GOAW :: Volume #17

#1672: Bu Fang culinary arts... Had problems 【Second】

The system serious and earnest sound, resounds through in the Bu Fang's ear bank, but...... Was different from the past. 系统严肃而认真的声音,响彻在步方的耳畔,但是……和往日不同。 Present system sound, is actually becomes somewhat fuzzy. 如今的系统声音,却是变得有些模糊。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Bu Fang frowned. 步方皱起了眉头。 System...... Did you short-circuit?” “系统……你短路了么?” In Bu Fang heart inquiry system. 步方不由的心中询问系统。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Bu Fang's Spiritual Sea, had the huge change fiercely, the terrifying rumbled sound is resounding through unceasingly, just like shouting "long live" before the emperor tsunami. 步方的精神海,也是猛地发生了巨大的变化,恐怖的轰鸣声在响彻不断,就犹如山呼海啸似的。 Various great talent spirit in abundance is seething. 各大器灵纷纷在其中翻腾着。 This phenomenon, making Bu Fang think somewhat strangely, this before may not have these many problems. 这种异象,让步方觉得有些古怪,这之前可都没有这么多的毛病啊。 The spirit moves. 精神一动。 Bu Fang's figure suddenly sank to Spiritual Sea. 步方的身形顿时沉入了精神海中。 That vast boundless, as if stretch as far as the eye can see Vast Sea Spiritual Sea, this moment monstrous waves in surges...... 那浩瀚无垠,仿佛一望无际瀚海似的的精神海,此刻巨浪在翻腾…… Spirit is seething. 器灵在其中翻腾着。 The Qilin stands in the Spiritual Sea midpoint, has opened the mouth, shouting. 麒麟站立在精神海的正中央,张大了嘴,嘶吼着。 Sea water that the spirit transforms in unceasing surges. 精神幻化的海水在不断的翻腾。 Gold Dragon is swaying from side to side the body. 金龙扭动着身躯。 Vermillion Bird fans the wing, along with yelling. 朱雀扇动翅膀,伴随着啼叫。 White Tiger was roaring, unceasing was beating. 白虎咆哮着,不断的在跳动。 Black Tortoise is also slowly vicissitude from Spiritual Sea...... 玄武也是缓缓的从精神海中浮沉了起来…… What had? 发生了什么? Bu Fang was ignorant. 步方懵了。 Is spirits this is doing? Dances the square dance? 器灵们这是在干嘛呢?跳广场舞么? Suddenly, Bu Fang raised the head, looks to the top of the head. 突然,步方抬起头,看向了头顶。 There...... 那儿…… God of Cooking menu in unceasing turning page, sat cross-legged in the God of Cooking menu upper extreme Divine Awareness entity has opened the eye, the eye of eyes as if God of Cooking, was taking a fast look around God of Cooking menu. 厨神菜谱在不断的翻页,盘坐在厨神菜谱上端的神识实体睁开了眼,眼眸仿佛厨神之眼,扫视着厨神菜谱 The data in menu emerges in his eyes unceasingly. 菜谱中的数据不断的涌入他的眼眸之中。 Bu Fang calm, peaceful looks. 步方沉稳了下来,安静的看着。 He must have a look but actually, must have anything...... 他倒要看看,到底要发生什么…… Bang! 嘭! Suddenly. 忽然。 Crack. 一声炸响。 Bu Fang discovered that his Spiritual Sea starts rout slowly. 步方发现他的精神海开始缓缓的溃败。 Un? 嗯? The Divine Awareness entity collapses instantaneously, unceasing dispersing. 神识实体瞬间崩溃,不断的散开。 God of Cooking menu also has become by the crush the smashing. 厨神菜谱也是被碾压成了粉碎。 Then the breakage spreads, gradual downward, Spiritual Sea cuns (2.5 cm) break...... 接下来破裂蔓延,逐渐的往下,精神海一寸寸的断裂…… The world degenerates into a silence. 天地沦为一片寂静。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Bu Fang only thought that eye a while ago pitch-black, quick, was the deep sleep in the past, all were unknown. 步方只觉得眼前一阵漆黑,很快,便是沉睡了过去,一切都不得而知。 Before the deep sleep. 在沉睡之前。 He only hears the system serious and earnest sound resounds through. 他只听得系统严肃而认真的声音响彻。 System level up starts......” “系统升级开始……” ...... …… Bu Fang does not know how long oneself have rested. 步方不知道自己睡了多久。 Only knows, when he opens eyes, felt that whole body is top-heavy. 只知道当他睁开眼的时候,感觉整个人头重脚轻。 As if lived heavy cold. 就仿佛生了重感冒似的。 