GE :: Volume #12

#1143: The war of Ancient Demon!

30%, were too low! forget it/that's all... tries for the time being. A this child method is quite strange, if can make Undying Ghost Soldier this child, gives to Great God Si, you first in merit! If lets slip, necessity that your also without/has not goes on living!” Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King snorted coldly said. “30%,太低了!罢了…姑且一试吧。此子一身手段极为诡异,若能将此子做成不灭鬼卒,献给大神司,你记首功!若失手,你也没有活下去的必要了!”万圣龙王冷哼道。 Madame Gui Hua hearing this, complexion is pallid immediately. In order to maintain a livelihood, she sets firm resolve, in any event must succeed... 鬼花夫人闻言,顿时面色煞白。为了活命,她下定决心,无论如何都要成功… ... In the battlefield, Ning Fan seems puts on to spend Butterfly, dodges in the Foreign Clan Army Divine Ability collection fire vertical leaps, round trip free, such as into the boundary of nobody. 战场上,宁凡好似穿花蝴蝶,在异族大军神通集火之中闪避纵跃,来去自如,如入无人之境。 Tries to besiege his Immortal Emperor, had been cut to kill by him completely. At present although also 2-3 million Foreign Clan Expert in unremitting attack he, but actually without/has not Immortal Emperor participates in the attack, nothing to be worried. 试图围攻他的仙帝,已全部被他斩杀。眼下虽还有二三百万异族强者在不断攻击他,但却没有仙帝参与进攻,不足为虑。 each and every single (person) in Foreign Clan powerful Immortal King Immortal Venerable, was lifted in the hands to execute by Ning Fan, even the mighty waves are unable to arouse. 一个个异族位高权重的仙王仙尊,被宁凡抬手间毙掉,连波澜都无法激起。 A person, then the steamroll counted million Foreign Clan Army! 一个人,便碾压了数百万异族大军 The surrounding Foreign Clan dead are more, the Ning Fan discomfort is also then heavier. At this moment he even more believes firmly, Xuan Wei Daoist and Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King had some subsequent hand. 周围的异族死者越多,宁凡的不安感便也越重。此刻他愈发确信,玄尾道人万圣龙王是有某种后手了。 gradually, among the water and sky, starts to have Yin Wind to blow. 渐渐的,水天之间,开始有阴风刮出。 The floating corpse of water surface, gradually had the slight mutation. In these Foreign Clan Expert corpse flesh and blood, starts to grow the dark-red plant root hair one after another. 水面的浮尸,渐渐有了细微异变。那些异族强者的尸体血肉之中,开始陆续长出暗红色的植物根须。 These plant root hair surfaces live the spinule, seems Thistles and Thorns, the number is longer are more, the gradually place, covers the water surface of entire battlefield unexpectedly. At first sight, seems above the water surface, grew a big dark-red Thistles and Thorns jungle. 那些植物根须表面生有小刺,好似荆棘,数目越长越多,渐渐地,竟将整个战场的水面都覆盖。乍看之下,就好似水面之上,长出了一大片暗红色的荆棘丛林。 Jing thorn bush forest as if can work as the nutrient with flesh and blood of dead, rapid-growth. Present Thistles and Thorns are getting more and more, the ghosts are mad dense Giant Flower, puts in the Thistles and Thorns clump. 那荆刺丛林似乎可以拿死者的血肉当养分,快速生长。眼前的荆棘越来越多,更有一朵朵鬼气森森的巨花,在荆棘丛中盛放。 These Giant Flower colors are pale, that not normal white, seems the dead deathly stiff skin. Has the strange fragrance, disperses from these Giant Flower, by the Ning Fan strength, does not smell that fragrance carefully, felt that the vertigo brain bulge, the secret heart is startled. 那些巨花颜色苍白,那种不正常的白,就好似死者僵死的皮肤。有奇异的香气,从那些巨花当中散出,以宁凡的实力,不小心嗅到那香气,都感到眼花脑胀,暗暗心惊。 This is what flower...” “这是什么花…” Ning Fan does not recognize these Giant Flower, actually the indistinct sensation leaves, in these Giant Flower, Madame Gui Hua aura, wants to come these Giant Flower, is Madame Gui Hua makes. 宁凡不认得这些巨花,却隐约感知出,这些巨花之中,有一丝鬼花夫人的气息,想来这些巨花,都是鬼花夫人造出来的。 regarding Madame Gui Hua, the Ning Fan impression is not most. Only remembers when he just came Boundary River, this woman once urgently invited his sexual intercourse, was refused ; only to know this female to betray Eastern Heaven by him, as for beginning to end of betrayal, knows unclear. 对于鬼花夫人,宁凡印象不深。只记得他刚来界河时,这个女人曾急切地邀请他春风一度,被他拒绝只知此女背叛了东天,至于背叛的始末,所知不详。 Madame Gui Hua is Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor, properly speaking, this kind of exist(ence) is unable to threaten Ning Fan. Strange Giant Flower that however Madame Gui Hua causes, made Ning Fan feel a threat... 鬼花夫人不过是七劫仙帝,按理说,这等存在是无法威胁到宁凡的。然而鬼花夫人弄出的诡异巨花,却让宁凡感受到了一丝威胁… mental association has Xuan Wei and Wan Sheng ignores he to kill four directions greatly, this Giant Flower can work as the nutrient with the deceased person, Ning Fan had the guess. 