忽略,故是没有能发现此事。 Passed through two days and two nights uninterrupted speeding along, he arrived around Light Capital finally, to this place, considered some people not to come pursuing he. 经过了两天两夜不间断的飞驰,他终是来到了光都附近,到了此间,身后当是不会有人来追索他了。 But he has therefore not felt at ease. Because he knows, if Xi Prince is also living, in Light Capital naturally no one dares to disobey the this person's thoughts, but if the Xi Prince is dead, that does not say, therefore was he does not have to contact anybody. 可他并没有因此而心安。因为他知道,熹王若是还活着,光都之中自然没人敢违逆这位的心思,可熹王若是不在了,那就不好说了,故是他没有去联络任何人。 In entering the Light Capital creation solar star covering range, that is in the defend person by city is discovered inevitably, but at this time, he stimulated the official seal that body Xi Prince awarded, successfully helped him evade the supervision of ray, but he does not dare to stay him outside too for a long time, a body booklet, southwest the direction toward Light Capital came. 只是在进入光都造物日星的笼罩范围内,那必然是会被城内的守御之人发现的,而在这时候,他激发了身上熹王所授予的印信,成功助他避过了光芒的监察,但他也不敢在外停留他太长时间,身躯一折,往光都西南方向过来。 He avoids all supervisions with the official seal, finally falls the body to get down before a curving angular big tower. 他以印信避开一切监察,最后在一个略带弯曲的角形大塔之前落身下来。 He comes to the tower at the back, observed, sought a slightly hollow place, then took from body a chip, the post put. 他来至塔身背面,观察了一下,寻到了一个微微凹陷的地方,便将一枚晶片从身上取了出来,贴放了上去。 This object space one contacts with the wall, with that hollow agrees with completely, and fused slowly, after a while, the front has the silk threads ray to bloom, his retreat several steps, then saw a constantly moving crystal gate to appear there slightly. 此物方一与壁面接触,就与那凹陷完全契合,并缓缓融合了进去,过了一会儿,面前有丝丝缕缕光芒绽放出来,他稍稍后退几步,便见到一扇流转不停的晶门出现在了那里。 He not hesitant, took a step to walk into, as his form submerged the inside room, crystal gate also restrained the ray, the wall restored the original appearance. 他没有犹豫,迈步走入了进去,随着他身影没入里间,晶门也是收敛了光芒,壁面又是恢复了原来的模样。 After creation refiner enters the inside room, saw that a long corridor extends downward, because there is a bright mist blocking, cannot see the end with a glance. He stood the moment, walks downward. 造物炼士进入里间后,见到一处长长的廊道向下延伸,因为有光雾遮挡,一眼看不到尽头。他站了片刻,就往下走去。 He thinks here is safe, but he does not know, since he leaves the great array later every action and every movement, under the induction observation of Zhang Yu. 他自认为这里是安全的,可是他并不知道,从他离开大阵之后的一举一动,都是在张御的感应观察之下。 When Zhang Yu just now sees that prismoid, identifies immediately, this is Light Capital suppresses some cultivator place place, is oneself had gone to the place. 张御方才见到那座角台时,便就辨认出来,这就是光都镇压某名修道人的所在地,也是自己曾经去过的地方。 If surefooted, then now this creation refiner place, in under of place of this suppression, consistency that if the this person's goal and he suspects, then Xi Prince likely also used this point to build a covert boundary. 若无差错,那么现在这位造物炼士所去之地,当就是在这处镇压之地的下方了,若是这位的目标和他猜想的一致,那么熹王很可能也是利用了这一点营造了一处隐蔽地界。 His judgment is very accurate, initially Xi Prince chose this place specially, is lies in do not arrange separately, can obtain firmest protective screen, but others cannot think that completely Xi Prince will place here the place of oneself coming back to life. 他的判断很准确,当初熹王特意选择这个地方,就是在于不要另行布置,就可以获得最坚固的屏护,而他人也绝然想不到熹王会把自己复生之地放在这里。 Only threatening, is that cultivator that above was imprisoned to detain. 唯一有威胁的,就是上面被囚押的那一位修道人 But this person was initially imprisoned voluntarily, and although he has been suppressed for a long time he has never planned to leave, moreover this has devoted to extinguish contradiction between Hao Clan and dao-cultivation sect, therefore knew this grade of matter even, perhaps not only will not disclose, instead will cover up for him. 可是这位当初自愿被囚的,尽管被镇压长远,可从来没有离开的打算,而且这位一直致力消弭昊族修道宗派之间的矛盾,所以就算知道了这等事,恐怕非但不会声张,反而会替他进行遮掩。 The creation refiner foot regulation is quick, at this moment had arrived at the end place of corridor, the front presented a gateway, has a bright ray according to his body. 