GE :: Volume #12

#1135: Blood God Sentry Crow

Darkly shrouded, the Boundary River wave ripples, night wind Weiliang.? 夜色茫茫,界河水波荡漾,夜风微凉。? Ning Fan controls Treasure Seeking Compass, is pasting the water surface flight. He went forward along the same day Lai Jun Great Emperor patrol route, was far from the Azure Heaven Mountain Pass distance. 宁凡一面操控搜宝罗盘,一面贴着水面飞行。他沿着当日来俊大帝的巡逻路线前进,离天青关的距离越来越远。 In Treasure Seeking Compass, was implanted Emperor Lai Jun aura by Ning Fan. Takes this as the index, the Treasure Seeking Compass regarding Lai Jun Great Emperor whereabouts, had an induction fuzzily. 搜宝罗盘之中,被宁凡种入了一丝来俊帝的气息。以此为索引,搜宝罗盘对于来俊大帝的下落,模模糊糊有了一丝感应。 Very weak induction. 很微弱的感应。 Only can induce Emperor Lai Jun at this moment approximately in Boundary River somewhere, actually temporarily also the sensation the exact location. 只能感应出来俊帝此刻大致就在界河某处,却暂时还感知不出具体位置。 Does not know how long to fly, the Treasure Seeking Compass induction direction, aimed in the river water suddenly. 不知飞了多久,搜宝罗盘的感应方向,忽然指向了河水之中。 Ning Fan silent moment, the decision sneaks Third Road again underwater finds out. Naturally sneaking on a grand scale, he will not tread the water to stand, suddenly turned very quiet. 宁凡沉默了片刻,还是决定再度潜入第三路的水下一探究竟。当然不会大张旗鼓的潜入,他踏水而立,忽然屏住了呼吸。 At this moment the Ning Fan aura suddenly changes, not a live person, but resembles one... the tree! 这一刻宁凡的气息陡然一变,再不似一个活人,而似一棵…树! Also changed for a long time unused Ghost Mask, under water Ning Fan Stealth submerged, unexpectedly without/has not made water surface Immortal Sovereign Seal have any induction. 又变化出了久不使用的鬼面,宁凡隐身潜入水底,居然没有令水面的仙皇封印起任何感应。 Immortal Sovereign Seal determined an ordinary plant Ning Fan, therefore without/has not stirred up any induction. 仙皇封印宁凡判定成了一棵普通植物,故而没有激任何感应。 Then, in Low-Rank Foreign Clan that in the water goes on patrol, and without/has not detected that Ning Fan Stealth submerged under water. 如此一来,在水中巡逻的低阶异族,并没有察觉宁凡隐身潜入了水底。 Induction started fiercely, it seems like Emperor Lai Jun in this nearby...” “感应开始剧烈了,看来来俊帝是在这附近了…” The induction points to, Ning Fan has to dive toward under of waters. 感应直指正下方,宁凡不得不朝着水域的正下方下潜。 This submergence, Ning Fan on present issue. 这一下潜,宁凡就现了问题。 He dived continually more than double-hour, unexpectedly also without/has not dives the river bottom! 他一连下潜了一个多时辰,居然还没有下潜到河底! Here river water, good depth! Must know that changes into other places, he most dives half double-hour, then can dive under water! 此处的河水,好深!要知道换成其他地方,他最多下潜半个时辰,便能潜到水底! The water is deeper, the induction of Treasure Seeking Compass is then fiercer. 水越深,搜宝罗盘的感应便越剧烈。 Sense of discomfort in Ning Fan heart, a little bit/bit by bit increases, that is the foreknowledge of regarding danger. 宁凡心中的不安之感,也一点点增加,那是对于危险的预知。 Under this, definitely has what dangerous thing... to make Emperor Lai Jun missing, cannot treat it lightly! 这下面,绝对有什么危险东西…能令来俊帝神不知鬼不觉的失踪,不能掉以轻心! Ning Fan dived two double-hour, still under water could not see. Arrived this depth, surroundings already without/has not Low-Rank Foreign Clan patrol. 宁凡又下潜了两个时辰,仍旧看不到水底。到了这一深度,周围早已经没有低阶异族巡逻了。 Dark under water, without/has not ray of light can illuminate enters, surroundings also without/has not any disperses the coral growth of unusual brightness sufficiently. 幽暗的水底,没有光芒能够照进,周围也没有任何足以散宝光的珊瑚生长。 Ning Fan eyes enclosed azure glow, even if surroundings without/has not ray of light, the eye of his Heaven and Mortal can easily see clearly the surrounding scenery. 宁凡双眼附上了青芒,纵然周围没有光芒,他的天人之目还是能够轻易看清周围的风景。 Fish bones, many giant fish bones... 