GOAW :: Volume #15

#1470: Shot to suffice?! 【Third!】

Royal Child, talent evildoer/monstrous talent, unprecedented melt now. 帝子,天赋妖孽,旷古烁今。 The God Sovereign heir has, but can be called Royal Child, only has one. 神皇的子嗣有很多,但是能被称为帝子的,唯有一位。 Also of precisely talent most evildoer/monstrous talent. 就是天赋最妖孽的一位。 Although the God Sovereign seat, many imperial princes covet, but, has the opportunity to inherit the position of God Sovereign truly, only has Royal Child. 虽然神皇的位子,很多皇子都觊觎,可是,真正有机会继承神皇之位的,唯有帝子 The talent evildoer/monstrous talent, comprehended two Universe Top Principle evildoer/monstrous talent. 天赋妖孽,领悟了两道宇宙至强法则的妖孽。 Only then Royal Child may grow to the God Sovereign degree, even surmounts God Sovereign, becomes Heavenly God! 只有帝子才有可能成长到神皇的程度,甚至超越神皇,成为天神 After all, even if God Sovereign, comprehended Universe Top Principle merely. 毕竟,就算是神皇,也仅仅是领悟了一道宇宙至强法则 Bang! 轰! A fist rumbles, such as Hidden Dragon leaves the deep pool, void unceasing cracking, blasts open! 一拳轰出,如潜龙出渊,虚空不断的崩裂,炸裂开来! After this fist, the arrow arrow, that arrow arrow coerces together in the dragon shade, along with the fist, howls. 在这一拳之后,还有一道箭矢,那箭矢裹挟在龙影之中,伴随着拳头,呼啸而出。 Dragon shade arrow......” “龙影箭……” Royal Child talked and laughed merrily. 帝子谈笑风生。 Buzz...... 嗡…… The arrow shade vanishes suddenly, just like shuttling back and forth void. 箭影陡然消失,宛若穿梭了虚空。 Before Bu Fang's surface gate, splits void. 步方的面门之前,虚空裂开。 A golden arrow arrow, changes to Gold Dragon that makes threatening gestures to drill, tearing world. 一根金色的箭矢,化作张牙舞爪的金龙从中钻出,撕裂天地。 Shoots toward near at hand Bu Fang. 朝着近在咫尺的步方射去。 The speed was really too quick, is unable to respond come to other people quickly! 速度实在是太快了,快到其他人都是无法反应过来 Under the class of Prince Shao is the holding breath cold air/Qi. 底下的少王爷之流都是倒吸冷气。 This is Universe Top Principle, the utilization of Space Principle, Principle coerces in arrow Yakami, making that arrow arrow jump to shoot, shuttled back and forth void. 这是宇宙至强法则,空间法则的运用,法则裹挟在箭矢上,使得那箭矢迸射而出,穿梭了虚空。 If Bu Fang does not have a method, feared that is then must instantaneously by this arrow...... To piercing! 步方若是没有一点手段,怕是瞬间便是要被这一箭……给洞穿! Perhaps, fight...... Has not started, must finish! 或许,战斗……没有开始,就要结束了! Prince Shao are somewhat low-spirited, because they, when with a Royal Child war, Royal Child has not used this move. 少王爷们都是有些黯然,因为他们在和帝子一战的时候,帝子都未曾使用这一招。 Very obviously, in the Royal Child mind, their also being insufficient makes him display this level the method. 很显然,在帝子心目中,他们还不足以让他施展这种层次的手段。 The chill in the air surges. 寒意涌动。 The Bu Fang's vision concentrates. 步方的目光一凝。 The next quarter, has lifted hand. 下一刻,抬起了手。 Above the palm, there are Yin-Yang two air/Qi circulations, held that dragon Yingjian. 手掌之上,有阴阳二气流转,抓住了那龙影箭。 rip rip!! 撕拉撕拉!! The sonorous sound resounds through unceasingly, sparks scatters. 铿锵之声响彻不绝,火星四溅。 That passes through void, but the dragon shade arrow, is having the tremendous strength, revolves in the Bu Fang's palm, as if must work loose Bu Fang's palm. 那穿越虚空而出的龙影箭,带着巨大的力量,在步方的手掌中旋转,仿佛要挣脱出步方的手掌似的。 