GOAW :: Volume #13

#1256: Late at night kills! 【First!】

Bang! 轰隆! A loud sound. 一声巨响。 Bu Fang opened the eye suddenly, in eyes had the sharp color/look to flash through. 步方陡然睁开了眼,眼眸中有犀利之色闪过。 His vision is staring at the entrance of room. 他的目光盯着房间的门口。 The gate of room is the wooden door, the fine wooden door of carving, above carved to fill the trace, was decorating the room, caused the entire room, has felt the luxurious feeling. 房间的门是木门,精雕细琢的精致木门,其上雕刻满了纹路,装饰着房间,使得整个房间,充满了豪华感。 But at this moment, along with the loud sound, the great strength impact comes, making this fine wooden door blast out suddenly, the broken wood flutters about unceasingly, the wooden sediment of breaks speed along toward Bu Fang. 而这一刻,伴随着巨响,巨力冲击而来,使得这精致的木门陡然炸开,碎木不断纷飞,一根根断裂的木渣子朝着步方飞驰而来。 Just likes the dense and numerous bullets, howls to jump shoots, must pierce into the hole the person. 犹如密密麻麻的子弹,呼啸迸射,要将人洞穿成为窟窿。 Small reptile! Also our column elder brother life comes!!” “小爬虫!还我们一柱哥命来!!” Roars along with air/Qi full one, in the roar also has the formidable voice, just like the ominous beast impact, the crazy tyrant is boundless. 伴随着中气十足的一声怒吼,吼声中还有着强大的声浪,犹如凶兽冲击,狂霸无边。 The gate has blasted out, the sawdust sediment flutters about, then two huge form impacts come, just like two demon Gods. 门炸开了,木屑渣子纷飞中,则是有两道庞大的身影冲击而来,犹如两尊魔神。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Fluctuation unceasing surging of Heavenly Law will. 天道意志的波动不断的涌动。 Without a doubt, this was two Lesser Saint begins. 毫无疑问,这是两尊小圣动手了。 The Bu Fang's vision concentrates. 步方的目光一凝。 He has not thought really, expert of diamond dares to begin in the inn unexpectedly. 他还真的是没有想到,金刚界的强者居然真的敢在客栈中动手。 Don't these two fellows have brain? 这两个家伙是没有脑子么? However expert of diamond as if truly does not have what brain, although they fleshly body formidable, but the head is not very developed. 不过金刚界的强者似乎确实没有什么脑子,他们虽然肉身强悍,但是脑袋不够发达。 Works only moves with the regard. 做事只凭着心意行动。 Initially looked not to be feeling well Bu Fang and the others, now was still constantly only knew the angry conduct. 当初看不爽步方等人,如今仍旧是一昧的只知道愤怒行事。 To depend the cultivation base crush person. 想仗着修为碾压人。 Here loud sound has naturally brought to attention in every way. 这儿的巨响自然是引起了多方的注意。 Late at night inn. 深夜客栈。 Most people practice in the room, rest and build up strength, adjust the condition. 大多数人都是在房间中修行,休养生息,调整状态。 This huge rumbled, just like startling thunderclap is billowing, naturally has brought to the attention of all people. 这巨大的轰鸣,犹如惊雷滚滚,自然是引起了所有人的注意。 Two big great fists toward Bu Fang then rapid pounds, void rubbed as if must burn. 两大巨拳朝着步方便是飞速的砸来,虚空都是被摩擦的仿佛要燃烧起来了似的。 Extreme terrifying. 极度的恐怖。 A Bu Fang's brow wrinkle, in the vision burst out the sharp color/look suddenly. 步方的眉头一皱,目光中陡然迸发出了犀利之色。 Death!!” “死吧!!” Two Lesser Saint of diamond, the whole body presents the scarlet-red color/look, above the body, is angry, prominent, the dragon dragon seems to be densely covered, resembles terrifying ominous beasts. 金刚界的两尊小圣,浑身呈现赤红之色,身躯之上,青筋暴露,根根突出,仿佛虬龙密布,似一尊尊恐怖的凶兽。 They press up to Bu Fang to come, killing intent soars to the heavens. 他们直逼步方而来,杀意冲天。 Bang! 轰! On bed that two people fist bombardments in Bu Fang has sat cross-legged, entire bed suddenly blasts out. 两人的拳头轰击在了步方盘坐的床上,整个床顿时炸开。 