HDC :: Volume #5 Scarlet Firmament (赤霄)

#142: scarlet mist shades Yang Lie

Daoist Wei sees is jade awl breaks through fruitless, he has not therefore stopped the haulage, the form flashes, ten complement shadow incarnation clone and Essence Soul escape simultaneously, goes toward all parties. 卫道人见是玉锥突破无果,他也没有因此停下运法,身影一闪,十余数化影分身元神同时遁出,往各方而去。 In this changes the truth to be difficult to distinguish, so long as had a wisp of form to the outside, he took the opportunity to move to escape from this purple light, after that only need guard discretely, will no longer be restrained by this. Meanwhile, these jade awl are also the ray flashes suddenly, changes to straight and slender haze spiritual lights, the towards where Zhang Yu stands surprise attack. 此中变化真伪难辨,而只要有一缕身影到了外间,他就从这片紫光之中借机挪遁出去,此后只需谨慎提防,就再不会受此所制。与此同时,那些玉锥也是光芒骤闪,化作一道道笔直细长的烟霞灵光,往张御立身所在突袭而来。 Zhang Yu unconsciously nodded, this person of tactical choice is very vicious, has not been rescuing Xi Prince anxiously, but first decodes by the unfavorable situation that Likong Purple Qi Dust sieges. 张御不觉点了下头,这人战术选择很是老辣,并没有急着去解救熹王,而是首先去破解被离空紫炁砂围困的不利局面。 This person also sees jade awl, even if the breakthrough Likong Purple Qi Dust, had the strength of certain diversion, but when these incarnation shadow incarnation happen to while surrounding the strength were weak broke through outward. 此人也看出玉锥哪怕突破不了离空紫炁砂,却也有一定牵制之力,而那些化身化影正好趁围堵力量薄弱之际往外突破。 So long as outside, then made anything is calmer. 只要到了外面,那么做什么都是更为从容了。 But although this world's cultivators frequently fight and their experience can be considered abundant, but mostly disputes with Hao Clan, among upper layer cultivator resists the experience instead not to have many. 可是此世之中修道人虽然常常与人斗战,经验算得上丰富,可大多是与昊族较量,上层修道人之间对抗经验反而没多少。 Such as at this moment, that person tactical intention was easily looked through by him, he from may make the corresponding countermeasure, Likong Purple Qi Dust there does not do to change, wisp of Cicada Wings Flowing Light departs, in all around spin, accurate incomparable killed above each clone shadow incarnation, went to its one after another shatter fast, but leaves behind Essence Soul not to pay attention only. 就如此刻,其人的战术意图被他轻易看破,那他自可作出相应的反制手段,离空紫炁砂那里不做改换,一缕蝉翼流光飞出,飞快在四周一旋,准确无比的斩杀在了各个分身化影之上,致其一个个破散而去,而唯独留下一个元神不去理会。 Essence Soul is equivalent to cultivator, divine ability dao art all may display, will be impossible to rely on Cicada Wings Flowing Light killed, but did not have these incarnation to cover up, depending on Essence Soul be not wanting easily sieging of prominent Purple Qi Dust. 元神相当与修道人自身,神通道术皆可施展,不可能凭借一道蝉翼流光将之斩杀,但是没了这些化身遮掩,光凭着一个元神也别想轻易突出紫炁砂的围困。 Daoist Wei serious incomparable, he pays attention to that Cicada Wings Flowing Light happen to after striking to kill all clone to exhaust, was Zhang Yu identifies the difference of Essence Soul and shadow incarnation obviously immediately, regarding the assignment of magical power was also exquisite incomparable, could be called not a fraction more, not a fraction less. 