GOAW :: Volume #15

#1473: Royal Child, defeat! 【Second!】

Quite skillful...... 好巧哦…… Also is quite skillful?! 又好巧?! Especially where was also skillful? 特么的又哪里巧了? Hears the Bu Fang's words, Royal Child nearly to grasp crazily, is not only Royal Child, after the surrounding person listened to the Bu Fang's words , is speechless. 听得步方的话语,帝子险些要抓狂,不仅仅是帝子,就连周围的人听了步方的话后,也皆是无语。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife with the sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade reluctantly is some common grounds, reaches an agreement skillfully. 龙骨菜刀跟皇极龙魂刀勉强算是有些共同点,说好巧也可以。 But...... 可是…… Two Universe Top Principle of others Royal Child comprehension, you also reach an agreement skillfully...... Can want the face? 人家帝子领悟的两道宇宙至强法则,你还说好巧……能不能要点脸? When you Universe Top Principle is the cabbage, can the casualness comprehend two? 你当宇宙至强法则是大白菜呢,随便就能够领悟出两道? Wait/Etc....... 等等…… Suddenly. 突然。 Those present were the body stiff. 在场的人都是身躯僵了僵。 They detected suddenly, probably what Bu Fang said is...... Also comprehended two Universe Top Principle. 他们恍然发觉,步方好像说的是……也领悟了两道宇宙至强法则 This...... 这…… could it be that did Bu Fang comprehend two Universe Top Principle really? 难道步方真的领悟了两道宇宙至强法则 Bang! 嘭! Contained two to cut to the strong Principle sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade, the might of this blade, calculated on was Royal Child until now strongest one incurred. 蕴含了两道至强法则的皇极龙魂刀斩下,这一刀的威力,算的上是帝子迄今为止的最强一招了。 This blade cuts, world dies out, void unceasing disintegration. 这一刀斩下,天地都是寂灭,虚空不断的崩碎。 Feared that is God King expert is not necessarily able to keep off, big perfection God possibly directly by kill[ed]! 怕是神王强者都未必能挡,大圆满神祗可能都会直接被斩杀 However...... 然而…… Then lifts the kitchen knife, arrived under the sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade, such with ease blocked. 那把菜刀抬起,抵在了皇极龙魂刀之下,就那样轻轻松松的挡住了。 Blocked...... 挡住了…… My God! 我的天! Unexpectedly blocked really? 居然真的挡住了? What does that mean? 那意味着什么? Under the building, all people are startled, has stood in abundance, on the face revealed startled to accommodate, was extremely incredible. 大厦之下,所有人都是惊起,纷纷站立了起来,脸上流露出了惊容,万分的不可置信。 Bu Fang can block unexpectedly, could it be that he not in acting cool? 步方居然真的能够挡住,难道他不是在装逼 could it be that did he comprehend two Universe Top Principle really? 难道他真的领悟了两道宇宙至强法则 The pore of Royal Child whole body also blasts out. 帝子浑身的毛孔也是炸开。 He has not thought, he must kill one move, unexpectedly kept off by Bu Fang. 他万万没有想到,他必杀一招,居然被步方挡下了。 He has thought Bu Fang hides this move with various many ways, but...... That is hides, does not keep off. 他想过步方用诸多种的方式躲他这一招,但是……那是躲,并不是挡。 He never thought, comprehended Universe Top Principle Half God, can block his killing to incur! 他从来不觉得,领悟了一道宇宙至强法则半神,能够挡住他的杀招! Looks at the palm of Bu Fang that as stable as Mount Tai, in Royal Child eyes the panic-stricken color/look surges. 看着步方稳如泰山的手掌,帝子眼眸中惊骇之色翻腾。 Was listening to the Bu Fang words, his innermost feelings, just like turn the difficult situation. 听着步方刚才的话语,他的内心,犹如翻起了惊涛骇浪。 