Zhao Rugehas not smelled such nice-smellingwine, in front ofthiswine, hecompletelyhad as if forgottenoncewas heldbyhimis the Top GradeJade Nectar Wineflavor/smell.赵如歌从来没有闻到过这么好闻的酒香,在这酒香面前,他似乎完全忘记了曾经被他捧为极品的琼浆玉液酒的味道。Xiao Xiaolonghas pushed asidethatluteonwine potimpatiently, pours into thatliquorfluid the cup, the limpidincomparableliquorfluidsways the inverted image, the wineis gladdening the heart, letshisimmersing, deepinspiration.肖小龙迫不及待的扒开了那封在酒坛上的封泥,将那酒液倒入杯子中,清澈无比的酒液晃荡着倒影,酒香沁人心脾,让他不由的沉醉,深深的吸气。Holds up the cupsatisfied, Xiao Xiaolong before the cupplaces the nose, heard, enjoyment of whole face, loves the person of liquorregardingone, oneglass of nice winesare not inferior to a peerlessbeautiful woman, theywill put downallprotection, the total involvementenjoyswith the taste.
The liquorfluidentrance, as if the ice crystalhas delimitedfrom the tongue coating, emergesinhisstomachfollowing the throat, the chill in the air that bursts out, making the Xiao Xiaolongwhole bodyfine hairstand erect, goosebumpsproliferates.
The liquorfluidenters the stomach, instantlythenjust like the flamecombustion, the dry and hotfeelingspews outfrom the stomach, wells up the chestinstantaneously, makingXiao Xiaolongwhole bodyimmersein the rubber of iceandfireunder.
酒液入胃,霎时便是宛若火焰燃烧,燥热感从胃中喷涌而出,瞬间涌上心口,让肖小龙整个人都是沉浸在了冰与火的胶着下。„Oh~” the Xiao Xiaolongwhole faceflushedred, butslightlythoughtonethen unable to bearsend outoneto chant. Recitation.
“哦~”肖小龙满脸酡红,只是小酌了一口便是忍不住发出了一道呻。吟。„Nice wine! Reallyis the nice wine!”Xiao Xiaolongis full of praise, liquorentrance in cup, narrows the eyesto focus onbut actually, as ifentered the gracefulcondition.
“好酒!真的是好酒!”肖小龙赞不绝口,一口将杯中酒倒入口中,眯着眼,仿佛进入了飘飘欲仙的状态。The Three Ouyang Barbarianssees this, where can also bear, threepeople of each onebut actuallyonecup, isbut actuallyin the entrance.欧阳三蛮看到他这样子,哪里还忍得住,三人各自倒了一杯,也是倒入口中。In an instant, perfectly round that threepeople of eyeballsstare, the whole bodyfine hairwas the diastolecomes, bursts out the unprecedentedjoyfulfeeling.
刹那间,三人的眼珠子瞪的滚圆,浑身的汗毛都是舒张开来,迸发出了前所未有的欣喜之感。Threepeoplehave not spoken, is the selfishliquorbut actually, completelyimmerses, inIce-heart Jadebottle of wine during is spicy mellow.
三人没有说话,都是自顾自的倒酒,完全沉浸在了冰心玉壶酒的香浓醇厚之中。Mysteriousbamboo hatmansees the stance of people, seems lightsmiles, hehas taken off the bamboo hat, has revealed a handsomeface, as if the bladetruncatesgeneral, charmingthreatening.
神秘的斗笠男子看到众人的姿态,似乎是淡淡一笑,他摘下了斗笠,露出了一张英俊的面孔,仿佛刀削一般,帅气逼人。He was also but actuallyonecup, poured outto think, mannerunusualenjoyment on face.
他也是倒了一杯,自斟自酌了起来,脸上的神态非常的享受。„Thisliquor...... Sois really good?”Zhao Rugeis doubtful, althoughunder the impact of thisrichwine, healreadysomevacillations, butthinks that loses the laterprice, inhishearthopes for that all theseare the false appearances.
“这酒……真的这么好?”赵如歌半信半疑,虽然在这浓郁酒香的冲击下,他已经有些动摇,但是想到赌输之后的代价,他心中还是希冀这一切都是假象。„Istheyinstalls...... Zhao Rugeenergyreallyinsufficiencyabsolutely”.
