GE :: Volume #13

#1219: Does not match for the demon

Then infiltrates the instance that the person laughter spreads in that Emperor Flooding loses all reason thoroughly, face upwards to send out sad and shrill demonic roar, resembles to bear the great suffering. 便在那渗人笑声传出的瞬间,水淹帝彻底失去所有理智,仰天发出一声凄厉的魔吼,似承受着巨大痛苦。 His that hundred zhang (333 m) great Eternal True Body, seems the wild animal common four feet according to the ground, whole body bloody glow split second rose suddenly several times, from the originally dark red luster, then changes to the monster different dark-red color. 他那百丈之巨的万古真身,好似野兽一般四脚按在地上,周身血光一瞬间暴涨了数倍,更从原本的殷红色泽,转而化作妖异的黑红色。 These dark-red bloody glow by no means scatter in all directions, instead probably the 1st stratum bloodstained clothing, binds beside Emperor Flooding True Body. 那些黑红血光并不四散开来,反而像是一层血衣,裹在水淹帝真身之外。 Emperor Flooding hair began to grow violently, started the albinism, the whole body grew the innumerable wild animal mildew up and down. 水淹帝头发开始暴长,开始白化,周身上下更是长出了无数野兽般的白毛。 His good seems real changes to a wild animal, the fierce fang grew continually came out ; he to shout painfully, is grinning fiendishly greedily, his expression could not distinguish clearly is smiles is insane, only one type crazy, feeling of rampage! 他好似真的化作一头野兽,连狰狞的獠牙都长了出来他痛苦地嘶吼着,贪婪地狞笑着,他的表情分不清是笑是疯,只给人一种疯狂、暴走的感觉! This indeed Ancient Demon Restoration Technique Second Stage Ancient Demon rampage! 正是古魔返祖术的第二阶段古魔暴走 chi hee hee hee, do not struggle, gives me the complete control of body, why not good!” Emperor Flooding within the body, that infiltrates the person laughter to spread again. 嘁嘻嘻嘻,不要挣扎了,将身体的全部掌控权交给我,有何不好!”水淹帝体内,那渗人笑声再度传出。 Rolls...... to go...” Emperor Flooding both eyes is crazy, nearly the instinct thought aloud, resembles in the corrosion of resistance within the body that voice. “滚…出…去…”水淹帝双目疯狂,近乎本能地自言自语,似在抵抗体内那道声音的侵蚀。 His reason more loses! 他的理智越失越多! His behind, must grow demonic tail that dark-red bloody glow condenses completely becomes suddenly! 他的身后,忽得长出一条完全又黑红血光凝聚而成的魔尾 With the 1st Demonic Tail forming, Emperor Flooding Ancient Demon Essence starts to rise suddenly, Half-Saint cultivation base at one fell swoop promoting to First Level Quasi-Saint Realm, and Quasi-Saint of 12,000 tribulation! 随着第一条魔尾成形,水淹帝古魔精气开始暴涨,半圣修为一举提升一阶准圣境界,且还是一万二千劫的准圣 Half-Saint cultivation base Emperor Flooding then can fight with Black Tortoise Old Turtle and North Sea True Monarch. Tribulations Essence this moment promoting to 12,000, takes to the Ning Fan constriction, even was as good as 3rd Stage True Body North Sea Divided Spirit/distracted! 要知道,半圣修为水淹帝便能和真武老龟北海真君争锋了。此刻提升一万二千精气,带给宁凡的压迫感,甚至不亚于开了三段真身北海分神了 This is also only Demonic Tail! 这还只是一条魔尾 As 2nd Demonic Tail starts to condense, Emperor Flooding Essence had a 2nd suddenly rising trend! 随着第二条魔尾开始凝聚,水淹帝精气有了第二次暴涨的趋势! Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” Ning Fan how possibly looks at Great Emperor Flooding increases demonic tail helplessly, promoting cultivation base. 宁凡怎么可能眼睁睁看着水淹大帝增加魔尾,提升修为 His took action, Against the Sea Sword chops finally in the sky, cutting of semicircle strikes must break out entire Heaven and Earth, cut toward the 2nd tail that Emperor Flooding has not taken shape. 他终于还是出手了,逆海剑当空劈出,半圆形的斩击似要将整个天地劈开,朝着水淹帝尚未成型的第二尾斩了下去。 Emperor Flooding seemed silly generally, did not hide, did not evade, the attack to Ning Fan just like has not heard. 水淹帝好似傻了一般,既不躲,也不避,对宁凡的攻击恍如未闻。 Eye looks at Ning Fan this Sword must go well, suddenly, Emperor Flooding whole body bloody glow starts to protect the lord, forms a blood cover, strikes to keep off cutting of Ning Fan outside. 看着宁凡一剑就要得手,突然间,水淹帝周身血光开始自行护主,形成一个血罩,将宁凡的斩击挡在外面。 kā kā kā. 喀喀喀 Cutting of Against the Sea Sword strikes, divided some fissures that blood cover merely, is unable to break through the defense of blood cover completely. As blood cover surface bloody glow sweeps, these fissures healed. 