HDC :: Volume #2 Azure Sun (青阳)

#242: Obstruction

In island Heavenly Secrets Institution, Manufacturing Institution Wu and Great Craftsman Jin and the others saw with own eyes Yun Chen to sit well there, but Wu Ziwu also is standing motionless, only then the outside ray twinkle is uncertain, they actually somewhat looked do not understand two people actions. 海岛天机院中,乌制院金大匠等人眼见恽尘端坐在那里,而乌子午同样也是站着不动,只有外面光芒闪烁不定,他们却是有些看不明白两人的举动了。 Manufacturing Institution Wu has doubts to ask: Guard Wei, what is this is making? Is sparring?” 乌制院不由疑惑问道:“魏护卫,这是在做什么?是在斗法么?” The Guard Wei nod said: Is sparring, these two are competing Heart Light and magical power, but I look at right the words, this Yun Chen should in the protracted time.” 魏护卫点头道:“是在斗法,这两人是在比拼心光法力,不过我看得没错的话,这恽尘应该是在拖延时间。” Manufacturing Institution Wu frowns, said: Guard Wei, can you determine?” 乌制院皱起眉头,道:“魏护卫,你能确定么?” Guard Wei said: I am definite, concrete I am unable saying that but any a little experiences to look to fighting.” 魏护卫道:“我非常确定,具体的我无法说出来,但是任何一个对斗战有点经验都能看得出来。” Manufacturing Institution Wu leaned on the walking stick to stand up several steps, said dignified: Improper, if were towed, if Profound Mansion rescues to rush, feared that is the matter must make the careless mistake.” 乌制院拄着拐杖站起走来走了几步,神情凝重道:“不妥啊,要是被这么拖下去,万一玄府的援救赶到,怕是事情要出纰漏。” He is thinking can fight a battle to force a quick decision, but if delays, he always feels not butt buffer. 他原本想着能速战速决,可要是拖延下去,他总是感觉不托底。 The Guard Wei both arms surround, said: How can that? We could not make anything here.” 魏护卫双臂环抱,道:“那又能怎么样?我们在这里又做不了什么。” No!” “不!” Manufacturing Institution Wu said: Has the means that” he was saying to Guard Wei: We can send to pass on a message to main institution, making him send out creation armored soldier to prevent the person around Profound Mansion, how long can prevent is how long, always some uses.” 乌制院道:“还是有办法的,”他对着魏护卫道:“我们可以发传讯给总院,让他派出造物甲士玄府四周阻挡来人,能阻挡多久是多久,总是有一些用的。” Guard Wei sneers saying: This is somewhat improper, if main institution sends out these creation armored soldier, that was got angry with Profound Mansion officially, moreover this was main institution delivers to your things, how to involve on main institution?” 魏护卫冷笑道:“这有些不妥吧,总院如果派出这些造物甲士,那就是正式与玄府翻脸了,而且这是总院交予你们的事情,怎么又去牵扯到总院头上了?” Manufacturing Institution Wu does not give up, vision brilliant looks at he said: Has arrived at this step, main institution has not hoped that sees us to be defeated? I want to ask Guard Wei to contact, is the choice acts, but also lies in main institution.” 乌制院并不放弃,目光灼灼看着他道:“已经到了这一步,总院也不希望看到我们失败吧?我只是想请魏护卫代为联络,是不是选择出手,还在于总院。” At this moment, that female master craftsman that accompanies the Guard Wei together arrival has the sound said suddenly: You do not need to struggle, main institution had the arrangement early.” 就在这时,那个随同魏护卫一同到来的女师匠忽然出声道:“你们不必争了,总院对此早有安排了。” She after arriving here, has not participated in people's discussion, the people have also neglected her existence, but these words, immediately brought to everyone's attention. 她自到来这里后,就没有参与过众人的讨论,众人也是一直忽略了她的存在,而这句话一出,顿时引起了所有人的注意。 Manufacturing Institution Wu is staring at her, does not determine saying: Is the main institution arrangement?” 乌制院盯着她,不确定道:“是总院安排的?” A that female master craftsman face faint say/way: Yes.” 那个女师匠一脸淡漠道:“是。” That male master craftsman said with a smile: Manufacturing Institution Wu, is it possible that do you have what different opinions to the arrangement of main institution?” 那个男师匠笑道:“乌制院,你莫非对总院的安排有什么不同意见?” Manufacturing Institution Wu looked at him, said slowly: No, since this matter main institution has the arrangement early, I felt relieved.” After saying, he sat. 乌制院看了看他,缓缓道:“不,既然这件事总院早有安排,那我就放心了。”说完之后,他又重新坐了下来。 At this moment, in the Peaceful Longevity Prefecture west mountain ridge, white creation flood dragon is going on patrol in the sky back and forth, around the body encircles the twinkle light spirituality ray. 