“绝对是他们装出来……”赵如歌底气真的不足啊。Ifhehas not eatenSweet 'n' Sour Rib that Bu Fanghas boiled, hisconfidence will be very perhaps full, but after hetastedSweet 'n' Sour Rib, isthoroughunderstands that Bu Fang'sculinary artshashowformidable.
他如果没有吃过步方所煮的醉排骨,他或许信心还会很足,但是他尝了醉排骨之后,已经是彻底的明白步方的厨艺到底有多么的强大。„Xiaolong, toYoung MasterZhaobut actuallyonecup, gives the elder sisterbut actuallyonecup.” The Xiao Yanyugentleopens the mouthsaid.
“小龙,给赵公子倒一杯,也给姐倒一杯。”肖烟雨温柔的开口道。Xiao Xiaolongstaresslightly, is separatedfrom being infatuated withcondition, quitesomedo not prefer, thisIce-heart Jadebottle of wineoriginallyfew, but must apportionZhao Rugethatsissy...... Ah! that owesvery much肖小龙微微一愣,从陶醉状态中脱离而出,颇有些不情愿,这冰心玉壶酒本来就少,还要分给赵如歌那娘炮……很亏的啊!
The The Three Ouyang Barbariansdrinkingspeedis quick, before long is one jarsees the bottom, Ouyang Diis holdingthatjugunceasingvibration, wantsto squeeze outdrop of liquorfluid.欧阳三蛮的喝酒速度很快,不一会儿便是一坛见底,欧阳敌更是抱着那坛子不断的抖动,想要从中挤出一滴酒液来。
Last dropdid not have, threepeoplewereeagerlookinghave then approachedXiao Xiaolongwine pot.
最后一滴都没有了,三人便是眼巴巴的望向了肖小龙的酒坛子。Xiao Xiaolongstaredthreepeople of one, hurriedto holdwine potin the bosom, firstgaveXiao Yanyubut actuallyonecup, thengaveZhao Rugebut actuallyonecup, said: „Zhaosissy, has drunkthisglass of liquor, yourobedientlyadmits defeat, givesmyelder sisterQi Gathering Pill, wishing the gamblingto concede!”肖小龙瞪了三人一眼,赶紧将酒坛子抱在了怀里,先给肖烟雨倒了一杯,尔后给赵如歌倒了一杯,道:“赵娘炮,喝了这杯酒,你就乖乖认输,将聚气丹交给我姐吧,愿赌服输嘛!”„I, Ihave not lost......”Zhao Rugewordssoundgetting smaller, looks at the limpidliquorfluid in cupto be lost in thought that thenholds up the cup, thinkslightly.
“我,我还没输……”赵如歌话语声越来越小,望着杯中的清澈酒液怔怔出神,尔后举起杯子,轻酌。Xiao Yanyualsopicks upwine glass, coveredlightlyhas been drinking a smallmouth.肖烟雨也是托起酒杯,轻掩着喝了一小口。Liquorswallows, Xiao Yanyubullies the frostto win the snow the fleshinstantaneouslybecomesfresh-facedred, on the attractivefaircheekisappearstwoto wipeto blush, is really lovable.
一口酒入肚,肖烟雨欺霜胜雪的肌肤瞬间变得粉嫩通红,漂亮白皙的脸蛋上更是浮现两抹红晕,煞是可爱。Zhao Rugehas been speechless, has drunk the Ice-heart Jadepot, drinks the fine wineagain, is really such as the fresh watergeneraltastelessness, both'sdisparity is too big.赵如歌已经无话可说,饮过冰心玉壶,再喝琼浆玉液,真的是如淡水一般的无味,两者的差距实在太大。Ice-heart Jadebottle of wineis the Clear Wind Empirefirstgood wine that deserves.冰心玉壶酒才是当之无愧的清风帝国第一美酒。InYinJin a Cupliquor, Zhao Rugeis the anxiety of whole face, heknows,made a betheto lose.
