GOAW :: Volume #15

#1466: Silver armor, death! 【Second!】

Bu Fang also has the temperament. 步方也是有脾气的。 A sword is cross, must kill Bu Fang. 一剑跨万古,要杀步方 When really his Bu Fang is soft persimmon? 真当他步方是软柿子么? The elders in Divine Kitchen palace are the vision shrink, they have not thought that silver armor unexpectedly reckless begins to Bu Fang. 神厨宫的长老们都是目光一缩,他们万万没有想到,银甲居然会不顾一切的对步方动手。 In the expert eyes of their these older generations, their appearances, have then represented all, then has represented the determination of Divine Kitchen palace, finally? 在他们这些老一辈的强者眼中,他们的现身,便是代表了一切,便是代表了神厨宫的决心,结果呢? The silver armor was still determined to kill Bu Fang, this does not pay attention to their Divine Kitchen palace completely! 银甲仍旧是执意要杀步方,这完全不将他们神厨宫放在眼里! Distant place. 远处。 The vision of concubine is complex extremely, looks at silver armor of collapse and scattered in void, silver armor that flutters unceasingly. 皇妃的目光复杂万分,看着崩散在虚空中的银甲,不断飘荡的银色铠甲。 Her red lip sips gets up, in the heart the somewhat sad mood surges suddenly. 她的红唇抿起,心中忽然有些悲伤的情绪涌动。 Silver armor that familiar figure, seemed turned from her memory deep place. 银甲那熟悉的身形,仿佛从她的记忆深处被翻了出来。 The silver armor or the silver armor, are...... She is actually not past black ink few Ji. 银甲还是银甲,可是……她却已经不是当年的墨少姬了。 Bang! 嘭! The silver armor releases from the body of silver armor, but figure of silver armor has stretched across void, flickers to move to the appearance. 银色铠甲从银甲的身上释放开来,而银铠的身形则是横跨过虚空,瞬移般出现。 Bang! 轰! The attacking method of Divine Kitchen palace elders pounds to fall under. 神厨宫长老们的攻伐手段纷纷砸落而下。 Silver armor disintegration, silver armor in instantaneous, then changed to the silver powder, vanished in void. 银甲崩碎,银色的铠甲在瞬间,便是化作了银色的粉末,消失在了虚空中。 However, this shatter merely is only the armor. 但是,这破碎的仅仅只是铠甲。 The sword of silver armor, has killed toward Bu Fang. 银甲的一剑,已经朝着步方杀来。 This sword, is containing the fearful mood, that mood is contaminated sadly. 这一剑,蕴含着可怕的情绪,那情绪浸染着悲伤。 Laughable sadness. 可笑的悲伤。 The vision of silver armor becomes incomparable gentle, as if looked at pale life and death: This sword...... Fused my Principle, forgets kindnesses Principle.” 银甲的目光变得无比的平和,仿佛看淡了生死似的:“这一剑……融合了我的法则,忘情法则。” Forgets kindnesses Principle to be difficult to forget kindnesses. 忘情法则难忘情。 Sword rumbled comes. 一剑轰鸣而来。 As if long jab mind. 仿佛直击心灵似的。 Bu Fang vision blooming radiant radiance. 步方目光绽放璀璨光华。 His crumb God of Cooking divine strength bubble. 他捏碎了厨神神力液滴。 The divine strength bubble only has one drop, after the crumb, God of Cooking divine strength, suddenly spread Bu Fang's all the limbs and bones. 神力液滴只有一滴,捏碎之后,厨神神力,顿时蔓延到了步方的四肢百骸。 Was transferred by Bu Fang, all emerged in Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife in hand. 步方调动,皆是涌入了手中的龙骨菜刀中。 Facing the forgetting kindnesses sword of silver armor, Bu Fang does not dread outrageously, a blade cuts. 面对银甲的忘情剑,步方悍然不畏惧,一刀斩出。 This blade...... Called the Disorderly World kitchen knife. 这一刀……叫乱世厨刀。 