GOAW :: Volume #13

#1254: On the scene... Is the trash! 【Third!!】

The broken spatial artillery, is the diamond expert creative attack method, with the pinnacle fleshly body oppression air, oppressed pinnacle the air, contained the high pressure of destruction nature, then released, bombs all. 碎空炮,是金刚界强者的独创攻击手段,用极致肉身压迫空气,将空气压迫到了极致,蕴含毁灭性的高压,尔后释放,轰炸一切。 Ordinary Lesser Saint fleshly body cannot achieve this, only has diamond expert to achieve. 普通的小圣肉身根本做不到这样,也唯有金刚界的强者才能够做到。 Their this type of compressed air are not the simple compressions. 他们这种压缩空气可不是简单的压缩。 But innumerable energy in air, condense in the same place, and is compression pinnacle is small, almost changed to point that explosive energy. 而是将空气中的无数能量,凝聚在一起,并且是压缩的极致小,几乎化作了一个点的那种爆炸性能量 The instance that blasts out, can destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth, destroy all! 炸开的瞬间,能够毁天灭地,摧毁一切! hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… All person dumbfound extremely, vision institute, only then piece of wild energy is wreaking havoc. 所有人呆滞万分,目光所及,只有一片狂暴的能量在肆虐。 Demon ape Commander is somewhat puzzled, mouth opened, actually does not know that should make anything. 魔猿统领有些纠结,嘴巴张了张,却是不知道该做些什么。 He promised the Fairy Yōu prison Lord, must look after this young chef, but...... This move, he is make a move is not, make a move is not...... 他答应了幽姬狱主,要关照这个小厨子的,但是……这一招,他是出手也不是,不出手也不是…… Therefore can only look at Bu Fang swallowing by that broken spatial artillery helplessly. 所以只能眼睁睁的看着步方被那碎空炮给吞噬了。 Oh...... Ok, is destined this boy to die here, gets what one deserves enrages a diamond column to exploding the body condition.” “唉……算了,命中注定这小子要死在这儿吧,活该将金刚一柱激怒到爆体状态。” Demon ape Commander long sighed, is somewhat helpless. 魔猿统领长叹了一口气,也是有些无奈。 Before the stance of that boy...... Owes to punch really very much. 之前那小子的姿态……是真的很欠揍啊。 Not coordinated strength, actually like that wild...... Let him is some are uncomfortable. 没有对等的实力,却那般的猖狂……让他心里也是有些不舒服。 expert has to be the pride of expert. 强者有着属于强者的骄傲。 Weak ones must have self-awareness of weak one. 弱者就要有着弱者的自知。 Trivial half saint, unexpectedly as extremely arrogant as provocative Lesser Saint, from beginning to end called others weak ones extremely arrogantly, facing knockdown strength, your proud-lovable! 区区半圣,居然狂妄到挑衅小圣,从头到尾狂妄的叫人家弱者,面对不可抵抗的力量,你傲娇个屁! Was rumbled to kill, gets what one deserves. 被轰杀,也是活该。 The silent audience, all people looks at the arena that energy covers is silent. 寂静的全场,所有人看着能量笼罩的擂台都是沉默了下来。 Suddenly. 忽然。 In the camp of diamond, has voiced cheering, they excitedly to pinnacle. 金刚界的阵营中,发出了欢呼,他们兴奋到了极致 Died Ah! that boy dead finally!” “死了啊!那小子终于死了!” Dares to provoke a column elder brother, gets what one deserves is broken to pieces bombards dead spatially!” “敢挑衅一柱哥,活该被碎空炮轰死!” diamond explodes the body, this is having the unsurpassed prestige energy, in revolution of Lesser Saint is nearly invincible!” “金刚爆体,这可是拥有着无上威能,一转小圣中近乎无敌!” ...... …… The excited sound is lingering on faintly. 