卫道人神情严肃无比,他注意那一道蝉翼流光正好在击杀完所有的分身之后耗尽,显是张御不禁立时辨认出了元神化影的区别,对于法力的分配也是精妙无比,称得上不多一分,不损一分 This is he has not seen the smart adversary, he was also the aura raises the pinnacle for a while, put forth various types to be possible be called the exquisite method unceasingly, these methods were not independent, is ambushing secretly various dark hands. 这是他从来没见过的高明对手,他一时也是气息拔高到了极致,不断使出各种堪称精妙的手段,这些手段还不是单独,更暗暗埋伏着各种暗手。 Zhang Yu does not launch any attack, but stands in same place reduces and solves his divine ability dao art unceasingly. 张御并不展开任何进攻,只是站在原地不断化解他的神通道术 Does that is he knows that opposite this pinned spirit's qi/spirited above some magical item, can be real and unreal mutually promote, before finding the item, even cutting the opposite party down is useless, it can also come back again, therefore carved him only to need this person to limit, did not make him go to protect Xi Prince to be then good. 这么做是他知道对面这一位把神气寄托在了某件法器之上,也能算是虚实相生,在寻到那器物所在之前,便是将对面斩了也没有用处,其也还能再度回来,故此刻他只需要将此人限制住,不令其去遮护熹王便好。 Daoist Wei in the Zhang Yu fight process , the fighting consciousness of shallow dormancy also starts to be awakened unceasingly, the fighting strength plans to continue compared with the initial high place, however the high water ship is high, how regardless of he shows the exquisite fighting method, Zhang Yu can always just right decoding, seem a bottomless puddle, regardless of anything falls into, finally does not see the trace. 卫道人在与张御不断交手过程中,浅眠的斗战意识也是开始被唤醒,斗战力比最初高处一筹不止,然而水涨则船高,无论他如何展现出精妙的斗战手段,张御总能恰到好处的破解,好似一汪望不见底的水潭,无论什么东西落入其中,最后都是不见影踪。 But two people magical power Heart Light collision, has not actually surged the large share strength complementary waves, this is because above two people strength was pinnacle restraining, each fraction is utilizes to battle with the enemy, has not leaked. 而两人法力心光交撞,却并没有激荡起了大股的力量余波,这是因为两人力量都是极致收敛,每一分每一毫都是运用到了与敌交战之上,没有丝毫外泄。 In another side, Old Daoist Lin is coercing big piece scarlet light qi mist, with these creation refiner and another two cultivator games in one. 在另一边,林老道裹挟着大片赤光气雾,与那些个造物炼士和另外两名修道人在一处。 If creation refiner does not arrive at certain number, is hard to become the threat to other party, may under cultivator led that to be different, in addition that two cultivator were not the untalented people, good that very coordinated, magical power spiritual light often the knot decided one, he tried to have no way to break through several times, instead must avoid direct collision. 造物炼士若不到一定数目,是难以对他造成威胁的,可在修道人带领之下那就不一样了,再加上那两名修道人也非庸手,相互之间配合的很好,法力灵光每每结定一处,他试了几次没法突破进去,反而还要避免直接碰撞 After all he is only boundary little wins, here could not have borrowed array strength, depending on real magical power, opposite, only need the one or two person can resist him jointly directly, let alone facing several people with joint forces, incautiously, will be counterattacked, therefore also hits give-and-take with him for a while. 毕竟他只是境界少胜,这里还借不到阵力,光凭真正的法力,对面只消一二人联手就能正面对抗他了,更别说面对数人合力了,一不小心,也是会被反制的,故一时倒也和他打得有来有往。 But his strength exceeds opposite one to plan after all, his dao technique cultivation base is higher, everyone makes a move he to break the law in first, short-time in opposite can resist with him, is the time slightly long words, he can always find the opportunity. 可他的实力毕竟胜过对面一筹,还有他道法修为更高,每一个人出手他都能断法在先,短时内对面能和他对抗的,可是时间稍长的话,他总是能找到机会的。 