Under a blade, before Bu Fang body void in unceasing disintegration! 一刀之下,步方身前的虚空都是在不断的崩碎! What the silver armor displays is the God King strength. 银甲施展的是神王的力量。 But Bu Fang...... Half God, even if evildoer/monstrous talent Half God, at all possibly is not the God King match. 步方……只是一个半神,即使是妖孽半神,也根本不可能是神王的对手。 Faces directly the Bu Fang's time in the silver armor. 在银甲直面步方的时候。 All people thought that Bu Fang must die. 所有人都觉得步方必死了。 The elders in Divine Kitchen palace all are the angry voices. 神厨宫的长老们皆是愤怒发声。 The Xia Tian facial color changes, in in the wink of an eye, has torn void. 夏天面色更是一变,在瞬息之间,撕裂了虚空。 To probably to flicker to move to the speed to rush to side Bu Fang, keeps off the sword of silver armor for Bu Fang. 欲要以瞬移般的速度赶到步方身边,替步方挡下银甲的一剑。 However, she thought that she possibly could not catch up. 不过,她觉得她可能赶不上了。 She has not expected, the determination of silver armor unexpectedly such intense. 她万万没有料到,银甲的决心居然这么的强烈。 Unexpectedly is willing to pay all for that woman really...... 居然真的愿意为那女人付出一切…… Laughable forgetting kindnesses! 可笑的忘情! Laughable silver armor! 可笑的银甲! God Sovereign gets married that woman, Xia Tian did not agree, even if God Sovereign is her elder brother, but her very clear that woman, has how hatefully. 神皇迎娶那女人,夏天根本就不同意,即使神皇是她哥,但是她很清楚那女人,到底是有多么的可恶。 She has used the sentiments of many people, is the achievement at this time status. 她利用了多少人的感情,才是成就了今时的地位。 But has to acknowledge, this woman has the method. 可是不得不承认,这女人是真的有手段。 Some these many expert, are willing to work oneself to death for her. 有这么多强者,愿意为她卖命。 Bang! 轰! collide erupts suddenly! 碰撞陡然爆发! Fearful rumbled, swept across world. 可怕的轰鸣,席卷天地。 The Disorderly World kitchen knife, is Divine Ability. 乱世厨刀,乃是神通 The Divine Ability might, the nature is uncommon, is using the God of Cooking divine strength bubble to stimulate to movement to display in addition, might even more fearful. 神通威力,自然不凡,在加上使用厨神神力液滴所催动施展,威力越发的可怕。 Under strikes, cut 99,999 blades directly. 一击之下,直接斩出了99999刀。 Dense and numerous Blade Energy, hiding the sky and covering the earth. 密密麻麻的刀气,遮天蔽日 However. 然而。 The forgetting kindnesses sword of silver armor is also Divine Ability! 银甲的忘情剑也是神通 Is Divine Ability that silver armor lifetime accumulated raises...... 是银甲毕生蕴养的神通…… Might incomparable fearfulness! 威力无比的可怕! This sword gets down, all people felt constraining of mood. 这一剑下来,所有人都是感到了情绪的压抑。 Bu Fang behind. 步方身后。 3rd Lady Luo and Prince Shao and the others, early have frightened in the pressure of this sword, sits down exhausted on the chair. 洛三娘少王爷等人,早已经在这一剑的威压吓,瘫坐在了椅子上。 God King rank expert strikes fully, displays Divine Ability. 神王级别强者的全力一击,施展神通 Let alone is they, even if similarly is God King, will feel a despair. 别说是他们,就算同样是神王,也是会感到一阵绝望。 Is a focus of public attention. 在万众瞩目之中。 Bu Fang counter-attacked. 步方回击了。 That blade, attracted the attention of all people. 那一刀,吸引了所有人的视线。 A blade resistance forgetting kindnesses sword? 一刀对抗忘情剑? Does not need to guess that knows how the result was...... 