逆海剑的斩击,仅仅将那血罩劈出了些许裂痕,无法完全攻破血罩的防御。随着血罩表面血光一扫,就连那些裂痕都愈合了。 Against the Sea Sword is insufficient, that this how!” 逆海剑不够么,那这样如何!” Ning Fan face sink like water, receives Against the Sea Sword, True Body Demon Fist wields, Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike seems the rainstorm to pound to fall! 宁凡面沉如水,将逆海剑一收,真身魔拳挥出,古魔破山击好似暴雨般砸落! 3000 Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strikes! 三千古魔破山击 Although that blood cover defense is strong, where can actually block Ning Fan 3000 successive strike(s), only in fist rain under-bracing ten several breath, finally broke. 那血罩防御虽强,却哪里挡得住宁凡三千连击,只在拳雨下支撑了十数个呼吸,终于还是破碎了 But also because of these days dragging, Emperor Flooding 2nd Demonic Tail, grew finally! 但也因为这段时间的拖延,水淹帝第二条魔尾,终于还是长了出来! The Ancient Demon Essence, rose suddenly the altitude of 15,000 tribulation! 古魔精气,暴涨到了一万五千劫的高度! two-tailed state Emperor Flooding, already in a big truncation compared with 3rd Stage True Body North Sea Dividing Spirit. But he still found it not enough, wants to condense 3rd Demonic Tail unexpectedly again! 二尾状态水淹帝,已经比三段真身北海分神强上一大截了。但他仍觉得不够,竟还想再凝聚第三条魔尾 Gives me... to break!” “给我…断!” Breaks through the blood cover defense Ning Fan, finally caught up with the forming of 3rd Demonic Tail, Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike made outrageously, three Demonic Tail of straight Emperor Flooding. 攻破血罩防御的宁凡,终于还是赶上了第三条魔尾的成形,古魔破山击悍然打出,直水淹帝的三条魔尾 That has congealed solid two Demonic Tail, defends extremely fearfully, is 3000 successive strike(s) later Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike, the wound does not get demonic tail half a point ; not to congeal unexpectedly actually solid 3rd demonic tail, cannot withstand the attack of Ning Fan, was destroyed by Ning Fan. 那已经凝实的两条魔尾,防御太过可怕,便是三千连击以后的古魔破山击,竟都伤不得魔尾半分倒是尚未凝实的第三魔尾,未能承受住宁凡的攻击,被宁凡生生毁灭。 Roar The 3rd tail condenses the failure, Emperor Flooding face upwards to get angry, sends out the sad and shrill beast roar, entire rampage in this moment, cut off by Ning Fan! 第三尾凝聚失败,水淹帝仰天而怒,发出凄厉的兽吼,整个暴走在这一刻,被宁凡掐断! The End of Law Era rare person knows, Ancient Demon rampage demonic tail, once were destroyed, in a short time is unable to regenerate. The 3rd tail destruction, means that Emperor Flooding this time rampage, can only stop, two tails is his limit. 末法时代罕有人知,古魔暴走魔尾,一旦被人毁灭,短时间内是无法再生的。第三尾毁灭,意味着水淹帝这一次暴走,只能到此为止了,二尾便是他的极限。 This person ruined demonic tail, without/has not regeneration...” “此人被毁掉的魔尾,没有再生…” Ning Fan has a sleep/felt, the understanding Ancient Demon Restoration Technique were also as if many. What a pity, Emperor Flooding without/has not to the time that he ponders, the destruction of 3rd tail, enraged rampage condition Emperor Flooding thoroughly. His beast locks Ning Fan, the killing intent ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), in the mouth Essence condenses the huge light ball, unexpectedly toward the Ning Fan spits out Demon Flash attack. 宁凡似有所觉,对古魔返祖术的了解似乎又多了一些。可惜,水淹帝没有给他细想的时间,第三尾的毁灭,彻底激怒了暴走状态的水淹帝。他兽目锁定宁凡,杀机万丈,口中精气凝聚成巨大光球,竟是朝着宁凡喷出魔闪攻击。 Demon Flash! Is quite similar to Tribulation Flash and Fierce Flash, but also has in the principle slight different. Ning Fan or first time saw that some people so use Ancient Demon Essence, the understanding of his regarding Essence, seemed opened a leaf of brand-new front door, but by no means comprehends the time at present, he must block the attack of Emperor Flooding! 魔闪!与劫闪蛮闪极为相似,但又有原理上的细微不同。宁凡还是第一次见到有人这般使用古魔精气,他对于精气的理解,好似开启了一扇全新的大门,可眼下并不是领悟时机,他必须挡住水淹帝的攻击! Ning Fan tries to keep off this Demon Flash with Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike, but this Demon Flash extremely fiery hot, the fist glow side contacts Demon Flash, was burnt the cinders! 