兴奋之声不绝于耳。 Along with cheering of diamond person, other people also recover. 随着金刚界人的欢呼,其他人也才是回过神来。 The people are long putting out one breath, in the heart unexpectedly somewhat are complex. 众人都是长长的吐出一口气,心中居然有些复杂。 That owes the boy who punches...... Finally was beaten to death. 那欠揍的小子……终于还是被揍死了啊。 In the arena various proud-lovable, act like a different person with the beforehand aloof simply. 擂台上各种傲娇,简直和之前的高冷判若两人。 This fellow is sick Ah? 这家伙是不是有病啊? Loud respite resounds through in the arena, energy dissipated slowly. 粗重的喘息声在擂台上响彻,能量缓缓的逸散了。 In arena, only then the form of crazy tyrant stands and waits for a long time together, the whole body presents the scarlet-red color/look, from the body surface as if can see that the blood of its within the body boiling is pasting, the vitality soars to the heavens. 擂台上,只有一道狂霸的身影伫立,浑身呈现赤红之色,从体表仿佛都能够看到其体内沸腾的血液在流转,气血冲天。 Just likes the demon is an excellent likeness. 犹如魔神似的。 Died! Angers my diamond column...... This precisely fate.” “死了吧!惹怒我金刚一柱……这就是下场。” An appearance fierce diamond column cracks into a smile. 模样狰狞的金刚一柱咧嘴一笑。 Stature high and low fluctuating is uncertain, explodes under the body condition, is huge to the consumption of fleshly body. 身躯上下的起伏不定,爆体状态下,对肉身的消耗是巨大的。 How long even if were he cannot support. 就算是他也支撑不了多久。 However, rare...... He can appear unexpectedly explodes the shape of body. 但是,难得的……他居然能够出现爆体之状。 This is not very easy. 这可是很不容易啊。 Immortal Kitchen Realm small reptiles! Now your depending on had been killed by father hong! Then, precisely your reptiles!” 仙厨界的小爬虫们!现在你们的倚仗已经被老子轰杀了!接下来,就是你们这些爬虫了!” diamond column coldly smiles. 金刚一柱冷冷一笑。 Then turns around, the vision locked under the arena. 然后转身,目光锁定在了擂台之下。 Position that there, Little Yōu and the others stood and waited for a long time. 那儿,小幽等人伫立的位置。 Mo Yan vermilion Yan and the others facial colors early did not have the blood-color, palely like paper. 墨烟朱彦等人的面色早已经毫无血色,苍白如纸。 Great Devil King...... Like this died by explosion? 大魔王……就这样被轰死了? This diamond column was too strong, formidable to letting the person cannot live the mentality of resistance. 这金刚一柱太强了,强大到让人丝毫生不起抵抗的心态。 That fist, as if extinguishes world. 那一拳,仿佛灭世似的。 Especially that final broken spatial artillery, crush void blasts out, lets expert of innumerable first-class microcosm is dreads extremely. 特别是那最后的碎空炮,碾压的虚空都是炸开,让无数一流小世界的强者都是忌惮万分。 Withstands that attack, Great Devil King can also live? 承受那种攻击,大魔王还能活么? Could not live...... 根本活不了了…… Great Devil King defeated. 大魔王败了。 Their Immortal Kitchen Realm miracle...... Defeated. 他们仙厨界的奇迹……败了。 Little Yōu is holding Little Fox somewhat strangely, the facial color looks at an diamond column on arena. 小幽抱着小狐,面色有些古怪的看着擂台上的金刚一柱。 Little Fox stretches out the tongue, is licking own small claw, back two cloven hooves in unceasing swinging. 小狐则是伸出舌头,舔着自己的小爪子,背后的两只狐狸尾巴在不断的摆动。 Immortal Kitchen Realm. 仙厨界 Above Immortal Kitchen Pavilion square. 仙厨阁广场之上。 Complete silence, silent extremely, all person mind reduced. 