Chiyang Star Field, Xuanyang Star.赤阳星域,玄阳星。nine dragonsdowntown streets, onstreetcrowded, heavy traffic.
An occupying land areabroadmanor, Han Changqingsitsin a azurestone pavilion, Han Longfeireports the situationtohim.
一座占地广阔的庄园,韩长青坐在一座青色石亭之中,韩龙飞向他汇报情况。„Could not findMu Xiao!”
“还是找不到沐筱么!”Han Changqingknits the browsto say.韩长青皱眉说道。„No, weplaced the manpowerinmanystarterritories, seeks forMu Xiaoin secret, iswithout the whereabouts of thisperson.”
“没有,我们在多个星域都安插了人手,暗中寻找沐筱,还是没有此人的行踪。”Han Longfeisaid.韩龙飞说道。AsHan familygrows strong, Han familyplaced the manpowerinmanystarterritories, seeks forMu Xiaoin secret, what a pityhas achieved nothing.
随着韩家发展壮大,韩家在多个星域都安插了人手,暗中寻找沐筱,可惜一无所获。Mu Xiaolooks likeinto thin airto be the same, does not have anynews.沐筱就像是人间蒸发一般,没有任何消息。Han Changqingwas just aboutto sayanything, hetook outat the same time the starmoon/monthplate of azureglitteringfrom the bosom, infiltratedtogethermagic arts, the weakincomparablefemalevoiceresoundedtogether: „Hanfellow daoist, fireYangclanattacksourMu, Ibroke through a tight encirclementat risk of life.”韩长青正要说些什么,他从怀里取出一面青光闪烁的星月盘,打入一道法诀,一道虚弱无比的女子声音响起:“韩道友,火阳族袭击我们穆家,我拼死杀出重围了。”„What? FireYangclan! Where do theybrave?”
“什么?火阳族!他们从哪里冒出来的?”Han Changqingsurprisedsay/way.韩长青惊讶道。Relateshisisreads the snow, two peopleoccasionallyusingstarmoon/monthplatecommunication.
联系他的是穆念雪,两人偶尔会利用星月盘沟通。Han Changqingaskedto read the snowto helpseek forMu Xiao, does not have the news.韩长青拜托穆念雪帮忙寻找沐筱,至今还没有消息。„It is not clear, more than tenMahayanacultivator, theyhave the treasure of northern heavens, but alsograsped the spiritterritory, the magical powersare excellent, except forme, the clansmen who otherremained behind the day of early morningmountain rangeis murdered.”
“不清楚,有十多位大乘修士,他们有玄天之宝,还掌握了灵域,神通过人,除了我,其他留守天晨山脉的族人都遇害了。”Read the snowto say.
穆念雪说道。„MadameMu, younowwhere? Wantsusto send peopleto meetyou?”
“穆夫人,你现在哪里?要不要我们派人去接你?”Han Changqingsaid.韩长青说道。„Does not use, Ihidein a verysafeplace, yourHan familystrengthens the alert! Theirfutureis bad, might begintoyourHan family.”
“不用,我躲在一个很安全的地方,你们韩家加强戒备吧!他们来者不善,很可能会对你们韩家动手。”Read the snowto say.
穆念雪说道。„Many thanks, solemnfairy maiden, ifneedsusto provide the help, youopen the mouthalthough.”
The Han Changqingtoneis sincere.韩长青的语气真诚。„Good, this, Imustclose uptherapy.”
“好,就这样,我要闭关疗伤了。”Said that thissaying, read the snowto cut off the relation.
The Han Changqingcomplexionsinks, fireYangclankilledunexpectedly, theywithfireYangclandid not have the bitter hatred, fireYangclan to cope withMu, likely forimmortal cultivationresources.韩长青的脸色一沉,火阳族居然杀过来了,他们跟火阳族没有深仇大恨,火阳族要对付穆家,很可能是为了修仙资源。Whatis somewhat troublesome, theyget a light from another lightYangclan the understanding is not many.
有些麻烦的是,他们对火阳族的了解并不多。Han Changqingreceives the starmoon/monthplate, told: „Dragonflies, youinvestigatewith the fireYangclanrelatednewsimmediately . Moreover, passes on the news, fireYangclaninvades the good fortunegalaxy, makingotherinfluencesstrengthen the alert, byournamedisseminationnews.”韩长青收起星月盘,吩咐道:“龙飞,你马上调查跟火阳族有关的消息,另外,把消息传出去,火阳族入侵造化星系,让其他势力加强戒备,不要以我们的名义散播消息。”„Yes, ever greenoldancestor.”
