GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#868: 5 centimeters ultra body space( 32)

What thing are you?” “你是什么东西?” Also the Black Dragon kings have this question no wonder. 也难怪黑龙王有此疑问。 Sicilia at this moment because of energy vacuum reason, to save the energy, the strength of True Body has diverged. 此刻的西西里因为能量真空原因,为了节省能量,真身之力已经散去。 Came to this peninsula already some years, the most interesting matter that the Black Dragon kings discovered was, as long as can enter the human powerhouse in his eye slightly, on the package an energy coat in the combat process, will obtain sharp increase of ability by this in a short time. 来这块半岛已经有些年头了,黑龙王发现的最有趣一件事就是,但凡能够稍稍进入他眼中的人类强者,都会在战斗过程中包裹上一层能量外衣,以此短时间内获得能力的暴增。 When on this energy coat before the package, these human is almost same in its eye, is delicate existences. 而在没有包裹上这层能量外衣前,这些人类在它眼中几乎一样,都是弱不禁风的存在。 As for the shapes of these coats, were many and varied. 至于这些外衣的形态,则是多种多样了。 A chance, several years ago it even saw a fellow of Great Dragon coat, astonished from now on violent anger it, at the scene this fellow who intrudes Pan Gula high ground tore into shreds. 一次偶然机会,几年前它甚至看到了一位巨龙外衣的家伙,惊愕过后暴怒的它,当场就把这个闯入潘古拉高地的家伙撕碎了。 Sicilia has not responded to the meaning of this Black Dragon king. 西西里却是没有回应这头黑龙王的意思。 She after disintegrating Black Dragon king Zhaoying struck, unprecedented concentrates on the look, both eyes is staring at Black Dragon king behind dark Sky of stubbornly, guards against momentarily the possible attack. 她在瓦解了黑龙王爪影一击后,前所未有专注神色,双目死死盯着黑龙王身后的黑暗天空,谨防随时可能出现的袭击。 That type restless, such as glow in the sense of crisis of stock, allowing her to enter the energy centralism of unprecedented. 那种如坐针毡、如芒在股的危机感,让她进入到了前所未有的精力集中。 No.” “没有。” The attack of Sicilia waiting has not appeared, or has not attacked in this direction. 西西里等待的袭击并未出现,或者说并没有朝她这个方向进行袭击。 The gassed thread started one after another twice, a goal is her behind Sky fortress, mysterious gassed thread after breaking through Sky fortress heavy/thick energy defense cover, has not actually passed through the fortress, another beyond more than ten kilometers in strange incredible lifeform War Weapon in the ginseng/partake that wreaks havoc one time my giant turtle, Sicilia can hear the deafening painful roaring sound that that side hears faintly. 光丝接连发动了两次,一次目标是她身后的天空堡垒,神秘光丝在突破了天空堡垒厚重能量保护罩后,却并没有将堡垒贯穿,另一次则是正在十几千米外诡异荒诞生物战争兵器中肆虐的参吾巨龟,西西里隐隐能够听到那边传来的震耳欲聋痛苦咆哮声。 Perhaps in the eyes of these ultra body people, she is not even the noteworthy prey, she non-stop is indulging in flights of fancy. 也许在那些超体人的眼中,她甚至根本算不上值得注意的猎物,她不停的胡思乱想着。 This moment Black Dragon king has spanned a kilometer distance, the pair of wings carries the faint wail to sob sorrow wind, the dragon not , the curse that the wing of death contained then first step raided. 此刻黑龙王则已经跨越千米距离,双翼携带着隐隐的哭嚎呜咽哀风,龙未至,死亡之翼蕴藏的诅咒便先一步袭来。 Sicilia only thought that in this senile wind, the vitality of body cell was being towed by outside unceasingly. 西西里只觉得在这阵衰老之风中,身体细胞的生命力正在不断被外面牵引着。 