一口饮尽杯中酒,赵如歌已经是满脸的肉疼,他知道,打赌他已经输了。fifth gradeQi Gathering Pill, hehas totake.五品聚气丹,他不得不拿出来。Heplannedattacksfourth gradeBattle-Spiritwiththisfifth gradeQi Gathering Pill, buthas not thought that unexpectedlygaveto loseit, did not haveQi Gathering Pill, hisbreakthrough will never become.
他本来是打算用这五品聚气丹来冲击四品战灵,可是没有想到居然将它给输了,没了聚气丹,他的突破又将变得遥遥无期。ReceivedZhao Rugeto hand over the comejadebottle, Xiao Yanyusmileslightly, too beautiful to behold.
接过赵如歌递过来的玉瓶,肖烟雨淡淡一笑,美不胜收。„Young MasterZhaodoes not needto be sad, althoughlostQi Gathering Pill, butyouateOwner Bu'sSweet 'n' Sour Rib, youdid not owe.”
“赵公子也不必伤心,虽然失去了一枚聚气丹,但是你吃到了步老板的一盘醉排骨,你不亏的。”Doesn't owe? Howcannot owe? Sweet 'n' Sour Rib can only satisfy the desire of hisfood and drink, butQi Gathering Pill can actually lethisstrengthbreakthrough, bothcompared withone, owedsendgreatly! Only if...... Owner Bu'sSweet 'n' Sour Rib can also lethisbreakthroughcultivation base, but...... Thispossibility?
The Zhao Rugeheart paintobeing hardto breathe, complexionis ugly.赵如歌心痛到难以呼吸,脸色难看无比。Xiao Yanyusmilesnot to speak, fiftyorigin crystal is Sweet 'n' Sour Ribpossiblyonly the soleflavor/smellis good? Improved Version Egg Fried Rice canstrengthenwithin the bodyTrue Energy, thisSweet 'n' Sour Ribeffectwill be obviously stronger than Egg Fried Rice, Zhao Rugecanrealizequickly.肖烟雨笑而不语,五十元晶一份的醉排骨怎么可能只是单单味道好?加强版蛋炒饭都能够增强体内真气,这醉排骨的效果显然会比蛋炒饭强,赵如歌很快就能体会到了。When the time comesheknows that Owner Bu'sis mysterious.
到时候他就会知道步老板的神奇。Another side, Xiao XiaolongIce-heart Jadebottle of winehas also drunk up, thatsuch ason the womanfleshdelicatefaceappearsto have one's face flushed with drink the red wineto be dizzygenerally, has the feeling of being drunk.
另一边,肖小龙的冰心玉壶酒也是喝完了,那如女人肌肤一般细嫩的脸上浮现酡红酒晕,颇具醉意。The Three Ouyang Barbariansis good, althoughthisIce-heart Jadebottle of winestaminais big, howevertheircultivation baseare profound, moreoveris the seniordrunkards, responded that does not haveXiao Xiaolongthiseffeminate young manto be so intense.欧阳三蛮还好,这冰心玉壶酒的后劲虽然大,但是他们三人的修为高深,而且都是资深酒鬼,反应没有肖小龙这小白脸那么强烈。Bāda!吧嗒!
The cupfellon the tablehas made the clearsound, was not big, wasmakes the peoplestareslightly.
杯子掉落在桌子上发出了清脆的声响,不大,却是让众人微微一愣。Theirvisionlookedtoinstigator, Xiao Yanyu.
他们的目光望向了始作俑者,肖烟雨。FormerlyalsomannertemperateGoddess Xiao, at this moment was actually becomessomewhatfierceandswift and fierce, looking of hervisionwith fixed eyestodistant place.
The Xiao Xiaolongtipsy feelingwas not thick, at this momentseesownelder sistermanner, the liquorawokemost probably, helooksfollowing the Xiao Yanyuvision, thensawhas sat well a formonentrancetable.肖小龙的酒意本来就不浓,此刻看到自己姐姐这种神态,酒已经醒了大半,他顺着肖烟雨的目光望去,便是看到了端坐在门口桌位上的一道身影。Facial features that good-lookingelegantsuch as the bladetruncates......
那张俊俏飘逸如刀削的面容……„Howisyou!” The Xiao Xiaolongeyestaresin a big way, has almost roared.
