HDC :: Volume #2 Azure Sun (青阳)

#196: Muddy shadow

Although the big man was shaken to draw back, but in reality he has not received anything to injure, but this matter compares this to make him feel the startled anger. 高大男子虽然被震退了出去,但实际上他并没有受到什么伤害,只不过这件事本身比此更让他感到惊怒。 This means that the opposite party can attack him. 这意味着对方可以攻击到他。 He can feel, Zhang Yu is just now making probe time and time again, and from this seeks for the flaw that his oneself does not know to be. 他能感觉到,张御方才在做着一次又一次的试探,并且由此寻找到他自己也不知道的破绽所在。 this time he is forced to draw back merely, then next suffering likely caused heavy losses. 这一次他仅仅是被迫退而已,那么下一次遭受的很可能就是重创了。 However has not waited for him to seek for properly the countermeasure, that sword light has raided closely associated, this makes him have to pay attention more. 然而还未等他寻找到妥善的应对之策,那剑光就已是如影随形袭来,这让他不得不倍加留神。 Zhang Yu after is just now cutting wound big man neck that sword has judged immediately, because the strength of this person does not belong to oneself, therefore it must transfer more thoughts to direct, like this will procrastinate and lag above use slightly. 张御在方才斩伤高大男子颈脖的那一剑后便就已经判断出来,因为这个人的力量并不属于自己,所以其必须调动更多意念去指挥,这样在运使之上就稍稍会有所迁延和滞后。 But here had the article to do. 而这里就有文章可做了。 In fighting, even if only falling behind slightly, is the life and death distance. 斗战之中,哪怕只是一点落后,都是生与死的距离。 But he fast remote attacks by flying sword, compelling him to deal with, then seeks consciousness a crevice between shifting to act, naturally attacked that person. 而他以飞剑快速遥攻,逼其不得不加以应付,而后再寻找意识转挪之间的一个空隙出手,自然就攻击到了其人。 This actually then turned into the competition between state of mind rotations the resistance in strength, whose state of mind consciousness quickly is agiler, who can seize the winning side in fighting. 这其实就是将力量方面的对抗转而变成了神思转动之间的比拼,谁的神思意识更快更为敏捷,谁就能在斗战之中抢占到上风。 However that person body that spirituality ray but is actually not the ornaments, even if cannot deliver to return the external force, may also keep off to raid to approach own strength. 不过其人身上那一层灵性光芒倒也不是摆设,纵然没有能将外力送返,可也挡下了袭向自身的力量。 But in determining such approach is useful later, he from can make further aims, when acts again, will not be such simple. 但在确定这样的做法是有用的之后,他自可以对此做出进一步针对,当再次出手时,就不会是这么简单了。 The big male look twinkle is uncertain, he must facing raiding at this moment sword light, as well as to lose concentration guards against Zhang Yu possibly arrives at the attack momentarily, self inductance continue like this, sooner or later must expose weaknesses again. 高大男子眼神闪烁不定,他此刻既要面对袭来的剑光,又要分神防备张御的随时可能到来攻击,自感这么下去,迟早要再露出破绽。 Therefore he also made the deal with changes quickly. 所以他也是很快做出了应变。 His five fingers are making an effort to crystal jade slightly, the whole body the ray rises sharply immediately, at once, sword light can only soar the encirclement beyond three chi (0.33 m), is unable the near. 他五指对着晶玉微微一用力,浑身顿时光芒大涨,一时之间,剑光只能在三尺之外飞腾环绕,无法近前。 However that crystal jade also reduced at the visible speed, while this crevice, he presses toward the oneself forehead in this thing, this thing fell into instantly. 不过那晶玉也是以肉眼可见的速度缩小了一圈,趁着这个空隙,他将此物往自己眉心上一按,这东西霎时陷入了进去。 The Zhang Yu pupil light flashes, the opposite party also discovered the oneself drawback obviously, therefore hid into crystal jade the brain hole, making the contact of consciousness more direct. 张御眸光微闪一下,对方显然也是发现了自己的弊端,所以将晶玉藏入了脑窍之中,使得意识的接触更为直接。 This without doubt is a good way, but cannot solve the problem in basis. 这无疑是一个好办法,可并不能解决根本上的问题。 So long as is not own strength, controlling is not eventually impossible to achieve the complete intention to coincide, but before him , the need 110 come the sword to be able the flaw to compel, but now probably needs several hundred and even over a thousand swords. 