In this environment, the Black Dragon king sun-blocking shadow discarding, both eyes appear the crescent moon shape, sneers to overlook this tiny tot densely, the black Black Dragon claw is burning fire of the black curse, grasps accurate to it toward this tiny tot. 在此环境下,黑龙王遮天蔽日阴影投落,双目呈弯月状,森森冷笑俯瞰着这个小不点,黝黑龙爪燃烧着一层黑色诅咒之火,朝着这个小不点准确无误向之抓去。 Sicilia only thought that the wind of curse almost congealed in all directions instantaneously really ten times. 西西里只觉得四面八方诅咒之风几乎瞬间凝实了十倍。 One type by the sensation of asphyxia of locking, was wanted to be separated from this dragon claw attack firmly, is almost is impossible, can only choose resists hardly, such words, want to save the energy to relieve True Body in this vacuum environment , was not too possible. 一种被牢牢锁定的窒息感,想要脱离这条龙爪袭击,几乎是不可能了,只能选择硬抗,如此的话,想要在这真空环境中节省能量解除真身,也不太可能了。 Alpha wild giant True Body magic structure, spews out from Sicilia within the body. 阿尔法狂暴巨人真身魔导结构,自西西里体内喷涌而出。 Because is unable to absorb the energy in natural, Sicilia can only pour into in within the body energy, after supporting True Body forcefully, the giant condenses a palm energy ball, goes toward Sky that only obviously more giant black hot shadow dragon Zhaohui. 由于无法吸收自然中的能量,西西里只能以体内能量进行灌注,强行支撑起真身后,巨人凝聚出一颗掌心能量球,朝天空那只明显更巨大的黑色火影龙爪挥去。 Bang! 轰! The energy ball forms a light beam, wells up to the paint Black Dragon claw claw heart, an invisible ripple swings in both. 能量球形成一道光柱,向漆黑龙爪爪心涌去,一层无形波纹在两者之间荡开。 The Sicilia complexion in True Body is extremely dignified. 真身内的西西里面色却极度凝重。 Really 果然 After the chaotic energy wave continued the small moment, that only the dragon claw that is wrapped by the flame of black curse, drops from the clouds eventually again, grasps ruthlessly toward the head of giant True Body. 在混乱能量波持续了小片刻后,那只由黑色诅咒之焰包裹的龙爪,终究再次从天而降,朝着巨人真身的脑袋狠狠抓去。 Giant roared, Sicilia control alpha wild giant True Body, avoided fatally this struck, dragon claw actually scratched the giant chest to sweep, left behind a shallow mark on the giant chest, and inflammations of several wisps of curse. 巨人一声咆哮,西西里驾驭阿尔法狂暴巨人真身,堪堪避开了这致命一击,龙爪却还是擦着巨人胸口扫过,在巨人胸口上留下了一道浅痕,以及几缕诅咒之炎。 Can ignore the chest wound, wild giant both hands interlock. 顾不上胸口创伤,狂暴巨人双手交错。 human body whole body all blood capillary adding together, are 100,000 kilometers probably. 人体全身所有毛细血管相加,大概有十万千米。 But Sicilia takes this as the blueprint, unifies the granule collider and True Body blood vessel structure, forms the internal recycling speeds structure net that a precise degree far ultra average person imagined. 而西西里则以此为蓝图,将粒子对撞机与真身血管结构相结合,形成了一个精密程度远超普通人想象的内循环结构网。 So, two Sicilia once in the granule clashed in the extraction alpha wild granule experimental process, the mysterious granule that stumbled upon, completed the acceleration, acceleration and in acceleration the process in her within the body flash. 如此,两颗西西里曾经在粒子对撞提取阿尔法狂暴粒子实验过程中,偶然发现的神秘粒子,在她体内一瞬间完成了加速、加速、在加速的过程。 Dimension blade!” “次元刃!” The giant both arms open, before the body, in the air impressively are many a jet black similar crack crescent moon curved arc, but Black Dragon king Shuangtong who the crescent moon shape mysterious body appearance of this similar crack, will follow up a victory with hot pursuit then shrinks suddenly, almost under instinct crisis awareness, resonant dragon cry. 