HPATST :: Volume #18

#1707: A conclusion of samsara

Bang!!! 轰!!! The Ivan incarnation is magic power, follows the magic light beam to project together, his mental strength is controlling around huge magic power, leaves the Ravenclaw family's castle, hit toward evil god statue ruthlessly. 艾文化身为魔力,跟随着魔法光束一起射出,他的精神力控制着自己四周的庞大魔力,离开拉文克劳家族的城堡,狠狠地向着邪神雕像撞了过去。 In his head a present blank, only has present evil god statue. 他的脑袋里面现在一片空白,只剩下眼前的邪神雕像 That is his goal! 那是他的目标! He must control huge magic power to hit ruthlessly, ruins evil god statue, this is he only remaining thoughts. 他要控制着庞大的魔力狠狠地撞过去,毁掉邪神雕像,这是他唯一剩下的念头。 As for the strengths and other following things that the physical condition, controls, the Ivan feeling or the idea do not have, he went to think without enough time, he only knows own present is controlling inexhaustible magic power, far exceeds limit that he can imagine. 至于身体状况、所控制的力量和其它后续事情,艾文一点儿感觉或者想法都没有,他已经来不及去想,他只知道自己现在控制着无穷无尽的魔力,远远超出他能够想象的极限。 These magic power surrounding cages he, is centered on him gathers, he can control these magic power to destroy all. 这些魔力包围笼着他,以他为核心聚集,他可以控制这些魔力去毁灭一切。 When a person grasps the powerful strength, then one types can easily destroy day of the feeling of extinguishing the world, but Ivan thinks that now he has surpassed this level, his anything does not go to think there is nothing to prevent him. 当一个人掌握强大的力量,那么就会有一种能够轻易毁天灭世的感觉,但艾文现在觉得他已经超出这种层次,他什么都不去想,却没有什么能够阻挡住他。 The giant magic power bellow has delimited the air, entire space strenuous vibration. 巨大的魔力轰鸣声划过空气,整个空间都在剧烈震动。 At this moment, in the world as if is only left over this together magic light beam. 此时此刻,天地之间似乎只剩下这一道魔法光束。 Innumerable magic power collide to fuse mutually, red blue magic power is intertwined in the same place, is centered on Ivan and two Philosopher's Stone, composed giant magic light beam that is above the imagination, it cut void, with destroying day of the strength of extinguishing the place forwards. 无数魔力互相碰撞融合,红蓝色的魔力交缠在一起,以艾文和两块魔法石为核心,组成了一个超乎想象的巨大魔法光束,它划破了虚空,带着毁天灭地的力量向前。 Fierce fearful evil god(s) apparition and magic power bunch contacts, disappears the dissipation instantaneously, prevents the moment unable to achieve continually. 狰狞可怕的邪神虚影魔力束接触,瞬间泯灭消散,连阻挡片刻都做不到。 evil god statue that before was also insufferably arrogant gave up to swallowing of Herpo and all around soul, it flew crazily toward the gate of death, it must leave this space immediately, was not swallows Herpo the Foul magic power, but fled. 之前还不可一世的邪神雕像放弃对海尔波和四周灵魂的吞噬,它疯狂地往死亡之门内部飞去,它必须要立刻离开这个空间,不是去吞噬卑鄙的海尔波魔力,而是逃离。 It can determine now, once by the following magic power beam, it will certainly dissipate without doubt. 它现在可以确定,一旦被后面的魔力束射到,它必将消散无疑。 This fearful magic power, is not mortal should have the strength that completely. 这可怕的魔力,完全不是凡人施法者们应该有的力量。 The Ravenclaw family saved the millenniums, starts to save the strength that all from the ancient magic time to burst out in this moment. 拉文克劳家族积攒了千年,从古魔法时代就开始积攒的力量在这一刻全都迸发出来。 These gathered in together the magic power energy to cut void, if swallowed the evil god(s) main body in this, it may not fear this attack, but now is not good, was known as that not possibly did not destroy evil god statue that did not extinguish anti- to live in the collisions of these magic power. 