He has thought oneself are unique. 他一直以为自己是独一无二的。 But...... At present this chef, comprehended two Universe Top Principle unexpectedly! 可是……眼前这个厨子,居然也领悟了两道宇宙至强法则 This impact, to him, is huge. 这种冲击,对他而言,是巨大的。 You...... Are you smiling?!” “你……你在笑是么?!” Sesame seed grain of size that as if the pupil contraction of Royal Child, shrinks. 帝子的瞳孔紧缩,缩的仿佛芝麻粒大小。 His sound even becomes somewhat trembles. 他的声音甚至都变得有些哆哆嗦嗦。 Smiles?” “笑?” Bu Fang's corners of the mouth twitching. 步方的嘴角抽了抽 Quite skillful, you misunderstood......” saying of Bu Fang expressionlessly. “好巧,你听错了……”步方面无表情的说道。 However, this saying falls in the Royal Child ear, actually seems the huge shame. 然而,这话落在帝子耳中,却仿佛是天大的羞辱。 Because his clear heard Bu Fang that to suppress to smile the sound that a moment ago! 因为他真真切切的听到了刚才步方那憋笑的声音! Gets angry Ah! 啊! His solemn Royal Child, so was ridiculed unexpectedly. 他堂堂帝子,居然被人这般嘲笑。 You comprehended two Universe Top Principle, how?” “就算你领悟了两道宇宙至强法则,那又如何?” Royal Child body even more illusory, destruction and Space Principle tremble. 帝子身躯越发的虚幻,毁灭空间法则震颤。 Above vault of heaven. 天穹之上。 Has fearful rumbled to resound through. 有可怕的轰鸣响彻而起。 Some Principle Round Wheel appear from above, as if has torn the backdrop, covering slowly, erupts the fearful prestige energy! 法则圆轮从其上浮现,仿佛撕裂了天幕,缓缓的笼罩而下,爆发出可怕的威能! To probably the Bu Fang thorough crush die! 欲要将步方彻底的碾压而死! Bu Fang's eyes is clear, grasps the arm of Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife to make an effort fiercely. 步方的眼眸澄亮,握着龙骨菜刀的手臂猛地用力。 The gluttony beast roar, sent out roared shocking. 饕餮兽吼,发出了震天咆哮。 suddenly, fearful strength eruption. 顿时,可怕的力量爆发。 The Royal Child sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade casting off! 帝子的皇极龙魂刀给甩开! Bird Feather Robe as if such as flame generally has burnt, the sound of bird crying resounds through the highest heaven, the back has the flame pair of wings to burn down. 雀羽袍仿佛如火焰一般燃烧了起来,雀啼之声响彻九霄,背后则是有火焰双翼在焚烧。 You are the first experience to my second Universe Top Principle person.” “你是第一个见识到我第二道宇宙至强法则的人。” Bu Fang looks at Royal Child, said. 步方看着帝子,道。 Bu Fang imposing manner at this moment, had the tremendous changes. 步方此刻的气势,发生了翻天覆地的变化。 The kitchen knife is grasping, aura increases successively. 菜刀握着,气息节节攀升。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 Strength of that ups and downs Principle above God of Cooking menu are surging slowly. 那沉浮在厨神菜谱之上的法则之力则是缓缓的涌动而出。 The strength of gray Principle fills the air, this familiar aura fills the air. 灰色的法则之力弥漫,这股熟悉的气息弥漫而出。 The people on the scene are stunned extremely. 在场人都是愕然万分。 Royal Child stared in a big way the eye. 帝子瞪大了眼。 figure withdraws instantaneously. 身形瞬间后撤。 Xia Tian is also the strangeness of whole face, the red lip opened, has sent out calling out in alarm. 夏天也是满脸的古怪,红唇张开,发出了惊呼。 „Did this young chef, comprehend Space Principle unexpectedly? Is this possible? Before this young chef, has not comprehended Ah! obviously “这个小厨子,居然也领悟了空间法则?这怎么可能?这小厨子之前明明没有领悟啊! Xia Tian somewhat ignorant compels. 夏天有些懵逼。 could it be that was she mistaken? 