GOAW :: Volume #16

#1544: Always some defiant people want to harm me 【First】

Divine Kitchen palace. 神厨宫。 Ancient Heavenly God seal place. 上古天神封印处。 Bu Fang wears the pure white long gown, defeated/carrying, he is looking at that Heavenly God seal, the vision glitters lightly. 步方穿着素白的长袍,负着手,他望着那天神封印,目光淡淡闪烁。 After this Heavenly God seal, has anything, Bu Fang is very curious, but he is not anxious. 这个天神封印之后有什么,步方很好奇,不过他不急。 When he returns from Titan God Dynasty, has the time, slowly explained this Ancient Heavenly God Seal seal. 等他从泰坦神朝归来,就有时间,慢慢的来破解这个上古天神封禁的封印了。 This thing has the inheritance of Ancient Heavenly God, but can also inherit Divine Ability. 玩意有着上古天神的传承,还能传承神通 Bu Fang naturally cannot miss. 步方自然不会错过。 Xia Tian stands after railing fence, looks at the ponder Bu Fang. 夏天站在栏杆之后,看着沉思的步方 Her vision is somewhat complex. 她的目光有些复杂。 Kitchen Tools was destroyed, was suppressed by Heavenly God, the past talent evildoer/monstrous talent, could it be that was in light of this quiet...... 厨具被毁,遭受到天神的打压,昔日的天才妖孽,难道就此沉寂了么…… However, Bu Fang is the palace Lord in Divine Kitchen palace, shares weal and woe with them, if who thought that Bu Fang raises does not resort to arms, Divine Kitchen palace...... Will be absolutely impolite. 不过,步方神厨宫的宫主,与他们荣辱与共,若是有谁觉得步方提不动刀了,神厨宫……绝对不会客气的。 ...... …… A ray diverges. 点点光芒散去。 Bu Fang's figure falls. 步方的身形落下。 He is narrowing the eyes shortly to all around, without a doubt, the system has completed teleportation, the position that he places at this moment, should precisely Titan God Dynasty. 他眯着眼看向四周,毫无疑问,系统已经完成了传送,他此刻身处的位置,应该就是泰坦神朝 Looks all around, places the position is a piece of vast wilderness. 环顾四周,身处位置是一片辽阔荒原。 But above that wilderness, is situated the brown city that is standing tall and erect palatially. 而那荒原之上,则是坐落着一座巍峨高耸的土黄色城池。 That is Titan God Dynasty Royal Court. 那是泰坦神朝朝都 System his teleportation to Royal Court beside...... 系统将他传送到了朝都之外…… Gathered to say according to God Sovereign Xia Yu, Titan God Dynasty temple position in this Royal Court, the heart of that Titan, existed. 按照神皇夏宇合所说,泰坦神朝的神庙位置就在这朝都之内,那泰坦之心,也是存在于其中。 „The heart of Titan......” 泰坦之心……” Bu Fang put out a long breath, that is this line of objective. 步方吐出了一口气,那是此行的目标 Defeated/Carrying, following the major road, leads the way, toward that palatial boundless, floods the plain aura big city to go. 负着手,顺着官道,一路前行,朝着那巍峨磅礴,充斥着古朴气息的大城而去。 Titan God Dynasty is different from Xiayi God Dynasty, the Titan God Dynasty position is quite bleak, more is the rugged rocks, with wonderful dangerous topography. 泰坦神朝夏邑神朝不一样,泰坦神朝的位置颇为荒凉,更多的都是嶙峋的怪石,和奇险的地势。 This has also accomplished the Titan God Dynasty simple and honest vicious common social practice. 这也造就了泰坦神朝淳朴凶悍的民风。 Here people, the wear is quite open, the male bare naked upper part, the body is drawing up many complicated and abstruse barbarian articles. 这儿的人民,穿着都颇为开放,男的赤果上半身,身上绘制着诸多繁奥的蛮文。 The women are will be more reserved, but also bound the spot of privacy with the animal skin. 女人则是会内敛些,但是也只是用兽皮裹住了隐私的部位。 Moreover, the Titan God Dynasty person, the skin is quite swarthy, vicious quite obviously. 而且,泰坦神朝的人,皮肤都颇为黝黑,显的颇为的凶悍 Naturally, that refers to the bloodlines pure Titan God Dynasty person. 