GE :: Volume #12

#1164: Title Maitreya!

Named Yu Yichi Fatty, shows a being as deep as a well smiling face, this is his first time so smiles, the smiling face passes the mercy of being able to say to be free and easy. 名为余一痴胖子,露出一个高深莫测的笑容,这是他第一次如此微笑,笑容透着说不出的慈悲洒脱。 The big stomach tolerates, accommodates the world intolerable matter. 大肚能容,容天下难容之事。 Opens the mouth then to smile, smiles in world laughable person. 开口便笑,笑世间可笑之人。 Just like Maitreya! 宛如弥勒 A little thinks that can this Eastern Yama, in view of this, then take this Great Thousand Colored Rainbow as the gambling, look is this poor monk Buddha height one foot, is this child there is a way...” “有点想会会这个东阎罗了呢,既如此,便以这大千彩虹为赌,看看是贫僧佛高一尺,还是此子魔高一丈…” Fatty hides the right hand in sleeve, referred to such as picks flowers, pinches Buddhism Finger Secret Art, the same boat people, nobody detected. 胖子藏在袖中的右手,指如拈花,掐了一个佛门指诀,同船众人,无人察觉。 In instance that this Finger Secret Art pinches, in star boat rear remote sea level, suddenly some innumerable naked eye not obvious Golden Illusion Technique flower petals, sprinkle from the day. Starts along with the Illusion Technique strength, the rear remote place, the originally tranquil ocean current becomes the high sea to soar to the heavens suddenly, hundred and thousand of Ferocious Beast drilled from the water, angrily roars to kill toward the star boat. 在这指诀掐出的瞬间,星舟后方遥远海面上,忽然有无数肉眼不可见的金色幻术花瓣,从天洒落。伴随着幻术力量发动,后方遥远处,原本平静的海流忽而变得怒涛冲天,更有成百上千的凶兽从水中钻出,怒吼着朝星舟杀了过来。 These Ferocious Beast are extremely profound Illusion Technique, even Half-Saint level Old Monster, without/has not certain eyesight, is not necessarily able to look to obtain this is Illusion Technique. 那些凶兽是极其高深的幻术所化,就算是半圣老怪,没有一定眼力,都未必能瞧得出这是幻术 Crossing Truth Lin and the others were naturally more impossible to see through this matter. These person of originally also to the burning sea marvelous sight that Ning Fan creates the exclamation, detects behind the star boat to present large quantities of Ancient Ferocious Beast suddenly distantly, each and every single (person) frightens loses color, which also appreciation burns the sea marvelous sight the leisurely mood, almost must frighten the carbamide! 林姓渡真等人自然更加不可能看穿此事了。这些人原本还在对宁凡无意间造就的焚海奇景啧啧惊叹,骤然察觉星舟后方遥遥出现大批上古凶兽,一个个吓得面无血色,哪还有欣赏焚海奇景的闲心,几乎都要吓脲了好吗! What situation! Why behind presented large quantities of Ancient Ferocious Beast suddenly!” “什什什什么情况!后面为何忽然出现了大批上古凶兽!” 1000 head! At least 1000 head! And most Ferocious Beast, cultivation base is stronger than Senior Lin! We ended!” 一千头!起码一千头!且其中绝大多数的凶兽,修为都比林前辈强!我们完了!” We definitely met large quantities of Ferocious Beast to hunt! Senior Lin, saves us quickly!” “我们肯定遇到了大批凶兽猎食!林前辈,快救救我们!” I do not want dead! I do not want dead!” “我不想死!我不想死!” Senior Lin, you are not without rival! You are not lonely! Please take action! Cuts to kill these Ferocious Beast completely!” 林前辈,你不是无敌吗!你不是寂寞吗!请你出手!将这些凶兽全部斩杀吧!” Asked you!” “求你了!” Because the each and every single (person) Imaginary Cloud Sect disciple excessively fears, looks ashen. Although they already in Star Sea gain experience seven years, but has actually never encountered at present dangerous of this kind of scale, possibly to be how self-poise. 一个个幻云宗弟子因为过度恐惧,面如土色。虽说他们已经在星海历练了七年,但却从未遭遇过眼前这等规模的凶险,怎可能镇定自若。 Flurried, unexpectedly turns to any doctor one can find when critically ill, requested that Crossing Truth Lin cuts to kill over a thousand Ferocious Beast, saves them to take off/escape the tribulation. 慌乱之下,居然病急乱投医,请求林姓渡真斩杀上千凶兽,救他们脱劫。 