GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#684: 5 centimeters ultra body space( 28)

Imprisons a vision, especially sharp. 囚道的目光,格外的锐利。 He who at this moment places the deck floor decayed narrow and small space, in the hand is taking a withered mummy to break the arm impressively, on this interruption arm the picture filled the stars revolution vein to weave a fishing net, was made the acupuncture point to label by the innumerable energy luminous spot, seems complementing the Universe Starry Sky regular truth. 此刻身处甲板底层腐朽狭小空间的他,手中赫然正拿着一节干枯木乃伊般断臂,这截断臂上画满了星辰运转般的脉络织网,由数不清的能量光点作穴位标注,似乎在映衬宇宙星空的规则道理。 The ultra body person is screening out here several hundred square kilometers Star Screen World vitality energies continuously, degenerates into among the universes not to have the barren losing plant barren land of vitality here. 超体人正在源源不断抽走这里数百平方千米的星幕世界元气能量,将这里沦为宇宙间没有生机的贫瘠枯死不毛之地。 So. 如此。 As the Star Screen World lifeform, compatible in addition that the native place battles holds, in short instantaneous nothing left. 作为星幕世界生物,本土作战的适应性加持,将在短瞬间荡然无存。 But is opposite with it, needs to hide an ultra body person in leather bag, then lost the foreign land world to suppress. 而与之相反,需要潜藏在一层皮囊内的超体人,则失去了异域世界压制。 Under is in inverse proportion, will occupy the home game superiority ultra body person, in the theory will be as good as the fly ant that human will pat conveniently resolutely, formed the high latitude civilization regarding steamroll superiority of low civilization. 此消彼长之下,占据主场优势的超体人,理论上将毅然不亚于人类随手拍死的苍蝇蚂蚁,形成高纬度文明对于低等文明的碾压优势了。 But regarding imprisoning say/way at this moment, he had the inconceivable change similarly! 但对于此刻的囚道而言,他同样发生了不可思议变化! Balda duchy human body profound truth, was the ability of inheritance antiquity human legend period ten thousand years ago, it is said that has the complicated relation with the place of Aurora central lands, after human and indigenous barbarian accidentally unified, the derivation took off/escaped the one force system of changing. 巴尔达公国人体奥义,乃是传承于万年前上古人类神话传说时期的能力,据说与欧洛拉中土之地有着千丝万缕联系,是在人类与土著野蛮人的偶然结合后,衍生脱变出的一种力量体系。 But in human body profound truth, strength sect who is also divided into the mainstream, with a small number of air/Qi sects. 人体奥义中,又分为主流的力宗,与少数的气宗。 Air/Qi sect inheritance, the quantity is quite scarce, imprisoning without doubt is outstanding person. 气宗传承者,数量相当稀少,囚道无疑是其中的佼佼者。 It is said this was once the orthodox mainstream inheritance of antiquity period mankind seek, but after later generation human broke the inheritance, acted as circumstances permit to mix with many compatible changes, became today's appearance, becomes the practicing pursue of small number of people, was listed as the second-class science theory. 据说这乃是曾经上古时期人类追求的正统主流传承,只是后世人类断了传承后,又因地制宜夹杂了许多适应性变化,才成了今天的样子,成为了少数人的修行追求,被列为二流的学术理论。 But at this moment! 但此刻! After the ultra body person's these several hundred squares scopes Star Screen World vitalities drains, lost the Star Screen World vitality energy disturbance, imprisons to discover startled, own strength not only does not have therefore to dissipate, instead probably lost the shackles oppression, a free disappointed broad and level feeling, arises spontaneously! 