GOAW :: Volume #1

#23: Liquor-pickled Fish that ten miles smelling as sweet

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Liquor that this distiller's grain makes should be able to be the nice wine.” In the Ji Chengxue eye is glittering different light, earnest saying, wine richly and so mellow, even if compares to Imperial Palace Jade Scented Flaming Wine will not miss are too many. “这酒糟酿出的酒应该会是好酒。”姬成雪眼中闪烁着异光,认真的说道,酒香浓郁而且如此醇厚,就算比起皇宫的“琼香烈焰酒”都不会差太多。 Liquor-pickled Fish carried his front, in Small Shop the vision of all people are attracted come, little loli like was the good rare treasure treasure elongated neck wants to have a look at this Liquor-pickled Fish appearance. 酒糟鱼端到了他的面前,小店中所有人的目光都是被吸引了过来,就连小萝莉都像是好奇宝宝一样的伸长脖子想要看看这酒糟鱼的模样。 Although in the Ouyang Xiaoyi heart had recognized that this Liquor-pickled Fish surely does not have Fishhead Tofu Soup to be tasty. 虽然欧阳小艺心中已经认定这酒糟鱼肯定没有鱼头豆腐汤好喝。 Quite beautiful......” Xiao Yanyu looks at that to send out the light pink color, flesh reflection ray 3rd rank Ice Sea Fish, cannot bear calls out in alarm in a soft voice, vision all of a sudden then by this Liquor-pickled Fish attracting. “好美啊……”肖烟雨看着那散发着淡淡粉色,肌肤反射光芒的三阶冰海鱼,忍不住轻声惊呼,目光一下子便是被这酒糟鱼给吸引了。 Because steams the relations of system, therefore fish skin compact is full of the elasticity, that distiller's grain drips from the fish abdomen, is sending out the rich fragrance and steam, the fish mouth opens the dense liquor air/Qi blowout, causes the entire only fish float in the sea general. 因为是蒸制的关系,所以鱼皮紧致充满弹性,那酒糟从鱼腹中淌出,散发着浓香和热气,鱼口张开氤氲酒气喷出,使得整只鱼漂浮在海洋中一般。 Your Liquor-pickled Fish, Enjoy your meal.” Saying of Bu Fang expressionlessly. “你的酒糟鱼,请慢用。”步方面无表情的说道。 Ji Chengxue smiles temperately, has taken up the chopsticks impatiently, but he, although in heart urgent, but the movement is actually methodical, he selected with the chopsticks first has selected 3rd rank Ice Sea Fish compact fish skin, the counter- tension that transmitted made his corners of the mouth hold to wipe the happy expression. 姬成雪温和一笑,迫不及待的拿起了筷子,不过他虽然心中急迫,可是动作却是有条不紊,他先用筷子点了点三阶冰海鱼紧致的鱼皮,传来的反弹力让他嘴角噙起一抹笑意。 Can steam system willowy fish skin, explained that Chef regarding the assurance of crucial moment very accurate, premature or long was unable to achieve this effect, premature , will then make fish skin too hard . Moreover the fish is also rough, too long words fish skin will become will mount rottenly, the fish will be becomes such as the mud is also common, difficult to enter the mouth. 能把鱼皮蒸制有弹性,说明厨师对于火候的把握十分的准确,过早或者过久都不能达到这种效果,过早则会使鱼皮太硬,而且鱼肉也粗糙,太久的话鱼皮会变得黏烂,鱼肉也是变得如烂泥一般,难以入口 The chopsticks make an effort, suddenly breaks fish skin, penetrates into the fish, the light fish oil overflows, along with rich fish fragrance. 筷子一用力,顿时破开鱼皮,穿透入鱼肉之中,淡淡的鱼油从中溢出,伴随着浓郁的鱼肉香味。 Picks a fish of chopsticks pristipomoides typus gill place, here fish is a part of entire fish most delicacy, is the meat quality best place, generally will eat the fish expert to choose here. 夹起一筷子鱼鳃处的鱼肉,这儿的鱼肉是一整条鱼最美味的部分,是肉质最好的地方,一般吃鱼高手都会选择这儿。 