GOAW :: Volume #1

#52: But take-out Sea Oyster Wrap

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Your Highness crown prince is looking at Bu Fang stunned, this fellow was could it be that the head cramps? Unexpectedly with a seventh grade Battle-Saint lecture of custom, but also strip the clothes...... Exposes to the public? Does he have this strength and qualifications? 太子殿下愕然的望着步方,这家伙难道是脑袋抽筋了?居然跟七品战圣讲规矩,还扒衣……示众?他有这实力和资格么? Ji Chengan then saw Bu Fang's cultivation base, but trivial third grade Battle Maniac, is not including the ants in front of seventh grade Battle-Saint, does his what to come courage stand to say such words? 姬成安一眼便是看出了步方的修为,不过区区三品战狂,在七品战圣面前连蝼蚁都算不上,他何来的勇气站出来说出这样一番话? Ji Chengan both hands hold the chest, having a relish looks, he anticipated following Bu Fang was taught a fate by two expert maliciously. 姬成安双手抱胸,饶有兴致的看着,他期待接下来步方被两位强者狠狠教训一顿的下场。 Except that crown prince is so the idea, Xiao Family many people also like this regard Bu Fang's, in their eyes, this boy simply precisely eyesight no idiot. 除了太子是这般想法,肖家的不少人也是这样看待步方的,在他们眼中,这小子简直就是一点眼力都没有的白痴。 Xiao Meng and Xiao Yue falling of vision coldly on Bu Fang's, just like the blade shears, the entire Small Shop atmosphere was cold many. 肖蒙肖岳的目光冷冷的落在了步方的身上,犹如刀割,整个小店的气氛都是冷冽了不少。 Bu Fang expressionlessly, is holding Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine single-handed, at the same time extended make a move to pat not to know when has stood side him, top/withstood Whitey of plump belly, the Whitey's mechanical eye is glittering red radiance. 步方面无表情,单手捧着冰心玉壶酒,一边伸出手拍了拍不知道何时已经站在他身边,顶着圆滚滚肚子的小白,小白的机械眼闪烁着红色的光华。 Xiao Yue and Xiao Meng vision moves slightly, falling on Whitey's, this mechanical puppet...... 肖岳肖蒙的目光微微一动,不由的落在了小白的身上,这个机械傀儡…… The atmosphere becomes ties tight, when all people are think Bu Fang must but actually big mildew, Xiao Meng shouted the one breath gently, has turned head, walks toward Small Shop outside. 气氛变得紧绷,就在所有人都是以为步方要倒大霉的时候,肖蒙却是轻轻的呼了一口气,扭过头,朝着小店外走去。 Today sells a Owner Bu face, you come out with me, our outside solves.” “今天就卖步老板一个面子,你跟我出来,我们外面解决。” The Xiao Yue corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, the facial expression in eyes became lazy. 肖岳嘴角微微一翘,眼眸中的神情变得慵懒了起来。 „Did you call me to exit I to exit? Don't I have the face very much?” Xiao Yue walked toward Bu Fang, received wine pot in Bu Fang hand. “你叫我出去我就出去?那我岂不是很没有面子?”肖岳朝着步方走去,接过了步方手中的酒坛子。 The Xiao Meng step stopped, has turned head, has lifted the hand, True Energy burst out from his hand, changed into a bolt of white silk instantaneous winding, bound wine pot in that Xiao Yue hand. 肖蒙步子一停,扭过头,抬起了手,一股真气从他的手中迸发而出,化为了一条匹练瞬间缠绕而出,裹住了那肖岳手中的酒坛子。 Pulls slightly, Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine is dangerous flies, flies toward Xiao Meng. 微微一扯,冰心玉壶酒便是悬飞而出,朝着肖蒙飞去。 Xiao Yue eyes shrinks fiercely, aura suddenly changes, a energy bolt of white silk is also flings, twines wine pot, fearful True Energy is surging with collide. 肖岳眼眸猛地一缩,身上的气息陡然一变,一股能量匹练也是甩出,缠绕住酒坛子,可怕的真气在涌动和碰撞 I have said that must make trouble...... Exits.” Saw that two people as if have the trend that must hit, saying of Bu Fang expressionlessly. “我说过,要闹事……出去。”看到两人似乎又有要打起来的趋势,步方面无表情的说道。 Xiao Yue and Xiao Meng simultaneously got angry snort/hum one, sped away, ran out of Small Shop, appeared in the lane. 肖岳肖蒙同时怒哼了一声,疾驰而出,冲出了小店,出现在了巷子中。 Quite fearful! They walk, a atmosphere suddenly loosen in Small Shop, the people gasps for breath, the facial features are panic-stricken. 好可怕!两人一走,小店内的气氛顿时一松,众人纷纷喘着气,面容惊恐。 crown prince Ji Chengan inconceivable looks at Bu Fang, Xiao Yue and Xiao Meng listens to the words of this fellow to leave the shop to exit unexpectedly really to fight...... This stems from his anticipation completely, expects with him complete different. 