鸦雀无声,寂静万分,所有人心神都是紧缩了起来。 The entire square as if filled the air in a deathly stillness. 整个广场仿佛都弥漫在了一片死寂之中。 Meng Qi City Lord and the others are inconceivable has stood. 梦琪城主等人都是不可思议的站了起来。 Their item of zi wants to crack, they are panic-stricken extremely. 他们目眦欲裂,他们惊恐万分。 Great Devil King...... Defeated?! 大魔王……败了?! Also can live to the bang by that attack? 被那种攻击给轰中还能活? Finished? 结束了么? Immortal Kitchen Realm netherworld did Heavenly Law fight match battle path completely to finish? 仙厨界冥墟天道战赛征途彻底的结束了么? ...... …… Imprisoning Soul City. 禁魂城 Square center, No. 1 arena. 广场中央,一号擂台。 At this moment, the entire No. 1 arena degenerated into the ruins, the crushed stone tumbled. 此刻,整个一号擂台都沦为了废墟,碎石滚落。 Demon ape Commander stands in arena complete corner, sighing. 魔猿统领站在擂台完好的一角,不由的叹气不已。 The extremely arrogant person, must pay the price for his arrogance eventually...... 狂妄的人,终究要为他的狂妄付出代价…… A diamond column laughs wildly to continue, extends make a move, has aimed at vermilion Yan of distant place and the others fiercely...... 金刚一柱狂笑不止,伸出手,猛地指向了远处的朱彦等人…… Grins to grin fiendishly: Do not be worried, quick, you will also accompany him, one flock of reptiles!” 咧嘴狞笑:“别担心,很快,你们也会去陪他了,一群爬虫!” Killed by explosion that repugnant chef, a diamond column felt own whole body the vitality became insightful has resembled. 轰死了那个讨厌的厨子,金刚一柱感觉自己浑身的气血都是变得通透了许多似的。 You said that whom accompanies? Weak ones......” “你说去陪谁呢?弱者……” Suddenly. 忽然。 A stream of light words sound penetrating. 一道淡淡的话语声响彻而起。 This words, making one group of people stay. 这话语,让一群人都是呆了呆。 In the light words, coerces proud-lovable that cannot be covering, that proud-lovable...... Let all people are shocks extremely. 平淡的话语中,裹挟着掩盖不住的傲娇,那傲娇……让所有人都是震骇万分。 Familiar expression, familiar intonation, familiar...... 熟悉的语气,熟悉的语调,熟悉的…… This especially...... 这特么的…… Hasn't that young chef died?! 那小厨子还没死?! All people after are compelling ignorant has partly made a sound, is thorough recovering, then staring stubbornly in a big way eyes was staring in the arena. 所有人在懵逼了半响之后,都是彻底的回过神来,尔后死死的瞪大了眼眸盯着擂台上。 The wind sways. 风吹拂而过。 energy on arena shelled is blown off, has revealed ruins everywhere. 擂台上的能量轰击被吹散了,露出了满地的废墟。 In the ruins, the crushed stone is billowing, but actually not any person's shadow. 废墟中,碎石滚滚,但是却并没有任何的人影。 Un? 嗯? All people are one dull...... 所有人都是一呆…… Nobody? 没人? Was could it be that the phonism? 难道是幻听了? That proud-lovable words could it be that has controlled their sense of hearing, made them have the phonism? 傲娇的话语难道支配了他们的听觉,都让他们产生了幻听? In space!!!” “在天上!!!” Suddenly. 忽然。 Does not know that was whose hissing shouted one. 不知道是谁嘶声喊了一句。 All people terrified one startled, all was looks up to the vault of heaven. 所有人悚然一惊,皆是抬起头看向了天穹之上。 There, the person's shadow is together aerosol. 那儿,一道人影悬浮虚空。 white hair flutters, Bird Feather Robe flap flap makes noise. 白发飘荡,雀羽袍猎猎作响。 Both hands hold the chest, was still soaring of proud-lovable. 双手抱胸,仍旧是傲娇的腾空。 