GOAW :: Volume #13

#1260: Wandering soul 【Second!】

System serious and earnest words sound resounds through in the Bu Fang's mind, making him be startled slightly. 系统严肃而认真的话语声在步方的脑海中响彻而起,让他微微一怔。 Then Bu Fang's breathes suddenly to stagnate, the corners of the mouth pull. 尔后步方的呼吸顿时一滞,嘴角一扯。 Lesser Saint inspection? 小圣考核么? Finally has been enough turnover. 终于达到了足够的营业额了。 Now Bu Fang with system place was long, understood the urogenous of system, each Realm to has an inspection finally, wants breakthrough Realm, must complete the inspection of system. 如今步方跟系统处的久了,也明白了系统的尿性,每个境界到最后都有个考核,想要突破境界,就必须完成系统的考核。 Only by doing so, can step into stronger Realm. 只有这样,才能踏入更强的境界 Before Bu Fang, is so. 步方之前也是这般。 Before then, Bu Fang in order to has started the Lesser Saint inspection to try hard, because wants to start the Lesser Saint inspection to need enough turnover, but turnover type of thing, needs to accumulate slowly. 在此之前,步方一直都在为了能够开启小圣考核而努力,因为想要开启小圣考核需要足够的营业额,而营业额这种东西,需要慢慢的积累。 Although said that he does not have the shackles on no cultivation base, but he with other practicing people actually also similar, others practice accumulate energy. 虽然说他没有什么修为上的桎梏,但是他和其他修行人其实也差不多,别人修行是积累能量 But he...... Must have enough turnover. 而他……是要有足够的营业额。 The simple point said, he needs...... precisely makes money. 简单点说,他需要的……就是赚钱。 Makes money with cuisines, with the branch store makes money. 美食赚钱,用开的分店赚钱。 The Bu Fang's movement stagnated, during fell into has hesitated. 步方的动作停滞了下来,陷入了沉吟之中。 Can the Lesser Saint inspection open? 小圣考核要开启么? However thinks, one side Bu Fang then first placed this, the turnover has achieved objective, the Lesser Saint inspection could not be inescapable. 不过想了想,步方便是将这先放在一边了,营业额已经达到了目标,小圣考核是跑不了的。 Therefore he does not need to worry. 所以他不需要着急。 But the demon ape Commander words sound penetrating, making Bu Fang recover. 而魔猿统领的话语声响彻而起,让步方回过神来。 Owner Bu, was one's turn us.” 步老板,轮到我们了。” At the same time, Mo Yan and the others somewhat excitedly visit him, in their vision reveals the excited color/look. 一边,墨烟等人都是有些兴奋的看着他,他们的目光中都是流露出激动之色。 Team competition, as it concerns us important......” “团体赛,对我们而言至关重要的一场……” vermilion Yannie fist, excited serious. 朱彦捏着拳头,兴奋的不得了。 If this can win, they can enter the semifinal. 这一场如果能够获得胜利,那他们就能够闯入半决赛。 The challenge match semifinal, this is not a small honor, makes the Immortal Kitchen Realm name broadcast in all around the microcosm sufficiently. 擂台赛半决赛,这可是一个不小的荣誉,足以让仙厨界的名字在周遭小世界中远播。 They as the Immortal Kitchen Realm representative participant, naturally are also want to help Immortal Kitchen Realm be famous. 他们作为仙厨界的代表参赛者,自然也是想要帮助仙厨界声名远播。 Yes, was one's turn us.” “是啊,轮到我们了。” Bu Fang nodded, in the vision is also slightly one bright. 步方点了点头,目光中也是微微一亮。 Along with competition carries on, is more and more intense. 随着比赛的进行,也是越来越激烈。 The Bu Fang also more and more close Nether Prison team, entered the semifinal is also not anything. 步方也越来越接近冥狱的队伍了,闯入半决赛还不算什么。 If can step into the finals, measures strength with the Nether Prison team, Bu Fang has the opportunity...... Obtains the heart of Saint deep puppet , helping Whitey complete restores finally. 如果能够踏入决赛,和冥狱的队伍一决高下,步方就有机会……获得圣冥傀之心,来帮助小白完成最终的修复了。 In the Bu Fang heart thinks. 步方心中想到。 This idea ended. 这个想法结束。 The Bu Fang's mind then received. 步方的心神便是收了回来。 Said with eager one group of diners, after today's business hour ended ahead of time. 跟眼巴巴的一群食客道了一声,今日的营业时间提前结束之后。 Then stall receiving. 便是将小摊给收了起来。 