GOAW :: Volume #12

#1118: For several thousand years the second man 【First! Asked the monthly ticket!】

Goddess city. 神女城。 This is one belongs to the city of woman, at least, Bu Fang has not seen any man in inside, or...... Male creature. 这是一座属于女人的城市,至少,步方在里面没有见到任何的男人,亦或是……雄性生物。 Has the girl, has the girl, has the young girl, has the young married woman...... Naturally, there are granny. 有女童,有女孩,有少女,有少妇……当然,也有老婆婆。 However precisely does not have the man. 但是就是没有男人。 Even links the green dragon that these large units pull...... Is the female dragons. 甚至连那些大部队牵回来的绿龙……都是母龙。 This seems a secluded from the world side world, the maternal society of being self-contained. 这仿佛是与世隔绝的一方天地,自成一体的母性社会。 The Bu Fang foot steps on the ground, the solid bricks and stones, making him slightly somewhat absent-minded, look up, construction of stretch as far as the eye can see, row upon row tall building, broad major road...... 步方脚踩在地面上,坚实的砖石,让他微微有些恍惚,抬头看去,一望无际的建筑,鳞次栉比的高楼,宽阔的官道…… All things, incomparable novelty. 一切事物,都无比的新奇。 Bu Fang was crowded around by the large unit in the middle, that was called the Lin Damei beautiful woman, is dragging the body, in the front guides. 步方被大部队簇拥在了中间,那位被叫做林大美的美艳女人,则是摇曳着身子,在前方带路。 Is pulling the green dragon, slowly following major road line. 牵着绿龙,缓缓的顺着官道一路而行。 By the major road is trader, these trader also all are the females, some are the young girls, some are also the old women. 官道两边则是商贩,这些商贩也皆是女子,有的是妙龄少女,有的也是耄耋老妪。 Many women curious looks that was crowded around by the army in middle Bu Fang. 许多女人都是好奇的看着那被军队簇拥在中间的步方 Then...... 尔后…… The entire goddess city as if erupted the deafening noise. 整个神女城似乎都爆发出了震耳欲聋的喧嚣。 Is the man!” “是男人!” My God! That precisely man? First time sees!” “我的天!那就是男人么?第一次见到!” Our goddess city hasn't many years presented the man?” “咱们神女城多少年没有出现男人了?” ...... …… The surrounding people, as well as trader hurried chirp whisper to each other to say. 周围的民众,以及商贩赶紧叽叽喳喳的交头接耳说了起来。 The novel thing, always very much easily then can transfer and thoughts of detachable person. 新奇的事物,总是很轻易便是能调动和活络人的心思。 Bu Fang feels the vision that the surrounding projections are coming, suddenly felt that the scalp somewhat tingles with numbness...... 步方感受着周围一道道投射而来的目光,顿时感到头皮有些发麻…… Where was this entered? 他这是进了什么地方? Saw that a man is so strange? 见到一个男人有这么稀奇么? However Bu Fang has been used to calm, on face still that indifferent with expressionlessly. 不过步方淡定惯了,脸上仍旧是那么的淡然和面无表情 Lin Damei is pulling the green dragon, reviews the glance, looked at calm Bu Fang, grinned to smile, her tooth was very white, is joined to the wheat color/look flesh, making this woman give people a shocking feeling. 林大美牵着绿龙,回眸一瞥,看了一眼淡定的步方,咧嘴笑了,她的牙齿很白,配上小麦色的肌肤,使得这女人给人一种惊艳的感觉。 Line. 一路而行。 Continues to walk following the major road. 顺着官道继续行走。 Has stepped into many architectural complexes. 踏入了诸多建筑群中。 These constructions quite have the characteristics, the window open, graceful forms lean in the window, downward looks, is the item of dew curious color/look is all sizing up Bu Fang. 