不用猜都知道结局是如何了…… Trivial Half God, even if the Bu Fang again evildoer/monstrous talent, he were still Half God. 区区半神,就算步方再妖孽,他仍旧是半神 Under a sword, feared that wants relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 一剑之下,怕是要形神俱灭。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Terrifying explosion eruption. 恐怖的爆炸爆发。 In restaurant. 餐馆中。 Prince Shao and 3rd Lady Luo and the others early despaired, they fall on the chair, the finger does not dare to move. 少王爷洛三娘等人早已经绝望,他们跌坐在椅子上,手指都不敢动弹。 Outside restaurant. 餐馆外。 collide erupted, making the entire world cover in Sword Energy and Blade Energy. 碰撞爆发,使得整个天地都是笼罩在了剑气刀气之中。 A handle obstructs the day great sword and Disorderly World broadsword collide in same place. 一柄遮天的巨剑和乱世的大刀碰撞在一起。 Xia Tian appeared, has torn the backdrop, appeared beside collide. 夏天浮现,撕裂了天幕,出现在了碰撞之外。 Looks at that to pester in together fearful rumbled. 望着那纠缠在一起的可怕轰鸣 Xia Tian suddenly eyes contraction. 夏天顿时眼眸紧缩。 Died...... 死定了吧…… The Xia Tian innermost feelings surge desperately, she thought that this is also Bu Fang's desperate...... 夏天内心涌动绝望,她觉得这也是步方的绝望…… ...... …… God Dynasty Imperial Palace. 神朝皇宫 Outside Imperial Palace. 皇宫外。 Five imperial prince bodies shiver slightly, in his not far away, is an old man stands and waits for a long time. 五皇子身躯微微颤抖,在他的不远处,则是一位老者伫立。 This old man is a higher God, in this moment full is with amazement. 这老者是一位高等神祗,此刻眼中满是骇然。 Insane...... By Half God cultivation base firmly resist God King, will this fellow possibly so be how stupid?! Energy where he comes?!” “疯了疯了……以半神修为硬抗神王,这家伙怎么可能会这么愚蠢?!他哪里来的底气?!” Five imperial princes sit on the chair, drank water, said. 五皇子坐在椅子上,喝了一口水,道。 Was a pity...... Your highness also wants to gather him, but a deceased person, feared that does not have what is good to gather, talent that what a pity this has gone against heaven's will.” The old men say with emotion. “可惜了……殿下还想招揽他,不过一个死人,怕是也没有什么好招揽的了,可惜了这逆天的天赋。”老者感慨道。 Knew that from the Mohist school the Bu Fang evildoer/monstrous talent success, five imperial princes then had the thoughts that wants to gather, however, how not to have thought. 从墨家中得知到步方妖孽战绩,五皇子便是动了想要招揽的心思,然而,怎么都没有想到。 Has not gathered, Bu Fang then provoked more and more strong terrifying to exist. 还未曾招揽,步方便是招惹了越来越强的恐怖存在。 Even alarmed including the concubines. 甚至连皇妃都惊动了。 What is more marvelous, if not for silver armor goes to outrageously, possibly has provoked the concubine, the chefs cannot die. 更奇妙的是,若不是银甲悍然赴死,可能就算招惹了皇妃,那厨子都死不了。 Five imperial princes shook the head, in heart surprised uncertain. 五皇子摇了摇头,心中惊疑不定。 Suddenly. 忽然。 In Imperial Palace a stir. 皇宫中一阵轰动。 As if there is sound of any crack to resound through. 似乎有什么龟裂之声响彻而起。 Five emperor's sons' facial color suddenly change, the old man is suck in a cold breath. 五皇子的面色顿时一变,那老者更是倒吸了一口冷气 This sound...... could it be that is......” “这动静……难道是……” Five imperial princes and old men look at each other one, saw panic-strickenly. 