But Bu Fang's figure early already light falling in distant place. 步方的身形早已经轻飘飘的落在了远处。 . 呼啦一声。 A fist sweeps away. 一拳横扫而来。 The fist wind compressed air, has made the broken spatial artillery suddenly directly. 拳风陡然压缩空气,直接打出了碎空炮。 Although this broken spatial artillery a broken spatial artillery of column in the arena is not strong, but the speed is faster. 这个碎空炮虽然没有在擂台上一柱的碎空炮那么强,但是速度更快。 Bang!! 轰! The position that Bu Fang stands blasts out, this room then degenerated into the ruins in the flash. 步方站立的位置炸开,这个房间在一瞬间便是沦为了废墟。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… Bird Feather Robe flutters. 雀羽袍飘荡。 Bu Fang tip of the toe on the frame of window, figure suddenly such as the fish dive has drilled generally. 步方脚尖点在了窗户的框上,身形顿时如鱼跃一般钻出。 full head pitch-black hair scatters in the dark night, eyes is indifferent, Bird Feather Robe changed to the scarlet-red color/look directly. 满头的乌黑发丝在黑夜中飘散,眼眸淡然,雀羽袍径直化作了赤红之色。 As if resonant birds cried to resound through. 仿佛有一声嘹亮的雀啼响彻而起。 Bird Feather Robe suddenly changed to the fiery red color/look. 身上的雀羽袍顿时化作了火红之色。 The back flame pair of wings launches, is holding the Bu Fang's body. 背后火焰双翼展开,托着步方的身躯。 The wing fans, flame wing suddenly flutters about unceasingly. 翅膀扇动,火焰羽翼顿时纷飞不断。 Bang bang, two crack. 嘭嘭,两声炸响。 Two huge such as the demon God general body, hits from the room, the wall was dislodged a gulf. 两尊庞大的如魔神一般的身躯,从房间中撞击而出,墙壁都是被撞出了一个深坑。 The room in inn blasts out directly. 客栈的房间直接炸开。 diamond two Lesser Saint, rapid is forcing Bu Fang. 金刚界的两尊小圣,飞速的逼迫着步方 A sincere unceasing bombardment comes. 一拳拳不断的轰击而来。 Crash-bang. 哗啦。 In inn. 客栈之中。 Many people opened window, vision strange is staring at outside void. 不少人都是打开了窗户,目光奇异的盯着外面的虚空。 The fight flash then captured their attention. 战斗一瞬间便是吸引了他们的目光。 Originally is murders those who have cheated them......” “原来是寻仇啊……” Was Immortal Kitchen Realm that chef, in the competition has killed a diamond column, now the person of diamond murdered those who have cheated them.” “是仙厨界的那个厨子,比赛中杀了金刚界的一柱,现在金刚界的人来寻仇了。” Person precisely this kind of muscle of diamond, only permits them to kill you, cannot you kill their people, otherwise the ends of the earth murder those who have cheated them unceasingly.” “金刚界的人就是这样一根筋,只许他们杀你,不许你杀他们的人,否则天涯海角寻仇不断。” ...... …… In the inn, observing expert all were the much discussion. 客栈中,观战的强者们皆是纷纷议论了起来。 They somewhat sympathize looks at void Bu Fang. 他们有些同情的看着虚空中的步方 Was opened by two has exploded the body condition diamond Lesser Saint to give the chase, even if general Lesser Saint is miserable beyond description, almost despairs, let alone Bu Fang was only half saint, although somewhat strange, but after all was only half saint. 被两尊开启了爆体状态的金刚界小圣给追逐,就算是一般的小圣都是苦不堪言,几乎要绝望,更别说步方只是个半圣了,虽然有些奇异,但是毕竟只是半圣 Challenge match time, Bu Fang can drag to explode the body condition to vanish to a column. 擂台赛的时候,步方能够拖到一柱爆体状态消失。 However...... This time, but is not easy. 但是……这一次,可就没有那么容易了。 They are the vitality/angry, explodes the body condition to continue is longer. 他们越是生气,爆体状态就持续的越久。 Bu Fang has killed a column, these two diamond expert, if has not given kill[ed] Bu Fang, feared that is very difficult to eliminate explodes the body condition...... 步方杀了一柱,这两位金刚界的强者,若是没有将步方斩杀,怕是很难消除爆体状态的…… Buzz...... 嗡…… The Bu Fang's mind moves. 