HDC :: Volume #4 Profound Capital (玄都)

#389: The sound of the tide moves cloud Courtyard

Daoist Yu Su saw him to receive edict, the facial expression one slow, the color of enforcing completely went, smiles to him, hits bowed, said: Yu Su congratulated Court Manager Zhang in this.” 玉素道人见他接过了诏旨,神情一缓,原本严肃之色尽去,对他笑了一笑,打了一稽首,道:“玉素在此恭贺张廷执了。” Zhang Yu lifts the sleeve also ritual, said: fellow daoist comes this rarely, but also asked the inside room to sit quietly.” 张御抬袖还有一礼,又道:“道友难得来此,还请里间安坐。” Daoist Yu Su actually shakes the head, said: „, Proclaimed after the edict, I also needed court to report after carrying out orders.” His slightly paused, „did But just now when I came a fellow daoist entrusted me with asking Court Manager Zhang, in you after Court Manager, how the position of Eastern Court guard consider to prepare to handle?” 玉素道人却是摇头,道:“不了,颁谕过后,我还需回去廷上复命。”他略微一顿,“只是方才来时,有同道托我问张廷执一句,在你为廷执之后,原来东庭镇守之位当是准备如何处置?” Zhang Yu said: Naturally according to passing case, this entrust to right person guard.” 张御道:“自然是按过往之例,将此交托给合适之人镇守了。” Daoist Yu Su nodded, said: Court Manager Zhang said that then chief manager I was asking that your, you think Eastern Court location, after you, is deserved by whom takes over?” 玉素道人点了点头,道:“张廷执既如此说,那么首执着我问你一句,你以为东庭之所在,在你之后,该当由谁来接任?” A Zhang Yu slightly thinking, this considering made him try to recommend one person. This could also be the convention but actually. 张御略一思索,这当是让他设法举荐一人了。这倒也算得上是惯例了。 Not is only he, each Court Manager after resigning, can try to recommend afterward person. 不仅仅是他,每一个廷执在卸任之后,都是可以设法举荐后来之人的。 This is mainly because a new Profound Leader's likes and dislikes are likely to alter the original situation in the continent . If changes in the beneficial direction, then in cultivator and people to the continent is the good deeds, but if walks in the reverse direction, or the change is fierce, that possibly caused certain turbulence. 这里主要是因为,新任玄首个人的喜恶极有可能改变原来洲中的格局。若是往有益方向改变,那对洲中修道人和子民来说都是好事,可若往相反方向走,或是变动剧烈,那就可能引发一定动荡了。 Generally speaking, was recommended successor, usually will continue the previous Profound Leader's deeds and ideas, is insufficient to trigger too the momentous change. 一般来说,被举荐继任之人,通常都会延续上任玄首的作为和理念,不至于引发太大变动。 May recommend to turn over to the recommendation, eventually accepts, must look how Profound Court considers. 可举荐归举荐,最终是否采纳,还是要看玄廷是如何考量的。 Daoist Yu Su smiled at this time, swinging jade ruler said: Court Manager Zhang you first do not need to return to me, when next month's court deliberation, you spoke this matter to be then good in court personally.” 玉素道人这时又是一笑,摆动玉尺道:“张廷执你先不必回我,待得下月廷议,你在廷上亲自言说此事便好。” Zhang Yu slight nod. 张御微微点头。 Daoist Yu Su took jade dish to come out at this time, entrust to he, said: In this is today's court detailed record, Court Manager Zhang may take away a view.” Afterward he is one bows again, said: Yu Su then first said goodbye, court deliberation of next month is especially critical, Court Manager Zhang must forget not.” 玉素道人这时取了一枚玉碟出来,交托给了他,道:“这里面是今日廷上的详细载述,张廷执可拿去一观。”随后他再是一个稽首,道:“玉素便先告辞了,下月之廷议尤为紧要,张廷执莫要忘了。” Zhang Yu also has a ritual, simultaneously nods and complies. Here joint he is clear, although now he was Court Manager, may probably have position, but only had in court had the seating order, and has participated in court deliberation, wielded the Court Manager authority truly. 张御还有一礼,同时点首应下。这里的关节他自是清楚的,现在他虽然是廷执了,可只是得有了名位,而唯有在廷上有了座次,并且参与过一次廷议,才算真正执掌了廷执的权柄。 Also only then to that time, Profound Court matter of official downward announce his hold the post of Court Manager. 也只有到了那时,玄廷才会将他担任廷执之事正式向下宣颁 And he from the reminder of Daoist Yu Su, likely this time court deliberation must decide and Eastern Court related matters concerned, he has no alternative but to go, all these must wait till next month. 并且他从玉素道人的提醒上来看,很可能这一次廷议还需决定与东庭相关之事宜,他不能不去,这一切都需等到下月了。 