Next Baillen, under eyes swiveleye, disdaining in that eyes and haughty...... 下巴扬着,眼眸斜视下方,那眼眸中的不屑和狂傲…… Really is that Immortal Kitchen Realm young chef!” “果真是那仙厨界的小厨子!” My God! Doesn't this die?!” “我的天!这样都不死?!” „Does send lossless? Does he shunt? How rushes to the space we not to induce?!” “毫发无损?他怎么躲开的?跑到天上我们怎么都没有感应?!” ...... …… The audience people were boiling. 全场人都是沸腾了。 Familiar stance, familiar expression, familiar proud-lovable...... 熟悉的姿态,熟悉的语气,熟悉的傲娇…… The Immortal Kitchen Realm young chef, avoided unexpectedly has exploded body destruction of diamond column to strike! 仙厨界的小厨子,居然躲开了爆体的金刚一柱的毁灭一击! Cannot believe Ah! 不可置信啊! The miracle is common! 奇迹一般! How possible?!” diamond column zi wants to crack, the pupil reduces, to face upward Qitou is looking at the top of the head. “怎么可能?!”金刚一柱目眦欲裂,瞳孔紧缩,仰起头望着头顶。 There, white hair Bu Fang holds the chest, shoots a look at the mouth, proud-lovable is disdaining. 那儿,白发步方抱胸,瞥着嘴,傲娇而不屑。 Three moves ended, I have said that if three moves of you can bump into me, I forgive your life, now looks like...... You have not achieved.” “三招结束,我说过,三招你若是能够碰到我,我就饶你一条命,现在看来……你没有做到。” The white hair Bu Fang light words resound through. 白发步方淡淡的话语响彻。 Therefore, then, this my make a move......” “所以,接下来,该我出手了……” rich/forgive a father life? Depending on your trivial half saint?!” “饶老子一命?就凭你区区一个半圣?!” Vitality once again boiling above diamond column body, whole body wild, such as Wrath great antiquity ominous beast. 金刚一柱身躯之上的气血再度沸腾了起来,整个人狂暴而起,如暴怒的洪荒凶兽。 „, The strength of this body was weak a point, but, killed you......” “哦,这身体的力量是弱了一点,不过,杀你……” white hair Bu Fang, the corners of the mouth have pulled, proud-lovable has raised the chin. 白发步方顿了一下,嘴角一扯,傲娇的扬了扬下巴。 Such as slaughter dog.” “如屠狗。” seeking death!!!” 找死!!!” Roar! 吼! If the ominous beast roared, the broken spatial artillery shelled to come once again, in the white hair Bu Fang bombardment toward void went. 如凶兽咆哮,碎空炮再度轰击而来,朝着虚空中的白发步方轰击而去。 But following picture, is lets all people are dumbfounded, holding breath cold air. 而接下来的画面,则是让所有人都是目瞪口呆,倒吸凉气。 white hair Bu Fang, from the sky strolls to walk. 白发步方,在空中闲庭信步而走。 figure just like is flickering to move, has shunted the broken spatial artillery easily. 身形犹如在瞬移似的,轻易的躲开了碎空炮。 internal energy locking of Lesser Saint expert, has not affected slightly. 小圣强者气机锁定,丝毫没有作用。 The audience call out in alarm! 全场惊呼! This, is unusual dazzling is really cool. 这一幕,真的是非常的炫酷。 white hair flutters, clothes sleeve flutters. 白发飘扬,衣袂飘荡。 white hair Bu Fang no longer both hands hold the chest finally, his both hands let fall under. 白发步方终于不再双手抱胸,他的双手垂落而下。 Slowly...... 缓缓的…… figure such as scattering of azure smoke in void. 身形如青烟似的飘散在了虚空中。 Un? 嗯? What technique is this? 这是什么技法? This movement technique...... Very profound strange!” “这身法……很玄奇!” expert of Winged Person valley somewhat is finally amazed, the temperate sound brings to let the person bone numb sex appeal. 翼人谷的强者终于有些惊诧,温和的声音都是带着让人骨头酥麻的性感。 Earth Prison (hell) expert also narrows the eye. 