Thesefivebigmagical powersalsobecome enlightened, tootherbigmagical powers, is the significanceis it may be said that significant.
这五位大神通者同时成道,对其余大神通者来说,可谓是意义重大。Because, they proved that atassistantkingmatter, a personassistsandmanypeopleassists, basicallydoes not have the difference, so long assucceeds, canbecome enlightened.
因为,祂们证明了,在辅助人王这件事上,一人辅佐和多人辅佐,基本没有差别,只要成功,都能成道。Therefore, after fivepeople, morebigmagical powersgodread the incarnationto come, joinsto assistin the vassal statemainformation.
故此,五人之后,更多的大神通者神念化身现身,加入辅佐诸侯国主的队列之中。JinDukeJiWenchengwasshortly after the king, Great Sage that fiveassistedItsachievementhegemony, died of illness, wastherefore, the Jinnational strengthdeclinedgradually.
晋国公姬文成为人王之后不久,那五位辅佐祂成就霸业的大贤,就先后病逝,也是因此,晋国国力渐渐衰落。At this time, hadQinto rise, with the help of Great Sage, the national strengthwas gradually prosperous, defeatspowerfulJin, became the newoverlord.
After Qin, there is a Chuto rise, after Chu, there is a Wuto risewith the help of military commanderGreat Sage, suddenly, Central Plainvariouscountries, the overlordwas repeatedly easier, some people of kingswere born, has severalbigmagical powersto become enlightenedone after another.
秦国之后,有楚国崛起,楚国之后,又有吴国在兵家大贤的帮助下崛起,一时间,中原诸国,霸主频频更易,先后有人王诞生,更有数位大神通者接连成道。Affected by this, the say/way between worldenlivened, the innatespiritual energy, was richer.
The vassal stateis not quiet, hundredare not tranquil. SomeTaoismdefend the concealedroomto leavefromhuman clan, the capable personare countless, the influence that suddenly becomes the worldto rank among the best.
The Mohist schoolesteemed friendship, the universal lovedoes not attack, draws in a large quantities ofsupport, has very bigprestigein the human clanfloor, is a unignorableinfluence.
The Confucianiststeach all comers without discrimination, has the rumor, the lord of ConfucianConfucianistis the person of sovereignold friend, the human clanimmortalmasteris reincarnated, hasthisaddition, originally the influencehugeConfucianist, suddenly becomes the hundred largest influences.
儒家有教无类,更有传言,儒家之主子儒乃是人皇故友,人族仙师转世,有此加成,本就势力庞大的儒家,更是一举成为百家第一大势力。Legalist schooltheory, withoutcustom, notCheng Fangyuan, isquite the rulerlikes, invariouscountryholdXing, ishundredbigstrengths.
法家学说,没有规矩,不成方圆,也是颇得统治者喜欢,在诸国盛兴,也是百家一大实力。Beyondshedthese, somefamous expertsare born, person of plausibilitythistheory, has the energy of distorting the factsextremely, thenfor the Confucianist who is famouscapable in argument, dumbfounded that stillBeiqisaid.
舍这几家之外,又有名家出世,此学说之人极为善辩,具有颠倒黑白之能,便是以能言善辩著称的儒家,尚被其说的哑口无言。Hasmedicine born, treating the illness to save the patient, the living personare countless, althoughnotachievementwhatbiginfluence, butalsohas the prestige.
After medicine, there is a peasant familyto leave, person of badmartiallearn/studythisfaction, is good atfarming, butothersplant, incessantlyis the graingrain, has various efficacious medicineimmortalfruits, canbreedvariousrare and precious animals.
医家之后,有农家出,此派之人不善武学,善于种地,可人家种的,不止是粮食五谷,更有各类灵药仙果,也能养殖各种奇珍异兽。Food is what matters to the people, as long aswitheatingrelated, is relatedwithearth, is the studying of managerpeasant family.
When Wurose, the military commanderhadsaint born, elaborated that the say/way of the world, emaciatedWuwill supportfor the feudal lordoverlordat one fell swoop.