A fish entrance, Ji Chengxue eye suddenly has shone, he felt that food is not the fish, as if drank one glass of good wines to be ordinary, the rich wine from that fish, flooded in his mouth turbulently, but wrap up his taste bud was actually the fresh and tender fish. 鱼肉一入口,姬成雪的眼睛顿时亮了起来,他感觉吃的不是鱼,仿佛是喝了一杯美酒一般,浓郁酒香从那鱼肉中汹涌而出,充斥于他的口腔,可是偏偏包裹他味蕾的却是鲜嫩的鱼肉。 The fish has the tastiness of fish, moreover is having the faint trace icy cold meaning, seeps the heart, warming up and icy coldness, as if has formed Ice Fire Double Layer Heaven, taste good unexpected. 鱼肉有着鱼肉的鲜美,而且带着丝丝冰凉之意,沁入心底,温热与冰凉,仿佛形成了冰火两重天,口感好的出乎意料。 Ji Chengxue narrowed the eye to enjoy a while flavor/smell, nodded, on the face appeared to wipe the meaning of being infatuated with, then under continues the chopsticks, picked a bulk fish, put in the mouth. 姬成雪眯起眼享受了一会儿味道,点了点头,脸上浮现出一抹陶醉之意,便是继续下筷,夹起一大块鱼肉,放入口中。 Owner Bu, this fish should not be the common fish, that icy cold meaning simply is the pen of adding the finishing touch, was the fish of delicacy rose an equivalent.” Ji Chengxue ate while said. 步老板,这鱼应该不是一般的鱼吧,那股冰凉之意简直是点睛之笔,把本来便是美味的鱼肉上升了一个等阶。”姬成雪一边吃一边说。 Other people look that his clamps the movement of chopsticks rapidly, is the subconscious swallowing saliva, little loli is pair of eyes with fixed eyes is staring at that Liquor-pickled Fish, the feeling probably very good food appearance...... 其他人看着他那飞速夹筷的动作,都是下意识的吞了吞口水,小萝莉更是双眼直勾勾的盯着那酒糟鱼,感觉好像很好吃的样子…… This fish from Clear Wind Empire northern region sea area 3rd rank Ice Sea Fish, fish icy cold biting cold, but after cooking, making the icy cold meaning diverge much, and mixed warming up of distiller's grain has caused the fish icy cold with distiller's grain fierce hot mixed, achieved the Ice Fire Double Layer Heaven effect.” Bu Fang indifferently said, he returned to Ji Chengxue one, was turns around to return to the kitchen, Fishhead Tofu Soup was also boiling out, he cannot harm the crucial moment. “这鱼是选自清风帝国北部海域的三阶冰海鱼,鱼肉冰凉彻骨,不过经过烹煮,使得冰凉之意散去了不少,并且混合了酒糟的温热使得鱼肉的冰凉与酒糟的烈热混合,达到冰火两重天的效果。”步方淡淡道,他回了姬成雪一句,便是转身回到了厨房之中,鱼头豆腐汤还在熬煮呢,他可不能误了火候。 Ji Chengxue is also suddenly enlighted, originally is 3rd rank Ice Sea Fish, this fish very rare sea area spirit beast, even if as imperial prince he also little can taste to this fish, has not thought in common Small Shop in Im­pe­r­ial Capital has this fish unexpectedly. 姬成雪也是恍然大悟,原来是三阶冰海鱼啊,这鱼可是很稀有的海域灵兽,就算是身为皇子的他也很少可以品尝到这鱼肉,没有想到在帝都中的一家不起眼小店中居然有这种鱼。 Everybody also tastes, this fish real Delicious, the wine taste of this distiller's grain is also mellow incomparable, above the price in value.” Ji Chengxue looked at eager people, said with a smile lightly. “大家也来尝尝吧,这鱼肉真的很美味,这酒糟的酒味也是醇厚无比,物超所值了。”姬成雪看了一眼眼巴巴的众人,轻笑道。 Xiao Xiaolong suddenly is impolite, took the chopsticks then to pick a fish to put in the mouth, Xiao Yanyu has acted with constraint, after Xiao Xiaolong has clamped, was graceful has clamped a fish gently. 肖小龙顿时不客气了,拿着筷子便是夹起了一块鱼肉放入口中,肖烟雨则是矜持了许多,等到肖小龙夹了之后才是优雅的轻轻夹了一块鱼肉。 The eye of Xiao Xiaolong stares in a big way, opens the mouth spouts is full of the steam of wine, the delicacy stems from his anticipation, ice-cold and distiller's grain of fish fierce hot mixed, the feeling is unconventional. 