此时此刻,安寿郡西面的山岭之中,一条白色造物蛟龙正在天空之中来回巡游着,身周围闪烁淡淡的灵性光芒。 Sky over various state counties has many such creation flood dragon, they are responsible for defend above inner continent sky, person or creation who if in not recording the book have carrying flying above inner continent space, then they will go forward to obstruct. 各州郡上空有许多这样的造物蛟龙,它们负责洲内天空之上的守御,若是不曾在录册上有载的人或是造物洲内空域之上飞遁,那么它们就会上前阻截。 At this moment, a small insect of abdomen ballooning flew. 就在这时,一只肚腹鼓胀的微小虫豸飞了过来。 creation flood dragon does not have the spirituality small life not to pay attention to these generally, usually these things will not approach, had left under its spirituality deterrent, but this bug actually depended, in the far distance, it blew out luminous suddenly, then melted the ashes. 造物蛟龙一般对这些没有灵性的微小生灵是不会理会的,通常这些东西也不会靠近,早就在它的灵性威慑下离开了,可是这一只小虫却是靠了上来,不过在较远的距离上,其忽然爆出了一阵光亮,而后就化了灰烬。 In that creation flood dragon eyes was to also appear a light, it turned the head to stare was looking at several, after transferring one, saw anything not to have remaining, continued toward elsewhere. 造物蛟龙眼眸之中也是映现出了一道光亮,它转头盯着看了几眼,转了一圈之后,见什么都没有剩下,就继续又往别处去了。 But at this moment, incessantly is here, several flood dragon situated in west space met such insect, but then their as is always going on patrol in the day, seemed also no different from the past. 而此时此刻,不止是这里,位于西面空域的数条蛟龙都是遇到了这样的虫豸,不过接下来它们一如既往的在天中巡游着,似乎与往日也没什么不同。 Fengxiang Ridge dao monastery, after Tang Feng sits in meditation for night, stood up from rush cushion, he pushed the door to come out, arrived above the back room, his is doing obeisance to the own teacher Bai Xiu memorial tablet, said: teacher, disciple without merit.” 凤湘岭道观,唐丰打坐一夜之后,从蒲团之上站了起来,他推门出来,来到了后堂之上,他对着自家老师白秀的牌位一拜,道:“老师,恕弟子无状。” He walked, moves things out of the way the altar of memorial tablet, later then saw under has a jade lap, moving away, inside will reveal a jade box. 他走了上去,将牌位的供案搬开,随后便看到了下方有一个玉盖板,将之移开,里面就露出了一只玉盒。 He puts out a hand, takes to take up the box case carefully, opens looked, sees inside to place a red jade pill of dragon eye size. 他伸出手去,小心将匣子取拿起,打开一看,见里面摆放着一枚龙眼大小的赤色玉丹。 His took a deep breath, said: Blood Pill.” 深吸了一口气,道:“血丹。” After this was past Old Ancestor Yuan Tong captured, pill medicine that left behind. 这是当年元童老祖被擒捉之后所留下的一枚丹药 Under after cultivator clothing/taking this pill, can display blood escape technique, within half of the day, the essence that so long as in Blood Pill provides has not exhausted, then can weaponry escaping technique willfully vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered contact, and receives the injury also to recover in the wink of an eye. 修道人服下此丹之后,就可以施展一门血遁之术,在半天之内,只要血丹之内提供的精气没有耗尽,那么就可以仗此遁术任意纵横往来,并且所受伤势也能在瞬息之间复原。 This inside acting bashful is also very important, when because pill essence qi exhausts to take the person of pill to be very difficult to feel, if extremely, incautiously, technique-controller will explode the blood to perish. 只是这里面的拿捏也十分要紧,因为丹精之气什么时候耗尽服丹之人很难感觉到,万一施法太过,一不小心,御法之人就会爆血而亡。 Beside the island, according to the golden characters before the altar, informed his here to have such pill previous time, under making him take this pill, and is waiting to Profound Mansion, if saw outside Profound Mansion to have restriction to raise, then intended to prevent anybody to approach here. 上一次在海岛之外,那供案之前有金字照下,告知了他这里有一枚这样的丹丸,让他服下此丹,并到玄府附近等候着,若见玄府外有禁制升起,便出手阻挡任何人靠近此处。 Where he does not know here intention, but since is the instruction of master ancestor, he naturally must follow. But he also realized faintly, this perhaps is the matter that his teacher should do, but actually can only do for somebody by him now. 他不知这里用意何在,可既然是师祖的吩咐,他自然是要遵行的。而他也隐隐意识到,这或许是原来是他老师应该做的事,可现在却只能由他来代劳了。 He took Blood Pill, then swallowed. 他将血丹拿了起来,而后一口吞服了下去。 