宁凡试图用古魔破山击挡下这道魔闪,可这魔闪太过炽热,拳芒方一接触到魔闪,便被生生焚烬! Ning Fan wants to dodge this Demon Flash to attack, how but regardless of he flees, this Demon Flash resembles unexpectedly can also turn round general, a danger on route pursues along with Ning Fan. 宁凡想要闪避这道魔闪攻击,可无论他如何遁避,这魔闪竟似也能拐弯一般,一路紧随宁凡追击。 Then, Ning Fan only has to meet the tough head-on with toughness to break this to strike, the strength in within the body Tribulation Blood all started, lifts refers to making ten times of Tribulation Flash, with that Demon Flash to bang in one. 如此一来,宁凡唯有硬碰硬来破掉这一击,体内劫血之力俱都发动,抬指打出了十倍劫闪,与那魔闪对轰在一处。 Bang! 轰! Ning Fan ten times of Tribulation Flash, cannot block Emperor Flooding Demon Flash, only supported more than ten breaths, was submerged by Demon Flash thoroughly. 宁凡的十倍劫闪,根本挡不住水淹帝魔闪,只支撑了十余息,便被魔闪彻底淹没。 Exalted Immortal!!!” Eight Cold Buddha wants to rescue, actually slow one step, must looks at Ning Fan be submerged by that Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth Demon Flash helplessly, by Demon Flash burn into ashes... “上仙!!!”八寒佛想要施救,却还是慢了一步,只得眼睁睁看着宁凡被那毁天灭地魔闪淹没,被魔闪生生烧成灰烬 Ning Fan was fired everywhere wood ash to sprinkle. 宁凡被烧成了漫天木灰洒落。 He was killed by Emperor Flooding... 他被水淹帝杀害了… The Eight Cold Buddha innermost feelings lamentation is incomparable, hating oneself unable completely to arrive protects the responsibility of Buddha. If his take action is quicker, can perhaps protect Ning Fan. But, without/has not, if... 八寒佛内心悔恨无比,恨自己没能尽到护佛之责。如果他出手再快一些,或许就能护住宁凡。可,没有如果… All late... 一切都晚了… His coldly gazes at beast roar repetitive Emperor Flooding, opened mouth is spitting, puts out Golden buddha beads, one according to broken. 冷冷注视着兽吼连连的水淹帝,张口一吐,吐出一颗金色佛珠,一把按碎。 That Golden buddha beads, are his discipline bead, defends, is the buddhist commandment against taking life! 金色佛珠,是他的戒律珠,守的,是杀戒! He is Buddhism Cultivator, must abide by the commandments, otherwise in Dharma harmful ; but today, he must break the buddhist commandment against taking life! Then put together this Dividing Spirit to destroy, must explain to die Ning Fan one! 他是佛修,必须持戒,否则于佛法有害但今日,他要破了杀戒!便是拼了这道分神毁灭,也要给陨落宁凡一个交待! „Was the boy so easy dead? Probably not too to...” wooden cage child, Black Tortoise Old Turtle without/has not with Eight Cold Buddha same overanxious out of concern, he quite miserable, from the start will not believe Ning Fan that Ning Fan tosses about so to be easy to be killed. “那小子这么容易就死了?好像不太对…”木笼子里,真武老龟没有八寒佛一样关心则乱,他被宁凡折腾的好惨,压根不信宁凡会这么容易就被干掉。 When Black Tortoise Old Turtle gaze, falls above everywhere wood ash, he must understand anything suddenly, an innermost feelings piece regretted, it is a pity that Ning Fan really does not have dead ; to let out a noise in the heart cursed, scolded naturally was Ning Fan is mean and shameless. 真武老龟目光,落在漫天木灰之上,他忽得明白了什么,内心一片遗憾,遗憾的是宁凡果然没死又在心中破声大骂,骂的当然是宁凡卑鄙无耻。 That small very where was fired the ash? 那小贼哪里是被烧成了灰? Clearly wants to use everywhere wood ash, plans Emperor Flooding! 分明是想用漫天木灰,算计水淹帝呐! Even this stupid turtle saw through the truth, Eight Cold Buddha is certainly impossible unable to see through, he is only overanxious out of concern, is quick he then to detect this everywhere wood ash is unusual. 连这只蠢龟都看穿了真相,八寒佛当然不可能看不穿,他只是关心则乱,很快他便察觉到这漫天木灰的不寻常。 He could detect, Emperor Flooding actually could not detect. 他察觉得到,水淹帝却察觉不到。 Under Rampage Mode, the Emperor Flooding no doubt strength rises sharply, but actually lost Spiritual Wisdom completely, this is also a Ancient Demon rampage big drawback, this world, never exist(ence) perfect Divine Ability. 暴走模式下,水淹帝固然实力大涨,可却彻底丧失了灵智,这也是古魔暴走的一大弊端,这世间,从来不存在完美无缺的神通 Emperor Flooding that Spiritual Wisdom all loses, cannot realize everywhere wood ash the fearfulness. 灵智全失的水淹帝,根本意识不到漫天木灰的可怕。 These wood ashes sprinkle above his beast body, must change suddenly, turned into tree seeds! 