The arrow arrow unceasing vanguard and revolves, must pierce the Bu Fang's head. 箭矢不断的前行和旋转,要洞穿步方的脑袋。 What a pity...... 可惜…… Eventually by Bu Fang holding. 终究还是被步方给抓住了。 That arrow arrow is away from the Bu Fang's pupil, even less than one inch distance. 那箭矢距离步方的瞳孔,甚至不到一寸的距离。 The chill in the air makes the Bu Fang's fine hair raise up slightly. 寒意让步方的汗毛微微竖起。 A little method!” “有点手段!” The Royal Child form resounds through, still talked and laughed merrily. 帝子的身影响彻而起,仍旧是谈笑风生。 Few emperor fists!” “少帝拳!” The Royal Child facial features become solemn and respectful, under a fist bang. 帝子面容变得肃穆,一拳轰下。 This fist, has not coerced any Principle, only has the imposing manner to turn wells up. 这一拳,没有裹挟任何的法则,唯有气势翻涌。 This was a pure imposing manner fist, Royal Child aura completely wrap up in this fist. 这是纯正的气势一拳,帝子气息完全包裹在了这一拳之中。 Facing Royal Child, as if faces truly to high God Sovereign! 面对帝子,仿佛面对真正的至高神皇似的! This is use about potential. 这是一种关于势的利用。 This is the God Sovereign Fist Arts! 这是神皇的拳法! Also the son talent really evildoer/monstrous talent, whole wide world Tyrant Huangquan is God Sovereign becoming famous Divine Ability, son cultivation base was still also shallow, therefore is unable to display, but was actually accommodating by the big wisdom the Fist Arts...... Has the God Sovereign power and influence, this little animal, must lose without doubt!” “亦儿天赋果然妖孽,八荒霸皇拳乃是神皇的成名神通,亦儿修为尚浅,所以无法施展,但是却以大智慧变通了拳法……拥有神皇威势,这小畜生,必输无疑!” The concubine stands above the phoenix car(riage), in the facial features is flooding killing intent. 皇妃站立在凤车之上,面容中充斥着杀意 She filled killing intent to Bu Fang, Mo Hen died, the silver armor also died. 她对步方充满了杀意,墨痕死了,银甲也死了。 In her life important person, died in the Bu Fang's hand, she hated to Bu Fang's, has been the degree without limits! 生命中重要的人,都死在了步方的手中,她对步方的怨恨,达到了无止境的程度! If not for God Sovereign meddles, she must eradicate the Divine Kitchen palace surely! 若不是神皇插手,她必定要铲除神厨宫! Bu Fang makes an effort, crumb arrow arrow. 步方用力,捏碎了箭矢。 The gluttony arm pinches, a fist has then pounded to few emperor fists that Royal Child was rumbling. 饕餮臂捏起,一拳对着帝子轰出的少帝拳便是砸了上去。 Bang! 嘭! Meat and meat collide. 肉与肉的碰撞 Bu Fang only felt own whole body vitality was rumbled. 步方只感觉自己浑身的气血都是轰鸣了起来。 Divine Awareness stagnates, as if felt your father suddenly near the world form, almost must be knelt to bend down by oneself! 神识一滞,恍然间仿佛感受到了一尊君临天下的身影,几乎要让自己跪伏! However also merely stagnates. 不过也仅仅只是一滞。 The Bu Fang's look is becomes clear and bright. 步方的眼神便是变得清明 Bu Fang retreat one step. 步方后退了一步 Unexpectedly by a fist of Royal Child, compelling to have drawn back one step. 居然被帝子的一拳,给逼退了一步。 Bu Fang clear and bright, the second fist of Royal Child has hit. 步方清明,帝子的第二拳已经打来。 This second fist, is hook, from bottom to top, comes toward the Bu Fang's chin impact! 这第二拳,是勾拳,从下往上,朝着步方的下巴冲击而来! If in the bang, feared that can pound the flying head! 若是轰中,怕是能够砸飞脑袋! space seems trembling. 空间似乎都在震颤。 All around the person, keeps silent. 周遭人,噤若寒蝉。 The Royal Child power and influence, is extremely astonishing, is extremely fearful! 