当然,那都是指血脉纯正的泰坦神朝人。 Along with the development of time, in Titan God Dynasty also introduced many other God Dynasty people, for example Immortal Spirit God Dynasty, for example Xiayi God Dynasty, common advance trade. 随着时代的发展,泰坦神朝中也引进了不少其他神朝的人,比如仙灵神朝,比如夏邑神朝,共同发展贸易。 Therefore, Bu Fang walks on the major road, pours has not attracted the attention of too many person. 所以,步方行走在官道上,倒也没有吸引太多人的注意。 Titan God Dynasty Royal Court very huge. 泰坦神朝朝都非常的巨大。 Here architectural style precisely is well-known by vicious directly. 这儿的建筑风格就是凶悍直接而闻名。 The city wall stands tall and erect extremely, builds with ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone. 城墙高耸万分,用万斤巨石堆砌而成。 Before the city gate, has not guarded. 城门前,也没有守卫。 In major road straight Tongcheng, Bu Fang follows the stream of people, has stepped directly then into the city. 官道直通城内,步方顺着人流,直接便是踏入了城池之中。 Has not guarded the supervision, nobody inquired Bu Fang. 没有守卫监察,没有人来询问步方 Bu Fang feels somewhat strangely, solemn God Imperial Capital, guards the strength...... Such isn't rigorous? 步方都是感到有些古怪,堂堂神朝朝都,守卫力量……都这么的不严谨么? Which looks like Country of Henan God Imperial Capital, in third level, outside third level must inspect meticulously. 哪像夏邑神朝朝都,里三层,外三层的都要一丝不苟的检查。 Bu Fang frowns, walks in Titan God Imperial Capital, entire Titan God Imperial Capital, gives him a strange feeling. 步方皱着眉头,行走在泰坦神朝朝都之中,整个泰坦神朝朝都,给他一种古怪的感觉。 As if...... death aura heavy. 仿佛……死气沉沉。 This is very strange. 这很古怪。 Moreover, walks in a city, unexpectedly cannot smell slightly the fragrance of food from the air. 而且,行走在一座城池中,居然从空气中嗅不到丝毫食物的香味。 Doesn't the could it be that Titan God Dynasty person, like eating cuisines? 难道泰坦神朝的人,都不喜欢吃美食 Restaurant, restaurant...... Cannot see. 餐馆,饭店……一家都看不见。 Some different kind. 有些异类。 The food is what matters to the people, this, in each state, should be the same. 民以食为天,这点,在每个国度,应该都是一样的。 Ok, these are not Bu Fang must pay attention, his trip comes Titan God Dynasty, for Abrupt Mission, found the heart of Titan. 算了,这些都不是步方要关注的,他此行前来泰坦神朝,是为了临时任务,找到泰坦之心。 Bu Fang has not opened thoughts of branch store in this Titan God Dynasty now. 步方如今也没有在这泰坦神朝中开一家分店的心思。 Because, why does not know, Bu Fang to Titan God Dynasty, suddenly on some loathings. 因为,不知道为什么,步方泰坦神朝,突然就有些厌恶。 Defeated/Carrying. 负着手。 The surrounding stream of people surges, Bu Fang is actually felt that such as needle Manzat carries, as if the lines of sight are spying on themselves. 周围人流涌动,步方却是感觉如针芒扎背,仿佛有一道道视线在窥探着自己。 However, Bu Fang several times look back, has not looked for the person of spying on. 不过,步方几次回首,都是未曾寻找到窥探之人。 Because, making him feel absolutely terrified as, as if surrounding person...... Is spying on him. 因为,让他感到毛骨悚然似的,仿佛周围的人……都是在窥探他。 Always has the defiant person...... To harm me? 总有刁民……想害朕? The Bu Fang innermost feelings do not fluctuate. 步方内心毫无波动。 The weather is gradually late. 天色渐晚。 Bu Fang in Royal Court, sought for an inn, stays in the inn first. 步方朝都中,寻找了一家客栈,在客栈中先住下。 Heart of matter Titan, needs to take your time. 泰坦之心这件事,需要慢慢来。 ...... …… Titan God Dynasty, in Imperial Palace. 泰坦神朝,皇宫中。 rumbled resounds through. 一阵轰鸣响彻。 