联想起玄尾万圣放任他大杀四方,这巨花又能拿死人当养分,宁凡有了猜测。 It seems like Xuan Wei and Wan Sheng subsequent hand, is these Giant Flower... 看来玄尾万圣的后手,便是这些巨花 Saw with own eyes that these Giant Flower are longer are more, Ning Fan where whatever these Giant Flower will grow, in the battlefield pulls out a slit, the spits out Flame Thunder Fire sea, the desire present Thistles and Thorns Giant Flower will burning out completely. 眼见那些巨花越长越多,宁凡哪会任由这些巨花生长,战场中抽了个缝隙,喷出炎雷火海,欲将眼前的荆棘巨花全部烧尽。 Since surrendering Extinguishing Dao Thunder Infant, it receives is Lei Tu (thunder chart) Thunder Spirit, in the middle of Ning Fan Fire of Flame Thunder, thunder force was stronger, enabling the Fire of Flame Thunder prestige to win the past, was fiercer than End of Law Era most Innate Mid-Grade Flame. 自降服灭道雷婴、将其收为雷图雷灵后,宁凡炎雷之火当中,雷力更强了,使得炎雷之火威能更胜从前,比末法时代绝大多数的先天中品火焰都要厉害。 The thing of ordinary vegetation, cannot block burning down of Fire of Flame Thunder absolutely. 普通草木之物,绝对挡不住炎雷之火的焚烧。 However these Thistles and Thorns Giant Flower actually unscathed in the middle of the Flame Thunder Fire sea, resemble does not fear the this kind of degree Flame Thunderbolt... 然而这些荆棘巨花却在炎雷火海当中毫发无损,似根本不惧这等程度的火焰雷霆 Even Innate Mid-Grade can't Fire of Flame Thunder, injure to this flower?” Ning Fan somewhat was really surprised. “连先天中品炎雷之火,都不能伤到此花?”宁凡着实有些惊讶了。 He offers a sacrifice to 7 Treasure Wonder Tree to brush, Sun, Moon and Stars Stele pounds, even used the Divinity Spark of Wood strength, wants to pull out completely these Thistles and Thorns Giant Flower vitalities directly. 他又祭出七宝妙树去刷,日月星辰碑去砸,甚至使用了木之神格的力量,欲直接抽尽这些荆棘巨花的生机。 However the attack of Innate Mid-Grade, is unable to cause the effective damage to these Giant Flower. 然而先天中品的攻击,根本无法对这些巨花造成有效伤害。 What is stranger, these Giant Flower seem like the plant, however is completely not the plant structure, Giant Flower and Thistles and Thorns root hair is actually constitutes by flesh and blood of deceased person. It is not a vegetation, naturally by the restriction of Divinity Spark of Wood, this matter did not make Ning Fan surprised similarly. 更诡异的是,这些巨花看起来像是植物,然而完全不是植物构造,巨花荆棘根须其实都是由死人的血肉构成。并非草木,自然不受木之神格的制约,此事同样让宁凡惊讶。 Saw with own eyes that these Giant Flower are longer are more, oneself are actually not able to prevent, the Ning Fan eye duplicate azure glow, wants to see clearly these Giant Flower details. 眼见那些巨花越长越多,自己却无法阻止,宁凡眼覆青芒,欲看清那些巨花的底细。 Another side, Xuan Wei and Wan Sheng two people, see Ning Fan to be at a loss to Underworld Ghost Flower, is disdains to sneer. 另一边,玄尾万圣二人,见宁凡冥界鬼花束手无策,皆是不屑冷笑。 Being at a loss was right! 束手无策就对了! Famous Underworld Ghost Flower, even Quasi-Saint saw must evade the point temporarily, small Ning Fan such as possibly kept off! 大名鼎鼎的冥界鬼花,连准圣见了都要暂避锋芒,小小宁凡如可能挡! „The Gui Hua (Ghost Flower) child flower had lived several hundred, can Old Man almost took action?” Xuan Wei Daoist said with a smile. 鬼花的子花已经生了数百朵了,老夫差不多可以出手了吧?”玄尾道人笑道。 Un, child spends great power to become, how long the female flower will unable to appear. I and others take action, extinguished this child together! Only by doing so, Underworld Ghost Flower can absorb the this child strength...” In the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King eye killing intent flashes, says with a smile. “嗯,子花大势已成,母花要不了多久就会出现。我等一起出手,灭了此子!唯有如此,冥界鬼花才能吸收此子力量…”万圣龙王眼中杀机一闪,笑道。 Together take action? without/has not that necessity! Old Man has said that Old Man took a person to extinguish this child!” Xuan Wei Daoist is proud to say. “一起出手没有那个必要!老夫说过,老夫要一个人灭了此子!”玄尾道人自负道。 The experience crossed the great strength of Ning Fan obviously, but Xuan Wei Daoist still believes, oneself can easily extinguish Ning Fan. 明明见识过了宁凡的强大,但玄尾道人仍旧相信,自己能够轻易灭了宁凡 A Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King brow wrinkle, starts to speak but hesitates. He knows that this Xuan Wei Daoist character, always kept promises. This person does not want him to help, if he will help instead attract this person to hate. 万圣龙王眉头一皱,欲言又止。他知道这玄尾道人的性格,向来说一不二。此人不要他帮忙,他若帮了反而会引来此人怨恨。 