HPATST :: Volume #18

#1712: Chaotic time

Philosopher's Stone emits the radiant ray, the innumerable magic power essence spew out, the failure magic power light beam had been full again, even exudes the golden color to be glorious, scatters thick fog and evil god(s) that magic domain surrounded to come, almost illuminates the entire space. 魔法石冒出璀璨的光芒,无数魔力精华喷涌而出,本已衰竭的魔力光束再次充盈,甚至泛起金色光辉,驱散了围拢而来的浓雾和邪神的魔法领域,几乎将整个空间照亮。 Ivan is controlling astonishing magic power, hits to the dead ahead eye shape giant temple construction. 艾文控制着惊人的魔力,向正前方眼睛形状巨大神庙建筑撞去。 Just likes the advantage arrow of bow, the powerful magic power light beam increases speed loudly, having the together evil god(s) collision of irresistible great power with pestering. 犹如出弓的利箭,强大的魔力光束轰然提速,带着势不可挡的强大力量与纠缠在一起的邪神碰撞。 Ivan saw, evil god(s) apparition is melting fast, their two vanish in the by visible speed, no matter the god of secretive death were the god of powerful swallowing, they only have the fearful shouting sound to reverberate in this space now, shouted oneself hoarse more and more, did not have the significance more and more, looked like the Banshee crying aloud sound, is announcing withering away of two ancient gods. 艾文看到,邪神虚影在快速消融,它们两个在以肉眼可见的速度消失,不管是诡秘的死亡之神还是强悍的吞噬之神,它们现在都只剩下可怕的嘶吼声在这个空间内回荡,越来越声嘶力竭,越来越没有意义,就像是报死女妖的啼哭声,宣告着两位古老之神的消亡。 Finally, during keeping of magic power light beam hits, fierce evil god statue lost all aura, becomes an ordinary woodcarving, it was being attacked forwarding by the magic power light beam of Ivan control, hits on the giant eye of temple together. 终于,在魔力光束的不停撞击之中,狰狞的邪神雕像失去了所有气息,成为一个普通木雕,它被艾文控制的魔力光束冲击着向前,一起撞到神庙的巨大眼睛上。 Ivan thought that meeting like eye shape evil god(s) that in the Aragog's lair deep place sees, but to was near, he sees the temple eye above of evil god(s) clearly is a giant ruby, the diameter almost grown giants are so big, innumerable ghost shape ray glitters, as if contains the innumerable soul. 艾文原本以为那会是像在阿拉戈克巢穴深处见到的眼睛状邪神一样,但离的近了,他才清楚地看到神庙之上的邪神之眼是一颗巨大的红宝石,直径几乎有一个成年巨人那么大,无数幽魂状的光芒在其中闪烁,似乎蕴藏着数不清的灵魂。 This giant ruby is legendary magical artifact(s), Ivan can feel that obviously it is sending out the strange strength, as if can suction the soul of person, inside also has many static, the probably innumerable lives are shouting, it is this space essence is, was the place of death hub. 这颗巨大的红宝石显然是一件传奇魔法物品,艾文能感觉到它正散发着奇异的力量,似乎能将人的灵魂吸走,里面也有很多杂音,像是无数生灵在呼喊,它是这个空间的精华所在,是死亡之地的枢纽。 A sound is speaking to him, the illusory image appears in the ruby, so long as controlled this ruby, Ivan will replace Herpo, became the god of new death, when the time comes, he will conquer the death thoroughly, all will be him. 一个声音在跟他说话,幻影在红宝石上浮现,只要控制了这颗红宝石,艾文将会取代海尔波,成为新的死亡之神,到时候,他将会彻底征服死亡,一切都将属于他。 Even, he also saw ancient and Spiritual God left behind secret buried treasure, inside had the true meaning of magic, so long as can obtain it, Ivan will obtain the unequalled strength, became world's control, but this started merely, more attractive secret in that buried treasure...... 