After the fight little while, he then sneaked a peek at a flaw, as red radiance has cut Central Court, several people of opposite sticking together were broken encircle, has not waited for them again strength fuse to one, have several saying that clone departs from Old Daoist Lin body, respectively to a person, compelling these people to return defend, several people of potentials jointly are further divided and demoralized. 在交手半刻之后,他便窥见了一个破绽,随着一道赤色光华斩过中庭,对面抱团的数人顿被破围,还未等他们重新将力量凝合到一处,就有数道分身林老道身上飞出,分别对上了一人,逼得这几人退回守御,进一步几人联手之势分化瓦解。 These people came are the strength gathering one to be able with him to resist, now separates, suddenly weak leeward , after is several breaths, creation refiner was executed to kill at the scene. 这些人本来就是力聚一处才能与他对抗,现在一分开,眨眼间就弱了下风,又是几息之后,一名造物炼士就被毙杀当场。 But this seems the prelude of avalanche, shortly , was also creation refiner became one group of blood mist by his refining, but how long the others cannot insist, in more than ten breath was defeated again one by one, again by one by one suppress and extinguish. 而这仿佛是崩塌的前奏,没多久,又是一名造物炼士被他炼化成了一团血雾,而余下之人也未能坚持多久,就再十多个呼吸内被逐个击破,再被一一镇灭 After last cultivator by Old Daoist Lin forcefully refined to death, the stage palace front, the person of front free from obstacle, he first looked at a Daoist Wei that place immediately again, saw it to be diverted by Zhang Yu, for a while could not withdraw, then lifted the eye to look to the throne. 当最后一个修道人林老道生生炼死之后,台殿前方顿时一空,面前再无阻碍之人,他先是看了一眼卫道人那处,见其被张御牵制住了,一时脱不了身,便抬目望向王座之上。 Xi Prince stands there as before, plan that the silk has not evaded, he is showing a cold and gloomy happy expression, walks toward the above along the stair step by step. 熹王依旧站在那里,丝没有逃避的打算,他露出着一丝森冷笑意,沿着台阶一步步往上方走去。 Daoist Wei sees, immediately use has one to gather potential for a long time attacking by surprise divine ability, tries to hit purple qi to encircle binds, rescues Xi Prince from side, then a divine ability show/unfolds, was actually is similar to bumped into piece of gentle rivers and lakes, above that purple qi had the ripple, the strength changes to be reduced and solved layer upon layer all. 卫道人一见,当下运使出一个蓄势已久的攻袭神通,试图撞开紫炁围裹,从旁救援熹王,然则神通一展,却是如同碰上了一片柔和水泽,那紫炁之上生出层层波纹,力量变化尽数被化解了去。 After may strike, why does not know, he felt suddenly a serious crisis covers the upper body. 可一击过后,不知为何,他忽然感觉到一股深重危机笼罩上身。 On the one hand this is because fights with him and Zhang Yu, internal qi collision contact were also many, his spirit's qi sustenance place gradually has also started to expose. 这一方面是因为随着他与张御交手,气机交撞接触的次数也是多了起来,他的神气寄托之地也已是逐渐开始暴露了。 On the one hand, spirit's qi/spirited pins above that magical item, no doubt enhanced the strength, may sink to this boundary to be too long, may cause oneself to go to a place that cannot be clearly distinguished, he always felt where must seek dao technique to go, may feel where will go to have what issue. 还有一方面,神气寄托在那法器之上,固然是提升了实力,可沉入此境之中过久,或许会导致自己去到一处无法判明之地,他总感觉要寻道法去哪里,可又感觉去哪里会有什么问题。 He suspected that the people of various sects these high rank boundary do not save, likely is for this reason, therefore he has not dared to step for a while rashly. 