这些建筑都颇为有特色,窗户打开,一道道曼妙的身影倚靠在窗户上,往下望来,皆是目露好奇之色打量着步方 As the goddess person rare man, all women very curious. 作为神女人罕见的男人,所有女人都十分的好奇。 How long walked did not know. 走了不知道多久。 Finally. 终于。 The Bu Fang's vision congealed, looks to the distant place. 步方的目光一凝,看向了远处。 That is a stretch of huge circular square, in the squares just like the man-made small lake, the lake center is spurts in unceasing divulging by the fountain water column thinly. 那是一片巨大的圆形广场,在广场中间则是宛若人造的小湖,湖泊中心则是由喷泉般的水柱在不断的宣泄喷薄。 These green dragons saw man-made lake, suddenly have opened mouth to send out Dragon's Roar. 那些绿龙看到了人造湖泊,顿时张嘴发出了龙吟 Then fans the meat wing in abundance, jumps to shoot rapidly, has drilled into that man-made lake. 尔后纷纷扇动肉翼,飞速迸射而出,钻入了那人造湖泊之中。 The plump, the water splash is shocking. 扑通一声,水花震天。 In the artificial lake, green dragon is an. 人工湖内,一只只绿龙在嬉戏。 On the vault of heaven has a round hot sun, but this is the bottom, Bu Fang is very clear, that absolutely is not the hot sun, should with any energy gem making, be hanging above the ground. 天穹上有一轮烈日,但是这是地底,步方很清楚,那绝对不是烈日,应该是用什么能量宝石制作而成,悬挂在地面之上。 Shining of hot sun, the skins of these green dragons under moistening of water, are reflecting the ray. 烈日的照耀,那些绿龙的皮肤在水的滋润下,反射着光芒。 This is play Long Lake of our goddess city, inside is surviving the good partner in our goddess city, green dragon.” “这是我们神女城的戏龙湖,里面生存着我们神女城的好伙伴,绿龙。” Lin Damei looks at Bu Fang, said. 林大美看着步方,道。 Bu Fang nodded, the ranks of these lizard dragons are good, before Bu Fang Lesser Dragon that sees wants formidable many. 步方点了点头,这些蜥蜴龙的等级不错,比起步方以前见到的亚龙要强大的多。 True Dragon dragon blood that without a doubt, these lizard dragon within the body flow should be quite many. 毫无疑问,这些蜥蜴龙体内所流淌的真龙龙血应该比较多。 However, in the Bu Fang eye, these green dragons also is just some quite good ingredient. 不过,在步方眼中,这些绿龙也只不过是一些比较好的食材罢了。 Queen Sir must see you, you come with me.” “女王大人要见你,你跟我来。” Lin Damei as if felt Bu Fang's to think little. 林大美似乎感受到了步方的不以为意。 This makes her somewhat be inwardly angry, the green dragon is their partners, is the pride of their army. 这让她有些愠怒,绿龙是她们的伙伴,算是他们军队的骄傲。 Other people stand by and wait for orders, today has caught a man, is worth congratulating, in the evening this general treats, our green dragon army reserved all seats for a performance the spring breeze pavilion!” “其他人原地待命,今天抓了个男人,值得庆贺,晚上本将军请客,咱们绿龙军把春风阁包场了!” Lin Damei turns around, was saying to her under the hand/subordinate, her both hands fork waist, said that suddenly grinned to send out frank laughing. 林大美转身,对着她的手下说道,她双手叉腰,说完,顿时咧嘴发出了爽朗的大笑。 Under women's armed forces excited wielded the weapon. 底下的女子军们都是兴奋的挥动起了武器。 Then, Lin Damei then turned around, looks to Bu Fang. 说完,林大美便是转身,看向了步方 Looks at anything to look, has not walked quickly!” “看什么看,还不快走!” A Lin Damei brow vertical stroke, stared Bu Fang one. 林大美眉头一竖,瞪了步方一眼。 Bu Fang has pulled the corners of the mouth, turns around then to walk around play Long Lake. 