在超体人将这数百平方范围内的星幕世界元气抽干后,失去了星幕世界元气能量干扰,囚道愕然发现,自己的力量非但没有因此而消逝,反而像是失去了牢笼压迫般,一种自由自在的怅然坦荡感,油然而生! Among, shrinks to become Cun, far away. 一步之间,缩地成寸、天涯咫尺。 Imprisons the say/way to receive the male goat to break the arm, nearly flickers to move, arrived in this Balloon Airship deck. 囚道收起摩羯断臂,近乎瞬移般,来到了这艘气球飞艇甲板上。 At this time this Balloon Airship is crashing to the ground from several hundred meters upper air, been stationed scholars hurries to run away to leave this Balloon Airship, actually discovered with amazement, here Star Screen World energy unexpectedly is so sparse, lost the water like the fish, most of them lost the flying ability unexpectedly, crashes compared with a Balloon Airship quicker speed to the ground. 此时这艘气球飞艇正在从数百米高空向地面坠落着,驻扎的学者们则慌忙逃窜离开这艘气球飞艇,却骇然发现,这里的星幕世界能量竟是如此稀疏,就像鱼儿失去了水,他们中大部分人竟然连飞行能力都失去了,比气球飞艇更快的速度坠落向地面。 Sees this one, imprisons the say/way to stretch out the palm. 见此一幕,囚道伸出手掌。 At this moment, the acupuncture point of body vein linkage, unexpectedly so clear, vitality that in the vein breeds, the air/Qi of universe world stars, unexpectedly such understanding, he had an illusion, is not in the inspiring so-called air/Qi, but is the air/Qi between universes is approaching own body irrigation. 这一刻,身体脉络联动的穴位,竟是如此的清晰,脉络中孕育的生机,宇宙天地星辰的气,竟然是如此的明了,以至于他产生了一种幻觉,并非是自己在引动所谓的气,而是宇宙间的气在向自己的身体灌注。 ...... 呼…… Not is only more than ten crashes to stop stationed in scholar, this Balloon Airship, stops impressively in the sky, was imprisoned forcefully in in the air. 不仅仅是十几名驻扎学者坠落停下,就连这艘气球飞艇,也赫然当空停下,强行被囚道驻留在了空中。 After these more than ten still shaken scholar return to the deck again floating, this notices to be placed by the secret in the vice-president of deck lowest level, does not know unexpectedly when has stood here. 这十几名惊魂未定学者重新飘回到甲板上后,这才注意到原本被秘密安置在甲板最底层的这位副院长,竟是不知何时已经站在了这里。 At this moment he is gaining ground, looks up to Sky that huge empty Vortex, as if goes nonstop to the most jet black universe. 此刻他正抬起头,仰望向天空那个巨大的空洞旋涡,仿佛直通最漆黑的宇宙。 That is the Star Screen World lifeform has never seen the true cold and still dark nihility deep space. 那是星幕世界生物从未见过的真正冷寂的黑暗虚无深空。 Huge vortex, diameter more than hundred kilometers. 正巨大漩涡,直径百余千米。 But more than hundred kilometers Vortex, regarding inside tiny human, is very huge, but regarding the whole world, is actually compares a grain of sesame seed to be tiny, in these more than hundred meters Vortex, was surpassed not only then the world vitality essence that the body person screens out, the meteorite floating island fragment as well as photostar imprisonment of hindrance in top of the head! 而百余千米旋涡,对于里面渺小的人类而言,也许无比巨大,但对于整个世界,却是比一粒芝麻还要渺小,在这百余米旋涡内,被超体人抽走的不仅仅只有世界元气精华,还有阻碍在头顶上的陨石浮岛碎片以及星体禁锢! Chief, exactly had anything, is not only here natural energy is vanishing, I even felt oneself are not soon able to breathe!” “院长,到底发生了什么,不仅仅是这里的自然能量在消失,我甚至感觉自己快要无法呼吸了!” This 2nd Order Profound Truth Scholar is panting for breath, asked desperately. 这名二级奥义学者喘息着,绝望问道。 Weak of this losing strength, making him be full of the fear. 这种失去力量的虚弱,让他充满了恐惧。 But what few people pay attention, mingles among the most edge strength feeble young student in fleet, to substitute the status of learner to join to this war, they study do not come from traditional Evolution Profound Truth and laws of nature, but is after some principle that Relo proposed conducted the specific energy absorption compresses, took is close in this principle for new times scholars of evolution way unceasingly, actually filled confusedly. 