GOAW :: Volume #11

#1054: Told me, that dog... Where is at! 【Fourth! Asked the bill!】

Huang Haotian has not thought, oneself defeated unexpectedly. 黄昊天万万没有想到,自己居然败了。 He has lost to Immortal Chef from first level unexpectedly. 他居然输给了一个来自一层仙厨 His whole body stayed in same place, in the mouth filled the air that chicken nugget flavor/smell. 整个人都是呆在了原地,口中弥漫开的还是那鸡块的味道。 Because has the immortal tongue, he regarding flavor/smell exquisite controlling to go to a very fearful situation, he can induce arrives in port that chicken nugget taste, fills the air instantaneously, making his whole body hit one to tremble. 因为拥有仙舌,他对于味道的细腻把控达到一个非常可怕的地步,他能够感应到口中那鸡块的滋味,瞬间弥漫开来,让他浑身都是不由的打了一个寒颤。 When he eats this chicken nugget, he knows...... He truly lost. 在他吃到这个鸡块的时候,他就知道……他确实是输了。 He also understands why he will lose. 他也明白他为什么会输了。 He lost on ingredient. 他输在了食材上。 His dish, recipe right, but...... Comes culinary arts with the chicken is the biggest faulty stroke in handwriting. 他的菜品,做法没错,但是……用鸡来烹饪便是最大的败笔。 He was also once had hesitated before culinary arts, because he knows, this dish most suitable ingredient was the duck. 本来他在烹饪之前也是曾犹豫过,因为他知道,这道菜最适合的食材是鸭子。 Perhaps in line with despises to Bu Fang's, Huang Haotian thought oneself are uses the chicken to come culinary arts this dish, similarly can win. 或许是本着对步方的轻视,黄昊天觉得自己就算是使用鸡来烹饪这道菜,同样可以获得胜利。 But, this time he has made a mistake, he for oneself contempt, has paid the price. 可是,这一次他错了,他为自己的轻视,付出了代价。 Facing Bu Fang, this dish by crush. 面对步方,他这道菜被碾压了。 The Bu Fang's chicken nugget, the delicacy thorough release of chicken, does not have slight ambiguous. 步方的鸡块,将鸡肉的美味彻彻底底的释放,没有丝毫的含糊。 But his dish, then has suppressed the primitive taste of chicken. 而他的菜品,则是抑制了鸡肉的原始滋味。 Although dish same delicacy, however on the subtle point, he defeated. 虽然菜品同样美味,但是在细微之处上,他败了。 A fault, however is competing, this fault likely infinitely was actually enlarged...... 只是一点失误,但是在比拼中,这失误却像是被无限放大…… Became his faulty stroke in handwriting. 成为了他的败笔。 figure staggered slightly, Huang Haotian facial color unceasing becomes must be pale. 身形微微踉跄了一番,黄昊天的面色不断的变得惨白。 This, the Bu Fang victory, Bu Fang challenges Huang Haotian to succeed, obtains the position, tenth.” “这一场,步方胜,步方挑战黄昊天成功,获得名次,第十。” The referee sound resounds through the audience, lets all people are in an uproar. 裁判的声音响彻全场,让所有人都是不由的哗然。 Huang Haotian defeated. 黄昊天真的败了。 Great Devil King, success promotion became tenth of this Immortal Chef competition...... 大魔王,成功晋升成为了本届仙厨大赛的第十名…… Great Devil King...... Entered first ten! 大魔王……进前十了! Under arena. 擂台下。 Gongshu Ban dull is listening to the words of ear bank, just like the illusion, Owner Bu...... He intruded first ten. 公输班呆呆的听着耳畔的话语,犹如梦幻,步老板……他闯入前十了。 This thief special...... Stimulation! 这贼特么的……刺激! After absent-minded, Gongshu Ban was the excited incomparable wielding fist, in the mouth sends out has exploded the sound of drinking. 恍惚之后,公输班才是兴奋无比的挥动拳头,口中发出了爆喝之声。 Mother! Owner Bu...... awesome!” “妈的!步老板……牛逼!” Gongshu Ban arrives excitedly in the extreme, how he has not thought, Bu Fang has killed tenth unexpectedly, intruded successfully first ten. 公输班兴奋到无以复加,他怎么都没有想到,步方居然真的干掉了第十名,成功闯入了前十。 