肖小龙的眼睛瞪大,张口喷出一口饱含着酒香的热气,美味的出乎他的意料,鱼肉的冰冷与酒糟的烈热混合,感受别出心裁。 Delicious Ah! Xiao Xiaolong immersed. “好吃啊!肖小龙沉醉了。 little loli swallowed the saliva outstretch chopsticks secretly also to clamp the fish, but was actually given to open with the chopsticks by Ji Chengxue of whole face happy expression, the innocent person of latter whole face, has referred to the prompt inscription on menu. 小萝莉吞了口唾沫偷偷的伸出筷子也想要夹鱼肉,但却是被满脸笑意的姬成雪用筷子给打开,后者满脸的无辜,指了指菜单上的提示字样。 Ouyang Xiaoyi suddenly grasps crazily, her cultivation base second grade Battle-Master, many delicacies cannot taste Ah! 欧阳小艺顿时抓狂,她的修为不过二品战师,好多美味都不能品尝啊! The Xiao Yanyu image was much better compared with Xiao Xiaolong, but the eye was also one bright, nodded. 肖烟雨的形象则比肖小龙好多了,不过眼睛也是一亮,点了点头。 Quick, Liquor-pickled Fish like this was carved up by the people, everyone is enjoyment of whole face, their enjoyed quickly turned into immersing, because Bu Fang carried Fishhead Tofu Soup to come out. 很快,一条酒糟鱼就这样被众人瓜分完毕,每个人都是满脸的享受,不过他们的享受很快又变成了沉醉,因为步方端着鱼头豆腐汤出来了。 Boiled with the Liquor-pickled Fish completely different one fish, making three people experience a fish grand feast once more, although was only two dishes, but three people thought that this preys upon recipe pinnacle peak. 酒糟鱼完全不同的一种鱼煮,让三人再次体验了一次鱼肉盛宴,虽然只是两道菜,但是三人却是觉得这已经是鱼肉煮法极致巅峰 Ouyang Xiaoyi is shrivelled the mouth, she feels unwillingly, her first time thought that the grandfather compels her to practice martial arts is the how correct decision, if she a point can achieve third grade Battle Maniac again diligently, when the time comes these delicacy ingredients can taste. 欧阳小艺瘪着嘴,她感觉生无可恋,她第一次觉得爷爷逼她练武是多么正确的决定,她如果再努力一点就能够达到三品战狂了,到时候这些美味料理都可以品尝。 Thanks to taste, altogether is fifty origin crystal.” Saying of Bu Fang expressionlessly, offered their this prices. “谢谢品尝,总共是五十元晶。”步方面无表情的说道,报出了他们这一顿的价格。 Delicacy later precisely pinnacle anxiety, fifty origin crystal...... Some low level powder cultivate/repair one month of practice resources possibly not to have fifty origin crystal. 美味之后就是极致的肉疼,五十元晶啊……一些低级散修一个月的修炼资源可能都没有五十元晶 Owner Bu's dish...... Is really expensive.” Xiao Xiaolong corners of the mouth strong drive. 步老板的菜……真的是贵啊。”肖小龙嘴角猛抽。 But resources are well used?” Bu Fang expressionlessly looked at his one eyes, light saying. “但是物有所值不是么?”步方面无表情的看了他一眼,淡淡的说道。 Good, you are most make sense that Boss you said...... Xiao Xiaolong does not speak, he was also only slightly complains, as the empire general's son, this origin crystal could take. 好吧,你是老板你说的最有道理……肖小龙不说话了,他也只是小小抱怨一下,作为帝国将军之子,这点元晶还是拿得出来的。 The Xiao Yanyu three people departed, before leaving they also want to carry off Ouyang Xiaoyi, but was actually prevented by Bu Fang. 肖烟雨三人离去了,在临走前他们还想带走欧阳小艺,但却被步方阻止。 Her operating time had not ended, cannot leave, naturally after the business had ended, can make her go home.” Bu Fang light saying. “她的工作时间没有结束,不能离开,当然营业结束后可以让她回家。”步方淡淡的说道。 Xiao Yanyu and the others facial color strange looked at Bu Fang one, did not insist, then in abundance departs. 肖烟雨等人面色古怪的看了步方一眼,也不坚持,便是纷纷离去。 