„Ifcanfindfivespiritstarcultivator’sremainsor the dying in a sitting posturecave mansions, thatwas good.”Fei
“要是能够找到五灵星本土修士的遗骸或者坐化洞府,那就好了。”篚Han Debiaoknits the browsto say.韩德彪皱眉说道。„The area of fivespiritstarswere so big, wantto findfivespiritstarcultivator’sremainsor the dying in a sitting posturecave mansions, easier said than done, butthere isPatriarch, wewill not waste the timeon the trivial matters.”
“五灵星的面积这么大,想要找到五灵星本土修士的遗骸或者坐化洞府,谈何容易,不过有族长在,我们不会在琐事上面浪费时间。”Liang Youshansaid.梁友珊说道。Han Zhangxiangexplores the wayusing Golden Pupil, theydo not useinsomeplaceswaste the time, has the banor the goodthing, Han Zhangxiangis clear.韩章祥利用金睛真瞳探路,他们不用在一些地方浪费时间,有没有禁制或者好东西,韩章祥一清二楚。
After the goldenflyingboatflewseveral hundreds of millionsli (0.5 km), theyappearinoneblacksea areas, the sea wateris the black, the upper airis cloudy, the thunder, thicksilverlightningscut the vault of heaven, chopstobelowsea water.
A Han Zhangxiangbrowwrinkle, hehas not discoveredwhatstrategy, hereobviouslyis the naturalban. Fei韩章祥眉头一皱,他没发现什么阵法,这里显然是天然禁制。篚„Avoidingis, does not needto rushhardly.”
“避开就是,没必要硬闯。”Han Debiaosaid.韩德彪说道。Han Zhangxiangnods, will control the goldenflyingboatto avoid, HanHusays: „Wait, Ismelled the smell of highyearefficacious medicineprobably.”韩章祥点点头,正要操控金色飞舟避开,韩狐开口说道:“等等,我好像嗅到了高年份灵药的气味。”„Is yearvery high?”
The Han Benfudoubtssaid.韩本芙疑惑道。„At leasthad50,000years.”
The Hanfoxsaid. Fei
韩狐说道。篚Listened tothissaying, both eyes of Han Zhangxiangto shine the dazzlinggolden light, lookedtoward the front.
听了这话,韩章祥的双目亮起刺眼的金光,朝着前方望去。„Well, moon/monthfragrant thoroughwort!”
“咦,月兰草!”Han Zhangxiangsaid.韩章祥说道。„The words of noissue, pickedin the past!”
“没什么问题的话,过去采摘了吧!”Han Debiaosaid.韩德彪说道。„Itgrowson a desert island, in the islanddoes not have a monsterbeast, islandsall aroundhas the spacecrack, is not goodto pick, ok! Firstlooks forfivespiritsectHeadquarters, 1 : 00 pmcomes is not lateagain.”
“它生长在一座荒岛上,岛上没有一只妖兽,岛屿四周有空间裂缝,并不好采摘,算了吧!先找五灵宗总坛,晚 1 点再过来也不迟。”Han Zhangxiangsaid, the growthposition of thatmoon/monthfragrant thoroughwortis special, poursdoes not needto worryacted swiftly to get there firstbyothers. Fei韩章祥说道,那株月兰草的生长位置特殊,倒也不用担心被别人捷足先登。篚
The wonwindtakes out a azureanimal skin, records.
韩元风取出一张青色兽皮,记录下来。Heis responsible forrecordingtheirroutes, some efficacious medicineor the mineral lodegeographical positionis special, for a short timedoes not succeed in obtainingvery easy to obtain, thatfirstrecords, 1 : 00 pmcomesagain.
他负责记录他们的路线,有一些灵药或者矿脉的地理位置特殊,一时半会儿不好弄到手,那就先记录下来,晚 1 点再过来。Fivespiritstarsare so big, even ifMahayanacultivatorcomes, wantsto controlfivespiritstars is not easythoroughly.
五灵星这么大,就算是大乘修士过来,想要彻底控制五灵星也不容易。Han Zhangxiangmagic artspinches, the goldenflyingboatwent round, fliestoward the front.韩章祥法诀一掐,金色飞舟绕开了,朝着前方飞去。
After threedays, theyappearsky over a deep bluesea area, the sea breezeis intermittent.
