GOAW :: Volume #1

#21: Smelly Boss, you deceived people!

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Fishhead Tofu Soup time needed wants long many compared with Egg Fried Rice, because needs to boil out with the fire, therefore Bu Fang, when boiled Fishhead Tofu Soup also while convenient boiling Egg Fried Rice. 一份鱼头豆腐汤所花费的时间比起蛋炒饭要久的多,因为需要用火熬煮,所以步方在煮鱼头豆腐汤的时候也顺便将蛋炒饭给煮完了。 Between the kitchen and Small Shop have a window, seemed the system just opened, Bu Fang will just boil good Egg Fried Rice to place in that window, then shouted little loli of distant place. 厨房和小店之间有一个窗口,似乎是系统刚刚开辟的,步方刚好就将煮好的蛋炒饭放在了那窗口上,尔后喊来了远处的小萝莉 This is Improved Version Egg Fried Rice , the end gives the customer.” Bu Fang light saying, then does not pay attention to little loli that stares blankly, turned around then to return to the kitchen. “这是加强版蛋炒饭,端给顾客。”步方淡淡的说道,然后不理会发楞的小萝莉,转身便是回到了厨房。 Unexpectedly...... Asked me to serve food really?!” Ouyang Xiaoyi stared in a big way eyes, whole face was incredible, she was the what kind of status, in the mansion, nobody dares to make him make any heavy labor radically, let alone serving food like maidservant. “居然……真的叫我端菜?!”欧阳小艺瞪大了眼眸,满脸的不可置信,她是何等身份,在府中,根本没有人敢让他做任何的重活,更别说像个丫鬟一样的端菜。 little loli looks at the Bu Fang's back, fine jade nose suddenly wrinkles, proud-lovable snort/hum. 小萝莉看着步方的背影,琼鼻顿时皱起来,傲娇的哼了一声。 Both hands hold the tray, Egg Fried Rice that azure porcelain tray thinks is sending out the rich fragrance, unceasing emerges in the abdomen of little loli, making the breakfast not have food she to feel a hunger. 双手抱起托盘,青瓷盘装着的蛋炒饭散发着浓郁的香味,不断的涌入小萝莉的腹中,让早饭都没有吃的她感到一阵饥饿。 This flavor/smell so is why fragrant! Ouyang Xiaoyi almost must grasp crazily, that golden Egg Fried Rice sends out the infinite charm to be ordinary likely, unceasing entices the glutton in her abdomen. 为什么这味道这么香!欧阳小艺几乎要抓狂,那金色的蛋炒饭像是散发着无穷的魔力一般,不断的勾引起她腹中的馋虫。 This service person is not person does simply!” In the Ouyang Xiaoyi heart whispered, was placed Egg Fried Rice in the Fatty Jin front, did not have the anger of feel mad snort/hum, this Fatty Jin, dares to make him serve food unexpectedly! “这服务员简直不是人干的!”欧阳小艺心中嘀咕,将蛋炒饭摆在了金胖子的面前,没好气的怒哼了一声,这个金胖子,居然敢让他端菜! Fatty Jin saw that Ouyang Xiaoyi serves food unexpectedly personally come, on the suddenly face feels extremely flattered completely, hurries to set out to greet. 金胖子看到欧阳小艺居然亲自端菜过来,顿时脸上满是受宠若惊,赶忙起身迎接。 Ouyang Xiaoyi has not managed him, Egg Fried Rice puts down fast then turns head to depart, she feared really oneself could not bear directly Egg Fried Rice eating. 欧阳小艺没有理他,将蛋炒饭放下便是快速的回头离去,她真的怕自己一忍不住直接将蛋炒饭给吃了。 Places the window Egg Fried Rice once more, sees Ouyang Xiaoyi, Bu Fang stares slightly. 再次将蛋炒饭放在窗口,看到走来的欧阳小艺,步方微微一愣。 Sees only Ouyang Xiaoyi to block from the nostril with handkerchief Roll up, and has tied a knot in the back of the head, looks like the suspicious thief dresses up to be the same. 只见欧阳小艺用一条手绢卷起遮住鼻孔,并且在后脑打了一个结,就像是偷偷摸摸的小偷装扮一样。 You how?” Asking of Bu Fang expressionlessly. “你怎么了?”