GOAW :: Volume #1

#26: culinary arts encounters the serious challenge Bu Fang

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Big Brother, you said that this effeminate young man is silly? He makes a bet with us, but decided that the dish is delicious or not lies in we, dish that even if he boils really delicious, we said that is not delicious he also to take us not to have solution is right! When the time comes he wants obediently Little Sister handing over.” Ouyang Di secretly was saying to whole face serious Ouyang Zhen. “大哥,你说这小白脸是不是傻?他跟咱们打赌,可是决定菜品好吃与否在于我们,就算他煮的菜品真的好吃,咱说不好吃他也拿咱没办法对吧!到时候他还是要乖乖的将小妹给交出来。”欧阳敌偷偷的对着满脸严肃的欧阳真说道。 The Ouyang Zhen squint looked at Third Brother one eyes, the nose snort/hum, said: On our three people of this stomachs, the imperial chef delicacy delicacies eats to arrive in port is a taste, what can also have to feel delicious your this is not to talk nonsense with not delicious Ah??” 欧阳真斜眼看了三弟一眼,鼻子哼了一声,道:“就咱三人这胃,皇宫御厨的美味佳肴吃到口中都是一个味,还能有感受到啥好吃与不好吃啊?你这不是在放屁么?” This time made a bet that effeminate young man to lose ironclad.” The Ouyang Zhen full beard curls upwards, complacent say/way. “这次打赌那小白脸铁定输了。”欧阳真络腮胡子一翘,洋洋得意道。 Big Brother is in our three brothers is really most intelligent, precisely that looks is thorough, our precisely liquor drank too, drank not to have the sense of taste, except for drinking, eats anything now with a plain boiled water taste, but also was really somewhat uncomfortable.” Ouyang Wu sighed to say. “大哥果然是咱三兄弟中最聪明的,看的就是透彻,咱就是酒喝太多了,把味觉都喝没了,除了喝酒,现在吃啥都跟白开水一个味,还真的是有些难受。”欧阳无叹了口气说道。 Second Brother! All right, waits to meet the Little Sister, the Big Brother goes back to ask you to drink His Majesty gift of the emperor to the elder brother Jade Scented Flaming Wine, guarantees makes you experience flame to pull up the feeling of body certainly!” Ouyang Zhen patted the shoulder of Ouyang Wu to say. “二弟!没事,等接回小妹,大哥回去请你喝陛下御赐给哥的‘琼香烈焰酒’,保准让你体验一把火焰撩身的感觉!”欧阳真拍了拍欧阳无的肩膀道。 Hey! That many thanks the Big Brother, our stomach only remained to drink the feeling!” Ouyang Wu cracks into a smile. “嘿!那就多谢大哥了,咱这胃就只剩喝酒有感觉了!”欧阳无咧嘴一笑。 In the time in three people of chats, Bu Fang started to prepare cuisines in the kitchen. 就在三人聊天的时间里,步方已经在厨房中开始准备美食了。 making Liquor-pickled Fish 3rd rank Ice Sea Fish needs to be ahead of time marinated, last night he had also prepared two, formerly had boiled one, remaining planned tonight incite try taste it, since some people have selected, that took to boil. 制作酒糟鱼三阶冰海鱼需要提前腌制,昨晚他也就准备了两只,先前已经煮了一只,本来剩下一只打算今天晚上自己鼓捣来尝一尝的,但是既然有人点了,那就拿出来煮了吧。 Distiller's grain elimination 3rd rank Ice Sea Fish outside the body, Bu Fang has delimited two blades with the kitchen knife in the fish lightly, finally the moved to and fro lends money into to steam in the furnace to steam the system. 三阶冰海鱼体外的酒糟清除,步方用菜刀在鱼身轻划了两刀,最后摆盘放入蒸炉中蒸制。 Egg Fried Rice and Fishhead Tofu Soup also start to cook. 蛋炒饭鱼头豆腐汤也纷纷开始烹煮。 