HDC :: Volume #3 Silver Dome (银穹)

#43: Search

Wei family army the simple recuperation two days later, everyone mounted Zhang Yu white boat, then the pit that is opened over the two days temporarily by another sped along. 卫氏军在简单休整了两天之后,所有人都是登上了张御白舟,而后由另一处这两天临时开辟出来的地坑之中飞驰了出来。 The white boat boat body is enormous, even if carried to receive more than 500 people, the interior was still very spacious. 白舟舟身极大,即便载承了五百余人,内部依旧很是宽敞。 The people sit in the cabin, the ice firn point that outside the looks at bulkhead grazes rapidly, even if away from a deck wall, they can still feel the strength in that carrying. 众人坐在舱室之内,看着舱壁外急速飞掠的冰粒雪点,即便隔着一层舱壁,他们也能感受到那里面所携带的力量。 However above the white boat body is actually sends out a sparkling to be luminous, the strong wind and heavy snow is the isolation outside, and entire boat body does not see to rock. 不过白舟身之上却是散发出一阵莹莹光亮,将狂风暴雪都是隔绝在外,并且整个舟身丝毫不见晃动。 Everyone secret exclamation expressed admiration. 所有人都是暗暗惊叹称奇。 Zhang Yu stands in main cabin at this moment, he is delivering to cross heart force toward white boat, to maintain the revolution of this flying boat. 张御此刻站在主舱之内,他正往白舟之内送渡心力,以维持这艘飞舟的运转。 However although the snowstorm is giant, but the consumed heart force is not so great as he had imagined. 不过暴风雪虽然巨大,可消耗的心力并不像他之前所想象的那么大 He pondered, understood, these wind and snow are only the strength of pure broken nature, inside has not poured into any mystical strength, although the power and influence is big enough, but the strength is actually very scattered, this can resist magical item that the short distance profound weapon bang explodes regarding white boat, this grade of influence is not worth mentioning. 他思考了一下,也就明白了,这些风雪只是纯碎的自然之力,里面并没有灌注任何神异力量,虽然威势足够大,可力量实际很是分散,对于白舟这等能抵御近距离玄兵轰爆的法器而言,这等影响着实不值一提。 He toward asked with Wei Lingying in main cabin: Army Lord Wei, in original plan according to the army, is the place that our next should go to where?” 他向着同在主舱内的卫灵英问道:“卫军主,按照军中原定计划,我们下一个该去的地方是哪里?” Wei Lingying handed over the station army town/subdues by her map immediately takes out, spreads out above table cabins. 卫灵英马上将驻地军镇交由她的舆图取出,摊开在了舱室中间的案台之上。 In this and other times, under table bursts out a ray suddenly, changed into giant light screens with the map that the line outlined immediately presents in the front of people. 就在这等时候,案台之下忽然迸发出一阵光芒,原本只是用线条勾画的舆图顿时化为一片巨大的光幕呈现在了众人的面前。 But inside gully mountains also one becomes three-dimensional, looked to be full of the true feelings. 而里面的沟壑山川也一下变得立体起来,看去充满了实感。 And can see, above has one to glitter the white spot, carefully looks, that now white boat location, even the hole opened underground appears on the map similarly. 且可以见到,上面有一个闪烁着白点,仔细一看,那正是如今白舟所在的地方,便连下方开辟的坑洞也同样在图上显现了出来 Jin Xiaobai opens eye looks at. 靳小柏不禁睁大眼睛看着 Wei Lingying also reveals the color of exclamation unavoidably, she decided under the mind, distinguished above, then puts out a hand toward somewhere a point, said: Here, here is we decided the place that next must go, according to the garrison said that trace that some there also mystical strength had.” 卫灵英也是不免露出惊叹之色,她定了下心神,在上面分辨了一下,便伸手往某处一点,道:“这里,这里原本是我们决定下一个要去的地方,根据驻军所言,那里也有一些神异力量存在的痕迹。” Zhang Yu looks at one, seeing here distance here is not very far, then a Heart Light revolution, immediately turns round the bow, welcomed the wind and snow to go toward that boundary line. 张御看有一眼,见此处距离这里并不十分远,便心光一转,当即拨转舟首,就迎着风雪往那一处地界行去。 About after more than one Xia hour, white boat appears, in the map indicated on position. 大约一个多夏时后,白舟就出现在了舆图标示所在的位置上。 Arrived there, the people discovered, below was buried by the wind and snow except for one piece, only can also be able to see here vaguely is a canyon, other is anything does not have. 只是到了那里,众人才是发现,下面除了一片被风雪掩埋,只依稀还能看得出原先这里是一处峡谷,余下却是什么都没有。 