吴国崛起之际,兵家有圣人出世,阐述天下之道,一举将孱弱的吴国扶持为诸侯霸主。Affected by this, the military commanderevenonceexceeded the Confucianist, becomes the hundredfirsttheory, maydo , after military commandersaintpassed away, the military commandergraduallydeclines, its firstposition, is replacedbyTaoism that the capable personpours forth.
受此影响,兵家甚至一度超越儒家,成为百家第一学说,可奈何,兵家圣人过世之后,兵家逐渐式微,其第一之位,被能人辈出的道家所取代。How longbutTaoismis not prosperous, shortly afterhas the Taoismperson of high skillto set up a separate establishment, the homemadeYin-Yangschool of thought that making the Taoismstrengthdamagegreatly, the firstpositionwas replacedby the Confucianist.
可道家也未兴盛多久,之后不久就有道家高人另立门户,自创阴阳学派,使得道家实力大损,第一之位被儒家取代。HoweverholdJibifades, the Confucianistbecomesshortly after the hundredfirsttheory, many outstandingdisciplesthrowhimto sendin addition, somepeoplejoin the legalist school, becomes one of the legalist schoolpillar/backbonecharacters. Somepeoplejoin in the Mohist school, becomes the counter-Confucian'sfirstperson.
然盛极必衰,儒家成为百家第一学说之后不久,就有不少优秀弟子另投他派,有人加入法家,成为法家支柱人物之一。有人投身墨家,成为反儒第一人。AlsosomepeopleenteredTaoism, Jakusui Jouzen, notwithmyriad thingsstruggle. Peasant familyandmedicine, has the form of Confucianistdisciple.
Shortly after the Confucianistsdecline, somepolitical opportunistsdisciplesare WTO entry, aboutnumerouseven/includingHeng, becomes the majorvassal statemainguests, suddenly, the political opportunistspower and influencerises sharply, replacing the Confucianistbecomes the hundredfirsttheory.
儒家式微不久,又有纵横家弟子入世,合众连横,成为各大诸侯国主的座上宾,一时间,纵横家威势大涨,取代儒家成为百家第一学说。What a pity, the political opportunistsdominatehundredshortly, have the legalist schoolto risestrongly, enrich the country and strengthen its military power, becomes the politicalspokesman of civilians, politicallyis„being unparalleled in the world”. Stressed that „otherfriend or stranger, notextremelyin any case, does not breakinlaw”.
可惜,纵横家称霸百家没多久,就有法家强势崛起,富国强兵,成为平民的政治代言人,在政治上可谓是“独步天下”。强调“不别亲疏,不殊贵贱,一断于法”。Severeregulation, thereforebecomes the tool of dominantcountry, the civiliansenjoyed the power of equality, the countrythereforewas also getting more and more prosperous.
严苛的律法,也因此成为了统治国家的工具,平民享受到了平等的权力,国家也因此越来越兴盛。Butbecause ofotherlegalist schoolfriend or stranger, notextremelyin any case, is not breakinginlaw the idea, withConfucianist the hiddenideahad the conflict, the twoerupted the intenseconflict, both sidesmeet, has the vigorousdebate, no onecan convinceanyone.
但也正因为法家不别亲疏,不殊贵贱,一断于法的理念,与儒家的亲亲之隐理念产生了冲突,以至于二者爆发了激烈的冲突,双方一见面,就产生激烈的辩论,谁也说服不了谁。And finally, wasevolves, the countryfocusing on legalist schooljuniors, the Confucianistjuniorswill be beaten bylegalist schooldisciplesurely. Likewise, in the countryfocusing onConfucianistjuniors, the legalist schooljuniorswill also be suppressedsurely.
The twoconflict, Taoismwhilerisesrandomly, later the lawConfuciancooperates, suppressesTaoismtogether, wasat this time, the military commanderglowedsecondspring, the domineeringhas coveredotherhundredtheories.
二者冲突间,道家趁乱崛起,随后法儒合作,共同打压道家,也就是这时,兵家焕发第二春,强势盖过其余百家学说。Shortly aftermilitary commanderrise, the political opportunistsfollowto rise, is not weakin the Confucianist.