This is the matter that he cannot think. 这可是他万万不敢想的事情啊。 Entire Immortal Kitchen Realm first level, Immortal Chef falls behind other levels Immortal Chef to be innumerable in resources and talent. 整个仙厨界一层,仙厨在资源和天赋上落后其他层的仙厨无数。 Each time the Immortal Chef competition is one day roaming, even if there are able to intrude first 200, will be brushed in the 100 th this ridge. 每次仙厨大赛都是一日游,就算有能够闯入前200的,也会在第100名这个坎被刷下。 Now...... 如今…… Bu Fang has created the record, entered tenth. 步方创造了记录,进入了第十名。 This simply is...... Day and place spanning Ah! 这简直是……天与地的跨越啊! Bu Fang is actually not excited, but the corners of the mouth are also slightly selects. 步方倒是没有多么兴奋,不过嘴角也是微微的一挑。 Finally intruded first ten, Abrupt Mission of system has also completed half, so long as then entered in that Immortal Tree space, obtained the Immortal Tree seed, was thorough has completed systematic first Abrupt Mission. 终于闯入了前十了,系统的临时任务也算是完成了一半,接下来只要进入那仙树空间中,获得仙树种子,便是彻底的完成了系统的第一个临时任务 However Bu Fang somewhat does not have the clue regarding second Abrupt Mission. 不过步方对于第二个临时任务还是有些没有头绪。 Second Abrupt Mission wants the heart of his condense kitchen say/way...... 第二个临时任务是要他凝聚厨道之心…… Anything is the heart of kitchen say/way, he has not understood to the present. 什么是厨道之心,他到现在都没有弄懂。 Therefore, joy in Bu Fang heart, has not imagined many. 所以,步方心中的喜悦,并没有想象中的多。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Under foot formation twinkle. 脚下阵法闪烁。 suddenly teleportation appears, crystal knife cabinet appears. 顿时一个传送阵浮现,水晶刀柜浮现而出。 Week crazy six, Dongfang Huo also has Huang Haotian, three people have defeated, that then means the failure of Battle Kitchen . 周狂六、东方火还有黄昊天,三人都是败了,那便是意味着厨斗的失败。 Therefore they must accept the penalty. 所以他们要接受惩罚。 In three people drop under the mood of blood, the kitchen knife all rapidly speeds away toward Bu Fang. 在三人滴血的情绪之下,菜刀皆是朝着步方飞速疾驰而来。 The week crazy six kitchen knife grade are common, but is medium Immortal Tool. 周狂六的菜刀品级一般,不过是一把中等仙具 Dongfang Huo has changed the kitchen knife, is not silver wing Dragon Bone Blade, but the grade actually is also good, has achieved the higher Immortal Tool rank. 东方火换了把菜刀,不是银翼龙骨刀,不过品级却也是不错,也是达到了高等仙具的级别。 But the Huang Haotian kitchen knife, is in three is most dazzling. 黄昊天的菜刀,是三把中最耀眼的。 Although is only the dim pitch-black color/look, but three kitchen knives put together, radiance that blooms is actually incomparable dazzling eye-catching. 虽然只是黯淡的漆黑色,但是三把菜刀放在一起,绽放出的光华却是无比的刺眼夺目。 This is the Huang Haotian beloved kitchen knife. 这是黄昊天心爱的菜刀。 Held appreciatively, Bu Fang has then put in knife cabinet three kitchen knives. 把玩了一阵,步方便是将三把菜刀放入了刀柜之中。 Puts out the one breath gently. 轻轻吐出一口气。 Huang Haotian heart in drop blood. 黄昊天心在滴血。 But this Battle Kitchen is Heavenly Law will acknowledgment, he does not have solution to reject. 可是这厨斗天道意志承认的,他也没有办法拒绝。 Unwilling sends out the low roar, the eye of Huang Haotian was becomes red, he of this losing was quite aggrieved. 不甘的发出低吼,黄昊天的眼睛都是变得通红了起来,这场输的他好憋屈。 Audiences early already complete silence. 观众们早已经鸦雀无声。 Great Devil King precisely Great Devil King, even if first ten Immortal Chef cannot suppress him, seizes the opportunity, then soars. 