地狱强者也是眯起了眼。 The west longitude small Buddha legal monk first time earnest looks at void the fight. 西经小佛界的法务和尚第一次认真的看着虚空中的战斗。 Originally Owner Bu...... Such awesome! 原来步老板……这么牛逼 movement technique like the smoke, invisible does not have nature. 身法如烟,无形无质。 Again presents time, then in a front of diamond column. 再一次出现的时候,便是在金刚一柱的面前。 seeking death! Dares with my close combat!” 找死!敢跟我近战!” A diamond column roared. 金刚一柱咆哮起来。 Opened mouth, sends out such as has gotten angry beast angrily roars...... 张嘴,发出了如怒兽般的怒吼…… You also called...... Has forgotten my name? I called Xiao Tian.” “你还叫……忘了我的名字了么?我叫啸天。” However, facing a diamond column of roaring, white hair Bu Fang is actually indifferent incomparable. 然而,面对咆哮的金刚一柱,白发步方却是淡然无比。 The next quarter, the sword pupil shrinks suddenly, opens mouth, the mouth twists the mouth sidewise, has exuded one toward a diamond column...... Tiger's roar!! 下一刻,剑瞳陡然一缩,张嘴,嘴巴咧开,朝着金刚一柱发出了一声……虎啸!! Roar roar roar!!! 吼吼吼!!! Roaring of diamond column stops suddenly. 金刚一柱的咆哮戛然而止。 As if unsurpassed pressure drop from the clouds, covered his body suddenly. 仿佛有一股无上的威压从天而降,陡然笼罩住了他的身躯。 That feeling, making his whole body the pore blast out. 那种感觉,让他浑身的毛孔都是炸开。 The boiling vitality all of a sudden was cool, cool...... 原本沸腾的气血一下子便是凉了下去,凉凉…… But a diamond column more than three meters high, scarlet-red body was to also draw back changed. 而金刚一柱三米多高,赤红身躯也是退变了回来。 Changed to two meters high appearance, explodes phantom, unexpectedly howling not to have by a white hair Bu Fang tiger's roar! 化作了二米多高的模样,爆体模式,居然被白发步方一声虎啸给啸没了! ...... …… Spiritual Sea. 精神海 Bu Fang defeated/carrying, expressionlessly looks at outside fight. 步方负着手,面无表情的看着外面的战斗。 Golden Divine Dragon circles, a Vermillion Bird eyeball Gū lū revolution. 黄金神龙盘旋,朱雀眼珠子咕噜一转。 Even if motionless Black Tortoise also partly opens eyes, looked at a tactical situation. 就算是一动不动的玄武也是半睁着眼,看了一眼战况。 This fellow...... Is such proud-lovable?” “这家伙……一直都是这么傲娇的么?” Bu Fang looks at that proud-lovable White Tiger, the corners of the mouth pulls out, asked to Golden Divine Dragon and Vermillion Bird . 步方看着那一路傲娇到底的白虎,嘴角不由的一抽,对黄金神龙朱雀问道。 This did White Tiger on this urogenous, therefore, small host regret? You should choose Nicolas handsome dragon I, my not proud-lovable......” “这白虎就这尿性,所以啊,小宿主后悔了么?你应该选择尼古拉斯・帅龙我,我不傲娇……” Golden Divine Dragon said. 黄金神龙道。 Custom is good, although White Tiger proud-lovable...... However he Lord in our many spirits murders, there is his truth, waited to meet you to understand.” “习惯就好,白虎虽然傲娇……但是他在我们诸多器灵中主杀伐,还是有他的道理的,等会你就懂了。” Vermillion Bird looked at Bu Fang one, sighed. 朱雀看了步方一眼,叹了口气道。 She also wants to exit to ventilate. 她也想出去透透气啊。 Daily hoodwinks in Spiritual Sea, is very bored. 天天蒙在精神海,很无聊的。 They like Black Tortoise that old man, can never awake, their energy four shoot. 他们不像玄武那老头,永远都睡不醒,他们精力四射。 „The White Tiger Lord murders......” 白虎主杀伐么……” Bu Fang stares, gave to forget these actually. 步方一愣,倒是把这些给忘记了。 