The centraldivine land, variouscountriesstands in great numbers, thesecountrieshaveto be strongandweak, is the conflictis more unceasing, suchenvironment, suits the soil that the military commander and political opportunistssurvive, so long asthere is an opportunity, the twocanrisemomentarily, becomeshundredhomesfirst.
中央神州,诸国林立,这些国家有强与弱,彼此之间更是冲突不断,这样的环境,正是适合兵家与纵横家生存的土壤,只要有机会,二者随时都能崛起,成为百家第一。As the bigmagical powersincarnation of admissionare getting more and more, at this time, above the centraldivine landhundred school of thought contended, varioushadoneselfcountermeasure and governingadvocated.
随着入场的大神通者化身越来越多,此时,中央神州之上百家争鸣,各家都有自己的对策与治国主张。In order todefeatotherschools, the theories of variousschool of thoughtmore or lessabsorptionotherschools, ortoattack the interrogationopposite party, eithertomake up the theory the flaw.
为了打败其他流派,各学派或多或少的吸收其他流派的学说,或以攻诘对方,或以补自己学说的缺陷。However, anyschoolalsohasitscharacteristics and strong point, hasitsshortcoming, noit can be said thatperfect.
然而,任何一个流派也都有其特色与长处,更有其缺点,没有一个可以说是完美无缺的。Alsowasat this time, somepeopleproposed that wanted„andConfucianists and Mohistsandaboutfamouslaw”, „say/way of inBaijia the passed throughsynthesisall” the opinion, mixedhundredtheories, homemadeeclectic schoollineage/vein.
The characteristics of eclectic schoolare„pick the good of Confucianists and Mohists, scoops upwanting of famouslaw”. Although the eclectic schoolis based onsaying the setnumerous said that swallows anything and everything uncritically, howeverthroughcollectingvariousopinions, implementsitspolitical intention and academicposition, therefore may also be calledone.
杂家的特点是“采儒墨之善,撮名法之要”。杂家虽是以道为本集合众说,兼收并蓄,然而通过采集各家言论,贯彻其政治意图和学术主张,所以也可称为一家。Butwhatwithout a doubtis, eclectic schoollineage/veinafterbirth, quitehundredare unhappy, thinks that itis a thief, stealshundredwords, butto becomeJiyan, makingonedespise.
………………At this time, inLu Guo, MozimeekchildtwoGreat Sage, because the ideadoes not gather, attacks brutallyin the wildernesssuddenly.
此时,鲁国境内,墨子儒子二位大贤,因为理念不合,在荒郊野外突然大打出手。Twopeopleallare the body of mortal, within the bodydo not have a supernatural powerto exist, because of the boundary of previous generationstill, twopeoplefights, the fluctuation that produces, makesgreatlyLuoDaozunscaredsufficiently.
二人皆是凡人之躯,体内更是没有一丝的法力存在,但因为前世的境界还在,二人交起手来,所产生的波动,足以让大罗道尊胆寒。But, thatpowerfulfluctuation, to the surroundingmountainsvegetation, the flower-and-birdfishinsect, will actually not cause the slightdestruction.
可偏偏,那强大的波动,却不会对周围的山川草木,花鸟鱼虫,造成丝毫的破坏。All because, the two struggle, is the struggle of idea, is the struggle of main road , the twofight, whatcompared withisto the comprehension of Heavenly Dao, isto the control of the world rule, rather than the high and lowstrong and weak of supernatural power.
皆因,二者之争,是理念之争,是大道之争,故而,二者交手时,比的是对天道的领悟,是对天地规则的掌控,而不是法力的高低强弱。Alsoistherefore, two'sbattle, inbystanderopinion, is onlycommonbickering, butis repairingfor the profoundgenerationlooks like, actuallyexceptionallyfearful.
“墨守陈规!”Somemoment, Moziuses the Mohist schoolmagical powers, the surroundingsworldruleconcentratesasoneimmediately, encirclesMozi, forms an absolutedefense.
某一刻,墨子动用墨家神通,周围天地规则顿时凝为一体,将墨子团团围住,形成一道绝对的防御。Onthis time, the magical powersbang of meekchildcomes.
