HDC :: Volume #4 Profound Capital (玄都)

#89: The day gives, when may take

Since Zhang Yu these date and time, except for daily normal refining cultivation, has then saved sword momentum on Firmament Startling Sword. 张御这些时日以来,除了每日的正常运炼修持,便一直是在惊霄剑上积蓄剑势 As he continues to act, this sword radiance from the beginning is shining, gradually changes is vague. Now the view goes, whole long sword like a faint phantom, this is not anything is hidden to hide, but pulls out from all sort of inductions to the desalination goes. 而随着他持续施为,此剑从一开始的光华灿灿,也是渐渐变的若有若无起来。现在观去,整把长剑恍若一道浅浅虚影,这并非是什么隐没遁形,而是从诸般感应之中抽离淡化而去。 If at this moment, he is not the lord of this sword, knows to have such a sword explicitly in the side, then ponders unknowingly, is easy to neglect this sword. 此时此刻,若他不是此剑之主,又是明确知晓有这么一把剑在身旁,那么自忖不经意间,也是容易将此剑忽略过去。 But this time appearance, he expects. 而此番模样,也正是他所期望的。 All-Severing Cut if the might can display the pinnacle, then in the same level, really few person can resist. 斩诸绝”的威力若能发挥到极致,那么同一层次之中,甚少有人能够抵挡。 This is because this technique strong point lies in strength and speed, once reaches to the might certainly summit, even if that the opponent has the induction ahead of time, there is not enough time to evade that faster-than-lightning sword light, another is when strength reaches the extreme no thing can not be destroyed, everyone divine ability magic all cannot keep off. 这一是因为此术长处在于力与疾,一旦臻至威力绝巅,那么就算对手提前生出感应,也来不及躲避那快逾闪电的剑光,而另一个便是力去至极,自是无物不破,诸位神通法术皆不能挡。 But momentum-storing technique wait/etc. , if usually preparing the sword frequently, when the time comes the might that can be displayed is naturally far above a casual chop. 蓄势之法等若就是平日时时刻刻准备着出剑,到时候所能发挥出的威能自不是随手一斩可比 But this kind of storing of momentum cannot continue to accumulate unceasingly, must look at his energy of withstanding, is looked that limitless vast ocean is to have it limits and restricts, only he self-examines that now has not arrived when gathers to be full, if according to the present situation gets down, almost also takes 20-30 days to achieve itself the limit. 不过这等蓄势并不是可以无休止积累下去的,还是要看他本人的承受之能,便是看去无边无际的汪洋大海也是自有其限碍的,只现在他自问还远未到蓄满之时,若照眼下情形下去,差不多还要20-30日才能达到自身之极限。 This mainly adapts to the carrying/sustaining for sword gradually, but after completing one time, getting down does not need is so long-time immediately. 这主要是为了方便剑器逐步适应承载,而在完成一次之后,下来便就无需这般长久了。 Regarding this in his heart also anticipated very much, does not know this strike uses in fighting, what kind of might will display. 对此他心中也很是期待,不知道这一击用在斗战之中,将会发挥出怎样的威能 Among cultivation, in his heart lives to induce suddenly, immediately stops refining, calls Grand Dao Chapter, received and instructed the external thought. 修持之间,他心中忽生感应,当下停下运炼,将大道之章唤出,将外来意念接引了过来。 This time is actually Daoist Feng seeks him, this said just now process roughly above court deliberation, end also said: fellow daoist, Feng just now recommended fellow daoist to court, but also looks at fellow daoist should not be offended.” 这次却是风道人寻他,这位把方才在廷议之上的经过大略说了说,末了又道:“道友,风某方才向廷上举荐了道友,还望道友不要见怪。” Zhang Yu does not care, moreover Daoist Feng previous time has also greeted, he said: This actually might as well, fellow daoist Feng is Court Manager, has the power of recommendation, Yu naturally has no objections.” 