However various people on the scene mostly has resisted with the evil god believers, knows the thing that sometimes cannot see does not represent does not exist, therefore observes to distinguish using spirituality strength. 不过在场诸人大多都是与邪神信众对抗过的,知道有时候看不见的东西并不代表就不存在,于是纷纷运用灵性力量去察辨。 A moment later, they noticed that below has one by the boundary that one group of golden light covers cover. 片刻之后,他们就看到下方有一处被一团金色光罩笼罩的地界。 Here seemed like the embedment in the canyon, like overlapping in the same place two scenery. The light cover also drifts from place to place, resembles to exist and resemble does not exist. 此处好像嵌合在了峡谷之中,如同重叠在一起的两个景物。光罩也是飘忽不定,似存在又似不存在。 soldier Lin feels somewhat inconceivable, said: divine country? Has not thought that here established divine country unexpectedly, they did not fear that was detected by garrison army?” 林军士感觉有些不可思议,道:“神国?没想到这里竟然建立了一处神国,他们不怕被镇军发觉么?” Daoist Zuo experiences richly, he has the sound said: divine country is usually easiest to expose in establishment, shortly after this boundary should just now establish, these people has the great idea, first establishes the strength leak that the divine country initial period triggers using the snowstorm blocking, by the time the wind and snow pass, the strength will have calmed down and they needn't fear being discovered.” 左道人经验丰富,他出声道:“神国通常在建立的时候最容易暴露,这处地界应该方才建立不久,此辈打得好主意,先利用暴风雪遮挡建立神国初期所引发的力量外泄,等到风雪过去,力量平复下来,也就不虞被发现了。” squad leader strange say/way: But why would they want to establish a divine country in an already suspected area? But does not change a place, isn't this is instead easier to expose?” 有一名伍首奇怪道:“可是他们为什么要在这处已被怀疑的地界建立神国呢?而不换一个地方呢,这样不是反而更容易暴露么?” Daoist Zuo stroking his beard said: This is also these people has to so, establishment of divine country needs first to build the altar, then establishes temple, they jump this step, was previously discovered, they consider in the establishment altar.” 左道人抚须道:“这也是此辈不得不如此,神国的建立需要先建立祭坛,而后再建立神庙,他们是跳不过这一步的,此前被发现,他们当是在设置祭坛。” soldier Lin admires saying: profound cultivator Zuo can settle on, after when divine country stands, good that if they cover up, that garrison not necessarily can discover.” 林军士佩服道:“左玄修看得准,而且等到神国立好之后,他们若是遮掩的好,那驻军不见得能发现。” Zhang Yu lightly said: They and others not by that time.” 张御淡声道:“他们等不到那个时候了。” Wei family army various squad leader hearing this are mind rouses, is all ready to fight: profound cultivator Zhang, but needs us to cope with them?” 卫氏军伍首闻言都是精神一振,个个摩拳擦掌道:“张玄修,可是需要我们下去对付他们么?” They when exchanging Azure Sun profound armor, the strength increases, previously coped with these evil god believers again simply cannot display the real strength, still somewhat had not given full expression. 他们在换上了青阳玄甲后,实力大增,此前再对付那些邪神信众时根本没能发挥真正的力量,仍是有些意犹未尽。 But at present this divine country is appropriate. 而眼前这个神国却是正好合适。 Although outside has the strong fierce wind and snow ice particles, but they confessed that shoulders a while to confess, waits to intrude in divine country, does not need to be worried about these. 尽管外面有强猛的风雪冰粒,可他们自认扛一会儿自认还是可以的,等闯入神国之内,就无需担心这些了。 Zhang Yu said: Does not need so.” His turns the head told to Qing Shu: Goes to bring the thing.” 张御道:“不必如此。”他转首青曙吩咐道:“去把东西拿过来。” Qing Shu said: Yes, mister.” 青曙道:“是,先生。” He before the main cabin behind, puts out a hand to press, the bulkhead collapses to melt, inside reveals 15 arrangements the neat and tidy metal box case. 他至主舱后壁之前,伸手一按,舱壁塌融下去,里面显露出来十五只排列的整整齐齐的黑色金属匣子。 He moves to above these box cases the main cabin middle position carefully, then opens the casing cover of each box case, what the inside room places is the one after another circular cone shape, is glittering unceasingly the white light matter. 他小心将这些匣子搬到主舱中间的位置之上,而后将每一个匣子的匣盖打开,里间摆放的是一枚枚圆锥形状,不断闪烁着白光的物事。 