GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#690: 5 centimeters ultra body space( 34)

In the mysterious lifeform sends out in the short time after question, all sorts of the distracting thoughts of varying, then just like the brook, drift from this continuously in the metal fortress in Sky overflow. 在神秘生物发出疑问后的短短时间内,种种不一的杂念,便宛如溪流般,源源不断从这座飘浮在天空中的金属堡垒中溢出。 Who is?” “是谁?” Naturally to survive......” “当然为了生存……” Inheritance and honor......” “传承和荣誉……” What 5 centimeters, is it saying what?” “什么五厘米,它在说什么?” The mysterious thing, from all sorts of information, obtains itself the answer that obviously wants to know. 神秘之物,显然已经从种种信息中,得到了自己想要知道的答案。 After all regarding it, moistens the lifeform on land to give full play to the vitality, the help potential civilization grows healthy and strong, assistance oneself complete some mission, is the significance that it has. 毕竟对于它而言,滋润土地上的生物们焕发生机,帮助具有潜力的文明茁壮成长,协助自己完成某种使命,便是它存在的意义。 Now, knows civilization that this lifeform forms, is fighting for own survival, launches the war for this world trying one's best to the intruder, already enough. 现在,知道这个生物组建的文明,乃是在为自己的生存而战,为这个世界竭尽所能对入侵者展开战争,就已经够了。 Immediately. 随即。 In Corleone, X female chief, Windsor, moon/month lotus Ka, Cerratos, Edward, flatter bear rubs wait/etc over a thousand in scholars gaze that depends upon the Sky fortress energy cover asylum, the outside misty white dense fog diverges gradually, the magic metal particle storm that the ultra body person controls, had been disintegrated by this misty white mist thoroughly, vanishes to disappear. 在柯里昂、X女院长、温莎、月莲迦娜、塞拉托斯、爱德华、阿耐摩等等上千名依靠天空堡垒能量罩庇护的学者们注视中,外面白蒙蒙迷雾渐渐散去,超体人控制的魔导金属颗粒风暴,已经被这白蒙蒙雾气彻底瓦解,消失不见了。 Or is not only only the metal particle, dust that even the star meteor technique crash fragment splashes, together dissipation. 或者说不仅仅只是金属颗粒,连星陨术坠落碎片溅起的尘埃,也一同消散了。 In the world presents together the marvelous scene! 天地间呈现出一道奇妙的景象! Side is on vast Pan Gula plateau Earth, the transpiration has the endless mist continuously, is gathering to here battlefield, these mist not only moisten the vitality energy of myriad things, is the fatal toxicant of intruder! 一面是辽阔的潘古拉高原的大地上,源源不断蒸腾起漫漫水雾,向这里的战场上汇聚着,这些水雾不仅仅只是滋润万物的生机能量,更是入侵者们的致命毒药! Then at the same time is jet black Vortex of battlefield upper air, goes nonstop to the universe deep place, derives to drain here energy continuously, vacuum production domain. 一面则是战场高空的漆黑旋涡,直通宇宙深处,将这里的能量源源不断汲取抽干,形成真空领域。 This attracts in the process that gathers, in the battlefield formed some balance impressively! 这一吸一聚的过程中,战场上赫然形成了某种平衡! But compared to great quantity world vitality that the boundless mist carries, that 200-meter giant one-eyed ancient God head, is blowing diligently to this vacuum domain, the conveying capacity, as if received some type greatly to nourish general, revealed to wipe immerses excitedly. 而相对于茫茫水雾携带的巨量世界元气,那个高达200米的巨大独眼古神脑袋,正努力向这个真空领域内吹起,输送能量,仿佛受到了某种巨大滋养一般,不由流露出一抹兴奋沉醉。 It muttered excitedly: Is spring ancestor!!” 它不由激动喃喃道:“是泉祖!!” Since post-war of ancient times, as the world vitality loses money day by day drains, rule Protector were getting fewer and fewer. 自从远古之战后,随着世界元气日益亏损流失,规则守护者越来越少了。 Most of them were lie in the fight of ultra body person died , some natural dissipated, but were more, was because this world was even more feeble, is unable to maintain the stable internal circulation, in turn caused higher rule Protector to degrade, turned into relatively low mission Protector. 