但很少有人注意的是,一些混迹于舰队中的最边缘实力衰弱年轻学员,以替补学习者的身份加入到此次战争中,他们所学并非源自于传统的进化奥义自然规律,而是雷洛提出的以某种法则进行特定能量吸收后压缩,以不断接近于此种法则为进化方式的新时代学者们,却充满了迷茫。 Because they discovered, the influence that oneself come under is very unexpectedly limited. 因为他们发现,自己受到的影响竟然十分有限。 What a pity the time of new times scholar education promotion were too less, short more than ten years, most outstanding person Profound Truth Scholar, the quantity also is extremely also scarce, can only become this brink of war. 可惜新时代学者教育推广的时间太少了,只有短短十几年,其中最佼佼者也不过奥义学者而已,数量也极其稀少,只能成为此次战争的边缘者。 In this chaotic time, no one pays attention to them. 在这种混乱时候,没有人关注他们。 Imprisons to say hears word, looked down this Natural Scholar one, was sneers unexpectedly inexplicably the taunt. 囚道闻言,低头看了这名自然学者一眼,竟是莫名冷笑嘲讽。 Right?” “是吗?” Imprisons a stance, lets this respite Profound Truth Scholar startled puzzled color. 囚道的姿态,让这名喘息奥义学者愕然不解之色。 After imprisoning actually looked at his one eyes, then again raised the head to look up to Sky. 囚道却只是看了他一眼后,便再次抬头仰望天空 Loses the alpha wild granule and natural energy impediment, under this empty blackness, the field of vision unexpectedly is especially clear, including the ginseng/partake that beyond that more than ten kilometers lost the field of vision my giant turtle battlefield. 失去阿尔法狂暴粒子和自然能量阻隔,在这空洞的漆黑下,视野竟是格外清晰,包括那十几千米外原本失去视野的参吾巨龟战场。 At this moment the both sides battlefield, is radiating the weapon blasting fireball split vision besides these in the fission level of rapid dissipation, some scattered human scholar melt the luminous spot to maintain the flight reluctantly, they can borrow or grasp existence of strength of principle truly, is powerhouse who the place of spent clay deserves! 此刻双方战场,除了那些正在飞速消散的裂变级辐射武器爆炸火球余光外,还有一些零零散散的人类学者所化光点能够勉强保持飞行,他们都是能够借用或者真正掌握法则之力的存在,是废土之地当之无愧的强者! Such existence, in this stretch of battlefield, has about fifty appearances at this time. 这样的存在,此时这片战场上,大约有五十几个的样子。 Looks at your age, probably sixty years old, it seems like you have put behind initiation student period, before without concluding Medium Companion feeling that type receives the world oppression.” “看你的年纪,大概六十几岁了吧,看来你已经忘却了启蒙学员时期,在没有缔结媒介伙伴前那种受到世界压迫的感觉了。” Imprisoned the say/way saying that no longer paid attention to this startled color Profound Truth Scholar impressively, one step went to the spatial mid-span, directly soars that in the sky most dazzling flaming fireball. 囚道说完,赫然不再理会这名愕然之色的奥义学者,一步向空中跨去,直奔那个当空最耀眼的熊熊火球。 That is Relo projection the light of True Body is at! 那是雷洛投影的真身之光所在! ? 呃? After this Profound Truth Scholar hears the word, after short puzzled color, unexpectedly towering terrified one startled, like having no other choice but in human of water world survival, to return to the land. 这名奥义学者闻言后,短暂不解之色后,竟突兀的悚然一惊,就像不得已在水世界生存的人类,重新回归到了陆地。 He then discovered, so-called illness, unexpectedly not, but came from in Medium Companion!! 他这才发现,所谓的不适,竟然并非自己,而是源自于媒介伙伴!! ...... …… This!?” “这!?” Nightmare devourer Had a nightmare quiet, witnessed thousands of scholars, shortly, bursts chaotic scene not in groups under the ultra body person macroscopic cataclysm. 