这些汇聚在一起魔力能量已经可以划破虚空了,如果吞噬邪神的本体在这,它可能不会惧怕这道攻击,但是现在不行,号称不毁不灭的邪神雕像不可能抗住这些魔力的碰撞。 Its crazy flew to the gate of death, the monster different red ray erupted full power, the gate of death had started to close up was opened by it forcefully, miserable green stone door and gate internal space by red that it reflected. 它疯狂的向死亡之门内部飞去,妖异的红色光芒全力爆发,原本已经开始合拢的死亡之门硬生生地被它撑开,惨绿色的石门和门内部的空间被它映的通红。 These can reflect compared with the magic power bunch ray that the red sky the red light and approaches rapidly, equally is gloomy like the fluorescence, may extinguish anytime, thus it can be seen both sides vast strength gap. 这些原本能够映红天空的红光和迅速靠近的魔力束的光芒相比,却如同荧光一样暗淡,随时都有可能熄灭,由此可见双方巨大的力量差距。 evil god statue and Herpo the Foul are intertwined in the same place, entered the gate of death together. 邪神雕像卑鄙的海尔波交缠在一起,一起进入死亡之门。 The next second, Ivan also follows to inject with huge magic power. 下一秒,艾文带着庞大的魔力也跟着射入。 Bang! 轰! The gate of death is swaying fiercely, on the giant post covered entirely the crack instantaneously. 死亡之门剧烈摇晃着,巨大的门柱上面瞬间布满了裂缝。 The crack is getting bigger and bigger! 裂缝越来越大! The gate of death as if must breaks open by two evil god(s) and powerful magic power, after rocking fiercely for more than ten minutes, stood still gradually. 死亡之门似乎要被两个邪神和强大的魔力撑破,剧烈晃动十多分钟之后才渐渐停歇。 A stone door internal darkness, only have the nihility. 石门内部一片黑暗,只剩下虚无。 Could not look at the end darkness to past in the gate of death slowly, even the ray absorbed, there seemed like to lead to infinite void, after all was tranquil, the leaf slowly closes, until closed up completely. 望不到尽头的黑暗在死亡之门内部缓缓流转,连光线都吸收进去,那里似乎是通向无限的虚空,直至一切平静下来之后,门扉才缓缓地关闭,直至完全合拢。 Static! 静! Silence! 安静! An entire Ravenclaw family territory deathly stillness, a live lifeform cannot see. 整个拉文克劳家族领地一片死寂,一个活的生物也见不到。 Had not been swallowed the soul that evil god(s) embezzles to dissipate gradually in airborne, they were killed by the Herpo evil god(s) divine creative force, the strength by the god of death is cursing, forever paces back and forth in this, millenniums later, Ivan arrived here, the new samsara can start again. 没有被吞噬邪神吞没的灵魂渐渐消散在空中,它们被海尔波邪神造物杀死,被死亡之神的力量诅咒着,永远在此徘徊,直至千年之后,艾文来到这里,新的轮回才能再次开始。 Dies in the general silence, the musical sound of musical box resounds in central turret slowly, sounding is especially monotonous and sad. 死一般的寂静中,音乐盒的音乐声在中央塔楼处缓缓地响起,听上去格外的单调和悲伤。 The music seemed to be telling this terrible fight, is telling the Ravenclaw family's destruction. 音乐似乎在诉说着这场可怕的战斗,诉说着拉文克劳家族的覆灭。 But not long, the giant bellow transmits from the castle, covers up the sound of musical box. 但没有多久,巨大的轰鸣声从城堡内部传来,遮掩住音乐盒的声音。 Because gathered too many magic power reasons, the entire Ravenclaw family's castle in rapid collapsing, the magic ray that in five watchtowers will never extinguish dissipates, the female martial God statue crashes from the high tower, the Ravenclaw family's honor vanishes. 因为汇聚了太多魔力的缘故,整个拉文克劳家族的城堡在迅速的坍塌,五个角楼上永不熄灭的魔法光芒消散,女武神的雕像从高塔上坠落,拉文克劳家族的荣光就此消失。 Starting today, once the powerful temporary Ravenclaw family became the history thoroughly! 从今天开始,曾经强盛一时的拉文克劳家族彻底成为历史! Crossed probably for two hours, the castle bellow gradually stands still. 