它们大多是在于超体人的战斗中死去,也有一些自然消逝,但更多的,则是因为这个世界愈发衰弱,无法在维持稳定的内部循环,进而导致高等的规则守护者们降级,变成了相对低等的使命守护者 But even so! 但即使如此! This world still existence several greatest Protector. 这个世界仍然存在者几个最伟大的守护者 Their strengths have reached the pinnacle, spring ancestor who this moistens the vitality, without doubt is! 它们的力量已然登峰造极,这位滋润生机的泉祖,无疑便是其中一个! In the legend, its mission is to moisten this world potential civilization, but at its unremitting insistence, clone not to know that moistened many civilizations, some directly participated in the war of resistance intruder, therefore, its strength also becomes more and more powerful, has become one of the the world's highest level rule Protector. 传说中,它的使命是滋润这个世界具有潜力的文明,而在它不懈的坚持下,分身不知道滋润了多少个文明,其中一些更是直接参与了对抗入侵者的战争,也正是因此,它的力量也变得越来越强大,已经成为这个世界最顶级的规则守护者之一。 Perhaps other top rule Protector, somewhat compare it more mysterious, perhaps some strengths compare it to be stronger, but on the Protector regular essence, compared with it higher Protector, in this world ancient times more and more feeble today, has not existed after the war. 其他的顶级规则守护者,也许有些比它更神秘,也许有些力量比它更强大,但就守护者的规则本质而言,比它更高的守护者,在这个世界远古之战后越来越衰弱的今天,已经不复存在了。 Right, this aura...... is spring ancestor.” “没错,这个气息……是泉祖。” The red eyes spirit has inflated to over a hundred meters, but its body is at this moment tattered and torn, with the heavy losses that in the ultra body person combat process suffers. 红眼幽灵已经膨胀至上百米,但此刻它的身体却早已千疮百孔,正是与超体人战斗过程中遭受的重创。 But another ox head snake body ancient god is more miserable! 而另一个牛头蛇身古神则更惨! It pushed to the front to break in the matrix cataclysm base on Pan Gula archelon tortoise shell, in the short time, regarding it that the ultra body person hated the wicked as if they were personal enemies, after being surpassed a body person regiment round of crowded trajectory energy baptism impressively, was torn into shreds the flesh fragment organism. 它一马当先冲入到了潘古拉古巨龟龟壳上的矩阵灾变基地,短短时间内,对于超体人嫉恶如仇的它,赫然被超体人军团一轮密集的弹道能量洗礼后,被撕碎成血肉碎块有机体。 „?” “呃?” At this time, by continuously vacuum insulation that the photostar siphon drained the world energy vitality, presented Protector again. 这时,被星体虹吸源源不断流失走世界能量元气的真空隔层,再次出现了一个守护者 This impressively is more than a 30 meters giant goldbug. 这赫然是一只三十余米的巨大金甲虫。 Its this moment correct use hind leg, one diameter more than hundred meters, drives back diligently by the meteorite floating island that the photostar siphon suction, appeared in this stretch of battlefield upper air. 它此刻正用后腿,将一颗直径百余米,被星体虹吸吸走的陨石浮岛努力推回来,出现在了这片战场的高空。 But its mission, is these scattered in disorder meteorite floating island fragments, the sea area that drives back to them should existence sinks. 而它的使命,正是将这些散乱的陨石浮岛碎片,一片一片推回到它们本该存在的海域沉落。 This is!!!” “这是!!!” The goldbug feels the aura in ground, was been first shocking by spring Zu's the strength of broad rule. 金甲虫感受到地面上的气息,先是被泉祖的恢弘规则之力震惊。 It takes relatively weakly and other ancient God, entering the step time is extremely limited, has not had to do with higher rule Protector, but he knows, in this peninsula is perching extremely powerful ancient God, Pan Gula. 它作为相对弱等的古神,进阶时间极其有限,还没有和高等的规则守护者们打过交道,但他知道,这片半岛上栖息着一位极其强大的古神,潘古拉。