The Egg Fried Rice fragrance is very rich, smells as sweet from the kitchen, is the silk is twining The Three Ouyang Barbarians likely generally, lets three people of suddenly unceasing twitch noses. 蛋炒饭的香味很浓郁,从厨房中飘香而出,像是丝绸一般缠绕着欧阳三蛮,让三人顿时不断的抽动鼻子。 Good fragrant Ah! looks like this effeminate young man also very has one.” Saying that the Ouyang Di whole face immerses. “好香啊!看来这小白脸还挺有一手的。”欧阳敌满脸沉醉的说道。 The two are silent, but they also think little, how even if the fragrance is strong is useless, because to their mouth, is a taste. 其他两人沉默不语,不过他们也不以为意,就算香味再怎么浓都没有用,因为到了他们口中,都是一个味。 Because the small girl is not, therefore Bu Fang carries Egg Fried Rice to come out personally, has placed on the table, said: Eh...... Anyone of you Egg Fried Rice, Enjoy your meal.” 因为小丫头不在,所以步方亲自端着蛋炒饭出来,放在了桌上,道:“额……你们谁的蛋炒饭,请慢用。” These three brothers long is a Zhang Fei appearance, a little face blind Bu Fang had forgotten slightly who is. 这三兄弟长的都是一副张飞模样,略微有点脸盲的步方已经忘记谁是谁了。 This is my.” Ouyang Wu narrowed the eyes to focus, approached Egg Fried Rice deeply smells one, suddenly felt that the rich fragrance flooded his nasal cavity, to be honest, this was really fragrant. “这是我的。”欧阳无眯着眼,凑近蛋炒饭深深的嗅了一口,顿时感到浓郁的香味充斥他的鼻腔,说实话,这是真的香啊。 Ouyang Wu could not bear opens directly eats, has scooped up spoon Egg Fried Rice, that silk thread liquid egg entrance, changed to the congealing reality instantaneously, the mixed pearl grain of rice as if beat in the enunciations, to person a different kind feeling. 欧阳无忍不住直接开吃,舀了一勺子蛋炒饭,那丝线般的蛋液入口,瞬间化作凝实,混合者珍珠般的米粒仿佛在口齿之间跳动,给人一种别样的感受。 Gū lū.” 咕噜。” Swallows Egg Fried Rice, Ouyang Wu expressionlessly, although the taste of this Egg Fried Rice entrance is extremely good, but he simply has not eaten any flavor/smell to come out. 一口吞下蛋炒饭,欧阳无面无表情,虽然这蛋炒饭入口的口感极佳,但是他根本没有吃出啥味道出来。 Ouyang Zhen and Ouyang Di have also scooped up one spoon of entrances, two people also frowned. 欧阳真欧阳敌也是舀了一勺入口,两人也是皱起了眉头。 Any thing Ah? flavor/smell that your this boils does not have...... Is delicious Ah? Ouyang Zhen to curl the lip on this, threw spoon on the table, discontented say/way. “你这煮的啥玩意啊?一点味道都没有……就这还好吃啊?欧阳真撇了撇嘴,将勺子扔在了桌上,不满道。 Bu Fang stares, how to be possible? This Improved Version Egg Fried Rice ...... Isn't delicious? 步方一愣,怎么可能?这加强版蛋炒饭……不好吃? This is his first time runs into such diner, is unable to conquer including Improved Version Egg Fried Rice . 这还是他第一次遇到这样的食客,连加强版蛋炒饭都无法征服。 Bu Fang is smelling the Egg Fried Rice fragrance in air, is such thick such as the silk has caressed the cheeks as before, this flavor/smell should yes right Ah! 步方闻着空气中的蛋炒饭香味,依旧是那样浓厚如丝绸抚过脸颊,这味道应该是没错的啊! „Are the could it be that three people of tastes very tricky?” Bu Fang thinks of the sincere feeling. 难道三人的口味很刁?”步方思忱。 effeminate young man, you earlier admit defeat, the Little Sister will hand over, you cannot boil to move our three brothers' cuisines.” Ouyang Di complacent saying with a smile, the whiskers as if must sway from side to side general. 