鱼骨,很多很多的巨大鱼骨… Ning Fan presently this place deep water area, some unexpectedly innumerable giant fish bones float in water, on the bone also giant lifeform gnaws has eaten the trace. 宁凡现此地深水区域,竟有无数巨型鱼骨悬浮在水中,骨头上还有巨型生物啃食过的痕迹。 Again downward, dived several double-hour, the fish bones start to reduce, finally could not see. Starts to have the stench flavor to spread to the nose. 再往下,又下潜了数个时辰,鱼骨开始减少,最终看不到了。开始有腥臭的味道传入鼻中。 I to steal Deep Yin Wood, almost went all over entire Eastern Boundary River, actually never has been to the so deep place. This place seems in the middle of a Boundary River bottomless pit, I had dived near half day, where unexpectedly cannot feel under water...” “我为了偷盗阴沉木,几乎走遍了整个东界河,却从未到过如此深的地方。此地就仿佛是界河当中的一个无底洞,我已经下潜了将近半日,居然还是感觉不到水底在哪里…” Ning Fan hit 120% to be vigilant, continued to dive. 宁凡打起了十二分警惕,继续下潜。 one day passed, two days passed... passed on the 6 th, he dived finally under water! 一日过去,两日过去…六日过去,他终于潜到了水底! The hydraulic pressure of this kind of depth, has arrived at the Divine Spirit body of by Ning Fan again, was very difficult to withstand. 这等深度的水压,已经重到以宁凡神灵躯体,都很难承受了。 Ning Fan gaze severely shakes, in looks at this Boundary River bottomless pit is occupying huge lifeform. If the Treasure Seeking Compass without/has not sensation is wrong, Emperor Lai Jun at this moment, in the abdomen of this huge lifeform... 宁凡目光剧震,看着这处界河无底洞之中盘踞着的巨大生物。若搜宝罗盘没有感知错,来俊帝此刻,就在这巨大生物的腹中… That is a whole body is dispersing the light red glow giant cuttlefish, at this moment the opening eyes deep sleep, is having the Honglei giant snoring sound. 那是一只周身散着淡淡红芒的巨型乌贼,此刻正睁着眼沉睡着,出轰雷般的巨大鼾声。 The body of this cuttlefish was too big, only one eyeball, then has Emperor Level Cultivation Star is so giant! If the body spreads out, covers Emperor Level Star Territory Starry Sky sufficiently! 这乌贼的身躯太大了,只一个眼珠,便有帝级修真星那么巨大!其身躯若是伸展开,足以覆盖一处帝级星域星空 Its skin was too thick, thick to is Innate Mid-Grade Magical Treasure, is not necessarily able to break open its skin! 它的皮太厚了,厚到便是先天中品法宝,也未必能破开它的皮肤! Its qi and blood was too vast! Ning Fan only said that Hei Sheng qi and blood is the End of Law Era outstanding person, but this cuttlefish high of qi and blood, impressively unexpectedly is Hei Sheng several thousand times! 它的气血太浩瀚了!宁凡只道黑绳气血已经算是末法时代的佼佼者,但这只乌贼的气血之高,赫然竟是黑绳的数千倍之多! If a killing Hei Sheng difficulty, endures compared with killing several thousand Immortal Emperor, then the killing present cuttlefish, the difficulty endures to compare killing several thousand Hei Sheng! 倘若击杀一个黑绳的难度,堪比击杀数千名仙帝,则击杀眼前的乌贼,难度堪比击杀数千个黑绳 Ning Fan sensation concrete cultivation base of this cuttlefish, but can roughly estimate some. 宁凡感知不出这乌贼的具体修为,但是可以大致估算一些。 This cuttlefish should also without/has not step into 3rd step, the undulating quantity of aura is also quite big, as if for some reasons, this cuttlefish is at the feeble time. 这乌贼应该还没有踏入第三步,气息的波动值也比较大,似乎因为某种原因,此乌贼正处在衰弱期。 Aura weakest time, this cuttlefish as if only has Eternal Six Tribulations cultivation base. 气息最弱的时候,这乌贼似乎只具备万古六劫修为 Aura most powerful time, actually as if compared with Ning Fan has seen Yin Mo and strange eyeball must stronger several points! 气息最强的时候,却似乎比宁凡见过的阴墨眼珠怪还要更强几分! The sensation to this matter, Ning Fan cannot help but complexion changes, when heart this cuttlefish most flourishing, is it possible that unexpectedly is Far Ancient Great Cultivator? 感知到此事,宁凡不由得面色一变,心道这乌贼全盛之时,莫非竟是一个远古大修 Light red glow that on this cuttlefish disperses, is to make the Ning Fan innermost feelings one cold. Will not be wrong, this red glow, clearly unexpectedly is the strength of extremely pure Tribulation Sense! 