However, this feeling, should not appear on him, Bu Fang had almost forgotten how long oneself has not fallen ill. 但是,这种感觉,不应该出现在他身上啊,步方已经差不多忘记,自己有多久没有生过病了。 The mind moves, wants to use Divine Awareness. 心神一动,想要动用神识 But actually discovered, own body serious basis did not move. 可是却发现,自己的身体沉重的根本动不了。 A finger cannot move, but Spiritual Sea, as if degenerated into the deathly stillness, a spiritual fluctuation does not have. 一根手指都动弹不得,而精神海,仿佛沦为了死寂,一点精神波动都没有。 The spirit, the Divine Awareness entity did not have any response. 器灵,神识实体都没有了任何的回应。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Bu Fang was really somewhat ignorant. 步方真的是有些懵了。 He has spent that big strength, returns to Earth, deep sleep the spirits collect. 他花费了那么大的力气,回归地球,把沉睡的器灵们凑齐。 Finally? 结果呢? The result comes back, spirit vanished completely...... 结果一回来,器灵全部消失了…… Isn't this comedy? 这不是搞笑么? Was the beforehand effort, in vain completely? 之前的努力,全部都白费了? System instigator? 系统这个始作俑者呢? Setting out that Bu Fang struggles. 步方挣扎的起身。 By chair. 靠在了椅子上。 The weather becomes dark, at this moment, lies down before the restaurant, as if nobody induces him. 天色发黑,此刻,躺在餐馆之前,似乎都没有人感应到他。 Little Fox and Small Pi lie on his belly actually, opens the eye, is staring at him. 小狐小皮倒是趴在他的肚子上,睁大眼睛,盯着他。 Whitey in distant place, mechanical eye twinkle...... 小白在远处,机械眼闪烁…… Bu Fang this moment head is somewhat chaotic, he needs to reorganize. 步方此刻脑袋有些乱,他需要整理一下。 He shouts the system, discovered that the system simply has not responded to him. 他呼喊系统,发现系统根本没有回应他。 Bu Fang induced the strength, the strength in within the body has been able to use, as before was the strength of God Sovereign rank...... However Divine Awareness and spiritual force were actually tiny bit cannot use. 步方感应了一下力量,体内的力量还是可以动用,依旧是神皇级别的力量……但是神识精神力却是一丝一毫都动用不了了。 As if Divine Awareness was cancelled thoroughly generally. 仿佛神识被彻底抹去了一般。 Bu Fang knitting the brows head. 步方皱了皱眉头。 If he did not remember incorrectly, before should complete the turnover of system stipulation, must obtain to be promoted. 他如果没有记错,之前应该是完成了系统规定的营业额,要获得晋级了吧。 This time turnover difficulty big, Bu Fang is also very clear. 这次的营业额难度有多大,步方也是很清楚。 He has sold almost an entire Soul Demon Lord Soul Demon Lord meat, the turnover of sufficiently collecting. 他可是出售了几乎一整头魂主魂主肉,才凑够的营业额。 Finally? 结果呢? All these, as if have a dream to be the same. 这一切,仿佛做梦一样。 Dawn. 天亮了。 Sun jumped da from outside. 太阳从外面蹦跶了上来。 If Venus is common, blooms the pinnacle brilliance. 如启明星一般,绽放极致的光辉。 Outside restaurant, dense and numerous people, rushing to be first comes toward the restaurant in rapidly. 餐馆外,密密麻麻的人,争先恐后的朝着餐馆中飞速而来。 Bu Fang somewhat is in a daze. 步方有些发呆。 Lost spiritual force, can he also the culinary arts good delicacy? 失去了精神力,他还能烹饪好美味么? Can he then choose the closure restaurant? 那他接下来是不是要选择关闭餐馆? Bu Fang complexion not any change, put out a long breath. 步方脸色没有任何的变化,吐出了一口气 Disappearance of spiritual force, Bu Fang could not pay attention temporarily, he chose to continue to start doing business, happen to...... He also wants to confirm a fact. 精神力的消失,步方暂时理会不了,他选择继续开业,正好……他也想验证一个事实。 Bu Fang has stepped into the kitchen. 步方踏入了厨房中。 Royal Child appeared, is responsible for the order of restaurant. 帝子已经出现,负责餐馆的秩序。 The Royal Child summer also as if also thought that Bu Fang's condition some are not right, doubts looks at Bu Fang to enter the back in restaurant. 帝子夏亦似乎也觉得步方的状态有些不对,疑惑的看着步方进入餐馆中的背影。 However, he has not cared about anything actually, started today's business. 