恰逢此时,儒子的神通轰来。„Deceasedin this wayhusband! Day and night.”
“逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。”These words, are the meekchildinSichuansighed the time of dissipatinglikethisriver water, day and night the forward flowgoes. Under mayin the Confucianistmagical powers, in additionas soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforcedhold, these words, turned intopowerful forcetimemagical powersdirectly.
这句话,本是儒子在川上感叹消逝的时光就像这河水一样,不分昼夜地向前流去。可在儒家神通,言出法随的加持之下,这句话,直接就变成了一道威力强大的时间神通。In a flash, is the vicissitudes, the infinitetimepasses. What a pity, legality of Mohist schoolis not weak, howwhatever the timeflows, cannot breakMozi'smagical powers.
转瞬之间,就是沧海桑田,无穷的时光流逝。可惜,墨家的墨守陈规也不弱,任凭时光如何流淌,也是破不了墨子的这门神通。However, the Mohist schooldefendsgoodattacksbad, although the meekchildcannot breakMozi'smagical powers, butMoziis unable to break the magical powerswound of meekchildtohim.
然而,墨家善守不善攻,儒子虽然破不了墨子的神通,但墨子也无法打破儒子的神通伤到他。Twopeoplerefused to compromiseseveral days later, Mozireceived the magical powerssuddenly, turned aroundto departdirectly, but, beforedeparture, Mozisaid: „ChildConfucian, this timeI, althoughcannot convinceyou, butyoucannotconvinceme, in view of this, when the nexthundredfairsmeetsonand other, yourIam discussing a height.”
二人僵持数日之后,墨子突然收起了神通,直接转身离去,不过,在离去之前,墨子却是说道:“子儒,此回我虽是说服不了你,但你也没能说服我,既如此,那就等下次百家集会之时,你我在论个高低。”Then, Mozithendeparted.
说完,墨子便离去了。Un, toflicker the way of moving to walk.
嗯,以瞬移的方式走的。Althoughis the mortal, butbyMozi'sboundary, has been in onewith the world.
虽是凡人,但以墨子的境界,早就与天地合为一体。He the place of standing, oneself are the lord of the world, mayturn the strength of the world to useintooneself, somethod, but alsowantsby fargreatlyLuoDaozun, butflickersto move, was really simple.
他所立之处,自身便是天地之主,可化天地之力为己用,这般手段,还要远胜大罗道尊,不过瞬移而已,实在是太简单了。As forhundredfairmeetings that Mozi said that thiswasraisesby the Taoismperson of high skill. Thatcriticism/human language: Everyoneis reincarnatedhuman clan, notreallytofightlife and death, tobecome enlightened, does not needto make intopersonal enemy.
至于墨子所言的百家集会,这是由道家高人提出来的。那人言:大家转世进人族,又不是真的为了斗个你死我活的,都是为了成道,没必要弄成仇人似的。Therefore, heproposed,everyoneonce in a while, thengathers together, each otherexchangeobtained, ifhas harvested, directsudden enlightenment, achievementbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, is an edifying anecdote.
故而,他提议,大家每隔一段时间,便聚在一起,彼此交流所得,万一有所收获,直接顿悟,成就混元大罗金仙,也不失为一桩美谈。ThisTaoismperson of high skill'sproposition, obtained the approval of peopledirectly. Just likehe said that everyonewas not a personal enemy.
这位道家高人的提议,直接就获得了众人的认可。正如他所言,大家又不是仇人.Separatesthis matternot to discuss,everyoneisDaoismcomes, withlistens to the corridorin the ancestorhanger-on, is the person of same beliefandgood friend on memberroad, trulydoes not needto strugglelife and death.
隔开此事不谈,大家都是玄门出身,同在道祖门下听过道,乃是修士路上的同道、好友,确实没必要争个你死我活。Finds a timeto exchange the attainment , helping thembecome enlightened, if somewhat moved, verticalbecame enlightenednot to say.
找个时间交流一下心得,更有助于他们成道,万一有所触动,立地成道也不是说说而已。Thishas the precedent.