小白脸,你还是早点认输,将小妹交出来吧,你根本煮不出打动咱三兄弟的美食。”欧阳敌得意洋洋的笑道,络腮胡仿佛都要扭动起来一般。 This Egg Fried Rice, three people ate spoon to be motionless, has stemmed from the Bu Fang's anticipation greatly. 这一盘蛋炒饭,三人真的只是吃了一勺子就不动了,大大出乎了步方的意料。 Lay in entrance big black dog has also lifted the head, in the dog eye full was looked good play same was staring at the scene in Small Shop. 就连趴在门口的大黑狗也是抬起了脑袋,狗眼中满是看好戏一样的盯着小店中的情景。 Please wait a bit.” Bu Fang facial color incomparable stern, he felt that his culinary arts level suffered the serious provocation. “请稍等。”步方面色无比的严峻,他感觉他的厨艺水平遭受到了严重的挑衅。 He returned to the kitchen, Fishhead Tofu Soup can leave the pot, he soup careful pouring into celadon ware large bowl, Liquor-pickled Fish also takes several minutes, therefore he then carried fish soup to go out of the kitchen. 他回到了厨房中,鱼头豆腐汤可以出锅了,他将汤小心的倒入青瓷大碗中,酒糟鱼还需要几分钟,所以他便是端着鱼汤走出了厨房。 Fishhead Tofu Soup, Enjoy your meal.” Bu Fang serious saying. 鱼头豆腐汤,请慢用。”步方严肃的说道。 The Fishhead Tofu Soup fragrance is not inferior to Egg Fried Rice, the fresh fragrance of that fish in the same place that the tofu delicate fragrance mixes, as if the fine gauze flutters, caresses the flesh lightly, cream fish soup and clear such as jade tofu is emitting the dim gloss under the light, too beautiful to behold. 鱼头豆腐汤的香味丝毫不次于蛋炒饭,那鱼的鲜香和豆腐的清香混的在一起,仿佛轻纱飘动,轻抚肌肤,乳白色的鱼汤和晶莹如玉的豆腐在灯光下散发着朦胧的光泽,美不胜收。 Solely is this appearance is makes Brother The three Ouyang's somewhat be enchanted by, lets their appetite greatly rises, after they drink up fish soup, is actually expressionlessly, as if drank one bowl of clear water not to have the slight taste generally. 单单是这卖相便是让欧阳三兄弟有些迷醉,让他们的食欲大盛,可是当他们喝完鱼汤后,却是面无表情,仿佛喝了一碗白水一般没有丝毫的滋味。 „It is not good! Your this fish soup, is not tasty.” Brother The three Ouyang's shake the head to say with one voice. “不行!你这鱼汤,不好喝。”欧阳三兄弟异口同声的摇头说道。 interesting, Bu Fang expressionlessly, in the heart enforced the extreme, his deep looked at these three brothers one eyes, turned around to return to the kitchen, his also remaining last dishes, if this dish cannot touch them, that can only explain an issue. 有点意思,步方面无表情,心中严肃到了极点,他深深的看了这三兄弟一眼,转身回到了厨房,他还剩下最后一道菜了,如果连这道菜都不能打动他们,那只能说明一个问题。 „The senses of taste of these three fellows definitely have the issue.” “这三个家伙的味觉肯定有问题。” As Chef, he has the sufficient confidence regarding oneself cooked food, although three brothers' performance stem from his surprised, but is impossible to make him have the slight vacillation regarding own culinary arts confidence. 作为一位厨师,他对于自己的菜肴有着充足的信心,三兄弟的表现虽然出乎他的意外,但是不可能让他对于自己的厨艺信心产生丝毫的动摇。 From steaming the furnace takes out Liquor-pickled Fish, the rich wine flutters instantaneously, floods in entire Small Shop. 从蒸炉中将酒糟鱼取出,浓郁酒香瞬间飘出,充斥于整个小店之中。 One of complacent sitting Brother The three Ouyang's body suddenly in Small Shop stiff, three photographs were absorbed the soul to be ordinary. 洋洋得意的坐在小店中的欧阳三兄弟身子顿时一僵,三人像是被摄走了魂魄一般。 