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 That once let Pan Gula god who it pays homage, impressively already controlled by the powerful and terrifying ultra body person, becomes corpse puppet, in these indigenous lifeform, as well as in its eye is powerful Protector to fight. 那个曾经让它膜拜的潘古拉古神,赫然已经被强大而恐怖的超体人控制了,成为了尸傀,在和那些土著生物,以及它眼中强大得守护者们战斗着。 The red eyes spirit and one-eyed giant ancient God, detected this golden beetle obviously. 红眼幽灵、独眼巨头古神,显然也察觉到了这只黄金甲虫。 But after they looked at one merely slightly, then did not care. 但它们仅仅只是稍稍看了一眼后,便不在意了。 After all in their eyes, merely ancient God who this golden beetle most low rank just grasped the mission, can contend with the ancient times lifeform reluctantly, such Protector, this world were too many. 毕竟在它们的眼中,这只黄金甲虫仅仅只是最低阶刚刚掌握自身使命的古神而已,勉强能够和远古生物一较高下,这样的守护者,这个世界实在太多了。 Resists the strong sense of intruder, under urging the goldbug to arrive at the impulsion unceasingly. 抵抗入侵者的强烈使命感,促使金甲虫不断想要降临下的冲动。 But the rationality told it, its existence, will not have any influence on here war, suddenly, is pushing meteorite floating island it with the hind leg, the delay in the upper air, waited for the time. 但理性告诉它,它的存在,根本不会对这里的战争产生任何影响,一时间,用后腿推着陨石浮岛的它,呆滞在了高空,等候时机。 Scoffing...... 嗤…… The snow black ink paper frozen earth's crust deep place, suddenly spout a woof hundred meters great spring. 雪墨纸冰封的地壳深处,突然喷涌出了一汪百米巨泉。 It is ice-breaking, but after leaving, condensed impressively in the upper air, the water splash formed a plain great face, the volume endured compared with Pan Gula giant turtle, even was huge, overlooked to this giant turtle the boundless many ultra body person. 它破冰而出后,赫然凝聚在了高空,水花形成了一张古朴的巨脸,体积堪比潘古拉巨龟,甚至还要巨大,俯瞰向了这只巨龟上茫茫多的超体人。 , Is so resisting human scholars of ultra body person full power, was shocked simply. 如此一幕,正在全力抵抗超体人的人类学者们,简直惊呆了。 Hu-hu, hu-hu, hu-hu. 呼哧,呼哧,呼哧。 Hey, the old fogy, actually this is what ghost thing, do not tell me, this is also innate ancient God!” “喂,老家伙,这究竟是什么鬼东西,不要告诉我,这也是一位先天古神!” Roller's father Thies, continuously to pant for breath. 萝拉的生父杰斯,不住喘息着。 The wild red hair receives in within the body boundless energy to well up to hike up violently, the ultra body person was too strong, has no recourse, just he opened the strengths of 120 self- seals for successive two times, grasps the glorious swordfish whole-heartedly, but even so, still protected oneself in this stretch of battlefield. 狂野红发受到体内磅礴能量激涌而飘起,超体人实在太强了,迫不得已,刚刚他连续两次开启120自我封印的力量,手持荣耀剑座全力以赴,但即使如此,仍然只是在这片战场上堪堪自保而已。 But the old fogy in Thies mouth, is Flame demon roarer Extinguishing. 而杰斯口中的老家伙,正是【炎魔咆哮者】灭。 Baldheaded old man who the head gathers round a natural volume red hair, the condition is more distressed, the life chest of more than ten Elemental reincarnation, only have five now, the card in hand in his hand only had the Gauss Adolf life chest. 脑袋边围着一圈自然卷红发的秃顶老头,状态更加狼狈,十几个元素转生者的命匣,如今只剩下五个,他手中的底牌只剩下高斯阿道夫的命匣了。 Even if even the god of death roared, still in the beforehand fight, by the cold and still light that one bunch dropped from the clouds suddenly, together with together Earth, radical cancelling. 即使连死神咆哮,也在之前的战斗中,被一束突然从天而降的冷寂之光,连同一块大地,彻底的抹去了。 I could not find out have other things, even if Aurora Radiant Creator were alive, perhaps was impossible to compare this to be stronger!” “我想不出还有其他的东西了,即使欧洛拉光明造物主在世,恐怕也不可能比这更强了!” Ices the flame not, as incompatible as fire and water. 冰焰不兼,水火不容。 