【噩梦吞噬者】幽魇,亲眼目睹了数以千计的学者们,顷刻之间,在超体人宏观灾变下溃不成群的混乱场面。 Is seeming like with this no face mud strange incredible lifeform step by step alarmed, he of accomplishing a task with ease dogfight, came under the influence actually. 正在和这个无脸泥巴怪荒诞生物看似步步惊心,实则游刃有余缠斗的他,同样受到了影响。 But so-called influence, actually short flash. 但所谓的影响,却只有短暂一瞬间而已。 Almost is at the same time. 几乎是在同一时间。 In the sarcophagus in some atmosphere edge meteorite floating island, falls the full dust nearly not to have corpse of vitality, opened the eyes slowly. 远在大气层边缘某个陨石浮岛内的石棺内,一个落满灰尘近乎毫无生机的尸体,缓缓睁开了双眼。 Instance that as he opens eyes, falls the full dust the gray-black clothes, with the dust together, will vanish unexpectedly shortly, the body wound around in fuzzy gas Vortex. 而随着他睁眼的瞬间,落满尘埃的灰黑色衣服,竟然与尘埃一同,顷刻间消失了,身体则缭绕在了一层模糊气体旋涡内。 „A cavity that leaves this world barrier!?” “一个离开这个世界屏障的空洞!?” . 咔嚓。 Bang! 嘭! This several hundred meters meteorite floating island, cracks suddenly a gap. 这块数百米的陨石浮岛,突然崩裂开一个缺口。 The person's shadow goes out from the interior spookily, he exudes hu-hu the respite sound unexpectedly, by winding around to look in his surface Vortex gas, he at this moment, the body flesh impressively is only old has an external skin, without the fat, does not have the elasticity, not to have the vitality. 人影从内部幽幽走出,他竟然发出呼哧呼哧的喘息声,透过缭绕在他表层的旋涡气体看去,此刻的他,身体肌肤赫然已经苍老得只剩下一层表皮,没有脂肪、没有弹性、没有生机。 But under this external skin, his internal organs and rib, almost came out by the skin transparently! 而在这层表皮下,他的内脏和肋骨,几乎是被皮肤透明出来的! He looked at oneself condition, like the jack-o'-lantern eyes, wipes the forced smile that self-ridicules spookily, silent sigh. 他看了看自己的状态,幽幽如鬼火般的双眼,一抹自嘲的苦笑,无声的叹息。 Even if it seems like continues to sink the dormancy, is still very difficult to insist again the next millennium awakens turning point, replaced the new medium body, Pan Gula that side...... also had the opportunity to go back to return to Aurora!” “看来即使继续沉眠,也很难再坚持到下一个千年苏醒契机,更换新的媒介躯壳了,潘古拉那边……还有机会回去回到欧洛拉吗!” The person's shadow flashes, he can actually the free-flight motion in the third edge space of photostar blockade, trying one's best fly to some direction. 人影一闪,他竟然能够在星体封锁的第三层边缘空间内自由飞行,竭尽所能向某个方向飞去。 ...... …… Aurora stargazing temple. 欧洛拉观星神殿。 Hayes's stargazing belief, even if has established for more than ten years on the countless skeleton, but Radiant Creator belief rebel army no matter what actually however is hard to exterminate thoroughly. 海耶斯的观星信仰,即使已经在累累尸骨上建立十几年,但光明造物主信仰叛军却任然难以彻底剿灭。 Almost every month, in the stargazing temple will report that several exterminate the heresy event, the work of judge almost does not have the free time, but under stargazing temple high pressure supervision, the people of place of Aurora central lands, after undergoing radiation cataclysm weapon of Dark World release attacked pollutes on the big lands, can only experience one day like a year is surviving difficultly. 几乎每个月,观星神殿内都会报告几起剿灭异端事件,审判者的工作几乎没有空闲,而在观星神殿高压监督下,欧洛拉中土之地的人民,在经受了黑暗世界释放的辐射灾变武器打击后污染后的大片土地上,只能度日如年艰难生存着。 The place of lush lush central lands, had once polluted with the radiation weapon cataclysm of Dark World release at this moment, became tattered and torn, the plunging the people into disaster, seemed like as if for more than 2000 years ago the situation after black dying old demon plague was ordinary. 