步方的心神一动。 The golden flowing light then instantaneously appears together. 一道金色的流光便是瞬间出现。 Changed to the golden giant shrimp, was fallen on carrying on the back of Small Pi. 化作了金色的巨大皮皮虾,被落在了小皮的背上。 The Small Pi traveling speed is extremely fast, is bringing Bu Fang, just like changed to the golden flowing light, unceasing shuttle in void. 小皮的移动速度极快,带着步方,犹如化作了金色流光,在虚空中不断的穿梭。 In a flash, has then spread out and two diamond Lesser Saint. 一瞬间,便是拉开了和两尊金刚界小圣的距离。 Bu Fang stands in Small Pi carries on the back, light looks at two diamond Lesser Saint...... 步方站在小皮背上,淡淡的看着两尊金刚界的小圣…… Revenge...... 复仇么…… put out a long breath gently. 轻轻的吐出了一口气 In the Bu Fang's vision was glitters strange radiance. 步方的目光中都是闪烁起了奇异的光华。 The surrounding person is also gazing at this fight. 周围人也是注视着这一场战斗。 Many people somewhat anticipated actually, expert of this diamond can kill to the bang Bu Fang directly. 许多人倒是有些期待,这金刚界的强者能够直接将步方给轰杀。 After all this fellow formerly extremely arrogant words, but lets in many person hearts is somewhat discontented. 毕竟这个家伙先前狂妄的话语,可是让许多人心中都是有些不满啊。 They have not hit a person when he is down while this time are very good. 他们没有趁着这个时候落井下石就很不错了。 Bang Bang Bang!! 轰轰轰! But broken spatial artillery instant. 碎空炮刹那而至。 Blasts out suddenly. 陡然炸开。 Void was exploded bumpy. 虚空都是被炸出了坑坑洼洼。 Method of this compressed air loudly eruption, actually quite formidable. 这压缩空气轰然爆发的手段,倒是颇为强悍 However, Small Pi traveling speed really quick, supports then to flee instant, making the latter not move Bu Fang's clothes sleeve. 不过,小皮的移动速度是真的快,支持刹那便是遁走,让后者根本碰触不到步方的衣袂。 Damn reptile, has skill do not run!!” “该死的爬虫,有本事不要跑!!” Two expert of diamond glowered, opens mouth has then exuded the sound of angry roaring. 金刚界的两尊强者怒目而视,张嘴便是发出了怒吼之声。 In inn. 客栈中。 vermilion Yan and the others penetrated the window, saw the war of outside. 朱彦等人透过窗户,看到了外界的大战。 The heart almost must mention throat, Great Devil King can hide encircling of two Lesser Saint? 心都几乎要提到了嗓子眼,大魔王能够躲的过两位小圣的围剿么? Moreover explodes the body condition encircling of Lesser Saint. 而且还是爆体状态的小圣的围剿。 Bu Fang curled the lip. 步方撇了撇嘴。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 Divine Sense such as proliferation of water. 神念如水似的扩散了开来。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Around his body, then the blooming radiant gold/metal beef meatball appears. 他的身躯周围,便是有一颗颗绽放璀璨金芒的牛肉丸浮现而出。 These meat ball appear, in the pitch-black night, just like blooms the hot sun of radiance. 这一颗颗牛丸出现,在漆黑的深夜,犹如绽放光华的烈日。 Dazzling and eye-catching, then captured the attention of countless person instantaneously. 刺眼而夺目,瞬间便是吸引了无数人的目光。 Beef meatball?!” “牛肉丸?!” Is the beef meatball that type can explode...... Initially rumbling wound black wind continent half saint beef meatball.” “是那种能够爆炸的牛肉丸……当初轰伤黑风大陆半圣的牛肉丸。” This is thing useful to Lesser Saint?” “这玩意小圣有用么?” ...... …… The surrounding person was curious. 周围人都是好奇了起来。 Many people have the research regarding the Bu Fang's method, the function of nature clear this Burst Meat Ball. 许多人对于步方的手段都是有过研究,自然清楚这爆裂牛丸的作用。 They pure believing, this is not only a good food beef meatball. 他们可不会单纯的认为,这只是一个好吃的牛肉丸。 The Bu Fang's vision concentrates, the facial color is indifferent. 步方的目光一凝,面色冷漠。 The slayers, the person kill it permanently. 杀人者,人恒杀之。 