The surrounding person has exuded the sound of wailing, they have not eaten to suffice, that grasps the cake to be simply virulent, can quiet is unable to extricate oneself. 周围人都是发出了哀嚎之声,他们还没有吃够呢,那手抓饼简直有毒,能让人沉寂其中无法自拔。 They have not hoped that really Bu Fang such already had ended the business. 他们还真的不希望步方这么早就结束了营业。 But, they also understand, Bu Fang must prepare the following team competition fully. 可是,他们也明白,步方是要全力准备接下来的团体赛。 Right, who is the match of their team competition is coming? 对了,他们团体赛的对手是谁来着? Many people is a volume, then recalls being bewitched ape Commander words. 许多人都是一愣额,然后回想着魔猿统领的话语。 Then, eyes of everyone stares. 尔后,每个人的眼眸都是一瞪。 Next one left the panic-stricken color/look sharp and clear. 下一刻露出了惊骇之色。 Owner Bu, the match of your team competition is...... Wandering soul?!” 步老板,你们团体赛的对手是……游魂界?!” Ended! Owner Bu...... Wandering soul Ah! first-class microcosm Ah! “完了完了!步老板……游魂界啊!一流小世界啊! Is one may on formidable compared with diamond several points of microcosm!” “是一个比起金刚界可能还要强悍上几分的小世界!” ...... …… The surrounding person thinks of this point, reveals the color/look of sympathy. 周围的人想到这一点,都是流露出了同情之色。 Has not thought that Immortal Kitchen Realm will meet wandering soul unexpectedly. 没有想到仙厨界居然会遇到游魂界。 However many people feel relaxed. 不过许多人都是释然。 Because of close to the semifinal, Immortal Kitchen Realm can intrude at this moment, was not very easy, meets the first-class microcosm also to belong normally. 因为已经临近半决赛了,仙厨界能够闯入到这一刻,已经很不容易,遇到一流小世界也属于正常。 Even if not meet wandering soul also to meet other more formidable first-class microcosm. 就算不遇到游魂界也会遇到其他更强大的一流小世界。 If meets west longitude small Buddha, or Winged Person valley, even is the Earth Prison (hell) team...... 如果遇到西经小佛界,亦或是翼人谷,甚至是地狱团队…… That absolutely is the nightmare! 那绝对是噩梦! Compares, met wandering soul is also the good luck. 相比起来,遇到游魂界还算是不错的运气了。 After many people have thought through this, then feels relaxed. 许多人想通了这点后,便是都释然。 Bu Fang is actually indifferent, because to him, who no matter the match is, he is fearless. 步方对此倒是无所谓,因为对他而言,不管对手是什么人,他都无所畏惧。 The stall received. 小摊收了起来。 Although the surrounding person does not abandon, but they found the matter that has been interested in suddenly. 周围人虽然不舍,但是他们忽然找到了更感兴趣的事情。 That precisely they want to take a look at the Immortal Kitchen Realm team competition. 就是他们想要看看仙厨界的团体赛。 The group come enormously and powerful, before quick then arrived at the arena. 一行人浩浩荡荡而来,很快便是来到了擂台前。 This team competition is held in No. 1 arena. 这次团体赛是在一号擂台上举行。 Around the arena has surrounded expert of dense and numerous watching competition. 擂台周围已经围堵了密密麻麻的观看比赛的强者们。 Immortal Kitchen Realm...... Was a dark horse in this competition. 仙厨界……算是本届比赛中的一匹黑马了。 That young chef was too mainly strong, unexpectedly is leading several pig teammates stiffly, intrudes the present. 主要还是那小厨子太强了,居然硬生生的带领着几个猪队友,闯入到了如今。 Four are the 6-Star True Divine Realm teammates, simply precisely nightmare in this competition. 四位不过是六星真神境的队友,在这次比赛中简直就是噩梦。 From just started evaluated setting the base level, until now and first-class microcosm competed for the semifinal to enter the admission ticket, this Immortal Kitchen Realm has brought too many surprised to everybody. 从刚开始被评定的垫底水平,到如今和一流小世界争夺半决赛入门券,这个仙厨界给大家带来了太多的惊讶。 The trivial third-class microcosm, can actually achieve the matter that many first-class microcosms have not achieved, was sufficiently proud. 区区一个三流小世界,却是能够做到许多一流小世界都未曾做到的事情,足以自傲了。 Therefore, this time, nobody exudes the hiss. 