这乌贼身上散的淡淡红芒,更是让宁凡内心一寒。不会错,这红芒,分明竟是极为精纯的劫念之力! The status of this cuttlefish, impressively unexpectedly is Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit! 这只乌贼的身份,赫然竟是一只太苍劫灵 Far Ancient Great Cultivator, Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit, crosses Hei Sheng several thousand times of huge qi and blood... Ning Fan quite to suspect, End of Law cultivation world, also anything lifeform can be a worthy opponent with this cuttlefish... 远古大修,太苍劫灵,过黑绳数千倍的庞大气血宁凡相当怀疑,末法修真界,还有什么生物能和这只乌贼匹敌… Third Road under water, why has so fearful exist(ence) deep sleep unexpectedly! This cuttlefish is also Foreign Clan Army one! If so...” 第三路的水底,为何竟有如此可怕的存在沉睡!这只乌贼也是异族大军的一员吗!若是如此…” Ning Fan complexion is ugly, if all, just like he guessed, matter may be thorny. Takes a broad view at Eastern Heaven, has anyone to be able with this cuttlefish to contend! 宁凡面色难看之极,若一切正如他猜测,事情可就棘手了。放眼东天,有什么人能和这只乌贼一较高下吗! Then is all Eastern Heaven cultivator together take action, perhaps cannot kill this cuttlefish... 便是所有东天修士一起出手,恐怕也干不掉这只乌贼吧… No wonder he can the Heart Blood incoming tide, no wonder he will feel the danger. This cuttlefish in the deep sleep, without/has not is detecting his being close fortunately at this moment, otherwise Ning Fan without/has not any confidence, can escape from this cuttlefish at present! 难怪他会心血来潮,难怪他会感觉危险。幸而这只乌贼此刻正在沉睡,没有察觉到他的接近,否则宁凡没有任何信心,能从这只乌贼眼前逃生! This is, Blood God Sentry Crow 【此为,血神更乌 This is, Blood God Sentry Crow 【此为,血神更乌 The Myriad Things Communication ability, causing Ning Fan can listen attentively to all around the aspiration of river water. These river water are telling Ning Fan, the status of this cuttlefish! This is, Blood God Sentry Crow... 万物沟通的能力,使得宁凡能够倾听周遭河水的心声。这些河水在告诉宁凡,这只乌贼的身份!此为,血神更乌 Blood God... 血神 This title, Ning Fan by no means is strange, he at first to steal Deep Yin Wood, camouflages for the fish sneaks Foreign Clan, often hears this name. 这个称谓,宁凡并不陌生,他最初为了偷盗阴沉木,伪装为鱼潜入异族,时常听到这个名字。 As far as he knows, Eastern Boundary River Foreign Clan, is consecrating one god, takes it as Blood God. 据他所知,东界河异族,供奉着一尊神祇,将其称作血神 Blood God is the Eastern Boundary River Foreign Clan faith, is their beliefs. This belief, even is also higher than the worship to Great God Si. 血神东界河异族的信念,是他们的信仰。这种信仰,甚至还要高于对大神司的崇拜。 Ning Fan formerly only thinks that so-called Blood God, is exist(ence) of religious belief nature, is not the reality refers. But at this moment, his idea changed. 宁凡从前只以为所谓的血神,是一种宗教信仰性质的存在,并非实指。但此刻,他的想法改变了。 At present this great such as Starry Sky red glow cuttlefish, likely... is Blood God Sir that Eastern Boundary River Foreign Clan believes in! 眼前这只巨如星空红芒乌贼,很可能…就是东界河异族所信奉的血神大人 Blood God Sentry Crow! Sentry Crow, was the name of this cuttlefish! 血神更乌更乌,想必就是这只乌贼的名字了! Ning Fan gaze struggles. 宁凡目光挣扎。 He surveys Emperor Lai Jun obviously in the abdomen of this cuttlefish, but his without/has not ability breaks open the abdominal cavity of cuttlefish directly, rescues Emperor Lai Jun. 他明明探测出来俊帝就在这只乌贼的腹中,可他没有能力正面破开乌贼的腹腔,将来俊帝救出来。 He does not know how should report this matter to Ashen Emperor, does not know that in this End of Law Era, whether really some people can defeat this great black directly, rescues Emperor Lai Jun... 他不知道该如何向苍帝汇报此事,更不知在这末法时代,是否真的有人能正面击败这只巨乌,救出来俊帝 No, perhaps the also person can be a worthy opponent this cuttlefish..., if in the middle of that Ancient Great Emperor outstanding person, deciding to achieve this matter! 