little loli just like the eggplant that the frost hits, whole face plaintive sitting on the stool, both hands are supporting the chin, as if in ponder life. 小萝莉宛如霜打的茄子,满脸哀怨的坐在凳子上,双手撑着下巴,仿佛在思考人生。 Smelly Boss, your here dish is so delicious, why may probably have the cultivation base limit, what harms this Young Lady unable to eat, does could it be that want this Young Lady diligently practice?” Ouyang Xiaoyi complained one. 臭老板,你这里的菜这么好吃,可为什么要有修为限制,害本小姐什么都吃不到,难道要本小姐努力修炼么?”欧阳小艺抱怨了一句。 Good ingredient can boil the good delicacy, jumps over High Grade ingredient spiritual energy more sufficient, flavor/smell also delicacy even more.” Explanation of Bu Fang expressionlessly: But High Grade ingredient, because the spiritual energy content is too high, once cultivation base low eats, will be exploded by the spiritual energy brace very much easily.” “好的食材能够煮出好的美味,越高级食材灵气越充足,味道也越发的美味。”步方面无表情的解释道:“但是高级食材因为灵气含量太高,修为低者一旦吃食,很容易会被灵气撑爆。” Snort! I go back on well practice, some day I must eat to eat all one's food the dish in your Small Shop completely.” Ouyang Xiaoyi spits the tongue to say with a smile toward Bu Fang. “哼!我回去就好好修炼,有一天我一定要把你小店中的菜品全部吃光。”欧阳小艺朝着步方吐了吐舌头笑道。 „, Welcome very much, but must receive money.” Bu Fang said earnestly. “哦,很欢迎,不过还是要收钱的。”步方认真的说。 Ouyang Xiaoyi: „......” 欧阳小艺:“……” The Ji Chengxue three people left, Xiao Yanyu on the road thinks, told General Ouyang in the Fang Fang little store news Ouyang Xiaoyi. 姬成雪三人离开了,肖烟雨在回去的路上想了想,还是把欧阳小艺方方小店的消息告诉了欧阳老将军。 After General Ouyang obtains the news, suddenly does not know whether to laugh or cry, does this small girl leave home runs up to corner nest Small Shop to be the service person unexpectedly? 欧阳老将军得到消息后顿时哭笑不得,这小丫头离家出走居然跑到一个旮旯窝小店中当服务员? Boss, second child, Old Third...... You go to that anything Small Shop to bring now your Little Sisters, this girl, after did not give she selected the lesson, dares to crawl to the emperor on pulls out the beard!” “老大,老二,老三……你们现在就去那什么小店把你们小妹带回来,这丫头,不给她点教训以后都敢爬到皇帝头上拔胡子了!” Sits above the parents, whole face dignified General Ouyang is much longer to under three said with the bear common three brothers. 坐在高堂之上,满脸威严的欧阳老将军对着底下的三位长得粗壮跟熊一般的三位兄弟道。 Yes!” Three brothers remain silent to respond, then was ran out of general's manor that turned around to create an incident tigerishly. “是!”三兄弟闷声回应,尔后便是转身虎虎生风的冲出了将军府 The Three Ouyang Barbarians also sends out, this is not a minor matter, many people with high aspirations are paying attention, after they understood the reason that three set out to go to small restaurant unexpectedly meets their younger sisters, is somewhat speechless. 欧阳三蛮同时出动,这可不是件小事,不少有心人都是关注着,不过当他们了解到三蛮出动的原因居然是为了去一家小餐馆接他们的妹妹后,都是有些无语。 This to talk nonsense on a grand scale, really very much conforms to the style of Ouyang family/home. 这种大张旗鼓的放屁,果然很符合欧阳家的风格。 Bu Fang at this moment has not known, three human form ominous beasts threatened came toward his Small Shop, but he, is shrinking lies down on the chair...... Sunning. 此刻的步方还不知道,三头人形凶兽已经气势汹汹的朝着他的小店而来了,而他,正缩躺在椅子上……晒太阳。
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