甚至,他还看到一个古代施法者和神灵留下的秘密宝藏,里面藏有魔法的真谛,只要能得到它,艾文将会获得无与伦比的力量,成为世界的主宰,而这仅仅是开始,更诱人的秘就在那个宝藏里面…… Merely one, the illusion starts to reappear in the Ivan mind, but without he realized carefully, the magic power light beam hit, it as if received impediment finally fiercely, the momentum stagnates, but the next second, Ivan heard some glass shatter sound, under the hit of magic power, the ruby center section presented a crack, suddenly, the innumerable cracks proliferate the entire gem. 仅仅一眼,幻象就开始在艾文脑海中浮现,但没等他仔细体会,魔力光束就撞了上去,它似乎终于受到了阻挡,势头猛的一滞,但下一秒,艾文就听到了某种玻璃破碎的声音,在魔力的撞击之下,红宝石中心部分出现了一道裂纹,眨眼间,无数裂纹遍布整块宝石。 Time of death...... to......” “死期……将至……” The god of death sent out final sighing woefully, huge „the eye of death the shatter, innumerable fragments fluttered about loudly, scatter. 死亡之神发出最后的哀叹,巨大的“死亡之眼”轰然破碎,无数碎片纷飞,四溅而出。 Also what flows is the huge quantity of souls, their appearance is fierce, shouts is running away to all around, but melts under the function of magic power light beam immediately, changes into a star light. 随之奔涌而出的是数量庞大的灵魂,它们面目狰狞,嘶吼着向四周逃窜,但马上就在魔力光束的作用下消融,化为点点星光。 All finished! 一切都结束了! The dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, no matter millenniums ago what plot god of Herpo death has had, now all have dissipated. 尘归尘,土归土,不管千年之前死亡之神海尔波到底有过什么样的阴谋,现在一切都已消散。 Ivan attempts to control magic power, but powerful magic power has broken away from his control, he becomes magic power part, even shuts off relation between magic power and Philosopher's Stone cannot achieve, the magic power light beam of out-of-control coerces him to march forward, as if wants, when will dry up will stop. 艾文尝试着控制魔力,但强大的魔力早已脱离他的控制,他成为魔力的一部分,甚至连切断魔力魔法石之间的联系都不能做到,失控的魔力光束裹挟着他继续向前,似乎要等到枯竭才会停下。 Possibly is the incarnation magic power reason, Ivan cannot feel startled, he exceptionally sober, in any case this is the millenniums ago, the time is not meaningful to present him, when magic power dissipated thoroughly, is finding the way to go back. 可能是化身魔力的缘故,艾文感受不到惊慌,他异常的清醒,反正这是在千年之前,时间对现在的他而言没有任何意义,等到魔力彻底消散了,在想办法回去。 At this moment, noise place of thorough quiet death got down, all will end again, but was a start of new samsara, suddenly, Ivan heard the strange sound suddenly. 此时此刻,喧嚣的死亡之地彻底安静下来,一切都将再次终结,但又是一个新的轮回的开始,蓦然,艾文突然听到了奇怪的声音。 , And...... 咔嚓、咔嚓、咔嚓…… The sound becomes from initial weak more and more crowded, Ivan responded immediately, this was the sound of time, in several times of time travel, he has been familiar with this sound, the chest front time converter under the magic power function of out-of-control, the above indicator is revolving crazily. 声音从最初的微弱变得越来越密集,艾文马上就反应过来,这是时间的声音,在数次时间旅行中,他早已熟悉了这个声音,胸前的时间转化器在失控的魔力作用下,上面的指针疯狂的旋转着。 All around scene starts to change, the time changes again, in an instant over the past thousand years, magic power rapid decomposition four Yi, Ivan felt oneself must disappear probably, he attempts to control magic power again, but still had not succeeded, can only then increase the Philosopher's Stone output, protects itself good. 四周的景象开始变化,时间再次变动,转眼间就过去千年,魔力迅速的分解四逸,艾文感觉自己好像也要随之消失了,他再次尝试控制魔力,但仍然没有成功,只能转而加大魔法石输出,保护好自己。 At this moment, a red monster different ray flashes through, collapsed giant ruby „the eye of death emerged out of thin air. 