Had the expectation by the people Crossing Truth Lin, listened to this saying, the innermost feelings seem by 10,000 grass mud beast galloping are ground. Crack a joke! His where has that skill to cut to kill present over a thousand Ferocious Beast! In this selects one casually, he is not necessarily victorious! Over a thousand Ferocious Beast close, his split second can be punched the trash! 被众人报以期望的林姓渡真,听了这话,内心好似被一万头草泥兽奔腾碾过。开什么玩笑!他哪有那个本事斩杀眼前的上千凶兽!这里面随便挑出来一只,他都未必打得过好吗!上千头凶兽一拥而上,他一瞬间就能被揍成渣渣好吗! M-M-M-Makes trouble! On the heaven has care for all living things, how old Old Man may make to kill the evil, no no no is willing to hit with them. And and puts their horse, can my we trade a direction to escape the 1st Stage road, look throw off these Ferocious Beast...” 胡胡胡胡闹!上上上天有好生之德,老老夫怎可多造杀孽,不不不愿和它们打。且且且放他们一马,我我们换个方向逃一段路,看看能不能甩掉这些凶兽…” Crossing Truth Lin frightens the speech to tremble, actually wants to save face at all costs, installs Senior Expert hardly, really pressed him. 林姓渡真吓得说话发抖,却还是死要面子,硬装前辈高人,也真是难为他了。 The rear area had died of suffocation by over a thousand Ferocious Beast, the round trip walked unable to walk, must run upon with this batch of Ferocious Beast inevitably directly! 后方已经被上千凶兽堵死,往回走是走不回去了,势必要和这批凶兽正面撞上! Dies to live, Crossing Truth Lin suddenly had a bold thought that that is the general boat opens toward deep sea area, before these Ferocious Beast kill at present, looks for 67 years ago enters that Immortal Emperor Senior of abysmal region to save a life. 死生之间,林姓渡真忽然有了一个大胆的念头,那便是将星舟往深海区域开,在这些凶兽杀到眼前以前,去找六七年前进入深海区的那名仙帝前辈救命。 If normally, he does not dare to rush to the abysmal region absolutely. 若是正常情况下,他是绝对不敢跑到深海区的。 But this was not the without/has not means! Does not rush to the abysmal region to ask Immortal Emperor Senior take action to rescue, who has the skill to get rid of so many Great Misfortune beasts! 可这不是没有办法了吗!不跑到深海区求仙帝前辈出手相救,谁有本事干掉这么多大凶兽! Thereupon, under Fatty painstakingly arranges, numerous Imaginary Cloud Sect cultivator starts to escape in a panic, escapes toward the abysmal region, towards Ning Fan is close. 于是乎,在胖子刻意安排之下,众幻云宗修士开始仓惶逃命,一路朝深海区逃去,朝宁凡接近。 This enters the abysmal region, star boat without/has not runs upon any Ferocious Beast, only then over a thousand Illusion Technique melt Ferocious Beast to pursue in behind. This naturally is because before Ning Fan , when comes to here, then had killed off all Ferocious Beast reasons. 这一路进入深海区,星舟没有撞上任何一只凶兽,只有上千幻术所化凶兽在后面追。这自然是因为宁凡之前来这里时,便已一路杀光了所有凶兽的缘故。 Does not know how long to escape, Crossing Truth Lin suddenly discovers front sea area, presented Nine Colored Rainbow that just like Giant Dragon absorbing water, hangs in the sea level. 不知逃了多久,林姓渡真忽然发现前方海域,出现了一道犹如巨龙吸水的九色彩虹,悬于海面。 The magnificence of that rainbow, is the Crossing Truth Lin life sees the rainbow, what a pity so the beautiful scene, his without/has not any thoughts appreciation, wholeheartedly only wants to maintain a livelihood. 那彩虹之瑰丽,是林姓渡真此生所见彩虹之最,可惜如此美景,他没有任何心思欣赏,一心只想活命。 Under the rainbow, cannot see any Ferocious Beast, but remains the aura of war, seven years, here once did not happen obviously unexpectedly is the war, until now Evil Qi soars to the heavens, non- Low-Rank cultivator can withstand. 彩虹下方,看不到任何凶兽,但却残留着大战的气息,七年不化,显然这里曾发生过竟是大战,至今煞气冲天,非低阶修士可以承受。 Under that rainbow, the Evil Qi heaviest place, youth in white clothes stands on the water surface, is planting nine color plants in the water surface. 在那彩虹之下,煞气最重的地方,有一个白衣青年站在水面上,在水面栽种着一株九色植物。 Crossing Truth Lin can only see that youth in white clothes fuzzy back, could not see that his look ; wants the general boat to open toward the rainbow slightly is nearer, but actually the gentle strength, preventing the star boat from continue go forward, obviously is that youth in white clothes does not want others to disturb him to handle matters. 