HDC :: Volume #4 Profound Capital (玄都)

#385: The air/Qi falls shuts void

Guan Zhaosheng Essence Soul returns, he is also both eyes opens. 关朝昇元神归来,他也是双目睁开。 Li Mizhen said at this time: fellow daoist Guan, two schools of fellow daoist have come.” 李弥真这时道:“关道友,两派道友已是来了。” Guan Zhaosheng toward looks at the same time, then sees huge Celestial City to appear during was void, under the city has auspicious cloud to arch requirement, Auspicious Light flies upwards. 关朝昇往一边望去,便见一座庞大天城出现在了虚空之中,城下有祥云拱托,瑞光飞扬。 He lifts the hand to wield, Space Refining Tribulation Sun shone suddenly clear(ly), had the splendid radiance photo to leave, dropped down above Celestial City. This city this hauling, sped up several points immediately, after several breaths, arrived at the near immediately. 他抬手一挥,身后炼空劫阳忽放光明,有一道灿烂光华照出,直直落在天城之上。此城得此之牵引,顿时加快了几分,数息之后,便就来到了近前。 When entire big city stops, has cloud path to fall, Daoist Xian Ding and Yu Lingbi step on auspicious cloud respectively, came toward the front, arrived in front of two people. 待得整个大城顿住,就有云道落下,显定道人鱼灵璧各踩祥云,往前方过来,来到了两人面前。 Li Mizhen looked at azure branch in Yu Lingbi hand, bowed, said: This thinks that was Leader Yu.” 李弥真看了一眼鱼灵璧手中的青枝,打一个稽首,道:“这位想必就是鱼执掌了。” Yu Lingbi also ritual, holds a ritual to Guan Zhaosheng, High Venerable Guan is courteous.” 鱼灵璧还有一礼,又对关朝昇执有一礼,“关上尊有礼。” Guan Zhaosheng cast aside Yu Lingbi one, a very optional nod, looks to Daoist Xian Ding, said: fellow daoist Xian Ding, several hundred years has not seen, looked that your cultivation progress are actually many.” 关朝昇撇了鱼灵璧一眼,很是随意的一点头,又看向显定道人,道:“显定道友,数百年未见,看去你功行倒是长进不少。” Daoist Xian Ding knows the Guan Zhaosheng speech conduct optional always, moreover Guan Zhaosheng cultivate the dao before him, cultivation is higher than him, such words are actually not deliberately disparaging him, therefore he also thinks little, he smiles, said: Can result in a dao brother Guan word, it seems like my these year of cultivation also calculate some achievements.” 显定道人知道关朝昇说话行事从来都随意的很,而且关朝昇修道在他之前,功行比他更高,这么说倒也不是刻意贬讽他,故他也不以为意,他笑了笑,道:“能得关道兄一言,看来我这些年修行还算有些成就。” Li Mizhen said: everyone, waiting a minute me and others some are the time talks about old days, when now is also quicker leaves here, in addition sought other world to make one's home.” 李弥真道:“诸位,稍候我等有的是时候叙旧,现下也当快些离开此处,另觅他世存身了。” Daoist Xian Ding approves: fellow daoist Li said is, this world is not quite calm and steady, Celestial Xia knows me here, when will be uncertain will then change the idea, will attack me, will only have to arrive at elsewhere, will avoid the Celestial Xia soldier/weapon front well.” 显定道人赞同道:“李道友说得是,此世不太安稳,天夏知我在此,不定什么时候便会改了主意,过来攻我,唯有去到别处,才好避开天夏兵锋。” Li Mizhen said: „, I and other this time, although defeated, but actually may go back to save the strength, in the future will still have the opportunity to enter the world again, with Celestial Xia weak points and strong points.” 李弥真言道:“正是,我等今回虽是败了,但是却可回去积蓄实力,未来还有机再入世间,与天夏一较短长。” Daoist Xian Ding is smiling the name is. 显定道人笑着称是。 Yu Lingbi is only the polite smile. 鱼灵璧只是礼貌微笑。 