曾经肥美丰茂的中土之地,此刻已经随着黑暗世界释放的辐射武器灾变污染,变得千疮百孔,生灵涂炭,看起来就仿佛两千多年前黑死老魔瘟疫后的情况一般。 Several hundred years of training vitality, the short time is very not difficult to restore. 没有几百年修养生机,短时间恐怕很难恢复了。 At this moment. 此刻。 Top resplendent in gold and jade green palace that Hayes is, impressively is a stargazing chart, but on this mysterious stargazing chart, but also labelled a mysterious heavenly body especially. 海耶斯所在的金碧辉煌殿堂顶部,赫然是一张观星图,而在这张神秘观星图上,还特地标注了一个神秘的天体。 As if there is the center of celestial chart. 似乎那里才是星图的中心。 Once Hayes because of war, but dark green stepped physique that looked awful, at this moment already, as moistening of Strength of Belief, in the body of god body stored up massive Strength of Belief, restored strong and vitality. 曾经海耶斯因为战争而苍迈不成样子的体魄,此刻已经随着信仰之力的滋润,神体之躯内储存了大量信仰之力,恢复了健硕与生机。 But this time he sits in top, is actually rubbing the foreheads, a painful inexplicable appearance. 但此时的他坐在高位,却不停的揉着额头,一副痛苦莫名的样子。 He knows, this is innumerable believer pray nan is intimate, is destroying his own individual will gradually, transforms him into promulgates the doctrine the personality, becomes true so-called god, humane weapon that one type grasps the principle, gradually loses. 他知道,这是无数信徒的祈祷喃昵,正在渐渐摧毁他自己的个人意志,将他转变为所颁布教条的人格,成为真正的所谓的“神”,一种掌握法则的人性武器,逐渐失去自我。 Suddenly. 突然。 A trusted aide, went into his temple. 一名心腹,闯入了他的神殿。 Hayes! Just the space and time fort signaller had the response! The backdrop barrier as if had the loophole, the signal reception equipment of fort control room, as if broke through the space and time barrier blockade of this world!” “海耶斯!刚刚时空要塞信号装置有反应了!天幕屏障似乎出现了漏洞,要塞控制室的信号接收装置,似乎突破了这个世界的时空屏障封锁!” Hayes stood fiercely. 海耶斯猛的站了起来。 Related Aurora World!” “联系到欧洛拉世界了吗!” „?” “呃?” This bishop hears word, latter is in consternation low and deep: You forgot, the star nucleus information storage installment loses, loses the interstellar Coordinate of internal storage, we are unable to send any information on own initiative, can only conduct the passive receive, but before even so, actually also because of backdrop barrier, but has been blocked, how otherwise the antiquity period can......” 这名主教闻言,愕然后低沉道:“你忘了,星核信息储存装置丢失,失去内部储存的星际坐标,我们根本无法主动发送任何信息,只能进行被动的接收,但即使如此之前却也因为天幕屏障而一直被封锁,否则上古时期又怎么会……” „Is your meaning?” “那你的意思是?” Whatever, I think that this is we now the biggest turning point, first escapes from the barrier blockade of this world, this will be we might return to the Aurora World only opportunity! But as exterminating accomplishment of Yeager magnificent traitor, how many years these old fogies can also live? We perhaps truly harvest......” “不论怎样,我认为这都是我们现在最大的契机,先逃出这个世界的屏障封锁,这很可能将是我们回到欧洛拉世界的唯一机会!而作为剿灭耶格华背叛者的建功者,那些老家伙们还能活几年?我们说不定才是真正的收获者……” Hayes hears word, both eyes ignite permits some the ray of hope! 海耶斯闻言,双目燃起许些希望之光! Different from remote human of place of that side duchy, the place of Aurora central lands high-level, is spreading too many legends, but in these legends, takes Aurora Kingdom of Heaven as the primitive beginning without exception. 不同于公国之地那边的偏远人类,欧洛拉中土之地高层,流传着太多的神话传说,而在这些神话传说当中,无一例外都是以欧洛拉天国为原始起点。 As Pope, many of Hayes naturally contact. 身为教皇,海耶斯当然接触的更多。 