GOAW :: Volume #1

#40: Compared with my liquor, other are the trash

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„Is Jade Nectar Wine a ball?!” This saying one, the entire Small Shop atmosphere is slightly one stiff. 琼浆玉液酒算个球?!”这话一出,整个小店的气氛都是微微的一僵。 The Three Ouyang Barbarians and Xiao Xiaolong are staring Bu Fang, they love the person of liquor, Jade Nectar Wine was they have drunk until now the best liquor, but to the Bu Fang mouth , is actually...... Is a ball? 欧阳三蛮肖小龙瞪着步方,他们是爱酒之人,琼浆玉液酒是他们迄今为止喝过的最好的酒了,但是到了步方口中,却是……算个球? Haha! Smelly Boss, your this saying said real graceful!” Clapping the hands and shouting praise of Ouyang Xiaoyi happy, she likes Bu Fang this self-confident feeling. 哈哈臭老板,你这话说的真帅!”欧阳小艺欢乐的拍手叫好,她就喜欢步方这种自信的感觉。 Scoffs, has a country bumpkin in corner nest, he drunk Jade Nectar Wine? Said the boastful talk.” Zhao Ruge disdains has scoffed at one, curled the lip, the Clear Wind Empire first good wine, emperor His Majesty thousand select the good wine that ten thousand selected selects, can it be that Bu Fang this small restaurant Boss can taste? “嗤,一个旮旯窝的乡巴佬,他有喝过琼浆玉液酒么?只是口出狂言罢了。”赵如歌不屑的嗤了一声,撇了撇嘴,清风帝国第一美酒,皇帝陛下千挑万选选出的美酒,岂是步方这种小餐馆老板能够品尝的到的? Bu Fang knit the brows, looks to Zhao Ruge, this fellow he was very familiar, not for other, because his again and again wants to spend money to break open his door. 步方皱眉,望向了赵如歌,这个家伙他很熟悉,不为别的,就因为他三番两次的想用钱来砸开他的店门。 Compared with my liquor...... Other every liquor are the trash.” “和我的酒相比……其他凡酒都是垃圾。” Bu Fang light saying, the self-confident feeling full house, he has the absolute confidence to Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine. 步方淡淡的说道,自信感爆棚,他对冰心玉壶酒有着绝对的信心。 Owner Bu does here have the liquor?” The eye of Xiao Xiaolong has shone, on the fair face appears to wipe to have one's face flushed with drink red because of the excitement. 步老板这儿有酒?”肖小龙的眼睛亮了,白皙的脸上都是因为激动而浮现出一抹酡红。 Bu Fang has referred to his behind menu, has not spoken. 步方指了指他身后的菜谱,没有说话。 The people associative compound, turns head to look in abundance toward that menu...... 众人会意,纷纷扭头往那菜谱看去…… Hissing ~ “嘶~” This sound is Zhao Ruge sends out, he first time enters to Small Shop in today, first time sees menu, although he heard sky-high price dish the hearsay about Small Shop, but first time sees the marked price or sucked in a cold breath with own eyes. 这声音是赵如歌发出的,他今天第一次进入到小店中,第一次看到菜谱,虽然他听说了很多关于小店的天价菜品的传闻,可是第一次亲眼见到标价还是倒吸了一口凉气 Ouyang Xiaoyi and the others suddenly showed the whites of the eyes toward him, Zhao Ruge that this has not seen the world...... As for makes much ado about nothing like this? 欧阳小艺等人顿时朝着他翻了个白眼,这没见过世面的赵如歌……至于这样大惊小怪么? Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine, one jar 15 origin crystal.” Xiao Xiaolong low voice discussing. 冰心玉壶酒,一坛十五元晶。”肖小龙小声的念道。 „The Owner Bu's dish is really expensive as always.” Xiao Yanyu has exuded sigh sound of pleasant to hear, the 15 origin crystal one jar liquor, was expensive are too really many compared with five hundred gold coins one jar Jade Nectar Wine. 步老板的菜品果然还是一如既往的昂贵。”肖烟雨发出了好听的感叹声,十五元晶一坛酒,比起五百金币一坛琼浆玉液酒实在是昂贵太多了。 Such contrast, both in price, Jade Nectar Wine truly...... Is a ball. 这样一对比,两者在价格上,琼浆玉液酒确实……算个球。 