The Imperial Palace gate was opened suddenly. 皇宫的门陡然被打开。 The person's shadow takes a step together, that is a youth, bronze flesh, full head dimension. 一道人影从中迈步而出,那是一个青年,古铜色的肌肤,满头的寸法。 In eyes of man is glittering the fine glow. 男子的眼眸中闪烁着精芒。 „Does father Kokyo however make me make an arrest now? An outer court person?” “父皇居然让我现在去抓人?一个外朝人?” This youth with two guards, their vision is after death faint, as if no slight mood. 这青年身后跟着两道守卫,他们的目光淡漠,仿佛没有丝毫的情绪。 „An outer court person as for so on a grand scale? Since safe Uncle Shan died, the father sovereign handles affairs...... Ascertained more and more airtight.” Youth put out a long breath, “一个外朝人至于这般大张旗鼓么?自从泰山叔死后,父皇行事……越来越捉摸不透了。”青年吐出了一口气 Your Highness Royal Child, the His Majesty conduct has its truth, I and others only needed to carry out can.” 帝子殿下,陛下行事自有其道理,我等只需要执行便可。” Stands in youth behind two guards, saying of Blank eye. 站在青年身后的两位守卫,目光无神的说道。 This youth precisely Royal Child, Titan God Dynasty Royal Child. 这青年就是帝子,泰坦神朝帝子 That person of material did you find?” Titan Royal Child curled the lip. “那人的资料你们找到了么?”泰坦帝子撇了撇嘴。 God Sovereign has given the material.” 神皇给出了资料。” That person came from Xiayi God Dynasty, is the Xiayi God Dynasty young generation of top evildoer/monstrous talent, it is said fights completely Xiayi God Dynasty young one generation, including Royal Child, each war all wins, the talent incomparable evildoer/monstrous talent, comprehend three Universe Top Principle, is the next generation Heavenly God candidate.” “那人来自夏邑神朝,是夏邑神朝年轻一辈的顶尖妖孽,据说战尽夏邑神朝年轻一辈,包括帝子在内,每一战皆是获胜,天赋无比的妖孽,领悟三道宇宙至强法则,是下一代天神候选者。” A humanity. 一人道。 Titan Royal Child vision suddenly shrinks. 泰坦帝子的目光顿时一缩。 Comprehends three Universe Top Principle? 领悟三道宇宙至强法则 Titan Royal Child only felt own whole body the vitality wanted boiling to get up. 泰坦帝子只感觉自己浑身的气血都是要沸腾起来了似的。 Early wanted to experience the Xiayi God Dynasty evildoer/monstrous talent, you said, Xiayi God Dynasty Royal Child was defeated?” Titan Royal Child said. “老早就想要去见识一下夏邑神朝的妖孽了,你说,夏邑神朝帝子都被打败了?”泰坦帝子道。 The guards nodded. 守卫点了点头。 interesting!” Titan Royal Child pinched the fist, the barbarian article in his body seemed is beating. 有点意思!”泰坦帝子捏起了拳头,他身躯上的蛮文似乎都是在跳动。 Walks...... Finds that outer court person to go.” “走……找那外朝人去。” Royal Child said. 帝子道。 Semblance rough incomparable warship anchoring slowly. 一辆外表粗犷无比的战船缓缓的停泊。 Royal Child and two guards have stepped into the warship, is stimulates to movement the warship, warship rumbled, changed to stream of light, is jumps toward the distant place shoots to go. 帝子和两位守卫踏入了战船中,便是催动战船,战船轰鸣,化作了一道流光,朝着远处便是迸射而去。 Royal Child must in Royal Court, find an outer court person. 帝子要在朝都中,找一个外朝人。 This naturally does not have what difficulty, the Royal Child status is honored. 这自然没有什么困难,帝子的身份何等尊贵。 Finds the outer court person, naturally does not have what issue. 找个外朝人,自然没有什么问题。 Day also not bright. 天还没有亮。 Outside an inn. 一家客栈外。 Warships are float, anchored outside. 一艘艘的战船便是悬浮而起,停泊在了外面。 Boss of inn, goes out, grovels toward the warship. 客栈的老板,从中走出,朝着战船点头哈腰。 Titan Royal Child goes out from the warship. 泰坦帝子从战船中走出。 „Did you say that outer court person in your inn?” “你说那外朝人就在你的客栈中?” Royal Child has swept inn Boss lightly, said. 