“是,长青老祖。”Han Longfeicomplies, receives an orderto go.韩龙飞答应下来,领命而去。& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;
······Daymorning starterritory, daymorning star.
The dayearly morning the mountain range, a greatship of golden lighttwinklefloatsin the upper air, a groundpiecein confusion, cansee the constructions of massivecollapse, everywherecorpse, rivers of blood.
天晨山脉,一艘金光闪烁的巨船漂浮在高空中,地面一片狼藉,可以看到大量倒塌的建筑,遍地尸体,血流成河。Muinheritsglorious, the words of storm, they can also captureMu, butis unable to wipe out, the flamesends peopleto submergeMubrightly, wantsto cometo collaborate from outside with the inside, has not thought that was discoveredby the protectingclanspiritbeast of Mu, Mustartsarray, transfersMahayanacultivator, wantsenemy who wipes outto submerge.
The flamedoes not have the meansbrightly, can only make a moveto attackMu, by the treasure and the spiritterritorynorthern heavens, theycapturedMusmoothly, extinguishedkilledmanyMuMahayana, butalsoran awaybysomeMujuniors, someread the snow.
焱烁没有办法,只能出手攻打穆家,凭借玄天之宝和灵域,他们顺利攻入了穆家,灭杀了多位穆家大乘,不过也被一部分穆家子弟逃走了,其中就有穆念雪。As the matter stands, the news that fireYangclaninvadescould not conceal the truthagain, fireYangclanwantsto cope withotherinfluencesso is not easyagain.
这样一来,火阳族入侵的消息就再也瞒不住了,火阳族再想对付其他势力就没这么容易了。„News disclosed that but can also cope withHan family?”
血芸问道。„Discloseddiscloses, had the treasures of twonorthern heavens, in addition the small accomplishmentspiritterritory, Han familycould not blockus.”
“走漏就走漏,有了两件玄天之宝,再加上小成的灵域,韩家挡不住我们。”Saying that the flamedoes not care at allbrightly.
焱烁满不在乎的说道。Han familyis a family, can be inescapable the monk unable to be inescapable the temple, such bigfamily, is impossible to be inescapable.韩家是一个家族,跑得了和尚跑不了庙,这么大一个家族,不可能跑得了。Also, Han familydid not knowtheirplans.
再说了,韩家又不知道他们的计划。„Be that as it may, wantsto cope withHan family, beginsas soon as possible, ifhasother influences extinguishedagain, Han familydefinitelyknows that is we do, by that time, Han familywill enhance the alert.”
“话虽如此,想要对付韩家,还是尽快动手,如果再有其他势力被灭,韩家肯定知道是我们干的,到那时候,韩家会提高戒备。”Lin Xuansuggested.林轩建议道。„Right, fights a battle to force a quick decision, hitstheironeto be caught off guard.”
“没错,速战速决,打他们一个措手不及。”Mu Xiaoagreed.沐筱深表赞同。
The flamenodsbrightly, said: „Thatdoes.”
焱烁点了点头,说道:“那就这么干。”Theyearly morning the immortal cultivationresources of mountain rangeplunder the day, took the starshipto leavethisplace, killedtoHan family.
After several days, fireYangclaninvades the news of good fortunegalaxyto spreadfast, mostinfluencesdo not believe,fireYangZuzhihasduring the record, nowcultivator of good fortunegalaxyhas not personally seenoverdoneYangclan.
The Musurvivorstands the proof, some peoplebelieve.
The majorinfluencesare flustered, strengthens the alertin abundance.
各大势力人心惶惶,纷纷加强戒备。& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;
······Chiyang Star Field, Xuanyang Star.赤阳星域,玄阳星。nine dragonsisland, somesecret room.
九龙岛,某间密室。Han Zhangxiangsits cross-leggedon a redrush cushion, the visionis staring at the redcauldronfurnace before body, heinrefiner.韩章祥盘坐在一张红色蒲团上,目光紧盯着身前的红色鼎炉,他在炼器。
A biographynoteflew, fallsonhisfront.