张御对此倒不在意,而且风道人上次对此也是打过招呼的,他道:“此却无妨,风道友乃是廷执,自有举荐之权,御自无异议。” Daoist Feng said: fellow daoist is not offended then well, just like Feng said other day, my profound cultivators now seem to have abundant power, but does not have component really in court, fellow daoist, if can grasp grips this opportunity, then in the future enter the court as a manager, can for the pillar/backbone of my profound techniques lineage.” 风道人道:“道友不见怪便好,正如风某上回所言,我玄修如今看去势盛,但在廷上却无甚份量,道友若能抓握住这次机会,未来再入廷为执,便可为我玄法一脉之支柱。” Zhang Yu said: Yu understands fellow daoist's meaning, in the future profound techniques, if can promote, certainly needs some people to hold the place in court.” 张御道:“道友之意,御心中明了,未来玄法若要得以伸张,确然需有人在廷上执座。” Daoist Feng hear of he said, knows him also to have this intent, in the heart rouses, said: So, that Feng then did not disturb fellow daoist cultivation.” Immediately above Teaching Heaven Dao Chapter the representative his tally seal of one gloomy, then retreated. 风道人听他如此说,顿知他也是有此意,心中不由一阵振奋,道:“如此,那风某便不打搅道友修持了。”随即训天道章之上代表他的符印一黯,便即退去了。 Zhang Yu is considers just now Daoist Feng to say court matters, after a while, he has the induction, then shakes a sleeve, walked from the inner palace, has arrived at the outside. 张御则是思量起方才风道人所言廷上之事,过了一会儿,他心生感应,便一振衣袖,自内殿走了出来,一直走到了外间。 In a moment later, before then sees the palace, melts a cavity, Daoist Yu Su takes a step to come from, the latter saw that he welcomed outside, then bowed, said: fellow daoist is courteous.” 在等有片刻之后,便见殿前融开一个空洞,玉素道人自里迈步而来,后者见到他在外迎候,便打一个稽首,道:“道友有礼。” After Zhang Yu also ritual, invited into him Order Defender Palace, after Daoist Yu Su sat well, then said: Just now court is sets four continents rise the continent incident, after chief manager, wants me to recommend the guard candidate, I am recommend fellow daoist Zhang to be guard Profound Leader.” 张御还有一礼后,就将他请入了守正宫中,玉素道人坐定之后,便言道:“方才廷上已是定下四洲升洲一事,首执后又要我举荐镇守人选,我已是举荐张道友镇守玄首。” In Zhang Yu heart clear, Yu Su works always does not ask the family background standpoint, only looked whether is favorable for Celestial Xia, here definitely considered stemming from anything, access road/simply said: fellow daoist Yu Su does this, wants to come to well-founded.” 张御心中清楚,玉素做事向来不问出身立场,只看是否对天夏有利,这里肯定是出于什么考虑,便道:“玉素道友如此做,想来必有理由。” Daoist Yu Su said: Really has a truth. Now and west, south, north three Protectorate do not say him, whoever is guard it is the same, but Eastern Court Protectorate, if change from a protectorate to a continent, I actually hope that goes guard by fellow daoist.” 玉素道人言道:“确有一番道理。如今西、南、北三处都护府且不去说他,任谁镇守都是一般,但是东庭都护府若是化府为州,我却希望由道友前去镇守。” Under the Zhang Yu heart moves slightly, asks: What unique element but does Eastern Court Protectorate have?” 张御心下微动,问道:“可是东庭都护府有什么特殊之处么?” The Daoist Yu Su nod said: „ In the past discovered the after news of land of Eastern Court feeds in the native place, Profound Court undergoes a calculation, then recognizes this land, when tries to verify, and there also involves a secret crux of the situation. 