步方扯了扯嘴角,转身便是绕着戏龙湖而走。 After that play Long Lake, then by a palatial palace, put in order the palace that the goddess city is crowds around. 在那戏龙湖后,则是由一座巍峨的宫殿,被整座神女城都是簇拥起来的宫殿。 The palace stands tall and erect to be palatial, red ocher wall gold/metal, the steps uses white jade, before the palace, there is a stele. 宫殿高耸而巍峨,红墙金瓦,阶梯用白玉,在宫殿之前,有一座石碑。 The stele presents the cream color, above has not actually been carving any typeface, the precisely together pure stele. 石碑呈现乳白色,上面却是没有刻着任何的字体,就是一块单纯的石碑。 This is the symbol of our goddess city, the non- character goddess tablet, in the legend can communicate the goddess!” Lin Damei looks at that stele, an item of dew is respectful. “这是我们神女城的象征,无字神女碑,传说中可以沟通神女!”林大美看着那石碑,目露恭敬。 Bu Fang nodded, non- character tablet...... 步方点了点头,无字碑…… Very threw a bluff on. 是挺唬人了。 However Bu Fang many attention, regarding the so-called non- character tablet, he have not had what direct-viewing concept. 不过步方并没有过多的注意,对于所谓的无字碑,他没有什么直观的概念。 Instead is that palatial palace, makes him feel some oppressions. 反而是那巍峨的宫殿,更让他感到有些压迫。 This goddess city, simply a precisely small country. 这神女城,简直就是一个小国家。 Inside is secluded from the world, self-sufficient, quite gods and ghosts. 里面与世隔绝,自给自足,颇为神异。 Unexpectedly has not seen including the men. 居然连男人都没有见过。 Sound of the guitar and lute resounds through from palace. 一阵琴瑟之声从宫殿中响彻。 Then Lin Damei reorganization front piece, making the mighty waves before body vibrate, the facial features were solemn and respectful. 尔后林大美整理衣襟,使得身前的波涛抖动了一番,面容肃穆。 Has the melodious female voice to spread from the palace. 有悠扬的女声从宫殿中传出。 The Lin Damei facial color is serious, is bringing Bu Fang, following that paves, but on the red carpet the line, slowly has stepped into the palace. 林大美面色严肃,带着步方,顺着那铺就而出的红地毯上一路而行,缓缓的踏入了宫殿之中。 Enters the palace, Bu Fang suddenly felt terrifying pressure that a store front comes. 一入宫殿,步方顿时感到一股铺面而来的恐怖的威压。 This pressure from palace place above. 这威压来自宫殿的正上方。 The Bu Fang vision shrinks, sucked in a cold breath. 步方目光一缩,倒吸了一口凉气 He raised the head, looked fiercely. 他抬起头,猛地看了过去。 Then sees the picture in palace. 便是看到宫殿中的画面。 gold and jade in glorious splendor, the dazzling incomparable palace, magnificently to letting the person is hard to describe in the spoken language, each full with golden carving, above all kinds of profound wonderful designs, fill the gods and ghosts. 金碧辉煌,炫目无比的宫殿,华丽到让人难以用言语来形容,每一根十足都是用黄金雕刻,其上各种各样的玄奇图案,充满神异。 Has the gem to build on the stone column, appears magnificent and expensive. 有宝石堆砌在石柱上,显得更加的华贵。 The ceiling of top of the head, stands tall and erect incomparably, above has the blooming God light gems to engrave...... 头顶的天花板,高耸无比,其上却都是有着一颗颗绽放神光的宝石镌刻…… Jade ladder, secret silver arm rest, spirit gold/metal throne...... 玉梯,秘银扶手,灵金王座…… The dumbfoundedness that Bu Fang looks , can only sigh one. 步方看的目瞪口呆,只能感叹一句。 Really is one crowd luxurious...... Women. 真的是一群奢侈的……女人。 