Ancient Demon is really troublesome, is one crowd of heads is covered with the fight of muscle to be crazy! 古魔真是麻烦,都是一群脑袋长满肌肉的战斗狂! In view of this, Old Man stays in the one side, is Fellow Daoist plunders.” The Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King compromise said. “既如此,老夫就呆在一旁,为道友掠阵吧。”万圣龙王妥协道。 Good! You and other ants, draw back completely, Old Man must fight White-Clothed Yama alone!” The following words, were say to the Foreign Clan remnant army. “甚好!尔等蝼蚁,全部退下,老夫要独战白衣阎罗!”后面的话,却是对异族残军说的。 After Xuan Wei Daoist made, cried loud and long, the whole body changes to the numerous specters to depart, towards Ning Fan pressed up. 玄尾道人一令之后,长啸一声,周身化作重重魔影飞出,朝宁凡直逼而来。 These Foreign Clan Army see with own eyes Xuan Wei Daoist personally take action, all according to the command withdraws, gave Xuan Wei and Ning Fan two people the battlefield spatially. 那些异族大军眼见玄尾道人亲自出手,皆依令退后,将战场空给了玄尾宁凡二人。 Has two Half-Saint to Fang Mingming, actually only sends out one person to fight me, why this is...” Ning Fan gaze narrows the eyes, Golden Flame Giant Body coldly looks at Xuan Wei Daoist. “对方明明有两名半圣,却只派出一人来战我,这是为何…”宁凡目光一眯,金焰巨身冷冷看着玄尾道人 He saw cultivation to plan, does not believe the opposite party in occupying completely the situation of advantage, one to one fought with him fairly. 他见惯了修真算计,不信对方会在占尽优势的情况下,和他一对一公平交手。 The opposite party have two Half-Saint, actually only dispatches one person to fight him, this is the questionable point one. 对方有两名半圣,却只出动一人来战他,此为疑点一。 Took great pains to summon innumerable strange Giant Flower to Fang Mingming, these Giant Flower actually only grew, by no means attacked him, this was the questionable point two. 对方明明煞费苦心召唤了无数诡异巨花,那些巨花却只自顾自生长,并不攻击他,此为疑点二。 The smart people meet waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem sometimes, this moment Ning Fan is this situation. 聪明人有时会钻牛角尖,此刻宁凡就是这种情况。 Suddenly, Ning Fan understood anything. 忽然间,宁凡似明白了什么。 He from the Xuan Wei Daoist eye, saw thick being proud and disdaining! 他从玄尾道人眼中,看出了浓浓的自负与不屑! The opposite party summoned Giant Flower, possibly exist(ence) planned, but only sent Half-Saint to fight, actually not planned. 对方召唤巨花,可能存在算计,但只派一名半圣来战,却并无算计。 Because despises! 只是因为轻视! At present this Ancient Demon Half-Saint, looks down upon him from the start! Even he demonstrated before many strengths, in this person of eye, were still not worth mentioning! 眼前这名古魔半圣,压根看不起他!即便他之前展示了诸多实力,在此人眼中,仍旧不值一提! Old Man Xuan Wei. The boys, listening to my brother Bai Zu saying that you were also Ancient Demon?” 老夫玄尾。小子,听我兄百足说,你也是古魔?” Xuan Wei Daoist over the face disdains, laughs. 玄尾道人满面不屑,哈哈大笑。 You are not only the Ancient Chaos Successor words, can in End of Law Era cultivate successfully Ancient Demon, pour is also nothing unusual. What a pity you do not know, in Ancient Demon, there is a noble and humble division. Old Man came from Real World Ancient Demon World, the honored status, or is Ancient Demon Lost Divine Ability, your this kind of my impoverished family Ancient Demon may not compare! It looks like in Old Man, your this kind of End of Law Ancient Demon, does not calculate the fart! Old Man only uses a finger, then can kill you! With two fingers, then calculates that Old Man loses!” “你既是乱古传人的话,能在末法时代修成古魔,倒也不足为奇。可惜你不知,古魔之中,也有高贵与低贱之分。老夫出身于真界古魔世界,无论是尊贵的身份,抑或是古魔失落神通,都非你这等寒门古魔可比!在老夫看来,你这等末法古魔,连屁都不算!老夫只用一根手指,便能杀你!用两根手指,便算老夫输!” Extremely arrogant, is how extremely arrogant! 狂妄,何其狂妄! Xuan Wei Daoist raised up a finger, towards Ning Fan swung swinging, the contemptuous attitude, just like overlooking the lowliest ants. 玄尾道人竖起一根手指,朝宁凡摇了摇,轻蔑的态度,宛如在俯视最最卑贱的蝼蚁。 cultivator of other regarding races, as Half-Saint is so extremely arrogant, underestimate the enemy, was the brain is absolutely remnant. 对于其他种族的修士,身为半圣还如此狂妄、轻敌,绝对是脑残了。 But Ancient Demon is different! Ancient Demon is inborn Berserker, is extremely arrogant, is rampant, is the looking disdainfully world, the strength then is also stronger. 古魔不同!古魔是天生的狂战士,越是狂妄,越是嚣张,越是睥睨天下,战力便也越强。 Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King that in the Ancient Demon brain is muscle, did not say nothing more absolutely. 