那些木灰洒落在他的兽身之上,忽得摇身一变,变成了一棵棵树种! These tree seeds once were sprinkled, immediately takes root to germinate, the root hair pricks toward the beast body of Emperor Flooding crazily! 那些树种一经洒落,顿时生根发芽,根须朝着水淹帝的兽身疯狂刺入! In a flash, the Emperor Flooding whole body was covered with the timbo of growing continually up and down, these timbos are absorbing the Emperor Flooding Water Element strength forcefully, only more than ten breath, Emperor Flooding Essence then by suck dry! 转瞬之间,水淹帝周身上下便长满了生生不息的树藤,那些树藤强行吸收着水淹帝水行力量,只十余个呼吸,水淹帝一身精气便被吸干! Emperor Flooding was attracted lost a strength, these timbos obtained the enormous force from Emperor Flooding, finally grows into a day after day high giant tree unexpectedly, suppresses Emperor Flooding stubbornly under the giant tree! 水淹帝被吸得失去了一身力气,那些树藤则从水淹帝身上获得了巨大力量,最终竟长成一棵连天之高的巨木,将水淹帝死死镇压在巨木之下! Only then, Ning Fan swings the body in a flash, comes presently. This moment Ning Fan appearance is very distressed, the clothes robe broke much, the body has many places, was fired by Demon Flash burnt. 直到此时,宁凡才摇身一晃,现出身来。此刻宁凡的模样十分狼狈,衣袍都破了不少,身上更有很多地方,被魔闪烧成了焦糊。 Facing the Demon Flash attack, Ning Fan old trick heavy, summoned the Tree Monster body in the body surface, tried to resist Demon Flash by the Tree Monster body. even if so, was still struck serious injury by Demon Flash. 面对魔闪攻击,宁凡故技重施,在体表召唤出树妖躯壳,试图以树妖躯壳抵挡魔闪饶是如此,仍是被魔闪一击重伤 Emperor Flooding of two tails pattern, is so then fierce! If makes him summon three tails, four tails, or more... a Ning Fan innermost feelings piece with amazement, to the Emperor Flooding Ancient Demon method, really felt an awe. 二尾模式的水淹帝,便如此厉害吗!倘若让他召出三尾,四尾,或是更多…宁凡内心一片骇然,对水淹帝古魔手段,是真的感到了一丝敬畏。 Awe is not Emperor Flooding oneself, but is the great strength of Ancient Demon Restoration Technique! If oneself also self-torture Restoration Technique, cultivates Second Stage this technique, whether can also and Emperor Flooding is equally powerful... 敬畏的不是水淹帝本人,而是古魔返祖术的强大!倘若自己也苦修返祖术,将此术修到第二阶段,是否也能和水淹帝一样强大… No, is not right, the Emperor Flooding use, should also not be complete Second Stage rampage, after all his demonic tail without/has not condenses completely, was broken by me... made me feel the danger, is not these demonic tail, but was that infiltrates Master of person laughter... Master of that laughter as if once to take over control of the Emperor Flooding body completely, but was actually resisted by Emperor Flooding oneself..., if Emperor Flooding without/has not rejected this matter, perhaps was not the appearance that Spiritual Wisdom all lost..., if not Spiritual Wisdom all lost, he was impossible so easily by my subdue/uniform...” “不,不对,水淹帝使用的,应该还不是完整的二阶段暴走,毕竟他的魔尾没有全部凝聚出来,便被我打断了…令我感到危险的,不是那些魔尾,而是那渗人笑声的主人…那笑声的主人似乎曾想完全接管水淹帝的身躯,但却被水淹帝本人所拒…倘若水淹帝没有拒绝此事,或许就不是灵智全失的模样了…若非灵智全失,他也不可能如此轻易被我制服…” Talking clearly is what mood. 说不清是什么情绪。 Defeated Emperor Flooding obviously, but Ning Fan by no means is joyful, Ancient Demon Bloodline in within the body at discontented, discontented Ning Fan this moment act. 明明战胜了水淹帝,可宁凡并不快乐,体内的古魔血脉似在不满,不满宁凡此刻行径。 Ancient Demon is militant, cannot refuse battle. Especially when both sides are Ancient Demon, should defeat the opposite party open and aboveboard, how could to plan? 古魔好战,不能避战。尤其是当双方都是古魔的时候,更应该堂堂正正战胜对方,岂能算计? Roar, roar, roar... 吼,吼,吼… Was suppressed Emperor Flooding under giant tree, seems not convinced, is sending the worn out beast roar, looks angrily at Ning Fan, the tear and bite of looking fierce, where actually bites to obtain Ning Fan. 被镇压在巨木下的水淹帝,似乎也不心服,发着有气无力的兽吼,怒视宁凡,龇牙咧嘴的撕咬,却哪里咬得到宁凡 chi hee hee hee, is your boy also Ancient Demon? this Emperor has also never seen such as you so timid despicable Ancient Demon. Unexpectedly to plan to win, you do not match for the demon! If not for if Brother Flooding conflicts in me, your shoddy planning, how can be effective! If I successfully crawl from the abyss, as soon as your can it be that I the enemy of gathering, what a pity, what a pity... esteemed me also without/has not crawls finally the abyss...” 