Enters the palace, vision are to then jump shoot to come, such as the dazzling bow and arrow, let the Bu Fang whole body the flesh is slightly flood the lump. 一入宫殿,一道道的目光便是迸射而来,如刺目的弓箭,让步方浑身的肌肤都是微微泛起了疙瘩。 In palace place above, then by the spirit gold/metal throne, the throne is spacious, above is lying crooked together the person's shadow. 在宫殿正上方,则是由灵金王座,王座宽大,其上斜躺着一道人影。 The red silk fabrics, the jade is exquisite. 红绸缎,玉玲珑。 The phoenix carves the royal crown, bead curtain drop curtain. 凤雕王冠,珠帘垂幕。 The female of lying crooked, the stature is graceful, but fiery / popular, the red silk clothing cannot bind that almost to want vivid figure, fair slender, as if sends out the long leg of glittering radiance slantingly by the chair, two legs pile up one on top of another, flood the enticement. 斜躺的女子,身材曼妙而火爆,红绸衣衫裹不住那几乎要呼之欲出的身形,白皙修长,仿佛散发莹莹光华的长腿斜靠在椅子上,两腿堆叠,充斥诱惑。 Upward looks following the leg, is the astonishing mighty waves, upward is the slender fair nape of the neck, on the nape of the neck is bringing an aquamarine giant gem again. 顺着腿往上看,则是惊人的波涛,再往上便是修长白皙的脖颈,脖颈上带着一颗碧绿色的巨大宝石。 That gem sends out one to let the person spiritual force slightly comfortable fluctuation. 那宝石散发着一股让人精神力微微舒爽的波动。 Finally, vision institute , is a face. 最后,目光所及,便是一张脸。 That is one as beautiful as the pinnacle facial features, fine beautiful, such as Heavenly Immortal, resembles the succuba, the red lip is hanging proud, the facial features burst out honored, the whole body noble air is threatening, beautiful to suffocating. 那是一张美艳到极致的面容,精致绝美,如天仙,似魔女,红唇挂着骄傲,眉眼迸发尊贵,浑身贵气逼人,美到让人窒息。 This woman appearance, simply entire world gloomy as. 这女人一出现,简直整个世界都黯淡无光似的。 The Bu Fang vision slightly shrinks. 步方目光都是微微一缩。 This is until now, Bu Fang meets...... Most beautiful woman. 这还是迄今为止,步方遇到的……最美的女人。 However...... 不过…… In Bu Fang almost must perish when that woman such as in profound starry sky eyes, in Spiritual Sea, has raised the mighty waves suddenly. 就在步方几乎要沉沦在那女人如深邃星空般的眼眸中的时候,精神海中,陡然掀起了波涛。 The Bu Fang spirit restores, slightly put out a long breath, vigilant extremely looks at that beautiful woman. 步方精神恢复,微微吐出了一口气,警惕万分的看着那绝美女人。 Pays a visit queen His Majesty!” “拜见女王陛下!” Lin Damei nearly frantic kneeing down, the double palm folds, arrives in the forehead, good a ritual, said. 林大美近乎狂热的单膝跪地,双掌叠起,抵在额头,行了一礼,道。 General straightens up after bowing or performing the kowtow......” “将军平身……” The woman has opened the mouth, the sound is persuasive, an opens the mouth, as if the matrimonial harmony, just like is playing music. 那女人开口了,声音婉转悠扬,一开口,就仿佛琴瑟和鸣,宛若在弹奏乐曲似的。 Lin Damei stands up, an item of dew is frantic, before the woman Sir, any women must feel inferior, the beauty of queen, colorful pressure all people. 林大美站起身,目露狂热,在女人大人面前,任何女人都要自惭形秽,女王的美,艳压所有人。 Bu Fang deep breath. 步方深吸了一口气 From that beautiful to suffocating woman on, felt one fearfully to pinnacle aura. 从那美到让人窒息的女人身上,感受到了一股可怕到极致气息 That aura gives his aura to be intense compared with that Nether Prison city wall bronze gate later expert. 那股气息比起那冥狱城墙青铜门之后的强者给他的气息还要强烈。 