难道她看走眼了? Wait/Etc....... 等等…… Remembered in the Divine Kitchen palace to burst out the light beam a moment ago, could it be that comprehended Universe Top Principle a moment ago...... precisely Bu Fang?! 想起刚才神厨宫中迸发出了光柱,难道刚才领悟宇宙至强法则的……就是步方?! Not is only Xia Tian. 不仅仅是夏天 Under Prince Shao are dumb as a wooden chicken. 底下的少王爷们都是呆若木鸡。 A their face compels ignorant. 他们一脸懵逼。 Also really comprehended two Universe Top Principle? 还真的领悟了两道宇宙至强法则 Does this talent, appear on a chef unexpectedly? 这种天赋,居然出现在一个厨子身上? Is could it be that the chef to promote the growth of talent? 难道当厨子能够促进天赋的增长? One crowd of Prince Shao extremely ignorant compel. 一群少王爷都是万分懵逼。 Feels on Bu Fang to send out at this moment, is not weak in Royal Child fearful aura, keeps silent. 感受步方身上此刻散发出来,不弱于帝子的可怕气息,都是噤若寒蝉。 Space Principle. 空间法则 The Bu Fang's vision narrows the eyes slightly. 步方的目光微微一眯。 The sound of dragon's roar resounds through. 龙吼之声响彻。 gray Space Principle, was and Divine Dragon fusion in one. 灰色的空间法则,则是和神龙融合在了一起。 Dragon's Roar resounds through! 龙吟响彻! Alarms the world. 惊动天地。 Bu Fang is grasping Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, back bird feather twinkle. 步方握着龙骨菜刀,背后的雀羽闪烁。 figure approached instantaneously, arrived at the Royal Child front. 身形瞬间逼近,来到了帝子的面前。 Heard that you have also comprehended Space Principle...... Really quite skillful.” “听说你也领悟过空间法则……真的好巧啊。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 The Royal Child eyeball shrinks, the whole body trembled, felt that myriad anger, the whole body is shivering! 帝子眼珠子一缩,浑身都是哆嗦了起来,感觉到了万千的怒火,浑身都是在颤动! Quite skillful, is quite skillful, quite skillful...... 好巧,好巧,好巧…… Who especially is quite skillful with you! 谁特么的跟你好巧! Royal Child thought oneself soon were compelled insanely...... 帝子觉得自己快要被逼疯了…… Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” Royal Child was somewhat rude, this regarding him is incredible. 帝子有些失态了,这对于他而言是不可置信的。 He is the calm and calm person. 他一直都是个淡定而从容的人。 However...... 但是…… At present this chef, too the hiring hates! 眼前这个厨子,实在是太招人恨! He knows finally oneself queen mother, why will be mad to demented. 他终于知道自己的母后,为什么会被气到癫狂。 He wishes one could according to rub on the ground this chef! 他都恨不得将这个厨子按在地上摩擦! How do you also comprehend Space Principle? I comprehended for dozens years, can you compare with me?!” “就算你也领悟空间法则又如何?我已经领悟了数十年,你能与我相比?!” Royal Child roared. 帝子咆哮。 A blade cuts, blade shade spreads, approaches Bu Fang. 一刀斩出,刀影蔓延,逼近步方 However, the Bu Fang vision is deep. 然而,步方目光湛然。 Not slight avoidance. 没有丝毫的退避。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and Space Principle fusion is almost perfect. 龙骨菜刀空间法则融合的几乎是完美的。 A blade cuts. 一刀斩出。 Does not need to display Divine Ability, maliciously was and Royal Child blade collide in one. 都不需要施展神通,狠狠的便是和帝子的刀碰撞在了一起。 Sends out...... Is the sonorous sound! 发出的……是铿锵之声! The Royal Child mind trembles, felt that fingers/tiger mouth was cracked. 帝子心神一颤,感觉虎口被崩裂。 Shakes dragon Hundao the hand is being some are not steady. 握着龙魂刀的手都是有些不稳了。 Treads the tread tread...... 