林姓渡真只能看到那名白衣青年的模糊背影,看不到他的相貌想要将星舟朝彩虹所在稍微开近些,但却有一股柔和之力,阻止星舟继续前进,显然是那名白衣青年不欲旁人打搅他办事。 Although is unable to see clearly that person of look, Crossing Truth Lin actually the human, felt the powerful incomparable Eternal Old Monster aura henceforth, very definitely this youth in white clothes, was burns the dry/does sea water that Immortal Emperor Senior, finally found was drowned that straw to grasp, the tears tears crossflow, separated the sea to shout excitedly said. 虽无法看清那人相貌,林姓渡真却从此人身上,感受到了强大无匹的万古老怪气息,十分肯定这名白衣青年,就是焚干海水的那名仙帝前辈,终于找到了溺水中的那根救命稻草,激动地涕泪横流,隔海呼喊道。 Senior saves me! The younger generation is Imaginary Cloud Sect disciple Lin Chong! So long as Senior is willing to rescue a younger generation life, the younger generation is willing to make the cow to make the horse to Senior, the generation after generations does not revolt!” 前辈救我!晚辈是幻云宗弟子林虫!只要前辈肯救晚辈一命,晚辈愿给前辈做牛做马,生生世世不叛!” Is cultivating Ning Fan of nine color plants in the water surface, gaze flashes, has turned around, makes the cow to make the horse not to need actually, your cultivation base servant, this Ning does not need. However rescues your life also to be possible all, is only some difficulties...” 正在水面培育九色植物的宁凡,目光微闪,转过身,“做牛做马倒是不必,你这种修为仆人,宁某已经不太需要了。不过救你一命也无不可,只是有些难度…” In fact, Ning Fan has detected above the star boat all, knows that these chase down Ferocious Beast of star boat, is Illusion Technique, by no means will really offend somebody. 实际上,宁凡早就察觉到星舟之上发生的一切,也知道那些追杀星舟的凶兽,都是幻术所化,并不会真的伤人。 Fatty is Buddhism Cultivator, is not only Buddhism Cultivator, how also to take a life carelessly, for no reason annoys Karma, damages the magical skill, is somewhat unworthy. 胖子是一个佛修,既是佛修,又怎会胡乱杀生,平白惹一身因果,自损道行,有些不值。 This is abdomen black Fatty, was scolded for several years by Crossing Truth Lin, was scoffed for several years by same boat cultivator, thereupon, the change selects Illusion Technique intentionally, frightens this crowd of Low-Rank cultivator ; to be natural, this Illusion Technique more vital duty, is brings to probe the Ning Fan strength. 这是一个腹黑的胖子,被林姓渡真呵斥了好几年,被同船修士耻笑了好几年,于是乎,故意变化点幻术,来吓唬吓唬这群低阶修士当然,这幻术更重要的任务,是拿来试探宁凡的实力。 Solemn Half-Saint exist(ence), can be calculating with one group of juniors unexpectedly. Superficially, this Fatty tolerance is somewhat narrow and small, actually this indeed its tolerance liberal manifestation, is it frank manifestation. 堂堂半圣存在,居然会和一群小辈斤斤计较。表面上看,这胖子肚量有些狭小,实则这正是其肚量宽宏的体现,也是其性格爽直的体现。 Trades Half-Saint Old Monster by the Low-Rank cultivator innumerable shame, will not let off these juniors absolutely, light, then kills it, heavy plans it. 换一个半圣老怪低阶修士无数次羞辱,绝对不会放过那些小辈的,轻则杀之,重则算计之。 This Fatty actually changes some Illusion Technique to be scary, the by no means offending somebody life, has striven to excel compared with many people. Currently speaking, this person, although the abdomen is black, the tolerance has, the body including the 70% Buddha-nature, 30% (slightly) local ruffian, pouring is also an outstanding person. 这名胖子却只是变化些幻术吓人,并不伤人性命,已经比很多人要强了。从这一点来看,此人虽然腹黑,肚量却还是有的,身含七分佛性,三分痞性,倒也算是一个妙人。 Cannot help but, Ning Fan to this Fatty, looked at several points high. Has nothing to do with the strength, looks high, is this person of getting along with people attitude. 不由得,宁凡对这名胖子,高看了几分。与实力无关,高看的,是此人处世作风。 One hear of Ning Fan are willing take action to rescue, numerous Imaginary Cloud Sect cultivator is overjoyed looking, where knows Ferocious Beast that behind chases down, is only Illusion Technique. 一听宁凡出手相救,众幻云宗修士皆是大喜过望,哪里知道身后追杀的凶兽,只是幻术所化。 Ning Fan has turned around, gaze falls on the star boat of remote place, after the Fatty gaze short connection separates, he from Fatty look, saw meaning of several points of challenge. 