只要不是属于自身的力量,驾驭起来终究不可能做到完全心意相合的,只是他之前需要百十来剑才能将破绽逼出,而现在可能需要数百乃至上千剑罢了。 In his opinion, this extended the time slightly some. 在他看来,这不过是将时间稍稍延长了些许罢了。 His intention urges, sword light that vertical spreads becomes more rapid quick, several such as the flowing light lightning flash, looks from afar, big male around the body as if presented a light shadow fuzzy cover. 他心意一催,那纵驰的剑光变得更为迅快,几如流光电闪,远远看去,高大男子身周似乎出现了一个光影模糊的罩子。 His All-Severing Cut the potential strong point above the strength and speed, the strength can be reduced and solved, but the speed actually was still , once were soared, by sense radical pursuing on, cannot only depend upon spirituality to induce purely to detect, but this makes that big male sleep/felt be hard to resist without doubt. 他的“斩诸绝”之势长处就是在力量与速度之上,力量能被化解,而速度却是仍在,一经飞腾起来,纯靠感官根本追之不上,只能依靠灵性感应去察觉,而这无疑使得那高大男子更觉难以抵挡。 After 56 breath, he sneaks a peek at a crevice, appeared in the side of big man suddenly, a fist bang above that person shoulder. 只是五六个呼吸之后,他又是窥见得一个空隙,骤然出现在了高大男子的侧面,一拳轰在了其人肩头之上。 The big man one was struck by this, immediately flew horizontally, but this time not compared with just now shakes him, Zhang Yu that huge heart force along with that fist to welling up, but, that person own spirituality ray basic protect continuously, only thinks that inside and outside the body shakes, the body spirituality ray also flickers. 高大男子遭此一击,顿时横飞了出去,不过这一次比方才只是将他震开,张御那庞大的心力随那一拳冲涌而至,其人自身的灵性光芒根本遮护不住,只觉身躯内外震荡不已,身上灵性光芒也是忽明忽暗。 At the same time, that outside sword light cold glow spits, made the person palpitation threat compel, big male heart next one cold, sharply sharply transported the strength that borrowed to go forward protect. 同一时刻,那外侧剑光寒芒一吐,一股使人心悸威胁逼了上来,高大男子心下一凛,急急调运那股借来的力量上前遮护 But at this time, Zhang Yu was actually forward one step, snatched in the crevice that into his strength transported instantaneously, a direction above his forehead. 而这个时候,张御却是向前一步,瞬间抢入他力量转运的空隙之中,一指点在了他的额头之上。 The big man only thinks that the mind shakes loudly, this finger/refers of strength incomparably condenses, making him cannot help but backward one supine, the consciousness also presented short blank suddenly. 高大男子只觉脑际轰然一震,这一指力量无比凝聚,使得他不由自主向后一仰,意识也是出现了一刹那间的短暂空白。 Zhang Yu and other times put out a hand to take in this, seizes into Song of Cicadas Sword the palm, both hands also make an effort, cuts to below, the sword blade rips open the atmosphere instantly, cut into neck of big man directly. 张御于这等时候伸手一拿,将蝉鸣剑捉入掌中,双手同时使力,向下一斩,剑刃霎时撕开大气,直接斩入了高大男子的颈脖之中。 In that person head will soon be cut next, that sword momentum is actually suddenly pauses, cuts in that half cut open neck, has not gone again downward. 就在其人头颅即将被斩下之时,那剑势却是陡然一顿,斩在那半边被切开的颈脖之中,没有再往下去。 Sees only a big male palm to flash glistening luminous, dies to stubbornly resist that above sword blade way, was actually he sobered at the right moment, blocked this cut. 只见高大男子一只手掌闪着莹莹光亮,死死抵在了剑刃去路之上,却是他适时清醒了过来,挡住了这一斩。 In his eye the ray play is abundant, the whole body fluorescence is also blooming, tries to drive back Zhang Yu, so long as reduces and solves the this time attack, this injury he may recover in the wink of an eye. 他眼中光芒剧盛,浑身的荧光也在绽放出来,试着逼退张御,只要化解这一次攻击,这点伤势他瞬息之间就可复原。 Zhang Yu incomparably tranquil looks at he , withstand/top in the meantime continuously float there Profound and Chaotic Cicada wings spread, two bright rays one shines in the cavern, cut into that person mind. 张御无比平静的看着他,就在此时,顶上一直悬浮在那里的玄浑蝉双翼一展,两道明亮的光芒一下在洞窟之中亮起,斩入了其人心神之中。 That big male state of mind absent-minded, but at the same time, instantaneous flash of a sharp sword light in front of him. 那高大男子不由神思一个恍惚,而与此同时,一道锐利的剑光自他面前瞬闪而过。 Zhang Yu draws back two steps, then a revolution of wrist/skill, receives the sword to sheathe slowly. 