就在这时,一道红色的妖异光芒闪过,本已崩坏的巨大红宝石“死亡之眼”凭空出现。 This is......” Ivan responds immediately, he returned the millennium ago pasts, the Herpo also not defeated time. “这是……”艾文马上反应过来,他回到了千年之前的过去,海尔波还没有被击败的时间。 He quickly looked all around, saw the brand-new temple, terrifying. 他急忙环顾四周,看到了崭新的神庙,还有恐怖的一幕。 The mountain same flesh pile piles up before the temple, huge „the eye of death under is standing a person, is Herpo the Foul, is Herpo of human shape , he the innumerable souls and flesh were being towed to fly to him. 山一样的血肉堆堆积在神庙之前,巨大的“死亡之眼”下站着一个人,是卑鄙的海尔波,还是人类形态的海尔波,他正在施法,无数灵魂和血肉正被牵引着向他飞去。 Under the temple one crowd of wizard(s), they are also attempting to flush away to Herpo, the monster that but actually may not describe stops, like a raging fire that the fight is conducted, the magic arts ray keeps glittering. 神庙下面还有一群巫师,他们正在尝试着向海尔波冲去,但是却被很多不可描述的怪物所阻拦,战斗进行的如火如荼,法术光芒不停地闪烁。 Ivan swept under a temple wizard(s) that fights, the line of sight returns to Herpo of temple peak again. 艾文扫了一眼神庙下方正在战斗的巫师们,视线再次回到神庙顶端的海尔波身上。 At present this without doubt very evil, the bloody air/Qi and dark magic aura that soar to the heavens soon turn into the essence, the front surface to the Ivan oppression. 眼前这一幕无疑非常的邪恶,冲天的血腥气和黑魔法气息快要变成实质,迎面向艾文压迫而来。 What is worst is around Ivan is very unstable, often will have together the black space crack, swallows to surround in his surrounding magic power. 最为糟糕的是艾文四周很不稳定,不时会出现一道黑色的空间裂缝,吞噬围拢在他周围的魔力 This is the time crack, Ivan has looked in some magic old book, has not thought that really exists, the present situation, is really as troublesome as the pinnacle. 这是时间裂纹,艾文在某本魔法古籍上看过,没想到真的存在,现在的情况,真是麻烦到极致。 In the chaotic time class/flow, magic power speeds up the dissipation, Ivan is unable to control magic power, if magic power vanishes, he will also be swallowed by the time crack, can only increase the output of Philosopher's Stone passively, in fact, even if can control magic power, present situation also a disorderly mess, Ivan can eliminate this time eye of the death and Herpo? 在混乱的时间流中,魔力加快散逸,艾文无法去控制魔力,如果魔力消失,他也会被时间裂缝吞噬,只能被动地加大魔法石的输出,事实上,哪怕是能够控制魔力,现在的情况也乱七八糟,艾文要不要去消灭这个时间点的死亡之眼和正在施法的海尔波 He simply has not thought that before returning to be earlier, if he at remote time point handled the influence time's matter, for example eliminates Herpo, that Ravenclaw family will open gate of time all foundations death not to exist, millenniums later will again not be the Ivan familiar world, the entire time line will become chaotic, the world will therefore even destroy. 他根本没想到会回到更早之前,如果他在更久远的时间点做了影响时间的事情,比如说消灭海尔波,那拉文克劳家族开启死亡之门时间点的所有基础都将不复存在,千年之后也不会再是艾文熟悉的世界,整个时间线将会变得混乱,世界甚至会因此毁灭。 If his anything does not do, when that the Herpo magic is completed, will not definitely let off him, does not need to want also to know, present Ivan at all possibly was not under the most flourishing condition the opponent of god of death, this was must by the second killing rhythm! 如果他什么都不做,那么等到海尔波的魔法完成,肯定不会放过他,不用想也知道,现在的艾文根本不可能是全盛状态下死亡之神的对手,这是要被秒杀的节奏!
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