这是有先例的。Arranges in order the invaderandZouYan, Zhuang Zhouis defending the concealedroomtheory saying that discussesinnatefivetoo, withYin-Yangfivelines of mystery, finallyduringdiscussing, arranges in orderKouheartto haveobtained, the directsudden enlightenment, verticalbecame the boundary of beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
列寇与邹衍、庄周三人在守藏室论道,探讨先天五太,与阴阳五行的玄妙,结果在论道期间,列寇心有所得,直接顿悟,立地成了混元大罗金仙的境界。So the circumstances, did not knowenvyShamanypeople.
这般境遇,不知羡煞了多少人。Similarly, arranges in order the experience of invader, madeotherbigmagical powersseeadvantage that discussed an exchange, thiswill really haveobtained. Therefore, the matters of hundredfairmeetingssosmooth.
………………„Mymeeksay/way, eventuallynotcomplete!” After Mozileaves, the meekchildlookstheyhad foughtpreviouslyplace, somewhatis lost.
“我的儒道,终究还是没有圆满啊!”墨子离开之后,儒子看着他们先前战斗过的地方,不由有些出神。Thiswar, seeminglymakes no distinction between victory and defeat, but the meekchildactuallyknows,thiswarwasloses. The opposite partyis only the defense, butuse the energy, cannotbreak the defense of opposite party, what didn't thisloseis?
这一战,看似不分胜负,但儒子却是知道,这一战是自己输了。对方只是防御,可自己倾尽所能的,都未能将对方的防御打破,这不是输了又是什么?However, losinglost, butin the heart of meekchildnotdiscouraged, hismeeksay/waynot yetcomplete, butMozi'sblack inksaid,is complete, itsmain bodybeforesoonbuilt the beginning of the universeto say the fruit, hewas inferior toMozi, was the normalmatter.
The Confucianssaid that notcomplete, howcanexceed the opposite party? If by any chance after the meekchildConfuciansaidwas complete, iftwopeopleagainfight, whowonwholost/carryingstill do not know.
儒道都未曾圆满,如何能胜过对方?但等儒子儒道圆满之后,二人若是再交手,谁胜谁负就犹未可知了。„Walks, shouldsee an ancestor!”Recoversfrom the thinking, the direction of meekchildturning aroundtowards the peopleimperial citywalks, saidabout the Confucian, inhisheartstill many doubts, therefore, heplanned that tosayingancestorasked.
“走,也该去见一见道祖了!”从思索中回过神来,儒子转身朝人皇城的方向走去,关于儒道,他的心中尚有许多疑惑,故此,他打算去向道祖问道。Feng Zichenwas truly inferior that great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, thisis not the debatablefact. The great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestoris the earnestnotenormousgold/metalimmortal, butFeng Zichenis only the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, a disparity of bigboundary, did not say.风紫宸确实不如鸿钧道祖,这是不可争议的事实。鸿钧道祖是正儿八经的无极大罗金仙,而风紫宸只是混元大罗金仙,一个大境界的差距,不是说说而已。Although, so long astoFeng Zichenenoughtime, Itself-confidentcanexceed the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, butthat is also in the future, does not affectItto be inferior to the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor'sfactnow.
虽然,只要给风紫宸足够的时间,祂自信自己能够超越鸿钧道祖,但那也是未来,并不影响祂现在不如鸿钧道祖的事实。Might as wellbe inferior,Feng Zichenis also insufficientto denythis point.
不如就是不如,风紫宸还不至于否认这一点。Consultsto the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, does not lose face, Feng Zichen the first time was notdid.
况且,向鸿钧道祖请教,也不丢人,风紫宸也不是第一次这么干了。Let alone, doubts that thensaidabout the Confucian, only then the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestorcangive the child the meekanswer. Because, the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestoris the Heavenly Dao, the entiregreat antiquityworld, did not understandexistence of Heavenly Daocompared withItagain.
更别说了,那关于儒道的疑惑,也只有鸿钧道祖能够给子儒答案。因为,鸿钧道祖就是天道,整个洪荒天地,再没比祂更了解天道的存在了。But the Confuciansaid, the namedConfucian said that actuallycorrect path, the correct path of day.