In a twinkling, a blazing fierce class/flow from the instant spreads to the whole body, he felt that the oneself blood soon boiled, but the body surface was appears not normal scarlet light. 霎时间,一阵炽热的烈流从霎时蔓延至全身,他感觉自己血液都快要沸腾起来了,而身躯表面更是浮现出了一层不正常的赤光 He tried hard to breathe several tones, anxious pressed this scalding hot, then tidied up the altar, walks from inside. 他努力呼吸了几口气,将这股焦躁灼热压了下去,而后将供案收拾了一下,自里走了出来 He in two dao child dao monastery looked, said: uncle master must do a matter, do not forget to worship daily before the altar, cultivation forgets cultivation not, if uncle master does not return, does not need to be irritable, keeps here do not take a walk carelessly, at the appointed time will have the person of sect to come to receive and instruct you.” 他把道观之中两个道童找了过来,道:“师叔要去做一件事,每日案前供奉别忘了,功行莫忘修持,若是师叔不回,也不用急躁,留在此处不要胡乱走动,届时自会有师门之人前来接引你们。” two dao child is respectfully complies. 两个道童都是恭声应下 After he confesses, then had/left dao monastery, suppresses pill air/Qi, but moves own magical power, then harnesses one group of fog to come in the Peaceful Longevity Prefecture direction. 他交代过后,便出了道观,压住丹气,只是挪转自身法力,便驾起一团云雾往安寿郡方向过来。 Dang State, in common mansion, middle-aged scholar facial expression looks at transmitting report, he saw the white clothing female to walk with deep veneration at this time from outside, stands up busily, salutes, asks: Paternal aunt, how?” 当州,一座寻常宅邸内,中年文士神情肃然看着一封封传来的报书,这时他见白衣女子自外面走进来,忙是站起,施了一礼,问道:“姑母,如何了?” The white clothing female arrived in sat down, said: „The news that I inquired was not good, in Wonderful Profound Boundary except for guarding a gate several fellow daoist, Hidden Mountain lineage fellow daoist Yin was also same, therefore died, but after that person had/left Profound Boundary, toward Profound Mansion.” 白衣女子到了里面坐下,道:“我打听的消息并不好,灵妙玄境内除了守门的几位道友,藏山一脉尹道友也是一样因此身故了,而那人出了玄境之后,就往玄府去了。” The middle-aged scholar thinks long time, knocked table with the folding fan, raised the head saying: „ Paternal aunt, little nephew wants to ask you to help. „ 中年文士思索良久,用折扇敲了敲案几,抬头道:“姑母,小侄想请你帮个忙。“ White clothing female nodded said: You said.” 白衣女子颌首道:“你说。” The middle-aged scholar said: Although I am unable to meddle the matter of this place, but the paternal aunt is actually not one of them, therefore little nephew wants to ask the paternal aunt to act to go to Profound Boundary one line, informs some daoist matters in these Profound Boundary.” 中年文士道:“虽然我无法插手此间之事,但是姑母却不在此列,故小侄想请姑母出面去往玄境一行,告知那些玄境之内的道长一些事。” White clothing female elegant eyes looks at he, said: You may want to be clear, once meddles the inner continent matter, if were known by Jade Capital, likely affects your future.” 白衣女子秀眸看着他,道:“你可想清楚了,一旦插手洲内的事,若被玉京知晓,很可能影响你的前程。” The middle-aged scholar smiles free and easy, said: What's the big deal, my Observing Envoy does not do at the worst, returns to one's old home teaching and that's the end.” 中年文士洒脱一笑,道:“那又如何,大不了我这观察使不做,回老家教书就是了。” After having smiled, his look is put on regular status, said: Paternal aunt, your cultivator has the cultivator say/way, but I work, there is the say/way in my heart, defends saying that is the basis that I am work.” 笑过之后,他神色转正,道:“姑母,你们修道人修道人的道,但我做事,也有我心中的道,守住道,才是我为人做事的根本。” The white clothing female said: Un, I understood,” her stood up, looked at the middle-aged scholar, the nod said: At this time, you thought that was not the past young child, but was a bit like the elder brother.” 白衣女子道:“嗯,我明白了,”她站了起来,看了看中年文士,点头道:“这个时候,你才觉得不是当年的小童了,而是有点像兄长了。” Zhang Yu this time speeds along full power, wipes azure rainbow such as the illness/quick light/only to fly to shoot, the escaping light mistake, the thundering sound resounds through the skies, is only Xia hour, he is flying entered in the continent territory, gets down half a Xia hour to escape to Profound Mansion in again at most. 