GE :: Volume #12

#1160: Is my son!

Said that wants banquet 10 days, but Ning Fan without/has not that mood, really joyfully celebrates certainly 10 days. 说是要大宴十日,但宁凡当然没有那个心情,真的欢庆十日的。 For this victory, the sacrifice of Eastern Heaven cultivator greatly was very natural, because of the involvement of Ning Fan, the sacrifice population must than expected little and that's the end. 为了这场胜利,东天修士的牺牲很大当然了,因为宁凡的介入,牺牲人数远比预期要少就是了。 2nd step Immortal Cultivator, died in battle the 600,000 person. 第二步仙修,战死了六十万人。 Is better than Immortal Emperor Expert, died in battle six people, rebelled and fled three people, insane a person. 强如仙帝强者,都战死了六人,叛逃了三人,疯了一人。 Quasi-Saint Expert also paid the heavy price: Xiang Mingzi lost half Mortal Body, Daoist Mu Song loses entire Mortal Body, Hou Tu old man destroys Void Wielding, Nan Clan Fifth Elder and Sixth Elder was also injured seriously. 准圣强者同样付出了惨重代价:向螟子失去半边肉身,木松道人失去整个肉身,后土老人毁了掌位虚空,南族五长老六长老同样受伤惨重。 This victory, hard-won. 这场胜利,来之不易。 Frequently affected chaos compared to with this type, the Eastern Heaven past chaos caused by war and sect war, was really not worth mentioning. 与这种动辄波及一界的大乱相比,东天以往的战乱、宗派战争,实在不值一提。 Because Desolate Ancient Seal blocks the way, Ning Fan the without/has not means go to Northern Heaven temporarily, has to bear the temper, for this chaos caused by war conclusion that swept across entire Eastern Boundary River. 因为荒古封印拦路,宁凡暂时没有办法前往北天,不得不耐着性子,为这场席卷了整个东界河的战乱收尾。 The living are lucky, the dead and injured are unfortunate. 生者是幸运的,死者、伤者却是不幸的。 Carries serious injury Eastern Heaven cultivator in this Boundary River war, has the 200,000 person. These injured are not suitable take a long journey, mostly nearby places in the Extreme Abyss Cross mouth, cultivator that excels at the medical ethics and Dao of Alchemy innumerably, is responsible for hero that looks after these to be wounded. 在这场界河大战当中身负重伤东天修士,足足有二十万人。这些伤者不宜远行,大多就近安置在太渊渡口,无数擅长医道、丹道修士,负责照看这些负伤的英雄 As Gold Core Level Nine Revolutions Alchemist, Ning Fan pill concocting technique, naturally treats the injured indispensable thing. 身为一名金丹级九转炼丹师,宁凡炼丹术,自然是治疗伤者不可或缺的东西。 Ouyang Nuan pill concocting technique is also very high, was to treat the injured paid many sweat. 欧阳暖炼丹术同样很高,为医治伤者付出了不少汗水。 Secretly, Ning Fan even also plans to order Incense Fire Space several Golden Pill Alchemist, is Eastern Heaven wounded person refining Medicine Pill. 暗地里,宁凡甚至还打算命令香火空间的几名金丹炼丹师,为东天伤员炼制丹药 Unfortunately, concocting pills Grandmaster of these Incense Fire slave status, are unable to devote life to for Ning Fan. 不幸的是,这些香火奴身份的炼丹大师,根本无法为宁凡效命了。 They are not Eastern Heaven cultivator, they are Extreme Pill Saint Territory indigenous, all in all, is unable to live in outside world. 他们不是东天修士,他们是极丹圣域的土著,于情于理,是无法生活在外界的。 Although lives in Incense Fire World, with lives in Eastern Heaven directly is different, they still withstood curse that huge side effect Southern Medicine Saint that leaves Extreme Pill Saint Territory. 虽说居住在香火世界,和直接居住在东天不同,他们仍旧承受了离开极丹圣域的巨大副作用南药圣诅咒 Extreme Pill Saint Territory native cultivator, is unable to live in the outside world biggest reason, is Saint curse, this also Ning Fan without/has not had the reason that Duo Lan left initially. 极丹圣域的本土修士,无法生活在外界的最大原因,就是圣人诅咒,这也是当初宁凡没有多兰离开的原因。 Initially Ning Fan the Incense Fire slave who led from Extreme Pill Saint Territory, everyone's cultivation base started to drop day-by-day, and day by day moved toward the death. 当初宁凡极丹圣域带出来的香火奴,所有人的修为都开始一天天跌落,并一日日走向死亡。 These are Ning Fan mine the gold and silver mine Incense Fire slave, because day by day is weak, has somewhat dug motionless mineral lode. 那些为宁凡开采金银矿香火奴,因为一日日虚弱,已经有些挖不动矿脉了。 That several concocting pills Grandmaster, are unable Ning Fan not to work for similarly again, pleading Ning Fan to return Extreme Pill Saint Territory them sooner, otherwise stays in Eastern Heaven again, they will be weak and die sooner or later. 那几个炼丹大师,同样无法再未宁凡效劳,恳求着宁凡将他们早些放回极丹圣域,否则再呆在东天,他们迟早会虚弱而死的。 Considering that these concocting pills Grandmaster once helped refining Dragon Horse 16 Hearts Pill, Ning Fan is not cruel enough to let these concocting pills Grandmaster real die, unavoidablily, by cultivation world Icebound secret skill of preservation vitality, these concocting pills Grandmaster in Turtle Breath condition Icebound. 考虑到这几个炼丹大师曾帮自己炼制龙马十六心丹,宁凡倒也不忍心让这几名炼丹大师真的陨落,不得已之下,以修真界一种保存生机的冰封秘法,将这几个炼丹大师龟息状态冰封了。 Although is unable to suppress these people of cultivation base to drop, but at least can preserve their breath vitality Inextinguishable/not exterminates. When comes to day, Ning Fan found the means to return to Extreme Pill Saint Territory, according to the commitment, putting them will be free. 虽然无法抑制这几人的修为跌落,但至少能保住他们一息生机不灭。待来日,宁凡找到办法返回极丹圣域,会依照承诺,放他们自由。 As for other Incense Fire slaves... 至于其他香火奴… Sorry, Ning Fan without/has not that skill, everyone Turtle Breath Icebound. secret skill of this preserved vitality, will have a big damage to use technique oneself, Ning Fan, even if exhausts the life, still the without/has not skill saves all Incense Fire slaves, and what duty does he have to save these people? 抱歉,宁凡没有那个本事,将所有人都龟息冰封。这种保存生机的秘法,对施术本人会有不小的损伤,宁凡就算把生命耗尽,也没有本事拯救所有香火奴,且他有什么义务救这些人呢? These Incense Fire slaves are his enemy, in the past should be ruthless. Ning Fan is never what kindhearted person, making him damage itself possibly to save the enemy, without/has not any. 这些香火奴本来就是他的敌人,当年就该赶尽杀绝的。宁凡从来不是什么良善之人,让他损伤自身去救敌人,没有任何可能的。 His final benevolence, only limited to displaying Illusion Technique, made the Incense Fire slave complete deep sleep that these withered away day after day, at least could not feel the pain and fear that was on the verge of death. 他最后的仁慈,仅限于施展幻术,令这些日渐消亡的香火奴全部沉睡,起码感受不到濒死的痛苦和恐惧。 Also rewards the merit that their these years mine. 也算是奖励他们这些年来挖矿的功劳吧。 Pulled far... 扯远了… For several months, Ning Fan and Ouyang Nuan bring large quantities of Eastern Heaven Alchemist, is busy with concocting pills, treats and cures the injured. 