What is Cooked Fish Trio? In the Bu Fangheartsomedoubts, asChef, heregarding the fishnaturallyare not strange, because the fish is actually verygoodingredient.鱼三煮是什么?步方心中有些疑惑,作为一个厨师,他对于鱼自然是不陌生,因为鱼其实是一种非常好的食材。
The differentfishcanboildifferentcuisines.
不同的鱼能够煮出不同的美食。„Cooked Fish Trio, forthreerecipe of fish, Liquor-pickled Fish, Water-boiled FishandFishhead Tofu Soup, the systemisfreshingredient that hostprovides, according to the hostpresentTrue Energylevel, the fishmaterial that selects is the 3rd rankfresh water fish and sea waterfish, along with the hostTrue Energylevelpromotion, will promote the fishmaterialgradually the step.” The systemseriousandearnestsoundresoundsin the Bu Fang'smind.
“鱼三煮,为鱼的三种煮法,酒糟鱼、水煮鱼、鱼头豆腐汤,系统会为宿主提供的新鲜的食材,按照宿主如今的真气水平,选用的鱼材皆为三阶的淡水鱼与海水鱼,随着宿主真气水平提升,会逐渐提升鱼材的品阶。”系统严肃而认真的声音在步方的脑海中响起。Bu Fangstaresslightly, Cooked Fish Trioreferred tothreerecipe of fish, moreovertheserecipeBu Fangare not strange, Bu FangonEarthhad eatenareaLake PoyangauthenticLiquor-pickled Fish.步方微微一愣,鱼三煮原来是指鱼的三种煮法啊,而且这些煮法步方都不陌生,在地球上步方曾经吃过鄱阳湖一带的正宗酒糟鱼。But the Liquor-pickled Fishkeyis the liquor, thatliquormusthave the fierceold wine, like thisin the marinatedprocess, will make the wineseep into the fish, generally speaking, goodLiquor-pickled Fish, wrap up the palepinkdistiller's grain, the wineis filling the air, the fishpresents the jujubewoodenred, the lustergivespeople an aesthetic sense of immersing.
Is thisliquor the key, systemcould it be thatwill also provide the liquor?
这酒是关键,系统难道还会提供酒?„Liquor-pickled Fishrecipe, the systemwill provide the goodrice winedistiller's grainevery day, needshostvoluntarilymarinated.” The systemsaid.
“酒糟鱼做法,系统每天会提供上好的米酒酒糟,需要宿主自行腌制。”系统道。Bu Fangnods, since the systemhasto provide the rice winedistiller's grain, thatmakingLiquor-pickled Fishaskdid not write.步方点点头,既然系统有提供米酒酒糟,那制作酒糟鱼就不是问题了。Water-boiled FishandFishhead Tofu Soup, Bu Fangis very familiar, Water-boiled Fishnaturallywas needless saying that onEarth a fiery / populardish, onstreetbigstalltoevening, sold the launching.水煮鱼和鱼头豆腐汤,步方很熟悉,水煮鱼自然不用说了,地球上很火爆的一道菜,街上大排档到了晚上,卖到起飞。Fishhead Tofu Soupisonedoes not calculate that the ordinarysimple dish, regardingBu Fang, boils the naturenot to havewhatdifficulty.鱼头豆腐汤则是一道不算普通的家常菜,对于步方而言,煮起来自然没有什么难度。„hostcompletesshort-termobjectivemission, presentlybusinessorigin crystal100, obtainorigin crystalenergyaccording to the proportiontransformationisten, the True EnergylevelpromotiontoBattle-Master, the My host, congratulationsTrue Energylevelobtains the promotion, inbecomingon the path that standsinfantasy worldfood chain's top 'God of Cooking'made great strides forwardonestep, work harder! young man.”
The prompt of systemletsin the Bu Fangheartonehappy, hurriesto assign out the characterpanel.