嘁嘻嘻嘻,你小子也是古魔本帝还从未见过如你这般胆小卑鄙的古魔。居然以算计取胜,你根本不配为魔!倘若不是水淹老弟抵触于我,你的拙劣算计,如何能够奏效!倘若我成功从深渊爬出,你又岂是我一合之敌,可惜,可惜啊…本座最终也没有爬出深渊…” Emperor Flooding within the body, that infiltrates person laughter once again to resound, is filling disdaining of regarding Ning Fan. 水淹帝体内,那渗人笑声又一次响起,充满着对于宁凡的不屑。 Ning Fan without/has not pays attention to that person of disdaining, he is only interested in this person of status, asked unemotionally, you were not Flooding, who you were!” 宁凡没有理会那人的不屑,他只对此人身份感兴趣,面无表情问道,“你不是水淹,你是谁!” chi hee hee hee, by your natural talent, will sooner or later step into Restoration Second Stage, when the time comes you naturally can know that who I am. Before then, I will be gazing at you under the abyss, when you came ; to be possible you to come even if, I and other Demon Spirit will not accept you, because of you, did not match for the demon! Your life gave up any idea of obtained the true rampage strength!” 嘁嘻嘻嘻,以你资质,早晚有一天会踏入返祖二阶段,到时候你自然会知道我是谁。在此之前,我会在深渊之下注视着你,等你来可纵然你来了,我等魔灵也不会接受你,因为你,不配为魔!你此生都休想得到真正的暴走力量!” Demon Spirit? 魔灵 A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, but also wants to ask again, but that infiltrates Master of person laughter actually to disdain to pay attention to Ning Fan again, snorted coldly, where did not know. 宁凡眉头一皱,还想再问,可那渗人笑声的主人却不屑再理会宁凡,冷哼一声,不知去了哪里。 Ning Fan finally also Master of without/has not and that laughter fights truly, does not know that this is lucky or unfortunate... Master of that laughter is dangerous, if fights, is mostly unfortunate... 宁凡最终也没有和那笑声的主人真正交手,也不知这是幸运还是不幸…那笑声的主人过于危险,倘若交手,多半是不幸吧… „Don't I match for the demon... may that so what?” “我不配为魔么…可那又如何呢?” Ning Fan shakes the head, sweeps dissatisfaction in Ancient Demon Bloodline completely. He plans the Emperor Flooding behavior, perhaps cannot be joined to the name of Ancient Demon, but if comes one time again, he will also do that. Knew perfectly well that infiltrates smiles Master to sending to refer, but also fights with him open and aboveboard, to bring about own destruction? In recent years, he only walks, if the time opposes the enemy fights open and aboveboard, he does not know early many returned. 宁凡摇摇头,将古魔血脉中的不满情绪扫尽。他算计水淹帝的行为,或许配不上古魔之名,可若是重来一次,他还会这么做。明知那渗笑主人强到发指,还和他堂堂正正打,岂不是自寻死路?这些年来,他都是这样走过来的,倘若次次对敌都堂堂正正战斗,他早不知死了多少回。 His Demon Path, is not open and aboveboard of Ancient Demon Clan. 他的魔道,本就不是古魔一族的堂堂正正。 His Demon Path, is stopping at nothing of Old Demon instruction! 他的魔道,是老魔传授的无所不用其极! It is not Ancient Demon, but is Black Demon! 并非古魔,而是黑魔 indeed for this reason, Ancient Demon cultivation base is always only he four is cultivation base part, is not a main body, is more incomplete. 正是因为这个原因,古魔修为从来都只是他四系修为的一部分,并非主体,更非全部。 In the heart some are not happy all dissipates, displaces, wins the later joyfulness. 心中些许不愉快全部消散,取而代之的,是大胜之后的愉悦。 can it be shouldn't Ning Fan be happy? 难道宁凡不该高兴吗? Black Tortoise Old Turtle closes in wooden cage, the Great Emperor Flooding town/subdues in the giant tree, the North Sea True Monarch town/subdues in Ant Lord Dao Mountain. Three archenemies do to turn completely, may be called the major success, is not how could unhappy! 真武老龟关在木笼,水淹大帝镇于巨木,北海真君镇于蚁主道山。三个大敌全部干翻,堪称大捷,岂能不喜! Ning Fan this also thinks that this war difficultly to using Three Purities Thunder Talisman, unexpectedly, Divinity Spark of Wood will actually be remarkable in this place, the steamroll falls presents all water cultivation. Finally his Thunder Talisman is useless, then put down the invading enemy, may be called blessing in disguise. 宁凡本还以为这一战会艰难到使用三清雷符,却不料,木之神格会在此地大显神威,碾压掉在场所有水修。