他怀疑各宗派那些上乘境界之人不存,很可能就是因为这个原因,故他一时还不敢贸然跨去。 But now the feeling of that danger more and more is intense, he felt that oneself magical power divine ability so use gets down again, perhaps was forced into. 可现在那股危险之感越来越是强烈,他感觉自己法力神通再是这般运使下去,恐怕被迫入去其中了。 This and other times, he naturally cannot attend to Xi Prince, instead restrained the offensive. 这等时候,他自然也是顾不得熹王,反是收敛了攻势。 Xi Prince stands on the stage, looks at Old Daoist Lin comes up step by step, his behind creation refiner went forward to prevent subconsciously, but he puts out a hand to block, looked at swift and fierce one to it, latter body pauses, lowers the head to his line has a ritual, changes into a light and escapes. 熹王站在台上,看着林老道一步步上来,他身后的造物炼士本来下意识上前阻挡,可是他伸手一拦,对其看了凌厉一眼,后者身躯一顿,低头对他行有一礼,就化一道光往外遁走 Some Old Daoist Lin surprise, in the surface reveal one to satirize the color simultaneously. 林老道有些诧异,同时面上又露出一丝讽色。 He not and is worried about creation refiner, the outside has great array to cover, walks royal boat does not escape, how did that person arrive even outside can? 他不并担心一个造物炼士,外间可是有大阵笼罩的,连王舟都走不脱,其人就算到了外面又能如何? The key is Xi Prince also here. 关键是熹王还在这里。 He did not fear Xi Prince plays what substitute person and so on crux of the situation, to cope with Xi Prince, he absorbed that person internal qi early in secret, is certain, front, was real Xi Prince, rather than others disguised as. 他也不怕熹王玩什么替身之类的事机,为了对付熹王,他早是暗中摄定了其人气机,可以肯定,面前这一位,就是真正的熹王,而非他人假扮。 Xi Prince looks at he more walks is nearer, one according to the chest, body put on one set of magnificent profound gold/metal outer armor instantly, he lifts the hand, tries to stroke with cane has arrived at front Old Daoist Lin. 熹王看着他越走越近,一按胸口,身上霎时披上了一套华丽玄金外甲,他一抬手,试图用杖鞭去击打已然走到面前的林老道 Giving the devil his due, as Hao Clan royal clan imperial clansman, he also by the Hao Clan severe fighting training, the boost that in addition outer armor provides, this wields strikes, spirituality strength that displays is also quite considerable, however cane in the past, as if brushed above phantom, penetrates from the Old Daoist Lin body directly. 平心而论,身为昊族王族宗亲,他也是受过昊族严苛的斗战训练的,再加上外甲提供的助力,这一挥击,所发挥出来的灵性力量也颇为可观,然而杖鞭过去,仿佛只是抽打在一个虚影之上,从林老道的身躯之上直接透过。 Old Daoist Lin reveals to tease the look, shakes the head, in the mouth one type by the sigh with emotion intonation that makes intentionally judges saying: merely a mortal.” 林老道露出戏谑眼神,摇了摇头,口中以一种故意做出的感慨语调评判道:“不过是一个凡人罢了。” He arrives above the stair to stand firm, far Xi Prince puts out a hand to take away toward distance one arm, Xi Prince will try to retreat in the future, but will be useless, his from head to toe locked by a strength firmly, stands same place is unable to move. 他来到台阶之上站定,向着距离不过一臂之远的熹王伸手拿去,熹王试图往后退走,但是没有用,他浑身上下被一股力量牢牢锁住,立在原地根本无法动弹。 Old Daoist Lin that palm grasped directly above his cheek, simultaneously showed a cruel smile, bang, the head of Xi Prince is lit one group of torches, flushed three chi (0.33 m) high furiously, flesh all melts of his skull outside, the hard coke fell with these tattered disruption face armor directly in the place. 林老道那一只手掌直接抓在了他的面颊之上,同时露出一丝残忍微笑,轰的一声,熹王的头颅被点燃成了一团火炬,光火冲起三尺之高,直接将他头骨外间的血肉全部烧融了去,焦炭与那些破烂碎裂的面甲一块块掉落在地。 