The Zhao Rugeeventhas not brought any negativeinfluenceto the Bu Fang'slife, has not brought any restlessmoodtoBu Fang.赵如歌事件并没有给步方的生活带来什么负面的影响,也未给步方带来什么不安的情绪。Heisto open the doornext dayin the same old way the business, first after givingis crossingpigsamelifebig black dogdailyEgg Fried Rice, is and pastgenerallyshrinkslies downon the chair, hislifeas usualas usual.
他第二天照样是开门营业,先给过着猪一样生活的大黑狗一份日常蛋炒饭后,便是和往日一般缩躺在椅子上,他的生活照旧如常。Fatty Jinand the others , since yesterdayhas eatenBu Fang'sEgg Fried Rice, was thoroughcaptured, in the mindhad been recallingFang Fang little storedelicacy, regardingFatty Jin, onebowl of Egg Fried Ricequantity were too few, is unable to fillhisbelly.金胖子等人自从昨日吃了步方的蛋炒饭之后,便是彻底的被俘虏了,脑海中一直回想着方方小店的美味,对于金胖子而言,一碗蛋炒饭的量实在太少,根本无法填饱他的肚子。
After going home, hecalledChefto boilbigbasinEgg Fried Riceespecially, butcomparedwithBu Fang'sEgg Fried Rice, the Egg Fried Riceflavor/smell that thisespeciallydrew onMasterchef that boilsbyhimfromsouth of the Yangtze River is really toodisappointing, has only eatenone, hethenfelt that being harddeglutition.
The color , smell and tastesandFang Fang little storeImproved Version Egg Fried Rice completelyis not a scale.
色、香、味和方方小店的加强版蛋炒饭完全不是一个档次。Is enduring a evening'shunger, next dayFatty Jinis then leadinghisonegroup of brothers, threateningcatches uptowardFang Fang little store, the person who does not knowalsothinks that theymustfight.
忍着一晚上的饥饿,第二天金胖子便是带着他的一帮兄弟,气势汹汹的朝着方方小店赶来,不知道的人还以为他们要来打架呢。„Oh, Owner Bu, good morningAh!”Fatty Jinto rush to the alleytime is to discoverFang Fang little storehas opened the door, insuddenlyheartgreat happiness.
“哎哟,步老板,早上好啊!”金胖子赶到小巷的时候便是发现方方小店已经开门,顿时心中大喜。Bu Fangrecognizesthisfatty, the meat of thatbuildthatwaist, whomentireImperial Capitaldid not have.步方认得这个胖子,那体型那腰间的一圈肉,全帝都也没谁了。Nod of Bu Fangexpressionlessly, indifferently said: „Eats meal? Wantswhat is it?”步方面无表情的点点头,淡淡道:“来吃饭么?要点什么?”„Owner Bu, yourheredishtypewere too few, but the flavor/smell is really certainly, whatlast nightIwas hungrywastosses and turns, stays up all night, impatientwantedto eatEgg Fried Rice, lookonemyOld Jinthenled the brothersto comevery early in the morning!”Fatty Jingrinnedto smile, naturalhas walked into Small Shop.
The Bu Fangcorners of the mouthpullslightly, show a stiffsmile, othersquarthisfoodis delicious, henaturallyishappy.步方嘴角微微一扯,露出一个僵硬的微笑,别人夸他的食物好吃,他自然是高兴。„Owner Bu, myOld Jingivesyou a proposition, actuallyyoucando the breakfast, youlooked that yousuchearlyopen the doorin the morning, actuallyonlysells the Egg Fried Ricesuchoil the thing, a littlehas wastedmorningthis period of time, naturally, Owner Bu'sEgg Fried Riceeatsnot the oil!”
“不过步老板啊,我老金给你个提议,其实你可以搞早餐的,你看你早上这么早开门,却只卖蛋炒饭这么油的东西,有点浪费了早上这段时间,当然,步老板的蛋炒饭吃起来一点都不油!”Bu Fangthinks of the sincere feelingslightly, nods, indifferently said: „Laterwill have, no rush.”步方微微思忱,点点头,淡淡道:“以后会有的,别急。”Old Jinsmiled, sitsonstool, orders the meal saying: „Boss, eachdishcomesone, mybellyearlyhas been unable to tolerate thirst and hunger.”老金笑了笑,坐在了凳子上,点餐道:“老板,每样菜都来一份,我的肚子早已经饥渴难耐了。”Bu Fanggently„un”, the visionchangedotherfatty, theynaturallyalsosamecompletelyhave selectedwithOld Jin.步方轻轻的“嗯”了一声,目光转向其他胖子,他们自然也是跟老金一样全部都点了一遍。Regardingthesefatty, Bu Fangwas not worried that theywill wastefood, feared that onlyfearedinsufficientlyeats.