最终他连雷符都没用,便扫平了来犯之敌,堪称意外之喜 „The this Ning conduct, the gratitude and grudges are distinct, you annoyed me in first, no wonder this Ning was cruel and merciless!” 宁某行事,恩怨分明,尔等惹我在先,就莫怪宁某心狠手辣了!” In gaze of North Sea True Monarch hate, Ning Fan first located the past toward the North Sea True Monarch suppression. 北海真君怨恨的目光中,宁凡首先朝北海真君镇压之处走了过去。 ... After a double-hour . 一个时辰后。 The place of Northern Heaven Four Great Misfortune Seas connection. 北天四大凶海交汇之处。 North Sea True Monarch True Body/this Senior that originally closed eyes takes a nap opens the sleepy eyes suddenly, spits out Blood Arrow. 原本闭目假寐的北海真君本尊骤然睁开睡眼,喷出一口血箭 Master, what happened! How you will spit blood suddenly!” Defends is startled in nearby Immortal Stone. 主人,发生了什么事!你怎会突然吐血!”守在一旁的仙石大吃一惊。 Hateful! Hateful! Brat is hateful! My this Dividing Spirit is so difficult to kill, he has Secret Treasure unexpectedly, can refine while still alive my Dividing Spirit, eats up! I and this child, irreconcilable until death!!!” “可恨!可恨!竖子可恨!我这分神如此难杀,他竟有秘宝,能将我这分神活活炼死,生生吃下!我与此子,不死不休!!!” What matter the North Sea True Monarch fundamental disagreement/not with Immortal Stone explanation had, he had been submerged angrily, he wishes one could to kill to Ning Fan location immediately, is cut to pieces Ning Fan! The side must make the trip, North Sea True Monarch also hesitated, restored a reason, without/has not acted rashly. 北海真君根本不和仙石解释发生了何事,他已被愤怒淹没,他恨不得立刻杀至宁凡所在之地,将宁凡千刀万剐!方要成行,北海真君却又犹豫了,恢复了一丝理智,没有轻举妄动。 After having experienced the Ning Fan Nitian (heaven defying) Wood Element method, he without/has not has grasped completely copes with Ning Fan alone. His True Body/this Senior is no doubt fiercer than Dividing Spirit, but did he know Ning Fan this war to have the full power? 见识过宁凡逆天木行手段以后,他已经完全没有把握独自对付宁凡了。他的本尊固然比分神厉害,可他焉知宁凡此战是否出了全力? He already, because the general idea/careless lost Dividing Spirit, damaged Title, lost 5th Rain Dragon, cannot the negligent 2nd time! 他已经因为大意失了分神,损了封号,丢了第五雨龙,不能大意第二次! Must prepare completely, must prepare to kill Ning Fan completely again! 必须准备完全,必须准备完全再杀宁凡 At least must invite 35 good friends, is completely safe by the plan! 至少也得邀上三五好友,以策万全! Read reaches to this, North Sea True Monarch did not condense sixth dragon, but set out suddenly, resembling to leave Water Sect to take a long journey. 念及于此,北海真君也不凝聚第六龙了,而是骤然起身,似要离开水宗远行。 Where Master you must go to! You are also wounded!” Immortal Stone is startled. 主人你要去哪里!你还带着伤啊!”仙石又是一惊。 Might as well! Arrived Longevity Spring Island, had Mulberry Growing old man to treat to me, quick I therapy a lot of times!” North Sea True Monarch snorted coldly, builds rainbow to fly from Four Great Misfortune Seas, was actually visits friends. “无妨!到了长春岛,自有长桑老头给我治疗,快过我自行疗伤千百倍!”北海真君冷哼一声,架起长虹飞离四大凶海,却是去访友去了。 Looks at the North Sea True Monarch back, Immortal Stone is lagging behind discovered, North Sea True Monarch within the body was short of Rain Dragon unexpectedly, the strength of Title depended on usually was much weak. 望着北海真君的背影,仙石后知后觉地发现,北海真君体内竟少了一条雨龙,就连封号之力都凭平时弱了不少。 He was more surprised! Actually the enemies are, can destroy completely a dragon from Master unexpectedly! could it be which Second Level is Old Monster inadequate? 他更加吃惊了!敌人究竟是谁,竟能从主人手上灭掉一龙!难道是哪个二阶老怪不成? ... Ancient Demon Abyss, 4th Demon Mountain. 古魔渊,第四魔山 Great Emperor Flooding this was still anticipating that Dividing Spirit brings back to the news, actually must induce anything suddenly, flies into a rage. 水淹大帝本还在期待分神带回好消息,却忽得感应到了什么,勃然大怒。 His Dividing Spirit was extinguished unexpectedly! 他的分神竟然被灭了! Because Dividing Spirit opened Rampage Mode, Spiritual Wisdom loses too many, cannot feed in many useful information unexpectedly, enabling Flooding True Body/this Senior not to know from the start, the Dividing Spirit that side has an accident, how to be destroyed completely! 