一连数月,宁凡欧阳暖带着一大批东天炼丹师,忙于炼丹,救治伤者。 After several months, Bao Kuo (including) Xiang Mingzi and other Quasi-Saint, all injured were out of the danger, remaining is the long years therapy, Ning Fan without/has not has at least continued the stay Extreme Abyss Cross mouth the necessity. 数月后,包括向螟子准圣在内,所有伤者都脱离了危险,剩下的便是漫长岁月的自我疗伤了,至少宁凡已经没有继续逗留太渊渡口的必要了。 Finally, Ning Fan and Xiang Mingzi and other Quasi-Saint said good-bye before leaving, decides to leave the Extreme Abyss Cross mouth, leading subordinate people first one step to return to Eastern Heaven. 终于有一天,宁凡向螟子准圣辞行,决定离开太渊渡口,带着麾下众人先一步返回东天 Ning Fan hits to explode the Blood God Sentry Crow score, is shocking each Eastern Heaven cultivator innermost feelings, everyone is awing powerful without rival Ning Fan, only has Xiang Mingzi as always, by the status of intergenerational activity, is naturally talking with Ning Fan. 宁凡打爆血神更乌的战绩,震撼着每一个东天修士的内心,所有人都敬畏着强大无敌宁凡,只有向螟子一如既往,以忘年交的身份,和宁凡自然交谈着。 Daoist Mu Song is also good, Nan Clan two Elder are also good, when each and every single (person) facing Ning Fan, then somewhat is politely cramped , is ordinary facing the elder just like the younger generation, feeling of being one step below others. 木松道人也好,南族两名长老也好,一个个面对宁凡之时,则都有些局促、客气,宛如晚辈面对长辈一般,低人一头的感觉。 this child can hit to explode Blood God Sentry Crow, hidden well deeply, Dark Clan is also good, Foreign Clan is also good, everyone by the representation strength deceit of this child! Regardless of he were its cultivation base achieved Far Ancient Great Cultivator, had some special method to achieve this matter, I may not compare! Luckily, the Old Man beforehand chance accomplished what art had failed, tied 1st Stage good karma with this child, therefore does not need to be worried to be able in the future with the this child becoming enemy. In the future will face this child, cannot pose as Senior, must respect 30% (slightly) to the this child ritual...” This is the innermost feelings activity of Daoist Mu Song. 此子血神更乌都能打爆,隐藏得好深,暗族也好,异族也好,所有人都被此子的表象实力欺骗了!不论他是本身修为达到了远古大修,还是拥有某种特殊手段达成了此事,都非我可比!幸好,老夫之前无心插柳,和此子结了一段善缘,故而不必担心日后会与此子成为敌人。只是日后面对此子,再也不能以前辈自居了,须对此子礼敬三分…”这是木松道人的内心活动。 Our Nan Clan is intelligent! When this child the palm executed Quasi-Saint Clone in the past, knows that this child is deeply concealing Far Ancient Great Cultivator! Has not thought that this child can hit to explode unexpectedly with is Far Ancient Great Cultivator Blood God Sentry Crow, it seems like that this person even in Far Ancient Great Cultivator first-level middle, is to the top level Expert. This person, my Nan Clan cannot offend, can only the courteous reception!” This is the innermost feelings activity that two Nan Clan Quasi-Saint think oneself infallible. “还是我们南族聪明!早在此子当年掌毙准圣分身的时候,就知道此子是一位深藏不露的远古大修!只是没想到此子居然能打爆同为远古大修血神更乌,看来此人即便在远古大修一级当中,都属于顶强者。这种人,我南族不可得罪,只能礼遇!”这是两名南族准圣自以为是的内心活动。 Ning Fan does not know Mu Song and innermost feelings activity of Nan Clan Quasi-Saint, by no means cared, is only to these people cautious somewhat speechless. 宁凡不知道木松南族准圣的内心活动,也并不关心,只是对这些人的拘谨有些无语。 It seems like these people iron core, must regard Far Ancient Great Cultivator to treat him... 看来这些人是铁了心,要将他当成一个远古大修来对待了… Because Niu Manshan gives forewarning, is not willing Ning Fan to expose his exist(ence), therefore Ning Fan by no means plan and Mu Song and the others explained too many, can only , whatever Mu Song and the others are misunderstanding temporarily. 因为牛满山有言在先,不愿宁凡暴露他的存在,故而宁凡并不打算和木松等人解释太多,只能任由木松等人暂时误会着。 „Did this plan Eastern Heaven? Does not plan to continue to stay here, helping several of us old Undying/not dead therapy?” Xiang Mingzi said with a smile, half Mortal Body was the body of flesh and blood, other half Mortal Body is Magic Technique fictionalizes, temporarily brought to serve as a stopgap. The this kind of both rule and self-consciousness based body, was destroyed because of half Mortal Body, has no alternative. But recently, does not know that Xiang Mingzi comprehended anything, this both rule and self-consciousness based Mortal Body, took to a Ning Fan most profound feeling unexpectedly, unpredictable, moved fast unpredictable, amazing. “这就打算回东天了?不打算继续留在这里,帮助我们几个老不死疗伤了?”向螟子笑道,一半肉身血肉之躯,另一半肉身则是法术虚构,暂时拿来充数的。这等半实半虚之躯,本是因为半边肉身被毁,不得已而为之。但近来,也不知向螟子领悟到了什么,这种半实半虚的肉身,居然带给宁凡一种玄之又玄的感觉,捉摸不定,飘忽难测,令人称奇。 Un, planned to go back, Senior injury has stood firm, the remaining parts, Senior heart of hearts had the means to deal early, otherwise these days was impossible to look the happy expression.” Ning Fan replied. “嗯,打算回去了,诸位前辈伤势已经稳住,剩下的部分,想必诸位前辈内心深处早有办法应对了,否则这些日子也不可能面露喜色的。”宁凡答道。 This war, Xiang Mingzi and other Quasi-Saint seemingly pay greatly, that but benefits is bigger. 此战,向螟子准圣看似付出巨大,但得到的好处更大。 On the same day a war, several Quasi-Saint hung in the balance, nearly when died in battle, was on the verge of death, each Quasi-Saint obtains huge Life and Death Comprehend, regarding in the future cultivation base will continue promoting, has the great benefit. 当日一战,几名准圣命悬一线,险些战死,濒死之际,每一个准圣都获得了巨大的生死体悟,对于日后修为继续提升,有着巨大好处。 Daoist Mu Song saw a path indistinctly, may lead to Third Level Quasi-Saint! 木松道人隐约看到了一线道路,可通往三阶准圣 Xiang Mingzi even more confirmed the Second Level Quasi-Saint path, once restores Mortal Body, can begin to break through Second Level Quasi-Saint officially, resembles in the actual situation, comprehended any unsurpassed ingenious method! 向螟子愈加确认了二阶准圣的道路,一旦修复肉身,便可正式着手突破二阶准圣,更似于虚实之间,领悟到了什么无上妙法! Although Hou Tu old man smash into pieces Void Wielding, but regarding earth understanding together, was more profound, strove did not know many! 后土老人虽然碎了掌位虚空,但对于土之一道的理解,更加深刻了,精进了不知多少! Two Nan Clan Quasi-Saint also obtained mysterious Comprehend, regarding cultivation base promoting was of great help. 两名南族准圣同样获得了玄妙体悟,对于修为提升大有裨益。 Then, these Quasi-Saint are happy. But this falls in other person of eyes, somewhat was strange. Paying seriously was unexpectedly happy? The average people really have not thought clearly, Xiang Mingzi and the others in happy anything. 