而儒道,名为儒道,实为正道,天之正道。Right, thisreincarnationrepairs, repairedownmain roadunreliablyclear, thencomprehends the Heavenly Dao. No, was not right, said that was the revolutionscultivates is actually not rigorous, strictpoint, profoundclearsublimated the say/way that oneselfcultivated/repaired, makingitdecidea level higher.
The childmeekprevious generationas the profoundpeaceful and orderly times, the say/way of cultivatingis the say/way of ninedays of fresh air, was called the say/way of innatefresh air, specializes in the innatefresh air.
子儒前世身为玄清时,所修之道为九天清气之道,也被称之为先天清气之道,专修先天清气。Butis reincarnatedunreliably after clear the childConfucian, sublimated the say/way of owninnatefresh air , to promote for the say/way of day.
而玄清转世成子儒之后,将自己的先天清气之道升华了,升格为天之道。As the saying goesPanguopens the day, the fresh airrises, the foul airdrops, after thatfresh airrises, became the day. Butthisfresh air, referred tois the innatefresh air.
有道是盘古开天,清气上升,浊气下降,那清气上升之后就成了天。而这清气,指的就是先天清气。In other words, the innatefresh airitself/Benis the day.
换而言之,先天清气本就是天。Now, the childConfucian the say/way of innatefresh air, changes into a day of say/way, the itself/Benwas the action of Yingtian, conformed to the principle of innatefresh air.
The say/way of day, is the worldcorrect path, is symbolizingHeavenly Daoside, withmuddyrelative. Thisin other words, the say/way of dayis relatedwith the Heavenly Dao.
天之道,即是天地正道,象征着天道正的一面,与浊相对。这也就是说,天之道与天道有关。WithHeavenly Daorelatedmatter, againcompared withnot askingancestorappropriately. The ancestoris the Heavenly Dao, no oneunderstands himselfcompared withhim.
与天道有关的事,再也没有比问道祖更合适的了。道祖就是天道,没人更比祂自己了解自己。However, because the reason of say/way of promotioninnatefresh air, the profoundclearmeritlawdoes not suit the childConfucian. Similarly, feared that profoundclearto the cognition of the world, affected itself, the childConfucianabandonedprofoundclearall.
不过,也正是因为升格先天清气之道的缘故,玄清的功法已经不适合子儒了。同样的,也怕玄清对天地的认知,影响到了自己,子儒抛弃了玄清的一切。Hecast asideabandonedall, the power and influence, position, the godtechniqueandprinciple, evenwere the magical skills, arrived at the worldin a brand-newstance.
他撇弃了所有的一切,权势、地位、神术、法则、甚至是道行,以一种全新的姿态重新来到了天地之间。Therefore, when the childConfucianwas born, innumerablebigmagical powershave the induction, the worldis shocked, daring, swallowsto accept the universe myriad thingsessence, to the utmosthoweverreveres, unequalled, eternalhas not had.
所以,子儒出生之时,无数大神通者生出感应,天地震动,气吞寰宇,吞纳宇宙万物精华,极尽而尊,无与伦比,万古未有。Hecan be said asinbornsaint.
他可以说是天生的圣人。Becauseperhapsdiscarded the profoundclearallreasons, the childConfucianhas not practiced, saidaccurately,has not practiced the supernatural power.
The childConfuciannow, onlypays great attention to the boundary, onlycultivates the boundary, abandonsoutside the boundary, does not havehimto askagain, the profoundsupernatural poweris also good, the powerfulmortal body, is nothestrives.
The attitude of childConfucian, it may be said thatwas flusteredpaid attention tohistruncationto teach the disciplein secret, thisdid not practice, whencanre-enter the pastpeak, accurateSaintgreatlycompleteboundary?
子儒的这个态度,可谓是急坏了暗中关注他的截教弟子,这不修炼,何时才能重回昔日的巅峰,准圣大圆满之境?Cannot return to the peakboundary, thencannotrefine the beginning of the universeto say the fruit, builds the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal the boundary.
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