蹬蹬蹬…… Unceasing withdrawing of Royal Child in void, this is given withdrawing of oppression by Bu Fang. 帝子在虚空中不断的后撤,这是被步方给压迫的后撤。 All people in an uproar, stare big eye, looks at void the fight. 所有人哗然,瞪大眼,看着虚空中的战斗。 Was Royal Child suppressed?! 帝子被压制了?! Eruption was Royal Child suppressed fully unexpectedly? 全力爆发的帝子居然被压制了? „Is a blade insufficient?” “一刀不够么?” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth cast aside slightly. 步方嘴角微微一撇。 A blade is not good, that two blades...... 一刀不行,那就两刀…… Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife eruption blade glow, Divine Dragon phantom is coercing Space Principle. 龙骨菜刀爆发刀芒,神龙虚影裹挟着空间法则 Vanished in instantaneously same place. 瞬间消失在了原地。 pū chī! 噗嗤 Royal Child retrocedes continuously, several tens of thousands blades cut in breath above the sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade in his hand. 帝子连续后退,数万刀在一个呼吸之间斩在了他手中的皇极龙魂刀之上。 The palm dripping with blood of Royal Child, the bright red blood, floats in void! 帝子的手掌鲜血淋漓,鲜红的血,在虚空中飘洒! Last blade. 最后一刀。 With startled day Dragon's Roar. 伴随着惊天龙吟 A Bu Fang's blade, cutting under maliciously. 步方的一刀,狠狠的斩下。 Bang! 嘭! In the Royal Child mouth coughs up blood, delimited several hundred miles in void but actually. 帝子口中咳血,在虚空中倒划出了数百里。 Sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade shoots up to the sky. 皇极龙魂刀冲天而起。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife has also shaken off the Bu Fang's fetter, the direct impact horizon. 龙骨菜刀也是挣脱了步方的束缚,直冲天际。 Both from the sky pester. 两者在空中纠缠。 collide of blade and blade! 刀与刀的碰撞 Royal Child long and loud cry. 帝子长啸。 Lost the blade, that fights hand-to-hand! 失去了刀,那就肉搏吧! One step takes, Royal Child displays Space Principle, before flickering to transfer to the Bu Fang's body. 一步迈出,帝子施展空间法则,瞬移到了步方的身前。 Few emperor fists rumble once again. 少帝拳再度轰出。 He as Royal Child, how can submit easily, he does not believe that he will defeat. 他身为帝子,怎么能轻易屈服,他不相信他会败。 From the birth until now, near hundred years of time, he has never defeated...... 从出生到如今,近百年的时光,他从未败过…… The young generation, he is invincible! 年轻一辈,他是无敌的! Bu Fang defeated/carrying. 步方负着手。 expressionlessly looks to clash Royal Child that crazily. 面无表情的看着疯狂冲来的帝子 Latter's state of mind was somewhat chaotic, this regarding expert, is not the good matter. 后者的心绪有些乱了,这对于强者而言,不是什么好事情。 Naturally, as match. 当然,作为对手。 Bu Fang can only express the sympathy in the heart. 步方只能在心中表示同情。 Royal Child...... Feared that was silly. 帝子……怕是傻了。 Thinks his Bu Fang, only then Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, thinks really he can obediently fight hand-to-hand? 真以为他步方只有一把龙骨菜刀,真的以为他会乖乖肉搏? Bu Fang looks to wield the fist, Royal Child that the impact comes...... Shaking the head. 步方看着挥动拳头,冲击而来的帝子……不由的摇了摇头。 Young......” “年轻……” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 This twittering the sound, making the Royal Child vision shrink. 这呢喃声,让帝子的目光一缩。 He as if also understood anything. 他似乎也明白了什么。 Has sent out shouting at the scene. 当场发出了嘶吼。 