万圣龙王那一句“古魔脑子里都是肌肉”,绝对不是说说而已 Also only has these brains to crowd Ancient Demon of muscle, possibly in occupying completely the situation of advantage, still chose and Ning Fan one to one fights. 也唯有那些脑子塞满肌肉的古魔,才可能在占尽优势的情况下,仍旧选择和宁凡一对一交手吧。 Ning Fan frowned, without/has not was actually enraged by the Xuan Wei Daoist contempt spoken language. His what kind of disposition, although is Ancient Demon, although is also unruly, actually never flows in the surface, but by acting to express. 宁凡皱了皱眉,却没有玄尾道人的轻视言语激怒。他何等心性,虽是古魔,虽也桀骜,却从来不流于表面,而是以行动去表示。 Golden Flame Giant Body in a flash, vanishes from same place slightly directly, wants preemptive, attacks Xuan Wei Daoist by Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike. 金焰巨身微微一晃,直接从原地消失,欲先发制人,以古魔破山击攻击玄尾道人 Saw with own eyes that Ning Fan vanishes in a flash, Xuan Wei Daoist laughs, similarly in a flash vanishes. 眼见宁凡一晃消失,玄尾道人哈哈一笑,同样一晃消失。 The next instance, the nobody sky, the Void Space smashing, two person's shadows drop somewhere suddenly! 下一个瞬间,某处无人天空,忽然虚空粉碎,有两个人影从中跌落而出! Xuan Wei Daoist falls from Void Space, the manner is quite calm, is still maintaining the modeling of raising up the index finger, is only that finger, at this moment somewhat was slightly inflamed, resembles is shaken the wound by the great strength, complexion somewhat is slightly ugly. 玄尾道人虚空中跌出,举止较为从容,仍保持着竖起食指的造型,只是那根手指,此刻微微有些红肿了,似被巨力震伤,面色微微有些难看。 Ning Fan slightly obviously was distressed, he and Xuan Wei Daoist 1st puts in an appearance, then by Xuan Wei Daoist bang flying by finger. Xuan Wei Daoist without/has not boasted the boast, although he only used a finger, but the strength of this finger, actually compared with many End of Law Quasi-Saint strength of the fist must! 宁凡就稍显狼狈了,他与玄尾道人第一个照面,便被玄尾道人指轰飞玄尾道人没有胡吹大话,他虽然只用了一根手指,但这一根手指的力量,却比很多末法准圣的一拳之力还要强了! Mortal Body of this person, unexpectedly terrifying in this way! This, lives today's Ancient Demon from Ancient, the strength has! 此人的肉身,竟恐怖如斯!这,就是从上古活到今日的古魔,所拥有的力量吗! Ning Fan is not willing to acknowledge, actually has to acknowledge, even if he took Ten-Lion and Ten-Elephant Pill, by the Mortal Body strength, still missed several Grade with Xuan Wei Daoist only. 宁凡不愿承认,却不得不承认,他纵然服食了十狮十象丹,单论肉身力量,仍与玄尾道人差了数个等级 He acknowledged exist(ence) of this strength disparity. 他承认这种力量差距的存在 But actually does not represent him to be able willingly to would rather acknowledge, oneself link Xuan Wei Daoist of finger not to be victorious. 但却不代表他能心甘情愿承认,自己连一根手指的玄尾道人都打不过。 At this moment, he can have many fight choices obviously, may use Against the Sea Sword, 7 Treasure Wonder Tree, Sun, Moon and Stars Stele, Fate Cutting Sword, Fire of Flame Thunder and Sea Calming Divine Needle... to be possible these, he does not want to use entirely. 此刻,他明明可以有更多的交手选择,可使用逆海剑七宝妙树日月星辰碑斩缘之剑炎雷之火定海神针…可这些,他通通都不想使用。 The opponent is Ancient Demon, Ning Fan similarly is Ancient Demon. The pride of Ancient Demon, did not allow that Ning Fan is opportunistic to duck the positive/direct challenge of Ancient Demon, must by the strength broken enemy, counterattack directly! 对手是一个古魔,宁凡同样是一个古魔古魔的骄傲,不容许宁凡取巧回避古魔的正面挑战,必须以力破敌,正面还击! subdue strength with strength, with being called as Ancient Demon! 以刚克刚者,才配称作古魔 If strength of the fist refers to compared with the opposite party, then hits the 2nd fist, 3rd fist, 4th fist! 倘若一拳之力比不过对方一指,那么便打第二拳,第三拳,第四拳! Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike! 古魔破山击 Ning Fan Golden Flame Giant Body howls, is a fist of Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth, hits to Xuan Wei Daoist. 宁凡金焰巨身呼啸而出,又是毁天灭地的一拳,打向玄尾道人 Xuan Wei Daoist has experienced Ning Fan Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike was fierce, although the fist strength of opposite party is inferior to own referring to strength completely, however Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike suddenly/violently Jiban injury, lets his finger bone severe pain... 玄尾道人已经体验过宁凡古魔破山击的厉害了,对方的拳力虽然完全不如自己的指力,然而古魔破山击暴击般的伤害,还是让他指骨剧痛… The reason told him, Ning Fan this 2nd fist, he was not suitable continues arrogantly, only fought Ning Fan with one finger/refers. 理智告诉他,宁凡第二拳,他不宜继续自大,只用一指来战宁凡 But the pride of aristocratic family Ancient Demon, actually did not allow that he takes back the beforehand boast. 