帝子威势,太过惊人,太过可怕! Even if not display Universe Top Principle, Royal Child is also the eminent in peer, stands existence in peak. 就算不施展宇宙至强法则,帝子也是同辈中的翘楚,站在巅峰中的存在。 The inheritance of God Sovereign, lets the Royal Child bird's eye view peer sufficiently! 神皇的传承,足以让帝子俯瞰同辈! Difficult......” “难了……” Fight fell into the Royal Child rhythm, once few emperor fists hit, a fist strong a fist, finally Bu Fang meets the destruction in the violent storm.” “战斗已经落入了帝子的节奏中,少帝拳一旦打起来,一拳强过一拳,最后步方会覆灭在狂风暴雨之中。” Worthily is Royal Child, has not started, then has established the result.” “不愧是帝子,还没有开始,便是奠定了结局。” ...... …… The summit of building, astonishing fight eruption. 大厦之巅,惊人战斗爆发。 But under building, is many expert reviews. 而大厦之下,则是诸多强者的点评。 All people are the deep inspiration, has voiced the feeling. 所有人都是深深吸气,不由的发出了感慨。 The concubine direction, many people have laughed. 皇妃方向,不少人都是嗤笑了起来。 The court eunuch maids are giggle smile. 太监婢女都是咯咯直笑。 That is to smiling that Bu Fang disdains. 那是对步方不屑的笑。 The stars that Royal Child keeps aloof, can it be that the dust of ground can resist, the overestimate one's capabilities fate only has one. 帝子可是高高在上的星辰,岂是地上的尘埃所能对抗的,不自量力的下场唯有一个。 That precisely fought with the fists dead randomly. 就是被乱拳打死。 Bang! 轰! If startled big wave strikes the shore. 如惊涛拍岸。 Royal Child vision deep Liang, is getting more and more radiant, just like the God glow is bursting out. 帝子目光湛亮,越来越璀璨,就犹如神芒在迸发似的。 A fist fist, such as the violent storm, imposing manner is also formidable and fearfulness, unceasing increasing, just like ascends the tall ladder. 一拳一拳,如狂风暴雨,身上的气势也是越加的强悍和可怕,不断的攀升,犹如登天梯。 Fearful aura, almost must collapse by pressure void! 可怕的气息,几乎要压塌虚空! I am Royal Child! The God Dynasty young generation of first person! What thing are you? Also dares to fight with me?!” “我乃帝子神朝年轻一辈第一人!你算什么东西?也敢与我一战?!” Royal Child howls crazily! 帝子狂啸! The people complete silence, can only look helplessly Bu Fang was being pressed hitting, gasps for breath as if not breathe heavily come. 众人鸦雀无声,只能眼睁睁的看着步方被压着打,喘气似乎都喘不过来 3rd Lady Luo purses the lips, in the vision floods was worrying. 洛三娘抿着嘴,目光中充斥着担忧。 Pingyang Prince Shao sighed lightly. 平阳少王爷轻叹了一口气。 Royal Child...... Strong fearfulness. 帝子……强的可怕。 Few emperor fists, altogether have 81 fists, the numbers of nine nine Supreme-Being. 少帝拳,总共有81拳,九九至尊之数。 Once 81 fight with the fists the full, last fist, even may break to pieces the stars! 一旦81拳打满,最后一拳,甚至可碎星辰! Even if God King expert, feared that is must be suppressed. 就算是神王强者,怕是都要被镇压。 Bu Fang shelled retreating in defeat again and again, similarly is Half God, Bu Fang can feel on the Royal Child fearful pressure. 步方被轰击的节节败退,同样是半神,步方能够感受到帝子身上的可怕威压。 However Bu Fang is not anxious, expressionlessly is staring at Royal Child. 不过步方不急,面无表情的盯着帝子 Latter crazy incomparable, a fist fist, does not give the gap that Bu Fang pants for breath. 后者疯狂无比,一拳一拳,不给步方喘息的间隙。 rip! 撕拉一声! Void was made the crack. 虚空都是被打出裂缝。 Last fist, blooms myriad radiance, pounds to fall loudly! 最后一拳,绽放万千光华,轰然砸落! A fist, wants to want the town to kill Bu Fang! 一拳,欲要镇杀步方 Death!!” “死!!” Royal Child indifferent say/way. 