如此一来,这些准圣自是心情不错。可这一幕落在其他人眼中,就有些奇怪了。付出惨重居然还如此高兴?一般人还真想不明白,向螟子等人是在高兴什么。 Ning Fan naturally understands, this moment such a raises, Xiang Mingzi and the others the smiling face were really more. 宁凡自然明白,此刻这么一提,向螟子等人果然笑容更多了。 Looked that you return to the Eastern Heaven appearance eagerly, what important matter wants to come to probably do? Needs to help every?” Xiang Mingzi smiles to ask. “看你急于返回东天的模样,想来是有什么要紧事要做吧?需要人手帮忙吗?”向螟子笑问道。 If Ning Fan has requirement, he will certainly help, this point without a doubt, even if he only remains half Mortal Body, is still same. 宁凡有要求,他一定会帮助,这一点毫无疑问,即便他只剩半边肉身,也是一样。 Ning Fan shakes the head, by no means is the matter of what danger, Senior safely therapy is, does not need to be worried.” 宁凡摇摇头,“并不是什么危险的事情,前辈安心疗伤便是,不必担心。” Also good, in view of this, we did not keep you. Although the Eastern Boundary River chaotic situation has stilled, but after returning to Eastern Heaven, must add carefully, guarded that has Ancient Demon to open Demon Hole, arrives at the sneak attack.” Xiang Mingzi had heard matter that Xuan Wei Daoist Demon Hole arrives, therefore reminded Ning Fan, hopes that Ning Fan should not be negligent. “也好,既如此,我们也就不留你了。东界河的乱局虽已平定,不过返回东天以后,还是要多加小心,谨防有古魔开启魔腔,降临偷袭。”向螟子早已听说玄尾道人魔腔降临的事情,故而提醒宁凡,希望宁凡不要大意。 Un, I will be careful.” “嗯,我会小心的。” ... Those who let Ning Fan without/has not think, these returns to Eastern Heaven, met several groups to greet his cultivator all the way unexpectedly. 宁凡没有想到的是,这一趟回到东天,一路上居然遇到了好几拨迎接他的修士 These cultivator greet spontaneously his, will obtain Ning Fan soon to return to the Eastern Heaven message, these people on the way Slaughter Palace road which must be taken, will then wait for day and night, only to greet hero will triumphal return. 这些修士是自发迎接他的,一得到宁凡即将返回东天的消息,这些人便在途径杀戮殿的必经之路上,没日没夜地等待,只为迎接英雄凯旋。 Right, hero! 没错,英雄 From the still of Eastern Boundary River, has passed several months, several months the time, enough person with high aspirations enlarged, exaggeration the Ning Fan score infinitely. Ning Fan saves Eastern Heaven contribution points, has spread over Eastern Heaven, became innumerable understanding the true situation hero in cultivator mind!. 距离东界河的平定,已经过了数月,数月时间,足够有心人将宁凡的战绩无限放大、渲染了。宁凡拯救东天功勋,早已传遍东天,成了无数不明真相的修士心目中的英雄!。 Formerly, Ning Fan no doubt also calculated full Eastern Heaven, but that time reputation, was ominous name and evil reputation, making one hear being awestruck. At that time, will worship Ning Fan, only then minority Eastern Heaven demon cultivators, more people responded with the malice to Ning Fan, even to flatter Dark Clan, started to Ning Fan in the back in secret. 从前,宁凡固然也算名满东天,但那时的名声,都是凶名恶名,令人闻之生畏。那个时候,会崇拜宁凡的,只有少数东天魔修,更多的人还是对宁凡报以恶感的,甚至为了讨好暗族,背地里对宁凡暗中下手。 At this time is different in those days, as long as understood that Boundary River chaotic grave cultivator, hits to explode Foreign Clan, to save the Eastern Heaven deeds to Ning Fan to respond with feels grateful! Regarding Ning Fan, which Eastern Heaven Hero does not give the thumbs-up again, praises Ning Fan real Hero, really hero! 今时不同往日,但凡了解界河之乱严重性的修士,无不对宁凡打爆异族、拯救东天的事迹报以感恩!再谈起宁凡,东天好汉哪一个不竖起大拇指,夸宁凡一句真好汉、真英雄 Many pasts could not get used to seeing the Ning Fan person, after this incident, has to acknowledge, they were mistaken. These people start to be repentant, start to follow the big class/flow, eulogized the Ning Fan merit. 就连许多从前看不惯宁凡的人,经此一事后,也不得不承认,他们看走眼了。这些人开始悔悟,开始顺着大流,歌颂宁凡的功绩。 Thereupon, the poem that eulogized Ning Fan innumerably starts to come out! 于是乎,无数歌颂宁凡的诗篇开始出炉! Thereupon, the public opinion of the world starts to fall to the ground to reverse at the same time, toward evolves to the Ning Fan advantageous direction fast! 于是乎,世人的舆论开始一面倒地扭转,朝着对宁凡有利的方向快速演变! Some people said, Ning Fan is not the incessant rain stick, is only slightly a little loose forget it/that's all, hero, the loose point has what relationship, only big hero can the true colors, be the real famous litterateur from loose! 有人说,宁凡不是霪棍,只是稍微有点风流罢了,英雄嘛,风流一点有什么关系,唯大英雄能本色,是真名士自风流! Some people said, Ning Fan is not a homicidal maniac, is only style slightly a little extreme forget it/that's all, hero, slaughter one for crime, slaughter ten thousand for male, does not kill people are what hero Hero, how does not kill the enemy to save World! 有人说,宁凡不是杀人狂,只是行事风格稍微有点偏激罢了,英雄嘛,屠一是为罪,屠万是为雄,不杀人算什么英雄好汉,不杀敌怎么拯救世界 Some people said, Ning Fan is not bad person, is not Devil, just the opposite, Ning Fan is a good person, is cardinal virtue, is hero who saves the world, was separated from ignorant/veiled to sleep low-ranked interest personality Warrior. 有人说,宁凡不是坏人,不是魔头,恰恰相反,宁凡是好人,是大德者,是拯救天下的功臣,是脱离了蒙寐低级趣味的人格战士 Some people said, the Ning Fan merit, can compare Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor. Before Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor dies, once had the last words to stay behind, if some day some people can rescue Eastern Heaven in peril, may ascend the throne is Ancestral Emperor. Obviously, present Ning Fan has tallied the qualifications of succeeding Ancestral Emperor... 更有人说,宁凡的功绩,可以比拟东天祖帝了。东天祖帝死前曾有遗言留下,异日若有人能救东天于危亡,可登极为祖帝。很显然,如今的宁凡已经符合了继任祖帝的资格… By the ability of Ning Fan collection information, how not to know, nowadays, entire Eastern Heaven has everywhere with his related discussion. Without a doubt, he has become at present the most popular topic. 宁凡搜集情报的能力,如何不知,现如今,整个东天处处都有与他有关的讨论。毫无疑问,他已经成了时下最热门的话题。 The increasing number of people start to flatter him, almost blew moral Saint him, just model... 越来越多的人开始吹捧他,几乎将他吹成了道德圣人,正义楷模… This makes Ning Fan very speechless, he is what goods, he had self-knowledge. Moral model? He may be unable to work as, the public opinion blew some. 这让宁凡十分无语,他是个什么货色,他有自知之明。道德楷模?他可当不了,舆论吹得有些过了。 This is not the good deed. 这不是什么好事。 Anything was blown extremely, can have the counter-effect finally, attracts a large numbers of opponent. 