三日后,他们出现在一片蔚蓝的海域上空,海风阵阵。Han Zhangxiangis serious, said: „Has the monsterbeastto cross the tribulation! Probablyis attackingeightsteps.”韩章祥的面色凝重,说道:“有妖兽在渡劫!好像在冲击八阶。”„What? Attackseightsteps? In other words, itslair likely hasspiritfruitefficacious medicine that attacks the Mahayanaperiod.”Fei
The Han Debiaosurprisedsay/way, the analysissaid.韩德彪惊讶道,分析道。„Is uncertain, perhapsithas been attacked the Mahayanaperiodfromsomeplace the spiritfruitefficacious medicine, orswallowedhigh ranksimilarmonsterpill, possiblyattackseightsteps.”
“也不一定,也许它从某个地方得到冲击大乘期的灵果灵药,又或者吞噬了高阶同类的妖丹,也可能冲击八阶。”Han Benfusaid.韩本芙说道。„Watches changes quietly! Looked whether itcould passThunder Tribulation, passedusto walk, wecontinueto go forwardagain.”
“静观其变吧!看它能否度过雷劫,度过我们就走,度不过我们再继续前进。”Han Zhangxiangsaid.韩章祥说道。
The distant placehears a deafeningbellow, if not forHan Zhangxiangcansee very farsituation, perhapstheycanpassto examine.
远处传来一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,若不是韩章祥可以看到很远的情况,他们说不定会过去查看。Time of after tea, Han Zhangxiangsaid: „Was defeated, itwas dividedbyThunder Tribulation, wehad a lookin the past.”Fei
一盏茶的时间后,韩章祥说道:“失败了,它被雷劫劈死了,我们过去看看。”篚Han Zhangxiangmagic artspinches, the goldenflyingboat the golden lightputsimmediatelygreatly, fliestoward the front, the speedis quick.韩章祥法诀一掐,金色飞舟顿时金光大放,朝着前方飞去,速度很快。In a while, the goldenflyingboatstopssky over a desert island of surrounding areathousand li (500 km), the islandscentralflamesoars to the heavens, the groundis bumpy, canseemanyscorched earth.
The goldenflyingboatfallsslowly, theysearched high and lowon the island, foundsomegoldenplumefeathers.
The nose of Hanfoxsmelledlightlyseveral, the browslightlywrinkle.
韩狐的鼻子轻嗅了几下,眉头微皱。„What's wrong?”
“怎么了?”Han Benfuasked.韩本芙问道。„Plumefeatheris moisteningsometype of verydisgustingthing, was too ill-smelling.”Fei
The Hanfoxsaid.
韩狐说道。„Ill-smellingis the good deed, suchsmelldoes not disperseeasily, it seems likeitshouldgo tootherplaces.”
“难闻是好事,这样气味不容易散掉,看来它应该去过其他地方。”Han Zhangxiangsaid.韩章祥说道。Hismagic artspinches, the goldenflyingboatfliestoward the distant place, the speedis quick.
他法诀一掐,金色飞舟朝着远处飞去,速度很快。Less than halfmonthlater, the goldenflyingboatappearssky over a broadboundlessforest, herespiritual energyis abundant.
小半个月后,金色飞舟出现在一片广阔无边的森林上空,这里的灵气充沛。Han Zhangxiangand the others the facial expressionvaries, HanHunosesmelledlightlyseveral.韩章祥等人神情各异,韩狐的鼻子轻嗅了几下。„Herealsohasthatill-smellingsmell.”Fei
The Hanfoxsaid.
韩狐说道。Han Zhangxiangnods, stimulates to movement Golden Pupilto explore the way, whilecontrols the goldenflyingboatto proceedto fly, the speedis quite fast.韩章祥点点头,一边催动金睛真瞳探路,一边操控金色飞舟往前飞行,速度比较快。Most probablyin the future, the goldenflyingboatstopped, the frontpresents a leaf of goldenlight gatevoid, the light gatesurfacehas a Jindingdesign.
大半日后,金色飞舟停了下来,前方虚空出现一扇金色光门,光门表面有一个金鼎图案。„Is this mystical place? Treasure?”