对于这些胖子,步方丝毫不担心他们会浪费食物,怕只怕不够吃。„Good, pleasewait a bit.”Takes down the dishtype that everyone selects, Bu Fanghas then walked into the kitchen.
“好,请稍等。”记下每个人所点的菜样,步方便是走入了厨房。Ignitesandruns is successful, speedfast, veryskilled.
The firespurts, a potsummit, the spatulascoops upin the potthatliquid eggeightpointsripe, wrap upto live ineachcleargrain of riceEgg Fried Rice, thencarries the kitchen, the richfragrancecaused the sound in Fatty Jinabdomen.
大火一喷,锅一颠,锅铲舀出锅中那蛋液八分熟、包裹住每份圆润米粒的蛋炒饭,便是端出了厨房,浓郁的香味引起金胖子们腹中的声响。WhenBu FangcarriessecondEgg Fried Rice, Fatty Jinstartedto lick the tray, sawBu Fang, Fatty Jinputs down the tray, sets upright a thumb saying: „Owner Bu, thisflavor/smell was really certainly, isbestfoodEgg Fried Rice that myOld Jinthis lifeate, moreoverthisEgg Fried Rice can also inspireTrue Energyflowing in within the body, worthilywastenorigin crystalEgg Fried Rice, gavemeto comeoneagain!”
当步方将第二份蛋炒饭端出的时候,金胖子已经开始舔盘子了,看到步方,金胖子将盘子放下,竖了一个大拇指道:“步老板,这味道真是绝了,是我老金今生吃到的最好吃的蛋炒饭,而且这蛋炒饭还能引动体内的真气流动,不愧是十元晶一份的蛋炒饭,再给我来一份!”„Excuse me, eachdish, onlylimitsoneper day per person.”Saying of Bu Fangexpressionlessly.
“不好意思,每份菜品,每人每天仅限一份。”步方面无表情的说道。„Aiya, Owner Bu, moneynotasktopic, otherwiseIincrease price! Givesmeto comeone, this pointquantityinsufficientlyto fillagainradicallymybelly.”Old Jinthrusts out the face saying that hehas not caredregardingmoney.
“哎呀,步老板,钱不是问题,不然我加价都可以!再给我来一份,这一点量根本不够填饱我的肚子啊。”老金腆着脸说道,对于钱他还真不在乎。Compared tocuisines, moneycalculatesballAh!
相对于美食而言,钱算个球啊!„It is not good, thisiscustom.”Saying of Bu Fangaloof, said that thenhas walked into the kitchen, does not pay attention to the whole faceto be depressedandeggpainOld Jin.
“不行,这是规矩。”步方高冷的说道,说完便是走入了厨房,不理会满脸沮丧和蛋疼的老金。Whenalldishesareboil, Bu Fangrubbed some shoulders of being soreto go out of the kitchen.
当所有的菜品都是煮完,步方揉了揉有些酸痛的肩膀走出了厨房。Small ShopOld Jinand the others in foodwas well satisfied, in abundanceandBu Fanggreeted, Bu Fangexpressionlesslynodswiththem.小店中的老金等人已经吃的心满意足了,纷纷和步方打招呼,步方面无表情的和他们点点头。„Altogetherisfive15origin crystal, fivethousandgold coins.”
“嘶~”Althoughthesefattyare not short of money, buthearsthispriceto letthiscrowd of fellowsucked in a cold breath, a foodhas eatenthese much money, coming out that only thenthiscrowd of Imperial Capitaleruptionhouseholdsmake.
虽然这些胖子们都不差钱,可是听到这价格还是让这群家伙倒吸了一口凉气,一顿饭吃了这么多钱,也就只有这群帝都的爆发户们做的出来了。„TodayItreat, latereverybodymanypatronizes the Owner Bu'sbusiness, thisdelicacywecannotmakeitbe buried!”Old Jinis straightforward, raises the armdirectlywields, paidmoney.