帝子冷漠道。 Bang! 嘭! A Bu Fang foot steps on void, the vision blooms radiance. 步方一脚踩在虚空,目光绽放光华。 precisely now! 就是现在! In Bu Fang's Spiritual Sea, turned the difficult situation. 步方的精神海中,翻起了惊涛骇浪。 The Divine Awareness entity has opened the eye. 神识实体睁开了眼。 The whole body strength transferred. 浑身的力量调动了起来。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Creaks, on Bu Fang's gluttony arm, Divine Fire surges. 嘎吱一声,步方的饕餮臂上,神火涌动而起。 Invisible Divine Fire winding above. 隐形神火缠绕在其上。 Wields the fist, achieves a fist of peak to hit with Royal Child loudly together! 挥动拳头,与帝子达到巅峰的一拳轰然撞击在一起! pēng pēng pēng bang!!! 嘭嘭嘭嘭!!! Both whole body void blasts open! 两者周身的虚空纷纷炸裂开来! All person holding breath cold air/Qi, sigh with emotion Royal Child formidable, faints from fear a Bu Fang's iron! 所有人倒吸冷气,感慨帝子强悍,惊觉步方的头铁! The strongest fist of few emperor fist, Bu Fang also chooses to meet the tough head-on with toughness unexpectedly...... 少帝拳的最强一拳,步方居然还选择硬碰硬…… Is this fool?! 这是傻子么?! All people thought that Bu Fang was silly! 所有人都觉得步方傻了! The void turbulent flow diverges. 虚空乱流散去。 However, in people incredible in an uproar. 然而,在众人不可置信的哗然之中。 Royal Child retroceded! 帝子后退了! The violent storm is pressing Royal Child of Bu Fang 80 fists, in last fist collide...... Retroceded! 狂风暴雨般压着步方80拳的帝子,在最后一拳碰撞中……后退了! Treads the tread tread! 蹬蹬蹬! Royal Child withdraws from several steps continuously, every step treads, void blasting open. 帝子连续退出数步,每一步踏下,虚空炸裂。 Bu Fang immovability. 步方不动如山。 On the gluttony arm has the silver flame combustion. 饕餮臂上有银色的火焰燃烧而起。 In that flame, there is vicissitude the strength of Principle to surge! 火焰中,有浮沉的法则之力在涌动! How possible!” “怎么可能!” The Royal Child mind shocks, he was repelled unexpectedly, when the imposing manner is strongest is rumbled to draw back. 帝子心神震骇,他居然被打退了,在气势最强的时候被轰退。 This feeling, and in one bowl of gruel a fly was equally uncomfortable. 这种感觉,就跟一碗稀饭中掉了一只苍蝇一样难受。 Like high towards time, was broken the same aggrievedness! 就像高朝的时候,被打断一样的憋屈! Royal Child is staring at Bu Fang stubbornly, is staring at the face of Bu Fang that expressionlessly, deeply takes a breath. 帝子死死盯着步方,盯着步方面无表情的脸,深吸一口气。 This fellow...... Is intentionally! 这家伙……是故意的! Bu Fang flung the gluttony arm, firmly resist the Royal Child 81 fists, Bu Fang felt that own fist somewhat tingled with numbness. 步方甩了甩饕餮臂,硬抗帝子81拳,步方感觉自己的拳头都有些发麻了。 Has saying that Royal Child really strong. 不得不说,帝子是真的强。 If were not his gluttony arm variation crossed, possibly early has defeated. 如果不是他的饕餮臂变异过了,可能早已经败了。 You have scheme(ing) very much......” “你很有心机……” Under Royal Child returns to normal the mood in heart. 帝子平复下心中的情绪。 He knows, his mood cannot be given to disrupt by Bu Fang, the fellow is intentionally. 他知道,他的心境不能被步方给打乱,那家伙是故意的。 Buzz...... 嗡…… The golden long bow appears once again. 金色的长弓再度浮现而出。 You really compared to these waste the class of Prince Shao to be fiercer...... Is worth me using more methods.” “你果然比起那些废物的少王爷之流厉害了一些……值得我施展更多的手段。” Royal Child said. 帝子道。 In this moment, he his arrogance, incisiveness of demonstration. 在这一刻,他将他的狂妄,显示的淋漓尽致。 