不,或许还有人能匹敌这只乌贼…若是那种古之大帝当中的佼佼者,定能做到此事! Ning Fan gaze one bright, if Great Emperor Ancient Chaos comes this, decides however has the means to cope with this cuttlefish, rescues Emperor Lai Jun! 宁凡目光一亮,倘若是乱古大帝来此,定然有办法对付这只乌贼,救出来俊帝 But Great Emperor Ancient Chaos where? Ning Fan some headaches. 乱古大帝在哪里呢?宁凡又有些头疼了。 According to the information that he obtains, after Great Emperor Ancient Chaos leaves God Tomb, before once came Eastern Boundary River ; to be possible Ning Fan, stole Eastern Boundary River, without/has not found Great Emperor Ancient Chaos, obviously Great Emperor Ancient Chaos in Eastern Boundary River, has not left, where did not know... 根据他所得到的情报,乱古大帝离开神墓之后,曾来过东界河宁凡之前偷遍了东界河,都没有找到乱古大帝,可见乱古大帝已不在东界河,已经离开了,不知去了何方… To look for Great Emperor Ancient Chaos to help save others, anti- indeed is impossible... 想找乱古大帝来帮忙救人,反正是不可能了… Ning Fan from hesitating, the mutation lives suddenly steep! 宁凡正自沉吟,忽然异变陡生! Unexpectedly why that giant cuttlefish does not only know, wakes suddenly, the great eye had the appearance, locked freeze the Ning Fan direction, the ominous flame was dreadful! 那只巨型乌贼竟不知为何,忽然醒了过来,巨眼有了神采,锁定住宁凡方向,凶焰滔天! Hopes?” Had food to deliver? “希噜噜噜噜?”有食物送上门了吗? Actually was thinking aloud! 竟然在自言自语! Ning Fan complexion changes, is wanting to use the method to evacuate this place, the next instance, this giant cuttlefish actually shows the expression that sprouted very stupid, killing intent completely receives, smiles to make noise sluggishly strangely. 宁凡面色一变,正欲施展手段撤离此地,下一个瞬间,这巨型乌贼却又摆出了一个十分蠢萌的表情,杀机尽收,懒散地怪笑出声。 „, hope hopes... hope , shouted whistling...” Hehe is not food, is the Tribulation Spirit companion... looks like me not to awake , the missing hometown in the dream, considered as finished then rests... “噜希希希希,希噜希…噜噜希,噜希希噜噜,噜噜呼呼呼…”嘿嘿不是食物,是劫灵同伴啊…看来我还没睡醒,又在梦中思念故乡了,算了接着睡… Cuttlefish great eye ominous flame dim, turned turning over/stand up, fell asleep again. Because of its body huge, but is ordinary turning over/stand up, then directed most terrifying tsunami in this stretch of nobody profundal zone, strong Water Stream, almost even Ning Fan flushed flies... 乌贼巨眼凶焰黯淡了下去,翻了翻身,再度睡着了。因其身躯过于庞大,只不过是一个普通的翻身,便在这片无人深水区引了最最恐怖的海啸,强劲的水流,差点连宁凡都冲飞了… This cuttlefish truly saw Ning Fan. 这乌贼确确实实看到了宁凡 But its without/has not pays attention to Ning Fan. 但它没有理会宁凡 Because it recognized the Ning Fan Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit flavor. 因为它认出了宁凡太苍劫灵的味道。 Its few Spiritual Wisdom, thinks that sees other Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit, is definitely daydreaming. Therefore, his without/has not takes seriously this matter, regarded Dreamland the arrival of Ning Fan... 它为数不多的灵智,认为看到其他太苍劫灵,肯定是在白日做梦。所以,他没有重视此事,将宁凡的到来当成了梦境 „...” “…” Ning Fan causes to go all-out, withstands the impact of ocean current reluctantly, stands firm figure. He hesitates does not speak, is looking at the giant cuttlefish, falls into the ponder. 宁凡使尽全力,才勉强顶住海流的冲击,稳住身形。他沉吟不语,望着巨型乌贼,陷入思考。 Changes into others, definitely does not know that this cuttlefish is saying anything, but he can understand. 换成其他人,肯定不知道这只乌贼希希噜噜是在说些什么,但偏偏他能懂。 Really, this cuttlefish is Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit, and seems like, seems not intelligent, very easy suspect to be blurry, when it is time to sleep even the reality and Dreamland cannot distinguish clearly. 果然,这只乌贼是一只太苍劫灵,且看起来,似乎不怎么聪明,十分容易犯迷糊,睡觉时连现实和梦境都分不清。 looks at giant cuttlefish stretch/open Zhanghe about, was saying the mouth of sleep talking, Ning Fan suddenly had the bold thought. 看着巨型乌贼张张合合、说着梦话的嘴巴,宁凡忽然有了大胆的念头。 Hits, he definitely cannot be victorious this cuttlefish. 