巨人双臂张开,身前空气中赫然多出一条漆黑类似裂缝的月牙弯弧,而这条类似裂缝的月牙状神秘体一出现,原本正要乘胜追击的黑龙王双瞳便骤然一缩,几乎在本能危机意识下,一声嘹亮龙吟。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 . 噗。 The dimension blade flashes passes, the Black Dragon king similar danger danger evaded. 次元刃一闪即逝,黑龙王同样险之又险避过。 But when its still shaken respite, the labor pain that notices on the left wing to transmit, the side pupil looks, impressively is a huge wound, passes through thin film level that its left-wing dense scale covered. 但当它惊魂未定喘息时,才注意到左翼上传来的阵痛,侧眸望去,赫然是一条巨大伤口,贯穿了它左翼密鳞覆盖的薄膜层。 But Sicilia that the release so strikes, obviously is not relaxed, the quite exhausted appearance, reveals to wipe the color of regret. 而释放出如此一击的西西里,显然也不轻松,颇为疲惫的样子,不由流露出一抹遗憾之色。 Roar!!” “吼!!” The next quarter, the pure dragon breath falls in torrents, in a twinkling then covers hundred meters range. 下一刻,精纯龙息倾泻而下,霎时间便将百米范围覆盖。 Every sinks one time the dormancy, the Black Dragon kings will then accumulate pure dragon breath, several hundred years had not wasted, Black Dragon king within the body pure dragon breath, enough it has released in the next Saint Dragon King struggle for hegemony heartily, but at this moment originally to compete for the strength of Saint Dragon King, actually has to consume some ahead of time. 每一次沉眠,黑龙王便会积累一丝精纯龙息,已经几百年没有浪费了,黑龙王体内精纯龙息,已经足够它在下一次圣龙王争霸战中尽情释放,但此刻原本为了争夺圣龙王的力量,却不得不提前耗费一些了。 Facing this fining dragon breath, Sicilia knows certainly, this cannot resist absolutely hardly! 面对这精炼龙息,西西里当然知道,这绝对不能硬抗! So, wild giant face upwards to roar, the body in in the wink of an eye, disintegrated everywhere luminous spot unexpectedly, the next quarter reorganized beyond several hundred meters. 如此,狂暴巨人一声仰天咆哮,身体竟在瞬息之间,瓦解成了漫天光点,下一刻又在数百米外重组。 So one, then sees the Black Dragon king of great storms, looked stares. 如此一幕,便是见惯了大风大浪的黑龙王,也不由看得一愣。 The wild giant after reorganization attacks to come in time. 紧接着,重组后的狂暴巨人袭击如期而至。 The fight between giants and Black Dragon kings seriously is earth-shaking, the complementary waves that in several kilometers range often spreads, make the Earth gully proliferate, everybody feels insecure instinct avoided this region, but from collision between both, the giant in a disadvantaged side, can only escape obviously more often passively, finds the opportunity to counter-attack. 巨人与黑龙王之间的战斗当真是惊天动地,数千米范围内不时扩散出的余波,都让大地沟壑遍布,人人自危本能的避开了这片区域,但从两者之间的碰撞来看,巨人显然是处于劣势一方,更多的时候只能被动逃逸,找机会进行反击。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Bang, bang, bang, bang...... 轰隆,轰隆,轰隆,轰隆…… After the star meteor technique under Relo hauling was surpassed the body person to strike the bang is broken, the freely falling body process of fragment obviously wants slowly, only to need dozens seconds of process at this moment actually to cross for dozen minutes, by the parabola that various directions vary, crashes in originally a final orbit several hundred kilometers range, had the radical explosion, the falling pit swept across dust. 雷洛牵引下的星陨术被超体人一击轰碎后,碎片的自由落体过程明显要慢了许多,原本只需几十秒的过程此刻却足足过了十几分钟,才以各种方向不一的抛物线,坠落在原本既定轨道周围的数百千米范围内,发生了剧烈的爆炸,陨坑席卷起一道道尘埃。 