How Guan Zhaosheng resembled is simply has not cared about him saying that he said: That then asked fellow daoist Li to be quicker acted, our four dao-guarding treasure, only then your Divine Clarity Faction can Divine Clarity's Three Insects be able to open wide void, found the place of attachment.” 关朝昇则似是根本没怎么在乎他如何说,他道:“那便请李道友快些施为了,我们四家镇道之宝,也只有你神昭派的可以神昭三虫可以洞开虚空,找到依附之地。” Li Mizhen said good, he held tricolor jade box, wiped above that white casing cover, immediately invisible internal qi departed, actually emitted Heaven Swallowing Insect. 李弥真道一声好,他托出一只三色玉匣,在那白色匣盖之上一抹,顿时有一道无形气机飞出,却是放出了“吞天虫”。 The initial people have not had anything to induce, seems anything not to respond, but after a while, then saw void wall to present a slight hole, and from minute to vast, the expansion, can see that behind gradually that revealed a space. 最初众人都不曾有什么感应,好似什么都没有反应,可过了一会儿,便见虚空之壁出现了一个细微孔洞,并由微小至广,渐渐扩大,可以看到那背后显露出来了一方空域 Li Mizhen looked at several at this time, shakes the head, said: Is such is empty mixes gloomily void.” 李弥真这时看了几眼,摇了摇头,道:“又是此等空无一物的混黯虚空。” Actually previously pass through most space were so, but so, saved in many date and time, placed the past, they also need to attempt to seek for the next quarter continuously, but in this grade of process, will make Divine Clarity's Three Insects be at owing to lack in the condition again without doubt. 其实此前穿渡的绝大多数空域都是如此,但是如此,也存驻不了多少时日,放在以往,他们还需要继续不断尝试找寻下一处所在,但再这等过程中,无疑会使得神昭三虫处于亏缺状态之中。 If continue like this, three insects have met or counter- swallow his master vital essence, this to him was not the good deed. 要是一直这么下去,三虫会或反吞他这御主精元,这对他就不是什么好事了。 Now but actually does not need so. 可是现在却无需如此了。 He said to Yu Lingbi: Also asked Leader Yu toward leaving behind twig sets the destination.” 他对鱼灵璧道:“还请鱼执掌朝留下枝节定下去处。” During Azure Spirit Heavenly Branch except for can be comfortably void grows, place of the mystical, that following its healthy twig the place of referring, but toward, extremely possibly seeks for the yin-yang two qi minute/share to decide, space of stars respective row of positions, that is the place of appropriate making one's home. 青灵天枝除了能自在虚空之中生长,还有一桩神异之处,那就是顺着其茁壮枝节所指之处而往,是极可能找寻到阴阳两气分定,诸星各自列位的空域的,那才是合适的存身之地。 Why as for does not look for the outlet in this place directly, that is feared that Celestial Xia seeks the trace that they move cross from this. Before has not fully recovered, they must be far away from Celestial Xia as far as possible, avoids the latter looking for them. 至于为什么不直接在此间找寻出路,那是怕天夏由此寻到他们迁渡的痕迹。在未曾完全恢复元气之前,他们要尽量远离天夏,避免后者找寻到他们。 Yu Lingbi said: Younger generation from, when strives.” 鱼灵璧道:“晚辈自当出力。” She takes up in the hand that azure branch, is wielding to that void cavity, then had twig to fall, this twig to the inside room, and grew slowly. 她拿起手中那一根青枝,对着那一处虚空缺洞一挥,便有一根枝节落了下去,这枝节到了里间,并缓缓生长起来。 Guan Zhaosheng was actually shuts out is too slow, puts out a hand to grasp, takes wisp of tribulation sun's qi to come, wields the sleeve to cross into twig, this resulted in internal qi, then resembled to result in the greatest benefit to be the same, by extremely quick rapid extended outward, quick had complicated branch fork to give birth. 关朝昇却是嫌弃太慢,伸手一抓,拿了一缕劫阳之气过来,挥袖渡入了枝节之内,此枝得了着一股气机,便似得了莫大补益一般,以极快的迅速向外延伸,很快就有繁复枝桠分叉生出。 