不过,他倒是没有在乎什么,开始了今天的营业。 Little Fox and Small Pi lie on the counter, they looked at Bu Fang to enter the back of kitchen, looked at a denseness and numerousness, on the face was almost flooding the frantic audience...... 小狐小皮趴在柜台上,他们看了看步方进入厨房的背影,又看了一眼密密麻麻,脸上几乎充斥着狂热的观众…… These two little fellows, are not do not understand. 这两个小家伙,可不是什么都不懂。 Arrived their this levels, oneself are passes humane. 到了他们这种层次,自己是通人性的。 Little Fox and in the Small Pi eye, was reveals to worry about the color/look. 小狐小皮的眼中,都是流露出了担忧之色。 Royal Child, gives me to come one, Red Braised Pork! Likes Owner Bu's Red Braised Pork, suffices taste, suffices the vigor!” 帝子,给我来一份,红烧肉!就喜欢步老板的红烧肉,够味,够劲!” Aristocratic Family Family Head, steps into restaurant, said to the Royal Child summer with a smile. 一位世家家主,踏入餐馆中,笑着对帝子夏亦说道。 The summer also nodded, has taken down menu. 夏亦点了点头,记下了菜谱 Then has recorded several people of menus, has given Bu Fang the menu report. 接下来又记了几人的菜单,将菜单报给了步方 Knew......” “知道了……” The window place, broadcast the Bu Fang calm sound, the summer also has not doubted him, then turned around, continued the tend shop. 窗口处,传来了步方淡定的声音,夏亦也不疑有他,则是转身,继续招待顾客了。 Little Yōu is not at now, is busy at work , can only he begin. 小幽如今不在,忙活起来,也只能他自己动手。 In fact, he has also asked Bu Fang, why Little Yōu no longer. 实际上,他也有问过步方,为何小幽不再了。 However, Bu Fang did not say, he also realized unusual, therefore has not continued to ask. 不过,步方不是说,他也察觉到了不同寻常,所以也没有继续问。 Cursed Heaven Female, status originally special, in the book collection pavilion of imperial family, many old books have recorded. 诅咒天女,身份本来就特殊,皇室的藏书阁中,许多古籍都有记载过。 chī chī chī...... 嗤嗤嗤…… In the restaurant, all are very harmonious. 餐馆中,一切都很和谐。 Several diners, have pieced together one table, several people are merry, in the delicacy of discussion dish. 几位食客,更是拼凑了一桌,几人有说有笑,在谈论菜的美味。 Important matter that also in discussing God Dynasty has. 也在谈论神朝中所发生的大事。 The summer has also arrived at the window place, carried one bowl of Red Braised Pork to walk. 夏亦走到了窗口处,端了一碗红烧肉走了出来。 Appearance incomparable perfect of Red Braised Pork, glittering and translucent carving. 红烧肉的卖相无比的完美,晶莹剔透。 However, the summer also looks at this dish, is actually slightly some God. 但是,夏亦看着这道菜,却是微微有些愣神。 Because he discovered that Bu Fang today's dish, as if...... Some horizontal flaws. 因为他发现,步方今日的菜品,似乎……有些水平缺失。 The feeling, did not have beforehand intelligential. 感觉,没有以前的有灵性了。 However the summer also understands to culinary arts are not many. 不过夏亦对厨艺懂的不多。 Shook the head. 只是摇了摇头。 Is carrying Red Braised Pork, arrived at that Aristocratic Family Family Head front. 端着红烧肉,来到了那位世家家主的面前。 Arranges the dish. 将菜品摆下。 Your Red Braised Pork...... Enjoy your meal.” “你的红烧肉……请慢用。” summer Yidao. 夏亦道。 That Family Head hurries put the palms together before one, expression of gratitude. 那位家主赶忙双手合十,道谢。 The summer also nodded, continued to be busy at work. 夏亦点了点头,就继续忙活去了。 Hehe...... Everybody, excuse me, the dish of old man got up first, the old man first tasted for completely!” “嘿嘿……各位,不好意思,老夫的菜先上了,老夫就先尝为尽了!” On that Aristocratic Family Family Head face revealed the smiling face. 世家家主脸上流露出了笑容。 He will come to the Bu Fang's restaurant to eat Red Braised Pork every day, naturally, should to come late, not to have the standing in line team sometimes. 他每日都会来步方的餐馆吃一份红烧肉,当然,有的时候应为来晚了,就没有排上队伍。 He was several days has not eaten Red Braised Pork. 他可是有好几日没有吃到红烧肉了。 