You dare!!” “你敢!!” However, the words just fell, black pot then instantaneously pounds down! 然而,话语刚落,一口黑锅便是瞬间砸下! The overhead pounds down! 当头砸下! Heavy directly if mountain black pot, pounds Royal Child as if must cave in void into. 重若山岳的一口黑锅,直接将帝子砸的仿佛要塌陷入虚空中似的。 Royal Child miserable howling. 帝子惨嚎了起来。 A face pounded distortion! 一张脸都是被砸的扭曲! Disorderly World...... Jolts the pot law.” 乱世……颠锅法。” Bu Fang seems suppressing is smiling...... 步方似乎在憋着笑…… Bang!!! 轰!!! Void, suddenly appears dense and numerous black pot. 虚空中,顿时浮现密密麻麻的黑锅 Royal Child by black pot surrounding. 帝子黑锅包围在了其中。 Bang Bang Bang! 砰砰砰! black pot pound down. 一口口的黑锅砸下。 Every one strikes center the head of Royal Child...... 每一击都正中帝子的脑袋…… All people are the mind tremble, only feels in own top of the head as if one stabbing pain. 所有人都是心神一颤,只感觉到自己头顶上似乎都一阵刺痛似的。 damn...... This was too ruthless! 尼玛……这太狠了吧! Royal Child is badly beaten, by his evildoer/monstrous talent Half God fleshly body, cannot shoulder. 帝子头破血流,以他妖孽半神肉身,都扛不住。 Is Divine Ability?!” “又是神通?!” In the Royal Child mouth coughs up blood, in the vision full is incredible, naturally, what are more is the grief and indignation! 帝子口中咳血,目光中满是不可置信,当然,更多的还是悲愤! His solemn Royal Child, the child of God Sovereign, unexpectedly by pitiful that such a chef suppresses. 他堂堂帝子,神皇之子,居然被一个厨子压制的这么凄惨。 Does not know when from starts, his imposing manner collapses instantaneously, flowing, could not resist Bu Fang. 不知道从什么时候开始,他的气势瞬间崩溃,一泻千里,根本对抗不了步方了。 Fights a side, the imposing manner collapses, basically is powerless. 战斗一方,气势崩溃,基本上就无力回天。 But Royal Child unwilling Ah! 可是帝子不甘啊! He does not want to defeat, cannot defeat, he is Royal Child, invincible disciple! 他不想败,也不能败,他乃是帝子,无敌的弟子! Bang! 嘭! black pot flung on his face, Royal Child vision dumbfound. 一口黑锅甩在了他的脸上,帝子目光呆滞 figure flies upside down several thousand miles, pounded to collapse void, falling maliciously in the distant place. 身形倒飞数千里,砸塌虚空,狠狠的摔在了远处。 Wish that he staggers crawls. 他踉跄的想要爬起来。 But felt that the body has as if filled lead. 可是却感到身躯仿佛灌了铅似的。 Ended...... 完了…… Displayed two universe Principle sequelae to appear. 施展两道宇宙法则的后遗症出现了。 In Royal Child heart desperate. 帝子心中绝望。 He turns over/stands up, sits in void, shivering works on a jade bottle, but has not grasped steadily, the jade bottle drops, elixir of God light spread spread. 他翻身而起,坐在虚空中,颤抖的抓起一个玉瓶,可是没有抓稳,玉瓶跌落,神光蔓延的丹药蔓延了开来。 The appearance of having hair dishevelled, seems somewhat demented. 披头散发的模样,看上去有些癫狂。 On vault of heaven. 天穹上。 Sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade and Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife in unceasing collide. 皇极龙魂刀和龙骨菜刀在不断的碰撞 But, the sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade was suppressed unexpectedly, each collide, is makes above the sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade exude the sonorous sound. 可是,皇极龙魂刀居然被压制,每一次碰撞,都是使得皇极龙魂刀之上发出铿锵之声。 Buzz...... 嗡…… The golden light fills the air. 金光弥漫开来。 The people are absent-minded. 众人恍惚。 As if saw that two golden Divine Dragon clash, mutual entanglement. 仿佛看到两头金色神龙冲起,互相纠缠。 Finally...... 