A Han Zhangxiangbrowwrinkle, generally speaking, the clansmanwill not disturbhisrefiner, it seems like it was the important matter.韩章祥眉头一皱,一般来说,族人不会打扰他炼器,看来是出大事了。Han Zhangxiangholdsto pass on the note, the five fingerscloses up, the Han Changqingrapidsoundresounds: „Patriarch, the important matteris not good, MuencountersfireYangclanto attack, the lossis serious, only thensomeMucultivatorescape.”韩章祥一把抓住传音符,五指合拢,韩长青急促的声音响起:“族长,大事不好了,穆家遭到火阳族袭击,损失惨重,只有部分穆家修士逃过一劫。”„FireYangclan!”
A Han Zhangxiangbrowwrinkle, hetakes outat the same time the lawplate of red lighttwinkle, infiltratestogethermagic arts, told: „Fangyuan, strengthens the alert, takes strict precautions againstfireYangclanto attack, letsYe XintoXuanyang Starnearbystarry skyset up formation, ahead of timeguards, sends forin the starry skypatrols of Xuanyang Starnearbyseveralimmortal cultivationstars.”韩章祥眉头一皱,他取出一面红光闪烁的法盘,打入一道法诀,吩咐道:“方远,加强戒备,严防火阳族来袭,让叶馨到玄阳星附近的星空布阵,提前防范,派人在玄阳星附近几个修仙星的星空巡逻。”Han familyobtains the large amounts ofimmortal cultivationresourcesandmanyinheritancefromfivespiritsects, the set up formationlevellarge scaleenhancement of Ye Xin.韩家从五灵宗得到大量的修仙资源和很多传承,叶馨的布阵水平大幅度提高。„Yes, Patriarch.”
“是,族长。”Han Fangyuancomplies.韩方远答应下来。„Toldever green, Iin the treasure of refinementnorthern heavens, could not get out of the waytemporarily, noimportant matter, do not alarmme, letYe Xintheirplenary powersprocessing.”
“告诉长青,我在炼制玄天之宝,暂时走不开,没什么大事,不要惊动我,让叶馨他们全权处理。”Han Zhangxiangadded.韩章祥补充道。„Knew, Patriarch.”
“知道了,族长。”Han Fangyuancomplies.韩方远答应下来。Han Zhangxiangreceives the pass on messageplate, on the faceshowsexpressionlooking pensive.韩章祥收起传讯盘,脸上露出若有所思的表情。„FireYangclan, hopes that is notasksusto trouble.”
“火阳族,希望不是来找我们麻烦的。”Han Zhangxiangthought aloud, the visionlookedto the refinerfurnace.韩章祥自言自语道,目光望向炼器炉。& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;
······Secretstarterritory, secretstar.
The daymoon/monthmountain range, hereisdaymoon/monthbusinesspledgeHeadquarters.
A lonesome and quietmanor, waterside pavilioncorridor, gardenwaterwheel.
一座幽静的庄园,水榭长廊,花园水车。SunTinghe a tallgold/metalgarmentold mansitsin a azurestone pavilion, is sayinganything.
The gold/metalgarmentold manwasdaymoon/monthbusinesspledgenewhegemonQinDong, in the middle period ofMahayana, the taking officehegemondiedunder the bigdaytribulation.
金衫老者是天月商盟的新盟主秦栋,大乘中期,上任盟主死在大天劫之下。„NineYangtrue spiritpill'seffectsare very good, coordinatesgood fortunegold/metalSuizhiagain, finallycultivatedtrue spirit.”
The taking officehegemonwas dividedby the fifth largest daytribulation, hedoes not wantto make same mistakes over again.
上任盟主被第五次大天劫劈死了,他可不想重蹈覆辙。SunTingnods, said: „Yes! Was luckynineYangtrue spiritpill who Han familyprovides, the rare and preciousmaterial that butHan familywantsare many, might refine the flyingimmortalship, the treasure of northern heavensdoes not usethesematerials.”
孙婷点点头,说道:“是啊!多亏了韩家提供的九阳真灵丹,不过韩家要的珍稀材料不少,好像是要炼制飞仙宝船,玄天之宝用不上那些材料。”„Lets him do what he pleases! This are not related withus.”
“管他呢!这跟我们没关系。”QinDongthought otherwise, theydid businesswithHan family, mustrefine anything as forHan family, thatwas not the matter that hecared about.