May because of the spirituality strength support, Xi Prince not have immediately body dead, this suffering is the incomparable pain, but his strength unexpected, even if to this grade of situation, has not sent out, even if hoarseness is howling, still toughed it out is standing there, is facing Old Daoist Lin with the empty eye socket. 可因为灵性力量的支撑,熹王偏偏又没有立刻身死,这种煎熬是无比痛苦的,可他的强硬出乎意料,哪怕到了这等地步,也没有发出哪怕一声嘶嚎,仍是硬挺着站立那里,用空洞的眼窝朝向着林老道 Some Old Daoist Lin regarding this actually surprise, but also nodded, just now action vented some resentment simultaneously, but he does not have to suffer that person many, shoves open several steps, the vision flashes, bang, Xi Prince whole person burst comes, its flesh changed into destroyed in piece of scarlet light qi mist. 林老道对此倒是有些诧异了,可同时又点了点头,方才之举似是发泄了一些怨气,但他也没有过多去折磨其人,推开几步,目光一闪,轰地一声,熹王整个人爆散开来,其血肉在一片赤光气雾化为了乌有。 Old Daoist Lin actually wrinkled under the eyebrow at this moment, because he thought that Xi Prince divine soul is not in the body, but is not quite definite. 林老道此刻却是皱了下眉,因为他觉得熹王神魂似不在躯壳之内,可又不太确定。 The Daoist Wei here goal is for guard Xi Prince, sees the Xi Prince body dead, he thought that oneself has not kept here reason, therefore is the decision withdraws. 卫道人在这里目的就是为了护卫熹王,见熹王身死,他觉得自己也没有留在这里的理由了,故是决定撤走。 His this though arises, Old Daoist Lin detects immediately his aura surged, where he will allow Daoist Wei to flee, this person's magical power is outstanding and their dao skill is profound, if in the future comes back to look for him, or looks for the trouble of Rongyou Faction, he cannot resist, only has extinguishes today kills here, can solve this future trouble. 这念头一起,林老道立刻察觉到了他的气意波荡,他哪会容许卫道人走脱,这一位法力高强,道行深湛,日后若是回来找他,或是来找容由派的麻烦,他都抵挡不住,唯有今天灭杀在这里,才能解决这个后患。 Therefore he said loudly: fellow daoist, I help you exterminate together this liao!” 故他大声道:“道友,我来助你一同诛灭此僚!” He does not have to go forward to enter the war directly, but is forms a mudra, drives a horse one group of red bright mist, by the under foot royal boat in all directions spread in the past, royal boat was extremely outward firm, he is unable to melt for a short time goes, but actually may interrupt the Daoist Wei way depending on this. 他没有直接上前参战,而是法诀一拿,驭起一团赤色光雾,由脚下向外王舟四面八方蔓延过去,王舟太过坚固,他一时半刻无法化去,但凭此却可截断卫道人的去路。 Zhang Yu cast aside Old Daoist Lin one, the latter takes itself as set off, perhaps thinks that so can prevent Daoist Wei to flee, when this also to get down to be able refining this royal boat, good to promote array strength while convenient again, here goal is why obvious, these petty actions could hide the truth from others, actually could not hide the truth from him. 张御撇了林老道一眼,后者以自身为出发,或许认为如此可以防止卫道人走脱,这当也是为了顺便下来能炼化王舟,好再提升阵力,这里目的为何不言自明,这些小动作或许能瞒过别人,却瞒不了他。 However at present does not need to manage these, first tidies up Daoist Wei is good, after fighting, he had just now found Daoist Wei that sustenance thing place by eye seal, his aura moves, intruded in that spirit's void land loudly, immediately fluttered in this 's matter mapped his view. 不过眼下不必管这些,先收拾掉卫道人为好,经过方才斗战,他已然是以目印找到了卫道人寄托之物的所在了,他气意一动,轰然闯入了那一处神虚之地中,随即飘荡在此的一件物事映入了他的眼帘。 ...... …… ...... ……
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