“今天我请客,以后大家多来光顾一下步老板的生意,这美味咱可不能让它被埋没了!”老金豪爽无比,直接振臂一挥,将钱给付了。„Welcomewill comenext timeagain.”Bu Fanggazes afterthiscrowdate to the fullfattyto depart, on the faceshows the stiffsmiling face.
“欢迎下次再来。”步方目送这群吃饱了的胖子们离去,脸上露出僵硬的笑容。„My host, congratulationscompletesmission: Insevendaysgainhundredorigin crystal, thousandgold coins.” The systemseriousandearnestsoundresoundsin the Bu Fang'smind, lets the Bu Fangtranquilheartslightlyonehappy, finallycompletesmission.
“恭喜宿主完成任务:七天内盈利一百元晶,一千金币。”系统严肃而认真的声音在步方的脑海中响起,让步方平静的心微微一喜,终于是完成任务了。Howeveronhisface the lookdoes not have the bigchange, the systemto issueReward, because the presentis the business hour, thereforehenotanxiouslyexamination.
不过他的脸上神色却是没有多大的变化,系统已经将奖励发布出来,可是因为现在是营业时间,所以他并没有急着查看。Out of the door, slenderthinfigurecomestogetherslowly, is temperateandhandsome.
门外,一道修长消瘦的身形缓缓而来,温和而英俊。„Owner Bu, good afternoon, comesImproved Version Egg Fried Rice .”Third Imperial PrinceJi Chengxuesaid with a smilelightly, looked for a positionto sit down.
“步老板,中午好,来一份加强版蛋炒饭。”三皇子姬成雪轻笑道,找了个位置坐下。Bu Fangnods, „pleasewait a bit.”步方点点头,“请稍等。”Thatcrowd of fattyhad a foodto eatnoonfrom the morningdirectly, the Bu Fang'sbusiness houralsotonoon.
那群胖子吃一顿饭直接从早上吃到了中午,步方的营业时间也到了中午。InBu Fang , in the kitchenboilsEgg Fried Rice, out of the dooristwoforms that are many.
就在步方在厨房中煮蛋炒饭的时候,门外又是多出的两道身影。„Your highnessalsoinAh?”Xiao Xiaolongpleasantly surprisedlookssatJi ChengxueinFang Fang little store, sideXiao Xiaolong, the exactlystatureis slender, is hoodwinkingXiao Yanyu of veil.
“殿下也在啊?”肖小龙惊喜的看着已经坐在方方小店中的姬成雪,在肖小龙身边,正是身材窈窕,蒙着面纱的肖烟雨。Xiao Yanyuaurabecomeseven morepowerful, such ason the jadefleshis often glittering the glitteringbrilliance.肖烟雨身上的气息变得越发的强盛,如玉般的肌肤上不时的闪烁着莹莹光辉。„Yanyu'scultivation basehas striven, isinourImperial Capitalcanworthilywithmonstrous talent that the small towncountrymarquisescompare.”Ji Chengxuesmilestemperately.
“烟雨的修为又精进了,不愧是咱帝都中能够和小镇国侯比拟的妖孽天才啊。”姬成雪温和一笑。Xiao Yanyuis raising slightlytoJi Chengxueslightly, such as the empty valley give forth sound of birds twitteringsoundresounds: „Small towncountrymarquistalentis astonishing, the 15yearthenachievedfourth gradeBattle-Spiritpeak, whereYanyuhas been ablein comparison, your highnesserroneousapproved.”肖烟雨对着姬成雪微微欠身,如空谷莺啼的声音响起:“小镇国侯天赋惊人,十五岁便是达到了四品战灵巅峰,烟雨哪能与其相比,殿下谬赞了。”„Haha, eats meal? Owner Bu'sculinary arts is really unequalled, felt that was much bettercompared with the chef.”Ji Chengxuelaughs.
“哈哈,来吃饭的么?步老板的厨艺真的是无与伦比,感觉比御厨好多了。”姬成雪大笑起来。Bu Fanggoes outfrom the kitchen, inhandcarriesfancy blue patterned porcelain tray , in the plateexactlyis sending outrayEgg Fried Rice, aromais scattering in all directionsrichly, makingJi Chengxueand the otherssomewhatbe infatuated with.步方从厨房中走出,手中端着青花瓷盘,盘中正是散发着光芒的蛋炒饭,香气浓郁四散,让姬成雪等人都是有些陶醉。„YourImproved Version Egg Fried Rice , Enjoy your meal.”Saying of Bu Fangexpressionlessly.