步方面无表情的问道。 Smelly Boss! You know that is this service person to hear the dish fragrance does need to resist the big enticement?!” little loli does not have feel mad white Bu Fang, remains silent to say. 臭老板!你知道做这服务员闻着菜香需要抵制住多大的诱惑么?!”小萝莉好气的白了步方一眼,闷声说道。 The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull slightly, he has not smiled. 步方嘴角微微一扯,他没有笑。 Passed about the 15 minute, Fishhead Tofu Soup left the pot, rich fragrance suddenly fluttered from the kitchen, reverberated in the entire Small Shop sky. 过了十五分钟左右,鱼头豆腐汤出锅了,浓郁的香味顿时从厨房中飘出,回荡在整个小店的上空。 Fatty Jin eats the Egg Fried Rice movement to stagnate fiercely, raised the head, the nose shrugs, as if must inhale in the nose the flavor/smell that in the air fills. 金胖子蛋炒饭的动作猛地一滞,抬起头,鼻子耸动,似乎要将空气中弥漫的味道都吸入鼻中。 Really quite fragrant! This is not the Egg Fried Rice fragrance! could it be that is the new dish flavor/smell!” Fatty Jin thought aloud, then the eye one bright, full is the anticipation looks to the kitchen. “真的好香!这不是蛋炒饭的香味!难道是新菜品的味道!”金胖子自言自语,尔后眼睛一亮,满是期待的看向厨房。 The splendid attire the Fishhead Tofu Soup porcelain tray is quite giant, Bu Fang has not made little loli carry, but is grabs the china bowl going out kitchen slowly. 盛装着鱼头豆腐汤的瓷盘比较巨大,步方没有让小萝莉来端,而是自己抓着瓷碗缓缓的走出厨房。 As soon as he comes out, then captures the attention of all people, everybody curious fell the vision on huge green porcelain bowl in Bu Fang hand, Fatty Jin was somewhat impatient. 他一出来,便是吸引住了所有人的目光,大家都好奇的将目光落在了步方手中的巨大青瓷碗上,金胖子更是有些迫不及待。 Quick! Quick!” Old Jin eager looks to walk Bu Fang that slowly, in the heart cannot repress to taste urgent of cuisines. “快!快!”老金眼巴巴的望着缓缓走来的步方,心中按耐不住品尝美食的急迫。 One bowl flood cream fish soup, is preying clear fat and tender, tofu such as jade Fishhead Tofu Soup was then placed in the Old Jin front, rich delicate fragrance sending out. 一碗泛着乳白色鱼汤,鱼肉晶莹肥嫩,豆腐如玉的鱼头豆腐汤便是摆在了老金的面前,浓郁清香散发而出。 Your Fishhead Tofu Soup, Enjoy your meal.” Bu Fang light saying. “你的鱼头豆腐汤,请慢用。”步方淡淡的说道。 A noise, sober come the people from the fish soup fragrance gathered side Old Jin, these huge statures Bu Fang and Xiaoyi pushing. 一阵喧嚣,从鱼汤香味中清醒过来的众人纷纷汇聚到了老金身边,那些庞大的身材将步方小艺都是给挤开。 Bu Fang thinks little actually, shrinking of expressionlessly lies down in placing on the Small Shop entrance chair, Ouyang Xiaoyi been mad straight clenching teeth, this crowd of dead fatty! Unexpectedly dares to push I! 步方倒是不以为意,面无表情的缩躺在摆放在小店门口的椅子上,欧阳小艺则是被气的直咬牙,这群死胖子!居然敢挤我! She clenched teeth, the big eye stared a while crowd by cuisines to attraction fatty, in the heart is also felt being incapable, the anger snort/hum, has no longer paid attention. 她咬了咬牙,大眼睛瞪了一会儿这群被美食给吸引的胖子,心中也是感到一阵的无力,怒哼了一声,不再理会。 Gū lū Gū lū! 咕噜咕噜 Gathers round Old Jin fatty, looks Old Jin whole face happy drinks fish soup to eat the fish, the throat is high and low fluctuating, has heard the Gū lū sound, is admires. 围着老金胖子们,看着老金满脸幸福的喝着鱼汤吃着鱼肉,喉咙都是上下起伏,传来了咕噜声,都是艳羡不已。 