After the Daoist Yu Su ritual finishes, suspends jade ruler, a golden light from body flood, ascends to sky above, that person rises to go slowly floating, until disappearing not in clouds. 玉素道人礼毕之后,一摆玉尺,一道金光身上泛起,升腾到穹空之上,其人则缓缓飘升而去,直至消没在了云端。 Zhang Yu gazes after him to depart, at this time, in the sea of clouds resounded long incomparable chime suddenly, one succeeding the next. His sleeves behind one's back stands above the jade step, the fog on looks at sea of clouds non-stop turning there wells up, makes the tide general sound. 张御目送他离去,这个时候,云海之中忽然响起了悠长无比的磬声,一阵接过一阵。他负袖站在玉阶之上,看着云海上的云雾在那里不停翻涌的,发出潮水一般的声响。 But at this point, Order Defender Palace inside and outside deity officer by awing incomparable vision looks at he, and respectful ritual bend down, deeply does obeisance toward him. 而在此时,守正宫内外神人值司都是以敬畏无比的目光看着他,并恭礼俯身,朝他深深拜下。 In the palace advance party a while, he then turned around to move the step, returned to the inner palace. 在殿前站了一会儿,他便转身挪步,回到了内殿之中。 After sitting well, he took that jade dish to come, in the thought entered one revolution, then learned about this time court matters. 坐定下来后,他拿了那一枚玉碟过来,意念入内一转,便即知悉了这一次廷上之事 He sees Court Manager Chen to propose that the line of business of oneself palm, is responsible for exterminating the inside and outside disasters, and commands into Order Defender Palace crux of the situation together, unconsciously this somewhat surprised, but is actually reasonable. 他看到陈廷执提议自己掌之职司,乃是负责清剿内外祸患,并将守正宫事机一并统揽入内,不觉这有些意外,可却又在情理之中。 The matter of Order Defender Palace hands over by him handles, he voluntarily is also appropriate. The Order Defender Palace matter he is familiar, but his oneself may still can be permanent appointment Order Defender now, is justifiable. 守正宫之事交由他来处置,他自觉也是合适。守正宫的事情他都是熟悉,而他自己如今仍是可算得上是常摄守正,也是名正言顺。 And there is this line of business, he may go to various Celestial Xia places to inspect from this, is insufficient to stay and defend one's post upper layer. 且有了这个职司,他可由此去往天夏各处巡视,不至于就这么坐守上层 However he also knows, this function gives him smoothly, in fact because Shangchen Heaven has been destroyed and World's Sun and Divine Clarity factions have escaped far away, 不过他也知道,此职能顺利交给他,其实也是由于上宸天已是覆灭,寰阳、神昭两派已是远遁的缘故, Assuming that Shangchen Heaven also, him if takes this as to hold, upper layer Profound Venerable not to mention, the various continents and constellations standing-by strengths and even part of Profound Venerable guard he can actually transfer directly, that authority was too big. 假设上宸天还在,他若以此为持,上层玄尊且不说,各洲宿的常备力量乃至一部分玄尊镇守他却是可以直接调用了,那权柄就太大了。 After having looked at jade dish, he receives this thing, took that edict, draws out the hand to caress gently, above then has a golden light to swing, sees inside has four types of matter floating there, respectively is heavenly jade tablet, Xia Seal, golden book and profound clothes. 看过玉碟后,他将此物收起,又把那一份诏旨取了出来,起手轻轻一抚,上面便有一道金光荡开,见里面有四样物事飘悬在那里,分别为天圭夏印金册玄衣 His thought moves, directed these four thing, no matter what it fluttered in a side. 他意念一动,将这四物从中引了过来,任其飘荡在了身侧。 These four thing all are represent his Profound Court Court Manager status the matter, has him to use respectively. 这四物皆是代表他玄廷廷执身份的物事,也各有其用。 For example heavenly jade tablet, carries the Profound Court passing books and records, has the record of court vote including past court deliberation, may seek on this. 譬如“天圭”,乃载玄廷过往之典册,包括以往廷议乃还有廷决的记述,在此上面都可寻到。 In other words, must have this thing, some passing some only have the crux of the situation that Court Manager can know, he can also learn about. When he tries considers to look at the profound grain true whence, although actually above the discovery has to write, but the concrete content actually separated confusion barrier probably, is unable to learn. 也就是说,得有此物,过往有一些唯有廷执才能知晓的事机,他也能从中知悉了。只是当他试着想看一下玄粮的真正来处时,却发现上面虽然有写了,可具体的内容却像是隔了一层迷障,无法看明白。 When he looking pensive, this situation is a bit like actually own boundary is insufficient watches the high rank dao writing appearance, it seems like that the secret of profound grain is not that simple. 