五皇子和老者对视一眼,都是看到了惊骇。 The next quarter, the sound resounds through from out of the blue. 下一刻,破空声响彻。 Five imperial prince and old man suddenly explodes to shoot. 五皇子和老者顿时爆射而出。 Imperial Palace deep institute. 皇宫深院。 A stone door opens loudly. 一座石门轰然开启。 The clear sound of footsteps spreads. 清晰的脚步声蔓延开来。 A stream of person's shadow, gradually walked. 一道人影,一步一步的从中走了出来。 Above this person of top of the head, fearful Principle aura is letting fall, making the person see, is the heart is startled. 这人的头顶之上,可怕的法则气息在垂落,让人看到,都是心惊。 One step treads, instantaneous, explodes shoots. 一步踏出,瞬间,爆射。 Five imperial prince panic-stricken raising the head, then saw that step and walk in the sky form. 五皇子惊骇的抬头,便是看到了那踏空而行的身影。 The old man body trembles, as higher God, when sees this form, unexpectedly could not mention slightly the strength of resistance. 老者身躯颤栗,身为高等神祗,在见到这身影的时候,居然提不起丝毫抵抗的力量。 Emperor...... Royal Child......” “帝……帝子……” The old men tremble to say cautious. 老者颤颤兢兢而道。 Five imperial princes stared in a big way the eye. 五皇子瞪大了眼。 On vault of heaven, Royal Child faint has swept five imperial prince one eyes, that look, seems looking at ants. 天穹上,帝子淡漠的扫了五皇子一眼,那眼神,仿佛在看一个蝼蚁。 The next quarter, figure, erupts the position of war to go toward the distant place from out of the blue. 下一刻,身形破空而出,朝着远处爆发大战的位置而去。 Provokes my queen mother, kill without mercy.” “招惹我母后者,杀无赦。” figure vanishes, only leaves behind the void ice-cold words. 身形消失,只留下虚空中冰冷的话语。 Five imperial prince dejected depreciation on the ground. 五皇子颓然的跌落在地上。 Royal Child, this precisely Royal Child, merely one look, lets Royal Child that he cannot move. 帝子,这就是帝子,仅仅一个眼神,就让他动弹不得的帝子 He thinks he and Royal Child disparity was very small. 原本他以为他和帝子的差距已经很小了。 However now looks like...... The disparity was still day and the place hugeness. 但是现在看来……差距仍旧是天与地般的巨大。 Comprehends two Universe Top Principle evildoer/monstrous talent Half God, is too fearful! 领悟两道宇宙至强法则的妖孽半神,太可怕! ...... …… Bang!!! 轰!!! During explosion. 爆炸之中。 Fearful Sword Energy and Blade Energy are pestering. 可怕的剑气刀气在纠缠。 The concubine vision is absentminded, possibly in this moment, she also feels the sharp pain of heart. 皇妃目光失魂落魄,可能在这一刻,她也是感觉到心脏的绞痛吧。 Bang! 轰! The person's shadow drops together. 一道人影从中跌落而出。 A silver long sword, has delimited a curve in void, revolved for several weeks, then punctured on the ground. 一把银色的长剑,在虚空中划过了一个弧度,旋转了几周,尔后刺在了地上。 As if there is sound of sword recitation to resound through. 似乎有剑吟之声响彻。 Above that long sword, a silver ray starts escape quietly, unceasing dissipation in void...... 那长剑之上,点点银色的光芒开始悄然的逸散,不断的消散在了虚空中…… This silver long sword, vanishes eventually. 这银色长剑,终究也是消失。 Blade Energy and Sword Energy start divergence slowly. 刀气剑气开始缓缓的散去。 Gradually, revealed the void picture. 逐渐的,流露出了虚空中的画面。 Two person's shadows stand proudly. 两道人影傲然而立。 Lost the silver armor of silver armor, becomes is not fierce and sharp. 失去了银色铠甲的银甲,变得没有那么的狰狞和锋锐。 