大魔王就是大魔王,就算是前十的仙厨都压制不住他,抓住机会,便是一飞冲天。 Great Devil King, to harvest the kitchen knife specially lives. 大魔王,专为收割菜刀而生。 Referee deep looked at Bu Fang one, regarding the Bu Fang collection kitchen knife, early has been unalarmed by strange sights. 裁判深深的看了步方一眼,对于步方收集菜刀,早已经见怪不怪了。 Under arena. 擂台下。 Xue Yao and Meng Kun do not know that should say anything, Huang Haotian unexpectedly real falling miserably in a very easy task. 薛瑶孟坤不知道该说些什么,黄昊天居然真的阴沟里翻船了。 From first level was given to be defeated by Immortal Chef, was confiscated including the kitchen knife. 被一个来自一层仙厨给打败,连菜刀都被没收。 Great Devil King worthily is Great Devil King...... Also really has brought a sense of urgency to us.” Xue Yao said after a sigh. 大魔王不愧是大魔王……还真的是给我们带来了一股紧迫感啊。”薛瑶感叹道。 She has to acknowledge, she was wrong regarding the Bu Fang's judgment before. 她不得不承认,她之前对于步方的判断是错误的。 Now, whom my somewhat curious this Great Devil King next will challenge, looks at the Great Devil King appearance, decides is impossible relieved to stay in the tenth position, definitely will continue to challenge, the next match, he will choose who?” “现在,我有些好奇这大魔王下一场会挑战谁了,看大魔王的样子,定不可能就安心呆在第十名的位置,必然会继续挑战,下一个对手,他会选择谁呢?” Some Meng Kun curious say/way. 孟坤有些好奇道。 You, I had possibility......” Xue Yao to look at Meng Kun one, said. “你,我都有可能……”薛瑶看了孟坤一眼,道。 The next quarter, two people were in abundance flood the chill in the air, an intense feeling covered in their hearts. 下一刻,两人身上便是纷纷泛起了寒意,一股紧张感笼罩在他们的心头。 Whom Bu Fang next will choose? 步方下一场会选择谁? All people are curious. 所有人都是好奇。 But, Bu Fang does not have such quickly under decided. 可是,步方并没这么快下决定。 Received knife cabinet, Bu Fang has looked up to the side referee, frowned, asks: Inquired about an issue whether......” 收起了刀柜,步方抬起头看向了身侧的裁判,皱起了眉头,问道:“询问一个问题可否……” The referee stares slightly, this is the Bu Fang first time initiative and he speaks, quite somewhat feels extremely flattered. 裁判微微一愣,这还是步方第一次主动和他说话,颇有些受宠若惊。 You asked......” “你问……” What is the heart of kitchen say/way? First in ten whose condense the heart of kitchen say/way?” “厨道之心是什么?前十中有谁凝聚了厨道之心?” Bu Fang asked. 步方问道。 The referee stares, has not thought that Bu Fang will ask this question unexpectedly. 裁判一愣,没有想到步方居然会问出这个问题。 Has organized the language, referee is opens the mouth saying: „The heart of kitchen say/way is actually the most profound view, specifically speaking, should say that is a culinary arts culinary arts condition.” 组织了一下语言,裁判才是开口道:“厨道之心其实是一个玄之又玄的说法,具体来说,应该说是厨艺烹饪的一个状态吧。” condense leaves the heart of kitchen say/way, once activates in the culinary arts process, will then enhance the ability in Chef each aspect, no matter spiritual force or the sensation strength, is the exquisite control to flavor/smell, to crucial moment controlling wait/etc., will have an qualitative to promote...... Becoming a third grade Immortal Chef precondition, then needs the heart of condense kitchen say/way, heart of condense kitchen say/way is earlier, in the future to attacking higher culinary arts Realm will then be more has the advantage.” 凝聚出厨道之心,一旦在烹饪过程中激活,便是会提升厨师各个方面的能力,不管是精神力还是感知力,还是对味道的细腻控制,对火候的把控等等,都是会有一个质的提升……成为三品仙厨的一个先决条件,便是需要凝聚厨道之心,厨道之心凝聚的越早,未来对冲击更高的厨艺境界便是越有好处。” The referee said. 