打,他肯定是打不过这只乌贼的。 But if sneaks to the belly of this cuttlefish in secret, so what... 但若是暗中潜入到这只乌贼的肚子里,又如何呢… As Far Ancient Great Cultivator level existence, the sensation of this cuttlefish, is quite naturally keen. Was bullied by Ning Fan Stealth nearly to the side, it can detect, opens the sleepy eyes to see through Ning Fan Stealth ;, if Ning Fan invades its within the body, will be difficult to guarantee it not but therefore thorough awaken, will be in a rage, directly the Ning Fan digestion in belly... 身为远古大修级存在,这只乌贼的感知,自然极为敏锐。被宁凡隐身欺近到身边,它都能有所察觉,睁开睡眼看穿宁凡隐身倘若宁凡入侵到它的体内,难保它不会因此而彻底苏醒,一怒之下,直接将宁凡消化在了肚子里… Sneaks in the belly of cuttlefish to save others secretly, seems very dangerous, but seemingly also can only save others secretly. Hits directly, Ning Fan definitely cannot be victorious this cuttlefish. 偷偷潜入乌贼的肚子里救人,似乎十分危险,但貌似也只能偷偷救人了。正面打,宁凡肯定打不过这个乌贼。 Ning Fan oneself and Emperor Lai Jun have no friendship, but with is Eastern Heaven cultivator, making him see somebody in danger and do nothing, cannot somewhat be justified. 宁凡本人来俊帝没什么交情,但同为东天修士,让他见死不救,又有些说不过去。 Life and Death of stranger, cannot move his innermost feelings. 陌生人的生死,打动不了他的内心。 Bath bloody battle fight of fellow soldier, are together different. 一同浴血战斗的袍泽,则不同。 The oath that Boundary River makes treaties of alliance words are still as ringing, so long as Emperor Lai Jun guards Eastern Heaven wholeheartedly, is his Ning Fan brothers, is impossible to see somebody in danger and do nothing. 界河会盟的誓词言犹在耳,只要来俊帝一心守卫东天,便是他宁凡的兄弟,不可能见死不救的。 For a long time later, Ning Fan gaze concentrates, finally had the resolution, his no longer Stealth Stealth can also be seen by the cuttlefish in any case, why. 许久之后,宁凡目光一凝,终于有了决断,他不再隐身反正隐身也能被乌贼看到,何必呢。 He depresses God, Monster and Demon cultivation base, is led by the Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit aura, red glow covers the whole body. 他将神妖魔修为压下,以太苍劫灵的气息为主导,红芒覆盖全身。 A white clothing, light red glow, Ning Fan is close toward cuttlefish a little bit/bit by bit. 一袭白衣,淡淡红芒,宁凡朝乌贼一点点接近。 Perhaps Ning Fan Tribulation Spirit aura, takes to the cuttlefish an intimate feeling, induces to Ning Fan obviously indistinctly approaches, cuttlefish actually without/has not again Open Eyes, without/has not any protection, preventing Ning Fan to be close. 许是宁凡劫灵气息,带给乌贼一股亲近的感觉,明明隐约感应到宁凡在接近,乌贼却没有再次睁眼,亦没有任何防备,阻止宁凡接近。 Sees that Ning Fan relaxes secretly, were many several points of the confidence of submerging cuttlefish within the body. 见状,宁凡暗暗松了一口气,多了几分潜入乌贼体内的信心。 dangerous of this act, even challenges Eastern Boundary River all Immortal Emperor and Quasi-Saint also to want dangerous several times compared with him. So long as one step goes astray, waits for Ning Fan was extinguished by this cuttlefish kills, but his natural disposition is so. So long as recognized anything, is dangerous, is duty-bound not to turn back, refuses to balk! 此举之凶险,甚至比他一个人挑战东界河的所有仙帝准圣还要危险数倍。只要一步走错,等待宁凡的便是被这只乌贼灭杀,可他生性便是如此。只要认定了什么事,则再危险,也义无反顾,在所不惜! Was close, close to! 接近了,接近了! The huge mouth of cuttlefish, is one swallows dozens Cultivation Star is not difficult. Ning Fan depends the Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit status, swims to the mouth of cuttlefish, without/has not causes the resistance of cuttlefish. Sees that the Ning Fan confidence grew much, deeply inspires, just like in the cuttlefish black hole huge mouth. 乌贼的巨口,便是一口吞下数十颗修真星都不困难。宁凡仗着太苍劫灵的身份,一路游到乌贼的嘴边,都没有引起乌贼的抗拒。见状,宁凡信心又增长了不少,深吸一口气,犹如了乌贼黑洞般的巨口之内。 The body of this cuttlefish was too big! 