Actually this grade of strength is extremely wild, when this ardent qi strength consumption completely certainly, this twig will also then exhaust vitality to go dry, is not then able to receive again. 其实这等力量太过狂暴,等到这烈气力量消耗尽绝,这枝节也便会耗尽生机化枯而去,也便无法再收了回来了。 However at present to seek the appropriate destination as soon as possible, some prices must pay, cultivation of Yu Lingbi in four people are lowest, the right to speak is not high, then no one cared about this damage, but she was the facial expression is also usual, not color of the half a point complaint. 但是眼下是为了尽快寻到合适去处,有些代价是必须要付出的,鱼灵璧在四人之中功行最低,话语权也不高,也便没人在意她这点损折了,而她本人也是神情如常,并无一点半分抱怨之色。 Daoist Xian Ding sighed at this time: If there is Pure Dome's qi, when then can open the universe, straightens out yin-yang, develops carrying/sustaining our that heaven and earth in the bareness, does not need again is so troublesome.” 显定道人这时感叹道:“若是有清穹之气,当便能开辟乾坤,理顺阴阳,于空无之中化演承载我辈的那一方天地,也就不必再是如此麻烦了。” golden sand that he has, is Space Refining Tribulation Sun, or Divine Clarity's Three Insects, is disappears to seize the destruction to be much greater than the growth good fortune, sought one, therefore they then incomparably needed joining of Shangchen Faction, only had Azure Spirit Heavenly Branch to substitute the Pure Dome's qi function reluctantly. 无论是他所持有的金砂,还是炼空劫阳,亦或是神昭三虫,都是消夺破坏远大于生长造化,寻到了一处,所以他们这才无比需要上宸派的加入,也只有青灵天枝才能勉强替代清穹之气的功用。 Li Mizhen said: I and others, although did not have to open, but there is a direction of Shangchen Faction fellow daoist, actually may seek slowly, can always find the appropriate place.” 李弥真道:“我等虽无可自行开辟,但有了上宸派道友的指引,却可慢慢找寻,想必总能找到合适之地的。” But in four schools try to leave, another side, Gan Bai has ridden a magical item to approach the vicinity of Gloom City's main city. 而就在四派试图离开之际,另一边,甘柏乘坐的法器已是接近了幽城主城附近 Because he keeps a thought in the Teaching Heaven Dao Chapter, so long as he does not take the initiative to separate himself then the Profound Court can use this to search for his location. 因他自身驻意在了训天道章之中,故只要他自身不去主动脱离,那么玄廷就能凭此寻到他的所在 He arrived at Gloom City main city, was equal to that Celestial Xia found here. 他到了幽城主城,也就等于天夏找到了此处。 If takes Gloom City, such he can make reparations to render meritorious service. 若是就此拿下幽城,那样他就能赎罪立功了。 With his being close, in Gloom City the notch opens a light, has a flying boat toward his, when to the near, cultivator steps out from within the flying boat, to his bowed, said: But True Person Gan?” 随着他的挨近,幽城之中豁开一道亮光,有一驾飞舟朝着他这处过来,待至近前,一名修道人自飞舟之内步出,对他打一个稽首,道:“可是甘真人么?” Gan Bai sleeves behind one's back sets up on the boat, said: „, Who are you?” 甘柏负袖立舟上,道:“正是,你是何人?” That cultivator said: I am under the High Venerable place disciple, High Venerable assign/life me to come to receive and instruct true person.” 修士道:“我乃上尊座下弟子,上尊命我前来接引真人。” Gan Bai this time felt a palpitation suddenly, he was vigilant immediately, asked: True Person Wang? High Venerable is not, he where?” 甘柏本这时忽然觉得一阵心悸,他顿时警惕了起来,问道:“王真人呢?上尊不在,他又在何处?” That cultivator returns said: True Person Wang is greeting True Person Chāng.” 修士回道:“王真人正在招呼昌真人。” Gan Bai well, said: „Did True Person Chāng also come?” 