任何事情被吹得太过,最终一定会起反效果,引来一大批反对者。 Considering the increasing number of people was discussing that Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor last words, Ning Fan has to suspect, this excessive flattering, some certain people are deliberately promoting. It is not willing to look on him by saving Eastern Heaven unparalleled contribution points, accepts the Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor last words, ascends a height to get a broad view that supreme Ancestral Emperor throne, becoming another Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor. 考虑到越来越多的人在讨论东天祖帝的遗言,宁凡不得不怀疑,这种过分的吹捧,是有某些人在刻意推动。不愿坐视他凭借拯救东天的盖世功勋,接受东天祖帝的遗命,登临那至高无上的祖帝宝座,成为又一个东天祖帝 Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor, Hehe... 东天祖帝,呵呵 This meaningless unwarranted reputation, Ning Fan does not care, even, if not some public opinions mentioned this matter, Ning Fan does not know original Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor had also once established the last words, saves Eastern Heaven, unexpectedly can succeed to the throne Ancestral Emperor... 这种毫无意义的虚名,宁凡一点也不在乎,甚至于,若非有舆论提到了这件事,宁凡都不知道原来东天祖帝还曾立下过遗命,拯救东天者,居然可以继位祖帝 Really is senseless. I and others, in the front is bathed in blood to slaughter, some rear actually a small number of ganefs, plan an unwarranted reputation in the scheme. With cultivator compared to of these fighting bravely fronts , to promote the people of these rumors, took seriously some no sense of shame...” Ning Fan said with a sneer. “真是无趣。我等在前方浴血厮杀,后方却有少数宵小,在图谋算计一个虚名。与那些奋战前线的修士相比,推动这些流言的人,当真有些寡廉鲜耻了…”宁凡冷笑道 He does not know that is who is promoting these rumors, by no means cared. 他不知道是谁在推动这些流言,也并不关心。 With Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor last words compared to of what nuisance, his also more important matter must be done, is disinclined to pay attention to this matter. 与什么劳什子的东天祖帝遗命相比,他还有更重要的事情要做,懒得理会此事。 Ning Fan brings subordinate cultivator, returns to Slaughter Palace, chapter of Slaughter Palace, then shut the pass/test strangely. 宁凡带着麾下修士,一路回到杀戮殿,一回杀戮殿,便诡异地闭了关。 No one knows, during Ning Fan closes up, is doing. 没人知道,宁凡闭关期间都在干什么。 The people only know the place of Ning Fan closing up, each 1 day will send out the cooking seafood the strange fragrance, that type of fragrance, absolutely not Four Heavens any food can send out. 众人只知宁凡闭关之地,每一日都会散发烹饪海鲜的奇异香气,那种香气,绝非四天任何一种菜肴可以发出。 This Little thief, a person in Immortal Cave why...” Zang Yue (Burying Moon) is very uncomfortable. “这小霪贼,一个人在洞府里干什么…”葬月十分不爽。 She for the Ning Fan safety, did not hesitate to brave just to break through Quasi-Saint and Realm not steady danger, ran Boundary River to rescue Ning Fan. For Ning Fan, she received injury, although non- Quasi-Saint is heaviest, absolutely is heavy, but Ning Fan without/has not gives her enough inquiring after the well being of unexpectedly. 她为了宁凡的安危,不惜冒着刚刚突破准圣境界不稳的危险,跑去界河救援宁凡。为了宁凡,她受了一身伤势,虽非诸位准圣最重,却也绝对不轻的,可宁凡居然没有给她足够的嘘寒问暖。 Uncomfortable, was really uncomfortable! 不爽,真是太不爽了! Snort! Really is Little thief that does not have the conscience! She should not run to save him hurriedly! 哼!真是个没良心的小霪贼!她就不该急匆匆地跑去救他! The complaint and without/has not of Zang Yue (Burying Moon) continue is too long. 葬月的抱怨并没有持续太久。 Because in several days, Ning Fan then goes out of Immortal Cave, puts out the 1st batch of cooking good cuttlefish dumplings, must feed to her eats. 因为没过几天,宁凡便走出洞府,拿出第一批烹饪好的乌贼团子,要喂给她吃。 This is anything! I do not eat!” The Zang Yue (Burying Moon) arrogant and pampered rejection said, the innermost feelings somewhat are delicious, is the conscience discovery of Ning Fan is happy. “这是什么东西!我不吃!”葬月傲娇地拒绝道,内心却有些美滋滋,为宁凡的良心发现感到高兴。 This is the cuttlefish dumpling, it is said spreads from Fusang Immortal Country...” Ning Fan replied. “这是乌贼团子,据说是流传自扶桑仙国的…”宁凡答道。 Refining up the food! Is it possible that is in the legend, with the building up food of Medicine Pill same effect!” Zang Yue (Burying Moon) changes countenance slightly, by her ten points story, has naturally heard the Fusang Immortal Country building up food. “炼食!莫非是传说中,和丹药同等效果的炼食!”葬月微微动容,以她的十分阅历,自然听说过扶桑仙国的炼食。 Fusang Immortal Country is Real World one of the many Immortal Country, Country's Cultivator not Cultivation Pill said, but cultivates Dao of Food. Not concocting pills medicine, only refining up the food, to refine food. Refining up the food to refine the food, is actually similar to the Medicine Pill use, some refine the food to be able promoting cultivation base, there are to refine the food therapy and detoxify. Compared with flavor sole Medicine Pill, refining up the food the flavor delicacy to result in too many, but manufactures, is more tedious than Medicine Pill, is different the cooking in general sense, needs many special techniques, even needs with same grade. 扶桑仙国真界的诸多仙国之一,国中修士修丹道,而修食道。不炼丹药,只炼食材,是为炼食。炼食炼食,其实和丹药用途差不多,有的炼食可以提升修为,也有炼食可以疗伤、解毒。比起味道单一的丹药,炼食的味道美味得太多,只是制作起来,比丹药更加繁琐,不同于一般意义上的烹饪,需要许多特殊手法,甚至需要具备与同等级的。 Although the Fusang Immortal Country building up food reputation the sound, actually does not leak. Past Zang Yue (Burying Moon) has not had been to Fusang Immortal Country, regarding refining up the food incident, is only the hearsay, has never tasted. 扶桑仙国的炼食名声虽响,却向来不外传。当年的葬月并未到过扶桑仙国,对于炼食一事,只是道听途说,从未品尝过。 Today or first time tastes. 今日还是第一次品尝。 This cuttlefish dumpling, with the Great Cultivator flesh and blood cookery of Sentry Crow, medicinal power is extremely strong, eats a dumpling, was almost equal to take Nine Revolutions Emperor Pill Grade Medicine Pill. Your injury is heavy, eats, is good to the body.” Ning Fan cares to say. “这乌贼团子,是用更乌大修血肉烹制而成,药力极强,吃一个团子,几乎等同于服食一颗九转帝丹级丹药了。你伤势不轻,吃一些,对身体好。”宁凡关心道。 Un...” The Zang Yue (Burying Moon) unexpectedly rarely timid young girl inspiring tenderness one time, without/has not and Ning Fan to choking, is blushing, eats Ning Fan to feed the cuttlefish dumpling. “嗯…”葬月居然难得地小鸟依人了一次,没有宁凡对着呛,红着脸,吃了一个宁凡喂得乌贼团子。 