GDSP :: Volume #10

#901: The world tree of previous samsara

After the news that the remote great antiquity world, purple slightly Great Emperor here has done several things at the same time to spread, started to accelerate to make the primordial chaos auspicious sign the process. 遥远的洪荒天地,紫微大帝这里得到分身传来的消息后,开始加速制造鸿蒙紫气的过程了。 Instantaneously, great antiquity big magical powers then feel, the chaos vitality of then from the boundless starry sky in spout, dropped half suddenly, and over time, but also in continually drop. 瞬间,洪荒的大神通者们便感觉到,那自无垠星空之中喷涌出的混沌元气,骤然下降了一半,且随着时间的流逝,还在持续下降中。 Quick, the chaos vitality that spews out, only had beforehand 1/10. 90% chaos vitalities that vanishes, were naturally temporarily stopped by Feng Zichen, are used to make the primordial chaos auspicious sign. 很快,那喷涌而出的混沌元气,就只剩下了之前的十分之一。那消失的90%混沌元气,自然是被风紫宸截留,用来制造鸿蒙紫气了。 All big magical powers, knows, can achieve this point, purple slightly Great Emperor. But even if they knew, could not prevent, because this strategy itself/Ben was It builds. 所有的大神通者,也都知晓,能做到这一点的,只有紫微大帝。但祂们就算知道了,也阻止不了,因为这阵法本就是祂搭建的。 Even the Heavenly Dao cannot meddle, let alone is they? Regardless of the purple slightly Great Emperor has what movement, they except for look dry/does, did not have other means. 连天道都插不上手,更何况是祂们?无论紫微大帝有何动作,祂们除了干看着,也没别的办法了。 Feng Zichen dammed the current all of a sudden 90% chaos vitalities, this is equivalent, It is using the strength of entire great antiquity world, condenses the primordial chaos auspicious sign for It. 风紫宸一下子截流了90%的混沌元气,这就相当于,祂在用整个洪荒天地之力,为祂凝聚鸿蒙紫气。 Then, It condenses the primordial chaos auspicious sign the speed, does not know that promoted many times, does not need 1 million years, about millenniums times, can condense together the primordial chaos auspicious sign. 如此一来,祂凝聚鸿蒙紫气的速度,不知提升了多少倍,无需百万年,大约千年的功夫,就能凝聚出一道鸿蒙紫气来。 This law, although is good, actually cannot be commonly used. Occasionally with one time , if using for a long time, then backlash from the world, is the purple slightly Great Emperor cannot shoulder. 只是,此法虽好,却不能常用。偶尔用一次也就罢了,若是长时间动用,那来自天地的反噬,就是紫微大帝也扛不住。 After all, Feng Zichen this act, completely in Duke private use. Takes the strength of great antiquity to seek the benefits as, occasionally one time, by It the contribution to the great antiquity, the Heavenly Dao can turn a blind eye actually. 毕竟,风紫宸此举,完全就是在公器私用了。以洪荒之力为自己谋福利,偶尔一次,以祂对洪荒的贡献,天道倒是可以睁一只眼闭一只眼。 But if for it, does not know frequently to affecting many lives, thus involves the innumerable causes and effects, the consequence that does this, having a look at the fate of monster clan to know. 但若经常为之,不知对影响多少生灵,从而牵扯出无数因果,这样做的后果,看看妖族的下场就知道了。 Past dominated the monster clan of Heaven, has not recovered. Reasons for this include, had not dammed the current Zhou Tianxing strength, had the greatest causes and effects with world all living things. 昔日雄霸天界的妖族,至今都未曾恢复元气。究其原因,还不是截流了周天星力,与天地众生结下了莫大的因果。 ...... …… ............ ………… Rumble! 轰隆隆! While condensing primordial chaos auspicious sign, Feng Zichen does not forget to transfer Pangu the strength, starts to condense that to be the strength of Pangu alone. 在凝聚鸿蒙紫气的同时,风紫宸也不忘调动盘古法相之力,开始凝聚那独属于盘古的力量。 How to condense? 怎么凝聚? Pours also simply, quenchings Pangu unceasingly the strength, turning ten thousand wisps into one wisp, traces this turns over to the source to get down, making the quantitative change cause the qualitative change, thus returns to original state the strength of true Pangu. 