These two diamond Lesser Saint, since must kill him, he does not need to continue to keep the hand. 这两位金刚界的小圣,既然要杀他,那他也就不需要继续留手了。 Bu Fang wanted to take possession spirit. 步方本来是想要器灵附体的。 However thinks or forget about it, frequent use takes possession spirit, is also too big to the load of fleshly body. 不过想想还是算了,频繁使用器灵附体,对肉身的负荷也太大。 Also was the time shows the true technology. 也是时候展现一下自己真正的技术了。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Around the body the float golden light is getting more and more radiant. 身躯周围悬浮的金光越来越璀璨。 Burst Meat Ball, arrangement aggressively around the body, changed to a golden halo. 一颗颗爆裂牛丸,紧锣密鼓的排列在身躯周围,化作了一圈金色的光环。 Death!!” “死!!” Exploding body Lesser Saint of diamond, opens mouth, howls crazily. 金刚界的爆体小圣,张嘴,狂啸。 Howl in the entire dark night that obvious...... 啸声在整个黑夜中是那么的明显…… Bang! 轰! Two forms changed to red radiance, is rapid jumping shoots toward Bu Fang. 两道身影化作了赤色光华,朝着步方便是飞速的迸射而来。 They do not hide do not evade, the bang kills directly. 他们不躲不避,径直轰杀。 Bu Fang's vision suddenly concentrates. 步方的目光顿时一凝。 Beef meatball suddenly explode to shoot, circled rapidly, the sound of chī chī chī resounds through unceasingly, tows is just liking the meteor tail. 一颗颗的牛肉丸顿时爆射而出,飞速的盘旋了起来,嗤嗤嗤之声响彻不绝,拖曳着犹如流星般的尾巴。 „Do several beef meatballs want to retreat in fear we?!” “几颗牛肉丸就想吓退我们?!” diamond Lesser Saint roared. 一位金刚界小圣咆哮了起来。 Above body red light greatly rises. 身躯之上红光大盛 Not is only he. 不仅仅是他。 Even if were periphery the person of observing pale has also smiled. 就算是周围观战之人也都是纷纷淡笑了起来。 The beef meatball is useful to half saint, but to Lesser Saint, is not necessarily useful, and...... By diamond Lesser Saint that the fleshly body strength grows perceptibly. 牛肉丸对半圣有用,但是对小圣,不一定有用,而且……还是以肉身力量见长的金刚界小圣 Their strength extreme terrors, defense of fleshly body, radically fearless ordinary attack. 他们的力量极度的恐怖,肉身的防御,根本无惧普通的攻击。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Several Burst Meat Ball jump to shoot, pounded above their body. 数颗爆裂牛丸迸射而出,砸在了他们的身躯之上。 Blasts out suddenly. 陡然炸开。 Un? 嗯? A Lesser Saint vision of diamond shrinks suddenly. 一位金刚界的小圣目光陡然一缩。 Huge impulse, flying upside down that he rumbles, pounding maliciously above inn. 巨大的冲击力,将他轰的倒飞而出,狠狠的砸在了客栈之上。 That feeling, making them extremely astonished. 那种感觉,让他们极度的惊异。 That beef meatball might...... As if very strong Ah! 那牛肉丸的威力……似乎很强啊! Also really can anti-......” Bu Fang defeated/carrying, stand in Small Pi carries on the back, looks on that scarlet-red flesh blood as if in circulation presents explodes the body condition diamond expert, indifferently said. “还真的是能抗……”步方负着手,站在小皮背上,看着那赤红肌肤上血液仿佛在流转的呈现爆体状态的金刚界强者,淡淡道 Three Burst Meat Ball explode separately on them, unexpectedly has not skinned the skin, but above also has the azure smoke to linger. 三颗爆裂牛丸分别炸在他们身上,居然没有蹭破皮,不过其上也是有青烟萦绕起来。 They, depended upon the fleshly body strength on forcefully anti- the fluctuation of explosion. 他们,依靠肉身的力量就强行抗住了爆炸的波动。 Also is really some rarely seen. 还真的是有些奇葩 Suddenly. 忽然。 Bu Fang's brow one tight. 步方的眉头一紧。 The split vision has swept the ground. 余光扫过了地面。 As if felt that the ground direction, fearful killing intent have locked itself. 似乎感觉到地面方向,有一股可怕的杀意锁定了自己。 Not is only the revenged kill of diamond expert, but also some people want to assassinate itself! 