The Han Zhangxiangdoubtssaid.韩章祥疑惑道。„Thatill-smellingsmellherealsohas, likely fromherebiography.”
The nose of Hanfoxsmelledlightlyseveral, said. Fei
The wonwindemitstwoeaglepuppetbeasts, branches outtwowisps of souls, attachesontheirbodies.
“去!”Wonwindmagic artspinches, twoeaglepuppetbeastsflytoward the goldenlight gate, the speedis quite fast.
韩元风法诀一掐,两只飞鹰傀儡兽朝着金色光门飞去,速度比较快。Theyflew into the goldenlight gate, has not touchedanyban.
它们飞入了金色光门,并没有触动任何禁制。Time of after tea, theyflew.
一盏茶的时间后,它们飞了出来。„Patriarch, hereseems like a mystical place, it seems like that the strategyis in bad repair, the entranceautomaticpresentworld, does not know that insidehas any goodthing.”
The wonwindsaid. Fei
韩元风说道。篚„Patriarch, Iinvestigate!”
“族长,我去探查一下吧!”Han Benfusaid.韩本芙说道。„Together! If by some chanceencounters the dangeralsoto be goodto take care, hopes that insidehaswhatclue.”
“一起吧!万一遇到危险也好有个照应,希望里面有什么线索。”Han Zhangxiangmagic artspinches, the goldenflyingboatfliestoward the frontgoldenlight gate.韩章祥法诀一掐,金色飞舟朝着前方的金色光门飞去。Across the goldenlight gate, theyappearin a spiritual energyabundantspace, the old treeis towering, the grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, the hillsare rolling, oneshortlyend.
穿过金色光门,他们出现在一处灵气充沛的空间,古树参天,怪石嶙峋,群山连绵起伏,一眼看不到尽头。Both eyes of Han Zhangxiangglitter the golden light, the goldenflyingboatare flyingtoward the front.韩章祥的双目闪烁着金光,金色飞舟朝着前方飞去。Time of after tea, HanHuknits the brows saying: „Ismelledthatdisgustingsmell, southwest.”Fei
一盏茶的时间后,韩狐皱眉说道:“我闻到那股恶心的气味了,西南方向。”篚Han Zhangxianglooksinsouthwest, looks the happy expression, said: „Bans, do not know that has been relatedinfivespiritsectHeadquartersclues.”韩章祥朝着西南方向望去,面露喜色,说道:“有一处禁制,不知道有没有关于五灵宗总坛的线索。”Hismagic artschanges, the goldenflyingboatfliesinsouthwest.
他法诀一变,金色飞舟朝着西南方向飞去。In a while, the goldenflyingboatstoppedsky over a giantmountain valley, in the valleygrewmassivegoldenflowers, in the airis filling the smell of irritating the nose.
没过多久,金色飞舟停在了一个巨型山谷上空,谷内生长着大量的金色花朵,空气中弥漫着刺鼻的气味。„Undersea of flowershas the monsterbeast!”
“花海底下有妖兽!”Han Zhangxiangknits the browsto say.韩章祥皱眉说道。Finishes speaking, the Han Benfuright handtoward the undervoidracket, a redbig handappearsbaseless, has the astonishinghigh temperature, poundstobelowsea of flowers.
话音刚落,韩本芙右手朝着下方虚空一拍,一只赤色大手凭空浮现,带着惊人的高温,砸向下方的花海。Rumble the loud sound, the billowingroaring flamesubmergedsea of flowers, massiveflowersvanished in a puff of smoke. Fei
The groundblasts open, a goldenearthwormdrillsfrom the placebottom, on the headhas a fierceface, there arecultivating of sevenstephigh-gradeis.
A Han Debiaobrowwrinkle.韩德彪眉头一皱。
The personsurfaceearthwormisstrangeinsect, thiswonderfulinsectis violently poisonous, is skilled in the earthescapingtechnique, is very hard to deal with.
The personsurfaceearthwormopens the big mouth, the blowouttogetherthickgolden light, directly soarsthem.
The wonwindsleeveshakes, the azuremistyhurricanesweeps acrosstogether, bumps intowith the golden light.