15 origin crystal one jar liquor? Insane? His liquor value price?” Zhao Ruge does not dare to believe that five hundred gold coins one jar Jade Nectar Wine is the sky-high price, this 15 origin crystal...... Must ascend the sky simply! 十五元晶一坛酒?疯了吧?他这酒值这个价?”赵如歌不敢置信,五百金币一坛琼浆玉液酒已经算是天价了,这十五元晶……简直是要上天! Owner Bu! Anything let alone, has given me to come one jar directly! I predict with great accuracy luckily, knows that the Owner Bu's liquor advantageous therefore belt has not sufficed absolutely origin crystal.” Xiao Xiaolong excited was saying to Bu Fang. 步老板!什么都别说了,直接给我来一坛!幸好我料事如神,知道步老板的酒绝对不便宜所以带够了元晶。”肖小龙兴奋的对着步方道。 Owner Bu, gives us three brothers also to come one jar! The Liquor-pickled Fish delicacy, this liquor definitely is not bad!” Ouyang Zhen careless saying. 步老板,给咱三兄弟也来一坛酒糟鱼都那么美味,这酒肯定也不差!”欧阳真大大咧咧的说道。 The Zhao Ruge brow selects, amazed looks at Xiao Xiaolong and The Three Ouyang Barbarians, they have purchased this expensive liquor unexpectedly really...... Is could it be that this liquor so really good? 赵如歌眉头微挑,惊诧的看着肖小龙欧阳三蛮,他们居然真的购买了这昂贵的酒……难道这酒真的那么好? suddenly, in Zhao Ruge heart one ruthless, clenched teeth saying: Also comes one jar to This young master!” 顿时,赵如歌心中一狠,咬了咬牙道:“给本少也来一坛!” Snort, This young master must have a look compared with Jade Nectar Wine but actually, the liquor in this small corner can have any energy to dare selling price 15 origin crystal! 哼,本少倒要看看比起琼浆玉液酒,这小旮旯中的酒能够有什么底气敢售价十五元晶 Excuse me, a Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine day for the quantity three altars/jars, you must drink, tomorrow again come.” Bu Fang has swept Zhao Ruge one lightly, saying of expressionlessly. “不好意思,冰心玉壶酒一天的供量三坛,你要喝酒,明日再过来。”步方淡淡的扫了赵如歌一眼,面无表情的说道。 Zhao Ruge stagnates, suddenly eye torching, especially rejection I! Does the father have a grudge with you? 赵如歌一滞,顿时眼睛喷火,又特么的拒绝我!老子跟你有仇? Didn't say three altar/jar supplying quantities? Xiao Xiaolong one jar, Brother The three Ouyang's one jar, but also remains one jar not to sell me? Do you look down upon This young master?” “不是说三坛供量么?肖小龙一坛,欧阳三兄弟一坛,还剩一坛不卖我?你看不起本少?” Zhao Ruge feel mad. 赵如歌好气啊。 Facing somewhat breathless Zhao Ruge, Bu Fang somewhat seems to be strange and doubts, but the complexion as before is indifferent incomparable, said: one jar has been scheduled.” 面对似乎有些气急败坏的赵如歌,步方有些奇怪和疑惑,不过脸色依旧是淡然无比,道:“还有一坛已经被预定了。” Scheduled? Excuse...... This certainly is the excuse! Zhao Ruge feel mad, looks at the face of Bu Fang that expressionlessly, wishes one could to fling his shoe horn, this he owed to punch! 预定?借口……这一定是借口!赵如歌好气,看着步方面无表情的脸,恨不得甩他一鞋拔子,这丫太欠揍了! You said actually, is who has been scheduled this third altar/jar liquor? This young master this spends money to pound, pounds till him to give up!” Saying of Zhao Ruge complexion gloomy. “那你倒是说说,是谁预定了这第三坛酒?本少这就去用钱砸,砸到他放弃为止!”赵如歌脸色阴沉的说道。 „, Then, does not cause trouble on the line as you like.” Bu Fang indifferently said, turns around then to walk toward the kitchen then, gets to the entrance to turn head suddenly strange asking: „Don't you select other dishes? Only drinks?” “哦,随你便,不闹事就行。”步方淡淡道,尔后转身便是朝着厨房走去,走到门口突然扭头奇怪的问道:“你们不点其他的菜品么?只喝酒?” Gives me to come share Golden Roasted Wheat.” The Xiao Yanyu gentle voice said. “给我来份黄金烧麦吧。”