秦栋不以为然,他们是跟韩家做生意,至于韩家要炼制什么东西,那不是他关心的事情。SunTingtakes outat the same time the starmoon/monthplate of golden lighttwinkle, infiltratestogethermagic arts, the panicmalevoiceresoundstogether: „Grandsonelder, the important matteris not good, fireYangclaninvades the good fortunegalaxy, more than tenMahayanalead, captures the day of early morningmountain range, the Mucasualtyis serious, ten thousandwoodensectHeyispends the palace likely is also the fireYangextermination of entire extended familyfalls.”
孙婷取出一面金光闪烁的星月盘,打入一道法诀,一道惊慌失措的男子声音响起:“孙长老,大事不好了,火阳族入侵造化星系,十几位大乘带队,攻入天晨山脉,穆家死伤惨重,万木宗和移花宫很可能也是火阳族灭掉的。”SunTingtingthissaying, the complexionbecameveryugly/difficult to look at.
孙婷听了这话,脸色变得很难看。„Knew, told,strengthened the alert.”
“知道了,吩咐下去,加强戒备。”SunTingtold, received the starmoon/monthplate.
孙婷吩咐道,收起了星月盘。„FireYangclan! Unexpectedlyisthisrace.”
“火阳族!居然是这个种族。”OnQinDong the faceshowedexpressionlooking pensive.
秦栋脸上露出若有所思的表情。„Theydareto extinguishMu, daresto extinguishourdaymoon/monthbusinesspledge.”
“他们敢灭穆家,也敢灭我们天月商盟。”SunTingknits the browsto say.
孙婷皱眉说道。„I , if the fireYangclanteam leader, is unable to hide the truth from the news, thatcopes withHan familydirectly, said that Han familyobtains the Buddhist temple that the good fortuneimmortalrevered, evenno, Han familyhighest grademedicinal pillstill makes one covet.”
秦栋说道。„Do wewantto helpthem?”
孙婷问道。„Ianalyze, whoknows that fireYangclanrealgoal, wecannot take care of oneself, wherehas the unnecessarystrengthto helpthem, butcantellthem the fireYangclansituation, ourdaymoon/monthbusinesspledgeobtained an old booklong ago, introduced the fireYangclantalentmagical powers, many help.”
秦栋吩咐道。„Good, IrelateHan familycultivatorimmediately.”
孙婷答应下来。& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;
······Springlast fall, tenyears, passedquickly.
春去秋来,十年的时间,很快过去了。Vaststarry skies, a greatship of golden lighttwinklefloatsin the starry sky, the flamebrightand the othersstoodin the deck, is serious.
一片一望无际的星空,一艘金光闪烁的巨船漂浮在星空之中,焱烁等人站在甲板上,面色凝重。In the flamebrighthandis graspingminiNascent Soul, the browtightwrinkle.
焱烁手上握着一只迷你元婴,眉头紧皱。„Han familyreallystrengthened the alert, sends forinXuanyang Starnearbystarry skypatrol.”
The flamesaidbrightly, the five fingersclose up, miniNascent Soulsends out a pitiful yell, changed into a miraculous glowto vanish.
焱烁说道,五指合拢,迷你元婴发出一声惨叫,化为点点灵光消失了。„Evenso, ourmore than tenMahayanacultivatorcollaborate, Ido not believe unable to takeHan family.”
“就算如此,我们十几位大乘修士联手,我就不信拿不下韩家。”Lin Xuansaid.林轩说道。„Walks, goes to the nine dragonsisland.”
“走,去九龙岛。”Flamebrightmagic artspinches, the goldengreatship the golden lightputsimmediatelygreatly, fliestoward the front.
焱烁法诀一掐,金色巨船顿时金光大放,朝着前方飞去。In a while, the goldengreatshipappearssky over a vastsea area, cansee that a contourlooks like the islands of flood dragon.
没过多久,金色巨船出现在一片一望无际的海域上空,可以看到一座外形酷似蛟龙的岛屿。„Thisis the nine dragonsisland!”
“这就是九龙岛!”Lin Xuansaid.林轩说道。„The fireYangclanfellow daoist, do youtoourHan family, havewhatadvice?”
The dignifiedmalevoiceresoundstogether.