This is his trip after Azure Sun Superior Continent, presents the life of Zhang Yu in Guang State Heavenly Secrets Institution making to order profound weapon. 这是他此行去往青阳上洲后,奉张御之命在光州天机院订造的玄兵 Although can also make to order profound weapon in outer layer, the profound weapon number that but enlisted hired army can use has certain upper limit, convenient that therefore makes to order in inner layer, but is in the set price is slightly higher. 虽然在外层也能订造玄兵,可是雇募军能使用的玄兵数目是有一定上限的,所以还是在内层订造来的方便,不过是订价上稍稍高一些。 This is because inner layer has Chaos Tide to exist, must use the secret box technique that Frost Continent must come to maintain for a long time and carries calmly and steadily, but to outer layer, instead without this grade of influence. 这是因为内层浊潮存在,必须使用霜洲得来的密匣技艺才能保持长久而安稳携带,而到了外层,反而没这等影响了。 Zhang Yu flicked the sleeve at this time, divine weapon then one after another in five box case fly, has flying of rule and order neatly to the bulkhead above, then integrated slowly, and interior that in the people are unable to see was moved delivers to the holes of various boat body places. 张御这时候一拂袖,五只匣子之中的神兵便一枚枚飞起,整齐而有规序的飞至舱壁之上,而后缓缓融入了其中,并在众人无法望见的内部被挪送到舟身各处的空窍之中。 He consciousness one revolution, white boat outside boat abdomen position collapses to melt suddenly, and reveals the muzzle that in rows of falls, and to below divine country. 他又意识一转,白舟外间舟腹的位置处忽然塌融下去,并露出一排排内陷的炮口,并正正对着下方的神国 At this moment his pupil light flashes slightly, in a twinkling, these muzzle rays flash, then multiple revolving pyramid shaped profound weapons immediately shoot below. 此刻他眸光微微一闪,霎时间,那些炮口一阵光芒闪动,那一道道旋转着白色尖锥状玄并立刻向着下方冲击而去 Under as if is also detected that anything, a ray bright as the raging sun raised, as if tries to keep off profound weapon outside. 下方似乎也是察觉到了什么,一道明亮如烈阳的光芒升起,似乎试图将玄兵挡在外面。 But this does not have the use, these are all profound weapons able to shatter mystical strength, as one after another hits above the ray, the giant bursting sound and dazzling ray bunch blooms, even the wild wind and snow still resembled to stagnate the flash. 可这并没有用处,这些皆是拥有破灭神异力量的玄兵,随着一枚枚撞击到光芒之上,巨大的爆裂声和更为耀眼的光芒一团团绽放出来,即便狂暴的风雪也似凝滞了一瞬间。 After all these retrogression, when the people look again, discovered that originally divine country location had changed into scorched earth thoroughly. 而当这一切消退后,众人再看去时,发现本来神国所在的地方已然是彻底化为了一片焦土。 This scorched earth also existed merely flickered, these snowstorms welled up immediately, had all that to cover here. 这片焦土也仅仅是存在了一瞬,那些暴风雪随即涌了上来,将这里原本存在的一切都是掩盖了下去。 Under Wei family army people looks at, somewhat is for a while absent-minded. 卫氏军众人看着下面,一时有些恍惚。 Such seemingly large divine country, if with the way of frontal attack, must spend many strengths inevitably, perhaps must pay with certain casualties, even may fall into struggles hard. 这么一个看起来规模不小的神国,若是用正面攻击的方式,势必要花费不少的力气,恐怕还要付出一定的伤亡,甚至有可能陷入苦战。 But now, merely is the little while is less, was razed to the ground. 可是现在,仅仅是半刻不到,就被夷为平地了。 Zhang Yu was tranquil at this time the sound said: We go to next.” 张御这时平静出声道:“我们去下一处。” At the same time, in standing tall and erect mountain range, in cavern that was opened artificially, more than 300 Fu family army soldiers are rolling up the body to hide in this. 同一时刻,一处高耸的山脉之内,被人为开辟出来的洞窟之中,三百多名傅氏军士卒正蜷缩着身躯藏身于此。 Under the garrison army profound weapon bang explodes, Fu family army finally only then two flying boat close up before the arched wall escaped. 镇军玄兵轰爆之下,傅氏军最后只有两艘飞舟趁着穹壁合拢前逃了出来。 The person of survival depended upon the map to find one to hide with great difficulty, and before the snowstorm arrived hid, but this, still flying boat left even during this process accidentally crashed. 幸存之人依靠着舆图好不容易找到了一处躲藏点,并在暴风雪到来之前藏了进去,可即便这样,仍有一艘飞舟在此过程中出了意外坠毁了。 Fu Cuo sits outermost the cavern, the mood looked that is low. 