HPATST :: Volume #18

#1701: Swallowing between evil god(s)

In the initial tentative plan, Dumbledore enters to that world, what meets is only a defeated evil god(s) soul. 在最初的设想中,邓布利多进入到那个世界,遇到的只是一个被击败的邪神灵魂。 This soul should not the remaining too strong strengths! 这个灵魂应该不会剩下太强的力量! After all its main body had been defeated, the time passed was so long, no matter how wants to be very weak. 毕竟它的本体已经被击败,时间又过去了那么久,不管怎么想都应该很虚弱。 However looked from the current situation, after Ivan they will be ruined by the evil god(s) eye, body and brain Slytherin seal in turn, gate of internal evil god(s) death might very much becomes more formidable. 但是从目前的情况看,在艾文他们将被斯莱特林封印的邪神眼睛、躯体、大脑依次毁掉之后,死亡之门内部的邪神很有可能会变得更加强大。 After not having the original body fetter, it can use some magic to restore the complete body. 没有了原有的身躯束缚之后,它可以使用某种魔法恢复完整的身躯。 This is why wizard(s) did not destroy the body of evil god(s) in the ancient times, but is the choice the reason of their seal. 这也是为什么古代巫师不摧毁邪神的躯体,而是选择将它们封印的缘故。 Because only by doing so, can weaken its strength in the maximum degree. 因为只有这样,才能在最大程度上削弱它的力量。 Before destroying Horcrux, is unable to kill it. 在摧毁魂器之前,是无法杀死它的。 Nobody knows where Horcrux Herpo the Foul has hidden, therefore can only the seal! 没有人知道卑鄙的海尔波魂器藏到了哪里,所以只能封印! Must know, only evil god(s) of remaining souls and restore the complete strength evil god(s), completely is the different two concepts, looks like does not have Voldemort and resurrecting of return body the disparity of between Voldemort. 要知道,只剩下灵魂的邪神和恢复完整力量的邪神,完全是不同的两个概念,就像是没有身躯的伏地魔和复活归来的伏地魔之间的差距。 Even if Dumbledore, will not be complete strength condition the match under Herpo the Foul. 哪怕是邓布利多,也不会是完全力量状态下的卑鄙的海尔波的对手。 Ivan was worried suddenly very much, although this is only his guess, but the possibility is very as if big. 艾文突然很担心,虽然这只是他的猜测,但可能性似乎很大。 Hopes Herpo has not recovered successfully! 希望海尔波还没有成功复苏! Dumbledore considers this point, has to choose to the gate of death, prevents the recovery of Herpo, this matter with preventing Voldemort turns into evil god(s) same important, moreover urgent. 邓布利多是不是考虑到这一点,才不得不选择去到死亡之门内部的,阻止海尔波的复苏,这件事和阻止伏地魔变成邪神一样的重要,而且更加的紧迫。 The numerous and diverse trains of thought are written in water, Ivan has thought once again he three data plates that picks from the evil god(s) body. 繁杂的思绪转瞬即逝,紧接着,艾文又一次想到了他从邪神身躯上捡到的三个铭牌。 These data plates are very without doubt important, but is anything? 这些铭牌无疑很重要,但到底是什么东西 Is Herpo the Foul hides, with its Horcrux related goods? 卑鄙的海尔波藏起来的,和它的魂器有关的物品? Slytherin places on the evil god(s) body, with his secret buried treasure key related goods? 还是斯莱特林放在邪神躯体上面,和他的秘密宝藏钥匙有关的物品? Ivan in this aspect too many clues, he has not had the time to continue to ponder at this time. 艾文没有在这方面没有太多的线索,他此时也没有时间继续思考下去。 As the innumerable souls flew to the gate of death, front scene had the change again: Wipes the strange red to melt the side towering appearance of apparition in Herpo, at first is but the red, the color is getting more and more dark. 随着无数灵魂飞向死亡之门,面前的景象再一次出现了变化:一抹诡异的红色在海尔波所化虚影的旁边突兀的出现,最初是但红色,颜色越来越深。 