First is the frost cult tactic guest, is this inexplicable spring water great face, the flame demon roarer felt the suppression that own this day receives, adds more uncomfortable than more than 100. 先是冰霜邪术客,再是这个莫名的泉水巨脸,炎魔咆哮者感觉自己这一天受到的压制,比这一百多家加起来还要难受。 Quick, this volume even must surpass the water splash great face of Pan Gula archelon, then fought with the ultra body person. 很快,这张体积甚至要超过潘古拉古巨龟的水花巨脸,便和超体人战斗起来了。 Earth-shaking. 惊天动地。 The underground spring water continuously spout, over a thousand square kilometers moisture of surroundings area far ultra battlefield vacuum domain, is gathering to here continuously. 地下的泉水源源不断喷涌着,周围面积远超战场真空领域的上千平方公里水气,在向这里源源不断汇聚。 The strength of this plain water splash great face, nearly is inexhaustible as, regardless of suffers what seed/type to attack, splashes many water splash, immediately can restore, but its water splash regarding the ultra body person who the giant turtle conducts the back, then seems like the fatal toxicant! 这张古朴水花巨脸的力量,近乎是无穷无尽似的,不论遭受到何种打击,飞溅出多少水花,马上就能够恢复,而它的水花对于巨龟背上的超体人而言,则似乎是致命的毒药! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 As the water vapor in vacuum domain are getting more and more, here energy as if also restored gradually. 随着真空领域内的水汽越来越多,这里的能量似乎也随之渐渐恢复了。 Affected by it, originally because of the vacuum domain has sensation of asphyxia scholars, suddenly felt inexplicable constraining, that almost can have the feeling that by the initiation scholar period that they forgot. 受之影响,原本因为真空领域而产生‘窒息感’的学者们,突然感受到了一种莫名的压抑,那几乎是被他们遗忘的启蒙学者时期才会有的感觉。 Although these scholars quick then restored the strength, soars in abundance, the innermost feelings of but having doubts, actually had the strange sense of being lost and lonely of permits some instinct. 这些学者们虽然很快便恢复了力量,纷纷腾空而起,但疑惑的内心,却生出了许些本能的诡异失落感。 It seems like...... 就好像…… A disturbed fond dream. 一场被打扰的美梦。 Looked quickly, they came!” “快看,他们来了!” Is Vladić Academy of Sciences!!” “是弗拉迪克科学院!!” Has scholar to notice, that metal fortress is approaching to here. 学者注意到,那座金属堡垒正在向这边靠近。 They know, facing this powerful enemy, scholars of another battlefield has not chosen to evade, but shares a common hatred, supported. 他们知道,面对这个强大的敌人,另一处战场的学者们并没有选择逃避,而是同仇敌忾,支援过来了。 Came finally, if we had known can be this, yeah......” “总算来了,早知道会是这样,哎……” Red nose old man Annihilation thunder Czubak, in the eye with tears, looks at the ginseng/partake that suffocates my giant turtle, its tortoise shell was almost been broken by the multi-channel continual external force bang, reveals inside covered with blood Elemental internal organs, has the strength of thunder to be defeated and dispersed unceasingly, overflow transpiration. 红鼻子老头【湮灭雷霆】丘巴克,眼睛里含着泪,看着奄奄一息的参吾巨龟,它的龟壳几乎是被多道连续外力轰碎,露出里面血肉模糊的元素化内脏,不断有雷霆之力溃散出来,外溢蒸腾。 This giant turtle accompanied his many years, between both is almost intimate, tells one another everything. 这头巨龟陪伴了他很多年,两者之间几乎亲密无间,无话不谈。 Quick. 很快。 scholars that in another main battlefield the Sky fortress leads, rushes to come, to compare in Pan Gula and spring ancestor to this piece enormously and powerful, human scholars as if one flock of ants are tiny, even opens True Body scholars, is still the big point ant, is assisting spring ancestor from side, is conducting the resistance. 天空堡垒率领的另一处主战场上的学者们,浩浩荡荡向这片奔赴而来,相较于潘古拉和泉祖,人类学者们就仿佛一群蚂蚁般渺小,即使是开启真身学者们,也不过是大一点的蚂蚁,从旁辅助着泉祖,进行着抗争。 The battlefield is continuing in the extremely frigid way! 