太子姬成安不可思议的看着步方,肖岳肖蒙居然真的听了这家伙的话离开了店铺出去战斗……这完全出乎他的意料,跟他预想的完全不同。 He...... He why?!” Ji Chengan deeply shouted the one breath, knit the brows to say. “他……他凭什么?!”姬成安深呼一口气,皱眉道。 Xu Shi sighed, Your Highness crown prince does not know the fearfulness of this Small Shop, at all not clear that iron lump puppet...... Terrifying. 许士叹了一口气,太子殿下根本不知道这小店的可怕,根本不清楚那铁疙瘩傀儡的……恐怖。 Other people also like looking at the monster look at Bu Fang, this Small Shop Boss can let the seventh grade Battle-Saint compromise unexpectedly. 其他人也都是像看妖怪一样看着步方,这小店老板居然真的能够让七品战圣妥协。 Looks at anything, the Small Shop today's business hour had ended, now please all leave Small Shop.” Bu Fang regarding surroundings person of amazed vision slight caring, has not swept people one eyes, pointing to the door of expressionlessly. “看什么,小店今日的营业时间结束了,现在请全部离开小店。”步方对于周围人惊诧的目光没有丝毫的在意,扫了众人一眼,面无表情的下了逐客令。 Owner Bu, this palace......” 步老板,本宫的……” I said...... This dish does not sell, if you want to eat this dish, can supply for oneself ingredient and medicinal herb come.” Bu Fang has not waited for the crown prince lecture, is the direct interruption. “我说了……这道菜不卖,你若真的想要吃这道菜,可以自备好食材和药材过来。”步方还未等太子讲完,便是直接打断。 crown prince Ji Chengan was broken the words somewhat to be angry, but the Bu Fang's words are make his eye one bright, brings ingredient Bu Fang to be able make a move? 太子姬成安被打断话语还有些恼怒,可是步方的话语却是让他眼睛一亮,自带食材步方就可以出手么? Incessantly is Ji Chengan, Ji Chengxue and periphery a person of eye is one bright. 不止是姬成安,姬成雪和周围人眼睛都是一亮。 Good, that palace first said goodbye.” crown prince obtained the Bu Fang's determination, suddenly was somewhat delighted, transfers was leaving Small Shop with Xu Shi, he hurries to watch the fight of Xiao Meng and Xiao Yue. “好,那本宫就先告辞了。”太子得到了步方的确定,顿时有些欢喜,转身带着许士离开了小店,他赶着去观看肖蒙肖岳的战斗。 Other people also said goodbye, Xiao Yue fought Xiao Meng, this was the fight that dozens years rare met, 10 million cannot miss. 其他人也是纷纷告辞,肖岳肖蒙,这可是数十年难得一遇的战斗,千万不能错过。 Xiao Xiaolong orders the servant to restore but the injury as before tired Xiao Yanyu to carry off , is Bu Fang says goodbye. 肖小龙命令下人将伤势恢复但依旧疲乏的肖烟雨带走,也是和步方告辞。 In an instant, a Small Shop people then walked seven 7-8 eight, became lonely. 一转眼,小店中人便是走了七七八八,重新变得冷清了下来。 Smelly Boss, I also go back, I can also tomorrow again come.” The little loli Ouyang Xiaoyi eye narrows the crescent moon, Smelly Boss has not really deceived her, saved Sister Yanyu. 臭老板,我也回去啦,我明日还会再过来的。”小萝莉欧阳小艺眼睛眯成月牙,臭老板果然没有骗她,真的救好了烟雨姐姐。 Bu Fang has not paid attention to her, turned around to walk into the kitchen, Ouyang Xiaoyi has been spitting the tongue to the Bu Fang's back, departure of jumping. 步方没有理会她,转身走入了厨房,欧阳小艺对着步方的背影吐了吐舌头,蹦蹦跳跳的离开。 That night, Im­pe­r­ial Capital is not doomed tranquilly. 这一夜,帝都注定不平静。 Cracked Heart Sword King comes to Im­pe­r­ial Capital, has launched intense battle with Great General Xiao. 裂心剑王现身帝都,与肖大将军展开了一场激烈的厮杀。 According to eyewitness, two expert as if to compete for the one jar liquor, but the battle continuous, killed the west from the east, returned the east from the west, from beginning to end, two people refused to budge are competing for the one jar liquor. 据目击者所述,两位强者似乎为了争夺一坛酒而争斗不休,从城东杀到了城西,又从城西杀回了城东,至始至终,两人都是僵持着争夺一坛酒。 The Great General Xiao Meng strength is unparalleled, a Cracked Heart Sword King sword crack day, both war, has stirred the controversy, making blustery Im­pe­r­ial Capital the wind and cloud was more unpredictable. 肖蒙大将军战力盖世,裂心剑王一剑裂天,两者大战,引起了轩然大波,使得本就风起云涌的帝都变得更加风云难测。 This war makes Sect ambush in Im­pe­r­ial Capital expert comes in abundance, in suddenly Im­pe­r­ial Capital each alley erupted every large or small fight, innumerable True Energy burst out, such as gorgeous fireworks. 这一战使得宗门潜伏于帝都强者纷纷现身,顿时帝都的各个小巷内都是爆发了大大小小的战斗,无数的真气迸发,如绚丽烟花。 