This woman...... Absolutely very formidable! 这女人……绝对非常的强大! Even is not weak in Lord Dog. 甚至不弱于狗爷 Bu Fang thought oneself were really given as if the pit by the system to a big hole. 步方觉得自己似乎真的被系统给坑到了一个大坑中。 This woman...... Bu Fang puts out Destruction Dry Pot, does not have any assurance to be able Kill. 这女人……步方就算拿出毁灭干锅,都没有任何的把握能干翻 Lin Damei opened mouth to say anything. 林大美张嘴想要说什么。 However was actually lifted the slender white hands by that queen His Majesty, with a finger stopping. 但是却是被那女王陛下抬起纤纤玉手,用一根手指给止住。 The woman turns over/stands up, long leg strokes gently on the spirit gold/metal throne, fair like the jade leg, is capturing the attention of all people. 那女人翻身而起,长腿在灵金王座上摩挲而过,白皙的如玉石般的腿,吸引着所有人的目光。 The red robe whirls around. 红袍翻卷。 The woman sat from the spirit gold/metal throne. 那女人从灵金王座上坐了起来。 The long gown flutters about, in the top of the head is bringing the phoenix coronet, figure unexpectedly calmly automatic, soars. 长袍纷飞,头顶上则是带着凤冠,身形居然无风自动,腾空而起。 Man?” The queen looks at Bu Fang exhaltedly, asked lightly. “男人?”女王居高临下的看着步方,淡淡问道。 Bu Fang suddenly feels an intense pressure store front to come, making him almost probably kneel to bend down. 步方顿时感受到一股强烈的压力铺面而来,让他几乎要跪伏。 However Bu Fang frowned. 不过步方皱起眉头。 Bird Feather Robe suddenly changed scarlet-red, the back hot feather flutters about. 身上的雀羽袍顿时化作了赤红,背后火羽纷飞。 Steady standing on the spot. 稳稳的站在原地。 Although Bird Feather Robe flap flap makes noise, but actually still proudly stood. 尽管雀羽袍猎猎作响,但是却仍旧傲然而立。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! The Bu Fang's movement, lets each women in palace is in an uproar stands. 步方的动作,让宫殿中的每一位女人都是哗然一声站立而起。 On each face is bringing ice-cold killing intent. 每个人脸上都带着冰冷的杀意 These woman aura of all are very terrifying. 这些女人身上的气息皆是非常恐怖。 And has several aura, compared with that Realm Master Tai not weak...... 其中更有几道气息,比起那迪泰界主都丝毫不弱…… Bold!” “大胆!” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Sees queen His Majesty, has not knelt down!” “见到女王陛下,还不跪下!” Man precisely is wild!” “男人就是猖狂!” ...... …… Sounds of the tender drinking resound through unceasingly. 一道道的娇喝之声响彻不绝。 Just like the timely exhortation to virtue and purity, must oppress above the Bu Fang's body. 宛若暮鼓晨钟,要压迫到步方的身躯之上。 The sound chirp, quarrelled the Bu Fang headache to crack. 声音叽叽喳喳,吵得步方头疼欲裂。 Queen float, the long leg is straight, her red lip curled upwards slightly, reveals has wiped the meaning of having a relish to look at Bu Fang. 那女王悬浮着,长腿笔直,她的红唇微微一翘,露出了一抹饶有兴致之意看着步方 The goddess city was very long has not presented man, Bu Fang's appeared, takes to them many novelty. 神女城很久没有出现男人了,步方的出现,带给他们诸多的新奇。 However also lets many people in goddess city, is anxious. 但是也让神女城的不少人,惴惴不安。 Because in the ancient book had recorded, each appearance of man, is will bring to the goddess city unfortunately. 因为典籍中曾经记载过,男人的每一次出现,都是会给神女城带来不幸。 Chirp the sound resounds through unceasingly. 叽叽喳喳之声响彻不绝。 The queen has not stopped. 女王也没有阻拦。 Bu Fang feels depressed incomparable. 