GOAW :: Volume #1

#31: Again shortly afterward... Small Shop bustling place

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Scene silent somewhat strange. 场面寂静的有些古怪。 Ji Chengxue exclaims in surprise looks at that somewhat lovable simple and honest Whitey, this iron lump puppet formidable somewhat stems from his anticipation, fifth grade Battle-King, oneself cope quite to be thorny, was actually given stripped the clothes by this Whitey palm of the hand, threw Small Shop directly. 姬成雪惊叹的看着那有些可爱憨厚的小白,这铁疙瘩傀儡强悍的有些出乎他的意料,一位五品战王,自己对付起来都颇为棘手,却是被这小白一巴掌给扒光了衣服,直接扔出了小店 Bu Fang's calmly is also stems from the anticipation of Ji Chengxue, the sword quickly punctures before the body has been without turning a hair unexpectedly, could it be that is he confident to that puppet? 步方的镇定也是出乎姬成雪的意料,剑都快刺到身前了居然面不改色,难道他就对那傀儡那么有信心? The remaining three assassins also recover at this moment, being critical situation is looking at puppet Whitey, they do not dare to look down on Bu Fang, not because of other, because that can two fists their partners hitting barely alive puppet. 剩下的三个刺客此刻也是回过神来,如临大敌的望着傀儡小白,他们再也不敢小瞧步方了,不因为别的,就因为那具能够两拳将他们伙伴给打的半死不活的傀儡。 Information contains errors, this Small Shop is unusual!” Three assassins looked at each other one mutually, the vision under bamboo hat are dignified incomparable. “情报有误,这小店非同寻常!”三位刺客互相对视了一眼,斗笠下的目光都是凝重无比。 Without a doubt, their assassination failed, as the assassin, strikes has not gone well, must retrocede, looks for the opportunity, therefore they gave up assassinating Ji Chengxue, turned around then to run toward the Small Shop entrance. 毫无疑问,他们的这一次刺杀失败了,作为刺客,一击未曾得手,就必须后退,重新寻找机会,所以他们放弃了刺杀姬成雪,转身便是朝着小店门口跑去。 But early also ran by three people of where that Whitey locks, figure that three people clash by a tremendous strength involving, was pulled back then in abundance, pours in front of Whitey's. 可是早已经被小白锁定住的三人哪里还跑得掉,三人冲起的身形被一股巨大的力量给牵扯住,尔后纷纷被拉了回来,倒在了小白的面前。 The Whitey mechanical eye is glittering the ray, lays out three palms continuously, is spitting blood of racket lies these three people on the ground directly, head bamboo hat explodes in abundance broken, loses the strength of revolt. 小白机械眼闪烁着光芒,连续拍出三掌,直接将这三人都是拍的吐血趴在地上,头上的斗笠纷纷爆碎,失去反抗之力。 rip! 撕拉 The clear sound resounds, then three assassins were similar to that first assassin generally are also dug up up to throw, only put on one to profane the trousers, threw down in the alley. 清脆的声音响起,尔后三位刺客也如同那第一位刺客一般被扒光扔了出去,只穿着一件亵裤,摔倒在了小巷之中。 Outside has the torrential downpour, raindrop is sprinkling from the vault of heaven, rapid connection a piece of backdrop, in world a dimness. 外面下着倾盆大雨,雨珠从天穹上洒落,飞速的连接成了一片天幕,天地间一片朦胧。 Completes all Whitey machineries has flung the arm, then the mechanical eye twinkle, as if quite happily returned to the kitchen. 做完一切的小白机械的甩了一下手臂,尔后机械眼闪烁,似乎颇为欢愉的回到了厨房中。 Chill in the air gradual disappearance in Ji Chengxue eye, restored the stance of that handsome scholarly once again, the corners of the mouth held is wiping the happy expression, looking pensive was looking at Bu Fang. 