韩元风袖子一抖,一道青濛濛的飓风席卷而出,跟金光相撞。Rumble the loud sound, the golden lightperishes togetherwith the hurricane, a lot ofgoldenliquidssprinklein the ground, immediatelybraveslight smoke. Fei
A gratingsoundair-splittinggets up, bigswift and fiercewhiteswordair/Qisweep across, condensesonewhiteholds up a day of greatsword, cutsto the personsurfaceearthworm.
The face on personsurfaceearthwormheadexudes a strangeroaringsound, the blowouttogethergolden colorsound wave, moves forward to meet somebody.
The goldensound wavewithholding up a day of greatswordbumps into, was defeated and dispersedinstantaneously, holds up a day of greatswordto cuton the body of person of surfaceearthworm, left behindtogether the bloodstain.
A redbig handdropped from the clouds, patson the body of person of surfaceearthworm, the billowingroaring flamesubmerged the body of person of surfaceearthworm.
The personsurfaceearthwormexudes the painfulshoutingsound, the hugebodysways from side to sidenon-stop, the body surfacegushes out an intermittenteye-catchingyellow light, the flame of body surfacedivergesone after another.
A gratingsoundair-splittinggets up, a bigstickshadowdrops from the clouds, likepalatialheld up a day of greatpeakto be the same, poundson the body of person of surfaceearthworm, pounded the muddy fleshit.
The right hand of Han Zhangxiangshinestogether the eye-catchingred light, towardbelowvoidcuts, redholds up the day of bladeair/Qito sweep across, chopsinsomefacing stonewall. Fei韩章祥的右手亮起一道夺目的红光,朝着下方虚空一斩,一道红色的擎天刀气席卷而出,劈在某面石壁。篚Rumble the loud sound, the stone wallshinestogether the yellow light, is ordinarylike the flimsy, instantaneousshatter, a several feetbigcave entranceonepresently.
轰隆隆的巨响,石壁亮起一道黄光,如同薄纸一般,瞬间破碎,一个数丈大的洞口一现而出。Han Zhangxiangmagic artspinches, the goldenflyingboatflies into the cave, appearsin a mupermitsbigundergroundcavern, in the holehas a human formskeleton, the bodyis throwing over a brokengoldenlong gown, the leftbreastbonebreak, the right legvanishes into thin air, the bonebecomes dark, as ifstrangepoison.韩章祥法诀一掐,金色飞舟飞入山洞之中,出现在一个亩许大的地下洞窟,洞内有一具人形骸骨,身上披着一件残破的金色长袍,左胸骨断裂,右腿不翼而飞,骨头发黑,似乎中了奇毒。Rightbone of human formskeletonwearsgoldenstorage bracelet, the Han Benfuopens the mouthspoutsredflame, fallson the human formskeleton.
The billowingroaring flamesubmerged the human formskeleton, the skeletonfired the flying ash, onlyleft behind the goldenlong gownandgoldenstorage bracelet.
The Han Changbingsingle-handedmove, goldenstorage braceletfliestoher, fallsinherhand.韩长冰单手一招,金色储物镯向她飞来,落在她的手上。Herpalmgushes outwhitecold air, touchesgoldenstorage bracelet, braveswhite fog.
她的掌心涌出一股白色寒气,触碰到金色储物镯,冒起一阵白雾。Herwrist/skillgentlyin a flash, in the groundwere manybigbunch of things, Heavenly Treasureshadseven, was damagedmostly, the goldenshieldsurfacehad a clearly discerniblefistsealat the same time. Fei
她的手腕轻轻一晃,地面上多了一大堆东西,通天灵宝有七件,大都受损了,其中一面金色盾牌表面有一个清晰可见的拳印。篚BesidesHeavenly Treasures, spirit stones, ore, jade slip, spiritwoodwait/etc.
除了通天灵宝,还有灵石、矿石、玉简、灵木等等。Theyexamine the groundone by one thing, wantedto find the clue.
他们逐一查看地上的东西,希望找到线索。„Found, unexpectedlyhas the maps of fivespiritstars, good.”