可世家古魔的骄傲,却不容许他收回之前的大话。 Since he said only copes with Ning Fan with one finger/refers, then can only use one finger/refers! 他既然说了只用一指对付宁凡,便只能用一指! If used second finger, he will then damage aristocratic family Ancient Demon face! The opposite party is only Immortal King Ancient Demon of Restoration 3rd boundary, but he, is Half-Saint Ancient Demon of Restoration perfection boundary! 若是用了第二指,他便会损伤世家古魔颜面!要知道,对方只是返祖第三境的仙王古魔,而他,可是返祖圆满境的半圣古魔 So many Realm suppressions , he if unable by a finger/refers of win, that really disgraced! 如此多的境界压制,他若无法以一指取胜,那才是真的丢人! Ancient Demon Lost Technique, Star Jade Finger!” 古魔失落术,星璇指!” At this moment, nine Demon Star in Xuan Wei Daoist right eye, rapid revolving, started a type to pass from Real World Ancient Demon Lost Divine Ability. 这一刻,玄尾道人右目中的九颗魔星,飞速旋转,发动了一式传自真界古魔失落神通 Then once again by a finger/refers of strength, with the Ning Fan Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike bang in one. 而后又一次以一指之力,与宁凡古魔破山击轰在一处。 Bang! 轰! Ning Fan once again by Xuan Wei Daoist bang flying by finger, but Xuan Wei Daoist finger bone, because of the 2nd fist of Ning Fan, swelled quite. 宁凡又一次玄尾道人指轰飞,而玄尾道人指骨,也因宁凡第二拳,肿得更厉害了。 Can bang flying by finger Ning Fan, Xuan Wei Daoist absolutely not End of Law Era Half-Saint be possible to compare, although he is Half-Saint cultivation base, but the strength is as good Quasi-Saint First Level Xiang Mingzi. 能够一指轰飞宁凡,玄尾道人绝非末法时代半圣可比,他虽是半圣修为,但实力已经不逊于准圣一阶向螟子了。 Ning Fan by Xuan Wei Daoist bang flying by finger, was not been strange, changes into Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King, changes into Wan Xingzi, similarly can by Xuan Wei bang flying by finger! 宁凡玄尾道人指轰飞,一点都不奇怪,换成万圣龙王,换成万星子,同样会被玄尾指轰飞 Everyone was occupied by the Xuan Wei Daoist strong big quake, Foreign Clan Expert is also good, Eastern Heaven cultivator is also good, everyone is actually first time sees Xuan Wei Daoist take action, who without/has not expects, before ran amuck without rival Ning Fan, at this moment will be suppressed by a finger by Xuan Wei Daoist comprehensively. 所有人都被玄尾道人的强大震住了,异族强者也好,东天修士也好,大家其实都是第一次玄尾道人出手,谁都没有料到,之前横行无敌宁凡,此刻会被玄尾道人以一根手指全面压制。 Lives today's Ancient Demon from Ancient, was too powerful! End of Law Era cultivator, can it be can not depend on Realm to suppress on no one, defeats Ancient Cultivator! 上古活到今日的古魔,太强大了!末法时代修士,难道就没人能不靠境界压制,战胜古修士吗! Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike! 古魔破山击 The Ning Fan more Ancient Demon iron fists make, in the surface, his again and again was flown by the Xuan Wei Daoist bang, is very distressed. But in fact, he depends day by day powerful Divine Spirit Mortal Body, was not made many injury by Xuan Wei Daoist. 宁凡更多的古魔铁拳打出,表面上,他一次次玄尾道人轰飞,十分狼狈。但实际上,他仗着日益强大的神灵肉身,并非被玄尾道人打出多少伤势 Occasionally was referred to the strength shaking the wound some, depends the powerful force of restitution, Ning Fan often can instantaneous injury recover. 偶尔被指力震伤些许,仗着强悍的回复力,宁凡往往可以瞬间伤势痊愈。 He is distressed, is scatheless! 他再狼狈,也无损伤! Although Xuan Wei Daoist a keeping aloof stance, but finger bone, is injury is heavy gradually! 玄尾道人虽一副高高在上的姿态,但指骨,却是伤势渐重! A Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike fist of Ning Fan heavy a fist, only dozens breath, then with Xuan Wei Daoist to rumbling 800 round. 宁凡古魔破山击一拳重过一拳,只数十个呼吸,便和玄尾道人对轰了八百回合。 800 Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike, has started to expose the fang, but listens to kāchā one, Xuan Wei Daoist finger bone, was broken by the Ning Fan bang unexpectedly! 八百古魔破山击,已经开始展露獠牙了,但听喀嚓一声,玄尾道人指骨,竟被宁凡生生轰断! this time, Ning Fan without/has not was shaken by the Xuan Wei Daoist referring to strength flies! 这一次,宁凡没有玄尾道人的指力震飞! Stuffy snort/hum, flying upside down, but person, turned into Xuan Wei Daoist! 一声闷哼、倒飞而出的人,变成玄尾道人 Ss! so powerful Xuan Wei Senior, was flown by the White-Clothed Yama bang unexpectedly!” A Foreign Clan side, all has a big shock. 嘶!如此强大的玄尾前辈,竟被白衣阎罗轰飞了!”异族一方,皆是大惊失色。 A Eastern Heaven cultivator side, then all the big feeling rouses. 东天修士一方,则全都大感振奋。 Xuan Wei Daoist complexion is ugly, he said the aggressive statement before, said that is copes with Ning Fan not to use second finger, however brutal reality, actually ruthlessly fan his slap on the face. 