大概过了两个多小时,城堡内部的轰鸣声才逐渐停歇。 At this time, the Ravenclaw family's castle erupted magic power destroys most, to magic power dissipation of central turret gathering. 此时,拉文克劳家族的城堡已被爆发的魔力摧毁大半,向中央塔楼汇聚的魔力散逸。 The lands centered on the castle and gate of death are flooding chaotic magic power, even if entire magic circle knows that here had the problem, but does not have wizard(s) to dare before magic power subsides, enters the Ravenclaw family's territory. 以城堡和死亡之门为中心的这片土地充斥着混乱的魔力,哪怕整个魔法界都知道这里出现了问题,但没有巫师敢在魔力平息之前,进入拉文克劳家族的领地。 What first arrived here is nearby muggle(s) feudal lord, adventurer and bandits and thieves, when wizard(s) of elder assembly arrived here when one year later, only saw the innumerable construction wreckage, by being ransacked castles and gate of vestige death. 最先来到这里的是附近的麻瓜领主、冒险者和盗贼,等到长老会的巫师在一年后来到这里时,只看到无数建筑残骸、被洗劫一空的城堡和死亡之门遗迹。 No one knows that here has had anything! 没有人知道这里发生过什么! After has investigated carefully, elder assembly thinks that was the gate of death had the problem. 在仔细调查过之后,长老会认为是死亡之门出现了问题。 They the gate of death will shift to elder assembly takes care strictly, this stone door cannot see to have any magic power, only then has witnessed the person of death before the low sound of talking that the gate can hear the dead, does not seem to looked like the semblance in the explanation gate seems like such tranquil...... 他们将死亡之门转移到长老会严密保管,这扇石门也看不出存在什么魔力,只有见证过死亡的人在门前能听到亡者的低语声,似乎在说明门内部并没有像外表看上去这么平静…… .................................... ……………………………… The millennium later Ravenclaw family territories, the dark witch magic has conducted the key part. 千年之后的拉文克劳家族领地,黑女巫的魔法已经进行到关键部分。 The Ravenclaw family's ghosts are reappearing the past magic, they will soon open the gate of death...... 拉文克劳家族的鬼魂们正在重现昔日的魔法,它们即将开启死亡之门…… The gate of front square death, the evil god(s) follower used the cruel and terrifying method suicide one after another. 死亡之门前方广场,一个接着一个邪神信徒用残忍而恐怖的方法自杀。 Each dark wizard(s) died, from gate of apparition death those who ancient magic language covered entirely the crack was in stone wall departs. 每一个黑巫师死去,就有一个古代魔文从死亡之门虚影两侧布满裂缝的是石壁上飞出。 These ancient magic language fly airborne, hands over to echo with stone door above two evil god(s) apparition. 这些古代魔文飞到空中,和石门上方两个邪神虚影交相呼应。 Sky, the apparition of god and swallowing god of death twined and fuses mutually, more specifically, should be the god of swallowing extends the innumerable ugly antennas closely to twine the god of death, twined that fearful eyeball, more entangled is tighter. 上空,死亡之神和吞噬之神的虚影互相缠绕、互相融合,更准确地说,应该是吞噬之神伸出无数根丑陋的触角紧紧地缠绕住死亡之神,缠绕住那颗可怕的眼球,越缠越紧。 Closely twines in together two evil god(s) apparition, seems like strange, cannot describe. 紧紧缠绕在一起的两个邪神虚影,看上去更加的怪异,不可描述。 dark witch soon suffocated excitedly, she can feel that the evil god(s) strength rapidly is growing stronger. 黑女巫兴奋地快要窒息了,她能够感觉到邪神的力量在迅速地增强。 With her help, soon, her master will arrive to this world. 在她的帮助下,用不了多久,她的主人就会降临到这个世界。 The purification will soon start! 净化即将开始! The masters will purify all!! 主人将净化一切!! All mortals kneel to shiver, receive the trial of great god!!! 所有凡人都跪下来颤抖,接收伟大之神的审判吧!!! . Nine deity sovereign 。九天神皇
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