That, that is!!!” “那,那是!!!” Not......” “不……” Not is only Sicilia, two main battlefields, when establishes the defense line reluctantly scholars, after attempts to adapt to the vacuum environment diligently, impressively the mountain of discovery ground in rumble is raising, one nearly is the ginseng/partake my giant turtle ten times of huge monsters is standing slowly, this visual impact, almost must make each seeing people feel desperate. 不仅仅是西西里,两片主战场,当勉强重新建立起防线的学者们,正在尝试努力适应真空环境后,赫然发现地面的山岳正在隆隆升起,一个近乎是参吾巨龟十倍的庞然巨物正在缓缓站起来,这种视觉冲击,几乎要让每一个看到的人感到绝望。 If the ginseng/partake my giant turtle is a reef, then this moment that causes the earth-shaking power giant turtle, then without doubt was islands, impressively was L101 by its astonishing Spiritual Force, operated Pan Gula archelon corpse, resisted several star meteor technique crash fragments for the ultra body person. 如果说参吾巨龟是个一座礁石,那么此刻那个引起山摇地动的的巨龟,则无疑是一座岛屿了,赫然是L101以其惊人的精神力,操纵潘古拉古巨龟尸体,替超体人抵挡住了几块星陨术坠落碎片。 Ahem ahem ahem.” “哼哼哼哼哼哼哼。” Fear and desperate aura that in the Black Dragon king very satisfied air overflows. 黑龙王很满意空气中溢出的恐惧与绝望气息。 But these mood aura, are these War Weapon nourishment, one of materials the ultra body person most likes collecting, initially to tidy up this fellow, in situation that in the ultra body person arrives at merely initially, oneself spent many prices, reason that these years sink the dormancy rarely to go out, the most reason is also this fellow! 而这些情绪气息,则将是那些战争兵器的养料,超体人最喜欢收集的材料之一,当初为了收拾这个家伙,在超体人仅仅只是初步降临的情况下,自己可是花费了不少代价,这些年之所以沉眠很少外出,其中大半原因也是这个家伙! Material collection was similar, was the time ended here farce.” “材料收集的差不多了,是时候结束这边的闹剧了。” Black Dragon Wang Sen is smiling cold and gloomy, flushed away to the alpha wild giant, solves it to dig that to dissipate again unceasingly that fireball, swallowed inside leader, even if own duty were also accomplished, then was the ultra body person battlefield cleanup, massacred the resister, collected residual soul and mood material. 黑龙王森森冷笑着,向阿尔法狂暴巨人冲去,解决了它再刨开那颗不断消逝那的火球,吞掉里面的首领,自己的任务也就算了完成了,接下来便是超体人打扫战场,杀掉抵抗者,收集残留的灵魂与情绪材料了。 Suddenly! 突然! Relo projection hundred meters diameter fireball, after experiencing the ultra body person passes through mystically strikes, the flame of outer layer melt class/flow is defeated and dispersed unceasingly, at this moment has reduced more than 30 meters burning hot light balls, and very unstable appearance, will as if soon collapse, exposes inside black distortion core. 雷洛投影所化的百米直径火球,在经历超体人神秘贯穿一击后,外层熔流之焰不断溃散着,此刻已经缩小成了一颗三十余米的炙热光球,并且十分不稳定的样子,似乎即将崩溃,裸露出里面的黑色扭曲核心。 But at this moment. 但就在这时。 Stubbornly the Black Dragon king who is suppressing that alpha wild giant, actually detects a huge sense of crisis suddenly. 正在死死压制那个阿尔法狂暴巨人的黑龙王,却突然察觉到一股巨大危机感。 But has not made with enough time reflected, the next quarter, it only thought the back severe pain burning hot raids, the Black Dragon king's scale that even if the energy resistance has reached the unthinkable degree, does not seem able to be cut off this burning hot, its pain is wailing, was pounded by this flaming fireball to the ground. 