张御退开两步,而后一转手腕,缓缓收剑入鞘。 Big male eyes moves, in which ray gets down dimly, after a while, above neck presented a thin mark, then the head slid from above, fell on the ground. 高大男子眼眸动了动,其中的光芒黯淡下去,过了一会儿,颈脖之上出现了一线细痕,而后头颅从上面滑脱了下来,掉落在了地上。 But that originally put in crystal jade in brain hole also to be pushed aside from inside, after rolling several, fell above the open area to stop, but looked at this time, was actually compared with just now reduced a great-circle. 而那枚原本放入脑窍之中的晶玉也是从里面被排挤了出来,滚了几圈之后,落到了空地之上停下,只是此时看去,却是比方才缩小了一大圈。 Zhang Yu gaze that crystal jade, this thing suddenly flies, floats toward him slowly, he will put out a hand in the palm, then spreads out at present a view, this thing will be firm, insightful incomparable, as can be seen, inside will have one group of dense qi mist to flutter back and forth, will seem like the air/Qi froth of innumerable dancing in the air. 张御目注晶玉,此物忽的自行飞起,往他缓缓飘来,他伸手将之拿在掌中,而后摊开在眼前一观,这东西坚固光润,通透无比,可以看到,里面有一团氤氲气雾飘动来回,又像是无数飞舞的气沫。 Under his heart changes mind, thing that in this contains, from all sorts of signs, was very likely is source thought that Great Craftsman Chen said that therefore he first received this thing. 他心下一转念,这里面所蕴藏的东西,从种种迹象上来看,极有可能就是陈大匠所说的源念了,于是他将这东西先自收了起来。 Colonel Ming looks at that big man still body not but actually, read that person completely to lose the head of vitality, did not determine saying: Finished?” 明校尉看着那高大男子犹自不倒的身躯,又看了看其人完全失去了生机的头颅,不确定道:“结束了么?” Zhang Yu looks upwards and says: Not necessarily.” 张看向上方,道:“未必。” The mortal body of Frost Continent person is not a key, what is essential is their divine soul. 霜洲人的肉身并不是关键,关键的是他们的神魂 But in the instant he killed this person just now, discovered that that person's divine soul suddenly disappeared, is not his oneself flees to depart, but by what strength taking away. 只是他方才斩杀其人的一瞬间,就发现其人的神魂突兀的消失了,并不是他自己遁逃离去,而是被什么力量给收走了。 At this time before he remembers, in two arrays sand storm that above the wilderness raises, just now Daoist Wan Ming said the word, he can feel faintly, in the Frost Continent back, resembles is also hiding not a visible shadow. 此时他不禁想起之前在荒原之上掀起的两阵风沙,还有方才万明道人所说之言,他隐隐能感觉到,在霜洲的背后,似还隐藏着一个看不见的影子。 At the same time, in Azure Sun Profound Mansion, Profound Leader Zhu is sitting above Crane Hall, at this time, he imitated, if detected anything, on stood up from rush cushion, proceeded several steps, looked to go to the distant place distantly. 同一时刻,青阳玄府之中,竺玄首正坐在鹤殿之上,这个时候,他仿若察觉了什么,自蒲团站了起来,往前走了几步,遥遥望去远方。 After staring for a long time, he passed on a thought to get down, after a while, Daoist Ming Shan arrived at him behind, bowed said: „Does Profound Leader have what instruction?” 凝望许久之后,他传了一个意念下去,过了一会儿,明善道人来到了他的身后,稽首道:“玄首有何吩咐?” The Profound Leader Zhu sinking sound said: You went to call Yun Chen, I had the matter to exhort with him.” 竺玄首沉声言道:“你去把恽尘唤了回来,我有事嘱咐与他。” Daoist Ming Shan one hear of this words, raised the head unconsciously, look to Profound Leader Zhu, he lowers the head slowly, bowed, said: disciple this send a letter.” 明善道人一听此言,不觉一抬头,看向竺玄首,他缓缓低下头,打一个稽首,道:“弟子这就去书。” In the cavern, after Zhang Yu crystal jade put in star bag, flicks the sleeve, under Heart Light surges, this Frost Continent Country Head body changes to one group of flying ashes immediately. 洞窟之中,张御晶玉放入了星辰袋中后,就一拂袖,心光激荡之下,这位霜洲正国的身躯顿时化作一团飞灰。 At this time he felt that under the sole transmitted vibrates slightly, after was only the moment, this vibration was also becomes more and more greatly, later the entire cavern rumble vibrated, four sides swayed, the rustling stone fell from unceasingly, made the sound that passed passes in these melt classes, the dazzling lava also splashed everywhere. 