GCSAT :: Volume #7

#635: Establishes the channel

Two days later, the BCl transmission project of thing institute formally starts, Ye Zhou was invited to participate in the first test, but is very regrettable, the result is unsatisfactory. 两天之后,物院的BCl传输项目正式启动,叶舟受邀参加了第一次测试,但很遗憾,结果不尽人意。 But this is also not anything failure, instead is the team after the confirmation is unable to conduct the optimization eliminates the action of tried candidate decisively makes Ye Zhou very satisfied. 但这也并不算什么“失败”,反而是项目组在确认无法进行优化后果断淘汰掉被试候选人的举动让叶舟很满意。 It is not everyone can the fast adaptation BCI transmission system, in project that in such a it lives for the efficiency, distinguishes, to pick out the first echelon them, in fact conforms to the choice of logic. 不是每个人都能快速适应BCI传输系统的,在这样一个本身就是为效率而生的项目中,把他们识别出来、剔出第一梯队,实际上是最符合逻辑的选择。 If they truly want to connect to the BCl transmission system, that can adjust in the later expanded experiment greatly again slowly. 如果他们确实想要接入BCl传输系统,那大可以在之后的扩大实验中再慢慢调整。 …… …… Naturally, from the perspective of Chen strength, his pressure was different. 当然,从陈力的角度来看,他的压力就有所不同了。 A morning experiment, through screen the subjects proportion 40, before by far is lower, he gives the digit of Ye Zhou forecast. 一上午的实验,通过初筛的被试人员比例连40都不到,远远低于之前他给叶舟预测的数字。 If according to this proportion works, finally can the personnel of truly adaptive BCl transmission system likely be lower than 100. 如果按照这个比例进行下去,最后能真正适配BCl传输系统的人员可能会低于一百个。 Moreover, these in majority relative underlying bed through the personnel of screen the researchers, involve the core personnel of controllable nuclear fusion project almost not to have one to pass the screen truly. 而且,这些通过初筛的人员中大部分还是相对“低层”的研究人员,真正涉及可控核聚变项目的核心人员几乎没有一个通过初筛的。 This is the extremely unusual phenomenon. 这是极为反常的现象。 According to the normal logic, is the high level researchers, their abilities are stronger, with traditional sense in intelligence quotient, with scientific significance in brain activity judged, must surpass these low level researchers. 按照正常的逻辑来讲,越是高层级的研究人员,他们的能力就越强,无论是用传统意义上的“智商”,还是用科学意义上的“脑活跃程度”来判断,都要超过那些低层级研究员。 Such person theoretically is easier adaptive BCl transmission system, this was after the experience of former energy projects confirmation. 这样的人理论上是更容易适配BCl传输系统的,这是经过之前能源项目验证的经验。 But, the thing institute, this experienced is broken completely. 可偏偏,在物院这边,这个经验被完全打破了。 A day of work end, Chen strength collapsed exhaustedly on the chair. 一天的工作结束,陈力疲惫地瘫倒在椅子上。 As the top official of project, he should not need to do these businesslike work, but the significance of this project is great, is not only connected the project is the strategy level project that the total technique manages, only to BCI transport technology, is a new challenge. 作为项目的总负责人,本来他应该是不用去做那些事务性工作的,但这一次项目的意义重大,不仅仅关联项目是总技办的战略级项目,仅对BCI传输技术本身来说,也是一次全新的挑战。 Therefore, he chose personally took care of things to carry out all movements. 所以,他选择了事必躬亲地去执行所有动作。 All right? I thought that your lunch has not eaten, not hypoglycemia?” “没事吧?我看你午饭都没吃,不会低血糖了吧?” Stands notices his look is not right in nearby clear/pain Ya, hurries the inquiry. 站在一旁的楚雅注意到他神色不对,赶紧走过来询问。 Was all right...... I to make vermilion Xuan bring something from the kitchen to the table, a while we ate one casually.” “没事……我让朱轩去打饭了,一会儿我们就随便吃一口吧。” In the evening the core group must meet, discussion today's result. „ “晚上核心组要开会,讨论今天的结果。“ Screen capacity compared with low too many...... according to the words that this trend that we estimated got down, the role that the BCl transport technology can play will be very limited. „ “初筛通过率比我们预想的低太多了……照这个趋势下去的话,BCl传输技术能发挥的作用会很有限。