Delicious.” Zang Yue (Burying Moon) said with a smile satisfied, does not know that was to the flavor satisfaction of dumpling, was satisfied with feeding of personally Ning Fan. “好吃。”葬月满意地笑道,也不知是对团子的味道满意,还是对宁凡的亲手喂食感到满意。 Does not make you eat the flavor, lets medicinal power in your refining dumpling!” Ning Fan is speechless. “不是让你吃味道,是让你炼化团子里的药力!”宁凡无语。 Your without/has not food soul, this type of building up food, you cannot do absolutely, is helps you defeat the Blood God Sentry Crow person, helping you do...” Zang Yue (Burying Moon) asked curiously. “你没有食魂,这种炼食,你绝对做不出来,是帮助你战胜血神更乌的人,帮你做的么…”葬月好奇地问道。 Really, anything cannot hide the truth from you.” Ning Fan without/has not conceals, nods. Although he complies with Niu Manshan not to divulge this matter on own initiative, but this is Zang Yue (Burying Moon) looks, does not close his matter. “果然,什么都瞒不过你。”宁凡没有隐瞒,点点头。他虽答应牛满山不主动泄露此事,但这是葬月自己看出来的,可不关他的事。 Seeks an impossibility, careful instead by tiger wound...” Zang Yue (Burying Moon) somewhat is worried about Ning Fan, the reminder said. “与虎谋皮,小心反受虎伤…”葬月有些担心宁凡,提醒道。 Did not fear, he has Karma pledge in my hands, will not be disadvantageous to me.” Ning Fan without/has not explains, only said Karma pledge, then makes Zang Yue (Burying Moon) feel relieved. “不怕,他有因果大誓在我手中,不会对我不利。”宁凡没有多做解释,只说了一个因果大誓,便让葬月放了心。 The Karma pledge indemnificatory, is better than Heart's Demon pledge, has this oath, she does not need to be worried about the Ning Fan safety actually. 因果大誓的保障性,比心魔大誓更好,有此一誓,她倒是不必担心宁凡的安危了。 I must eat.” “我还要吃。” Good, you take this dumpling, oneself eat, I must help Senior Niu, makes some dumplings... this dumpling not only to bring again therapy, may be used in cultivation, because dumpling medicinal power is too strong, instead is not the average person can take, at least needs the Half-Saint above strength to take, if this is not the case, can bring to give others actually to eat...” The Ning Fan regret said, turning around to walk. “好,你拿着这盘团子,自己吃,我得帮助牛前辈,再做些团子…这团子不仅可以拿来疗伤,更可用于修炼,不过由于团子药力太强,反而不是普通人可以服食的,起码需要半圣以上实力才可服食,若非如此,倒是能拿来给其他人吃…”宁凡遗憾道,转身要走。 Zang Yue (Burying Moon) was also uncomfortable! 葬月又不爽了! Because others cultivation base is insufficient, could not eat the cuttlefish dumpling, this Little thief brought to give her to eat! 只是因为别人修为不够,吃不了乌贼团子,这小霪贼才拿来给她吃的么! This reason, making her not happy! 这个理由,让她不高兴! Moreover Ning Fan did not feed her unexpectedly! 而且宁凡居然不喂她了! She does not think that eat, she compares to let Ning Fan Hey! 她一点都不想自己吃啊,她比较想让宁凡喂! However this ashamed request, arrogant and pampered such as can she, how possibly say? 不过这种羞耻的要求,傲娇如她,怎么可能说得出口? Then, Zang Yue (Burying Moon) can only looks at Ning Fan turn around to leave helplessly, a person is carrying the tray, eating is not, does not eat is not, is depressed stamps the feet. 如此一来,葬月只能眼睁睁看着宁凡转身离开,一个人端着盘子,吃也不是,不吃也不是,郁闷得直跺脚。 This woman, will act like a spoiled brat with me unexpectedly...” Although Ning Fan turns away from Zang Yue (Burying Moon), the keen sensation, actually looked at the Zang Yue (Burying Moon) movement completely, the innermost feelings laugh in spite of trying not. “这个女人,居然会跟我撒娇…”宁凡虽然背对葬月,敏锐的感知,却把葬月的动作看了个完全,内心失笑不已。 He may never know, Zang Yue (Burying Moon) will have side of such concubine, is a little slightly lovable. 他可从来不知道,葬月还会有如此小女人的一面,稍微有点可爱呢。 When thereupon, Ning Fan several days, had carried the 2nd plate cuttlefish dumpling Zang Yue (Burying Moon) eats, he very responsible rested Zang Yue (Burying Moon). 于是乎,当宁凡过了几天,端出第二盘乌贼团子给葬月吃的时候,他十分负责任的把葬月睡了。 Un, this transition is a little towering, lets Zang Yue (Burying Moon) ashamed and resentfully. 嗯,这个转折有点突兀,让葬月羞愤不已。 Although she was not first time and Ning Fan this and that but don't forget, she now is a wounded person! How Ning Fan can this and that... 她虽然不是第一次宁凡这样那样了,但别忘了,她现在可是一个伤员啊!宁凡怎么可以对她这样那样… can it be does not care about her body! 难道都不顾及她的身体吗! Although the mouth the complaint are many, the body of Zang Yue (Burying Moon) is quite honest, complete without/has not any rebellious conduct, instead caters to the collision of Ning Fan. 嘴巴虽然怨言不少,不过葬月的身体比较诚实,完全没有任何反抗行为,反而十分迎合宁凡的碰撞。 Snort! Really... is small... Little thief...... will really bully...... the light point... slow... the slow point... my wound...” “哼!果然…果然是小…小霪贼…就会…就会欺负啊…啊…轻点…慢…慢点…我的伤…” Do not fear, I have the method of Dual Cultivation, can help you absorb to refine the food medicinal power, accelerates therapy. The hypocritical woman, your body is more honest than your body!” “别怕,我有双修之法,可以帮助你吸收炼食的药力,加速疗伤的。口是心非的女人,你的身体远比你身体诚实!” Rests... rests the nonsense! But I... am moves Ancient... Great Emperor...” “休…休得胡言!我可是…可是名动上古的…大帝…” Famous moves Ancient again, today must ask you to beg for mercy!” “再名动上古,今日也要叫你求饶!” ahhhhhh... does not want... to hurt...” 啊啊啊…不要…疼…” ... In brief, the following day, Zang Yue (Burying Moon) injury recovered at the unprecedented speed, qi and blood compared with before injury grew 10% not just, this is the cuttlefish dumpling and Dual Cultivation merit. 总之,接下来的日子,葬月伤势以空前的速度痊愈了,一身气血更是比受伤前增长了10%不止,这都是乌贼团子与双修的功劳。 Breaks through Quasi-Saint Realm, under the help of Ning Fan, thorough was stable. 就连突破准圣境界,都在宁凡的帮助之下,彻底稳固了。 In fact, Ning Fan participates among number 10 years of Boundary River war, although Zang Yue (Burying Moon) broke through Quasi-Saint by luck, but Realm also some are actually not steady, should not enter the war immediately. 实际上,宁凡参加界河大战的数十年间,葬月虽说侥幸突破了准圣,但境界其实还有些不稳,本不应立刻参战的。 But she went, because of the injured reason, the foundation was somewhat damaged. all of these, her without/has not told Ning Fan. 但她还是去了,因为受伤的原因,根基本来都有些受损了。这一切,她都没有告诉宁凡 However Ning Fan what kind of eyesight, how also unable to look. Saw with own eyes that the Zang Yue (Burying Moon) foundation has been repaired, Realm is truly stable, Ning Fan then felt relieved, the heart said Niu Manshan really without/has not deceives him, the cuttlefish dumpling really has the stable Quasi-Saint Realm effect. 