肖烟雨柔声说道。 Xiao Xiaolong grinned, selects Improved Version Egg Fried Rice , The Three Ouyang Barbarians has selected Liquor-pickled Fish as usual, they also ate Liquor-pickled Fish to have the feeling. 肖小龙直咧嘴,点了一份加强版蛋炒饭,欧阳三蛮照例点了一份酒糟鱼,他们也就吃酒糟鱼有感觉了。 You?” The Bu Fang vision fell on Zhao Ruge. “你呢?”步方目光落在了赵如歌身上。 The Zhao Ruge eye narrows the eyes, said: Comes share Sweet 'n' Sour Rib! This young master must eat eats expensively!” 赵如歌眼睛一眯,道:“来份醉排骨本少要吃就吃最贵的!” Other people one startled, was discovers in the original menu to leave a new dish, their front vision by Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine attracting. 其他人一惊,才是发现原来菜单上多出了一道新菜品,他们前面目光都是被冰心玉壶酒给吸引了。 Sweet 'n' Sour Rib? En, good.” Bu Fang nods, turns around into kitchen. 醉排骨?恩,好。”步方点点头,转身入了厨房。 Sweet 'n' Sour Rib, fifty origin crystal together, in Small Shop until now the most expensive dish. 醉排骨,五十元晶一道,小店中迄今为止最贵的一道菜。 Zhao Ruge, did you bring to suffice origin crystal?” Ouyang Xiaoyi cannot bear ask, a fifty origin crystal dish, even if Ouyang family/home Little Princess also somewhat sucks the tongue. 赵如歌,你带够元晶了么?”欧阳小艺忍不住问道,五十元晶一道菜,就算是欧阳家小公主也是有些咂舌。 This young master is not short of money, what trivial fifty is origin crystal? Do not forget our gambling makes, Yanyu, you are waiting for and my roaming Hu enjoy looking at the moon.” Zhao Ruge self-confident saying with a smile, as son of Left Minister, he has own industry in Im­pe­r­ial Capital, trivial fifty origin crystal truly cannot be regarded anything. 本少不差钱,区区五十元晶算什么?你们可别忘记了咱们的赌约,烟雨,你等着和我游湖赏月吧。”赵如歌自信的笑道,身为左相之子,他在帝都中有着属于自己的产业,区区五十元晶确实算不得什么。 Actually to the fifth grade Battle-King rank, origin crystal that practice needed is hundred and thousand, achieved the accumulation of breakthrough, needs over ten thousand origin crystal. 其实到了五品战王级别,修炼所需的元晶都是成百上千,达到突破的积累,更是需要上万块元晶 origin crystal regarding high cultivator is not anything, although Zhao Ruge is not high cultivator, but his industry are many, moreover marketing object these cultivator of his industry, therefore he does not miss origin crystal. 元晶对于高品修士而言不算什么,赵如歌虽然不是高品修士,但是他产业多啊,而且他的产业的营销对象还是那些修士,所以他不差元晶 Zhao Ruge sat on chair pale with a smile, takes out Jade Nectar Wine of attire he has brought in sapphire altar/jar, he has also brought several azure jade cups, has poured several glasses of liquor, to Xiao Yanyu and other humanity: Comes, sits down, first tastes Jade Nectar Wine.” 赵如歌淡笑着坐在了椅子上,取出了他带来的装在青玉坛中的琼浆玉液酒,他还自带了几个青玉杯,倒了几杯酒,对着肖烟雨等人道:“来来,都坐下,先尝尝琼浆玉液酒。” Jade Nectar Wine can be chosen by the emperor is the governing liquor, was evaluated the Clear Wind Empire first good wine naturally has its truth, just filled to the brim the cup, the rich wine then proliferated instantaneously. 琼浆玉液酒能够被皇帝挑选为御酒,被评为清风帝国第一美酒自然是有着它的道理,刚倒满杯子,浓郁的酒香瞬间便是扩散了开来。 Xiao Xiaolong and The Three Ouyang Barbarians somewhat could not bear. 肖小龙欧阳三蛮已经是有些忍不住了。 However when they prepare to taste this Jade Nectar Wine, the person's shadow has stepped into Small Shop together slowly, the calm step sound, seems having the strange charm. 不过就在他们准备品尝这琼浆玉液酒的时候,一道人影缓缓的踏入了小店之中,沉着的步伐声,仿佛带着奇异的魔力。 The attention of all people were captured by that form of entrance. 