“ I prepare to suspend the subsequent screen work, without the means seeks out the issue, then I rather reduce this project, cannot waste the resources again. „ ”我准备暂停后续的初筛工作,如果没办法找出问题的话,那么我宁愿把这个项目砍掉,也不能再浪费资源了。“ Hears his words, clear/pain Ya sighed secretly. 听到他的话,楚雅暗暗叹了口气。 Actually, experiment of this day, in the member of most core as the BCI team, her does not have in the surface to look that tranquil at heart. 其实,这一天的实验下来,作为BCI项目组中最核心的成员,她的心里也并没有表面上看上去那么平静。 To the smooth BCI team, this time setback is a big attack. 对一直顺风顺水的BCI项目组来说,这次的挫折是一个不小的打击。 The model has drawn close in perfect obviously infinitely, the sample experiment does not have the issue obviously, the theory has obtained the earlier confirmation obviously. 明明模型已经无限趋近于完美,明明样本实验都没有问题,明明理论都已经得到过前期的验证了。 But why, is not good?- 可为什么,就是不行呢?- Pouring did not say that is not completely good, is line the probability was too low. 倒也不是说完全不行,就是“行”的概率太低了。 Not is only she , is not only Chen strength, even even/including vermilion Xuan start to suspect that was own procedure/program has bug, throughout the afternoon he one by one module investigation test code, but has not found the problem finally. 不光是她,也不光是陈力,甚至连朱轩都开始怀疑是不是自己的程序出bug了,一整个下午他都在逐个模块排查测试代码,但最终也没有发现问题。 Can be the issue of person?” “会不会是人的问题?” Hesitant a moment later, the clear/pain elegant opens the mouth asked. 犹豫了片刻之后,楚雅开口问道。 Chen strength shakes the head, replied 陈力摇了摇头,回答道 Person does not have the issue, their nerve latus recta establish are very smooth, is normal including the brain active response and feedback region stress reaction.” “人没有问题,他们的神经通径建立都很顺利,包括脑活跃反应和反馈区应激反应都是正常的。” In other words, they meet the requirement that all BCI technologies adaptive need obviously.” “也就是说,他们明明具备所有BCI技术适配所需的条件。” In this case, we suspected that is the person has the issue, in fact is not objective, is unscientific.” “在这种情况下,我们去怀疑是不是人有问题,实际上是不客观,也不科学的。” Now the most likely situation is, our data transfer model is imperfect, the database is unable to support to the output of special group.” “现在最有可能的情况是,我们的数据传输模型还不完善,数据库无法支撑对特殊人群的输出。” Thinks the possibility is also not low- before our test crowd, either is young, either is engaged in the relative foundational work, overall, their brain development degree- Accurate said should be the utilization rate, compared with scientific researchers small many.” “想想可能性也是不低的-之前我们的测试人群,要么是年龄小,要么就是从事相对基础性的工作,整体来说,他们的大脑开发程度--准确的讲应该是利用率,要比科研人员小的多。” I do not know that this can be affects to test that key point of advancement, but in any event, we must find the way to confirm.” “我也不知道这会不会是影响实验进程的那个关键点,但无论如何,我们得想办法验证一下。” Tomorrow I plan first to draw have conducted the personnel of screen to take the TMS-TDCS joint detect, having a look at their brains to have anything with the normal person differently......” “明天我打算先拉已经进行过初筛的人员去做个TMS-TDCS联合检测,看看他们的脑子到底跟正常人有什么不同……” Hears here, clear/pain Ya could not bear smile. 听到这里,楚雅忍不住笑了起来。 Your this saying very said terrifyingly......, if cannot check, you can also butcher one to dissect to have a look? „ “你这话说得挺恐怖的……要是查不出来,你岂不是还要宰一个解剖出来看看?“ That is insufficient but actually-, if cannot check, on my oneself, feeling is what situation. ” ”那倒不至于-如果查不出来,我就自己上,感受一下到底是什么情况。” Chen strength also follows to smile, the words that but he said did not have the joking meaning. 陈力也跟着笑了笑,不过他说出来的话却没有一点开玩笑的意思。 But clear/pain Ya had not actually opposed. 