In vision that in the surrounding person admires. 在周围人艳羡的目光中。 That Aristocratic Family Family Head has worked on the chopsticks, has clamped clear Red Braised Pork, has squeezed in the mouth. 世家家主抓起了筷子,夹了一块晶莹的红烧肉,塞入了口中。 squish squish...... 吧唧吧唧…… On this Aristocratic Family Family Head face revealed the color/look of enjoyment. 世家家主脸上本来是流露出享受之色的。 But...... 可是…… After chewing several. 咀嚼了几口之后。 This person of complexion suddenly changed. 这人的脸色顿时变了。 The brow wrinkles fiercely, the meaning of enjoyment also suddenly vanishes. 眉头猛地皱起,享受之意也陡然消失。 His fiercely again chewing. 他猛地再咀嚼 To eat the flavor/smell in that memory, no matter how he eats, is actually hard to seek that flavor/smell. 想要吃出那记忆中的味道,可是不管他怎么吃,却都是难以寻到那味道。 This......” “这……” Aristocratic Family Family Head put down the chopsticks, in tray also had many Red Braised Pork, the brow wrinkles, complexion some were unattractive. 世家家主放下了筷子,盘子中还有很多块红烧肉,眉头皱起,脸色有些不好看。 Other people have also discovered his unusuality. 其他人也发现了他的异常。 How, old Shen?” “怎么了,老沈?” „Doesn't dish satisfy one's liking? Should not, the Owner Bu's dish, each unusual delicacy......” “菜不合胃口么?不应该啊,步老板的菜,每一道都非常的美味……” „Did you get sick?” “你是不是病了?” ...... …… The surrounding good friend is the inquiry of good intention. 周围的好友都是好心的询问。 That Aristocratic Family Family Head frowns, shook the head. 世家家主则是皱着眉头,摇了摇头。 No...... The Red Braised Pork of today has the strangeness, although said that is not difficult to enter the mouth, but compares with beforehand Red Braised Pork, missed.” “不……今天的这红烧肉有古怪,虽然说不是难以入口,但是和以前的红烧肉比起来,差了很多。” This saying, surroundings person also when only he is cracking a joke. 这话一出,周围人也都只当他是在开玩笑。 Everybody has not taken seriously. 大家都没有当真。 At this time, the dishes of other people also carried. 这个时候,其他人的菜品也纷纷端了上来。 Everybody simply has not paid attention to that Family Head words, has eaten...... 大家根本没有将那位家主的话放在眼里,纷纷吃了起来…… However, quick, the entrance all people of dish, the movement fiercely has stagnated. 然而,很快,入口了菜品的所有人,动作都是猛地一滞。 This......” “这……” Bah...... This flavor/smell not to Ah! “呸呸……这味道不对啊! Fish fishy smell has not removed cleanly, what's all this about?” “鱼腥味都没有去除干净,这是怎么回事?” ...... …… The diners open the mouth in abundance, they frown, somewhat discontented is nitpicking. 食客们纷纷开口,他们皱着眉头,有些不满的挑剔着。 The Bu Fang's dish, has not disappointed them, but the day, truly was disappoints them. 步方的菜,从来没有让他们失望过,但是这一日,确实是让他们失望了。 As if overnight, culinary arts of dish changed players, culinary arts gets up, an intelligence does not have. 仿佛一夜之间,菜品的烹饪者换了人似的,烹饪起来,一点灵性都没有。 In kitchen. 厨房中。 Bu Fang also walked. 步方也是走了出来。 His brow tight wrinkle. 他的眉头紧皱。 He has also discovered the gravity of issue. 他也发现了问题的严重性。 Since has lost Divine Awareness, Bu Fang felt continuously, his culinary arts depending on the basis of use, seems unable to use. 失去了神识,步方感觉一直以来,他烹饪赖以使用的根本,似乎无法使用了。 Bu Fang has arrived at that Aristocratic Family Family Head front, grabs the chopsticks, has clamped a Red Braised Pork entrance. 步方走到了那位世家家主的面前,抓着筷子,夹了一块红烧肉入口。 This is with top spirit beast culinary arts Red Braised Pork. 这是用顶级灵兽烹饪红烧肉 The entrance, is can absolutely the entrance. 入口,是绝对能入口的。 But, the Bu Fang's complexion is actually becomes very ugly. 可是,步方的脸色却是变得很难看。 Is his culinary arts dish? 这是他烹饪的菜品? Possibly how can like this?! 怎么可能会这样?! Bu Fang deep breath...... 步方深吸了一口气…… He felt the gravity of matter. 他感觉到了事情的严重性。 