不仅仅是金刚界强者的仇杀,还有人想要刺杀自己! In the Bu Fang heart then thinks through instantaneously. 步方心中瞬间便是想通。 eyes also instant becomes sharp. 眼眸也是刹那变得犀利。 Bang!! 轰! Two explode the body diamond, a racket on the wall of inn, the wall is caves, appears to get rid to be in charge. 两尊爆体金刚,在客栈的墙壁上一拍,墙壁都是塌陷下去,浮现出了手掌印。 Both explode to shoot, such as two big meatballs, toward the Bu Fang impact. 两者爆射而出,如两颗大肉球,朝着步方冲击而来。 Is up and down, locked the Bu Fang's body instantaneously. 一上一下,瞬间锁定住了步方的身躯。 Has closed off the Bu Fang's escape route. 封锁了步方的退路。 Leaders. 为首者。 In the vision is exposing the fine glow. 目光中暴露着精芒。 Both hands tight gripping, lifts to the top of the head. 双手紧紧的握住,抬至头顶。 To want to approach Bu Fang's instantaneous, struck Bu Fang died by explosion! 欲要在靠近步方的瞬间,一击将步方轰死! diamond meteor hammer!!!” “金刚流星锤!!!” huā lā lā. 哗啦啦 Air all around in this flash, thorough takes. 周遭的空气在这一瞬间,都是被彻底的吸纳一空。 Above the vault of heaven, just like was appears a void. 天穹之上,宛若都是浮现出了一片空虚。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 That both hands grip under the attack bang of fist, has torn the backdrop. 那双手握住成拳的攻击轰下,撕裂了天幕。 This strikes, the might is extremely terrifying. 这一击,威力极度恐怖。 In the close combat murders method greatly! 是近战中的大杀伐手段! Art...... Strikes, must kill!! 讲究……一击,必杀!! Bu Fang defeated/carrying, hair scattered under this fresh breeze. 步方负着手,发丝在这劲风之下都是飘散了起来。 Has narrowed the eye. 眯了眯眼。 Then. 尔后。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 Rainbow-colored Crescent Moon Dumplings appeared in hand. 一颗七彩月牙饺浮现在了手中。 dumpling?!” 饺子?!” The diamond vision that the attack comes concentrates. 攻击而来的金刚目光一凝。 Then grins, any attack is invalid to him, he is fearless!! 尔后咧嘴,任何的攻击对他而言都是无效的,他无所畏惧!! Burst Meat Ball explodes does not injure his defense, this dumpling has any skill to come! 爆裂牛丸都炸不伤他的防御,这饺子有什么本事就来吧! This hammer, the bang kills this chef surely! 这一锤,必定轰杀这个厨子! The surrounding person reports the breath. 周围的人都是禀住了呼吸。 This strikes, lets their mind is the guts trembles. 这一击,让他们心神都是胆颤起来。 Lesser Saint must kill strikes...... 小圣的必杀一击…… This chef, it seems like could not escape. 这个厨子,看来是逃不掉了。 The Earth Prison (hell) order superintendent comes was too slow...... 地狱的秩序管理者来的太慢了…… to seal/confer Shenjiao, explodes.” “封神饺,爆。” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 The intention moves. 心念一动。 Suddenly crumb to seal/confer Shenjiao. 陡然捏碎了封神饺。 dumpling explodes broken, suddenly burst out myriad radiance. 饺子爆碎,顿时迸发出了万千的光华。 Seven color radiance flash were to then cover the body of diamond. 七彩的光华一瞬间便是笼罩住了金刚的身躯。 This......” “这……” Perfectly round that the Lesser Saint eye of diamond stares suddenly, felt that the body cannot move in the flash unexpectedly. 金刚界的小圣眼睛陡然瞪的滚圆,感觉到身躯在一刹那居然动弹不得。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Unknown is most terrifying. 未知才是最恐怖的。 Time of breath cannot move. 一个呼吸的时间动弹不得。 In this time, his precisely lets the person to prey simply! 在这时间内,他简直就是任人鱼肉! But in his front. 而在他的面前。 Bu Fang moved. 步方动了。 Seven Burst Meat Ball, present the trends of 7-Star arrangement, fine bombardment above his body. 七颗爆裂牛丸,呈现七星排列的趋势,精致的轰击在了他的身躯之上。 Bang!!! 嘭!!! Loudly explosion. 轰然爆炸。 Blasts of seven Burst Meat Ball, series explode, the might almost must the rumbling broken world! 