由于分神开启了暴走模式,灵智损失太多,竟没能传回多少有用的情报,使得水淹本尊压根不知道,分神那边出了什么事,是如何被灭掉的! He only knows! 他只知一点! As Dividing Spirit was extinguished, his Water Wielding had many damages and weakening unexpectedly! This situation, formerly had never happened! 随着分神被灭,他的水掌位竟有了不少损伤、削弱!这种情况,从前从未发生过! Hateful! Hateful! Dividing Spirit was extinguished also even, why the strength of my Wielding will lose so many! Some did can it be people swallow my Dividing Spirit the strength of Wielding in the Nitian (heaven defying) method? Crack a joke! Is who! Is who does! I must tear to shreds him! Aaaahh! “可恶!可恶啊!分神被灭也就算了,为何我的掌位之力会损失这么多!难道有人以逆天手段吞了我分神掌位之力?开什么玩笑!是谁!是谁干的!我要将他碎尸万段!啊啊啊啊! Pitiful Great Emperor Flooding, person of the is who does not even make clear, lost Dividing Spirit in vain, too late for regrets... 可怜的水淹大帝,连作案之人是谁都搞不清楚,白白失了一道分神,后悔莫及 ... Wielding Heaven Diagram. 掌位天图内部。 Ning Fan is in front of Black Tortoise Old Turtle, refine North Sea Dividing Spirit and Flooding Dividing Spirit by God Refining Cauldron, was startled giant turtle unable to speak. 宁凡当着真武老龟的面,以炼神鼎炼死了北海分神水淹分神,惊得巨龟说不出话。 That is Second Level Quasi-Saint Grade Dividing Spirit, is more difficult than to kill innumerable times Immortal Emperor Nascent Divinity, but in this small clever hand, does not go on living including a double-hour unexpectedly! This...This is how possible! This is what monster cauldron, so to be how fierce! 那可是二阶准圣等级分神啊,比仙帝元神更难杀无数倍,但在这小贼手上,竟连一个时辰都活不下去!这、这怎么可能!这是什么妖鼎,怎得如此厉害! Heard that your True Spirit are many? Does not know that your True Spirit, can help me refine many Medicine Pill. Really anticipation...” “听说你的真灵很多?不知道你那些真灵,能助我炼出多少丹药。真是期待…” Ning Fan takes out Myriad Spirits Blood from God Refining Cauldron, swallows into the abdomen, then giant turtle in faint smile looks at wooden cage. 宁凡炼神鼎中取出一颗万灵血,吞服入腹,而后似笑非笑看着木笼中的巨龟 giant turtle suck in a breath of cold air, he self-examined has seen Devil are many, but resembles Ning Fan so, directly with Quasi-Saint Dividing Spirit concocting pills, first meets! Too the cold blood, was too simply cruel! This boy did not fear that the demonic nature is too heavy, when cultivation cultivation deviation! 巨龟倒吸一口冷气,他自问见过的魔头不少,但似宁凡这般,直接拿准圣分神炼丹的,还是头一回遇到!简直太冷血、太残忍了!这厮就不怕魔性太重,修行之时走火入魔吗! Thinks own True Spirit will also be taken by Ning Fan concocting pills, giant turtle one scared, turtle springing up in a throng is timid, this is the instinct, the without/has not means. 一想到自己的真灵也会被宁凡炼丹服食,巨龟就一阵胆寒,龟族生性就胆小,这是天性,没有办法。 Therefore, the previous moment also arrogance incomparable giant turtle, instigated all of a sudden. 于是,前一刻还傲气无比的巨龟,一下子就怂了。 That, that I am not delicious, can put Did not instigate that Dividing Spirit this coming out, did not lead the too many True Spirit peer good, dies Dividing Spirit also on forget it/that's all, if True Spirit of peer dies, his True Body/this Senior does not know that needs many years to build these True Spirit again, losing is too big. “那个,那个,俺不好吃,可不可以放俺一马…”不怂不行啊,分神这次出来,带了太多真灵同行,死一个分神也就罢了,若是同行的真灵死完,他的本尊不知要多少年才能重新修回这些真灵,损失太大。 Puts your horse? Why?” Ning Fan said with a sneer. “放你一马?凭什么?”宁凡冷笑道 The Ning Fan tone sounds very cold, but giant turtle from the Ning Fan words, hears opportunity that negotiated, immediately overjoyed, I can pay the price! So long as does not destroy completely my Dividing Spirit True Spirit, my anything condition can promise you!” 宁凡的口气听起来很冷,但巨龟还是从宁凡的话语里,听到了一丝谈判的机会,顿时大喜,“俺可以付出代价!只要不毁尽俺的分神真灵,俺什么条件都可以答应你!” Really? What condition can comply? Even if I demanded your Dividing Spirit strength of Devour(ing) Title, your not regret?” “真的?什么条件都可以答应?