Quick, evil god statue like dry tree root emerges out of thin air, is glittering the red light. 很快,就像枯树根一样的邪神雕像凭空出现,闪烁着红光。 Soul, so delicacy!” “灵魂,如此美味!” The indifferent sound resounds in the Ivan mind once more, is that evil god(s) sound that he is familiar with. 冷漠的声音再次在艾文脑海中响起,是他所熟悉的那个邪神的声音。 This fellow arrives the millenniums ago?” Ivan stares the big eye, cannot believe completely. “这家伙怎么也跟着来到千年之前了?”艾文瞪大眼睛,完全不敢相信。 Is because dark witch is reappearing that magic the reason, making it come? 难道是因为黑女巫在重现那个魔法的缘故,让它跟着过来? The situation was really more and more awful, this fellow may compared with Herpo evil god(s) wanted formidable many. 情况真是越来越糟糕了,这个家伙可要比海尔波所化的邪神要强大的多。 It should not appear here! 它不应该出现在这里! Should not appear at this time point! 不应该出现在这个时间点! In infiltrating the red light of person, Ivan helplessly saw evil god(s) that evil god statue represents appears. 在渗人的红光之中,艾文眼睁睁的看到邪神雕像所代表的邪神浮现而出。 As soon as it appears, is brandishing the innumerable fearful antennas, is swallowing all around soul crazily. 它一出现,便挥舞着无数可怕的触角,疯狂地吞噬着四周的灵魂。 As the soul was swallowed, apparition becomes more and more clear, it by naked eye obvious speed strengthen. 随着灵魂被吞噬,虚影变得越来越清晰,它以肉眼可见的速度变强。 The winking eye, the red ray helps the beforehand green ray meet as an equal. 眨眼睛,红色的光芒便于之前的绿色光芒分庭抗礼。 In the midair, red green two fearful evil god(s) apparition hand over to echo, occupies the entire sky. 半空中,一红一绿两个可怕的邪神虚影交相呼应,将整个天空占据。 The soul of innumerable black fly and innocent person moves around two evil god(s) apparition, was being swallowed by them rapidly, is different from the scene that before saw, two evil god(s) as if were resisting, the competition swallowed the soul the speed. 无数黑蝇、无辜者的灵魂围绕着两个邪神虚影旋转,被它们迅速地吞噬着,和之前见到的景象不同,两个邪神似乎在对抗,比赛吞噬灵魂的速度。 Ivan does not have the thoughts to care that these two fellows have been resisting or done, he only knows that the matter became super awful. 艾文没有心思关心这两个家伙是在对抗还是干什么了,他只知道事情变得超级糟糕。 Has evil god(s) that in normal time line, evil god statue represents appeared here? 正常的时间线中,邪神雕像所代表的邪神在这里出现过吗? Answer definitely whether! 答案肯定是否! Normal, this fellow should by the Gryffindor seal in the Centaur(s) temple. 正常而言,这家伙应该被格兰芬多封印在马人庙宇中的。 No matter the Ravenclaw family left behind magic is anything, Ivan hopes that it can start as soon as possible. 不管拉文克劳家族留下的魔法是什么,艾文都希望它能够尽快发动。 This is can eliminate the evil god(s) magic at present only! 这是目前唯一可以消灭邪神的魔法! He induced a while, but all around besides endless magic power, anything does not have. 他又感应了一会儿,但四周除了无尽的魔力之外,什么都没有。 Ivan not clear Dudley peaceful there how, even does not understand his current condition. 艾文也不清楚达利安那里怎么样了,甚至不明白他目前的状况。 At present looks like, this fellow could not count on completely, Ivan must depend on itself. 目前看来,这家伙是完全指望不上了,艾文必须要靠自己。 He resembles the incarnation now is magic power, attaches above the female martial God statue, many magic power are welling up continuously from, becomes more and more formidable, is getting more and more hard-to-control. 他现在好像化身为魔力,附着在女武神的雕像之上,更多的魔力正在从下方源源不断地涌来,变得越来越强大,越来越难以控制。 