不过宁凡何等眼力,又岂会看不出来。眼见葬月的根基得到修复,境界真正稳固,宁凡这才放了心,心道牛满山果然没有骗他,乌贼团子确实有稳固准圣境界的奇效。 Ning Fan and Zang Yue (Burying Moon) eat the dumpling and evening's pā pā pā matter during the daytime, is impossible to hide the truth from Yao Qingyun and other females. 宁凡葬月白天吃团子、晚上啪啪啪的事情,怎么也不可能瞒过姚青云等女。 the women knows that Ning Fan is helping Zang Yue (Burying Moon) therapy, what discontented pours also without/has not, but Slaughter Palace Lord Sir, can you rain and dew moisten slightly? 诸女知道宁凡是在帮助葬月疗伤,倒也没有什么不满,不过杀戮殿主大人,你可以稍微雨露均沾一下吗? With this question, starts to have the female to join to evening's pā pā pā ranks. 怀着这种疑问,开始有女子自行加入到晚上啪啪啪的行列。 The cuttlefish dumpling is no one can eat, they also disdain are rivals for sexual favor for a good food. 乌贼团子不是谁都能吃的,她们也不屑于为一道美食争风吃醋。 But pā pā pā this related to oneself happy matter, their many must strive. Ning Fan does not press out in any case dry/does, Ancient Chaos Successor is not blows, a night wants to come to come several times several times not to say nothing more... 啪啪啪这种有关自身幸福的事情,她们多少还是要争取一下的。反正宁凡也榨不干,乱古传人可不是吹的,一夜想来几次就来几次可不是说说而已 The peaceful aura is covering Slaughter Palace, is covering entire Eastern Heaven. 和平的气息笼罩着杀戮殿,笼罩着整个东天 This type of peace aura continues, then continued entire 10 years! 这种和平气息一持续,便持续了整整十年 Entire 10 years, Niu Manshan Sentry Crow flesh and blood that Ning Fan obtains, complete refining became refine the food. 整整十年,牛满山才将宁凡获得的更乌血肉,全部炼制成了炼食。 Looks at cuttlefish dumpling small one not, but for a refining dumpling, usually needs to use a flesh lump of mountain number. Then, even Sentry Crow Mortal Body great like Starry Sky, still the cooking had/left the 10,000 many cuttlefish dumplings. 莫看乌贼团子小小一颗,但为了炼制一颗团子,往往需要动用一座山数目的肉块。如此一来,即便更乌肉身巨如星空,也不过烹饪出了一万多个乌贼团子。 These cuttlefish dumplings, half were eaten by Zang Yue (Burying Moon), half were eaten by Ning Fan. 这些乌贼团子,一半被葬月吃了,一半被宁凡吃了。 The food is Niu Manshan does, but Niu Manshan actually without/has not good fortune eats the cuttlefish dumpling, because of his without/has not Mortal Body, only has True Spirit! His without/has not enough qi and blood, withstands the cuttlefish dumpling medicinal power, occasionally eats one, needs long time to digest, therefore can only eat occasionally, tastes the flavor, most dumplings entered the belly of Ning Fan and Zang Yue (Burying Moon). 饭是牛满山做的,可牛满山没有福气多吃乌贼团子,因为他没有肉身,只有真灵!他没有足够的气血,承受乌贼团子的药力,偶尔吃一个,都需要很长时间消化,故而只能偶尔吃些,尝尝味道,大部分团子都入了宁凡葬月的肚子。 But he is making the cuttlefish dumpling to Ning Fan ecstatically, bears the burden of responsibility. 但他还是乐此不疲地给宁凡做着乌贼团子,任劳任怨。 This is he gives the return of Ning Fan. 这是他给宁凡的回报。 Returns the reason of Ning Fan, because of the Ning Fan one breath, looked for three right successors to him unexpectedly, inherits Heavenly Ox Bloodlines, gives him to become the son! 回报宁凡的理由,是因为宁凡居然一口气,给他找了三个合适的继承者,来继承天牛血脉,来给他当儿子! Still before remembering 10 years, Ning Fan just returned to Slaughter Palace, then called dozens natural talent excellent retinues, making him choose several to become the son. 犹记得十年前,宁凡刚回杀戮殿,便一口气叫来了几十个资质绝佳的仆从,让他挑选几个当儿子。 regarding Ning Fan the behavior, Niu Manshan is from the beginning angry, thought that Ning Fan looked down on him to choose son's standard. 对于宁凡的这种行为,牛满山一开始是愤怒的,觉得宁凡小瞧了他选择儿子的标准。 His son, naturally must cultivate/repair Heavenly Ox Clan Bloodlines. The Heavenly Ox Clan person is not abundant, but casual takes, is natural talent generations extremely. 他的儿子,自然要修天牛族血脉天牛一族人丁不丰,但随便一个拿出来,都是资质绝顶之辈。 Not as Heavenly Ox, natural talent certainly extremely, but only then natural talent person extremely, can the qualifications cultivate/repair the say/way of Heavenly Ox! 不是身为天牛,资质就一定绝顶,而是只有资质绝顶的人,才能资格修天牛之道! Heavenly Ox Divine Ability, all above skin patttern. Criticism Heavenly Ox skin patttern, just like the Inverse Saint lines on the hand, the solemn Inverse Saint lines on the hand, is that easy cultivation! 天牛神通,全在皮纹之上。人言天牛皮纹,犹如逆圣掌纹,堂堂逆圣掌纹,是那么容易修炼的吗! Has not the person of big wisdom, cultivation can not! 非拥有大智慧的人,修炼不得! Non- million years outstanding talent, cultivation can not! 百万年一出的人杰,修炼不得! cultivation Heavenly Ox Bloodlines threshold, outstanding talent ; that if at least million years meets to cultivate/repair Heavenly Ox Bloodlines, then only has that malevolent person, can achieve this matter. 修炼天牛血脉的门槛,起码要是百万年一遇的人杰若想将天牛血脉修到,则唯有那种心存邪念的人,才能做到此事。 For what! 什么! Because of Heavenly Ox Clan origin! 因为天牛一族来历 The Immemorial some day of sovereign obtaining enlightenment, the Heaven's Will sword cut his half palm, melted Heavenly Ox Clan, for the beginning of Heavenly Ox Clan. 太古某皇得道之日,天意化剑斩其半掌,化天牛一族,是为天牛族之始。 Why can Heaven's Will cut that Immemorial Immortal Sovereign? 天意为何要斩那名太古仙皇 What because that Immortal Sovereign walks is in world purest unsurpassed evil way! His half palm evolves Heavenly Ox Clan that becomes, is the evil spirits in evil spirits. 因为那名仙皇走的是世间最为纯正的无上邪道!他的半掌演化而成的天牛一族,更是邪祟中的邪祟。 Laughable Heavenly Ox Clan clansman, does not know that was how the gene mutation or, unexpectedly one generation compared one generation of honest, became simple and honest such as the cow seriously, deviated the Heavenly Ox Clan evil way essence completely. 可笑天牛一族族人,也不知是基因突变还是怎么了,居然一代比一代老实,当真变得憨厚如牛了,完全偏离了天牛族的邪道本质。 Heavenly Ox Clan is unable birth Saint, no doubt there is a reason of Heaven's Will hindrance, but the reason of deeper level, is Heavenly Ox Clan is actually not able born one to cultivate peak, to cultivate the unsurpassed evil way to the pure person. 天牛族始终无法诞生圣人,固然有天意阻碍的原因,但更深层次的原因,却是天牛族始终无法诞生一个将无上邪道修到顶峰、修至纯粹的人。 These Real World Saint and Immortal Sovereign are not willing to help Heavenly Ox Clan train Saint, is because they fear to contaminate the Heavenly Ox Clan unsurpassed evil way, feared, because this matter receives involvement of Heaven's Will. 那些真界圣人仙皇不愿帮天牛族培养圣人,也是因为他们惧怕沾染天牛族的无上邪道,怕因为此事受到天意的牵连。 Trains Saint, regarding Real World 4th step Immortal Sovereign, can difficult? 