“你的加强版蛋炒饭,请慢用。”步方面无表情的说道。„Owner Bu, your does herehaveliquor? IfEgg Fried Rice of thisdelicacyis joined togood wine, thatistrueperfect!”Ji Chengxueearnestlooks atBu Fang, suggested.
“步老板,你这儿有酒么?这美味的蛋炒饭如果配上美酒的话,那才是真正的完美!”姬成雪认真的看着步方,建议道。Liquor? Bu Fangstares, thennods.
酒?步方一愣,尔后点点头。„Laterwill have, no rush.”
“以后会有的,别急。”„Owner Bu, comestwoImproved Version Egg Fried Rice , twoStir-Fried Vegetables.”Xiao Xiaolongexcitedwas sayingtoBu Fang.
“步老板,来两份加强版蛋炒饭,还有两份炒青菜。”肖小龙兴奋的对着步方道。„Pleasewait a bit.”Bu Fangturns aroundto return to the kitchen, toentrancetime, suddenlyturns around saying: „Little Sissy, don't youcomeDry Mixed Noodles? Heard that Dry Mixed Noodlesandsissymatch.”
“请稍等。”步方转身回厨房,到了门口的时候,突然转身道:“小娘炮,你不来一份干拌面么?听说干拌面和娘炮更配呢。”Xiao Xiaolongexpressionlesslylooks atBu Fang, ifat this momentkitchen knife, heabsolutelywithout hesitationchopstowardBu Fang.肖小龙面无表情的看着步方,此刻如果有一把菜刀的话,他绝对会毫不犹豫的朝着步方砍下去。Xiao YanyuandJi Chengxuesuddenlylaughs, grinning with ear to ear that smiles, thisaloofseriousOwner Bualsohas the humorouscell.肖烟雨和姬成雪顿时大笑起来,笑的合不拢嘴,原来这高冷严肃的步老板也有着幽默细胞啊。SomeBu Fangdoubts, he was saying that a fact, thisXiao Xiaolongcameseveraltimesisto selectDry Mixed Noodles, eachfood was very cheerful, bothtrulyvery muchmatched.步方有些疑惑,他是在说一个事实啊,这肖小龙来了几次都是点干拌面,每一回都吃的很欢快,两者确实很配啊。Does not pay attention tothisgroup of people, Bu Fangwalks into the kitchen.
After threepeoplefinished eating the food, has paid money is andBu Fangsays goodbye, having the well satisfiedhappy expressionto leaveFang Fang little store.
三人吃完了饭后,付完钱便是和步方道别,带着心满意足的笑意离开了方方小店。Let the customerhavewell satisfiedhappy expressionto leave, thisiseachChefmostone that likesseeing, the aloofsuch asBu Fangis no exception.
让顾客带着心满意足的笑意离开,这是每位厨师最喜欢看到的一幕,高冷如步方也不例外。Tidies up the tableware, Fang Fang little storeevery day the business houraccording to the system requirementisthreedouble-hour, todayonlyremaininghalfdouble-hour.
收拾完碗筷,方方小店每天营业时间按照系统要求是三个时辰,今天只剩下半个时辰了。Bu Fangstretched oneselfhas had a yawn, shrinkslies downon the chair, closed right up against the shopentrance, the preparationpassed the finalhalfdouble-hour.步方伸了伸懒腰打了个哈欠,缩躺在椅子上,靠着店门口,准备度过最后的半个时辰。Hot sungradualdisplacement, the rayalsolostthattypesharplybecamegentle, projection that in the alleyconstructedbypullingwas always long, likelywas an oil painting of old-fashioned person.
烈日逐渐的偏移,光芒也失去了那种锋锐变得柔和,小巷中建筑的投影被拉的老长,像是一幅老派的油画。Immersing that somewhatBu Fangunknowinglylooks.步方不知不觉看的有些沉醉。dā dā dā!哒哒哒!Atthis time, a sound of footstepsawakenedhim.
The form of petitewearbroken flowersskirtrushed to Small Shoptogetherrapidly, is holding the wall, bends at the waistunceasingbreathing heavily.
一道娇小的穿着碎花裙的身影飞速的冲到了小店之中,扶着墙壁,弓着腰不断的喘着粗气。Bu Fangexpressionlesslylooks at presentthisperson.步方面无表情的看着眼前这人。ps: Asked the recommendationticket, soughtcollection~
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