造物炼士脚程很快,此刻已是走到了廊道的尽头处,前方又出现了一道门户,同时有一道明光的光芒照在他的身上 He is the illumination to come from this, has not made any resistance. This can only isolate climb in his body any external foreign matter, to guard the external force to submerge. 他任由此光照来,没做任何抵抗。这光可以隔绝攀附在他身上的任何外来之异物,以防备有外部力量潜入进来。 Although arranges to be discrete, but that grain of Purple Qi Dust has immersed into his body, with he spirituality combined as one, therefore almost does not have possibly to nose. 虽然布置上非常谨慎,不过那一粒紫炁砂已然沉浸入了他的身躯之中,和他自身灵性融合为了一体,故是几乎无可能查探得出来。 Shone after a while, that glow light dissipates finally, but opposite gateway also opens, he walked, after a long and narrow passage, walks into under one in the width in slender funnel-shaped cabin hall. 照耀了一会儿过后,那芒光终是消散,而对面门户也是开启,他走了过去,又经过一道狭长的通道之中,走入一处下宽上狭的漏斗状舱厅之内。 Golden talisman that around on here bricks and stones outlines, is uncertain there twinkle, this with suppressing the above that person's arrangement is a body, this enables almost no one to use powerful mystical strength to break through here, if really does that what most likely is causes above that to advance the difficulty-relief. 这里周围的砖石上勾画的金色符箓,在那里闪烁不定,此与镇压上面那位的布置是一体的,这使得几乎没有谁能动用强大的神异力量攻破这里,若真这么做,最有可能的是导致上面那一位先行脱困。 But goes against have one group to make the bright ray that in cabin hall one is unable to look straight ahead, that is small-scale creation solar star, spirituality strength that its sends out is maintaining here all. 而在舱厅顶上有一团令人无法直视的明亮光芒,那是一个小型造物日星,其所散发出的灵性力量维持着这里的一切。 Center cabin hall, is suspending a side metal table bench, the big person's shadow that wears golden mask lies low there, both hands naturally hang in the both sides, is only at this moment motionless, its surroundings have the spirituality barrier that mist also resembles. 舱厅正中处,摆着一方金属长台,有一个戴着金面具的高大人影平躺在那里,双手自然垂于两侧,只是此刻一动不动,其周围有着一层薄雾也似的灵性屏障。 After creation refiner sizes up, the side step arrived in the corner, he put out an official seal, is pressing toward the jade above, before long, that jade seems like the liquid melting, formed a niche, inside revealed colored glaze bottle, was filled with the silver water fluid. 造物炼士打量过后,侧步走到了角落之中,他拿出了一枚印信,往着玉璧之上一按,不一会儿,那一处玉璧像是液体般融化开来,形成了一个壁龛,里面露出了一只琉璃瓶,内中盛满了银色的水液。 To make Xi Prince come back to life, needs some necessary steps. According to Xi Prince beforehand looking, if Daoist Wei comes this with him together, will then be completed this matter by Daoist Wei, supposes that person not, then must replace to complete by him. 要想让熹王复生,是需要一些必要步骤的。按照熹王事先的关照,若是卫道人与他一同来此,那么将由卫道人来完成这件事,假设其人不至,那么就要由他来代替完成了。 He put out a hand to take colored glaze bottle, arrived among cabin hall , pouring in the under foot, before long, above the ground revolves the metal stage to give birth to tall and slender scoop channels, sank to congeal, but the heavy/thick silver liquid flowed with there, the quick end-to-end, and from outer to inner spread to go. 他伸手将琉璃瓶拿了下来,走到了舱厅中间处,就后将之倒在了脚下,不一会儿,地面之上围绕着金属台生出了一圈圈细长的凹槽,沉凝而厚重的银色液体随着那里流淌,很快头尾连接到了一起,并由外而内蔓延而去。 When this silver class/flow fluid contacts that spirituality barrier, obviously it sends out an intermittent bright and bright ray, looked like gathers the moonlight, it with going against the ray gathered one, illuminated nearby wall, its on appeared dense and numerous talisman, and jumped to glitter there, separated a while, will then have traded one batch. 当这银色流液接触到那灵性屏障时,可见其发出一阵阵明亮而皎洁的光芒,就像是将月光汇聚到了其中,其与顶上的光芒汇聚到了一处,将一旁的墙壁照亮,其上浮现出了密密麻麻的符箓,并在那里跳跃闪烁着,隔有一会儿,便会换过一批。 He arrives at the near, looks at the moment, looked at fixedly above some talisman, before it completely vanished, was lifts the hand to take up the official seal to press, instantly aroused a ripple-like light, but in side, regarding this talisman, there is talisman also to reappear, was precisely more and more. 他走到近前,望有片刻,凝注在了某一个符箓之上,在其完全消失之前,便是抬手拿起印信一按,霎时激起一道水纹也似的光亮,而在旁侧,围绕这枚符箓,又有更多符箓随之浮现出来,且是越来越多。 