甘柏咦了一声,道:“昌真人也是来了么?” That cultivator said: Yes, the True Person Wang side to is not long, was only earlier than true person one step.” He also urged: „In True Person Gan enters along with disciple, my Gloom City withdrawal nears, was unable to delay outside is too long.” 修士道:“是,王真人方到未久,只比真人早了一步。”他又催促道:“甘真人还是随弟子入内吧,我幽城撤走在即,已然无法在外耽搁太久了。” Gan Bai has not actually moved, he really did not change the idea to be willing with Daoist Xian Ding together to withdraw, but directed Gloom City to exist to Celestial Xia, let alone felt the threat at this moment, even if cannot feel him not to see Xian Ding, he is only thinking, now should give a pretext to delay with anything. 甘柏却是没动,他又不是真的改了主意愿意和显定道人一并撤走,而是给天夏指引幽城存在的,别说此刻感受到了威胁,就算感受不到他也不会去见显定的,只他在想着,现在该用个什么借口拖延下去。 But at this time, in Teaching Heaven Dao Chapter had the sound suddenly, this considered that side Celestial Xia to respond, therefore turned and looked , the person of opposite pass on message said: But Profound Venerable Gan? Below Jin Zhixing, is ordered to speak with Profound Venerable Gan.” 而在这时,训天道章之中忽有动静,这当是天夏那边有回应了,只是于是顾看了一下,对面传讯之人言道:“可是甘玄尊么?在下金郅行,奉命来与甘玄尊说话。” Gan Bai surprisedly says: „Are you Profound Venerable Jin?” As far as he knows, this turned to Shangchen Heaven early, how to become the person of Celestial Xia now? 甘柏意外道:“你是金玄尊?”据他所知,这位早前就投靠上宸天了,怎么现在又成了天夏之人了? Jin Zhixing said: „That's right.” 金郅行道:“正是。” He hehe smiles, several points act with constraint saying: fellow daoist Gan, Jin sits down to devote life to Order Defender Zhang now. This time Order Defender Zhang is assigns/life Jin to come to assist fellow daoist, but fellow daoist feared that does not know, now some during situation changes, four schools are remove into to be void, when Xian Ding has also walked.” 他呵呵一笑,略带几分矜持道:“甘道友,如今金某张守正坐下效命。此回张守正乃是命金某前来相助道友,不过道友怕是不知,如今情形有些变化,四派已是撤入了虚空之中了,显定当也已是走了。” Gan Bai surprisedly says: „Did Xian Ding walk?” Then he poured was somewhat worried, originally he wants to make up for one's faults by good deeds, but this, if the empty city, how many values that also this city can have? 甘柏诧异道:“显定走了?”这下他倒有些苦恼了,本来他还是想将功补过的,可这要是空城,那还此城能有多少价值? Jin Zhixing said: fellow daoist is not anxious, although Xian Ding walked, but Gloom City not necessarily all emptied, its cannot take away all the people, in this Celestial Xia people that when also many Gloom City led initially, Order Defender Zhang had said that if Profound Venerable Gan can coordinate me and others to take here smoothly, is still willing to award a fellow daoist great merit.” 金郅行道:“道友莫急,显定虽是走了,可是幽城就未必全空了,其也不可能将人全是带走,这里面当还有许多幽城当初带出来的天夏子民,张守正已是说了,若是甘玄尊能配合我等顺利拿下此处,仍是愿记道友一份大功。” Meanwhile, under Guan Zhaosheng and the others paid attention, that invests to space twig under tribulation sun ardent qi destroys to compel, was quickly long the end, he distinguished, seeing had twig to be especially healthy, said unconsciously: It seems like next step worked as toward that place.” 与此同时,在关朝昇等人关注之下,那投入对空域枝节劫阳烈气摧迫之下,很快长到了尽头,他分辨了下,见其中有一根枝节尤为茁壮,不觉道:“看来下一步就当往那处去了。” Daoist Xian Ding said: Here is not suitable stays for a long time, might as well cross in advance goes to the opposite shore, will reconsider from now on matter.” 