玉素道人点头道:“当年发现东庭之陆的消息传回本土后,玄廷经过一番推算,便认定此陆当得设法探明,且那里还涉及一桩隐秘事机。 Now court, resembled such as Zhong Weiwu this to participate in the person of calculation initially, knows this matter, I will expect it to seek for this reason, but these people several were divided Duke, several were divided private, that then knew difficultly, but compared with the these people thoughts, I trusted fellow daoist Zhang, therefore was I wants to ask fellow daoist to have town/subdues here. Why as for that crux of the situation, is still unsuitable to speak with fellow daoist at present, if in the future the fellow daoist selfenergy understands. ” 如今廷上,似如钟唯吾这等当初参与推算之人,也是知晓此事的,我料其必会为此而谋,但此辈有几分为公,几分为私,那便难知了,而比起此辈心思,我更信任张道友,故是我想请道友出镇此处。至于那事机为何,眼下尚不便与道友言说,日后若道友自能明了。” Zhang Yu nodded, his moment thoughts stirred, thinks suddenly, initially oneself that teacher travelled for pleasure in Eastern Court, looked that what resembles is investigating, afterward the teacher whereabouts were also unclear, can this say related with Daoist Yu Su? 张御点了点头,他此刻心思一转,忽然想到,当初自己那位老师东庭游历,看去似在探查什么,后来老师去向也是不明,这会不会就与玉素道人所言有关? His pondered, said: Remembers when we to upper layer, fellow daoist once said with me, if demand road of progress, that must Court Manager position, but wants to take Court Manager position, then must the guard place, since has this opportunity at present, then Yu complies with this matter.” 思索了一下,道:“记得我方至上层时,道友曾与我言,若需求上进之路,那必得廷执之位,而欲取廷执之位,则必镇守地方,既然眼下有此机会,那御便应下此事。” Daoist Yu Su facial expression one austere, said: Good, that this matter so set immediately. I can above next court deliberation, full power support fellow daoist to become Eastern Court Administrative Continent guard.” 玉素道人神情一肃,道:“好,那此事便就如此定下了。我会下次廷议之上,全力支持道友成为东庭府洲镇守。” The date and time revolves rapidly, was in January/one month in the past, above the sea of clouds court deliberation opened again. This is the last court deliberation of Year 382, in many matter Yidu must have a resolution on this time court deliberation in this year. 时日飞转,又是一月过去,云海之上廷议再开。这也是三百八十二年中的最后一场廷议,这一年之中的诸多事宜都需在此番廷议上有所决断。 Various Court Manager first handle the important matter that some past accumulated, when various affairs finish, chief daoist said in the bright qi river upper extreme: „The person of previous Court Managers recommendation, altogether eight Profound Venerable, but this in, four regardless of merit cultivation, exceeds others of same belief, I already above list register of names.” 廷执先是处置了一些以往攒积的要务,待得诸事理毕,首座道人光气长河上端言道:“上次诸位廷执举荐之人,共是有八位玄尊,而此其中,有四位无论功绩功行,都是胜过其余同道,我已将之列于名册之上。” Court Manager Chen presents to ask: May I ask chief manager, which four doesn't know?” 陈廷执在座上问道:“敢问首执,不知哪四位?” chief daoist looked below Wu Qingxu, the latter then launches one volume of talisman, said: This four, respectively are Wei Tao Profound Leader Wei, Zhang Yu Order Defender Zhang, Kong Fu Guard Kong, has Cen Zhuan Profound Venerable Cen.” 首座道人看了一眼下方的武倾墟,后者便展开一卷符书,道:“此四位,分别为魏涛魏玄首,张御张守正,孔复孔镇守、还有岑传岑玄尊。” The people distinguish, in the heart have several immediately. 众人一辨,心中顿时有数。 