倒也简单,就是不断的淬炼盘古法相之力,化万缕为一缕,就这么溯本归源下去,使得量变引起质变,从而还原出真正的盘古之力。 Naturally, this also requires the time. 当然,这也需要时间。 Places the primordial chaos incarnation of sea of dying out, knows that this matter cannot be anxious. Therefore, It then sets up before the sea of dying out, the unceasing research this strength of dying out, tries to study its essence, to grasp this strength. 身处寂灭之海的鸿蒙化身,也知道此事急不得。是故,祂便立身于寂灭之海前,不断的研究这寂灭之力,试图研究出它的本质,以掌握这股力量。 This is not not possible. 这不是不可能的。 The air/Qi of primordial chaos is known as the myriad things source, is has the concept manifests. World the thing of saving, why regardless of it affects, investigates its essence, is the air/Qi of evolutions primordial chaos. 鸿蒙之气号称万物源头,是“有”的概念体现。世间所存之物,无论其作用为何,究其本质,都是鸿蒙之气演化的。 This air/Qi of dying out no doubt is finally overbearing, but cannot escape from this category, is the strength that the air/Qi of primordial chaos evolves to come. 这终焉寂灭之气固然霸道,但也逃不出这个范畴,亦是鸿蒙之气演化而来的力量。 The air/Qi of primordial chaos evolves to come, that Feng Zichen hopeful comprehends and grasps it. According to Its guess, this strength of dying out is the air/Qi of primordial chaos evolves to the performance of limit finally. 既是鸿蒙之气演化而来,那风紫宸就有希望将其领悟并掌握。按照祂的猜测,这终焉寂灭之力就是鸿蒙之气衍化至极限的表现。 Air/Qi of birth myriad things primordial chaos, finally air/Qi dying out myriad things. This two is representing the beginning, one is the representative finally, is a samsara. 鸿蒙之气诞生万物,终焉之气寂灭万物。这二者一个代表着始,一个是代表终,正是一场轮回。 If can comprehend finally the essence of air/Qi, then to Feng Zichen, is as good as a sudden enlightenment, can let Its air/Qi the comprehension to primordial chaos, on. 要是能参悟出终焉之气的本质,那对风紫宸来说,不亚于一场顿悟,可以让祂对鸿蒙之气的领悟,更上一层。 ...... …… ............ ………… Then, time 1 0.1 drops of past. During waits for Feng Zichen to sit in meditation wakes up, after is 2000 . 就这样,时间一点一滴的过去。等风紫宸入定之中醒来,已经是两千年之后了。 Also at this time, in front of Feng Zichen void, sudden rocked, seemed the water surface to swing the aliquation level ripples generally. Then, is very towering, the primordial chaos auspicious sign, with strength of one group of purple Pangu, appeared in Its front together. 也就是在这时,风紫宸面前的虚空,突然一阵晃动,好似水面一般荡起层层涟漪。接着,很突兀的,一道鸿蒙紫气,与一团紫色的盘古之力,就出现在了祂的面前。 This two, were the purple slightly Great Emperor these since 2000 achievement. It underestimated the difficulty of manufacture primordial chaos auspicious sign. 此二者,就是紫微大帝这两千年来的成果了。祂到底还是低估了制造鸿蒙紫气的难度。 Was not in 1000 in estimate, but consumed 2000, It condensed together the air/Qi of primordial chaos. 不是预想之中的一千年,而是耗费了两千年的时间,祂才堪堪凝聚出一道鸿蒙之气。 However, this also enough. 不过,这样也够了。 First receives the primordial chaos auspicious sign, Feng Zichen will then focus on that rolling the body of strength of Pangu. 先将鸿蒙紫气收起,风紫宸转而将目光放在了那团盘古之力的身上。 Regarding the strength of Pangu, Feng Zichen is actually not strange, after all, It often used the strength of Pangu long ago. The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, Pangu falls from the sky later dissipates in the strength in the world, having is It consumes most probably. 对于盘古之力,风紫宸其实并不陌生,毕竟,祂早年经常动用盘古之力。说句不好听,那盘古陨落之后逸散在天地间的力量,有大半都是祂消耗掉的。 Searches to act, Feng Zichen not obstructs, integrates within the body the strength of this group of Pangu, and proficiently operates. It seems, this is not the strength of Pangu, but is Its strength to be the same. 