This precisely Royal Child should have the mood that. 就是一个帝子该有的情绪。 Under, the Royal Child words, making the Prince Shao complexion suppress red, in heart aggrieved extremely! 底下,帝子的话,让少王爷们脸色憋红,心中憋屈万分! What can they say? 可是他们能说什么? Solely few emperor fists, their nobody can receive! 单单少帝拳,他们就无人能够接下! Buzz...... 嗡…… Royal Child draws. 帝子拉弓。 radiance gathers, together, two, three...... 光华汇聚,一道,两道,三道…… Three golden arrow arrows appear. 三道金色箭矢浮现而出。 I thought that you can block several......” “我看你能够挡住几道……” Royal Child long and loud cry. 帝子长啸。 Above the top of the head, Space Principle fills the air, rolling surges, as if wants boiling to be ordinary. 头顶之上,空间法则弥漫开来,滚滚涌动,仿佛要沸腾一般。 rip. 撕拉一声。 Three arrow arrows have torn backdrop. 三道箭矢撕裂了天幕。 Space Principle coerces. 空间法则裹挟。 Vanished in the air instantaneously. 瞬间消失在了空气中。 Un? 嗯? All people stare in a big way eyes. 所有人都是瞪大了眼眸 Xia Tian both hands hold the chest, standing tall and erect of chest front haunching. 夏天双手抱胸,将胸前的高耸给撑起。 Her eyes narrows the eyes slightly, curled the lip. 她的眼眸微微一眯,撇了撇嘴。 Obviously, comprehends Space Principle her, has completely understood the Royal Child acrobatics. 显然,领悟空间法则的她,一眼就看透了帝子的把戏。 pū chī! 噗嗤 pū chī! 噗嗤 After Bu Fang's brain, blasts out void. 步方的脑后,虚空炸开。 An arrow arrow jumps to shoot. 一根箭矢迸射而出。 Bu Fang has measured the head slightly. 步方微微测过脑袋。 pū chī! 噗嗤 However, Bu Fang just had leaned head, his upfront, void also blasts out. 然而,步方刚刚侧过脑袋,他的正面,虚空也是炸开。 A golden arrow arrow roared. 一根金色箭矢咆哮而出。 Under foot void blasting open, has arrow arrow rumbled to come out. 脚下虚空炸裂,也是有箭矢轰鸣出来。 Three directions, three arrow arrows, close off all escape routes! 三个方向,三根箭矢,封锁所有的退路! Which arrow arrow no matter blocks, Bu Fang by other arrow arrows piercing. 不管挡住哪一根箭矢,步方都会被其他的箭矢给洞穿。 Fearful......” “可怕……” Prince Shao trembles. 一位少王爷瑟瑟发抖。 If he, is unable to resist, will then be shot instantaneously the screen...... 若是他,根本无法抵挡,瞬间便是会被射成筛子…… However, under all people focus attention on. 然而,在所有人瞩目之下。 The Bu Fang's complexion is actually usual, does not have the slight change...... 步方的脸色却是如常,没有丝毫的变化…… He has lifted the view. 他抬起了眼帘。 Corners of the mouth on slightly pulls. 嘴角微微的上扯。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 black pot suddenly appears. 一口黑锅顿时浮现而出。 black pot revolves. 黑锅旋转。 Dāng Dāng Dāng! 当当当! The arrow arrow punctured above black pot, even if were the prestige can incomparably fearful arrow arrow, is unable to break black pot, only sent out a gold/metal iron to hand over the sound of dagger-axe. 箭矢刺在了黑锅之上,即使是威能无比可怕的箭矢,也无法破开黑锅,只发出了一阵金铁交戈之声罢了。 Lifts the gluttony arm, Bu Fang counts on the fingers fiercely a ball. 抬起饕餮臂,步方猛地屈指一弹。 Flies the arrow arrow ball before surface gate, light looks at Royal Child. 将面门前的箭矢弹飞,淡淡的看着帝子 Your this method? Does not have the meaning......” “你就这点手段么?没意思……” Un? 嗯? The distant place is void. 远处虚空。 Grasped Royal Child of long bow, suddenly is narrowing the eye. 握着长弓的帝子,顿时眯起了眼。 This can block...... You have not really disappointed me, no wonder dares air/Qi my queen mother.” “这都能挡住……你果然没有让我失望,难怪敢气我母后。” Royal Child smiles lightly. 