培养一个圣人,对于真界第四步仙皇,能有多难? But so many Immortal Sovereign are not willing to contaminate the Heavenly Ox Clan unsurpassed evil way, this clan evil way was what kind of is most obviously fearful. 可那么多仙皇都不愿沾染天牛族的无上邪道,最可见此族邪道是何等可怕了。 Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou is only one does not fear the Heavenly Ox evil way the different kind, what a pity, he dies early, finally has not helped Heavenly Ox Clan birth Saint with enough time. 紫斗仙皇唯一一个不惧天牛邪道的异类,可惜,他死得太早,最终也没来得及帮助天牛一族诞生圣人 But these simple and honest Heavenly Ox Clan people, without/has not carefully have always thought that this clan Expert is unable become a Saint most primary cause, to be because clansman is extremely upright honestly, is unable to implement the evil way. 而那些憨厚的天牛族人,从来没有认真想过,本族强者无法成圣的最主要原因,是因为族人太过忠厚老实,无法贯彻邪道。 Niu Manshan is only one different kind! 牛满山唯一一个异类! He is young, dares to sexually harass the nun on Spirit Mountain, stirs up the Real World Spirit Mountain seething discontent among the people! 他年纪轻轻,就敢调戏灵山上的尼姑,惹得真界灵山天怒人怨! He obviously as Immortal Zi Dou's cultivator, actually dares to hate Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, before was a anger, has moved Killing Sense to all Zi Dou descendant! 他明明身为紫斗仙修,却敢怨恨紫斗仙皇,之前更是一怒,对所有紫斗后裔动过杀念 He is never what good person, his body, the evil aura is imposing, but pitifully, he has not resulted and implemented his evil aura, for the Heavenly Ox Clan future, will comply with the commitment of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, turned into Seal Tower, forever guard Imaginary Dream World Boundary River... 他从来不是什么好人,他的身上,邪气凛然,但可惜,他还没得及贯彻他的邪气,就为了天牛一族的未来,答应紫斗仙皇的承诺,变成封印塔,永镇幻梦界界河 Niu Manshan is angry very much! He thought that Ning Fan looks for dozens to make him choose casually personally, is deceiving him! To the commitment is irresponsible! 牛满山很生气!他觉得宁凡随便找几十个人让他挑选,是在糊弄他!是对承诺的不负责! He is in the evil way the person, naturally it is said adopted son who oneself want to look, not only needs natural talent that million years meets, needs evil way Innate Skill that million years meets! 他是邪道中人,自然之道自己想找的义子,不仅需要拥有百万年一遇的资质,更需要拥有百万年一遇的邪道天赋 Only has the worship evil way, despise the Righteous Path person from the innermost feelings, be likely to carry forward Heavenly Ox Clan! 唯有崇拜邪道、从内心鄙夷正道的人,才有望将天牛族发扬光大! He refuses to receive Ning Fan for the adopted son, by no means merely because of the Ning Fan parents still, what is more important, the Ning Fan surface is a demon, but the innermost feelings, have the average man not unimaginable principle and justice, thing that this indeed and Heavenly Ox Clan evil way primary intention violates! 他拒绝收宁凡为义子,并不仅仅是因为宁凡父母尚在,更重要的是,宁凡表面是一个邪魔,但内心,却有着常人无法想象的原则与正义,这正是天牛族邪道主旨相违背的东西! Therefore even if Ning Fan natural talent Nitian (heaven defying), he looks for the parental treaty that Heavenly Ox Clan habitually used, overruled Ning Fan. 所以纵然宁凡资质逆天,他还是找了个天牛族惯用的父母条约,否决了宁凡 He never defends the regular person, if not Ning Fan natural disposition not suitable cultivation Heavenly Ox skin patttern, his where to manage the ancestor to have what custom, even the Ning Fan eight parents, he will still try to compel Ning Fan to request him to be the adoptive father! 他从来不是守规则的人,若非宁凡本性不适合修炼天牛皮纹,他哪里会管祖先有什么规矩,就算宁凡有八个爹妈,他也会设法逼宁凡拜他为义父的! But he resourceful well-known Ancient Niu Manshan! 他可是以不择手段闻名上古牛满山 Therefore he is angry very much, is angry! 所以他很生气,非常生气! What he must look is the ordinary son, Ning Fan looks for dozens to elect to him casually personally, why he must choose Heavenly Ox Clan Inheritance from pile of trash! 他要找的是普通儿子吗,宁凡随随便便就找几十个人给他选,他凭什么要从一堆垃圾里面选天牛族传承者! You, natural talent is too low, is unqualified!” “你,资质太低,不合格!” You, are long too ugly, is unqualified!” “你,长得太丑,不合格!” You, Righteous Qi too many, is unqualified!” “你,正气太多,不合格!” „Your you, also you, are entirely unqualified!” “你你你,还有你,通通不合格!” A Niu Manshan bossi stance, the times of only several words, Demon Path and Monster Path that talent Ning Fan arranges, overruled most probably. 牛满山一副颐指气使的姿态,只几句话的功夫,就将宁凡安排过来的魔道妖道天才,否决了大半。 These by the person who he overrules, each and every single (person) are departed resentfully. Before they come, Ning Fan has told, saying Niu Manshan was Senior, Divine Ability vast and great, if can request him to be the father, the life was lowest can becoming Immortal Emperor. 那些被他否决的人,一个个悻悻离去。他们来之前,宁凡吩咐过了,说牛满山是一个古之前辈,神通广大,若能拜他为父,此生最低都能成为仙帝 One hear can becoming Immortal Emperor, who these crafty hooligans not hope that can enter the Niu Manshan favor. 一听能成为仙帝,这些滚刀肉谁不希望能入牛满山的青眼。 What a pity the Niu Manshan vision was too high, cannot have a liking for them! 可惜牛满山的眼界太高了,根本看不上他们! Niu Manshan more looked that this group of people more are mad, the heart said that Ning Fan gives what worthless people who he arranges, simply indecently, has not resulted in Ancient Cultivator compares! 牛满山越看这批人越气,心道宁凡都给他安排的什么歪瓜裂枣,简直不堪入目,和古修士没得比! With the unceasing veto of Niu Manshan, finally, his front only had the final three people. 随着牛满山的不断否决,最终,他的面前只剩下最后三个人了。 No, said that is three people are inaccurate. 不,说是三个人不准确。 Actually is only two people, a dog. 其实只是两个人,一条狗。 Your grandfather! The Ning Fan young child takes a dog to make up the number unexpectedly, can it be wants to make the esteemed me informal receipt dog become the son! The dog that if esteemed me the informal receipt shape cannot achieve becomes the son, must be smiled! A dog, unexpectedly is a dog...” “你爷爷的!宁凡小儿居然拿条狗来凑数,难道想让本座收条狗当儿子!本座若是收条化形都做不到的狗当儿子,岂不是要被人笑死!一条狗,居然是一条狗…” The Niu Manshan air/Qi resulted in the tooth to be itchy, wishes one could cooking the grilled meat present Heavenly Crow Hound ate. 牛满山气得牙痒痒,恨不得把眼前的鸦天狗给炖了烧肉吃。 But when he sized up present Heavenly Crow Hound several earnestly, anger split second on stiff on face. 但当他认真打量了眼前的鸦天狗几眼,怒气一瞬间就僵在了脸上。 Ss! This...This is Heavenly Hound! 嘶!这、这天狗 It is not ordinary Heavenly Hound! 