显定道人道:“此处不宜久留,不如先行渡去对岸,再议过后之事。” Li Mizhen also agreed that because at this moment does not have the external force to prevent, Heaven Swallowing Insect ripped open a very long and slender crevice smoothly, enough four schools of pass through have passed. 李弥真也是同意,此刻因为没有外力阻挡,吞天虫顺利撕开了一道狭长无比的裂隙,已然足够四派穿渡过去了。 He said: Li maintains the gateway at this, but also asked two to cross in advance.” 他道:“李某在此维持门户,还请两位先行渡去。” Daoist Xian Ding nodded, a escaping light revolution, then returns to Celestial City with Yu Lingbi together, under auspicious clouds and auspicious light promotes, this Celestial City falls void toward the opposite, and invested smoothly. 显定道人点了下头,遁光一转,便与鱼灵璧一同回到天城之中,在祥云瑞光推动之下,这一座天城就往对面虚空落去,并顺利投入了其中。 Guan Zhaosheng also returned to above tribulation sun at this time, seeing two is crosses, he looks at one toward rear two worlds' channel again, flings the sleeve, is expedites shipment tribulation sun, and entire World's Sun Faction pass through past. 关朝昇这时也是回到了劫阳之上,见得两家已是渡去,他往后方的两界通道再是望有一眼,一甩袖,也是催运劫阳,并整个寰阳派穿渡了过去。 Li Mizhen sees them to cross, in the heart suddenly had the flash to surge, a emerge thought that at this time oneself, if brought Divine Clarity Faction cultivator to make a backward somersault, turned to Celestial Xia...... 李弥真见他们渡去,心中忽然有了一瞬间波荡,冒了出来一个念头,这个时候自己若是带着神昭派修道人反折回去,投靠天夏…… When he so thinks, that Yuguo Stone Box shone suddenly, three insect are also ready to make trouble, he shakes the head, immediately restrained the thoughts, forms a mudra, directing a rainbow to invest opposite void, later received jade box, vertical light investment in. 只是他才是如此想时,那玉呙石匣忽然亮了起来,三虫似也是蠢蠢欲动,他摇了摇头,马上收摄了心思,法诀一拿,引一道虹霓投入了对面虚空,随后收起了玉匣,纵光投入其中。 After him, many Divine Clarity Faction Essence Soul cultivator are also the one after another vertical light with, with the passage of each person the crevice becomes slightly smaller, when the last person invests, that long and narrow crevice is also from this closes. 在他之后,诸多神昭派元神修士也是一个个纵光跟来,每过去一人裂隙便小得一分,待得最后一人投入进去,那狭长裂隙便是也由此合闭 As four all cultivator retreat, that keeps above two worlds' channel that broken heavenly branch to support finally weak, the disintegration disintegrates. 而随着四家所有修道人退走,那留在两界通道之上那一根残破天枝最终无力支撑,崩碎瓦解。 This thing loses, the entire void channel lost the support of strength, collapses in the silence, obviously many nearby stars all cannot help but dip toward there, but this strength went to by Pure Dome's qi immediately, this air/Qi in that place one revolution, the crevice complementary waves was also smoothed completely. 此物一失,整个虚空通道失去了力量的支撑,也是在无声之中坍塌下来,可见不少附近的星辰俱是不由自主朝着那里倾落过去,可是随即这股力量就被清穹之气化去,此气在那处一转,裂隙余波也是被完全抚平。 In Ten-Thousand Luminaries Great Array, numerous Profound Venerable is looking at this scene, the state of mind is relaxes, the circumstance to this step, at least the war of this time is ended. 万曜大阵之中,众玄尊望着这一幕,心绪俱是放松下来,情势到此一步,至少今回之战已然算是结束了。 Above this moment array pivot the ray flashes, Daoist Ming Zhou appeared above altar, he to Zhang Yu bowed, Order Defender, Profound Court transmit an edict, the war has been deciding, Profound Venerables has been possible to withdraw upper layer.” 此刻阵枢之上光芒一闪,明周道人出现在了法坛之上,他对着张御打一个稽首,“守正,玄廷传谕,战事已定,诸位玄尊已可撤回上层。” ...... …… ...... ……
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