However all these and Bu Fang did not have the slight relations. 不过这一切和步方都没有了丝毫的关系。 About the Small Shop shutter, Bu Fang arrived in the kitchen, no matter outside makes the repeated difficulties, in Small Shop always that peaceful auspicious, precisely that he needs to make experiments the new dish on the line. 合起了小店的门板,步方来到了厨房中,不管外面闹得多么风风雨雨,小店内总是那么的安静祥和,他需要做的就是试验新菜就行。 My host, congratulations completes Abrupt Mission: Society Elixir Cuisine, Sage Herb Phoenix Chicken Soup recipe, has saved soon the beautiful woman life on the wane, presently issues Quest Reward.” 恭喜宿主完成临时任务:学会‘灵药膳,紫参凤鸡汤’的煮法,挽救了即将凋零的美人性命,现发布任务奖励。” Quest Reward has provided, asking host to search and collect.” 任务奖励已发放,请宿主查收。” The system earnest serious sound resounds in the Bu Fang's mind, Bu Fang's eye suddenly one bright, mind precipitation. 系统认真严肃的声音在步方的脑海中响起,步方的眼睛顿时一亮,心神沉淀。 Quest Reward: But take-out Sea Oyster Wrap recipe.” 任务奖励:可外带海蛎包煮法。” Sea Oyster Wrap, this should be a snack, in the Bu Fang heart thinks, because the system indicates, this Sea Oyster Wrap can take-out, according to the urogenous of system, if the staple food, does not permit take-out absolutely. 海蛎包,这应该算是一种小吃吧,步方心中想到,因为系统有指明,这海蛎包是可以外带的,按照系统的尿性,如果是主食的话,是绝对不允许外带 Originally were busy at work quite a while obtained this kind of Reward...... Bu Fang inexplicable somewhat loves dearly itself. 原来自己忙活半天就获得了这样一个奖励啊……步方莫名的有些心疼自己。 Sea Oyster Wrap, called oyster cake, special foods. Composes with rice milk, radish silk, sea oyster, minced green onion, mince meat and other ingredient together, after special foods that the special method fries in oil, the flavor/smell is delicious, the entrance rich fragrance surrounds, provides much food for thought.” 海蛎包,也称蛎饼,特色小吃。用米浆、萝卜丝、海蛎、葱花、肉末等食材一起组成,经过特殊手段油炸的特色小吃,味道可口,入口浓香环绕,回味无穷。” Bu Fang has not cooked on Earth this Sea Oyster Wrap, therefore he regarding this novel dish is also being interested. 步方在地球上未曾烹煮过这海蛎包,所以他对于这新奇的菜品也是十分的感兴趣。 Therefore, when outside fights continually multiplies, Bu Fang is being filled with joy prepares to experiment his new dish in the kitchen. 于是,在外面战斗不断滋生的时候,步方则是满心欢喜的在厨房中准备试验他的新菜品。 The Sea Oyster Wrap ingredient system prepared for him, thought of the independent cabinet, Bu Fang took out juicy white radish, this white radish may be used to practice the knife skill white radish quality to be much better compared with Bu Fang. 海蛎包食材系统都为他准备好了,用单独的橱柜装着,步方从中取出了一根水灵灵的白萝卜,这白萝卜可比步方用来练习刀工白萝卜质量好多了。 With then can feel in white radish in the hand rich spiritual energy and juice. 只是拿在手上便能够感到白萝卜中浓郁的灵气和汁水。 Cuts radish anything simply not the ask topic regarding Bu Fang, slivers the silk this juicy white radish, one side places, took a scrap meat, chopped the mince meat to install to the small bowl, cutting to pieces minced green onion spare, will be washing clean that full sea oyster. 萝卜什么对于步方而言简直不是问题,将这水灵灵的白萝卜切成丝,放在一边,取了一小块肉,剁成了肉末装到小碗中,切碎葱花备用,在将洗干净那饱满海蛎。 This sea oyster is not common, according, this sea oyster that the system said is from the Southern Wastelands coastal Top Grade sea oyster, includes rich spiritual energy, is very good ingredient. 这海蛎也不一般,按照系统所说的,这海蛎是取自南荒沿海的极品海蛎,含有丰富的灵气,是非常好的食材 Is prepares the ingredient, Bu Fang is starts to prepare the rice milk, this rice milk has tasteful, cannot too unable to be too thick thinly. 将配料都是准备好,步方便是开始准备米浆,这米浆可是有讲究,不能太稀也不能太稠。 Sea Oyster Wrap that the too thin rice milk fries in oil is very easy to disperse, but Sea Oyster Wrap that the too thick rice milk fries in oil will become too hard, will affect the taste. 太稀的米浆油炸出来的海蛎包很容易散开,而太稠的米浆油炸出的海蛎包则会变得太硬,影响口感。 Dug up to pull out a small stone mill from the cabinet, Bu Fang loose the loose physique, planned own attrition rice milk. 从橱柜中扒拉出一个小型的石磨,步方松了松筋骨,打算亲自磨米浆。
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