这只乌贼的身体太大了! Ning Fan entered his body obviously, actually seemed desolate nobody smoke vast Starry Sky. 宁凡明明只是进入了他的躯体,却好似进去了一片荒无人烟的浩瀚星空 No, said that is desolate nobody smoke by no means is accurate, in within the body of cuttlefish, Ning Fan present various strange things. 不,说是荒无人并不准确,在乌贼的体内,宁凡现了各种各样奇怪的东西。 First, Ning Fan within the body of this cuttlefish, is growing presently the innumerable leech common parasites. 先,宁凡现这只乌贼的体内,生长着无数水蛭一般的寄生虫。 It is not the ordinary leech, but is great such as mountain exist(ence). These leeches through taking vast qi and blood of cuttlefish maintain the life, quantity more than thousand million, the casual leech drags, has to endure compared with True Immortal cultivation base, fierce leech, even can contend with Immortal Emperor... 不是普通的水蛭,而是巨如山岳的存在。那些水蛭通过吸食乌贼的浩瀚气血维持生命,数量不下千百万,随便一只水蛭拖出来,都有堪比真仙修为,厉害一些的水蛭,甚至可以和仙帝一较高下… This lets Ning Fan wariness, Immortal Emperor Level leech that but his meets on the way, then already not under 40, if this place leech attacks him together, he only has to use can protect oneself full power. 这让宁凡忌惮不已,但他这一路遇到的仙帝级水蛭,便已不下四十只,倘若此地水蛭一起攻击他,他唯有倾尽全力才能自保。 The good leech and without/has not here attack Ning Fan. 好在这里的水蛭并没有进攻宁凡 Their without/has not and host deep sleep, the each and every single (person) eye like the bronze bell, is looking at Ning Fan together, has the awe. 它们没有和宿主一起沉睡,一个个眼如铜铃,望着宁凡,带着敬畏。 They do not know that Ning Fan is another food that the host eats. 它们不知道宁凡是不是宿主吃掉的又一食粮。 They only know that Ning Fan Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit aura, looks like with the host very much. The great strength of cuttlefish, making them unable to give birth to the heart of resistance, facing Ning Fan this only Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit, does not dare to be dissolute, does not dare to attack... 它们只知道宁凡身上的太苍劫灵气息,和宿主很像。乌贼的强大,让它们生不出反抗之心,连带着面对宁凡这只太苍劫灵,也不敢放肆,不敢攻击… Also was Ning Fan can make them awe, conversion was other food, Hehe... 也就是宁凡能让它们敬畏了,换成是其他的食粮,嘿嘿 Ning Fan so An Ran (safely) is well, enters to the deep place of cuttlefish abdominal cavity. 宁凡就这么一路安然无恙,进入到乌贼腹腔的更深处。 In there, Ning Fan saw was swallowed various strange things by the cuttlefish. 在那里,宁凡看到了被乌贼吞下了各种各样奇怪东西。 Has the giant sunken wreck, has the Ancient Cultivator remains, having the architectural style obviously is not the Four Heavens style abandoned city, there does not know that abandoned many years Cultivation Star... 有巨型沉船,有古修士的遗骨,有建筑风格明显不是四天风格的废弃城池,也有不知废弃了多少年的修真星 This cuttlefish also is really anything eats! Ning Fan deeply feels speechless. 这只乌贼还真是什么都吃啊!宁凡深感无语。 more toward the abdominal cavity deep place vanguard, the surrounding decayed flavor is then heavier. 越往腹腔深处前行,周围的腐臭味道便越重。 Does not know how long to lead the way, went suddenly to have bloody glow to soar to the heavens. According to Treasure Seeking Compass demonstrated that Emperor Lai Jun in that direction. 不知前行了多久,前往忽然有了血光冲天。根据搜宝罗盘显示,来俊帝就在那个方向。 Ning Fan hit the vigilance of 120%, entered to the bloody glow range, entered this place in him the instance, some surroundings innumerable blood-color tentacles, attacked to come toward him suddenly, each tentacle, had the prestige energy that Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor is striking full power! 宁凡打起了十二分的警惕,进入到血光范围,在他进入此地的瞬间,周围忽然有无数血色触手,朝他袭击而来,每一道触手,都带着九劫仙帝全力一击的威能! However after sensation to Ning Fan Tribulation Spirit aura, these tentacles were suddenly tranquil, no longer attacks Ning Fan, whatever Ning Fan goes forward. 不过感知到宁凡身上的劫灵气息后,那些触手忽然平静了,不再攻击宁凡,任由宁凡前进。 