最后…… Two Divine Dragon have then drilled into Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife...... 两条神龙便是纷纷钻入了龙骨菜刀之中…… The golden light is dim. 金光黯淡。 Sovereign ultrasaurus soul blade from airborne drops, pounded in the Royal Child front. 皇极龙魂刀从空中跌落而下,砸在了帝子的面前。 But Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife is falls into the Bu Fang's hand, in unceasing revolving. 龙骨菜刀则是落入步方的手中,在不断的旋转。 Absent-minded, Bu Fang as if heard Nicolas handsome dragon burp...... 恍惚之间,步方仿佛听到了尼古拉斯帅龙的一声饱嗝…… Buzz...... 嗡…… Black Tortoise Pot also flies back. 玄武锅也是飞回。 Void. 虚空中。 The Bu Fang left hand blade, the right hand pot, stands erect void, with distressed...... Being absentminded Royal Child...... Has formed the sharp contrast. 步方左手刀,右手锅,屹立虚空,跟狼狈的……失魂落魄的帝子……形成了鲜明的对比。 Without a doubt, this war. 毫无疑问,这一战。 Royal Child...... Defeated! 帝子……败了! All people are absent-minded. 所有人恍惚无比。 Before refused to compromise obviously. 之前明明还是僵持。 But...... The however several breath, are at a stalemate are then broken, Royal Child is defeated thoroughly. 可是……不过几个呼吸,僵持便是被打破,帝子彻底落败。 Under building. 大厦之下。 All bystanders, are just like have a dream. 所有的围观者,都是恍若做梦。 Prince Shao raise head, does not know that should say anything. 少王爷们都是仰着头,不知道该说些什么。 The five imperial princes in sob were also shocked, on the face tears tears directing current, is actually appears somewhat foolish. 哭泣中的五皇子也是愣住了,脸上涕泪直流,却是显得有些痴傻。 The concubine was shocked. 皇妃愣住了。 Xia Tian dumbfounded. 夏天呆住了。 The face of King Pingyang hides also in the strong drive. 平阳王的脸皮子也是在猛抽。 Each Aristocratic Family Family Head in holding breath cold air/Qi. 各个世家家主都是在倒吸冷气。 Invincible Royal Child has defeated, Royal Court situation...... Must change! 无敌帝子败了,朝都局势……要变了! Bu Fang defeated/carrying, received Black Tortoise Pot and Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, arrived at being absentminded Royal Child front. 步方负着手,收起了玄武锅龙骨菜刀,来到了失魂落魄的帝子的面前。 Royal Child sits in the body of ground trembles fiercely. 帝子坐在地上的身躯猛地一颤。 Raising the head slowly. 缓缓的抬起头。 His corners of the mouth bleed, the vision reduces, is staring at Bu Fang. 他的嘴角淌血,目光紧缩,盯着步方 But Bu Fang, is expressionlessly looks at Royal Child. 步方,则是面无表情的看着帝子 Both's line of sight collide. 两者的视线碰撞 The Royal Child mind shakes, as if has remembered any not good matter. 帝子心神一抖,仿佛想起了什么不太好的事情。 I......” “我……” Royal Child has opened the mouth, the sound is somewhat hoarse. 帝子张开了嘴,声音有些沙哑。 In this moment, his confidence as if thorough has routed. 在这一刻,他的信心仿佛都是被彻底的击溃了似的。 Bu Fang corners of the mouth on slightly selects. 步方嘴角微微的上挑。 The vision narrows the eyes. 目光一眯。 Extends make a move, has shouldered the chin of Royal Child slowly. 出手,缓缓的挑起了帝子的下巴。 Starting today, your precisely the service person in my restaurant...... ...... Without of wages.” Bu Fang said. “从今天开始,你就是我餐馆的服务员了……唔……没有工资的那种。”步方道。 The Bu Fang words fall. 步方话语落下。 Under building...... Instantaneous boiling! 大厦之下……瞬间沸腾 The concubine body shivers, if the shape is demented! 皇妃身躯颤抖,状若癫狂!
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