Wei Tao is Jingchu Superior Continent Profound Leader, cultivation early, cultivation was high, goes to guard foreign continent to belong to indiscriminately allocate, mentioned or put in great inconvenience, but its vacating the position of Profound Leader, when may arrange Profound Venerable to go to replace, this without doubt was the arrangement of chief manager. 魏涛乃是荆楚上洲玄首,修行早,功行高,前往镇守外洲属于平调,说来还是委屈了,不过其空出的玄首之位,当又可安排一位玄尊前往接替,这无疑是首执的安排。 But Zhang Yu, various people are regarded as a profound cultivator school of first character him, here has his one is not strange. 张御,各人则是把他看作是玄修一派的首位人物,这里有他一席也不奇怪。 Kong Fu is Chaotic Chapter cultivator, is Eastern Vault of Heaven Horn Constellation guard, this Court Manager Chen lifts without a doubt, but then, may arrange Chaotic Chapter cultivator to go to outer constellation guard. 孔复则是浑章修士,又是东穹天角宿镇守,这位毫无疑问陈廷执所举,而如此一来,又可安排一位浑章修士外宿镇守 But Cen Zhuan was Zhong Weiwu and Zhangsun Qian two people of institutes pushes without a doubt. 岑传毫无疑问就是钟唯吾长孙迁二人所推了。 This register of names had given dual attention to all parties, looked is the present best result, wants to come also to be able by most people accepted. 这名册已然兼顾了各方,看去已然是眼下最好的结果了,想来也能为多数人所接受。 However some people said that did not agree. 不过有人却是表示不同意。 As resounding chime sound resounds, Chao Huan is actually stood up, to the bright qi river upper extreme, was saying: chief manager, I think that this register of names is improper.” 随着一声高亢磬音响起,晁焕却是站了起来,对着光气长河上端,道:“首执,我以为这份名册不妥。” chief daoist looked that said to him: „Does Court Manager Chao think why not proper?” 首座道人看向他道:“晁廷执认为有何不妥?” Chao Huan said: „When previous court deliberation, chief manager lets me and other is the recommendation right candidate, I recommended True Person Zhu Feng is guard, why doesn't chief manager accept?” 晁焕道:“上次廷议之时,首执让我等各是举荐合适人选,我推举了朱凤真人镇守,为何首执不予采纳?” Wu Qingxu sinking sound said: Court Manager Chao, Profound Venerable Zhu Feng just now reverts Celestial Xia, its thoughts, still still waited for discern, how can easily entrust the heavy responsibility? Rejects this register of names her, there is nothing improper.” 武倾墟沉声道:“晁廷执,朱凤玄尊方才归回天夏,其之心思,尚还有待鉴辨,岂可轻易托付重任?将她剔除出这名册,这并无什么不妥。” Chao Huan said: I must ask but actually,” he puts out a hand outward a finger/refers, that doesn't Cen Zhuan just now revert Celestial Xia? How can he become the candidate above register of names? What's wrong, his Cen Zhuan can work as, does Zhu Feng work as not to?” 晁焕道:“那我倒要问一问了,”他伸手向外一指,“那岑传不也是方才归回天夏么?他怎么就能成为名册之上的人选呢?怎么,他岑传能当得,朱凤就当不得?” His sleeves behind one's back stands, said loudly: „ If by magical power, by cultivation, by the cultivate the dao years, where Zhu Feng were also worse than Cen Zhuan? When mentions crossed Celestial Xia initially, Profound Venerable Zhu Feng is also strives many, even if afterward left Celestial Xia, anything has not had the action of betraying, different from Cen Zhuan, who was banished, therefore Profound Court has not seized her merit, if discussed from this, she discussed the merit to work as also above Cen Zhuan. 负袖而立,大声道:“若论法力,论功行,论修道年月,朱凤又哪里比岑传差了?说来当初渡来天夏之时,朱凤玄尊也是出力甚多,后来即便离开天夏,也并未什么有叛离之举,与岑传被逐不同,故玄廷也未夺她功绩,若由此论,她论功当还在岑传之上。 