GCSAT :: Volume #7

#627: Liu Yong's decision

The chapter mistake, this reporting( exempts registration), such as meets the content additive device wrong character order to be chaotic, please withdraw from the reading pattern or reads the pattern to be then normal smoothly. 章节错误,点此举报(免注册),如遇到内容乱码错字顺序乱,请退出阅读模式或畅读模式即可正常。 Ye Zhou has chatted around 2 : 00 pm with Chen Hao, makes clear so-called that in his mouth said not to stabilize influence to refer to generation of meanings of finally. 叶舟跟陈昊一直聊到了深夜 2 点多,也终于搞清楚了他口中所说的所谓“不稳定势力”所指代的含义。 …… …… Naturally, does not stabilize does not mean the opposition, the information that the anterior lobe billows are disclosing like that is the same, is operating the neighboring stock what are more is some congenial influences, they pursue the advantage billows, but will also bring the objective income. 当然,不稳定并不意味着对立,正如之前叶澜所透露的信息一样,操纵着相邻维期货的更多的是一些投机势力,他们追逐利澜,但同时也会带来客观的收益。 How to balance the good benefit and risk, actually is not only the issue that the investor needs to consider, is the test on the regulator. 如何平衡好利益和风险,其实不仅仅是投资者需要考虑的问题,更是对监管者的考验。 Ye Zhou understands completely these capital real intentions, when being well underway, they are the partners, but if the middle has any link to have the problem, they will turn into the traitor who hits a person when he is down instantaneously. 叶舟完全明白这些资本的真实意图,在进展顺利时,他们是伙伴,但如果中间有任何环节出现问题,他们就会瞬间变成落井下石的背叛者。 Oneself cannot tolerate such matter to happen- Especially at the critical moment of this life and death. 自己不能容忍这样的事情发生--尤其是在这种生死存亡的关键时刻。 Therefore, you must maintain the vigilance to them.” “所以,你还是要对他们保持警惕。” Although this truly is the economical mouth matter, but basically all investment objects manage with the total technique the project that is related, you involve, will not have the barrier on management and report.” “虽然这确实是经济口的事情,但基本上所有的投资标的都跟总技办的的项目有关,你去介入,不会有管理和汇报上的障碍。” Opposite Chen Hao nods, replied 对面的陈昊点点头,回答道 I know, tomorrow will go to work I to confess. The people I from passing through detect that side to pull out, making them be divided into a group to stare.” “我知道,明天上班我会交代下去。人我就从经侦那边抽吧,让他们分一个小组盯着。” Good. Right, the contactless management, does not need to do temporarily drags in lots of people.” “好。对了,非接触式管理,暂时也不用搞得太兴师动众。” Felt relieved, I am so long in the mechanism/organization, this does also need you to remind?” “放心放心,我在机关那么久,这点还需要你来提醒吗?” Ye Zhou laughs, two people drank up in the cup the last tea, later Chen Hao then has the hard disk farewell to leave. 叶舟哈哈一笑,两人喝完了杯子里最后一口茶水,随后陈昊便带着硬盘告别离开。 Is satiated with food and wine, Ye Zhou returned to own room. 吃饱喝足,叶舟回到了自己的房间。 But when he falls asleep, in one of summer land, has one group of not being able to fall asleep people...... 而就在他进入梦乡时,在夏大地的某一处,却有一群睡不着的人…… ...... …… old Liu, you looked that this opportunity is credible? ” ”老刘,你看这机会靠谱吗?” Night in the booth, several bare stomach are big, the whole face greasy middle-aged man is drinking the beer to chat. 宵夜摊上,几个头秃肚大,满脸油腻的中年男人正喝着啤酒聊天。 They are the ordinary staff who in this small county city go to work, somewhat in institution, somewhat in private business, naturally, there is a shop individual farming. 他们都是这座小县城里上班的普通员工,有些在事业单位,有些在私企,当然,也有开个小店单干的。 Speech the named Liu Yong, is the boss in this BBQ restaurant. 说话的这位叫刘墉,就是这家烧烤店的老板。 If must say the difference, their only differences possibly work, but after throwing actually this status ? 如果要说区别,他们惟一的区别可能就是工作,但抛却这一层身份之后呢? It‘s nothing good money, the too big experience, has not been the children dislikes the age that the wife scolded. 都没什么大钱,都没太大的见识,都是儿女嫌妻子骂的年纪。 Also is because these common grounds, they can gather together drinks to chat. 也就是因为这些共同点,他们才能聚在一起喝酒聊天。 Credible, how to be far-fetched? This was previous time a big brother who came to my shop to eat meal tells me. „ “靠谱啊,怎么不靠谱?这是上次来我店里吃饭的一大哥跟我说的。“ I found the person to inquire specially, went online to look for the information, project definitely real.” “我特意找人打听了,又去网上找了信息,项目肯定是真的。” Did not say that official authentication, at least is the earnest organization does.” “不说官方认证吧,起码都是正儿八经的机构搞出来的。” Moreover this gadget is different from these hooligans, although the income is not high, but the risk is not high. ” ”而且这玩意儿跟那些野路子不一样,收益虽然不算高,但风险也不高。” ” Does our age, want to get rich? Throws for a year to make the smoke tip, the good words gain board expenses, that is good! ” ”咱们都这个年纪了,难道还想发大财吗?投进去一年赚点烟酒钱,好的话赚点伙食费,那就已经不错了!” Liu Yong is drinking the beer in cup while said. 刘墉一边喝着杯子里的啤酒一边说道。 In his tone contains the faint anticipation, to him, own life is the mediocre and stable life. 他的语气里包含着隐隐的期待,对于他来说,自己的一生是平庸而稳定的一生。 He had personally seen many gusty areas, but has not actually participated, even if any time. 他曾经亲眼见过许多风口,可却从来没有参与过哪怕任何一次。 Many pigs take off in his front, but he himself actually also on the ground. 很多猪在他的面前起飞,而他自己却还在地上。 This time, as if the gusty area arrived, can continue to look? 这一次,似乎又有一个风口到来了,难道还要继续看着吗? Several companions listen to his words, nods as if by prior agreement. 几个同伴听完他的话,不约而同地点了点头。 In fact, after he said „the neighboring stock this concept, some people have pulled out the cell phone to access the net to check, finally showed that he is not talking irresponsibly, this thing truly existed . Moreover the heat degree was not low. 实际上,在他说出“相邻维期货”这个概念之后,已经有人掏出手机上网去查了,结果证明他并不是在信口开河,这东西确实存在,而且热度还不低。 Short silent a moment later, some people say 短暂沉默片刻之后,有人开口说道
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