但楚雅却没有反对。 In fact, she also has this idea. 实际上,她自己也早就有这个想法了。 The risk of invasion BCI transport technology is actually not high, really wants, the integrated risk possibly might as well makes brain nuclear magnetism a time. 侵入式BCI传输技术的危险性其实并不高,真要算起来,综合风险可能还不如去做一次脑核磁。 As the head of project, moreover with meeting the tried crowd of issue to have the extremely high similarity, oneself try, truly is a good solution. 作为项目的负责人,而且又与遇到问题的被试人群具有极高的相似性,自己上去试一试,确实是一个不错的解决方案。 I also give a try. ” ”那我也试试看。” The clear/pain elegant opens the mouth said. 楚雅开口说道。 You consider as finished...... that gadget to the hair shave a scrap, don't you fear the influence image? „ “你还是算了吧……那玩意儿得把头发剃掉一小块,你不怕影响形象?“ In any case in side, is not the top of the head bare same place, having what is good to affect...... vermilion Xuanlai. „ “反正都在侧面,又不是头顶秃一块,有什么好影响的……朱轩来了。“ The office entrance, in vermilion Xuan hand raised four box lunches to walk dejectedly, Yaoyao is carrying the drink, on her face actually no look of losing. 办公室门口,朱轩手里提着四份盒饭垂头丧气地走了进来,身后的瑶瑶则拎着饮料,她脸上倒是没什么失落的神色。 Today adds the vegetable/dish, my one person selected two abalones to you, eating to the full was good to work!” “今天加菜,我一人给你们点了两只鲍鱼,吃饱了好干活!” Is saying, vermilion Xuan while turns on the lunch box, forced in the mouth the abalone wickedly. 一边说着,朱轩一边打开饭盒,恶狠狠地把鲍鱼塞进了嘴里。 Tossed about a afternoon not to find the problem, he almost must start the self-doubt. 折腾了一下午也没发现问题,他几乎都要开始自我怀疑了。 But he cannot pound the keyboard, therefore can only compete with innocent food. 但他总不能把键盘砸了,于是就只能跟无辜的食物较劲。 Looks at his appearance, nearby Yaoyao is cheerful and place urged 看着他这幅模样,一旁的瑶瑶乐和和地劝道 Brother Zhu, should not be air/Qi, definitely is not the issue of procedure/program, I ask today uncle who several attend the experiment, they told my situation the cases of AVS experiment failure very to look like with before.” “朱哥哥,别气啦,肯定不是程序的问题,我今天问了几个参加实验的叔叔,他们告诉我的情况跟之前我们那些AVS实验失败的案例挺像的呢。” Is the visual signal is unable to establish in any case, I guess that they definitely have any common ground.” “反正都是视觉信号无法建立,我猜他们肯定有什么共同点。” Heard this saying, Chen Lidian the nod. 听到这话,陈力点了点头。 In fact this issue they have noticed, but until now, has not actually drawn a concrete conclusion. 实际上这个问题他们早就注意到了,但直到现在,其实也没有得出一个具体的结论来。 In the AVS experiment not everyone can be smooth, most people need to undergo the long-term exercise, can be truesees „ the image signal of AVS system transmission, but extremely a small number could not notice in any event they have thought locates from the biology to directly causing this difference physiological character, but the human brain was really complex, was not the short 1-2 years can handle. AVS实验中并不是所有人都能顺利,大部分人需要经过长期的锻炼,才能真正“看到“AVS系统传输的图像信号,而极少部分人则无论如何都看不到他们曾经想过从生物学上直接定位到导致这种差异的生理性状,可人脑实在是太复杂了,并不是短短1-2的时间能搞定的。 I also guessed correctly that was related with the visual signal, but, in section time we really did not have the means.” “我也猜到跟视觉信号有关了,不过,段时间内我们还真没有办法。” That but actually uncertain......” “那倒也不一定……” Yaoyao puts down the chopsticks , to continue to say 瑶瑶放下筷子,继续说道 If we do use the sound signal to induce to remember?” “如果我们用听觉信号来诱导记忆呢?” „...... The efficiency was too low.” “呃……效率太低了吧。” Nearby clear/pain Ya interrupted. 一旁的楚雅插嘴道。 But, we do not need high transport efficiency.” “可是,我们也不需要多高的传输效率啊。” We must do now, is notestablishes the channel in any case ?” “我们现在要做的,反正不就是‘建立通道,而已吗?” Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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