Although on his face being correct scar of knife wound, enabling him to seem the incomparable ugliness, if no scar of knife wound, this silver armor possibly is also a rare handsome man. 他的脸上虽然有道刀疤,使得他看上去无比的丑陋,但是若是没有刀疤,这银甲可能也是一位难得的美男子。 The silver armor is looking at own both hands, in the vision shivers slightly. 银甲望着自己的双手,目光中微微颤动。 Void. 虚空中。 The Bu Fang's complexion was pallid, treads the retreat of tread tread several steps, sat on the ground. 步方的脸色煞白,蹬蹬蹬的后退了数步,一屁股坐在了地上。 His long put out a long breath. 他长长的吐出了一口气 Too was reluctant, resists God King, even if there is addition of God of Cooking divine strength bubble, he also felt reluctantly. 还是太勉强了,对抗神王,即使是有厨神神力液滴的加成,他也感觉到了勉强。 His strength is too mainly weak, will therefore feel strenuous. 主要还是他的实力太弱,所以才会感到吃力。 However fortunately, blocked. 不过所幸,还是挡住了。 Bu Fang put out a long breath. 步方吐出了一口气 Stagnates aura in void, collapse and scattered comes in abundance. 凝滞在虚空中的气息,纷纷崩散开来。 Big stone of that pressure in people heart, as if loudly falls to the ground. 那压在众人心头中的大石头,似乎轰然落地。 The surrounding person is inconceivable is staring at Bu Fang. 周围人皆是不可思议的盯着步方 Unexpectedly blocked?!” “居然挡住了?!” This is false...... Living that a God King sword, Half God can keep off?” “这是假的吧……神王一剑,半神能挡的住么?” That is God King Divine Ability, has entrusted with sentimental Divine Ability...... Might simply destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth.” “那可是神王神通,赋予了感情的神通……威力简直毁天灭地。” ...... …… Bu Fang's sends lossless, has shocked all people, has renovated their world outlook. 步方的毫发无损,惊呆了所有人,刷新了他们所有人的世界观。 Xia Tian appeared side Bu Fang's, saw that Bu Fang was only the complexion is somewhat pale, suddenly relaxed. 夏天出现在了步方的身边,看到步方只是脸色有些苍白,顿时松了一口气。 However, responded come, Xia Tian was also some with amazement. 不过,反应过来,夏天也是有些骇然。 This boy, has blocked God King unexpectedly strikes? 这小子,居然挡住了神王的一击? Does Half God keep off God King? 半神神王 This was also too fearful! 这也太可怕了吧! Xia Tian raised the head, the vision is staring at the silver armor of distant place. 夏天抬起头,目光盯着远处的银铠。 She divulged the anger on the body of silver armor. 她将怒火纷纷宣泄在了银铠的身上。 Silver armor silver armor...... You degenerate really more and more! You thought that what you are also qualified for guarding the imperial palace of God King?!” “银甲啊银甲……你真的是越来越堕落!你觉得你还有什么资格做神王的禁卫?!” Xia Tian was almost saying with expression of interrogation. 夏天几乎是用质问的语气在说。 Silver armor one dull, raised the head. 银甲一呆,抬起头。 Sighed lightly. 轻叹了一口气。 His deep looked at Xia Tian one, looked at Bu Fang one. 他深深的看了夏天一眼,又看了步方一眼。 Turned around, looks at to the distant place concubine. 转身,看向了远处的皇妃。 Vision gentle myriad. 目光温柔万千。 A line of sight revolution, fell on the black armor body. 视线一转,落在了黑甲的身上。 Golden Armoured of head of guarding the imperial palace has not appeared. 禁卫之首的金甲未曾出现。 I truly do not match the trust of God Sovereign...... However, since did has done, how I can also, not have the escape route.” “我确实不配神皇的信任……不过,既然做都做了,我还能如何,已经没有退路了。” Silver armor forced smile. 银甲苦笑不已。 