宁凡转过身,目光落在遥远处的星舟上,与胖子目光短暂交汇后分开,他从胖子眼神当中,看到了几分挑战的意味。 Challenge? 挑战? Interesting. 有趣。 The Ning Fan eye duplicate azure glow, gaze shifts to remote sea level over a thousand Ferocious Beast, resembling to pierce all Illusion Technique True and False. 宁凡眼覆青芒,目光转向遥远海面的上千凶兽,似要洞穿其中所有幻术真虚 What a pity, looks at by no means is clear... that Fatty Illusion Technique attainments is quite high, even if the Ning Fan body has the Heaven and Mortal Second Realm eyesight, is unable to see through all Illusion Technique veins, can only see through four 50% (5 points). 可惜,看得并不是很清楚…那名胖子幻术造诣相当高,即便宁凡身具天人第二境的目力,也无法一眼看穿所有幻术脉络,只能看穿四五分 Other 56, the Illusion Technique experience that then needs to gain in depending on the past broke, this is also the Ning Fan feeling decodes this technique some difficulty reasons. 余下的五六分,则需要凭以往积累的幻术经验来破了,这也是宁凡感觉破解此术有些难度的原因。 This matter obviously compared with on killing over a thousand Ferocious Beast wanting difficult a lot of times, is Ning Fan and this unauthentic Fatty, the first time head confrontation! 此事显然比击杀上千凶兽要难上千百倍,是宁凡与这名来路不明的胖子,第一次正面交锋! Unexpectedly is Heaven and Mortal Second Realm! This Eastern Yama is seriously unexpected, if only by the Heaven and Mortal eyesight, I am inferior to him. But wants to break my Illusion Technique, actually not just depends on the eyesight to accomplish. In this world has the too many thing, you could see, actually cannot bump into ; you more to approach, more cannot obtain. That tentacle unreachable part, is the Illusion Technique most mysterious place...” “居然是天人第二境!这东阎罗当真出人意料,若只论天人目力,我不如他。可想破我幻术,却并非只凭目力便可办到。这世上有太多的东西,你看得到,却碰不到你越想靠近,越得不到。那触手不可及的部分,才是幻术最玄妙的地方…” Fatty gaze is very self-confident, he must have a look at this name to shake Boundary River Eastern Yama, can under his Illusion Technique, support several breaths. 胖子目光十分自信,他要看看这位名震界河东阎罗,能在他幻术之下,支撑几息。 Very fierce... over a thousand Ferocious Beast of this person, each, changes in the different Illusion Technique techniques. Over a thousand Ferocious Beast, then related to over a thousand Illusion Technique techniques, this person of Illusion Technique ability, above me, by the Illusion Technique technique that I grasp, most can break 600 Ferocious Beast, other 400, very difficult...” “很厉害…此人的上千凶兽,每一只,都是以不同的幻术手法变化而出。上千凶兽,便涉及上千种幻术手法,此人幻术才能,在我之上,以我掌握的幻术手法,最多能破其中六百凶兽,余下四百,很难…” Bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭! Ning Fan lifts refers, separates sea even/including chose/point, each finger/refers falls, must have Ferocious Beast to be selected to become fine powder. 宁凡抬指,隔海连点,每一指落,必有一只凶兽被点成齑粉 A breath in the past, two breaths in the past, three breaths in the past... 一息过去,两息过去,三息过去… In an instant, the 140 breath passed. 转眼,一百四十息过去了。 Ning Fan has selected smash into pieces 600 Illusion Technique Ferocious Beast, finally the 400 head, he is unable to eradicate based on the Illusion Technique experience. 宁凡已经点碎了六百幻术凶兽,最后四百头,他无法凭幻术经验破除。 What is thornier, he discovered himself the Fatty say/way. Over a thousand Illusion Technique techniques, are only in the middle of representation ; Fatty Illusion Technique, unexpectedly also Illusion Technique trap! 更棘手的是,他发现自己着了胖子的道。上千幻术手法,只是一个表象胖子幻术当中,居然还有幻术陷阱! As the name suggests, Illusion Technique trap in own Illusion Technique, trap of increase. If unable to detect the trap, more eradicates Illusion Technique, instead more will be misled by Illusion Technique. 顾名思义,幻术陷阱就是在自己的幻术中,添加的陷阱。若无法察觉陷阱,越是破除幻术,反而越会被幻术蛊惑。 This moment Ning Fan is this situation, his first time meets so sly Illusion Technique. Carelessly, was invaded Sea of Consciousness by Illusion Technique of opposite party unexpectedly directly, the forehead transmits the intermittent dizziness. 