Ning Fan relaxes, if these tentacles do not stop attacking, then he then only has the full power counter-attack, can not tie up by these tentacles. 宁凡松了一口气,倘若这些触手不停止攻击,则他便唯有全力反击,才能不被这些触手捆住了。 Tai Cang Tribulation Spirit status, here accident/surprise easy-to-use. 太苍劫灵的身份,在这里意外地好用。 Also is he enters in the abdomen of cuttlefish, can An Ran (safely) be well. Other food, but without/has not this type luck... 也就是他进入乌贼的腹中,能够安然无恙。其他食粮,可没有这种好运气… Ning Fan gaze observes the situation all around, suddenly. 宁凡目光环视四周,陡然一经。 In this bloody glow deep place, cannot have 10 billion tentacle exist(ence), above most tentacles, is entangling the thing! 在这血光的深处,有不下百亿的触手存在,绝大多数的触手之上,都缠着东西! Spirit Herb, Magical Treasure, cultivator and Foreign Clan Expert... these tentacles impressively are the alimentary organs of this cuttlefish, can digest all food that the cuttlefish swallows! 灵药法宝修士异族强者…这些触手赫然是这只乌贼的消化器官,能将乌贼吞下的一切食物消化掉! The words saying, this cuttlefish is not Blood God Sir that Foreign Clan pays homage, how even Foreign Clan eats... 话说,这只乌贼不是异族膜拜的血神大人么,怎么连异族都吃… The words saying, the good thing in this cuttlefish belly, to be as if many, has rare Spirit Herb, there is Emperor Grade Medicine Pill, also Innate Magical Treasure... does not know where swallows. 话说,这只乌贼肚子里的好东西,似乎不少啊,有稀世灵药,也有帝品丹药,还有先天法宝…也不知都是从哪里吞的。 Ning Fan without/has not steals treasure(d) in cuttlefish belly, he does not want to cause complications, after all only rescues Emperor Lai Jun one, has gone against the enormous risk. 宁凡没有去偷盗乌贼肚子里的宝贝,他不想节外生枝,毕竟只救来俊帝一个,都已经顶了巨大风险。 Taking advantage of the localization of Treasure Seeking Compass, Ning Fan soon found Emperor Lai Jun is. 借着搜宝罗盘的定位,宁凡很快就找到了来俊帝的所在。 The Emperor Lai Jun whole person tied down by the tentacle, cannot move, remains unconscious. When dark error, has not known that has the fear, is saying sleep talking. 来俊帝整个人被触手缠住,动弹不得,昏迷不醒。昏阙时,还不知带着恐惧,说着梦话 Does not want, do not eat me... not to want, does not want...” “不要,不要吃我…不要,不要…” Saves me, saves me... I not to be eaten, does not want to be eaten...” “救我,救我…我不想被吃,不想被吃…” In these sleep talking package of holding fears, are not the camouflages. This Emperor Lai Jun, because seemed eaten the incident by the cuttlefish, cast the huge trauma... 那些梦话里面包含着的恐惧,并非伪装。这来俊帝,似乎因为被乌贼吃掉一事,留下了巨大的心理阴影… Ning Fan tries, is unable to entrain the winding of tentacle the body of Emperor Lai Jun. 宁凡试了试,无法将来俊帝的身体拽出触手的缠绕。 The tentacle is not willing to loosen Emperor Lai Jun this delicious food obviously, Ning Fan has the means to cut the tentacle actually, rescues Emperor Lai Jun, will be only as the matter stands, will create the pain unavoidably, will have the command cuttlefish awaken possibility. 触手明显不愿松开来俊帝这一美味食物,宁凡倒是有办法斩了触手,救出来俊帝,只是这样一来,难免会造成痛楚,有令乌贼苏醒的可能。 In every possible way after the attempt, Ning Fan is unable to entrain from the fetter Emperor Lai Jun Mortal Body. 百般尝试后,宁凡都无法将来俊帝肉身从束缚中拽出。 But, Ning Fan must back off, gives up Emperor Lai Jun Mortal Body, breaks open a blood hole in its dantian position, pulled its Nascent Divinity directly. 无奈之下,宁凡只得退而求其次,放弃来俊帝肉身,在其丹田位置破开一个血洞,将其元神直接扯了出来。 Nascent Divinity small face weak of Emperor Lai Jun, the Ning Fan act of sabotage, in addition tentacle long time taking, takes to his damage to be absolutely heavy, the cultivate Dao foundation damaged. 来俊帝元神小脸一片虚弱,宁凡的破坏行为,再加上触手多日的吸食,带给他的损伤绝对不轻,修道根基都损坏了。 In the pain, the Nascent Divinity small face of Emperor Lai Jun opens the sleepy eyes slowly, sees Ning Fan, then reveals to laugh foolishly, gaze is stupid. 痛楚之中,来俊帝元神小脸缓缓睁开睡眼,一见宁凡,便露出傻笑,目光痴痴呆呆。 