探出手,风紫宸毫无滞碍的,就将这团盘古之力纳入体内,并熟练地操纵起来。就好似,这不是盘古的力量,而是属于祂的力量一般。 By the strength of Pangu, unified the empty movie queen in Mount Buzhou outside own body, Feng Zichen takes a step to enter in the sea of dying out together. 以盘古之力,在自己的身体外凝聚出一道不周山的虚影后,风紫宸就迈步走进了寂灭之海中。 Felt that the arrival of foreign matter, the strength of surrounding ground boiled immediately, crazy wells up toward Feng Zichen, the desire embezzles It, radical dying out. 感觉到异物的到来,周围的地面之力顿时沸腾了,疯狂的朝风紫宸涌来,欲将祂吞没,彻底的寂灭。 Pressure! 压力! At this moment, Feng Zichen felt the unprecedented pressure, seemed the innumerable years ago, when It saw the eastern sovereign for the first time too one, that life and death feeling not as one pleases, raided the heart again. 这一刻,风紫宸感受到了前所未有的压力,就好似无数年前,祂第一次见到东皇太一之时,那种生死不由己的感觉,再次袭上了心头。 However, Feng Zichen not frightened, because of the strength of Its Pangu, gave Its enough courage. At this moment, It seems the boat in storm, will have the danger of tilting anytime. 不过,风紫宸并未恐惧,因为祂身上的盘古之力,给予了祂足够的勇气。此刻,祂就好似风暴中的小船,随时都会有倾覆的危险。 But no matter what the surrounding strength of dying out is how turbulent, is unable to break the defense of strength of Pangu, the wound arrives at inside Feng Zichen. 但任周围的寂灭之力如何汹涌,也是无法打破盘古之力的防御,伤到里面的风紫宸 With Feng Zichen continues thoroughly, gradually, the Mount Buzhou empty shadow outside Its body, unexpectedly was becomes illusory many. 只是,随着风紫宸的继续深入,渐渐的,祂身体外的不周山虚影,竟是变得虚幻了不少。 I am not the Pangu big god, is unable Its strength display to the limit, is unable to block the strength of dying out thoroughly. Otherwise, can the sea of trivial dying out, how could block me?” “我到底不是盘古大神,无法将祂的力量发挥至极限,以至于无法彻底挡住寂灭之力。不然的话,区区寂灭之海,岂能挡得住我?” It is not able to block the matter of strength of dying out regarding the strength of Pangu, Feng Zichen had expected. Even if It again perfect of strength of operation Pangu, but It eventually is not the Pangu big god. But this, is Its fatal defect. 对于盘古之力无法挡住寂灭之力的事,风紫宸早已有所预料。哪怕祂将盘古之力操作的再完美,但祂终究不是盘古大神。而这,就是祂的致命缺陷。 But this does not affect the plan of Feng Zichen, because besides the strength of Pangu, It also has the primordial chaos auspicious sign. 但这并不影响风紫宸的计划,因为除了盘古之力之外,祂还有着鸿蒙紫气。 The silk threads primordial chaos auspicious sign gushes out from Its within the body, integrates in the Mount Buzhou empty shadow of Its outside the body. 丝丝缕缕的鸿蒙紫气从祂体内涌出,融入祂体外的不周山虚影之中。 Instantaneously, the Mount Buzhou empty shadow becomes concentrates to be solid, network genuine Mount Buzhou arrives, not only blocked the corrosion of strength of dying out, boiling sea of suppression of dying out, making it belong to tranquilly. 瞬间,不周山虚影重新变得凝实起来,网络真正的不周山降临,非但挡住了寂灭之力的侵蚀,更是将沸腾的寂灭之海镇压,使其重新归于平静。 Then, Feng Zichen bridged over the sea of dying out step by step, arrived at the world source to be. 就这样,风紫宸一步一步的跨过了寂灭之海,来到了天地本源所在。 That is losing plant stump, arrives huge cannot imagine, the annual ring on tree trunk, arrives much countlessly, is inconceivable, actually this old tree experienced many years. 那是一根枯死的树桩,庞大到不可想象,树身上的年轮,更是多到不计其数,难以想象,这株古树究竟经历了多少岁月。 This is this source, was born in the world tree of previous samsara, its experience endless years, have grown half eternal situation, dominate the entire great antiquity, are far from the world tree in Feng Zichen hand may compare. 这便是此界的源头,生于上一轮回的世界树,其经历无尽岁月,早已成长到了半步永恒的地步,称霸整个洪荒,远非风紫宸手中的世界树可比。
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