He presses down the official seal on unceasingly, the movement has the rhythm quickly, this entire step exhorts to do according to Daoist Wei completely beforehand, the least bit cannot make a mistake, to him, what so long as Daoist Wei confesses is correct, he will not make a mistake. 他不断在上按下印信,动作快而有节奏,这整个步骤完全是按照卫道人事先嘱咐来做的,半点也出错不得,对他来说,只要卫道人交代的是正确的,那他就不会出错。 In passing more than 1000 talisman, above the jade all talisman were hidden finally, but also vanishes regarding around the spirituality barrier in metal stage does not see. 在晃过了一千多枚符箓,玉璧之上所有符箓终于隐没下去,而围绕在金属台四周的灵性屏障也是消失不见。 Above this moment creation solar star, there is a colored glaze colorful light to fall, in seems the silk threads haze to seethe. His facial expression concentrates, this should be Xi Prince shifting arrived here divine soul. 此刻造物日星上方,有一道琉璃彩光落下,内中似有丝丝缕缕的烟气翻腾着。他神情一凝,这应该就是熹王转挪到这里的神魂了。 After this thing flutters next, then fell above the forehead position of that lying low body, and integrated slowly toward. 此物飘下之后,便落到了那一具平躺身躯的眉心位置之上,并缓缓往里融入进去。 creation refiner withdraws several steps, then sat cross-legged to sit in this. 造物炼士退后几步,便在此盘膝坐了下来。 Although traded the body the technique to be mature, but because the divine soul shifting situation had respectively different, the length time that therefore everyone woke up was different. 虽说换躯的技艺已然成熟了,可因为神魂转挪的情形各有所异,所以每一个人醒来的长短时间都不同。 Some people woke up quickly, but after some people perhaps fortnights, will awaken, delays to one year later also has. 有的人很快就醒来了,而有的人或许十天半月后才会觉醒,拖延到一年后也是有的。 But his responsibility, before Xi Prince wakes up thoroughly, is responsible for guard here, avoids any unexpected occurrence. 而他的职责,就在熹王彻底醒来之前,负责守持在这里,避免任何意外的发生。 But why does not know, he just sat a while, thought that grave exhausted well ups, again was the past a while, he then fell into profound deep sleep. 可是不知道为何,他方才坐了一会儿,就觉得一阵深重的疲惫涌上心头,再是过去一会儿,他便陷入了深长的沉眠之中。 Under situation that in oneself does not know, his back leapt a purple light, entered in that creation solar star, after a while. Entire solar star turned into one group of purple sun, its ray gradually extended in this place each corner, finally illuminated into that body. 而在自己也不知道的情形下,他的背后腾起了一道紫光,进入到了那造物日星之中,过了一会儿。整个日星变成了一团紫日,其光芒逐渐延伸到了此间每一个角落之中,最后照入了那具身躯之内。 Zhang Yu sits in the hall, he thinks, thinks that kills Xi Prince to do little purely. If Xi Prince is living, means aspect also not collapse Luan, but Xi Prince, if perished, its jurisdiction entire jurisdiction area certainly is also in chaos, then elder group and Lie Prince these two will definitely hit a person when he is down. 张御坐在大厅之内,他思索下来,认为单纯杀死熹王作用不大。熹王若是活着,意味着局面还不会崩乱,可熹王若是亡了,其治下整个辖界一定也是一片混乱,那么长老团烈王这两家肯定会落井下石。 Although before Mianlu Metropolitan Area , for this, some the discussion, and also made some beforehand plan, prepares to take the favorable position in the name of Clan Protector Zhu Clan Scion, but is undeniable, these two certainly make a profit in a big way. 虽然眠麓城域之前就对此有过商议,并也做了一些事先的谋划,准备以朱宗护宗子的名义抢占先机,可不可否认,这两家一定获利最大的。 But if changes a mentality, supposed that can control Xi Prince, then makes this person use for them, was easier on the matter. 但若换一个思路,假设能够控制住熹王,进而让此人为他们所用,那就事情就容易多了。 This matter was originally impossible to be achieved, but now there happens to be an opportunity. 这事本来是不可能做到的,但是在眼下,却恰恰有一个机会 Under shining of purple bright qi, that group of colorful glow wrapped divine soul to seem some subtle change, and in three days later, entered in the forehead of that body finally completely. 在紫色光气的照耀之下,那一团彩芒包裹神魂似有了某种微妙的变化,并在经过三天之后,终于完全进入了那具躯体的眉心之中。 Quite a while passes again, the eyelid of that body moved, later opened both eyes suddenly, gets down he with the hand support, sat from table slowly. 再是半天过去,那具躯体的眼皮动了下,随后霍然睁开了双目,下来他以手支撑,缓缓从案台上坐了起来。 creation refiner one wakes, may , during he consciousness, had not actually discovered that oneself just now for sometime passed out, his stood up, the pleasant surprise said: Your highness, did you awake?” 造物炼士一下醒了过来,可在的他意识之中,却并没有发现自己方才有一段时间失去了知觉,他站了起来,惊喜道:“殿下,你醒了?” ...... …… ...... ……
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