这时他感到脚底之下传来微微震动,只是片刻后,这个震动也是变得越来越大,随后整个洞窟隆隆震动起来,四面摇晃,窸窸窣窣的石块不断自上掉落,在那些熔流之中发出噗通噗通的声响,刺眼的熔浆也是到处飞溅。 Although this place non- divine country, may be to a certain extent is actually supported by Country Head spirituality strength, otherwise cannot experience just now the impact of fight strength, but that person died , without spirituality to be stable, as one likes in avalanche. 此间虽非神国,可却是在一定程度上是受正国灵性力量支撑起来的,不然也经受不住方才战斗力量的冲击,而其人一死,没了灵性稳固,自便是在崩塌之列了。 Daoist Wan Ming asked for instructions: Profound Corrector?” 万明道人请示道:“玄正?” Zhang Yu stands there say/way: This person has been executed, this place does not need to exist, everyone first walks one step, I then come later.” 张御站在那里道:“此人已诛,这里已无存在必要了,诸位先走一步,我随后便来。” cultivators to his ritual, then according to the word withdraws from here. Colonel Ming is also not loathsome, immediately brought numerous soldier to leave this place. 众修对他一礼,便依言从这里撤出。明校尉也是毫不拖泥带水,立时带着众多军士离开了此地。 They did not worry about Zhang Yu, even the cavern collapsing crack, with his ability still same can come out from here safely. 他们对于张御都不担心,就算洞窟塌裂,以他的能为也一样可以从这里安然出来。 Zhang Yu put Heart Light at this time, instantly proliferated the entire cavern, slightly stable this place, consciousness to walk randomly simultaneously, looked that also had not to have anything to omit. 张御这时把心光一放,霎时扩散到了整个洞窟,略加稳固此间,同时意识游走一圈,看还有无什么遗漏。 After observing, his vision fell front that to support above the crystal jade seat stand. 只是在察看下来后,他的目光不由落到了前方那个本来承托晶玉的座台之上。 He walked, flicks a sleeve, the above metal lap moves immediately toward the one side, under is a ruler the big or small check space, inside is suspending a silver-white metal sphere, under presses one to fold sheepskin scroll. 他走了上去,把袖一拂,上面一层金属盖板立时往一旁挪去,底下是一个尺许大小的方格空间,里面摆着一个银白色的金属圆球,下方则压着一张折叠起来羊皮卷 But above that sphere, actually feels the heat flow that surged. 而在那圆球之上,却是感受到了一股涌动上来的热流。 looks at these two things, under his heart move. 看着这两件东西,他心下不由一动。 This moment above stone fall, there are much crashes before his foot, he had not looked, received these things to enter the sleeve, body star light sprinkles the powder, the person had left this place. 此刻上方的石块正一块块掉落下来,有不少就坠落在他的脚边,他也没有多看,收了这些东西入袖,身上星光一阵洒散,人已是离开了此地。 A moment later, the entire underground cavern was submerged by the quarry stone of innumerable falling down, fell into a darkness. 片刻之后,整个地下洞窟被无数掉下的乱石所淹没,陷入了一片黑暗之中。 After earth cave, without taking much time, Zhang Yu then returned to above the surface, numerous cultivator and Colonel Ming and the others are waiting in this at this moment. 离了地窟之后,未用多久,张御便返回到了地表之上,一众修士明校尉等人此刻正等候在此。 He looks to the people, said: „The matter of trip has settled, everyone from going to be able.” 他看向众人,言道:“此行之事已经了结,诸位自去便可。” The people to his ritual, departed respectively. 众人对他一礼,各自离去了。 Zhang Yu got down from the above floating body, falls above the ground, later he took sheepskin scroll that folded, discovered that above dense and numerous wrote all over the writing, but used was not the Celestial Xia article, but was he had entered the Helier writing. 张御则自上空飘身下来,落到了地面之上,随后他将那一张折叠起来的羊皮卷拿了出来,发现上面了密密麻麻的写满了文字,只是所用的并非是天夏文,而是他曾经进过的赫利尔文字。 But what this sheepskin scroll is the style and material quality, that general appearance that also sees in Helier ruins with him, can look, is above the same paper cuts out. 而这张羊皮卷的是样式和材质,也与他在赫利尔遗迹之中看到的那一张一般模样,可以看得出来,是同一张皮纸之上裁剪下来的。 His looks at above writing, does not lift the head, the robe sleeve actually strokes, Song of Cicadas Sword the flowing light soars instantly, rushes to ten several li (0.5 km) far, and with thing collision in one. 看着上面的文字,头未抬起,袍袖却是一拂,蝉鸣剑霎时化流光飞腾出去,奔出十数里之远,并与一物交撞在了一起。 ...... …… ...... ……
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