但还没有来得及做出更多反映,下一刻,它只觉得背部一阵剧痛炙热袭来,即使是能量抗性已经达到匪夷所思程度的黑龙王之鳞,也似乎无法阻隔这层炙热,它痛苦的哀嚎着,被这颗熊熊火球砸向地面。 Bang rumble rumble...... 轰隆隆隆隆隆…… The rupturing shock-wave of giant fireball, in a twinkling surrounding area in 500 meters sliced meat to melt viscous liquid, the fellow of bad luck escaped without enough time unravelled instantaneously. 巨大火球的爆裂冲击波,霎时间将方圆五百米内的一切肉融化成了粘稠液态,来不及逃亡的倒霉者的家伙瞬间灰飞烟灭。 Gurgle, gurgle and gurgle. 咕嘟、咕嘟、咕嘟。 In the viscous falling pit magma level, a person's shadow is seriously battered the Black Dragon king wound place in the back, stands up slowly, loses male goat false face Relo. 粘稠的陨坑岩浆层内,一个人影在背部遭受重创的黑龙王伤口处,缓缓站起,正是失去摩羯假面的雷洛 The dependence male goat false face, will previously surpass body person that strange penetration to strike the material wound, twisted into a space of pure magic energy, can make this projection True Body fortunately survive, when while Black Dragon king general idea/careless, struck the sneak attack to it full power. 正是依靠摩羯假面,将先前超体人那诡异的贯穿一击物质创伤,扭曲入了一个纯粹魔导能量的空间内,才得以让这具投影真身幸存下来,并趁着黑龙王大意时,对其全力一击偷袭。 You, you......” “你,你……” The vertebra break, burns the fire to enter the body. 脊椎断裂,焚火进体。 Even for the Black Dragon kings, this wound too were still serious, needing over a hundred years of sinking dormancy be possible to restore, but in this battlefield, is actually a narrow escape. 即使对于黑龙王而言,这种创伤也实在太严重了,必须要上百年的沉眠才有可能恢复,但在这战场上,却是九死一生。 Roar!! 吼!! The Black Dragon kings nurse hatred strike, Relo of projection main body shape is prepared early, similarly directly pure dragon breath who he does not dare to withstand this Black Dragon king, unexpectedly sly escaping to black dracorex wing another, place that because the opposite party vertebra break is unable to touch. 黑龙王含恨一击,投影本体形态的雷洛对此早有准备,他同样不敢正面承受这头黑龙王的精纯龙息,竟然狡猾至极的逃到了黑龙王龙翼另一层,由于对方脊椎断裂无法触及的地方。 Jie Jie, rests.” “桀桀,睡吧。” In the hand of Relo, had/left a crystal skeleton head. 雷洛的手中,多出了一颗水晶骷髅头。 As crystal skeleton head secure Chai eyes dodge strangely, under eye of influence this clam, Black Dragon king Zhi of heavy losses thought that unprecedented raids wearily, the hatred of strong thunder and angry also gradually is also tranquil, started to close the eyes gradually, the breath became even. 随着水晶骷髅头安拆的一只眼睛诡异一闪,在这只蜃之眼影响下,重创的黑龙王只觉得一阵前所未有疲倦袭来,强雷的恨意和愤怒也随之渐渐平静下来,渐渐开始闭上了双眼,呼吸变得均匀起来。 After this, a eye of distortion clam, in the Relo hand had/left a 10 cms in diameter metal ball much. 在此之后,蜃之眼一阵扭曲,雷洛手中多出了一颗直径10厘米的金属球。 After this then previously surpassed the body person strikes the crushing star meteor technique, again strikes almost the prime culprit who this projection True Body penetrates. 这便是先前超体人一击击碎星陨术后,再次一击差点将这具投影真身击穿的元凶。 „Then......” “那么接下来……” Relo raises head Sky, on Sky at this moment, presented several huge monster that impressively is carrying the astonishing energy storage, looked like discovered the new continent, overlooked to this stretch of battlefield. 雷洛仰头天空,此刻的天空上,赫然出现了几个携带着惊人能量源的庞然巨物,就像是发现了新大陆般,俯瞰向这片战场。 