战场以极其惨烈的方式持续着! Some scholar were torn into shreds by the energy shock-wave of coming unceasingly, the quantity is hard to count, Academician that even if once kept aloof, still can only protect oneself at this moment cautiously. 不断有学者被突然而至的能量冲击波撕碎,数量难以统计,即使是曾经高高在上的院士们,此刻也只能小心翼翼自保。 spring Zu's water splash great face is getting more and more huge. 泉祖的水花巨脸却越来越庞大。 It lies in the wrestling process of Pan Gula giant turtle, the big mouth as if must swallow thoroughly it. 它在于潘古拉巨龟的扭打过程中,大口似乎要将之彻底吞噬掉。 After the supplements of these more than two hour glass time, this by place bottom spout, but the plain great face of water splash constitution, two -and-a-half Pan Gula giant turtles general are huge, in the air everywhere is the water vapor, but these water vapor no longer are the dense fog shapes, but is early morning dewdrop, hangs on the skin of everyone. 经过这两个多沙漏时间的补充,这张由地底喷涌而起水花构成的古朴巨脸,已经有两个半潘古拉巨龟一般庞大了,空气中到处都是水汽,但这些水汽已经不再是迷雾状,而是清晨的露珠,挂在每一个人的皮肤上。 In this period several ancient God, received here intruder photostar siphon attraction, joined in the battlefield. 期间又有几个古神,受到这里的入侵者星体虹吸吸引,加入到了战场中。 They assist spring ancestor to conduct the attack to the ultra body person, previously that tattered and torn red eyes spirit, took harvesting the betrayal serious oath life as ancient God of mission, had died. 它们协助泉祖对超体人进行着袭击,先前那个千疮百孔的红眼幽灵,以收割背叛毒誓者性命为使命的古神,也已经死去。 Gloomy. 天昏地暗。 Was polluted by frightened magnetic field the place of plateau drought, short less than an hour glass time's ferocious war, must impressively the appearance that this region bevels, formed giant water woof. 原本受到恐惧磁场污染的高原干旱之地,短短不到一个沙漏时间的激烈战争,赫然要将这片地域削平的样子,形成了巨大的水汪。 Moreover seems like appearance that battle of both sides as if just started, like this fierce battle will continue for a long time. 而且看起来双方的争斗似乎只是刚刚开始的样子,这样的激烈战斗将会持续许久。 A person's shadow, presented the upper air quietly. 一个人影,悄无声息出现了高空。 The person's shadow is panting for breath slightly. 人影微微喘息着。 He is observing the situation this stretch of battlefield, after spring ancestor and battlefield center double pupil of Pan Gula giant turtle shrinks slightly, the dense fog winds around the body, the heart beats from time to time, from time to time ceases, seems very weak, finally he raised the head, looks to empty Sky. 他环视着这片战场,在泉祖与潘古拉巨龟的战场中心处双眸微微一缩后,迷雾缭绕般的身体,心脏时而跳动,时而停息,似乎十分虚弱,最后他抬起头,看向空洞的天空 Male goat died, Yeager magnificent by the seal, we were imprisoned in the final three old things of this world, I do not believe that you will not seize this opportunity.” “摩羯死了,耶格华被封印了,我们是囚禁在这个世界的最后三个老东西了,我不相信你们不会抓住这个机会。” Is panting for breath low and deep, his soulless both eyes have swept in the crowd of ground ant resistance merely courageously slightly, probably the stranger was then common, does not care at all. 低沉喘息着,他无神的双目仅仅在地面蚂蚁般奋勇抗争的人群中稍稍扫过,便像是陌生人一般,毫不在意了。 Also right. 也对。 Probably in his eyes, these adapted to scholars of this world, about descendant who Aurora World knows nothing about, barbaric indigenous but who one crowd grows up in the shackles, needed time can use, does not need time can give up momentarily, there is no recall. 大概在他的眼中,这些适应了这个世界的学者们,对于欧洛拉世界一无所知的后裔,只是一群在牢笼中长大的野蛮土著者而已,需要的时候可以利用,不需要的时候随时能够放弃,没有任何的留恋可言。 After muttering, he then was not not sadly happy, waited silently in the upper air. 喃喃自语后,他便无喜无悲,在高空默默等候起来。
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