That Red Braised Pork, lost any intelligence, but bites one, a fatty feeling, on thorough emerged in his body and mind, making him feel that the whole body is uncomfortable. 那口红烧肉,失去了任何的灵性,只是咬一口,一股肥腻感,就彻底的涌入了他的身心之中,让他感觉到浑身难受。 Did not say delicious, but before Bu Fang the culinary arts dish, that precisely was unpalatable. 不是说不好吃,而是比起步方之前烹饪的菜品,那就是真的难吃了。 Disappearance of Divine Awareness, is huge regarding the feeling of Bu Fang culinary arts. 神识的消失,对于步方烹饪的感觉是巨大的。 Today's business stops, suspends operations.” “今天的营业到此为止,暂停营业。” Bu Fang serious saying. 步方严肃的说道。 He does not have to choose to continue culinary arts again. 他没有再选择继续烹饪 Many diners, disappointed suspends to depart. 不少食客,也都是失望的摆着头离去。 They do not know that Bu Fang had anything. 他们不知道步方发生了什么。 But, they to today's dining, feel very disappointedly...... 可是,他们对今日的用餐,感到很失望…… After these diners left restaurant. 而在这些食客离开了餐馆之后。 This news was also insane general travelling. 这消息也是疯了一般的传开。 In a flash, has then spread over entire Royal Court. 一瞬间,便是传遍了整个朝都 Many people are incredible. 许多人都是不可置信。 After all, to them, Bu Fang's dish, that precisely belief. 毕竟,对于他们而言,步方的菜,那就是信仰。 However, now, belief avalanche! 然而,如今,信仰崩塌了! The restaurants in other surroundings buildings may be happy, they prepare going out of business. 周围其他大厦的餐馆可高兴了,他们都做好倒闭的准备。 Finally? 结果呢? Unexpectedly finding a way out. 绝处逢生。 That is impossible to make the mistake the restaurant, made the mistake. 那根本不可能出现失误的餐馆,出现了失误。 But now, this fault, precisely their opportunities. 而现在,这失误,就是他们的机会。 Had known the news, 3rd Lady Luo hurries to arrive at the Bu Fang's restaurant. 得知了消息的,洛三娘赶紧来到步方的餐馆。 The gate of restaurant is shutting tightly. 餐馆的门紧闭着。 The Royal Child summer also sits on the chair, serious looks at Bu Fang. 帝子夏亦坐在椅子上,严肃的看着步方 This matter, very serious...... 这件事,很严重…… Bu Fang's culinary arts, haunches the key of entire restaurant, but now Bu Fang's culinary arts had the problem, this issue is very vital. 步方的厨艺,是撑起整家餐馆的关键,而如今步方的厨艺出现了问题,这个问题很重大。 Bu Fang sits on the chair, he is pondering, he was pondering. 步方坐在椅子上,他在沉思,他在思考。 This matter, regarding him, the impulse is giant. 这件事,对于他而言,冲击力是巨大的。 He does not believe in evil doctrines culinary arts in kitchen two double-hour. 他不信邪的在厨房中烹饪了两个时辰。 Each dish, he will do, after completing, tastes personally. 每一道菜,他都会做,做完后,亲自品尝。 However...... Eats, is actually difficult to enter the mouth, completely lost the beforehand intelligence and flavor/smell. 但是……吃起来,却是都难以入口,完全失去了以前的灵性和味道。 Why is this? 这是为什么? This change, definitely and system...... The Spiritual Sea mutation is related! 这种变化,肯定和系统……还有自己精神海的异变有关! huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… Bu Fang stretches out porcelain spoon, has scooped up one spoon of Egg Fried Rice. 步方伸出瓷勺,舀了一勺蛋炒饭 Royal Child summer Yi, 3rd Lady Luo , etc., with eats together...... 帝子夏亦,洛三娘等,也是跟着一起吃…… The Egg Fried Rice entrance, several people of complexions changed. 蛋炒饭入口,几人的脸色都是变了。 Summer also Royal Child, in Egg Fried Rice mouth spitting. 夏亦帝子,更是将口中蛋炒饭给吐了出来。 Salty, was too salty. 咸,太咸了。 Bu Fang's culinary arts had problems really...... 步方的厨艺真的出问题了…… Can't make the beforehand feeling including Egg Fried Rice that most excels at? 连最擅长的蛋炒饭都做不出以前的感觉了? Bu Fang is somewhat absent-minded...... 步方有些恍惚…… It seems like disappearance of his spiritual force, is huge regarding his culinary arts influence. 看来他精神力的消失,对于他的厨艺影响是巨大的。 Where Spiritual Sea? 精神海到底哪里去了?
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