系统的提示让步方心中一喜,赶忙调出人物面板。host: Bu Fang宿主:步方Sex: Male
性别:男Age: 20
年龄:20True Energy cultivation base: second grade( As the God of Cooking in the Fantasy World, futurefoodneedsto useTrue Energysurely, young man, Work Hard.)真气修为:二品(作为玄幻世界的厨神,未来的食物必定需要用到真气,少年,努力吧。)Cooking Talent: Unknown厨艺天赋:未知Skill(s): Does not have技能:无Item: Does not have道具:无God of Cooking Overall Rating: Beginner( True Energy cultivation basesteps the stock railfinally, work harder! young man.)厨神综合评分:入门新人(真气修为终于踏上正轨,加油吧!少年。)System Rank: 2-Star( Conversion ratio20%, obtainsopenfurniturejurisdiction, allowingcustomerto bringis lower than3rd rankingredient.)系统等级:二星(元气转换比例百分之二十,获得开放桌椅权限,允许顾客自带低于三阶的食材。)
The Bu Fangdeepexhalationone breath, helifts the hand, the fleshblooms the glitteringbrilliance, as ifhasinvisibleenergyinhiswithin the bodycirculation.步方深深的呼出一口气,他抬起手,肌肤绽放莹莹光辉,仿佛有股无形的能量在他的体内流转。second gradeBattle-Master, cannotachieveTrue Energymanifestation, butTrue Energy , in within the bodycirculation, istraceable, along with the circulation of True Energy, Bu Fangfelt that whole bodyis getting more and more energetic, exhaustedmeaningsweeps away, outside the bodywas also dischargedsomepitch-blackimpurities.二品战师,不能做到真气外放,但是真气在体内流转的时候,还是有迹可循,随着真气的循环,步方感觉整个人越来越精神,身上的疲惫之意一扫而空,身体外也是被排出了一些乌黑的杂质。Ifsomepeopleseethis, absolutelycanshockfell the chin, becauseBu Fang is washing the muscleto cut down the lineage/veinat this moment, thatismustachieve the situation that fourth gradeBattle-Spiritcanhave.
如果有人看到这一幕的话,绝对会震惊的掉了下巴,因为步方此刻是在洗筋伐脉,那可是必须达到四品战灵才会出现的情况啊。Bu Fanghas patted the chest, felt the ballooningmuscle, on the facehas shown a stiffsmile, asChef, the strongphysical qualitywas essential, although the systemhas stepped uphisTrue Energylevelpurely, has not taughthisanythingcultivation method and wartechniquelike the novel and so on, wasthiswas enough.步方拍了拍胸口,感受了一下鼓胀的肌肉,脸上露出了一丝僵硬的微笑,作为一个厨师,强健的身体素质是必不可少的,虽然系统只是单纯的提升了他的真气水平,并未像小说中那样传授他什么功法、战技之类,可是这已经足够了。BecausethissystemisGourmet System, is not the fightmadmansystem, whatheneedsiswith the help of thissystem, steps the fantasy worldfood chainpeak.
因为这系统是美食家系统,不是什么战斗狂人系统,他需要的是在这系统的帮助下,踏上玄幻世界的食物链顶端。Stink that impuritysends outmakesBu Fangknit the brows, enters the bathroom, has taken a bathsatisfactory, the whole bodyisrelax.
身上的杂质散发出的臭味让步方皱了皱眉,进入卫生间,美美的洗了一个澡,浑身都是放轻松。RefreshingBu Fangwears the clothes, arrived at the kitchen, Skill(s) that learnsnewlymakeshimwantto attemptimpatiently.
The corner of kitchendoes not knowwhenpresentedperson of highwine pot, the Bu Fangsurprisehas selectedeyebrows, wantsto come to be the systemismarinatedLiquor-pickled Fishprepares.
厨房的角落不知道何时出现了一个一人高的酒坛子,步方诧异的挑了挑眉,想来应该是系统为腌制酒糟鱼而准备的。Liquor-pickled Fishis very highregarding the request of liquor, Bu Fangopened the sealwine potbouquet, suddenlyrichlyhas headed onto the pinnaclethickwine, the Bu Fang'snoseshrankslightly, on the facewasappearswipesto have one's face flushed with drinkred.酒糟鱼对于酒的要求很高,步方打开了密封酒坛子的布盖,顿时一股浓郁到极致的浓厚酒香扑面而来,步方的鼻子微微一缩,脸上都是浮现一抹酡红。Goodthickwine taste!
好浓的酒味!Bu Fangonelookstowardinside, fulltandistiller's grain, sending outten pointseven, among the distiller's grainsis flowing the rich fragrancealong the slipperygood wine, scooped upspoondistiller's grainwithspoon, the nosehas collectedto smell, a lightsour odortransmitted, in the sour odoralsomixed withsomesweet tastes, the fingerhas been grinding the distiller's grain, the degree of hardness of grain of ricewas soft, slightlysomewhatviscous, without a doubt, thiswasgooddistiller's grain, the liquor that no matter the distiller's grainmeter/ricefinallyobtainedwas the superiorhigh-quality goods.步方往里面一看,满满的黄褐色酒糟,散发的十分的均匀,酒糟之间流淌着浓香顺滑的美酒,用勺子舀了一勺子酒糟,鼻子凑上去闻了闻,一股淡淡的酸味传来,酸味中还夹杂着些许甜味,指头碾了一下酒糟,米粒的硬度柔软,稍有些粘稠,毫无疑问,这是一份上好的酒糟,不管是酒糟米还是最后得出的酒都是上等的好货。Systemproduct, reallyhigh-quality goods!