此刻宁凡便是这种情况,他头一次遇到如此狡猾的幻术。一个不慎,竟被对方的幻术直接侵入到识海,额头传来阵阵眩晕。 This person of Illusion Technique ability, above some Quasi-Saint...” The Ning Fan forced smile, gave this appraisal. “此人幻术才能,更在一些准圣之上…”宁凡苦笑,给出了这一评价。 He has to acknowledge, only by the Illusion Technique attainments, present he, but also compares this Fatty. 他不得不承认,单论幻术造诣,如今的他,还比不过这个胖子 But makes him be defeated by Fatty casual Illusion Technique trap, is impossible. 但让他被胖子随便一个幻术陷阱击败,也是不可能的。 „The 140 breath triggers the Illusion Technique trap, this Eastern Yama exceptional, what a pity cannot realize to detect trap exist(ence) but actually eventually, by my Illusion Technique sneak attack, was invaded Sea of Consciousness. He lost, in ten breaths, his Sea of Consciousness must injure for my Illusion Technique...” Fatty smiles self-confidently. 一百四十息才触发幻术陷阱,这东阎罗倒也了得,可惜终究没能实现察觉到陷阱存在,以至于被我幻术偷袭,侵入到了识海。他输了,十息之内,他的识海必为我幻术所伤…”胖子自信一笑。 But this self-confident only continued ten breaths, then transferred turned into stunned! 但这自信只持续了十息,便转变成了错愕! Ten breaths in the past, his Illusion Technique cannot injure to Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness! 十息过去,他的幻术没能伤到宁凡识海 20 breath, 30 breaths, 40 breath... 100 breath! 二十息,三十息,四十息…一百息! The entire 100 breath, he invades the Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness Illusion Technique strength, attacked the more than 3000 time toward Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness, is unable to create tiny bit injury to Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness unexpectedly! 整整一百息,他侵入宁凡识海幻术力量,朝着宁凡识海进攻了三千多次,竟无法对宁凡识海造成一丝一毫的伤势 This is what kind of defends abnormal Sea of Consciousness! Even the Illusion Technique attack of Half-Saint Grade, still can not injure! Hears something never heard of before simply! 这是何等防御变态的识海!即便中了半圣等级幻术攻击,也可以无伤吗!简直闻所未闻! Your mentally confused, this chaotic, taboo that indeed cultivates imaginary. Illusion Technique rebound!” “你的心乱了,这一乱,正是幻修的大忌。幻术反弹!” Ning Fan, have waited for Fatty mentally confused split second, by Fu Li Illusion Technique Innate Skill, the Illusion Technique rebound in the institute gave Fatty. 宁凡一直在等,等胖子心乱的一瞬间,以扶离幻术天赋,将所中幻术反弹给了胖子 ! 噗! Did not have the indication place, Fatty on star boat coughed a blood. Behind star boat surplus 400 Ferocious Beast, in this an instant, the complete collapse, vanishes into thin air. 毫无征兆地,星舟上的胖子咳了一口鲜血。星舟后方剩余的四百凶兽,也都在这一瞬,全部崩溃,化为乌有。 Security! I can be safe! Well, how Yu Yichi spat blood!” “安全了!我能安全了!咦,余一痴怎么吐血了!” Saw with own eyes in the Ning Fan several hundred breaths killing all Ferocious Beast, on the star boat spread cheers intermittently, actually also some people noticed spitting blood of Fatty, deeply felt strange, was actually disinclined to think deeply. 眼见宁凡数百息内击杀了所有凶兽,星舟上传出阵阵欢呼,却也有人注意到胖子的吐血,深感古怪,却也懒得深思。 „The First Round/Wheel confrontation, was I lost...” The Fatty forced smile, resembles to talk to oneself, resembles is separating to talk with Ning Fan. 第一轮交锋,是我输了…”胖子苦笑,似自语,又似在和宁凡隔海对话。 No, this confrontation, for the time being is tie. My Illusion Technique attainments are inferior to you, is the fact, reason that wound to you, but used other methods, victory non- military.” Ning Fan shakes the head, similarly was talking to oneself, but seems like giving a Fatty reply. “不,这场交锋,姑且算是平手吧。我幻术造诣不如你,是事实,之所以伤到你,不过是用了其他手段,胜之不武。”宁凡摇摇头,同样在自语,但又像是在给胖子一个回答。 Good Eastern Yama! In view of this, the Second Round showdown, I will not lose again!” “好一个东阎罗!既如此,第二轮对决,我不会再输的!” Fatty scours the corners of the mouth bloodstain, suddenly jumps down the star boat, foot treads the ocean waves, Nine Colored Rainbow that towards Ning Fan is at walks. 