即便我索要你分神封号之力吞噬,你也不悔么?” Hehe, I was your captive, even if not, since, same must be swallowed the strength of Title by you, there is anything to distinguish. The sighted people did not speak the code words, you only said how is willing to put giant turtle hearing this big feeling anxiety, but compensates to say with a smile. Who said that this turtle is silly? Being faced with imminent disaster, he is not silly, obtains the clear situation completely! The usual foolishness is installs, with confuse enemy nothing more, the fool can cultivate/repair Second Level Quasi-Saint Realm, cracks a joke! 嘿嘿,俺都是你的阶下囚了,纵然不从,一样要被你吞掉封号之力,又有什么区别。明人不说暗话,你只说如何才肯放俺一马,只要你的强求不超出俺的底线,俺肯定全力配合。”巨龟闻言大感肉疼,但还是赔笑道。谁说这只乌龟傻?大难临头,他可一点也不傻,完全分得清形势!平时的傻气都是装出来的,用以迷惑敌人而已,傻子能修到二阶准圣境界,开玩笑! In view of this, I then had the words to speak frankly. The strength of your Title, I must swallow, after all this thing with my Rain Wielding common origin, but strength of ; your Turtle-Snake two swords promoting my Wielding I am interested very much, this thing, turning over to my ; your qi and blood I is also interested very much, does not know how you cultivate/repair this kind of qi and blood, whether to inform ; also you to swallow the Wielding Heaven Diagram incident, I am also interested very much, you did not mind that shares the experience of your Devour(ing) Heaven Diagram with me well...” “既如此,那我便有话直说了。你的封号之力,我是一定要吞的,毕竟此物与我雨掌位同源,可提升我的掌位之力你的龟蛇双剑我很感兴趣,此物,归我你的气血我同样很感兴趣,不知道你是如何修出这等气血的,可否告知还有你吞食掌位天图一事,我同样很感兴趣,你不介意好好和我分享一下你吞噬天图的经历吧…” Ning Fan smiled. 宁凡笑了。 giant turtle cried. 巨龟哭了。 It seems like does not pay the suitable price, gave up any idea of moved out from this Heaven Diagram World, yeah, the one had only known, he should not the dripping turbid water, be too late to regret! 看来不付出相当代价,是休想从这天图世界全身而退了,哎,早知如此,他就不该来淌浑水,悔之晚矣! „Don't you want? In view of this, I rubbish with you, was your concocting pills good...” Ning Fan strikes an attitude “你不愿意?既如此,我也不和你废话了,还是将你炼丹好了…”宁凡作势就要对巨龟动手。 giant turtle is greatly anxious, said repeatedly, Fellow Daoist holds on a minute, holds on a minute! I agreed, I agreed completely, you want to know anything, I told you completely!” 巨龟大急,连声道,“道友且慢,且慢啊!我同意,我全部同意,你想知道什么,我全部告诉你!” hearing this, Ning Fan nods satisfied, person who he likes understanding what has to be done. 闻言,宁凡满意地点点头,他就喜欢识时务的人。 If not for if on some secrets to giant turtle is interested, Ning Fan is disinclined with the giant turtle idle talk, directly under extreme methods to giant turtle. 倘若不是对巨龟身上的一些秘密感兴趣,宁凡才懒得和巨龟废话,直接就对巨龟下死手了。 Nearby Eight Cold Buddha, sees with own eyes Ning Fan all sorts of Demon Path conduct, has, helpless shouted Buddha. 一旁的八寒佛,眼见宁凡种种魔道行径,只得无奈呼了一声佛号。 Was he mistaken probably? 他好像看走眼了? The true Buddha, should not handle affairs so very ruthless. He also thinks that Ning Fan will first subdue people Dividing Spirit, then educates with reason and appeals, persuades people ; by boundless Dharma actually unexpectedly, the Ning Fan direct heavy hand destroyed completely Flooding and North Sea Dividing Spirit, threatens giant turtle by Demon Path conduct... 真正的佛祖,应该不会行事如此狠辣吧。他还以为宁凡会先收服众人分神,再晓之以理、动之以情,以无边佛法感化众人却不料,宁凡直接辣手灭掉了水淹北海分神,更以魔道行径威胁巨龟 If not for if believes firmly that Ning Fan has Against the Sea Sword, Eight Cold Buddha said that can not probably suspect Ning Fan was real Devil... 倘若不是确信宁凡持有逆海剑,八寒佛说不得要怀疑宁凡是一个真的魔头了… Temperament of this Drifting Kun Exalted Immortal, as if a little... hot tempered? It looks like with me actually very much, Hehe, Hehehehe...” Eight Cold Buddha forced to look for an excuse for Ning Fan, smiles awkwardly. “这位混鲲上仙的脾气,似乎有点…暴躁?倒是和我很像,呵呵,呵呵呵呵…”八寒佛勉强替宁凡找了一个说辞,尴尬笑了笑。 Then before remembering itself, nearly for the Ning Fan broken buddhist commandment against taking life, has no difference from the Ning Fan Devil attitude, feels ashamed incomparable, for a while mood with complex feelings, must complex complex... 转而想起自己之前也险些为了宁凡破杀戒,和宁凡魔头作风没什么区别,又觉得惭愧无比,一时心情五味杂陈,要多复杂有多复杂… Amitabha crime, crime 阿弥陀佛罪过,罪过
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