他若有所思,这情况倒是有点像自身境界不够时观看上乘道书的模样,看来玄粮之秘不是那么简单的。 He has not persisted in examining carefully, prepares to treat will inquire into the future slowly. 他也没坚持细看,准备待日后再慢慢探究。 Except in addition, heavenly jade tablet on also records Celestial Xia various etiquette rule and order, incessantly is Celestial Xia, proceeds to push but actually, this includes Divine Xia period one on etiquette system and even afterward changes develops, to ancient Xia period the sources and courses of various sect lineage grammars, all has detailed record again. 除此外,天圭上面还记载有天夏的各种礼法规序,不止是天夏的,往前倒推上去,这里面包括神夏时期一应礼法制度乃至后来的变演,再到古夏之时的各种宗脉文法的源流,皆有详细述录 Holds this thing, can result in proves, Celestial Xia just now since desolate ancient inherits humanity, and even celestial/heaven and man gathers should, great say/way reasonable orthodox. 持此一物,便可得证,天夏方才自是荒古以来承继人道,乃至天人合应,宏道循理之正朔 What with heavenly jade tablet compound is Xia Seal, not only this thing represented he status, he may also be possible to go to Celestial Xia all sort of boundary depending on this thing, and may wield the part of Pure Dome Boat authority from this, can cross at will takes part of Pure Dome's qi to be used in own comprehending cultivation. 与“天圭”并列的乃是“夏印”,此物不仅代表了他自身身份,他也可凭此物可去得天夏诸般地界,并可由此执掌一部分清穹之舟的权柄,可以随意渡取一部分清穹之气用于自身的参悟修持 This did not fall by way of the hand of Profound Court again he, but held by his oneself with directly, middle no longer separated one, he can a better understanding and utilizes. 这就不是经由玄廷之手再下落予他了,而是由他自己直接执拿了,当中不再是隔了一层,他能更好的理解并运用。 Must have this seal, he may also establish only belonging to oneself dao palace above the Pure Dome sea of clouds, this only has Court Manager to result in generally, only if resembles Daoist Zhan Kong to have the great merit like that in Celestial Xia, can make an exception to grant. 得有此印,他还可在清穹云海之上立下一座独属于自身的道宫,这一般唯有廷执才能得有,除非是似瞻空道人那般有大功于天夏,才能被破例赐予。 Another two things, is profound clothes, golden book. 另外两件东西,则是“玄衣”,“金册”。 profound clothes profound is Profound Court profound, the ritual of ceremonial clothing chapter Celestial Xia is coincides is a thing, what represented is cultivator approval and carrying of Celestial Xia ripple to the Celestial Xia ritual order receives. This thing simultaneously is magical item, except for having high rank the energy of defend, when refining profound grain possibly is quicker. 玄衣”之“玄”即是玄廷之“玄”,天夏之礼仪服章乃是相合为一之物,代表的是修道人自身对天夏礼序的认同和天夏脉流的载承。此物同时还是一件法器,除了具备上乘守御之能,炼化玄粮之时可能更快。 golden book, then has carried to receive various dao book ancient books since ancient Xia. He looked at dao writing to be reorganized commentary by the later generation before. But in this, is book early, various record dao technique divine ability jade slip that combines various factions leaves behind after Divine Xia. 金册”里面,则载承有自古夏以来的各种道册典籍。他之前看过道书是经后人整理批注过的。而在这里面,俱是古早之册,包括神夏并合诸派后留下的记录各种道法神通玉简 He sees in this, now are many part regarding Shangchen Heaven dao technique record. 他见这里面,现在还多了一部分对于上宸天道法载录 Naturally, because Shangchen Heaven's dao lineage is not cut off and the dao-guarding treasure remains, the most fundamental technique inheritance is not here, at present these are only the branch veins. 当然,上宸天因为道统未绝,镇道之宝还在,所以最根本的法传并不在这里,眼前这些只是支脉。 In this also the thing brought to his attention, this is together jade document carried board, this thing put at obviously is also most center place. 这里面还有一件东西引起了他的注意,这是一块玉书拓板,此物摆在了最为显著也是最正中的地方。 He looked at one, why the apparent this thing was in such position. 他望了一眼,便知这东西为何占据此等位置了。 It is reported that this is desolate ancient period, mortals' earliest ponderings on the dao, the attempt of first celestial/heaven and man communication, perhaps also possibly is the dao technique initial beginning. 据传这是荒古之时,凡人对道的最早思考,第一次天人沟通的尝试,或许也可能是道法最初的起点。 When watches this thing, made one have to think back on. 观看此物时,不禁令人心生遥想。 