That only more than 30 meters half illusory red eyes spirits, after sneaking in this photostar siphon vacuum domain, the self- head and tail interlocking circles unexpectedly, inflates unceasingly from 30 meters to 40 meters and 50 meters and 60 meters, Relo notices, as if in ground the incredible strange lifeform of ultra body person during this process, unceasingly vanishing. 那只三十余米的半虚幻红眼幽灵,在钻进了这片星体虹吸的真空领域后,竟然自我首尾相接盘旋起来,从三十米到四十米、五十米、六十米不断膨胀起来,雷洛注意到,似乎地面上超体人的荒诞诡异生物们在此过程中,不断消失着。 From its body, is not incredible, but is similar poor strange -like mission that Relo feels! 从它的身上,雷洛所感受到的却并非荒诞,而是一种类似穷奇般的使命! Perhaps giant one-eyed head ancient God, it exceeded 200 meters! 一个巨大的独眼脑袋古神,它恐怕超过了两百米! After this head appears, exuded the strange laughter, but with this strange laughter, the Relo astonished discovery, receives the vacuum domain that the ultra body person photostar siphon influence forms, as if poured into the natural energy, is restoring slowly. 这个脑袋出现后,发出了怪异的笑声,而随着这股怪异的笑声,雷洛惊异发现,受到超体人星体虹吸影响而形成的真空领域,似乎被重新灌注了自然能量,正在缓缓恢复。 ancient God of another ox head snake body, then seemed full of the hatred to the ultra body person, after breaking in the vacuum domain, then dives to go to ultra body people who Pan Gula archelon conducts the back. 另外一只牛头蛇身体的古神,则似乎对超体人充满了仇恨,冲入真空领域后,便向潘古拉古巨龟背上的超体人们俯冲而去。 Finally appeared, Protector of this world!” “终于出现了,这个世界的守护者们!” Relo muttered simultaneously, started the technique of photostar siphon, will project at this moment the crystal skeleton head and daybreak tears and «mithril Dust», Space Box and other portable items, inhaled on atmosphere edge photostar True Body 300 km away! 雷洛喃喃自语同时,发动了星体虹吸之术,将此刻自己投影身上的水晶骷髅头和黎明之泪、《秘银封尘》、空间盒子等随身携带物品,纷纷吸入到了300千米外的大气层边缘星体真身上! He looked into the distance to the battlefield distant place, there ultra body person main force regiment, the riding that only super giant turtle appeared, is arriving with the incomparable stance, will soon launch a higher civilization to here scholars regarding the slaughter of low civilization. 他眺望向了战场的远方,那里的超体人主力军团,乘坐者那只超级巨龟出现,正在以无匹姿态降临,即将对这里的学者们展开一场高等文明对于低等文明的屠杀。 Now here has lost the world atmosphere asylum, then also means, photostar True Body can arrive personally! Just that merely 10 centimeters metal ball, can easily penetrate my projection True Body, if that changed into 500 meters diameter photostar True Body!” “如今这里已经失去世界大气层庇护,那么也就意味着,星体真身可以以亲自降临了!刚刚那仅仅十厘米的金属球,就能够轻易击穿我的投影真身,那么如果换成500米直径的星体真身呢!” Muttering, Relo hikes up impressively again, wanting to support hundred meters fireball True Body, leading the scholar regiments to resist slaughtering of ultra body person. 喃喃自语着,雷洛赫然再次飘起,欲要重新支撑起百米的火球真身,带领学者军团们抵御超体人的杀戮。 . 咻。 Light dark , the gassed thread vanishes together instantaneously. 光暗之间,一道光丝瞬间消失。 This Relo fireball True Body opens merely is less than 50 meters, as then overspeed material flashes passes, then easily the bang puts on attraction star nucleus that in this fireball True Body the Relo projection supported. 这次雷洛的火球真身仅仅张开不到五十米,便随着一颗超速物质一闪即逝,便轻易轰穿了这颗火球真身雷洛投影支撑起的引力星核 Principle embodiment, 5 levels of ultra body people.” “法则具象化,五级超体人。” After a distortion, bang, everywhere roaring flame is defeated and dispersed. 随着一阵扭曲后,轰的一声,漫天烈焰溃散。
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