帝子淡淡的扫了一眼客栈老板,道。 Your highness...... Small personally sees, all are true! Moreover that outer court person, a night has not moved, stays in the room.” “殿下……小的亲眼所见,一切属实!而且那外朝人,一夜未动,都呆在房间中。” Inn Boss is respectful extremely, on the face reveals frantically. 客栈老板恭敬万分,脸上流露出狂热。 Is very good, if catches the outer court person, you layer on layer/heavily enjoy.” The Royal Child corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, said. “很好,如果抓到外朝人,你重重有赏。”帝子嘴角微微一翘,道。 That inn Boss, suddenly is wild with joy. 那客栈老板,顿时欣喜若狂。 God Sovereign ordered, can be God Sovereign completes mission, he felt that very proud, naturally, what were more was relations that because rewarded. 神皇下令,能够为神皇完成任务,他感到十分的骄傲,当然,更多的还是因为奖赏的关系。 Inn Boss, before leading one line to arrive at a room. 客栈老板,带着一行人来到了一间房间之前。 The door of room shuts tightly, does not have the slight sound. 房间的房门紧闭,没丝毫的声音。 Your highness, outer court person.” “殿下,外朝人,就在其中。” The inn Boss face narrows the eyes, the barbarian article on face is vibrating slightly. 客栈老板脸都眯起来,脸上的蛮文在轻微抖动。 Royal Child nodded. 帝子点了点头。 Looked at two to guard one. 看了两位守卫一眼。 Guards suddenly aura to burst out, palm caressing gently in gate. 守卫顿时气息迸发,一掌轻轻的抚在了门上。 Buzz...... 嗡…… That suddenly deglaciation snow melts general, changed to running water of place. 那门顿时冰消雪融一般,化作了一地的流水。 The method of this terrifying, making the inn Boss whole body flood cold. 这恐怖的手段,让客栈老板浑身泛寒。 Too terrifying...... 太恐怖了…… No matter Royal Child, is Royal Child person, is too fearful. 不管是帝子,还是帝子身边的人,都太可怕。 Royal Child was called, Titan God Dynasty strongest Royal Child. 帝子更是被称之为,泰坦神朝最强的一届帝子 Un? 嗯? Guarded has exuded well the sound suddenly lightly. 守卫突然发出了轻咦之声。 Looked at Royal Child one, is actually shaking the head of maintaining composure. 看了帝子一眼,却是不动声色的摇了摇头。 Your highness, in room nobody.” “殿下,房间内无人。” Nobody? 没有人? That Boss suddenly stares, breaks in the room hastily, actually discovered that in the room is actually completely empty. 老板顿时一愣,连忙冲入房间中,却是发现,房间内却是空空如也。 That thin youth early already not in room. 那消瘦的青年早已经不在房间中。 Is impossible...... I have been staring at that youth.” “不可能啊……我一直盯着那青年的。” Boss somewhat is absentminded, disappearance of youth, means that Reward also missed with him. 老板有些失魂落魄,青年的消失,意味着奖励也跟他无缘了。 It seems like that outer court person, should also be realized that anything......” Royal Child defeated/carrying, in the vision has the meaning of ponder. “看来那外朝人,应该也是察觉到了什么……”帝子负着手,目光中有沉思之意。 Then, the group go out of inn. 尔后,一行人走出客栈。 On warship. 上了战船。 In the warship spreads the unusual energy fluctuation. 战船中扩散出奇特的能量波动。 The article such as worm general vibration, sends out fluctuations, is investigating anything. 蛮文如蠕虫一般的抖动起来,散发出一圈圈的波动,在探查着什么。 ...... …… Above major road. 官道之上。 Bu Fang defeated/carrying begins the line, in his hand grabs steaming hot Sea Oyster Wrap. 步方负着手而行,他的手中抓着热气腾腾的海蛎包 Day also not bright, he then went out. 天还没有亮,他便是出门了。 The position of temple had determined, he must investigate the situation now. 神庙的位置已经确定,他现在要去探查一下情况。 squish squish. 吧唧吧唧 Sea Oyster Wrap is flowing the oil juice, fragrant incomparable. 海蛎包流淌着油汁,喷香无比。 