胖子擦净嘴角血迹,忽然跳下星舟,脚踏海浪,朝宁凡所在的九色彩虹走去。 Ning Fan arrangement the strength of impediment, naturally cannot block him, therefore in everyone surprised uncertain look, Fatty step by step arrived at Ning Fan to be. 宁凡布置的阻挡之力,自然挡不住他,于是在所有人惊疑不定的神色中,胖子一步步走到了宁凡所在。 How possibly! The strength of impediment the Altair and Vega boat is unable to penetrate, trivial God Cultivator is Yu Yichi, can rush unexpectedly!” The innumerable Imaginary Cloud Sect disciples are startled shock, each and every single (person) regard Yu Yichi look, such as looks at Monster. “怎么可能!连星舟都无法穿透的阻挡之力,区区化神修为的余一痴,居然能闯过!”无数幻云宗弟子惊得合不拢嘴,一个个看待余一痴眼神,如看怪物 False! This boy God Cultivator is false! He is great expert/power! Is cultivation base far exceed my exist(ence)! No wonder this person is not in the gain experience disciple list, he is not Outer Sect Disciple, he mixes in Eternal Old Monster on ship!” Crossing Truth Lin was almost scared. “假的!这小子的化神修为是假的!他是一个大能!是修为远超我的存在!难怪此人不在历练弟子名单之内,他不是外门弟子,他是混入船上的万古老怪!”林姓渡真几乎吓傻了。 Thinks oneself these days, bully Fatty daily, he feels the hands and feet ice-cold, the whole body trembles. 一想到自己这段时间,天天欺负胖子,他就感到手脚冰冷,浑身发抖。 Can be retaliated! 会不会被报复! Will be extinguished kills! 会被会被灭杀! By fool Fatty that I bully daily, unexpectedly is Eternal Senior! I come to the end of one's destiny! 被我天天欺负的二货胖子,居然是一名万古前辈!我命休矣! Crossing Truth Lin is keeping sighing, suddenly the facial expression shakes, discovered a more dreadful matter. 林姓渡真正自长吁短叹,忽然神情一震,发现了更加可怕的事情。 As the sea fog was blown off by the wind, his Divine Sense, saw clearly in the remote sea level finally, Ning Fan appearance! 随着海雾被风吹散,他的神念,终于看清了遥远海面上,宁凡的容貌! His behind junior does not recognize Ning Fan probably, after all their cultivation base is too low. But as Crossing Truth, how Crossing Truth Lin possibly not to know Ning Fan! 身后的小辈大概不认得宁凡,毕竟他们修为太低。但身为渡真,林姓渡真怎可能不认识宁凡 The Ning Fan portrait had spread over in the Eastern Heaven 2nd step circle! 宁凡的画像早已在东天第二步圈子传遍了好吗! Unexpectedly and unexpectedly is Slaughter Palace Lord in this!” Crossing Truth Lin has thought from without/has not in Scarlet Rainbow Star Sea, will meet the idol in mind, the split second breathing rapidly. “居然、居然是杀戮殿主在此!”林姓渡真没有想过会在赤虹星海,遇到心目中的偶像,一瞬间呼吸急促了。 That is almost by the strength of oneself stills Boundary River big hero! Although he is since birth timid, but actually most admires the bold person, admires Ning Fan this kind of big hero that shoulders the world rise and fall! 那可是几乎以一己之力平定界河的大英雄啊!他虽说生来胆子小,但却最佩服大胆之人,更佩服宁凡这类肩负天下兴亡的大英雄 Thinks this time in the idol by the heart was rescued a life unexpectedly, the Crossing Truth Lin split second happiness to is unable to say a word, in the eye almost brimmed with the tears. 一想到这一次居然是被心中偶像救了一命,林姓渡真一瞬间幸福到无法言语,眼中几乎洋溢出了泪水。 However thinks oneself offended Yu Yichi this Eternal Old Monster, he feels the Heaven and Earth avalanche, will only feel a future darkness, without/has not the hope. 不过一想到自己得罪了余一痴这名万古老怪,他又感觉天地崩塌,只觉得未来一片黑暗,没有了希望。 what! this is Senior Slaughter Palace Lord in legend, Immortal Monarch of Rain?” 什么!这名前辈就是传说中的杀戮殿主,雨之仙君?” A Imaginary Cloud Sect disciple hears Crossing Truth Lin to think aloud, is startled. 一名幻云宗弟子无意间听到林姓渡真自言自语,吃惊不已。 This news passes on ten, ten pass on hundred, spreads over the star boat quickly, all Imaginary Cloud Sect disciples bring look of worship, is away from the ocean waves, gazes the leaning back Ning Fan heroic bearing. 这个消息一传十,十传百,很快传遍星舟,所有幻云宗弟子都带着崇拜的眼神,隔着海浪,瞻仰着宁凡的英姿。 Although the without/has not qualifications glance the Ning Fan portrait, had actually heard mostly enlivening of Ning Fan on Boundary River with the score, to this saving Eastern Heaven hero, has worshipped, never has in the extreme thought can see with one's own eyes Ning Fan. 