一道威严的男子声音响起。Finishes speaking, Han Zhangxiang, Han Changming, Ye Xin, Han Debiao, Liang Youshan, Ye Xue, Han Benfu, Han Changbingand the othersflew, the lookis dignified.
话音刚落,韩章祥、韩长鸣、叶馨、韩德彪、梁友珊、叶雪、韩本芙、韩长冰等人飞了出来,神色凝重。„Weare harmless, heard that yourHan familyobtains the Buddhist temple that the good fortuneimmortalrevered, hands over the Buddhist temple, weleave.”
The flamesaidbrightly.
焱烁说道。Lin Xuanand a Mu Xiaobrowwrinkle, theywantto rely on the strength of fireYangZuhebloodvineclan, the heavily damagedpersonclan, facilitates the revivaldemonclan, looks at the flamebrightmeaning, does not wantto cope withHan family.林轩和沐筱眉头一皱,他们本想借助火阳族和血藤族的力量,重创人族,方便复兴魔族,看焱烁的意思,根本不想对付韩家。„Ifwedo not hand over!”
The Han Zhangxiangtoneis desolate, heis not a three -year-old child, naturallycannotbelievethiswords.韩章祥的语气冷淡,他又不是三岁孩童,自然不会相信这种话。„Thatdo not blameusnot being impolite, ten thousandwoodensects, move to the floweredpalaceandMulearn from another's mistakes.”
血芸的语气冰冷。„, Really is you do.”
“如此说来,真是你们干的。”Han Changmingis gloomy the faceto say.韩长鸣阴沉着脸说道。„Theycannot blockus, you, know the limitationlet alone, hands over the relic that the good fortuneimmortalreveres.”
血芸说道。„Daresto killourHan family, yourcourage are also big, began, extinguishedthem.”
“敢杀上我们韩家,你们的胆子也是不小,动手,灭了他们。”Han Zhangxiangtold, at this timeis differentin those days, the Han familywell-trained and equipped army, did not fearthem.韩章祥吩咐道,今时不同往日,韩家兵强马壮,根本不惧他们。Ye Xintakes outat the same time a plate of blue lighttwinkle, infiltratestogethermagic arts.叶馨取出一面蓝光闪烁的阵盘,打入一道法诀。
The sea watertumblesfiercely, raisesto hold upday of monstrous waves, thickwater spraydragonscrollshoot up to the sky, likethicklongbluelances, directly soars the flamebrightlyand the others.
海水剧烈翻滚,掀起一道道擎天巨浪,一道道粗大的水浪龙卷冲天而起,如同一支支粗长的蓝色长矛,直奔焱烁等人而来。„Began, extinguishedthem.”
The flamebrightinstructionsaid,magic artspinches, the innumerableredflameemerge, are centered on the goldengreatship, the surrounding areaten thousandli (0.5 km)change intooneredseas of fire, temperaturehighscary.
The redsea of firebumps intowith the water spraydragonvolume, eruptsa lot ofwhitemist.
A thin and tallpurplegarmentmanoffers a sacrifice to nine smallmirrors of purple lighttwinkles, infiltratestogethermagic artsrespectively, ninepurplesmallmirrors the miraculous glowputsimmediatelygreatly, the buildrises suddenly, variousblowoutthickpurplecolumns of flame, gatheronetogether, changes intopurpletogetherholds up a day of greatcolumn, is ordinarylike a purplehotsword, cutsto the nine dragonsisland.
一名高高瘦瘦的紫衫男子祭出九面紫光闪烁的小镜,各打入一道法诀,九面紫色小镜顿时灵光大放,体型暴涨,各喷出一道粗大的紫色火柱,汇聚到一处,化为一道紫色的擎天巨柱,如同一把紫色火剑一般,斩向九龙岛。OtherMahayanacultivatormake a move, offers a sacrifice to the treasureto attackHan family.
The Handayflew, opens the big mouth, spouts a yellowmulti-colored sunlight, coverstechniquelawandHeavenly Treasures that raided, was involved in the mouthto swallow.
韩天飞了出来,张开血盆大口,喷出一股黄色霞光,罩住了袭来的术法和通天灵宝,卷入嘴里吞掉了。„Swallows the deitylight! true spiritswallows a day of mouse!”
The flamebrightsurprisedsay/way, the complexionbecomesdignified.