七颗爆裂牛丸的炸开,连环炸,威力几乎要轰碎天地! The guy of diamond miserable howling, body suddenly has crashed from void, dripping with blood. 金刚界的大汉惨嚎了一声,身躯顿时从虚空中坠落而下,鲜血淋漓。 Explodes the body condition to withdraw instantaneously, whole body is dispirited, pounded to fall on the ground loudly...... 爆体状态瞬间退出,整个人萎靡不振,轰然砸落在了地上…… The sound of bang, the ground pounds a gulf. 轰的一声响,地面都是砸出了一个深坑。 Lesser Saint of another diamond holds breath cold air! 另一位金刚界的小圣倒吸一口凉气! How possible?! 怎么可能?! Matter that among the electric light flint had a moment ago, he has not seen clearly. 刚才电光火石间所发生的事情,他并没有看清楚。 But Bu Fang unexpectedly then explodes the body condition his partner to withdrawal of bang in the flash...... 可是步方居然在一刹那便是将他的伙伴给轰的退出爆体状态…… That showing, the bombardment, the might was absolutely enormous. 那说明,刚才的轰击,威力绝对是极大的。 Father does not believe that your trivial half saint, that method you can also display twice!!” “老子不信,你一个区区一个半圣,那种手段你还能施展两次!!” The foot steps on void, skyrockets! 脚踩虚空,扶摇直上! Explodes the body diamond, the body rises suddenly once again, whole body is covered with blood. 爆体金刚,身躯再度暴涨,整个人都是血肉模糊。 A fist such as the thunder stance rumbles, is coercing the diamond Heavenly Law will, presses up to Bu Fang. 一拳如雷霆姿态轰出,裹挟着金刚界的天道意志,直逼步方而来。 Distant place. 远处。 The form shoulders a handle heavy sword together, but ice-cold speeding away. 一道身影背负一柄重剑,冰冷的疾驰而至。 Demon ape Commander, waits for many Commander, rushes to collectively. 还有魔猿统领,等诸多统领,集体赶赴。 Bu Fang crosses the hands behind the back to stand in the cold wind, the foot steps on Small Pi, in the upper air, the bird robe flutters. 步方于寒风之中负手而立,脚踩小皮,在高空中,雀袍翻飞。 Stop!!” “住手!!” Fairy Yōu sonic boom drinks, if sound the thunder intermittent biography swings. 幽姬一声爆喝,声音若雷霆阵阵传荡开来。 However, explodes the body diamond not to have the slight calling a halt meaning. 然而,爆体金刚却是没有丝毫的停手意思。 Death!! ` “死!!‘ In the eye the meaning of slaughtering fills the air. 眼中杀戮之意弥漫。 Suddenly. 忽然。 In Bu Fang Divine Sense range. 步方神念范围之内。 The blood light blasts out together suddenly, radiant looks like a blood-color Lian magnificent in dark night. 一道血光陡然炸开,璀璨的就像是黑夜中的一朵血色莲华。 But twinkling. 瞬息而至。 Two blood-color sickles truncate separately toward the Bu Fang's nape of the neck from the different angles! 两把血色镰刀从不同的角度分别朝着步方的脖颈削来! That hid for a long time abyss killer in secret, finally left to incur! 那暗中隐藏了许久的深渊杀手,终于出招了! The accident, causes the audience suddenly, in an uproar, ten thousand numerous are all startled! 陡然变故,引得全场,哗然,万众皆惊! Fairy Yōu is the vision ice-cold, startled and anger! 幽姬则是目光冰冷,又惊又怒! She shouted stopping, this group of people still insisted on wanting make a move unexpectedly. 她都喊了住手,这群人居然仍旧执意要出手 When really this prison Lord is the ornaments?! 真当她这位狱主是摆设么?! Such being the case...... That has it all.” “既然如此……那就一锅端吧。” Looks almost all-around non- dead angle will give killing that locks to incur. 看着几乎全方位无死角的将自己给锁定起来的杀招。 The Bu Fang's complexion was also indifferent. 步方的脸色也是冷漠了起来。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 In the hand suddenly appeared float, was blooming lotus flower Destruction Dry Pot of myriad radiant radiance...... 手中顿时浮现出了一个悬浮的,绽放着万千璀璨光华的莲花毁灭干锅…… Another...... 另一手…… Seven color to seal/confer Shenjiao suddenly crumbs! 七彩封神饺陡然捏碎!
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