Then, he locks Bu Fang the line of sight once again. 尔后,他再度将视线锁定步方 Then, corners of the mouth upwarping slightly. 尔后,嘴角微微的翘起。 pū chī!! 噗嗤!! fleshly body of silver armor, cracks suddenly. 银甲的肉身,陡然崩裂开来。 Blade Energy, two Blade Energy, spread together from his body, unceasing cracks...... 一道刀气,两道刀气,从他的身躯之上蔓延开来,不断的崩裂…… Loudly, the body of silver armor thorough is defeated and dispersed. 轰然之间,银甲的身躯彻底的溃散开来。 The Bu Fang's Disorderly World kitchen knife, after all is Divine Ability, in addition the addition of God of Cooking divine strength bubble, the might is infinite. 步方的乱世厨刀,毕竟是神通,再加上厨神神力液滴的加成,威力无穷。 In collide, Bu Fang was given in the bang by the forgetting kindnesses sword completely. 在刚才的碰撞中,步方完全被忘情剑给轰中。 However has invincible resisting of Bird Feather Robe, therefore Bu Fang is safe and sound, is only the consumption is huge. 不过有雀羽袍的无敌抵挡,所以步方安然无恙,只是消耗巨大。 The silver armor may not have the invincibility of Bird Feather Robe. 银甲可没有雀羽袍的无敌。 Therefore, under attacking of Disorderly World kitchen knife, unceasing collapse. 所以,在乱世厨刀的攻伐下,不断的崩溃。 Bang crack. 嘭的一声炸响。 Under being a focus of public attention. 在万众瞩目之下。 fleshly body of silver armor thorough blasts out...... 银甲的肉身彻底的炸开…… This has shocked all people. 这一幕惊呆了所有人。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Was fleshly body of silver armor rumbled to explode? 银甲的肉身被轰爆了? Half God strikes, unexpectedly can rumble to explode God King? 半神的一击,居然能够轰爆神王 The Bu Fang's vision flashes. 步方的目光一闪。 Regarding the death of silver armor, Bu Fang may not have the slight sympathy. 对于银甲的死,步方可没有丝毫的同情。 Counts on the fingers a ball. 屈指一弹。 Invisible Divine Fire suddenly jumps out. 无形神火顿时窜出。 Speeds along to go toward the place of that explosion. 朝着那爆炸之处飞驰而去。 Bang! 轰! The flame soars to the heavens. 火光冲天。 Strength of the Principle under burning down of Divine Fire, rapid fusion...... 一道道的法则之力在神火的焚烧下,飞速的融合…… God King Principle Round Wheel was fused, enough made Divine Fire promote to a very terrifying degree! 一尊神王法则圆轮被融合,足够让神火提升到一个非常恐怖的程度了! No!!!” “不!!!” Distant place. 远处。 The concubine vision shrank, roared. 皇妃目光一缩,咆哮了起来。 Did the silver armor like this die? 银甲就这样死了? Possibly how dead? Trivial can Half God, how kill silver armor? 怎么可能会死?区区半神,如何能杀银甲? The surrounding all people were silent. 周围的所有人都是沉默了下来。 Does not know that should say anything. 不知道该说些什么。 The concubine mind was chaotic, surges filled with grief in her hearts. 皇妃心神乱了,一股悲怆涌动在她的心间。 Next quarter, shape, if crazy roaring! 下一刻,状若疯狂的咆哮! Bang!!! 轰!!! Suddenly. 突然。 Spreads in the upper air a terrifying to the pinnacle pressure. 一股恐怖到极致的威压在高空中蔓延开来。 Covers the audience. 笼罩全场。 Those present are hold breath an cold air/Qi, looked up to void. 在场的人都是倒吸一口冷气,抬起头望向了虚空。 There. 那儿。 Slowly has together golden great person's shadow condense. 缓缓的有一道金色的伟岸人影凝聚而出。 All people all tremble with fear. 所有人皆是惊颤。 Without hesitation, kneels to bend down. 毫不犹豫,纷纷跪伏。 God Sovereign?!” 神皇?!”
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