These many magic power gather in together, has not had the explosion simply is inconceivable. 这么多魔力汇聚在一起,还没有发生爆炸简直是不可思议。 The castle of entire Ravenclaw family, radically is a huge magic power accumulator. 整座拉文克劳家族的城堡,根本就是一个庞大的魔力聚集器。 The Ravenclaw ancestors keep the magic in castle, is used to gather magic power, inexhaustible magic power poured into arrives in the magic arts key position in castle most place above library, after transformation, attaches above the female military god statue. 拉文克劳祖先们留在城堡中的魔法,就是用来汇聚魔力的,无穷无尽的魔力被灌注到城堡最上方藏书室中的法术枢纽中,经过转换,又附着在女武神雕像之上。 On this female military god statue should have anything, therefore magic power gathers in this. 这个女武神雕像上面又该有什么,所以魔力才汇聚在此。 Ivan does not want to clarify this magic the principle, according to the normal progress, he should start this magic now, but his in fact anything could not do, he tried hard the sensation, to control magic power, imitated such as a small boat in storm. 艾文不想弄清楚这个魔法的原理,按照正常的进度,他现在应该发动这个魔法了,但他实际上什么也做不了,他努力去感知、控制着魔力,仿如暴风雨中的一叶扁舟。 Above the unusuality regarding castle, not far away two evil god(s) look but not see, they are confronting mutually, is swallowing the soul. 对于城堡上方的异常,不远处的两个邪神视而不见,它们互相对峙着,吞噬着灵魂。 During a piece is noisy, completely different two sounds in turn alternately recollections in the Ivan mind! 一片嘈杂之中,完全不同的两个声音依次交替在艾文脑海中浮想! Is low and deep and indifferent, another rapid and ice-cold piercing. 一个低沉而冷漠,另外一个急促而冰冷刺骨。 Death was all lives end points, submitted before the god of death!” “死亡是所有生命的终点,在死亡之神面前屈服吧!” Really is laughable, forever deep sleep is not a dead, in the long and strange time, the death also had it finally! The god of death, the misfortune will soon arrive in your that laughable and tiny world, your destinies were already doomed, will be swallowed by me.” “真是可笑,永远沉睡者并非死者,在漫长而奇异的时光中,死亡亦有其终焉!死亡之神,厄运即将降临在你那可笑而渺小的世界,你们的命运早已注定,都将被我吞噬。” No!” “不!” During the endless time, will also die including the god of death, was swallowed by me, is your final destiny......” “在无尽的时光之中,连死神也会死亡,被我吞噬,将是你最终的命运……” If this is the dialogue between evil god(s), evil god(s) that then evil god statue represents seems getting the winning side. 如果这就是邪神之间的对话,那么邪神雕像所代表的邪神似乎占据着上风。 It as to swallow Herpo the Foul evil god(s), swallows all souls and deads, even includes evil god(s) itself. 它似乎想要吞噬卑鄙的海尔波所化的邪神,吞噬所有灵魂、亡者,甚至包括邪神本身。 Ivan has a feeling, if his anything does not do, thinks so, then it will see that is above the picture of imagination. 艾文有一种感觉,如果他什么都不做,就这么看着,那么它将看到一副超乎想象的画面。 He will notice that evil god(s) was swallowed by another evil god(s)! 他将看到一个邪神被另外一个邪神吞噬! Means anything as for this, he does not know that but absolutely is not any good matter. 至于这意味着什么,他就不知道了,但绝对不会是什么好事情。 After swallowing Herpo, this evil god(s) becomes is above the great strength of imagination, won't it such arrive in the reality? Arrives the time points directly millennium ago, then before all start all destructions...... 在吞噬了海尔波之后,这个邪神将会变得超乎想象的强大,它不会就这么降临在现实吧?直接降临在千年之前的时间点,然后在一切开始之前将所有全都毁灭……
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