But Profound Venerable Zhu Feng returns Celestial Xia, leaves a message the report news immediately, contributes to the new merit, how compared with, her to have also pressed a Cen Zhuan head, why above can't be? ” 朱凤玄尊一归来天夏,便就留语报讯,又是立得新功,怎么比较,她也压过岑传一头,为何就不能名列其上?” Wu Qingxu said: Court Manager Chao, whether hold office as a continent's guard, except for looking at the merit, must look at the recommendation of Court Managers, resembles such as on the present register of names these four Profound Venerable, every people at least was the two Court Manager recommendation, but this True Person Zhu, only then Court Manager Chao your recommended, can not record, this was also reasonable.” 武倾墟道:“晁廷执,能否担任府洲镇守,除了看功绩,亦需看诸位廷执之推举,似如眼下名册上面这四位玄尊,每一人至少是得了两位廷执举荐的,而这位朱真人,只有晁廷执你一人举荐,不得录上,这也在情理之中。” Chao Huan actually shouts: I refuse to accept! This grade of recommendation, is not court vote, depending on what favors one and discriminates against the other?” 晁焕却是嚷道:“我不服!这等举荐,并非廷决,凭何厚此薄彼?” Wu Qingxu cannot help but look upwards. 武倾墟不由向上看来 chief daoist nodded, said at this time: Also good, since Court Manager Chao thinks that non- court vote cannot choose a name to elect, I and other court vote are!” 首座道人这时点了点头,道:“也好,既然晁廷执认为非廷决不能定名选,那我等廷决便是!” A Court Manager Chen slightly consideration, he takes up jade pestle to knock jade chimestone, said: Chen thinks, these four electing, are quite appropriate.” His sound knocks, Wei Liang and Dai Gonghan two people follow later. 陈廷执略一思量,他拿起玉槌一敲玉磬,道:“陈某以为,这四位之选,颇是合适。”他这一音敲动,韦梁戴恭瀚二人随后附从。 Daoist Zhong thinks, actually in this register of names displays into Zhang Yu is not he wants to see, is also thinking refuted one or two, but by a Chao Huan such agitation, was not now good to oppose again visibly, otherwise got down he to for it matter, must be hindered, these measured, he has not gone to talk too much, similarly took up jade pestle, sounded jade chimestone. 钟道人想了一想,其实这个名册里罗列入张御并不是他想看到的,本来还想着反驳一二,但是现在被晁焕这么一搅动,却是不好再明着反对了,否则下来他要为之事,也必会受到阻碍,这一番权衡下来,他也没有去多言,同样拿起玉槌,敲响了玉磬 But after them, after other Court Managers thinks slightly , is the same knocks jade chimestone, agrees. 而在他们之后,其余廷执稍加思索之后,也是一样敲动玉磬,表示同意。 It can be said that this time besides Chao Huan one person, other Court Managers all approved this register of names. 可以说,这一次除了晁焕一人之外,其余廷执皆是认可了这份名册。 chief daoist looked at this time again to Chao Huan, said: Court Manager Chao, can you have the objection?” 首座道人这时再是看向晁焕,道:“晁廷执,你可还有异议么?” Chao Huan is also convinced, moreover he looked that nothing is unsatisfied, is holding up the head saying: Since court vote so, I naturally have no objections.” Saying, him a sleeve show/unfolds, was sitting, so long as he thought where is inappropriate, that will be will stand the rebuttal. 晁焕倒也是服气,而且他看去也没什么不满意的,昂着头道:“既然廷决如此,我自无异议。”说着,他把袖一展,重新坐了回去,不过只要他觉得哪里不妥当,那还是会站起来反驳的。 chief daoist sees him to draw back, takes back the vision, said: This discussed established, I and others discussed again, these four various were administrative continent of guard.” 首座道人见他退下,把目光收回,道:“此议既定,那我等下来再是一议,这四位各是镇守府洲。” ...... …… ...... ……
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