Old Jin, this is Fishhead Tofu Soup so really delicious?!” Has fatty fully is asking of curiosity, he early had been given greedy excited by that fragrance. 老金,这鱼头豆腐汤真的这么好吃么?!”有位胖子满是好奇心的问道,他早已经被那香味给馋的激动不已。 Old Jin puts out a fishbone from the mouth, narrows the eyes to focus on the reply that the whole face enjoys: This fish soup simply tasty indescribable, is hard to imagine unexpectedly is fish soup that mixed tofu has boiled together, the fish is tasty, the degree of hardness was just good, the tooth bites to feel that like experienced a massage, that tofu let alone, has incited to slide one then not to have, entrance! This fish is also having the feeling of thunder, should be selects the thunder is the spirit beast fish, finished eating also promotes to be helpful to True Energy in within the body, in brief, this bowl of fish soup, above the price in value!” 老金从口中吐出一根鱼刺,眯着眼满脸享受的回答道:“这鱼汤简直鲜美的无法形容,难以想象居然是混合豆腐一起煮的鱼汤,鱼肉鲜美肥嫩,硬度刚刚好,牙齿咬下感觉像是经历了一场按摩一样,那豆腐就更别说了,滋溜一声便是没了,入口即化!还有这鱼肉还带着雷霆的感觉,应该是选用雷系灵兽鱼肉,吃完还对体内的真气提升有帮助,总而言之,这碗鱼汤,物超所值!” Old Jin is full of praise, suddenly let in the main heart that this crowd was not short of money like is flexure itchy, finally, this fatty like got down anything to be determined, turned around to say to Bu Fang: Owner Bu, gives me also to come share Fishhead Tofu Soup!” 老金赞不绝口,顿时让这群不差钱的主心中像是挠了痒痒一样,最终,这胖子像是下了什么决心一样,转身对着步方道:“步老板,给我也来份鱼头豆腐汤!” Bu Fang languid raising the head, looked at that fatty to be the same, saying of expressionlessly: „It is not good, your cultivation base is insufficient, does not permit a food.” 步方懒洋洋的抬起头,看了那胖子一样,面无表情的说道:“不行,你修为不够,不允许点食。” fatty suddenly was scared, worried saying: Boss, I am rich! I really rich!” 胖子顿时傻眼了,着急的说道:“老板,我有钱!我真的有钱!” cultivation base is insufficient, does not permit a food, this is the custom, has not related with money.” Bu Fang light saying, the aloof is incomparable, probably is not interested to be the same in money, actually in Bu Fang heart early already in drop blood...... 修为不够,不允许点食,这是规矩,跟钱没关系。”步方淡淡的说道,高冷无比,好像真的对钱不感兴趣一样,其实步方心中早已经在滴血…… Two ten origin crystal Ah! that are hard-earned money Ah! 二十元晶啊!那都是血汗钱啊! The Bu Fang's serious rejection has not stemmed from the anticipation of other people, therefore many people do not have to continue to ask Bu Fang, because they are clear this Fang Fang little store regarding custom attaching great importance to. 步方的严肃拒绝并没有出乎其他人的意料,所以很多人都没有在继续问步方,因为他们都清楚这方方小店对于规矩十分的重视。 Old Jin is very satisfied, well satisfied taking out money, waved then to depart toward Bu Fang, before departure, actually by little loli drawing, was whispering. 老金很满意,心满意足的掏了钱,朝着步方挥了挥手便是离去,不过在离去之前,却是被小萝莉给拉着,嘀咕了一阵。 On the little loli face is having the happy expression came back, like picks the brightness that money has smiled. 小萝莉脸上带着笑意的回来了,像是捡了钱一样笑的灿烂。 Smelly Boss, gives me to come Egg Fried Rice and Fishhead Tofu Soup!” little loli enters the room, is cheerful is shouting to Bu Fang. 臭老板,给我来一份蛋炒饭鱼头豆腐汤!”小萝莉一进屋,便是俏生生的对着步方喊道。 Bu Fang has selected eyebrows, indifferently said: „Do you want to eat without paying?” 