Bu Fang food happy, steaming hot Sea Oyster Wrap gets down, the night chill in the air was scattered much. 步方吃的欢乐,一口热气腾腾的海蛎包下去,夜晚的寒意都是被驱散了不少。 He walks on the street. 他行走在街道上。 Titan God Dynasty evening, on street pedestrian very scarce. 泰坦神朝的晚上,街上行人十分的稀少。 Actually and lively district general Country of Henan God Imperial Capital forms the striking contrast. 倒是和不夜城一般的夏邑神朝朝都形成鲜明对比。 How long walked did not know. 走了不知道多久。 Bu Fang has eaten fifth Sea Oyster Wrap. 步方吃了第五块海蛎包了。 From afar saw a grand construction. 才是远远的看到了一座宏伟的建筑。 That is a pagoda. 那是一座宝塔。 Under the pagoda is continuous a building. 宝塔下连绵着一片建筑。 That is the Titan God Dynasty temple! 那便是泰坦神朝的神庙! The temple is palatial, sends out is being mystical and strange, as if bright light floods the starry sky, lets person lowering the head and submitting. 神庙巍峨,散发着神秘和奇异,仿佛有神光充斥星空,让人不由的低头和臣服。 The position of temple in Royal Court, quite remote place. 神庙的位置在朝都中,比较偏僻的地方。 The surroundings are bleak, but pitch-black, a major road straight to there, bleak, mysterious. 周围荒凉而漆黑,一条官道笔直的通向那儿,荒凉,神秘。 Bu Fang walks on the major road. 步方在官道上行走。 raised the head then can see the temple, he can feel, in the temple, as if has unusual energy to attract him to resemble. 抬头便是可以看到神庙,他可以感受到,神庙中,仿佛有着奇特的能量在吸引着他似的。 This feeling, very marvelous. 这种感觉,非常的奇妙。 Walked a while. 行走了一会儿。 The horizon place, has glowing red morning sun to ascend. 地平线处,都是有红彤彤的朝阳升腾起来。 In warm brilliance to the earth projection, has scattered the night chill in the air. 给大地投射上温暖的光辉,驱散了深夜的寒意。 But Bu Fang, arrived at the front door of temple , before finally. 步方,也终于来到了神庙的大门之前。 The pagoda stands tall and erect very much, each first level about hundred meters, nine , the precisely 910 meters, the spire, should have kilometer high in addition. 宝塔很高耸,每一层都近百米,共有九层,也就是910米,加上塔尖,应该有千米之高。 As if a colossus is ordinary, passes through the world. 就仿佛是一座庞然大物一般,贯穿天地。 Even the midair in tower, is lingering the white clouds and dense fog. 甚至塔的半空,都是萦绕着白云和迷雾。 Entered the temple architectural complex. 入了神庙建筑群。 Bu Fang only walks in a direction, quick, then arrived under the temple high tower. 步方只朝着一个方向行走,很快,便是来到了神庙高塔之下。 Before high tower. 高塔之前。 Has the person's shadow to stand and wait for a long time, seemed already waiting for Bu Fang. 有人影伫立,似乎早就等待着步方 In the Bu Fang mouth is holding in the mouth together Sea Oyster Wrap, has narrowed the eye. 步方口中叼着一块海蛎包,眯了眯眼。 . 身后。 Sound from out of the blue resounds through. 破空之声响彻。 Tear the sound of backdrop to resound through. 一道道撕裂天幕的声音响彻而起。 Then, the warship spurts the thin air wave to come, float in airborne. 尔后,战船喷薄气浪而来,悬浮在空中。 Titan Royal Child slowly treads the sky. 从中,泰坦帝子缓缓踏空而出。 It behind with two guards...... 其身后跟着两位守卫…… In eyes that guards is glittering the black ray, locking stubbornly the Bu Fang's body, they have grinned, reveal the color/look of Greed. 守卫的眼眸中闪烁着黑色的光芒,死死的锁定住了步方的身躯,他们咧嘴,流露出了贪婪之色。 Bu Fang stares slightly. 步方微微一愣。 Looked at one to keep off in the temple tall Taqian person's shadow, looked at behind Royal Child and the others. 看了一眼挡在神庙高塔前的人影,又看了看身后的帝子等人呢。 Kā cā, bit Sea Oyster Wrap. 咔擦一声,咬下了海蛎包 Oneself were surrounded...... 不知不觉间,自己就被包围了啊……
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