He is but actually attractive, so-called murders...... Is anything. 那他倒要好好看看,所谓的杀伐……是什么。 White Tiger...... precisely proud-lovable lunatic.” 白虎……就是傲娇的疯子。” Golden Divine Dragon cannot bear say. 黄金神龙忍不住道。 ...... …… A diamond column whole body is cool. 金刚一柱浑身凉凉。 The vision stagnates, looks at Bu Fang before body. 目光一滞,看着身前的步方 white hair Bu Fang in this moment, just like true Ancient ominous beast, aura made his whole body cover in the China , Italy of death. 白发步方在这一刻,犹如真正的上古凶兽似的,气息让他浑身都是笼罩在了死亡之意中。 You......” “你……” „Did the weak one, want to beg for mercy? Without enough time.” “弱者,想要求饶了?来不及了。” white hair Bu Fang acts like a different person in this moment, ice-cold incomparable. 白发步方在这一刻判若两人,冰冷无比。 Bang!! 轰! A diamond column vision shrinks suddenly. 金刚一柱目光陡然一缩。 His subconscious uphold hand. 他下意识的抬起手。 Because he felt that fearful fresh breeze comes. 因为他感觉到一股可怕的劲风呼啸而来。 Bang. 嘭的一声。 white hair Bu Fang, a fist pounded suddenly above his arm. 白发步方,一拳陡然砸在了他的手臂之上。 The huge strength erupts suddenly. 巨大的力道陡然爆发。 The body cool a 50% diamond column had been hit to fly suddenly. 身体凉了一半的金刚一柱陡然被打飞。 The next quarter, he is felt that oneself throat was seized, maliciously according to the ground. 下一刻,他便是感觉到自己的喉咙被人掐住,狠狠的按在了地上。 Bang!! 轰! An air wave spreads loudly. 一阵气浪轰然扩散。 The entire arena is thorough hollow, deep collapse. 整个擂台都是彻底的凹陷了下去,深深塌陷。 The position that demon ape Commander stands finally continually did not have, soars. 魔猿统领终于连站立的位置都没有了,腾空而起。 In the eye full is shocking. 眼中满是震惊。 The miserable howling sound blasts out in the arena. 惨嚎之声在擂台上炸开。 All person dumbfound. 所有人呆滞 Bang Bang Bang Bang!!! 轰轰轰轰!!! Sounds of the bombardment resound through. 一声声的轰击之声响彻。 That is as sincere as the sound of meat. 那是拳拳到肉的声音。 Each fist was full of the substantive bombardment above the physical body. 每一拳都是充满实质性的轰击在了肉体之上。 The people stand in the ground, can feel that the ground fiercely shakes...... 众人站在地上,能够感到地上都是猛地一震…… Roar!! 吼!! The sound of tiger's roar is deafening. 虎啸之声震耳欲聋。 Some people fix the eyes on to look, suddenly holding breath cold air/Qi. 有人定睛望去,顿时倒吸冷气。 Because in arena, they as if indistinct saw giant tiger Xiao Tian place dark blue billows White Tiger! 因为擂台中,他们仿佛隐隐约约的看到了一只巨大的虎啸天地的沧澜白虎 pū chī. 噗嗤一声。 The blood such as the column wells up! 血如柱涌! Blood direct impact horizon...... 鲜血直冲天际…… People whole body flood cold, all was stares in a big way eyes...... 众人浑身泛寒,皆是瞪大了眼眸…… In the arena, that belongs to aura of diamond Lesser Saint column, disappeared. 擂台上,那属于金刚界小圣一柱的气息,泯灭了。 . 呼啦一声。 The strong winds sway. 狂风吹拂而来。 Has blown off the dust. 吹散了尘埃。 Dim. 朦胧中。 The white hair form goes out together. 一道白发身影从中走出。 Both hands hold the chest, the vision proudly, is raising the chin, stands the edge in ruins arena, looks straight ahead all people on the scene, ahem, proud-lovable opens the mouth. 双手抱胸,目光傲然,扬着下巴,站在废墟擂台的边缘,直视在场的所有人,哼唧一声,傲娇开口。 In my Xiao Tian eye, on the scene...... Is the trash.” “在我啸天眼中,在场的……都是垃圾。”
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