Big...... Big Big Brother! Quite thick...... Wine Ah! Ouyang Di felt that has a parched mouth, two open is the copper bell is likely ordinary, this wine appearance, makes him get sucked instantaneously is inescapably involved. “大……大大哥!好浓的……酒香啊!欧阳敌感到一阵口干舌燥,两眼睁大像是铜铃一般,这酒香一出现,瞬间让他深陷其中不能自拔。 Ouyang Wu with Ouyang Zhen at this moment is also this, felt that in the heart as if there is insect to be the same in flexure flexure, making them want to drink impatiently. 欧阳无欧阳真此刻也是这样,感觉心中仿佛有虫子在挠挠一样,让他们迫不及待的想要喝酒。 This absolutely is the wine of good wine, only has Imperial Palace Jade Scented Flaming Wine can compare! In this Small Shop has the liquor of this scale?” Ouyang Zhen unceasing is swallowing the saliva, in the heart impatient. “这绝对是美酒的酒香,只有皇宫的‘琼香烈焰酒’能够比拟!这小店中有这种档次的酒?”欧阳真不断的吞着唾沫,心中迫不及待。 Their with fixed eyes is staring at kitchen entrance, sees only the thin form to go out together. 他们三人直勾勾的盯着厨房门口,只见一道消瘦的身影从中走出。 Bu Fang serious incomparable is carrying Liquor-pickled Fish, going out slowly. 步方严肃无比的端着酒糟鱼,缓缓的走出。 But three as if saw that the prey same look makes in his heart jump, damn, what ghost?! 可是三道仿佛看到猎物一样的眼神让他心中一跳,尼玛,什么鬼?! Your Liquor-pickled Fish, Enjoy your meal.” Bu Fang looked at three people of one, has placed on Liquor-pickled Fish the table, serious say/way. “你们的酒糟鱼,请慢用。”步方看了三人一眼,将酒糟鱼放在了桌上,严肃道。 How is Liquor-pickled Fish? Isn't the liquor?!” Brother The three Ouyang's surprised say/way with one voice, in the sound have filled losing. “怎么是酒糟鱼?不是酒?!”欧阳三兄弟异口同声的惊讶道,声音中充满了失落。 I had said this Small Shop does not provide the liquor temporarily.” Reply of Bu Fang expressionlessly. “我已经说过本小店暂不提供酒。”步方面无表情的回答。 effeminate young man you lost, not having the liquor you unable to move our, you are obediently the Little Sister will hand over.” Ouyang Zhen sighed, lost incomparably looks at Liquor-pickled Fish to say. 小白脸你输定了,没有酒你是无法打动我们的,你还是乖乖将小妹交出来吧。”欧阳真叹了口气,失落无比的看着酒糟鱼道。 Tastes to look.” Bu Fang remains unmoved, self-poise. “尝尝看吧。”步方不为所动,镇定自若。 At this moment, early hid Ouyang Xiaoyi in guest room to go out from the room suddenly, worry of whole face, as if like this got rid of a little insufficient loyalty Smelly Boss...... If Smelly Boss by three elder brothers punching what to do? 此刻,早早躲回了客房中的欧阳小艺突然从房间中走出,满脸的担忧,似乎这样将臭老板抛弃有点不够义气啊……如果臭老板被三位哥哥给揍了咋办? Ouyang Xiaoyi very clear The Three Ouyang Barbarians temperament, therefore in the heart is somewhat guilty. 欧阳小艺很清楚欧阳三蛮的脾气,所以心中有些愧疚。 Smelly Boss, your 10 million must withstand, 10 million cannot die.” In the Ouyang Xiaoyi heart was praying, whole body dashed the guest room to arrive in building Small Shop. 臭老板呀,你千万要顶住,千万不能死啊。”欧阳小艺心中祈祷着,整个人飞奔出了客房来到了一楼小店中。 She stretches out a head to look after the gate secretly to the situation in shop front, however is only one, she ruddy tender and delicate small mouth then slightly opens, in the big eye revealed full inconceivable. 她从门后偷偷伸出个脑袋看向店面中的情况,然而只是一眼,她红润娇嫩的小嘴便是微微张开,大眼睛中流露出了满满的不可思议。
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