Who you are! You are rescue my! Hehehe, I was saved, Hehehe, I was saved...” “你是谁!你是来救我的吗!嘿嘿嘿,我得救了,嘿嘿嘿,我得救了…” without/has not half a word thanks. 没有半句感谢。 The without/has not least bit is calm. 没有半点冷静。 without/has not least bit Immortal Emperor elegant demeanor. 没有半点仙帝风采。 Because dreads the cuttlefish, Emperor Lai Jun has been scared unexpectedly! 因为过于畏惧乌贼,来俊帝居然已经吓傻了! Must have the fearful experience, can be scared Immortal Emperor... 要有多可怕的经历,才能吓傻一个仙帝 Ning Fan does not know that should despise Emperor Lai Jun, was this/should pitiful Emperor Lai Jun. 宁凡不知道是该鄙夷来俊帝,还是该可怜来俊帝了。 Still remembers that Emperor Lai Jun came Boundary River to make treaties of alliance on the same day, the spirit wind, eagerly with the stance that Foreign Clan battles against comprehensively. 犹记得来俊帝当日前来界河会盟,意气风,一副急于与异族全面开战的姿态。 Nowadays, was actually scared by Foreign Clan, became a fool... 现如今,却被异族吓破了胆,成了一个傻子… Ning Fan sighed, without/has not paid attention to the Emperor Lai Jun foolish spoken language, activates Illusion Technique made his again lethargic sleep slightly, subsequently received its Nascent Divinity, left cuttlefish inside the stomach quietly. 宁凡一叹,没有理会来俊帝的痴傻言语,略略催动幻术令他再度昏睡,继而将其元神一收,悄然离开了乌贼腹内 Also crossed 6-7 days, Ning Fan swam the water surface, was away from the water surface layer upon layer Immortal Sovereign Seal, he felt somewhat safely. 又过了六七日,宁凡游回了水面,隔着水面上层层仙皇封印,他才感到有些安心。 So long as Boundary River water surface also Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou Seal, that terrifying cuttlefish is not only able to pursue the break the surface surface, is unable to cause the damage to aquatic lifeform. 只要界河水面还有紫斗仙皇封印在,那只恐怖的乌贼便无法追出水面,无法对水上生物造成伤害。 Immortal Sovereign Seal will not allow that and other unsurpassed exist(ence) to run up to the water surface! 仙皇封印是不会允许那等无上存在跑到水面的! Is looking at layer on layer/heavily Seal, Ning Fan is slightly silent. On the same day the Emperor Lai Jun patrol was missing, should be he for some reason, submerged in the water, this was seized by that cuttlefish. 望着重重封印,宁凡微微沉默。当日来俊帝巡逻失踪,应该是他为了某种原因,潜入到了水中,这才被那只乌贼抓走的吧。 Associates has the means to attract the prey to nature many lifeform, the Ning Fan secret guess, on the same day that only sly cuttlefish to look for food, possibly used certain methods, attracted in Emperor Lai Jun the water... 联想到自然界很多生物都有办法吸引猎物,宁凡暗暗猜测,当日那只狡猾的乌贼为了觅食,可能使用了某些手段,将来俊帝吸引到了水中… forget it/that's all, how the cuttlefish attracts the prey, Ning Fan actually by no means cared. 罢了,乌贼到底是如何吸引猎物的,宁凡其实并不是多么关心。 At this moment he has a headache, how to process by being scared Emperor Lai Jun. 此刻他更加头疼的,是如何处理被吓傻的来俊帝 If makes allied armies cultivator know Third Road under water, hides one to be scared the Emperor Lai Jun fearful cuttlefish, feared that will affect the morale greatly... 若是让盟军修士知道第三路的水底,藏着一只能吓傻来俊帝的可怕乌贼,怕是会大大影响士气的… Is the Emperor Lai Jun matter, public? 来俊帝的事,要不要公开呢? forget it/that's all, does he have a headache about these to do? This matter makes the Ashen Emperor and other allied armies tops have a headache! He kills the enemy by all means is! 罢了,他头疼这些干嘛?这件事还是让苍帝等盟军高层头疼去吧!他只管杀敌便是! „The Boundary River river bottom is hiding so terrifying lifeform unexpectedly, in any event, cannot make Immortal Sovereign Seal ruin in any event, must restore Immortal Sovereign Seal!” 界河河底居然隐藏着如此恐怖生物,无论如何,都不能让仙皇封印毁掉无论如何,都要修复仙皇封印!” Once this big cuttlefish runs Boundary River, waits for Eastern Heaven cultivator, will be a total destruction! 8 一旦这只大乌贼跑出界河,等待东天修士的,将会是一场灭顶之灾!八
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