步方挑了挑眉,淡淡道:“你又要吃白食?” I am rich! Boils to me quickly!” Acting like a spoiled brat of little loli proud-lovable said. “我有钱!快给我煮嘛!”小萝莉傲娇的撒娇道。 Your cultivation base is insufficient, Fishhead Tofu Soup cannot select.” Bu Fang stands, if little loli is rich, that then did not have the issue, looked at the situation, little loli should be looks for Old Jin to borrow a lot of money. “你修为不够,鱼头豆腐汤不能点。”步方站起来,如果小萝莉有钱的话,那便是没有问题了,看刚才的情况,小萝莉应该是找老金借了不少钱。 You deceived people! Yesterday evening I had drunk obviously Fishhead Tofu Soup!” little loli suddenly discontented shouts, she thought that is Bu Fang intentionally makes things hard for somebody she. “你骗人!昨天晚上我明明都喝了鱼头豆腐汤了!”小萝莉顿时不满的嚷嚷了起来,她觉得是步方故意刁难她。 Bu Fang stares, then said: Tries the new dish time has not limited, could it be that you had not discovered that you did eat that many fish soup True Energy not to strengthen? That is because spiritual energy in cooked food had been rejected by me, therefore you can taste.” 步方一愣,尔后说道:“尝试新菜品的时候是没有限制的,难道你没有发现你吃了那么多鱼汤真气并没有增强么?那是因为菜肴中的灵气被我剔除了,所以你才能够品尝。” Actually Bu Fang spiritual energy in food fish soup was extracted by the system, because his present cultivation base was unable to withstand this fish soup spiritual energy, is very easy to cause True Energy to be chaotic, when will taste the new cooked food the system to screen out spiritual energy in cooked food, Bu Fang will want the feeling dish the taste and flavor/smell is then full. 其实步方吃的鱼汤中的灵气是被系统抽出的,因为他如今的修为还无法承受这鱼汤灵气,很容易引起真气混乱,所以在品尝新菜肴的时候系统都会抽走菜肴中的灵气,步方只要感受菜品的口感和味道便是足矣。 little loli is at a loss for words, because she truly discovered that ate Fishhead Tofu Soup True Energy after of Fatty Jin within the body to rise suddenly a big truncation, it seems like had the limit. 小萝莉语塞,因为她确实发现吃了鱼头豆腐汤后的金胖子体内的真气暴涨了一大截,看来真的是有限制。 That...... That comes Egg Fried Rice first.” little loli is good to put in great inconvenience, saying of fall in the blues. “那……那先来一份蛋炒饭吧。”小萝莉好委屈,情绪低落的说道。 „, Wait a bit.” Bu Fang indifferently said, turned around to enter kitchen. “哦,稍等。”步方淡淡道,转身进入了厨房。 After he enters the kitchen, the gate outside came three forms, one is lightly Third Imperial Prince Ji Chengxue of scholarly, remaining two Xiao Family brother and sister who is the face value goes against heaven's will. 在他进入厨房后,门外便是来了三道身影,一位是翩然儒雅的三皇子姬成雪,剩下两位是颜值逆天的肖家兄妹。 Three people entered Small Shop then to see the mouth honk almost can hang up little loli of child in such an arrangement to sit on the stool, suddenly gawked. 三人一入小店便是看到了嘴巴嘟的几乎可以挂上一个拖油瓶的小萝莉坐在凳子上,顿时都是一愣。 Xiaoyi? You here? General Ouyang asks you to look insanely! Entire Im­pe­r­ial Capital quick was chaotic!” Xiao Yanyu sees little loli, shocking shouting. 小艺?你怎么会在这儿?欧阳老将军找你都找疯啦!整个帝都快混乱了!”肖烟雨看到小萝莉,震惊的喊道。 Ouyang Xiaoyi had then discovered three people, turns head to look, then saw Xiao Yanyu and the others, the elegant face changes immediately. 欧阳小艺这才发现了三人,扭头一看,便是看到了肖烟雨等人,俏脸立即大变。
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