张御这一次全力飞驰,一抹青虹如疾光飞射,遁光过处,轰雷般的声音响彻云霄,只是一个夏时不到,他就已是飞遁入了洲域之内,再下去至多半个夏时就可遁至玄府之中。 However he in journey, these originally defend vault of heaven creation flood dragon suddenly eyes bewildered one red, then simultaneously turns around, pursues toward his here. 不过他在过来的路途之中,那些本来守御天穹造物蛟龙忽然眼眸莫名其妙的一红,而后齐齐一掉头,往他这里追逐过来。 Originally Zhang Yu has Profound Corrector official seal, flood dragon distinguishes slightly, then meets avoid to come, but does not know that now is what reason, they are unable to make the accurate judgment regarding the official seal, therefore was regarded him directly the enemy who invaded Azure Sun Superior Continent treated. 本来张御玄正印信,蛟龙稍加辨别,便会避让开来,可是现在不知道是何缘故,它们对于印信无法做出准确的判断,故是直接把他当成了入侵青阳上洲的敌人来对待。 Under the Zhang Yu vision sweeps, knows that these creation flood dragon have the issue, but he does not pay attention, because these creation flood dragon too were in his eyes slow, every time sees a head, a escaping light illness/quick, easily jumped over the past slightly, is only in the blink of an eye, that flood dragon by disappearing that he flung. 张御目光一扫之下,就知道这些造物蛟龙有问题,不过他根本不去理会,因为这些造物蛟龙在他眼里实在太慢了,每见一头上来,把稍稍遁光一疾,就轻易越了过去,只是一眨眼的工夫,那蛟龙就被他甩的不见踪影了。 However enters Ju State in him, is close to Peaceful Longevity Prefecture quickly time, suddenly a blood red escaping light crosses the horizon, the instance that is only flashing, bullied to the vicinity, at the same time, strong bloody air and scarlet light are follow to well up. 不过就在他进入巨州,快接近安寿郡的时候,忽然一道血红色的遁光横穿天际,只在闪动出来的瞬间,就欺至了近处,与此同时,一股浓烈的血腥气赤光已是伴随着涌了过来。 The Zhang Yu pupil light flashes, the opposite party obviously has the hostility to come, therefore he has not hesitated, the intention urges, Song of Cicadas Sword has flown, shoots toward that escaping light whence. 张御眸光一闪,对方明显带着敌意而来,故他也没有迟疑,心意一催,蝉鸣剑已然飞起,朝那遁光来处射去。 That blood-color escaping light one revolution, is actually easily evaded sword light, in an instant, it pasted. 那血色遁光一转,却是轻易将剑光避过,在转眼之间,其又是贴了上来。 Zhang Yu detects at this moment, this person's flying speed is almost the same as his, but that blood light also has one to wear down the sluggish strength, although threatens to him is not big, can clearly slow him down, and more is the entanglement more is affected by this with it. 张御此刻察觉到,这人飞遁之速与他差不多在同一层次,只是那血光还带有一丝消磨迟滞之力,虽然对他威胁并不大,可明显会使得他的遁速缓顿下来,并且与之越是纠缠越是受此影响。 To continue to proceed, that must inevitably it killing. 要想继续往前,那势必要将之干掉。 He hurries to the rescue now, the moment time cannot delay, but the opposite party obviously is delays oneself, if hugs is first solving the thought of that person, then that person will definitely try to avoid with him fighting, fast retreats toward the distant place using escaping light, but he tried to leave, that will pester. 他现在赶去救援,片刻功夫都不能耽搁,而对方明显就是来拖延自己的,要是抱着先解决其人的念头,那么其人肯定会设法避免与他交手,利用遁光之速往远处退走,而等他试图离开的时候,那就又会纠缠上来。 This seems like a fast knot of difficult solution. 这似乎是一个难解的死结。 But not necessarily really did not have the means at this time. 可此时未必就真的没有办法了。 next moment, he revolves Heart Light to urge, that sword light originally circling in the sky suddenly shoots forwards, blood light sees the sword to cut, avoids toward the side, but this time, this and long sword is actually without stopping, flies into vault of heaven directly, instantly vanished in the field of vision. 下一刻,他运转心光一催,那本在天中盘旋飞绕的剑光倏尔朝前射去,血光见剑斩来,自是往旁侧避开,不过这一次,这并长剑却是停也未停,直接飞入天穹之中,霎时消失在了视界之中。 Zhang Yu after shooting flying sword, sharply has not been proceeding to speed along again, but stopped, a pupil light revolution, looked to that blood-color escaping light, at the same time, the vault of heaven above ray was suddenly bright, in a split second a pair of splendid galaxy-like wings cover a hundred li! 张御在掷出飞剑之后,没有再急着往前飞驰,而是停了下来,眸光一转,看向了那血色遁光,与此同时,天穹上方光芒骤亮,一对有若灿烂星河的双翼霎时蔽张百里 ...... …… ...... ……
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