不是普通的天狗 Unexpectedly is the revolting blood monster dog that Heavenly Hound Clan million years meets! 居然是天狗一族百万年一遇的叛血妖犬! As the name suggests! General Heavenly Hound is loyal, will not carry main. 顾名思义!一般的天狗是忠诚的,是不会背主的。 But this different, this unexpectedly is Heavenly Hound that has rebellion Bloodlines! 可这一只不一样啊,这居然是一只拥有叛乱血脉天狗 If lets this only revolting blood Heavenly Hound cultivation Heavenly Ox Bloodlines, said that does not permit also really to be able cultivation to have some ways, goes out of one with world all dog class running counter paths! 若是让这只叛血天狗修炼天牛血脉,说不准还真能修炼出一些门道,走出一条和天下所有犬类背道而驰的道路! Niu Manshan gaze falls to Wu Laoba on, was more surprised. 牛满山目光又落到乌老八身上,更惊讶了。 Was deceived! 被骗了! He from the beginning, only the appearance that notices Wu Laoba unable to withstand uglily, subconscious like pursuing this person. 他一开始,只注意到乌老八丑陋不堪的容貌,下意识就像驱逐此人。 But when he detected that this person of natural talent, immediately is startled is Heaven and Mortal! 但当他察觉到此人资质,顿时惊为天人 Black Fate! And is not ordinary Grade Black Fate! 黑运!且不是普通等级黑运 This person is completely the carriers in world all unlucky things! With the Heavenly Ox Clan unsurpassed evil way, has the mystery of equally good results from different methods unexpectedly! 此人完全就是世间所有倒霉事物的载体!和天牛族的无上邪道,竟有着异曲同工的玄妙! Talents! 人才啊! Niu Manshan gaze, falls on Zhu Er finally, subsequently stared the circle the eyes, surprised. 牛满山目光,最终落在朱二身上,继而瞪圆了双眼,惊讶不已。 He discovered what! 他发现了什么! A pig, Illusion Technique Innate Skill high to the pig that sending to refer to! 一只猪,一只幻术天赋高到发指的猪! But this by no means lets his surprised key point. 但这并不是让他吃惊的重点。 Those who let him be startled is this pig, the Dao Heart deep place, unexpectedly was full of the humane stain, falling to the enemy of morals! 让他吃惊的是这只猪,道心深处,居然充满了人性的污点,道德的沦陷! Guzzling, lust, greedy, violent anger, lazy, pessimistic, is proud, fears death, shameless, the mouth is inexpensive, ugly, selfish... 暴食,色欲,贪婪,暴怒,懒惰,悲观,自负,怕死,无耻,嘴贱,丑陋,自私… He without/has not has always seen Dao Heart of some people, can cultivation arrive is so of negative, Realm sin. 他从来没有见过有人的道心,能修炼到如此负面、罪孽的境界 The body of this pig, could not find the merit simply, only have several not shortcoming. 这只猪的身上,简直找不到优点,只有数不尽的缺点。 But shortcoming many to so degree, ability that sometimes, instead can becoming nobody hope to attain! 但缺点多到如此程度,有时候,反而可以成为无人企及的才能! Also is a talent! 又是一个人才! 1st issue, parents otherwise?” Niu Manshan laughs, asks. 第一个问题,父母尚在否?”牛满山哈哈大笑,问道。 Does not have.” “早就没了。” Could not remember.” “记不得了。” Woof Woof Woof.” 汪汪汪。” Zhu Er pulls out the ear, Wu Laoba digs the nose excrement, Heavenly Crow Hound pursues the tail to turn circle, no one has been serious Niu Manshan. 朱二掏耳朵,乌老八挖鼻屎,鸦天狗追着尾巴转圈,谁都没把牛满山当回事。 Very good! A 2nd issue, is willing to be my son!” Niu Manshan also asked. “很好!第二个问题,愿意做我的儿子吗!”牛满山又问道。 Is inappropriate, this is inappropriate. In poor Dao of Life violates the ghost, can only become the father, cannot recognize people to become the father.” “不合适,这不合适。贫道命中犯煞,只能给人当爹,不能认人当爹。” Called me a pig grandfather, the old pig considered to become your father.” “叫我一声猪爷爷,老猪就考虑考虑当你爸爸。” Woof Woof Woof.” 汪汪汪。” without/has not Ning Fan here, Wu Laoba was not most loyal Little Ba, Zhu Er was not the most obedient villain, each and every single (person) was conceited not side. 没有宁凡在这里,乌老八也不是最最忠诚的小八了,朱二也不是最最听话的小人了,一个个都牛气得没边。 Dares to speak with esteemed me, interesting! A 3rd issue, are you willing dead in battle for Zi Dou Immortal Domain? This issue, is very important, esteemed me only wants to receive to destroy the World adopted son, does not want to receive to defend the World adopted son.” “敢跟本座这么说话,有点意思第三个问题,你们愿意为了紫斗仙域战死吗?这个问题,很重要,本座只想收破坏世界的义子,可不想收保卫世界的义子。” Cracks a joke! You suspect this poor monk's loyalty to the Zi Dou Immortal Domain unexpectedly! You instigate this poor Daoist to destroy World unexpectedly! Snort! You may know, this poor Daoist is Warrior that world top does not fear death, was Zi Dou Immortal Domain died in battle, there is what difficulty, had what to fear! Even if this poor Daoist died for a good cause heroically, does not grant for Master's, but is loyal for a cavity, whole-hearted! You do not understand! World that this poor Daoist see, you, cannot see!” Wu Laoba installs to compel to say to the utmost, actually the mouth Pneumatics of same day Daoist Mu Song 7788. “开什么玩笑!你居然怀疑贫道对紫斗仙域的忠诚!你居然唆使贫道破坏世界!哼!你可知,贫道乃是世间顶顶不怕死的战士,为紫斗仙域战死,又有何难,更有何惧!只是纵然贫道壮烈就义,也不是为了主人的赏赐,而是为了一腔忠诚,满腔热血!你不懂!贫道看到的世界,你,看不到!”乌老八极尽装逼道,倒是把当日木松道人的口气学了个七七八八。 Few idle talk, were called me a pig grandfather, I gave you to become the pig father!” Zhu Er impatient say/way. “少废话,叫我一身猪爷爷,我就给你当猪爸爸!”朱二不耐烦道。 Woof Woof Woof.” The Heavenly Crow Hound buttocks to Niu Manshan, pū chī are breaking wind, then not spare a glance walked. 汪汪汪。”鸦天狗屁股对着牛满山,噗嗤放了个屁,然后不屑一顾地走了。 To walk. 想走。 But where is so easy! 但哪有那么容易! Haha! Unexpectedly without/has not is loyal to Zi Dou Immortal Domain! esteemed me looks at you is really pleasing to the eyes! You are not the good bird, is the talent! esteemed me is very satisfied, Hahaha!” “哈哈!居然没有一个对紫斗仙域忠心!本座看你们真是太顺眼啦!你们都不是什么好鸟,都是人才!本座很满意,哈哈哈!” Bang! 轰! In one room, Niu Manshan releases outspokenly the Far Ancient Great Cultivator pressure, presses Wu Laoba, Heavenly Crow Hound and Zhu Er stubbornly on the ground, shocks unable to say a word! 一室之内,牛满山毫无保留地将远古大修威压释放出来,将乌老八鸦天狗朱二死死压在地上,震惊到无法言语! Wu Laoba instigated! 乌老八怂了! Zhu Er instigated! 朱二怂了! Heavenly Crow Hound instigated! 鸦天狗怂了! They think just to the Niu Manshan actions, said the language, the wishing one could time flowed backwards, came a question and answer! 他们一想到刚刚对牛满山的所作所为,所言所语,恨不能时光倒流,重新来一遍问答! Is my son!” “做我的儿子吧!” Therefore... 于是… Three instigated that the package recognized the adoptive father... 三个怂包屁颠屁颠认了干爹… Recognizes is 10 years... 一认便是十年 Moreover recognizes endures gladly, is resigned to bad conditions 而且认得甘之如饴,逆来顺受
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