所以,这一次,没有人发出嘘声。 Even if they have defeated, defeats its institute. 就算他们败了,也是败得其所。 Without the hiss, Bu Fang is some have not been familiar with. 没有嘘声,步方还真的是有些不习惯。 Stepped the arena, Bu Fang Bird Feather Robe, flap flap makes noise. 踏上了擂台,步方一席雀羽袍,猎猎作响。 In his, vermilion Yan and the others also followed. 在他的身后,朱彦等人也是跟了上来。 Five people have represented the Immortal Kitchen Realm team, stands in the arena, the feeling is a focus of public attention. 五人代表了仙厨界的团队,站在擂台上,感受万众瞩目。 Through throwing looks like formation. 通过投像阵法 This suddenly transmitted in Immortal Kitchen Realm. 这一幕顿时传递到了仙厨界中。 Entire Immortal Kitchen Realm in this moment boiling, all people are excited incomparable, calls out unceasingly. 整个仙厨界都是在这一刻沸腾了起来,所有人都是兴奋无比,嚎叫不断。 This is the pride of their Immortal Kitchen Realm. 这是他们仙厨界的骄傲。 Strives for the admission ticket of semifinal, although knows obviously does not have what hope, but is this, has made Immortal Kitchen Realm all people proud sufficiently. 争夺半决赛的入场券,虽然明明知道没有什么希望,但是就算是这样,已经足以让仙厨界的所有人自傲了。 After all, their Immortal Kitchen Realm, just awakened now. 毕竟,他们仙厨界,如今才刚刚觉醒啊。 Has Great Devil King...... Is the good fortune of Immortal Kitchen Realm. 大魔王……是仙厨界之幸事。 Demon ape Commander stood in the midpoint of arena. 魔猿统领站在了擂台的正中央。 The vision looked at Bu Fang one, regarding this young chef, he now was more and more surprised. 目光看了步方一眼,对于这个小厨子,他如今是越来越吃惊了。 Yesterday person of alone war four Lesser Saint, that success, let the top evildoer/monstrous talent of many first-class microcosm is startled. 昨日一人独战四位小圣,那战绩,让不少一流小世界的顶尖妖孽都是吃惊不已。 Hopes that you can continue to create miracle.” “希望你能继续创造奇迹。” Demon ape Commander grins saying that spoke a few words rarely. 魔猿统领咧嘴而道,难得的说了一句话。 Bu Fang stares, doubts looked at his one eyes. 步方一愣,疑惑的看了他一眼。 In Bu Fang and the others opposite. 步方等人的对面。 Then is their this time matches. 则是他们这一次的对手。 Buzz...... 嗡…… An ice-cold gloomy aura rapid attack comes. 一股冰冷阴暗的气息飞速的侵袭而来。 Above the vault of heaven, dark as if instantaneously is approaching. 天穹之上,黑暗仿佛在瞬间临近。 vermilion Yan and the others the vision shrink suddenly, inconceivable raising the head, looked to the distant place. 朱彦等人的目光陡然一缩,不可思议的抬起头,望向了远处。 There...... 那儿…… expert of wandering soul stepped the arena slowly. 游魂界的强者缓缓的踏上了擂台。 Terrifying aura spreads instantaneously, fills the audience, making all people feel suffocation. 恐怖的气息瞬间扩散,弥漫全场,让所有人都是感到一阵的窒息。 Wandering soul, first-class vanishes...... Also wants formidable several points compared with diamond. 游魂界,一流消失……比起金刚界还要强悍几分。 This match, allows not to absolutely the contempt of least bit. 这种对手,绝对容不许半点的轻视。 expert of wandering soul is the pitch-black long hair, wears the loose white long gown, looks deathly pale incomparably, the lip does not have the blood-color. 游魂界的强者一个个都是漆黑长发,穿着宽松的白色长袍,脸色惨白无比,嘴唇也是毫无血色。 As if no soul common good-for-nothing. 一个个仿佛都没有灵魂一般的行尸走肉似的。 The mind to palpitate to the person, just like the corpse. 给人心灵以悸动,犹如死尸。 Immortal Kitchen Realm and players of wandering soul arrived......” 仙厨界和游魂界的选手都到位了……” Demon ape Commander looked at both sides one eyes, the light opens the mouth said. 魔猿统领看了双方一眼,淡淡的开口道。 What wandering soul takes the lead is a thin female, the female full head long hair shop was loose, bends the back, the hair is covering up the profile, seemed the incomparable gloominess. 游魂界领头的是一位骨瘦如柴的女子,女子满头长发铺散,弯着背,头发遮掩住了半边脸,看上去无比的阴森。 Latter's eyeball after being on arena, is staring at Bu Fang, stubbornly is staring, the corners of the mouth split, the scarlet tongue stretches out, shows the fearful smiling face. 