他们虽说没有资格一览宁凡画像,却大都听说过宁凡界河上的活跃与战绩,对这种拯救东天英雄,早已崇拜到无以复加,从未想过能亲眼看到宁凡 Only two Ascending young female(s), just shortly after Ascending, the war and without/has not regarding Boundary River hear too many, only knows approximately. 唯有两名飞升少女,刚刚飞升不久,对于界河之战并没有听说太多,只知道个大致。 They were also startled by the Ning Fan appearance and reputation. 她们同样被宁凡的容貌、名声惊到了。 They recognize the Ning Fan appearance, then knew before Ascending! 她们认得宁凡的容貌,早在飞升以前便认识! This person... is not Rain World God Sovereign Ning Fan! 此人…不就是雨界神皇宁凡吗! How he became Slaughter Palace Lord that overawes Eastern Heaven! 他怎么成了威震东天杀戮殿主 Although two young female(s) the story was still shallow, but is not a fool, knows that something can know, actually cannot divulge, without/has not told anybody, Rain World God Sovereign matter. 两名少女虽然阅历尚浅,但也不是傻子,知道有些事情可以知道,却不可以说破,没有告诉任何人,雨界神皇的事情。 Looks at Ning Fan when again, two females do not control self, on the face brings to wipe to feel ashamed to blush. 只是再看宁凡时,二女都不自禁地,脸上带着一抹羞人红晕。 nobody knows, before Ascending, person who they most worship, was Rain World God Sovereign Ning Fan. 无人知,飞升以前,她们最崇拜的人,就是雨界神皇宁凡了。 They have been looking forward to Rain World God Sovereign, what a pity misses to see. Lower Realm hearsay, Rain World God Sovereign already Ascending, but did not know Ascending to which Heaven. 她们一直憧憬着雨界神皇,可惜无缘一见。下界传闻,雨界神皇早已飞升,只是不知飞升到了哪一天 They have never thought that idol that formerly worshipped, with such a certainly strong stance, presents at present. 她们从未想过,从前崇拜的偶像,会以这样一种绝强姿态,呈现在眼前。 This is the first time meet. 这是第一次相遇。 Actually absolutely is the most mammoth meet. 却绝对是最为波澜壮阔的相遇。 After Rain World God Sovereign Ascending, unexpectedly the blending Eastern Heaven extremely Expert, became Immortal in innumerable legend to admire the idol of worship... this secret, they must be well conservative, cannot other to know... 雨界神皇飞升之后,居然混成了东天绝顶高手,成了无数传说中的仙人景仰崇拜的偶像…这个秘密,她们要好好保守,不能让其他人知道… ... Ning Fan naturally does not know the mood of numerous imaginary cloud disciple, being disinclined manages Yes. 宁凡自然不知众幻云弟子的心情,也懒得理会。 This place can make him attach great importance, named Yu Yichi Fatty. 此地能让他重视的,只有名为余一痴胖子 Saw with own eyes that Fatty step by step drowns oneself in the sea to come, Ning Fan gaze narrows the eyes slightly, he must have a look but actually, how this Fatty then must challenge him. 眼见胖子一步步踏海而来,宁凡目光微微一眯,他倒要看看,这胖子接下来要如何挑战他。 It seems like you in by Real World Spirit Plant Secret Technique, accelerate ripening Great Thousand Colored Rainbow.” Fatty and to the near, only looked at Ning Fan to plant in the nine color plants of water surface, then called to break this thing origin. “看来你是在以真界灵植秘术,催熟大千彩虹。”胖子及到近前,只看了一眼宁凡栽在水面的九色植物,便叫破了此物来历 „Does Brother Yu also come for Great Thousand Colored Rainbow?” Ning Fan shows neither approval nor disapproval, the tone is extremely pale, asks. 余兄也是为大千彩虹而来么?”宁凡不置可否,语气极淡,反问道。 Good.” “不错。” So... your I then flaunt the method respectively, looked that who can obtain this wisp of Great Thousand Colored Rainbow finally.” “既如此…你我便各逞手段,看谁能最终获得这缕大千彩虹吧。” Solid hopes.” “固所愿尔。” The Fatty racket the big stomach intestinal fat, opens the mouth to smile, lifts suddenly refers , before the body, on water surface that is empty, suddenly the Golden grass grows. 胖子拍拍大肚腩,开口一笑,忽而抬指一点,身前空无一物的水面上,忽然有一朵金色小草长出。 A that small herbaceous only color, as Fatty Divine Ability transforms, the grass is longer is higher, the color also changes, finally grows into nine color plants. 那小草本只一种颜色,但随着胖子神通变换,小草越长越高,颜色也越变越多,最终长成一株九色植物。 