系统出品,果然精品!Distiller's grainbouquetcovering it, the Bu Fang'svisionfallsin a cornerbigfish bowl that in the kitchenwere manyagain, hastwofishto sway the tailin the fish bowllazyis swimming.
重新将酒糟布盖盖好,步方的目光落在了厨房中多出的一个角落大鱼缸中,在鱼缸内有两条鱼在摇晃着尾巴慵懒的游着。ThisfishisBu Fanghas not seen the variety, onEarthshouldnot havethesevarieties, a fishbodyis sending out the lightblue fluorescence, the eyeballturning roundrevolutions, has filledspiritual energy, the line of bodyalsoveryperfect, anotherappearsmany of devils, the fish headballooning, the bodyis the corvinus, the scaleis reflecting the ray.
这鱼是步方未曾见过的品种,地球上应该没有这些品种,其中一条鱼身体散发着淡淡的蓝色荧光,眼珠子滴溜溜的转,充满了灵气,身体的线条也是十分的完美,另一条则就显得凶神恶煞的多,鱼头鼓胀,身体是乌黑色,鱼鳞反射着光芒。Bu Fangpulls up the sleeve, standing of expressionlesslybefore the fish bowl, is staring attwofish.步方拉起袖子,面无表情的站在鱼缸之前,盯着两条鱼。Suddenly, hismake a move, intworapidinsertionfish bowl, was mixing the water the instance of ripple, thenheldthatblue fluorescencefish, thatfishresponse is also rapid, the bodysends out a fluctuationsuddenly, wantsto shakeBu Fang's.
突然,他出手了,两手飞速的插入鱼缸中,在搅动起水的波纹的瞬间,便是抓住了那条蓝色荧光鱼,那鱼反应也是迅速,身上陡然散发出一股波动,想要震开步方的手。Thisafter all is notordinaryfish, butis the 3rd rankspirit beastfish, although the battle efficiencyis not strong, but the revoltisa little might.
这毕竟不是普通的鱼,而是三阶的灵兽鱼,虽然战斗力不强,但是反抗还是有点威力。Bu Fanglikelyis the fisherman of oldsay/way, the five fingerspowerfulcovers the fish, makingitsstrugglingmore and moreweak, finallyhad bailed out the fish bowlbyBu Fang, has placedon the cutting board.步方像是老道的渔民,五指强有力的扣住鱼身,使得它的挣扎越来越无力,最后被步方捞出了鱼缸,放在了案板上。Thiskitchenis the systempreparation and repair, variousKitchen Toolshave it all, Bu Fangtook a kitchen knifeconveniently, the kitchen knifehas been sending out the coldglow, slightlyhas not actually affected the Bu Fang'smovement.
这厨房是系统准备和装修,各种厨具一应俱全,步方顺手拿了一把菜刀,菜刀散发着寒芒,却是丝毫没有影响步方的动作。„Onesea fish that 3rd rankIce Sea Fish, is from the Clear Wind EmpireNortheastsea area, the bodysending outblue light, the fishbringingcold air, fillsspiritual energy, isgoodingredient.”
The systemis not lowregarding the introduction of thisblue fluorescencefish, wantsto come the systemnot to providetoingredient of someBu Fanglowscales, goodingredientis together self-evidentregarding the cuisinesimportance, the difference of ingredientin the taste, the daywill leavebadly.
系统对于这蓝色荧光鱼的介绍不低,想来系统也不会提供给步方一些低档次的食材,好的食材对于一道美食的重要性不言而喻,在口感上食材的不同,将会天差地别。True Energyguidancestartingholds, Bu Fanggrasps the kitchen knifeto paton the head of thatIce Sea Fish, was struggling stillbeatIce Sea Fishsuddenly is motionless.真气引导入手掌,步方握着菜刀拍在那冰海鱼的脑袋上,本来还在挣扎跳动的冰海鱼顿时便是不动。
The blowingscale of moving clouds and flowing water, cuts up the chest and abdominal cavities. Bu Fangregardingprocessing of fishveryexperienced, before long, Ice Sea Fishwas then processed, arrives by the wine, Bu Fangopens the bouquet, bails outsomedistiller's grainsto squeeze in the fishabdomenfrom the wine, thenentire is only squeezes in the wineto carry onmarinatedIce Sea Fish.行云流水的刮鳞,开膛。步方对于鱼的处理十分的老练,不一会儿,一条冰海鱼便是被处理完毕,走到酒缸旁边,步方打开布盖,从酒缸中捞出一些酒糟塞入鱼腹,尔后将冰海鱼整只都是塞入酒缸中进行腌制。„Specially-madewine, maymake the marinatedtimespeed up, it is expected thatmarinatedfinish time, threedouble-hour.” The system promptsaid.