姬成雪眼中的寒意逐渐的消失,再度恢复了那种翩翩儒雅的姿态,嘴角噙着一抹笑意,若有所思的望着步方 He suddenly discovered that somewhat could not see through this cultivation base to have the second grade Battle-Master Small Shop chef. 他忽然发现有些看不穿这个修为只有二品战师小店厨子了。 What do you want to eat??” Bu Fang disregards the Ji Chengxue vision, asking of expressionlessly. 要吃点什么?”步方无视姬成雪的目光,面无表情的问道。 Gives me to come Liquor-pickled Fish, today was lucky that Owner Bu make a move helps one another, in heart happy, wants to drink wine, how Small Shop not to have the liquor, has to come share Liquor-pickled Fish.” The Third Imperial Prince Ji Chengxue chuckle, was nodding to Bu Fang. “给我来一份酒糟鱼吧,今日多亏步老板出手相助,心中痛快,本想饮酒,奈何小店无酒,只好来份酒糟鱼了。”三皇子姬成雪轻笑,对着步方点了点头。 If no Whitey's make a move, he today also is really quite the bad risk, because links him not to expect, they unexpectedly already crazed to Im­pe­r­ial Capital directly to his make a move. 如果没有小白的出手,那他今日还真的是颇为凶险,因为连他自己也都是未曾料到,他们居然已经丧心病狂到在帝都之中直接对他出手了。 Several days later will have the good wine sell, but truly does not have today.” Bu Fang indifferently said, he said that while walks toward the kitchen, patted also to open rich lip dumbfounded Ouyang Xiaoyi while convenient gently. “过几天会有美酒出售,不过今日确实没有。”步方淡淡道,他一边说一边朝着厨房走去,顺便轻轻拍了一下还张着丰润嘴唇目瞪口呆的欧阳小艺 „Did Oh? have the liquor?” Ji Chengxue eye one bright, then the happy expression on face, deep looks at Bu Fang to walk into the thin form of kitchen. 哦?有酒了么?”姬成雪眼睛一亮,尔后脸上的笑意更甚了,深深的望着步方走入厨房的消瘦身影。 Xiaoyi, I exited, Liquor-pickled Fish well to remember that was remaining to me.” A Ji Chengxue white robe, slowly walks toward out of the door, to is also at sprouts the condition Ouyang Xiaoyi to say dull in a soft voice. 小艺,我出去一下,酒糟鱼好了记得给我留着。”姬成雪一袭白袍,缓缓的朝着门外走去,对还处于呆萌状态的欧阳小艺轻声道。 „, Does Eh? exit to do?” Ouyang Xiaoyi dull asking. “哦,诶?出去干啥呀?”欧阳小艺呆呆的问道。 However Ji Chengxue has not replied him, has walked out of the Small Shop door. 然而姬成雪未曾回答他,跨出了小店的门槛。 In the gate entrance door, a difference, the look on Ji Chengxue face changes suddenly, the smiling face of temperate scholarly disappears, what replaces it is lets the person such as dropping ice hole killing intent. 门外门内,一步之差,姬成雪脸上的神色陡然变化,温和儒雅的笑容不见了,取而代之的是让人如堕冰窟的杀意 He haunches the umbrella, blocks from day after day curtain of rain that on the vault of heaven sprinkles, the rain water splashes on his boots, soaks his clothes. 他撑起伞,遮住天穹上洒落的连天雨幕,雨水溅在他的靴子上,浸湿他的衣裳。 In alley under the rain wash, four assassins stand difficultly, they of dim looking like rain washout almost cannot open eyes, fuzzy as if saw is supporting the scholarly form of oiled paper umbrella. 雨水冲刷下的小巷中,四位刺客艰难的站立起来,朦胧雨气冲刷的他们几乎睁不开眼,模模糊糊中似乎看到了一道撑着油纸伞的儒雅身影。 Then their lines of sight then fiercely stagnated, have opened the eye. 尔后他们的视线便是猛地一滞,张大了眼睛。 ...... …… Ji Chengxue then returned to Small Shop, steps into becomes warm Small Shop, light the one breath, has rubbed rubbing hands, has scattered cold air, shook the rain water on white robe, on the face restored the scholarly temperate happy expression. 姬成雪转而回到了小店之中,踏入重新变得温暖的小店,轻哈了一口气,搓了搓手,将身上的寒气驱散了一些,抖了抖白袍上的雨水,脸上重新恢复儒雅温和笑意。 Xiaoyi, was Liquor-pickled Fish good?” 小艺,酒糟鱼好了么?” Ouyang Xiaoyi is blinking the big eye, said: Did not have, but has been able to smell the wine, almost should be good.” 欧阳小艺眨巴着大眼睛,道:“还没呢,不过已经可以闻到酒香了,差不多该好了吧。” Ji Chengxue nods, sat on the chair, his white robe bottom of pants leg place, bringing the faint trace bright red rain water downward to drop, Ouyang Xiaoyi stared at that rain water to look at for quite a while, was silent. 姬成雪点点头,重新坐在了椅子上,他的白袍裤脚处,带着丝丝鲜红的雨水往下滴着,欧阳小艺盯着那雨水看了半天,沉默不语。 Ji Chengxue has not opened the mouth, but has closed the eye, eyes closed maintains mental tranquility, seems is pondering anything. 姬成雪也未曾开口,而是闭上了眼睛,闭目养神,似乎是在思考着什么。 Before long, the rich wine flutters from kitchen, lingers in Small Shop, the meaning of residual withering will wash out cleanly. 不一会儿,浓郁的酒香从厨房之中飘出,萦绕在小店中,将原本残留的肃杀之意冲刷干净。 Ouyang Xiaoyi staggers is holding the Liquor-pickled Fish tray, walked come, walks, aroma flutters, this girl has stopped up the nose with the handkerchief, forces not to be smelled the fragrance by oneself, stares puts Liquor-pickled Fish in the Ji Chengxue front. 欧阳小艺趔趔趄趄的抱着酒糟鱼的盘子,走了过来,一路走,香气一路飘荡,这丫头用手绢堵住了鼻子,强迫不让自己闻到香味,瞪着眼睛将酒糟鱼摆在了姬成雪的面前。 Your highness Elder Brother, your fish.” Ouyang Xiaoyi stuffy sound said. “殿下哥哥,你的鱼。”欧阳小艺闷声道。 Haha, was finally good, may give greedily me, this Liquor-pickled Fish, the entire empire I take the Owner Bu's craftsmanship.” The Ji Chengxue chuckle got up, has tapped the head of Ouyang Xiaoyi. 哈哈,终于好了,可把我给馋的,这酒糟鱼,全帝国我就服步老板的手艺。”姬成雪轻笑起来,拍了拍欧阳小艺的脑袋。 Bu Fang also walks from the kitchen, he is carrying aroma like Egg Fried Rice that the silk blows, sat the Ji Chengxue front, he referred to putting Egg Fried Rice on table said to the small girl: „, Your breakfast.” 步方也从厨房中走出来,他端着香气如丝绸般拂面的蛋炒饭,坐到了姬成雪的面前,他指了指摆在桌上的蛋炒饭对小丫头道:“诺,你的早餐。” Ouyang Xiaoyi also because of assassinating, but still shaken heart suddenly is certain, eye one bright, sat is then overeating to Egg Fried Rice on the stool. 欧阳小艺本来还因为刺杀而惊魂未定的心顿时一定,眼睛一亮,坐在了凳子上便是对着蛋炒饭大吃特吃起来。 The Ji Chengxue eating meal image is very graceful, can see that should have the training very much. 姬成雪的吃饭形象很优雅,可以看出应该很有修养。 Owner Bu, don't you have the interest to enter the palace really become the chef of emperor? By your culinary arts, can become cooking of imperial kitchen absolutely.” Ji Chengxue urged once again. 步老板,你真的没有兴趣入宫成为皇帝的御厨么?以你的厨艺,绝对可以成为御膳房的掌厨。”姬成雪再度劝道。 I do not want to become anybody's Chef, if the emperor must eat the meal that I make, you make him line up personally.” Naturalness that Bu Fang indifferent saying, he said that is not that type makes an affectation. “我不想成为任何人的厨师,皇帝若是要吃我做的菜,你让他亲自来排队吧。”步方淡然的说道,他说的理所当然,不是那种惺惺作态。 