Nine color plants is extremely similar to Ning Fan is cultivating, obviously is plans to use the same method, gathers Great Thousand Colored Rainbow! 宁凡培育着的九色植物极其相似,显然是打算使用同一种方法,收取大千彩虹 You came lately for seven years, your Nine Colored Cane, the growth rate compared with me, this Great Thousand Colored Rainbow, you could not carry off. Also or, you have some Secret Technique, can disregard these seven years disparity.” Ning Fan has the profound meaning to say greatly. “你来迟了七年,你的九色藤,生长速度比不过我,这大千彩虹,你带不走。又或者,你有某种秘术,可以无视这七年的差距。”宁凡大有深意道。 Hehe, this was your my Second Round confrontation. Eastern Yama, this poor monk advised politely you to show the complete ability, otherwise your seven years cultivated, could put to the running water completely. flower bloom sees, counter lives flower!” 呵呵,这便是你我第二轮交锋了。东阎罗,贫僧奉劝你拿出全部本领,否则你的七年培育,可能要全部付诸流水了。花开一见,逆生花!” Fatty smiles self-confidently, lifts refers to a water surface, its Nine Colored Cane starts to grow immediately at an exceptional pace! 胖子自信一笑,抬指一点水面,其九色藤顿时以惊人的速度开始生长! But Ning Fan Nine Colored Cane, then starts to wither at an exceptional pace! 宁凡九色藤,则以惊人的速度开始枯萎! This is what Divine Ability, can seize person Dao Sense unexpectedly, changes into oneself to use!” “这是什么神通,竟能夺人道念,化为己用!” Ning Fan gaze slightly changes. 宁凡目光微微一变。 That Nine Colored Cane is not side the thing, indeed he by Dao Sense, takes the accelerate ripening Great Thousand Colored Rainbow medium by this. 九色藤不是旁物,正是他以道念所化,以此作为催熟大千彩虹的媒介。 But unexpectedly fell by Fatty strange Divine Ability Devour(ing). 但居然被胖子诡异神通吞噬掉了。 flower bloom sees, counter lives flower... 花开一见,逆生花… This is not Divine Ability that ordinary Buddhism Cultivator can have. 这绝不是普通佛修能够拥有的神通 The mystery of this technique, extremely possibly is Title Buddhism Cultivator Can Inheritance Real World Buddha Technique! 此术之玄妙,极可能是【封号佛修】才能传承真界佛术 Your excellency came from Western Heaven!” Ning Fan split second had the judgment, is not the guess, but is the affirmation. “阁下来自西天!”宁凡一瞬间有了判断,不是猜测,而是肯定。 Good!” Fatty smiles with sincerity. “不错!”胖子坦然一笑。 May have Title!” “可有封号!” 19 generation of Maitreya!” 十九弥勒!” so that's how it is... looks like this Yu Yichi, if not uses an alias, was the common name before Your Excellency paid respects to join monk. Never expected that your excellency unexpectedly is this generation of Maitreya, it seems like, only then take action, can full power with your excellency strive for high and low!” 原来如此…看来这余一痴若非化名,便是阁下拜入沙门前的俗名了。没想到阁下居然是此代弥勒,看来真的只有全力出手,才能与阁下一争高下了!” The Ning Fan makings suddenly change, Ancient Demon Annihilation Will passes through the whole body, the similar direction in the water surface, an instant imitated some Divine Ability principles of Fatty unexpectedly, counter its Ancient Buddhist idea, forces counter to seize these seized Dao Sense! 宁凡气质陡然一变,古魔破灭意志贯穿全身,同样一指点在水面,竟一瞬模仿了胖子的些许神通原理,逆其古佛理念,强行逆夺那些被夺走的道念 Therefore astonishing appeared! 于是惊人的一幕出现了! Before Ning Fan body, Nine Colored Cane that withers, starts to give full play to the vitality. 宁凡身前枯萎的九色藤,开始重新焕发生机。 Nine Colored Cane before Fatty body, then stopped the potential of growth, and a little bit/bit by bit withers. 胖子身前的九色藤,则停止了生长之势,并一点点枯萎。 Situation reversal! 形势逆转! The Maitreya Monk innermost feelings shake, without/has not thinks Ning Fan dares by Ancient Demon cultivation base misfortune Ancient Buddhist Divine Ability, to rob Dao Sense unexpectedly, was too rampant., 弥勒和尚内心一震,怎么也没有想到宁凡居然敢以古魔修为逆运古佛神通,来抢夺道念,太嚣张了。、 Since End of Law, has not seen so rampant Devil, dares to act unruly in front of really Buddha! 末法以来,就没见过如此嚣张的魔头,敢在真佛面前撒野! He, looked down on Ning Fan one time! 他,又小瞧了宁凡一次
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