帝子淡淡一笑。 That this move...... How?” “那这一招……如何?” Royal Child said. 帝子道。 If the sound the thunder blasts out. 声音若雷霆炸开。 The next quarter, in the hand long bow revolves, increases suddenly, pounds fiercely in airborne. 下一刻,手中长弓旋转,陡然变大,猛地砸在空中。 Royal Child lifts starts, steps on above bowing. 帝子抬起脚,踩在弓身之上。 Two hands have pulled open the bowstring...... 两只手拉开了弓弦…… Buzz. 嗡。 space arrow rain!” 空间箭雨!” Royal Child said. 帝子道。 Collapsed the hand. 崩开了手。 suddenly, the dense and numerous, innumerable arrow light jump shoot. 顿时,密密麻麻,无数的箭光迸射。 pū chī! 噗嗤 Bu Fang whole body one inch distance, all void blasts out, the arrow arrow drills, grips toward Bu Fang. 步方周身一寸距离,所有的虚空都是炸开,箭矢从中钻出,朝着步方扎去。 Flash. 只是一瞬间。 In all person vision contractions. 在所有人目光紧缩中。 Bu Fang was then shot the screen, in the body has covered entirely the dense and numerous arrow arrows, just like a hedgehog. 步方便是被射成了筛子,身躯上布满了密密麻麻的箭矢,犹如一个刺猬。 3rd Lady Luo exuded one to call out in alarm. 洛三娘发出了一声惊呼。 Prince Shao are the holding breath cold air/Qi, the body trembles. 少王爷们都是倒吸冷气,身躯颤栗。 Even if Xia Tian, narrows the eye slightly, feels some panic-stricken. 就算是夏天,也是微微眯眼,感到些许惊骇。 Joins up Space Principle and arrow arrow, truly is the good idea. 空间法则和箭矢联合起来,确实是不错的想法。 On the concubine corners of the mouth selects, in beautiful appearance has shown the happy expression. 皇妃嘴角上挑,绝美容颜上露出了笑意。 The son, is really also strong! 亦儿,果然强! That little animal, can it be that also son match! 那小畜生,岂是亦儿对手! Dragon shade arrow under one inch distance, let alone Bu Fang, even if the big perfection God must cherish hatred! 一寸距离下的龙影箭,别说步方,就算是大圆满神祗都要饮恨! Finished. 结束了。 This war, ended...... 这一战,结束了…… Royal Child loosened the long bow, sighed. 帝子松开了长弓,叹了一口气。 Really...... His move, nobody can keep off. 果然……他这一招一出,无人能挡。 Also thinks Bu Fang can block several moves, now looks like, was he wants...... 本来还以为步方能挡住几招,现在看来,是他想多了…… Life...... Lonely like snow. 人生……寂寞如雪。 Royal Child feeling. 帝子感慨。 Hey......” “喂……” „Did you shoot to suffice? This I......” “你射够了吧?该我了……” Suddenly. 突然。 The light sound resounds through void. 淡淡的声音响彻虚空。 Royal Child and the others facial colors suddenly one stiff. 帝子等人的面色陡然一僵。 By to bind Bu Fang of hedgehog, these arrow arrows had been burnt suddenly. 被扎成刺猬的步方,那些箭矢陡然燃烧了起来。 The silver flame is dazzling and eye-catching. 银色的火光刺眼而夺目。 Before long, arrow arrow vanishes in abundance. 不一会儿,箭矢纷纷消失。 Has revealed the person's shadow. 露出了人影。 In person's shadow. 人影中。 Samsara Principle swept across, the world starts rumbled. 轮回法则席卷,天地开始轰鸣 Principle compressed on the Bu Fang's fist. 法则压缩到了步方的拳头上。 Is looking at Royal Child. 望着帝子 Bu Fang suddenly rumbles a fist! 步方顿时轰出一拳! Shot enough has been one's turn me......” “射够了就轮到我了……” Yin-Yang Samsara fist! 阴阳轮回拳! The Bu Fang words fall, Royal Child whole body is one dull. 步方话语落下,帝子整个人都是一呆。 When he awakens come, that fist enlarged in his eyes. 等他醒悟过来,那拳头已经在他的眼中放大。 Bang, a Bu Fang fist, pounded loudly in the Royal Child abdomen...... 嘭的一声,步方一拳,轰然砸在了帝子的腹部…… The trim world, is silent. 整片天地,寂静无声。
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