Although on this is only the simple several lines, is unable to compare with dao technique of later generation by far, but is this seems like in the extremely coarse simple portray, he actually saw the Celestial Xia person among the relations to heaven, earth, human thought for the first time, saw regarding inquiring of Grand Dao highest good. 虽这上面只是简简单单的几个线条,与后世的道法远远无法相比,可就是这看起来极其粗陋的简单刻画上,他却看到了天夏人第一次对天地人之间的关系作出了思考,看到了对于大道至理的探询。 On perhaps this does not have any profound thing, that proceeded in the innermost feelings, is bold in changing itself, then transformed the heaven and earth spirit actually to transmit from this. 这上面或许没有什么高深的东西,那那等发自于内心的,勇于改变自身,进而改造天地的精神却是由此传递了下来。 jade board ice-cold, but above each was full of the strength, each stroke is profound moving. The emotion of containing so strong, almost like the morning sun spurts out, even if the great distance so distant years, is to make the person mind shock as before. 玉板本身是冰冷的,可是上面每一笔都是充满了力量,每一划都是深刻动人。这其中所蕴含的情感是如此的浓烈,几是如朝阳一般喷薄欲出,哪怕是相隔如此悠远的岁月,依旧是令人身心神为之震撼。 He observed and emulated a while, has feelings well up, when drew back, smooths the state of mind, as soon as he flicks the sleeve, received these four thing. 他观摩了一会儿,也是感慨万端,待从中退了出来,将心绪抚平,他一拂袖,将这四物收了起来。 This four thing each have the function of oneself, but the Court Manager authority one acknowledged from Profound Court, another is the approval of Celestial Xia common people, finally is one is to come own mighty force. 此四物每一个都有自己的作用,不过廷执权柄一是来自玄廷承认,再一个乃是天夏万民的认同,最后是一个就是来自身之伟力 Especially latter two, so long as this two does not lose, has these things to be not important, first had these, had the present thing, rather than inverts. 特别是后两个,只要这两个不失,是不是有这些东西并不是重要,是先有了这些,才有了眼前之物,而非颠倒过来。 But when he accepts Profound Court edict, Court Manager Zhong also returned to Wonderful Brightness Dao Palace from bright qi river. 而就在他接受玄廷诏旨之时,钟廷执也是从光气长河上回到了妙皓道宫 He comes to the palace, is flicking the sleeve to the jade, in the past the moment, above then appeared Court Manager Chong and Court Manager Zhangsun form. 他来至殿中,对着玉璧一拂袖,过去片刻,上面便显现出崇廷执长孙廷执的身影。 He said: two, Shangchen Heaven has extinguished, court were also many profound cultivator, is precisely Zhang Yu this grasped the person of Teaching Heaven Dao Chapter, from this person starts, profound techniques must be prosperous, I and others need to guard carefully.” 他道:“两位,上宸天已灭,廷上又多了一位玄修,且是张御这等掌握训天道章之人,由此人开始,玄法必是兴盛,我等需要小心提防了。” Court Manager Chong sighed: profound techniques is only 200-300 years, then has such pattern, had/left so the character, 200-300 years, true techniques feared again is unable to resist with it.” 崇廷执叹道:“玄法只是200-300年,便有如此格局,又出了这般人物,再有200-300载,真法恐是无法与之对抗了。” Court Manager Zhangsun sound of talking faint say/way: Said that these are useless, might as well think how next court deliberation obtains the thing of wish.” 长孙廷执语声淡漠道:“说这些没有用,不如想想下一次廷议如何得到想要的东西。” Court Manager Chong said: Present matter, if wants, in the future consideration when also has, how otherwise to resist profound techniques?” 崇廷执道:“眼前之事要想,往后之思虑也当有,不然何以对抗玄法?” Court Manager Zhangsun indifferently says: Resistance is also easy, I had once proposed creation cultivator, had this thing, what uses profound cultivator? two does not agree.” 长孙廷执淡淡言道:“对抗也是容易,我曾提出过造物修士,有了此物,又何用玄修?只是两位并不同意罢了。” Zhong and Chong looked at each other one, has not spoken. 钟、崇两人对视了一眼,都没说话。 Court Manager Zhangsun said: I reminded two, this possibly was the last chance, Court Manager Zhang suppressed creation cultivator initially personally, he was the person of experiencing, when he came to a stop above Profound Court, later this matter perhaps pressed it.” 长孙廷执则道:“我提醒两位,这可能是最后的机会了,张廷执当初是亲手打压了造物修士的,他是亲历之人,等到他在玄廷之上站稳,以后此事恐怕更难为之。” Court Manager Zhong wrinkled under the eyebrow, the sinking sound said: „After this matter accommodates, reconsiders, today I and others first discuss the matter of next court deliberation.” 钟廷执皱了下眉,沉声道:“此事还是容后再议吧,今日我等先商量下回廷议之事。” ...... …… ...... ……
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