玄尾道人面色难看之极,他之前放出狠话,说是对付宁凡不需使用第二指,然而残酷的现实,却狠狠地扇了他一耳光 He has to acknowledge, oneself underestimated Ning Fan. Even if this person the strength is inferior to him, however Ancient Demon Fighting Skill actually arrives wisely unthinkably, made up for the strength disparity! 他不得不承认,自己太小看宁凡了。此人纵然力量不如他,然而古魔战技却高明到匪夷所思,弥补了力量差距! Has not seen Ancient Demon Divine Ability, is Lost Grade leaves absolutely! Damn, the elder brother must tell me the this child Divine Ability move, I am also proud the rejection, unexpectedly, he has this kind of mysterious Ancient Demon Lost Divine Ability unexpectedly, but unexpectedly moves of overlay fist potentials, form successive strike(s)!” “没见过的古魔神通,绝对是失落级别!该死,兄长要告诉我此子神通招数,我还自负拒绝,却不料,他竟身怀这等神奇的古魔失落神通,竟可一招招叠加拳势,形成连击!” As aristocratic family Ancient Demon, world most Ancient Demon Lost Divine Ability, I heard. This technique I actually hear something never heard of before, extremely possibly because of this technique was created in this age, rather than Ancient Secret Art!” “身为世家古魔,世间绝大多数的古魔失落神通,我都有所耳闻。此术我却闻所未闻,极可能是因为此术创造于末世,而非古之绝学!” World all Divine Ability, have the conjunction view. Non- oneself self-created, suits own Divine Ability again, is unable to cultivate hundredth the places hundred points to agree with. For this reason, our generation cultivator needs constantly to develop, creation own Divine Ability. this child displayed this fist, agreeing with was hundredth most High Grade hundred points absolutely, this only then an explanation... this technique, was his oneself creates! He by the Restoration Third Realm Immortal King status, created Ancient Demon Lost Divine Ability unexpectedly! And this is extremely powerful Lost Grade Divine Ability, absolutely not my Star Jade Finger may compare!” “世间一切神通,都有契合度的说法。非本人自创,再适合自己的神通,都无法修到百分之百地契合。正因如此,我辈修士才需要不断开拓,创造属于自己的神通此子施展此拳,契合度绝对达到了最高等级百分之百,这只有一种解释…此术,是他本人所创!他竟以返祖三境仙王身份,创造了古魔失落神通!且这还是一种极为强大的失落级神通,绝非星璇指可比!” self-created Divine Ability, Old Man also has! Ancient Demon Lost Technique, Primordial Divine Space Strike!” 自创神通,老夫也有!古魔失落术,混元神空击!” Xuan Wei Daoist gaze sinks, beforehand does not need the boastful talk of two fingers to cast behind, the iron fist rumbles, meets the approaching enemy Ning Fan fist glow by another Ancient Demon Lost Divine Ability. 玄尾道人目光一沉,将之前的不用二指的狂言抛诸脑后,铁拳轰出,以另一种古魔失落神通迎击宁凡拳芒 A fist to the bang, Xuan Wei Daoist slightly is in the upper hand, but this by no means represented his self-created Primordial Divine Space Strike strongly Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strike. The fact is just the opposite, he at the far exceed Ning Fan ancient Demonic Power quantity, actually can only slightly be in the upper hand, because of the technique of his self-created, was inferior Ning Fan is fierce. 一拳对轰,玄尾道人略占上风,但这并不代表他自创混元神空击强过了古魔破山击。事实恰恰相反,他以远超宁凡的古魔力量,却只能略占上风,是因为他的自创之术,不如宁凡厉害。 When the Ning Fan successive strike(s) number continues to rise, his force superiority also loses in a little bit/bit by bit. 而当宁凡连击数继续上升,他的力量优势也在一点点失去。 900 successive strike(s), 1000 successive strike(s), 1100 successive strike(s)... 九百连击,一千连击,一千一百连击 Good to seem the innumerable ocean waves, folds layer upon layer, mighty waves anger volume. 好似有无数海浪,层层相叠,波涛怒卷。 Good to seem the innumerable mountains, even/including Fengdie the screen-like mountain peak, thick earth is boundless. 好似有无数大山,连峰叠嶂,厚土无涯。 After the successive strike(s) number achieves 2000, Xuan Wei Daoist obviously felt, own has occupied completely leeward, was being shaken by Ning Fan fist strength again and again draws back! 连击数达到两千之后,玄尾道人明显感到,自己的已经占尽了下风,正被宁凡的拳力一次次震退! When 3000 Ancient Demon Mountain Breaking Strikes makes, Xuan Wei Daoist first time was hit by Ning Fan spits blood, double fist flesh and blood was fuzzy, flew upside down. 三千古魔破山击都打出,玄尾道人第一次宁凡打得吐血,双拳血肉模糊,倒飞了出去。 The thick sense of stigma, occupied the Xuan Wei Daoist heart, his self-created Ancient Demon Technique, was defeated by Ning Fan self-created Ancient Demon Technique completely! 浓浓的耻辱感,占据了玄尾道人的心头,他的自创古魔术,被宁凡自创古魔术完全击败了! Old Man does not believe! By my family education and origin, cannot put out type Ancient Demon Lost Technique, surpasses your technique!” 