“怎么是你!”肖小龙眼睛瞪大,几乎是吼了出来。SitsstaresinrestBu Fangsuddenlyat the same timeslightly, looking of doubtstoXiao Xiaolong, as if not clearthisLittle Sissysuddenlyhas sentanyinsanity.
坐在一边休息的步方顿时微微一愣,疑惑的望向了肖小龙,似乎不清楚这小娘炮突然发什么疯。„Whycan'tbeI?” The hoarsesoundas iffrostinggenerallysurroundsinSmall Shop, bringsair/Qi of the withering.
“为什么不能是我?”沙哑的声音仿佛磨砂一般在小店中环绕,带来点点肃杀之气。Zhao Rugeand the othersalsosawthathandsomeface, performsalldumbfound, thenfacial colorbig change, inconceivable of whole face.赵如歌等人也是看到了那张英俊的面孔,尽皆呆滞,尔后面色大变,满脸的不可思议。„Youalsodareto appearinImperial Capital...... could it be thatyoudid not fear that was knownyourwhereaboutsby the father?”
“你还敢出现在帝都……难道你不怕被父亲知晓你的行踪么?”„MydearBig Brother.”Xiao Yanyucoldsaying, her empty valley give forth sound of birds twitteringsoundis bringingfaint tracemurderous aura.
“我亲爱的大哥。”肖烟雨冷冽的说道,她那空谷莺啼般的声音都是带着丝丝杀气。Xiao Xiaolongcould not bear, has stoodfromposition, True Energysurgesinhisoutside the body.肖小龙已经忍不住了,从位置上站了起来,真气在他的体外涌动。„Cracked Heart Sword KingXiao Yue! Healsodaresto appearinImperial Capitalunexpectedly...... seeking death?!”Zhao Rugeand the othersare the shock.
“裂心剑王肖岳!他居然还敢出现在帝都……找死么?!”赵如歌等人都是震惊不已。Xiao Yue, the Xiao Mengeldest son, the talentis astonishing, cultivation baseis astonishing, tenyears old of condenseTrue Energyachievementfirst grade, 11 years old second grade, 13years old isto then achieveTrue Energymanifestation, the 15yearreachestoBattle-Spirit, 18years old are becamefifth gradeBattle-King, in the Clear Wind EmpirehistoryyoungestBattle-King, hisfuturelight.肖岳,肖蒙大儿子,天赋惊人,修为惊人,十岁凝聚真气成就一品,11岁二品,13岁便是达到真气外放,十五岁臻至战灵,18岁便是成为了五品战王,清风帝国史上最年轻的战王,他的前途一片光明。What a pitythreeyears ago, Xiao Yueis infatuated in the swordsmanship, has joined of Sword Abyss Pavilionarea north of the Great WallTen Great Sects, tocontrol the Sword Abyss Pavilionspiritsword, withmother'sblood sacrifice of swordheart, a swordcrackheart, making mother fall into the half deadcondition, has not awaked.
可惜三年前,肖岳醉心于剑道,加入了塞外十大宗门之一的剑虚阁,更是为了掌控剑虚阁的灵剑,以母亲的心头之血祭剑,一剑裂心,使得母亲陷入半死状态,至今未醒。Xiao Yueat that timethenbyXiao Meng that the thunderwas furiouslivingprojected onto spit blood, whole bodyTrue Energywascollapse and scattered, finallywas collaboratedto rescueby the Sword Abyss Pavilionthreeelders, henceforthXiao Yuethenhas betrayedXiao Family, becameXiao Familymustkill the person.肖岳当时便是被雷霆震怒的肖蒙活生生的打到吐血,浑身真气都是崩散,最终被剑虚阁的三位长老联手救走,从此肖岳便是叛离了肖家,成为了肖家必杀之人。Xiao YanyuandXiao Xiaolong can never forget mother inone that in front ofthemfalls to the groundon the wane, thatshatterblood splashincarnadinetheireyes, changed to the hatred that is hardto cancel, to the hatred of Xiao Yue.肖烟雨和肖小龙永远忘不了母亲在他们面前凋零倒地的一幕,那破碎的血花染红了他们的眼,也化作了难以抹去的仇恨,对肖岳的仇恨。Fromthat time, Xiao Yueis nottheydear and Big Brother of respect......
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