“找到了,居然有五灵星的地图,太好了。”Han Debiaotakes a goldenanimal skin, saidwith a smile.韩德彪拿着一张金色兽皮,笑着说道。On the goldenanimal skin the drawing the scenery, someplaceshave the word marking, cansee„fivespiritsects”clearlythreesmall characters.
金色兽皮上绘画着山水,一些地方有文字标记,可以清楚看到“五灵宗”三个小字。„Withoutthinkingto bump into the remains of fivespiritsectdisciples, weinazureGuanforest, hereare the mystical place of fivespiritsects, has very longdistancefromfiveSpirit Mountainlineage/vein, butknew the position, thatwas easy to do, walks, immediatelyleaveshere.”
“没想到碰到五灵宗弟子的遗骸,我们在青莞森林,这里是五灵宗的一处秘境,距离五灵山脉有很长一段距离,不过知道了位置,那就好办了,走,马上离开这里。”Han Zhangxiangreceives the ground the thing, the grouplefthere. Fei韩章祥收起地上的东西,一行人离开了这里。篚Departs the goldenlight gate, the goldenflyingboatfliesinnorthwest, the speedis quick.
飞出金色光门,金色飞舟朝着西北方向飞去,速度很快。& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;
A broadboundlessglacier, a lot ofwhitesnowflakesflutterfrom the upper air, temperaturelowscary.
A deafeningbellowresounds, onegroup of giantgoldenmushroom cloudsshoot up to the sky, spreads a sad and shrillghostsobbingsoundindistinctly.
The blackescapinglightdepartsfrom the goldenmushroom cloudtogether, the voidfluctuationsame place, a giantwhitebeastclawone, in the racket the blackescapinglight, spreads a sad and shrillfemalepitiful yellsoundpresently.
A statureplentifulblackskirtyoung married womancrashesfrom the upper air, poundslayer on layer/heavilyin the ground, puts out a bigessence and blood, the right armvanishes into thin air.
一名身材丰满的黑裙少妇从高空坠落,重重砸在地面,吐出一大口精血,右臂不翼而飞。Looks at the clothing on herclothes, stems from a day of ghostpalace. Fei
The dayghostpalaceachievementChiyang Star Fieldestablishedinfluence, thisfivespiritstarpresentworlds, the dayghostpalacenaturallyalsosends the expertto go.
The vision of blackskirtyoung married womanis panic-stricken, cold windhas blown, a tallwhite garmentyouthonepresently.
黑裙少妇的目光惊恐,一股寒风吹过,一名身材高大的白衫青年一现而出。„Eightstepmonsterbeasts! Youmelted the shapeunexpectedly.”
The blackskirtyoung married womancalls out in alarmsaid.
黑裙少妇惊呼道。Shejustsaid that thissaying, the white garmentyouthbody surfaceputswhite/in vainbrilliantly, a whitelight halosweeps across, covers the blackskirtyoung married woman, the blackskirtyoung married womanices upinstantaneously, changes intohugeice vulture.
她刚说完这话,白衫青年体表白光大放,一道白色光圈席卷而出,罩住黑裙少妇,黑裙少妇瞬间结冰,化为一具巨大的冰雕。Hisopens the mouthspouts a whitemulti-colored sunlight, the coverlives inice vulture, was involved in the mouth.
他张口喷出一股白色霞光,罩住冰雕,卷入了嘴里。„Fivespiritstarpresentworlds! It seems like the banbecame less crowded, finallycanleavethisdamned place, ha!”Fei
The white garmentyouthchanges into a whiteescapinglight, fliestoward the upper air, vanishesin the starry sky.
白衫青年化为一道白色遁光,朝着高空飞去,消失在星空之中。& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;& mdot;
A broadboundlessemerald greenmountain range, the mountain rangedeep placehears a deafeningbellow, onegroup of giantredflamesshoot up to the sky, the air waveis billowing.
一片广阔无边的翠绿山脉,山脉深处传来一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,一团巨大的赤色火光冲天而起,气浪滚滚。In a while, the redflamediverges.