傅错坐洞窟最外侧,情绪看去非常低落。 At this time trusted subordinate squad leader pushed, said in a low voice: young army lord, what to do do we get down?” 这时一名亲信伍首挤了上来,低声道:“少军主,我们下来怎么办?” Some little time, Fu Cuo said difficultly: When the snowstorm stops, we leave Frost Star, returns to Legs Constellation.” 好一会儿,傅错才艰难道:“等到暴风雪一停,我们就离开霜星,返回奎宿。” That squad leader opens the eye, said: That, army lord? Didn't rescue army lord?” 伍首睁大眼,道:“那,军主呢?不救军主了么?” Fu Cuo shakes the head saying: We cannot go back now, only has , after returning said Legs Constellation earth star, tries to find the solution.” 傅错摇头道:“我们现在不能回去,唯有等到回道奎宿地星后再想办法了。” Although he is also worried about Fu Yong remaining army soldier, but he does not dare to return to the station now, for fear that garrison army did not ask the reason, coped with them directly together. 尽管他心里也是十分担心傅庸剩下的军卒,可他现在根本不敢回驻地,生怕镇军不问缘由,直接将他们一起对付了。 He thought of anything at this time, turns the head to ask: How much drinking water do we have?” 他这时想到了什么,转头问道:“我们还剩下多少食水?” That squad leader said: Subordinate has taken inventory, a province point used, to suffice to support for a month.” 伍首道:“属下清点过了,省一点用,够支撑一个月了。” In the crevice that at this time young cultivator since the people kept moved slowly, he arrived in front of Fu Cuo, lifted a hand ritual, said: young army lord, after the snowstorm stops, we can find teacher, perhaps teacher has the means to have Army Lord Fu.” 这时一名年轻修士自众人留出的空隙中缓缓挪了过来,他到了傅错面前,抬手一礼,道:“少军主,在暴风雪停下后,我们可以找到老师,或许老师有办法就出傅军主。” Fu Cuo thinks, at present one bright, a fist pounds in the ground, said: Right, I just was also at a loss, we can also look for profound cultivator Zuo, Wei family army, so long as found them, making them go to the station to help speak, can wash clean our infamies, showed that we are not rebels!” 傅错想了想,眼前一亮,一拳砸在地面上,道:“对对,我方才也是乱了方寸了,我们还可以找左玄修,还有卫氏军,只要找到他们,让他们去驻地帮忙说话,就能洗清我们的污名,证明我们绝非叛逆!” Time in a flash over the past three days. 时间一晃过去三天。 Zhang Yu also has remaining profound weapon using the white boat speeding along speed, had the place of suspicion to search for in these days mostly, and destroyed[ pen interest pavilion www.xbqg5200.co] two had the boundary of evil god believers seriously. 张御利用白舟的飞驰速度还有剩下的玄兵,在这几天内把大多数有嫌疑的地方都是搜寻了一遍,并又摧毁了[笔趣阁www.xbqg5200.co]两个当真存在邪神信众的地界。 During this process, they have not discovered the Shangchen Heaven cultivator trail. 只是在此过程中,他们没有发现上宸天修士的踪迹。 Exterminated the evil god process to see from before, these Shangchen Heaven cultivator and between evil god believers, even if has related, the relations were not far harmoniously, therefore wants to find the these people clue from evil god believers here is unlikely. 从之前清剿邪神的过程可以看出,这些上宸天修士邪神信众之间即便有所联系,关系也谈不上不和睦,所以想从邪神信众这里找到此辈线索是不太可能的。 However he does not need so to seek. 不过他也并不需要如此来找寻。 Shangchen Heaven cultivator similarly is cultivator, if seeks for a boundary as the hiding place at will, on so great an earth star, it's very difficult to find their trail. 上宸天修士同样是修道人,若是随意寻找一处地界作为藏身之地,那么在这么大的地星之上,自是很找到其踪迹的 But if needs to station for a long time, then stops falls above the scenery vein and even earth artery key node is the most suitable their choice. 可是若需要长久驻留的话,那么停落在山水脉络乃至地脉窍节之上才是最适合他们的选择。 But such place, because the Frost Star climate is bad, entire earth star not many places, if searches for earnestly, believes that certainly will have discover. 而这样的地方,因为霜星气候恶劣,整个地星没有多少处,若是认真搜寻,相信一定是会有所发现的。 Zhang Yu after the map these places is indicates, with Daoist Zuo discussed that then speeds up the white boat, toward being distanced to garrison a farthest boundary to speed away to go. 张御在舆图之上将这几处地点都是标示出来后,与左道人商量了一下,就摧动白舟,往相距驻军最远的一处地界疾驰而去。 ...... …… ...... ……
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