Or in his behind, has, because had such a once being on par so-called Radiant Creator antiquity Aurora World human, therefore he can achieve the cooperation with Dark World, finally by dark Demonic Eye, will be weak the Radiant Creator seal! 或者说,在他的身后,就有因为有这么一位曾经比肩所谓光明造物主的上古欧洛拉世界人类,所以他才能和黑暗世界达成合作关系,最终以暗黑魔眼,将虚弱中的光明造物主封印! But as far as he know. 而据他所知。 Like this exists mystically, besides Radiant Creator and male goat Grand Duke and behind him that mysticalness, should also survive to have two appearances, their existences, in the secret mutual struggles and balances, are affecting the patterns of taking for a lot of years as the base numbers, the development of Land of Star Curtain human will evolve the present appearances. 这样的神秘存在,除了光明造物主、摩羯大公和他背后的那位神秘者,应该还残存有两位的样子,也正是他们的存在,在幕后的相互斗争和平衡,影响着以千百年为基数的格局,星幕之地人类的发展才会演化成如今的样子。 But his behind, then once from supporting Radiant Creator, to betraying secret initiator of divine creative force Lord's Protector organization! 而他身后的这位,则正是曾经由支持光明造物主,到背叛了造物主的守护者组织的幕后创始者! ...... …… But the vacuum domain cataclysm that the ultra body person starts attacks, affects, not just the human in these planes. 而超体人发动的真空领域灾变袭击,所影响的,也绝非只是这些平面上的人类。 In a million kilometers range, ancient Shenmen who carries the mission, takes looking for elimination derivation and intruder as innate ancient Shenmen of life significance, felt the intense summon of body instinct suddenly, almost as if by prior agreement, looked into the distance to Pan Gula high ground direction. 上百万公里范围内,一个又一个携带自身使命的古神们,以寻找消灭衍生者和入侵者为生命意义的先天古神们,豁然感受到了身体本能的强烈召唤,几乎不约而同,眺望向了潘古拉高地方向。 More than 20 years. 20余年来。 In the special life that in this peninsula walks randomly, the quantity almost turned over ten times, and also in a steady stream[ pen interest island] is increasing unceasingly. 在这块半岛上游走的这种特殊生命,数量几乎翻了十倍以上,并且还在源源[笔趣岛]不断增加着。 They look like the leukocyte antibody of this world, is exterminating the cause of disease intruder in critical this world diligently. 它们就像是这个世界的白细胞抗体,努力剿灭着危急这个世界的病原入侵者。 Usual time, they would hardly have any happening together with the low organism, was discovered by the low organism very much difficultly. 平时的时候,他们几乎不会与低等生物产生任何交集,也很难被低等生物们发现。 Their some are only in the shadow the refraction reflection suddenly, some are in the dreamland the forgotten traveler, but also some are in the great waves the frequency of water splash, or has fluttered cloud, mountain range that a movement vanishes, short thunder rainstorm, strong sand in a death storm. 它们有些只是影子中恍然的折射反光,有些则是梦境中被遗忘的过客,还有些则是浪涛中水花的频率,或是一朵飘过的云,一座移动消失的山脉,一场短暂的雷霆暴雨,一股死亡风暴中的强沙。 Compares in Qiongqi, Pan Gula archelon innate ancient God who has the practical significance, these exist, is to maintain in this world to revolve the foundation and apex of rule. 相较于穷奇、潘古拉古巨龟这种拥有现实意义的先天古神,这些存在,才是维系这个世界的自身运转规律的根基以及顶点。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 The interstellar level cataclysm baptism of ultra body person, not only attracts some low ancient God who nearby drifted away, woof Quanyan. 超体人的星际级灾变洗礼,不但吸引了附近游离的一些低等古神,还有一汪泉眼。 It usually passed in the most vague rule of place ledger wall block movement merely, is seeking diligently mission that is worth moistening the vitality. 它平时仅仅在地底板块移动的最隐晦规律中度过,努力寻找着值得滋润生机的使命。 It as if noticed here. 它似乎注意到了这里。
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