后者的眼珠子从登上擂台之后,就盯着步方,死死的盯着,嘴角裂开,猩红的舌头伸出,露出可怕的笑容。 You...... Died......” “你……死定了……” The females open the mouth saying that the sound is hoarse. 女子开口道,声音沙哑无比。 Bu Fang shot a look at his one eyes, has not opened the mouth. 步方瞥了他一眼,没有开口。 Team competition, best-of-five-sets, which side obtains three victories first, then obtains being promoted qualifications.” “团体赛,五局三胜制度,哪一方先获得三胜,便获得晋级资格。” Demon ape Commander said. 魔猿统领道。 Now you have the hemiprism fragrant time to carry on the discussion and conditioning.” “现在你们有半柱香的时间进行讨论和修整。” Does not use, starts directly.” “不用了,直接开始吧。” That gloomy and cold female direct opens the mouth, has broken the demon ape Commander words. 那阴冷女子直接开口,打断了魔猿统领的话语。 Immortal Kitchen Realm, can go to battle on Bu Fang one person. 仙厨界这边,能出战的就步方一人。 But wandering soul also understands this truth obviously, method of coping therefore they already reached an agreement...... 而游魂界显然也是懂得这个道理,所以他们早就商量好的对付的手段…… Immortal Kitchen Realm had not been paid attention to by them. 仙厨界根本就没有被他们放在眼里。 Although the Bu Fang's strength is very strong, but...... Bu Fang after all is only a person. 虽然步方的实力很强,但是……步方毕竟只是一个人。 As for Immortal Kitchen Realm other four participants...... Being nothing to speak. 至于仙厨界的其他四位参赛者……不值一提。 Since you choose start to fight immediately, then does not talk too much below, fight stays in the arena, other miscellaneous personnel please depart, the netherworld arena, the life and death do not discuss, everybody, puts best into it.” “既然你们选择立刻开始战斗,那在下也就不多言了,战斗者留在擂台,其余闲杂人等请离去,冥墟擂台,生死勿论,各位,好自为之。” Demon ape Commander said. 魔猿统领道。 Then, his figure was just like flickers to move to disappearance in same place. 说完,他的身形便是犹如瞬移般的消失在了原地。 Left Bu Fang and the others the arena. 将擂台留给了步方等人。 vermilion Yan and the others trembled cautious went to the arena. 朱彦等人颤颤兢兢的下了擂台。 Really is that group of people of wandering soul just like the devil is staring at them generally, lets in their this moment hearts unceasing being scared. 实在是游魂界的那群人犹如死鬼一般盯着他们,让他们此刻心中不断的发毛。 Wandering soul, a very mysterious microcosm, seems specially the practice ghost, is an evil and terrifying microcosm. 游魂界,一个非常神秘的小世界,似乎是专门修炼鬼魂,是一个邪恶又恐怖的小世界。 Surrounding person of discuss spiritedly. 周围人议论纷纷 This challenge match naturally also captured the attention of many people. 这一场擂台赛自然也是吸引了许多人的目光。 Although Bu Fang is very strong, last night Bu Fang had also demonstrated by enemy four powerful strengths. 虽然步方很强,昨夜步方也是展示了以一敌四的强大实力。 However, now facing wandering soul, the people actually still did not favor Bu Fang. 但是,如今面对游魂界,众人却是仍旧不看好步方 After all although the Bu Fang's strength is good, but Immortal Kitchen Realm Bu Fang only has a person after all. 毕竟步方的实力虽然不错,但是仙厨界步方毕竟只有一个人。 But wandering soul...... Then has at least four Lesser Saint...... 而游魂界……则是有至少四位小圣…… Even if the wheel, can die to the wheel Bu Fang. 就算是轮,都能够将步方给轮死。 This is they do not favor the Bu Fang's reason. 这也是他们不看好步方的原因。 If expert of wandering soul insists on being probable with the Bu Fang specific consumption, half saint Bu Fang, how can compared with four Lesser Saint...... 如果游魂界的强者执意要跟步方比消耗,不过半圣步方,如何能比的过四位小圣啊…… This is also malpractice that Bu Fang has. 这也是步方存在的弊端。 Started......” “开始了……” Under the arena, many people withdraw from ponder, vision fine bright is waiting and seeing the arena. 擂台下,许多人从沉思中退出,目光精亮的观望着擂台。 Wandering soul has not sent the strongest that female. 游魂界并没有派遣出最强的那位女子。 