步方感觉郁闷无比。 Sufficed.” “够了。” Bu Fang light making noise. 步方淡淡的出声。 And nobody pays attention to him, Lin Damei shot a look at his one eyes, sneers. 并没有人理会他,林大美瞥了他一眼,冷笑不已。 Bu Fang deeply takes a breath, then puts out. 步方深吸一口气,然后吐出。 The next quarter, the vision bursts out radiance suddenly, bandage collapse and scattered in hand, the sound of beast roar resounds through unceasingly. 下一刻,目光陡然迸发光华,手中的绷带崩散,兽吼之声响彻不绝。 In the hand the black smoke winds around, Black Tortoise Pot starts. 手中黑烟缭绕,玄武锅入手。 Heavy Black Tortoise Pot pounded fiercely on the ground. 沉重的玄武锅猛地砸在了地上。 Thump a loud sound. 咚的一声巨响。 This sound finally has built in the palace the women chirp the sound. 这声音终于是盖过了宫殿内女人们的叽叽喳喳声。 Let the lines of sight of all people fall on his body. 让所有人的视线都是落在了他的身上。 I said...... Sufficed!” “我说……够了!” Bu Fang gaze as if a torch, sweeps away all around, indifferently said. 步方目光如炬,横扫四周,淡淡道 Then his line of sight then fell in that top digit on the beautiful woman. 尔后他的视线便是落在了那高位上绝美的女人身上。 Goddess city queen? To seek Divine Mountain below original intention, enters Divine Mountain to have the important matter, astrays the goddess city not to intend, asking the queen to forgive.” Bu Fang Bird Feather Robe flap flap makes noise. “神女城女王?在下本意是想寻神绝山,入神绝山有要事,误入神女城绝非有意,请女王谅解。”步方身上的雀羽袍猎猎作响。 Ties up the hair knitting wool is being collapse broken, pitch-black hair is also fluttering, whole body seems just like exiling the immortal, floating transcendence . 捆绑着发丝的绒绳也是崩断,漆黑发丝在飘荡,整个人看上去宛若谪仙,飘然超脱 In addition wants to inquire queen His Majesty below, goes to the Divine Mountain road...... How should walk?” “另在下想询问女王陛下,去神绝山的路……该怎么走?” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 The words fall. 话语落下。 Entire palace complete silence. 整个宫殿鸦雀无声。 All women dull looks at Bu Fang. 所有女人都是呆呆的看着步方 Lin Damei has turned head, the red lip opening, full is inconceivable. 林大美回过头,红唇张大,满是不可思议。 They as if have not thought that this man unexpectedly powerful such. 她们似乎都没想到,这个男人居然会这么的强势。 pū chī. 噗嗤 Suddenly. 忽然。 In the palace, resounded through a laughter suddenly. 宫殿中,陡然响彻起了一道笑声。 All people were startled, look to the direction of queen. 所有人一怔,望向了女王的方向。 Sees only them to respect beautiful queen Sir, is extending the white hands, is covering the mouth, keeps laughing, the facial features like crescent moon, the eyelash tremble. 只见他们尊敬美艳的女王大人,正伸出玉手,掩着嘴,笑个不停,眉眼如弯月,睫毛颤颤。 For a long time. 许久之后。 Queen His Majesty stopped smiling. 女王陛下停止了笑。 Elegantly beautiful pupil light fell on Bu Fang's. 冷艳的眸光落在了步方的身上。 „For several thousand years, you are second enter the man in my goddess city . Moreover, must seek for Divine Mountain...... Also is really interesting.” “数千年来,你是第二位入我神女城的男人,而且,都是要寻找神绝山……还真的是有趣。” In addition...... Forgot to tell you, the first man, said any Hades probably, was called...... Tian Cang.” “另……忘了告诉你,第一位男人,好像自称什么冥王,叫做……天藏。” Now tells this King, you...... What also called?” “现在告诉本王,你……又叫什么?”
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