所有人的目光都是被门口的那道身影所吸引。 A black robe, handle wrap up the long sword of rags, bringing the mourning band bamboo hat unable to see clearly the face, the figure is slim, aura is mystical. 一身黑袍,一柄包裹着破布的长剑,带着黑纱斗笠看不清面孔,身材修长,气息神秘无比。 This person steps into Small Shop, the Small Shop air seemed cold several points. 此人一踏入小店,小店的空气似乎都是冷冽了几分。 The Three Ouyang Barbarians muscle shrinks fiercely, vigilant incomparable looks at this to lead the mysterious man of bamboo hat, they felt very fearful aura from this man. 欧阳三蛮身上的肌肉猛地一缩,警惕无比的望着这带着斗笠的神秘男子,从这男子身上他们感受到了一股十分可怕的气息 This aura lets their within the body True Energy is automatic performance...... That is self-protection in crisis. 气息让他们体内真气都是不由的自动运转……那是危机中的自我保护。 Xiao Yanyu and Xiao Xiaolong two people vision are startled, tight is staring, they can feel the vision under that mourning band as if to fall on their bodies. 肖烟雨肖小龙两人的目光都是一怔,紧紧的盯着,他们能够感受到那黑纱下的目光似乎落在了他们的身上。 Who are you?!” Zhao Ruge knits the brows, asking of coldly, this person is somewhat strange. “你是何人?!”赵如歌皱眉,冷冷的问道,此人有些古怪。 The present Im­pe­r­ial Capital wind and cloud border meeting, many Sect experts hide, perhaps...... This person is also the Sect expert also perhaps. 如今的帝都风云际会,多少宗门高手都是隐藏其中,或许……此人也是宗门的高手也说不定。 I? I am only a diner.” The hoarse sound as if frosting generally resounds, the mysterious man sat on the entrance seat directly, has placed on the rags wrap up long sword the table. “我?我只是一位食客罢了。”沙哑的声音仿佛磨砂一般响起,神秘男子直接坐在了门口的位子上,将破布包裹的长剑放在了桌上。 Blanch and stiffness that rags as if some years, washed. 那破布似乎有些年头了,洗的发白而且僵硬。 You...... Do you want what is it?” Ouyang Xiaoyi timid asking, aura of this person is quite fearful. “你……你要点什么?”欧阳小艺怯生生的问道,这个人的气息好可怕。 I yesterday and Owner Bu have been scheduled Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine, today takes the liquor especially.” The men still said with the hoarse sound. “我昨日和步老板预定过冰心玉壶酒,今日特来取酒。”男子仍旧用沙哑的声音说道。 Takes the liquor?! 取酒?! The people are in the heart one startled, then strange looking to Zhao Ruge, this fellow had said probably must put up the cash to buy come one jar Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine from scheduled person that finally. 众人都是心中一惊,尔后古怪的望向了赵如歌,这家伙好像说过要砸钱把最后一坛冰心玉壶酒从预定人那买过来 Zhao Ruge stares, then the corners of the mouth curl upwards, sitting of elegant bearing in male opposite, from channel: Sold to me Ice-heart Jade bottle of wine, I pay three times of prices.” 赵如歌一愣,尔后嘴角一翘,风度翩翩的坐在了男子对面,自信道:“把冰心玉壶酒卖给我,我出三倍价格。” Does not sell.” Man's faint reply. “不卖。”男子淡漠的回答。 Zhao Ruge knits the brows , to continue saying: Five times of prices.” 赵如歌皱眉,继续道:“五倍价格。” Has said that does not sell.” “说过,不卖。” Who can you know This young master are? Do you want to offend me?” Offers twice continuously is rejected, Zhao Ruge has also gotten angry, is cold the face threat to say. “你可知本少是谁?你要得罪我?”连续两次报价都是被拒绝,赵如歌也是怒了,冷着脸威胁道。 Finally, the vision of man as if finally lifted, falls on Zhao Ruge, the hoarse sound resounded, startled, if thunder. 终于,男子的目光似乎终于抬起,落在了赵如歌身上,沙哑的声音响起,惊若雷霆。 Left Minister does not dare so to speak to me in this, you...... What thing is also?” “就算左相在这都不敢这般对我说话,你……又算什么东西?”
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