By Owner Bu's culinary arts, the nest has really done work beneath one's ability in this alley, if can enter the imperial kitchen to shine the brilliance inevitably greatly.” Ji Chengxue sighed one lightly. “以步老板的厨艺,窝在这小巷中实在是屈才了,若是能入御膳房必然大放光彩。”姬成雪轻叹了一句。 Who said that can't shine the brilliance in this alley greatly? I believe again shortly afterward, here can the bustling place.” Bu Fang is very earnest very self-confident saying. “谁说在这小巷中就不能大放光彩?我相信再过不久,这儿将会门庭若市。”步方很认真很自信的说道。 Bu Fang's replied that makes Ji Chengxue stare slightly, the subconsciousness said: Impossible, your dish is so expensive, the common people cannot eat.” 步方的回答让姬成雪微微一愣,下意识道:“不可能的吧,你的菜品那么贵,寻常百姓根本吃不起。” No, is not they cannot eat, but was they cannot eat, my dish, you should also be clear the place of its precious.” Bu Fang light saying. “不,不是他们吃不起,而是他们吃不了,我的菜,你也应该清楚它的珍贵之处。”步方淡淡的说道。 No matter ordinary Egg Fried Rice or Improved Version Egg Fried Rice , ingredient that no matter Liquor-pickled Fish or Fishhead Tofu Soup, selects is precious fills spiritual energy spirit beast or spirit herb, spirit beast was hard to catch preciously, is used to make cuisines that is inconceivable, spirit herb is also rare, usually is used for Alchemist. 不管是普通蛋炒饭还是加强版蛋炒饭,不管是酒糟鱼还是鱼头豆腐汤,所选用的食材都是珍贵的充满灵气灵兽或是灵草,灵兽本就珍贵难以捕捉,用来做美食那更是不可思议,灵草也是难得,通常是用来炼丹 Bu Fang's cuisines, retained ingredient most spiritual energy, after eating, such as ate together elixir to be ordinary, can help practice, this was the place of his precious, was continuously by the place that Ji Chengxue and the others neglected. 步方的美食,保留了食材大多数的灵气,吃后如同吃了丹药一般,可以帮助修炼,这才是他的珍贵之处,也是一直被姬成雪等人忽略的地方。 Bu Fang thought that he needs to remind this elm head same child. 步方觉得他有必要提醒一下这个榆木脑袋一样的孩子。 Ji Chengxue clamps the fish the chopsticks to stagnate fiercely, eyes shrinks slightly, in the heart as if had been attacked by the giant stone generally, shocks incomparably. 姬成雪夹鱼肉的筷子猛地一滞,眼眸微微一缩,心中仿佛是被巨石冲击了一般,震撼无比。 To Ah!, because his cultivation base has achieved fifth grade Battle-King, spiritual energy that wanting breakthrough needs to consume is huge, is unable to help his breakthrough bottleneck from Bu Fang here food cuisines, he comes every day, basically because of the cuisines delicacy. 啊!因为他的修为已经达到了五品战王,想要突破需要耗费的灵气巨大无比,从步方这儿吃的美食无法帮助他突破瓶颈,他每天都来,基本上是因为美食的美味。 However reminded after Bu Fang's, he awakened, the amplification of this cuisines to his cultivation base was not high, but...... Regarding other third grade Battle Maniac, the fourth grade Battle-Spirit cultivator amplification is not ordinary! 但是经过步方的提醒,他才醒悟,这美食对他修为的增幅不高,但是……对于其他三品战狂,四品战灵修士增幅就不一般了! Moreover I must remind you, later Small Shop cuisines will be getting more and more, ingredient that selects will be also getting more and more formidable......” Bu Fang to teach with skill and patience. “而且我要提醒你,以后小店美食将越来越多,所选用的食材也将越来越强大……”步方循循善诱道。 Perhaps possibly perhaps...... Will present the 9th rank Saint Beast meat!” “或许可能没准……会出现九阶圣兽肉哦!”
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