“特制酒缸,可使腌制时间加快,预计腌制完成时间,三个时辰。”系统提示道。Bu Fanghas gawkedstaring, nods, canspeed up the marinatedwords, cansellactuallypromptly, so long asmarinatedbeforeopening a shopare goodahead of time, thenyes.步方愣了愣,点点头,能够加快腌制的话,倒是可以及时的销售,只要自己在开店之前提前腌制好,便是可以。Puts inmarinatedIce Sea Fish, Bu Fang then preparesto start the seconddish.
The fish in fish bowlonce againbecametwo, whendoes not know, the systemhas made up the vacancyposition, thiscanguarantee that Bu Fanghas the fishmaterialanytime.
鱼缸中的鱼再度变为了两只,不知道什么时候,系统已经将空缺的位置补足,这样就能保证步方随时都有鱼材。Bails out that onlypitch-blackfatfish, similarlyprocesses, chopsthatfishhead, Bu FangthenstartsmakingFishhead Tofu Soup.
将那只漆黑的肥鱼捞出,同样处理完,将那鱼脑袋剁下,步方便是开始制作鱼头豆腐汤。Takes outfairlythatfrom the refrigeratorclear, just likeemeraldwhite jadegeneraltofu, Bu Fang is startsto cook.
从冰柜中取出那白皙晶莹,宛若翡翠白玉一般的豆腐,步方便是开始烹制。„Fresh water fish that 3rd rankSilver Thunder Carp, is from the Clear Wind EmpireSouthern Wastelandsgreat lake, the fish headis large, meatare many, meat qualityis tasty, includes the lightthunder, isgoodingredient.”
“三阶雷鲢鱼,产自清风帝国南荒大湖的淡水鱼,鱼头肥大,肉多,肉质鲜美,含有淡淡的雷霆,是上好的食材。”„Ice Crystal Jade Tofu, withbeing fromfinespiritual energysoybeangrinding of Clear Wind Empirenorthern region, is the hand lapping, afterarrives at the working procedure, isImperial Palacesuppliestofuespecially.”
“冰晶翡翠玉豆腐,用产自清风帝国北部的精致灵气大豆磨制而成,皆为手工研磨,历经多到工序,为皇宫特供豆腐。”tofuandfishveryawesome, inBu Fangheartfilled with the anticipationto feeltothisFishhead Tofu Soup.豆腐和鱼都很牛逼,步方心中不由的对这道鱼头豆腐汤充满了期待感。Opened the pot, richaromabrought the delicate fragrance of fishto head on, emergedBu Fang'sall the limbs and bonesfollowing the nasal cavity, makinghim unable to bearattractsfiercely, in the abdomenhas transmitted the sense of hunger.
揭开锅,浓郁的香气带着鱼肉的清香扑面而来,顺着鼻腔涌入步方的四肢百骸,让他忍不住猛地一吸,腹中传来了饥饿感。little loli of staying of bored to deathinguest room, the nosemovessuddenly, the nimble and resourcefullovablebigeyesuddenlyturning roundrevolution, has filledpleasantly surprised.百无聊赖的呆在客房中的小萝莉,突然鼻子动了动,灵动可爱的大眼睛顿时滴溜溜一转,充满了惊喜。„Whatgoodfoodgoodfragrant isn't Ah!thatfacial paralysisBosswill be boiling? Thisflavor/smell...... It is not Egg Fried Rice!” The nose of thissmall girlveryspirits, Gū lūturns over/stands up, randirectly the guest room.
“好香啊!不会是那面瘫老板在煮什么好吃的吧?这味道……不是蛋炒饭!”这小丫头的鼻子很灵,咕噜一翻身,直接跑出了客房。Butin the kitchen, Bu Fangalsojustleaves the potFishhead Tofu Soup.
而厨房中,步方也刚好将鱼头豆腐汤出锅。Creamfish soup, the lushtenderfish head, clearwhite jadeemeraldtofuas if, does not have the minced green onionin addition, does not have the ginger, anyseasoningdoes not have, the preciselyfish headadds the primitivepair of tofu.
乳白色的鱼汤,肥美柔嫩的鱼头,加上晶莹的仿佛白玉翡翠般的豆腐,没有葱花,没有姜,任何调味料都没有,就是鱼头加豆腐的原始配对。Fishhead Tofu Soup that aromaoverflowsis placedontable, letspersonappetitegreatly rises.香气四溢的鱼头豆腐汤摆在桌上,不由的让人食欲大盛。ps: The authorMonarchkitchen knifewieldsindifferently said: Asked the recommendationticket~~
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