But sent a man, thin, as if gust can sweep man. 而是派遣出了一位男子,骨瘦如柴,仿佛一阵风就能够给吹走似的的男子。 The men are cloudy and cold, the whole body just like the cold ice, is sending out death aura. 男子阴冷无比,浑身都犹如寒冰,散发着死气 jié jié Jie......” 桀桀桀……” The men stand in the arena, double under the hand/subordinate hung, has sent out sneering. 男子站在擂台上,双手下垂,发出了冷笑。 You are very strong...... What a pity...... Has met our wandering soul, you will feel that what is desperate, your fleshly body is actually incomparable formidable, however your can spiritual force such as your fleshly body general formidable?” “你很强啊……可惜……遇到了我们游魂界,你将会感到什么是绝望,你的肉身却是无比的强悍,但是你的精神力能够如你的肉身一般强悍么?” The man of wandering soul sneers was saying. 游魂界的男子冷笑着说道。 Latter's sleeve, the collar, in mouth and nose was to all spurt left the pitch-black color/look gas thinly. 后者的袖子,衣领,口鼻之中皆是喷薄出了漆黑色的气体。 These gas filling the air slowly. 这些气体缓缓的弥漫。 Then, in the arena, then another souls appears. 尔后,在擂台上,便是有一尊又一尊的魂魄浮现而出。 The entire arena cold wind rustle sways suddenly, ice-cold extremely. 整个擂台陡然间寒风簌簌吹拂而起,冰冷万分。 Our wandering soul, most excels is the soul attack method...... We will suffer your soul, making you experience just like purgatory suffering, under frightened winding, desperate dying.” “我们游魂界,最擅长的便是灵魂攻击手段……我们会折磨你的灵魂,让你体验犹如炼狱般的折磨,在恐惧的缠绕下,绝望的死去。” The men said. 男子说道。 The next quarter, his eye sent out quiet green radiance suddenly. 下一刻,他的眼睛陡然散发出了幽绿色的光华。 Bang!! 轰! Ice-cold pitch-black color/look ghosts, are making threatening gestures threw come toward Bu Fang. 一道道冰冷的漆黑色幽魂,便是张牙舞爪的朝着步方扑了过来 Ice-cold chill in the air swept across opens suddenly. 冰冷的寒意陡然席卷而开。 Bu Fang stands in same place, a brow suddenly wrinkle. 步方站在原地,眉头顿时一皱。 Regarding wandering soul, he knows are really not many. 对于游魂界,他知道的还真的不多。 Summoned these many ghosts suddenly, Bu Fang was also somewhat confused, suddenly really could not find the method of coping with. 陡然召唤出这么多的幽魂,步方也是有些迷茫,一时间还真找不到对付的法子。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 Bandage suddenly dissipates. 绷带顿时逸散。 A beast roar resounds through. 一声兽吼响彻而起。 Bu Fang's gluttony arm suddenly appears. 步方的饕餮臂顿时浮现而出。 On the gluttony arm has black and white two colors in swept across. 饕餮臂上有黑白两色在席卷 Bu Fang deep breath. 步方深吸了一口气 A fist has patted to a ghost that the body side was throwing. 一拳对着身侧扑来的一道幽魂拍了上去。 However a fist actually failed. 然而一拳却是落空了。 Because he discovered that ghost is invisible does not have the nature unexpectedly, does not have the entity! 因为他发现,那幽魂居然是无形无质,是没有实体的! jié jié Jie...... 桀桀桀…… Useless, the fleshly body strength cannot project on our...... Feels suffering of purgatory!!” “没有用的,肉身力量是打不到我们的……感受炼狱的折磨吧!!” The sharp sound resounds through. 尖锐的声音响彻而起。 Male figure of that wandering soul does not know that , as if drifted from place to place in the arena. 那游魂界的男子身形不知道去了哪儿,仿佛在擂台上飘忽不定。 Suddenly. 忽然。 A wailing, sharp ear-piercing, as if must the eardrum of person tearing into shreds. 一声尖啸,尖锐刺耳,仿佛要将人的耳膜给撕碎似的。 The Bu Fang's vision concentrates suddenly. 步方的目光陡然一凝。 Bang!! 轰! These release the spiritual fluctuation of terrifying ghost that his wrap up got up unexpectedly. 那些将他包裹起来的幽魂居然是纷纷释放出了恐怖的精神波动。 These spiritual fluctuations attack loudly, as if must in the flash Bu Fang attacking fool. 这些精神波动轰然冲击,仿佛要在一瞬间将步方给冲击成傻子似的。 Method of wandering soul...... Unexpectedly is spiritual attack! 游魂界的手段……居然是精神攻击! Bu Fang's facial color suddenly strange...... 步方的面色顿时就古怪了起来……
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