老夫不信!以我家学渊源,就拿不出一式古魔失落术,超过你的术!” Eternal True Body, opens! 万古真身,开! At this moment, Xuan Wei Daoist without/has not any keeps the hand, opened Eternal True Body. After opening Eternal True Body, his imposing manner, was the First Level Quasi-Saint level. 这一刻,玄尾道人没有任何留手,将万古真身都开启了。在开启万古真身后,他的气势,堪堪达到了一阶准圣的层次。 This is a ten tails giant, the whole body is passing incomparably pure Ancient Demon's aura, he stands in this place, then seemed the day, became world all! 这是一个十尾巨人,周身透着无比纯正的古魔气息,他站在此地,便好似成了天,成了世间一切! Ning Fan gaze changes, has not expected Xuan Wei Daoist to open Eternal True Body, unexpectedly can be the Quasi-Saint level. From Half-Saint to Quasi-Saint, although is only a half step, but this half step, is actually representing the vast gap, Heaven and Earth gap! 宁凡目光一变,没料到玄尾道人开了万古真身,居然可以达到准圣层次。从半圣准圣,虽只是一小步,但这一小步,却代表着巨大差距,天地鸿沟! Audience Foreign Clan is also in great surprise, such Xuan Wei Daoist, gives them an invincible constriction! 异族亦是大惊,这样的玄尾道人,给他们一种不可战胜的压迫感! Ancient Demon Lost Technique, Ten Steps Open Bow!” 古魔失落术,十步开弓!” Xuan Wei Daoist melts the ten tails giant, split second treads ten steps, the potential of ten steps, develops the Demon Transformation bow, uses Essence as the arrow, an arrow shoots down Ning Fan. 玄尾道人所化十尾巨人,一瞬间踏出十步,十步之势,演化魔弓,以精气为箭,一箭射落宁凡 Ning Fan Golden Flame True Body is how powerful, although was flown by a Xuan Wei Daoist arrow bang, had not actually been broken guards, therefore without/has not is injured, but on the great strength by arrow was shaken qi and blood to turn wells up forget it/that's all. 宁凡金焰真身何其强大,虽被玄尾道人一箭轰飞,却并未被破防,故而没有受伤,只是被箭上的巨力震得气血翻涌罢了 100 Steps Open Bow!” 百步开弓!” Xuan Wei Daoist sees Ning Fan to meet an arrow hardly, unexpectedly unscathed, complexion was uglier, treads hundred steps continually, is an arrow projects, this arrow, almost found time his 10% quantity Essence. 玄尾道人宁凡硬接一箭,居然毫发无损,面色更加难看了,连踏百步,又是一箭射出,这一箭,几乎抽空了他10%数量精气 This arrow prestige energy, is almost twice as much of previous arrow! 此箭威能,几乎是前一箭的一倍 Ning Fan was missed the goal by an arrow again, True Body body surface Golden Flame, was dispersed much by the arrow light bang. 宁凡再度被一箭射飞,真身体表金焰,都被箭光轰散了不少。 Unexpectedly was unable broken to guard! What this child cultivates is how Eternal True Body, how possibly as tyrannical as this one step!” “居然还无法破防!此子修的是怎么万古真身,怎可能强横到这一步!” Xuan Wei Daoist face sink like water, the whole body disperses the innumerable specters, split second treads thousand steps. 玄尾道人面沉如水,周身散出无数魔影,一瞬间踏出千步。 1000 Steps Open Bow!” 千步开弓!” This is the most powerful demon arrow that he can project, is he fights open and aboveboard, most powerful attack that can release. Must use more than 50% Essence, can emit this arrow. The prestige of this arrow, heavy injury most First Level Quasi-Saint, he does not believe Ning Fan to keep off this arrow sufficiently! Does not believe! 这是他所能射出的最强魔箭,是他堂堂正正交手,所能释放的最强攻击。要用一半以上的精气,才能放出这一箭。此箭之威,足以重创绝大多数的一阶准圣,他不信宁凡能挡下此箭!绝不信! Scoff! 嗤! The arrow light passes through the thousand li (500 km), tore Heaven and Earth, split second then pierced the defense of Ning Fan, injected his Eternal True Body several cuns (2.5 cm) depth! 箭光贯穿千里,撕裂天地,一瞬间便洞穿了宁凡的防御,射入他万古真身数寸之深! The Ning Fan True Body defense increases day by day, is First Level Quasi-Saint, very difficult wound to him. However this arrow was too fierce, broke his defense, injects his within the body several cuns (2.5 cm). 宁凡真身防御与日俱增,便是一阶准圣,都很难伤到他。然而这一箭太厉害了,还是破了他的防御,射入他体内数寸。 The arrow air/Qi of wreaking havoc, split second tears the body of Ning Fan. 肆虐的箭气,一瞬间撕裂宁凡的躯体。 The body of Ning Fan exceeds withstood this arrow prestige to be able the limit, bang, Mortal Body explodes. 宁凡的躯体超出了承受此箭威能的极限,轰地一声,肉身爆开。 Died...” Xuan Wei Daoist is breathing heavily, disdains one. “死了么…”玄尾道人喘着粗气,不屑一哼。 However the next moment, his suddenly gaze changes, was somewhat breathless. 然而下一刻,他陡然目光一变,有些气急败坏了。 Actually after seeing Ning Fan Mortal Body explodes, has not changed to everywhere Blood Mist hashed meat, but was... changed to the 10 billion shatter raindrop! 却见宁凡肉身爆开之后,并未化作漫天血雾碎肉,而是…化作了上百亿破碎雨点! Each raindrop, is Ning Fan cultivation 10 billion Rain Dividing Spirit! 