焱烁惊讶道,面色变得凝重起来。Hehas not thought,Han familyhastrue spiritto swallow a day of mouseunexpectedly, no wonderdaresto fightwiththem.
他万万没想到,韩家居然有真灵吞天鼠,难怪敢跟他们交手。„Do not keep the hand, destroys completelythemfull power.”
The flamebrightinstructionsaid,offers a sacrifice to a roundbead of golden lighttwinkle, sends out the terrifying the high temperature.
焱烁吩咐道,祭出一颗金光闪烁的圆珠,散发出恐怖的高温。Treasure of Jin Longzhunorthern heavens, refining upinto the spirit of true spirit golds flamedragon, the mightis huge.
玄天之宝金龙珠,炼入真灵焱龙的精魂,威力巨大。Heinfiltratesmagic arts, Jin Longzhuemergesbiggoldenflametogetherimmediately, the surrounding areaten thousandli (0.5 km)changes intoonegoldenseas of fire, cannot withstandthishigh temperaturevoid, presentsmassivefissures.
The goldensea of firetumblingsurges, a conditionsgiantgolden colorrealdragondeparts, the whole bodyis bindinggoldenflame, sends out the astonishinghigh temperature.
The goldenrealdragonis pleased as punch, directly soarsHan Zhangxiangand the others.
金色真龙摇头摆尾,直奔韩章祥等人而来。Han Debiaowieldsburns a day of stick, poundsto the goldenrealdragon, Han Changmingand the othersoffers a sacrifice to the treasure, attacks the enemy.韩德彪挥动焚天棍,砸向金色真龙,韩长鸣等人纷纷祭出宝物,攻击敌人。Another side, Han Fangyuandirects the clansmanto transmitleaves, dozensMahayanacultivatorfightnear the nine dragonsisland, spars to extinguishinwavekills the clansman on island.
另一边,韩方远指挥族人传送离开,数十位大乘修士在九龙岛附近大战,斗法于波都能灭杀岛上的族人。Teams of clansmentransmitleave, theyattack the Han familynewsto pass onfireYangclan, requestreinforcement.
一队队族人传送离开,他们把火阳族攻打韩家的消息传出去,请求增援。Han ChangmingemitsHanmagnificentand other countries the spiritbeasts, theypromotehave entered the Mahayanaperiod, happen toapplies, then, the Han familyMahayanaquantityare not smaller than the invading enemy.韩长鸣放出韩华等灵兽,他们已经晋入大乘期,正好派上用场,如此一来,韩家大乘的数量并不比来犯之敌少。
The both sidespathfinding, attacks brutally.
The Han ChangmingopponentisbloodYun, the Han Debiaoopponentis a thin and tallpurplegarmentman, the Han Zhangxiangopponentis the flameis bright, Liang Youshanand the othersfound the opponent.韩长鸣的对手是血芸,韩德彪的对手是一名高高瘦瘦的紫衫男子,韩章祥的对手是焱烁,梁友珊等人都找到了对手。BloodYunmagic artspinches, a blood-colorgreatvineappearsinvoid, lifelike, the blood-colorgreatvineflingsgently, the innumerablesay/wayblood-colorleaf bladedeparts, likeblood-colorgreatedges, directly soarsHan Changming.
血芸法诀一掐,一株血色巨藤出现在虚空,活灵活现,血色巨藤轻轻一甩,无数道血色叶片飞出,如同一道道血色巨刃,直奔韩长鸣而来。Han Changmingdoes not dareto be negligent, offers a sacrifice to a smallumbrella of yellow lighttwinkle, flies the top of the headto open.韩长鸣不敢大意,祭出一把黄光闪烁的小伞,飞到头顶撑开。
The yellowsmallumbrellaturning roundrevolution, hangsputs downconcentratestogether the thickyellowlight screen, protectsHan Changming.
黄色小伞滴溜溜一转,垂放下一道凝厚的黄色光幕,护住韩长鸣。Blood-colorleaf bladesstrikeon the yellowlight screen, spreads a dull thumping sound, yellowlight screenslightrocking, bravinglight smoke, the yellowsmallumbrellaswingto keep, the miraculous glowis gloomy.
“污秽宝物!”Han Changmingis somewhat surprised.韩长鸣有些惊讶。Pleaserememberthisbookfirst rounddomain name:. The apexnovelnetcell phoneversionrenews the quickestwebsite:
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