没过多久,赤色火光散去。Lin Youjistandsin a stretch of open field, pants, lookstogiant pit of not far away, goldenpythonpoursingiant pit an all over the body, on the headbreaks open a terrifyingbloodhole.林有吉站在一片开阔地,气喘吁吁,望向不远处的一个巨坑,一只通体金色的巨蟒倒在巨坑之中,脑袋上破开一个恐怖的血洞。Lin Youjireceives the corpse of python, heas ifdetectsanything, takes outat the same time the palegoldensignal flag, in a flash, a bigflake goldlightpassed over gently and swiftlygently, submergedhisform.林有吉收起巨蟒的尸体,他似乎察觉到什么,取出一面淡金色的令旗,轻轻一晃,一大片金光掠过,淹没了他的身影。
The golden lightdiverges, Lin Youjivanishesto disappear. Fei
金光散去,林有吉消失不见了。篚After a while, twoescapinglightflyfrom the distant place, stopssky over the open field.
The escapinglightcollects, appears a stoutgold/metalrobeold manand a thinpurpleskirtyoung married woman, two peoplerefine the emptytime.
遁光一敛,现出一名身材矮胖的金袍老者和一名身材消瘦的紫裙少妇,两人只是炼虚期。„Comeslateonestep, the opposite partyleftprobably.”
“还是来晚一步,对方好像离开了。”Gold/Metalrobeold mansomewhatregrettablesaying.
金袍老者有些遗憾的说道。Hetakes outat the same time the palegoldenstarmoon/monthplate, infiltratestogethermagic arts, the sound that the pleasant surprise happened simultaneouslytogetherresounds: „Senior BrotherSun, wediscoveredHeadquarters of fivespiritsects, youuse the feelingmagical amuletto comea bit faster.”
他取出一面淡金色的星月盘,打入一道法诀,一道惊喜交加的声音响起:“孙师兄,我们发现了五灵宗的总坛,你们利用感灵符快点过来。”„What? FivespiritsectHeadquarters? Wepassimmediately.”
The gold/metalrobeold man happened simultaneouslypleasantly surprised, hissleeveshakes, Talisman of golden lighttwinkledepartsinfiltratestogethermagic arts. Fei
A dull thumping sound, goldenTalismanexplodes, innumerablegoldentalisman runewell upcrazily, after turning roundrevolution, changes into a goldenarrowarrow, talisman runeflashes.
The goldenarrowarrowturning roundrevolution, fliesin the southwestdirection, the speedis quick.
The gold/metalrobeold man and purpleskirtyoung married womanpursued.
After halfquarter, the groundshinestogether the golden light, appears the Lin Youjiform.
“五灵宗总坛!”Lin Youjisomewhatmoves. Fei林有吉有些动心。篚Heis very clear, in the past such longtime, Han familycultivatordefinitelyreceived the message, perhapshad treasure huntedinfivespiritstars, hehascertainprobabilityto bump intoHan familycultivator.
他很清楚,过去这么长的时间了,韩家修士肯定收到消息,说不定已经在五灵星寻宝了,他有一定几率碰到韩家修士。FivespiritsectKeshihas presentedMahayanacultivator, the treasureare definitely many, ifobtains the inheritance of fivespiritsects, perhapshecancultivate/repairtoentergreatly, had the opportunityto extinguishHan family.
五灵宗可是出现过大乘修士,宝物肯定不少,若是得到五灵宗的传承,说不定他可以修为大进,有机会灭了韩家。„Inriches and honordanger asked that Iwaitedso manyyears, thiswas the biggestchance, Idid not believe that bumped intoHan familycultivatorskillfully, evenbumped into, theywere not necessarily ableto see throughmyappearance/portrait.”
“富贵险中求,我等了这么多年,这是最大的机缘,我就不信,这么巧碰到韩家修士,就算碰到了,他们未必能看穿我的真容。”Lin Youjithought aloud, hewas really hardto rejectfivespiritsectHeadquartersthisseductions, wantingpromoteto enter the Body Fusionperiod, mustspell, perhapsobtained the Mahayanachance.林有吉自言自语道,他实在难以拒绝五灵宗总坛这个诱惑,想要晋入合体期,必须拼一把,说不定得到大乘机缘。Lin Youjifliesinsouthwest, pursued.林有吉朝着西南方向飞去,追了上去。Pleaserememberthisbookfirst rounddomain name:. The apexnovelnetcell phoneversionrenews the quickestwebsite:
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