每一个雨点,都是宁凡修炼百亿雨分神 When this is type life saving Divine Ability, Ning Fan cultivation this technique, has never thought can use this technique quickly. 这是一式保命神通,宁凡修炼此术时,从未想过这么快就能用上此术。 The 10 billion raindrop gathers, again condense Ning Fan Golden Flame Giant Body. 百亿雨点一合,重新凝成宁凡金焰巨身 At this moment, the Ning Fan chest arrow wound position, is flowing the blood, is hard to stop bleeding, is the remaining arrow air/Qi in the unseemly behavior. 此刻,宁凡胸口箭伤位置,汩汩流着鲜血,难以止血,是残余的箭气在作怪。 He was wounded by a Xuan Wei Daoist arrow finally. 他终是被玄尾道人一箭射伤了。 The day and rain were the partner, 10 billion Rain Dividing Spirit use when another day fortunately hardly fell the trace, the danger danger, put forth this technique, the broken body downloaded most arrow air/Qi, is only injured. 幸而他日日与雨为伴,百亿雨分神使用得几乎不落痕迹,险之又险之际,使出了此术,碎身卸掉绝大多数的箭气,只受了轻伤。 Present Xuan Wei Daoist, is really a very fierce opponent... 眼前的玄尾道人,真是个很厉害的对手呢… Art of Taking Life, opens! 杀生之术,开! The Ning Fan makings suddenly change! 宁凡的气质陡然一变! Although in Cross Halo Black Seal, contained the Art of Taking Life ability, when only has Ning Fan oneself opens Art of Taking Life on own initiative, his makings meet split second to change, dominate above all Ancient Demon! 虽说十字光环墨印之中,包含了杀生术的能力,但唯有宁凡本人主动开启杀生术时,他的气质才会一瞬间改变,凌驾于一切古魔之上! That was once Demon Sealing Summit Master, imposing manner that can have! 那是曾经的封魔巅主人,才能拥有的气势! That only has Ancient Demon, constriction that can feel! 那是只有古魔,才能感觉到的压迫感! This is... Art of Taking Life! Is impossible! This technique has disappeared obviously in the world along with the Mo Zhong Sir smoke, why you can this technique!” Xuan Wei Daoist complexion big change, does not have the beforehand calm and pride again. “这是…杀生之术!不可能!此术明明已随墨重大人烟消于世了,你为何会此术!”玄尾道人面色大变,再无之前的从容与骄傲。 Art of Taking Life is all Ancient Demon restraint techniques! May seize Essence of demon, swallows cultivation base of demon! 杀生之术可谓是一切古魔的克制术!可夺魔之精气,吞魔之修为 Ning Fan oneself has made him feel thornily, if adds on this technique again, as Ancient Demon he, Essence will extremely possibly be swallowed, finally defeats on Ning Fan! 宁凡本人就已经让他感到棘手了,若再加上此术,身为古魔的他,极可能会精气被吞,最终败在宁凡手上! Uses Divine Ability within Ancient Demon range, his without/has not confidence steady victory Ning Fan at this moment. 使用古魔范围内的神通,他没有信心稳胜此刻的宁凡 So..., only then the sword walks the slant, use Azure Wave Fire Poison! 如此…只有剑走偏锋,使用【碧波火毒】了! This is not the Ancient Demon method, just the opposite, this is the Ancient Demon old enemy Buddhist Sect method! 这不是古魔的手段,恰恰相反,这是古魔的宿敌佛宗的手段! Deals with the average person, this poison then by very fierce, when Ancient, Xuan Wei Daoist even once depended on this poison, kills by poison Quasi-Saint. 对付普通人,此毒便以十分厉害,上古之时,玄尾道人甚至曾凭此毒,毒杀准圣 Copes with Ancient Demon, this poisonous prestige can be possible to add 30%, this is Buddhism Cultivator of zhen kills the disobedient Buddhism Cultivator special-purpose poison, is from the poisonous feather of ocean waves buddhist bird, Ancient Demon touches it, the injury is especially huge. 对付古魔,此毒威能更可平添30%,这是古之佛修鸩杀忤逆佛修的专用之毒,取自碧波梵雀的毒羽,古魔触之,伤害尤其巨大。 „The Ning Fan young child, is not rampant, Old Man this poison, you, must die!” 宁凡小儿,莫要嚣张,老夫此毒一出,你,必死!” Xuan Wei Daoist Finger Secret Art pinches, ten poisonous tails of great behind, had the deep green flame combustion immediately, beauty that flame could not say, but actually gave Ning Fan a feeling of dangerous, Yin-Yang of Poison from that flame, fed in the radical induction! 玄尾道人指诀一掐,巨身后的十条毒尾,顿时有了碧绿火苗燃烧,那火苗说不出的美丽,但却给宁凡一种凶险的感觉,毒阴阳从那火苗之中,传回剧烈感应! Ning Fan gaze narrows the eyes slightly. 宁凡目光微微一眯。 The tail of it seems like that this Xuan Wei Daoist has violently poisonously... does not only know, this person of poison, compared with it Fire Toad Great Saint Inheritance Saint Poison, so what... 看来这玄尾道人的尾巴藏有剧毒…只不知,此人之毒,比之火蟾大圣传承圣毒,又如何 The opposite party did not seem to continue the confrontation of Ancient Demon Physique Technique, in view of this, he then also no longer kept the hand, a card in a hand, all may use... 对方似乎不打算继续古魔体术的交锋了,既如此,他便也不再留手了,一身底牌,皆可使用…
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