裁判说道。 Bu Fang nodded, originally this is the heart of kitchen say/way the system said. 步方点了点头,原来这便是系统所说的厨道之心啊。 A culinary arts condition. 一种烹饪的状态。 Is not actually strange to this condition Bu Fang, he culinary arts, calm also occasionally will step sometimes into this condition. 对这种状态步方倒是不陌生,他有的时候烹饪,心静也会偶尔踏入这种状态中。 Regarding various dish aspects controlling promotes. 对于菜品各方面的把控都是提升。 To come, oneself almost wants the heart of condense kitchen say/way, possibly was in front of the goal a foot on the difference. 想来,自己是差点就要凝聚厨道之心了,可能就差临门一脚。 But system requirement oneself complete this to be in front of the goal a foot at the competition, the heart of success condense kitchen say/way. 而系统要求自己在大赛上完成这临门一脚,成功凝聚厨道之心。 As for you said that first ten whose condense the heart of kitchen say/way......” referee looked at Bu Fang one, deep breath said. “至于你说前十有谁凝聚了厨道之心……”裁判看了步方一眼,深吸了一口气道。 First in ten, first five basically condense leave the heart of kitchen say/way......” “前十中,前五名基本上都凝聚出厨道之心……” First five condense?” Bu Fang stares, has not thought that this probability so is unexpectedly big. “前五都凝聚了?”步方一愣,没有想到这个概率居然这么大。 This...... Is one of the most evildoer/monstrous talent, first five all are the Immortal Kitchen Realm fifth level evildoer/monstrous talent, Lu Yi is the evildoer/monstrous talent in evildoer/monstrous talent......” referee said. “这一届……是最妖孽的一届,前五皆是仙厨界五层的妖孽,其中陆一更是妖孽中的妖孽……”裁判道。 The referee does not know that Bu Fang wants to understand anything. 裁判不知道步方想要了解什么。 However he fact saying, he did not fear that attacks Bu Fang, if can such easily be attacked, he did not match is called Great Devil King. 但是他还是将事实给说了出来,他不怕打击到步方,如果能够这么容易就被打击到,那他也就不配被称作大魔王了。 Now you understood, thinks that whom good next to need to challenge?” The referee said with a smile, lets the atmosphere for a it loosen. “现在你了解完了,想好下一个要挑战谁了么?”裁判笑着说道,让气氛为之一松。 Bu Fang looked at referee one, the corners of the mouth has pulled pulling. 步方看了裁判一眼,嘴角扯了扯。 Does not need to think, direct challenge is strongest...... This has enough pressure.” “不用想,直接挑战最强……这样才有足够的压力。” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 Then, is turns around to prepare toward the arena under to walk. 说完,便是转身准备朝着擂台下走去。 The referee stares. 裁判一愣。 The direct challenge is strongest...... What meaning? 直接挑战最强……什么意思? Wait/Etc....... The referee thinks of anything suddenly, suddenly sucked in a cold breath. 等等……裁判忽然想到什么,顿时倒吸了一口凉气 Is Great Devil King this insane? 大魔王这是疯吧? Is this plan direct challenge strongest Lu Yi? 这是打算直接挑战最强的陆一么? Lu Yi that the direct space warfare Immortal Chef competition is listed first? 直接天战仙厨大赛排名第一的陆一 The referee does not know that should say anything...... Great Devil King really precisely Great Devil King. 裁判不知道该说什么了……大魔王果然就是大魔王 Enough crazy! 够狂! Bu Fang turns around to walk toward the arena under. 步方转身朝着擂台下走去。 Right, he is plans to challenge Lu Yi, direct challenge first. 没错,他便是打算挑战陆一,直接挑战第一名。 If he wants the heart of condense kitchen say/way, is needs enough pressure, Huang Haotian gives his pressure to be insufficient, Bu Fang was also disinclined the feeling pressure step by step. 他如果要凝聚厨道之心,便是需要足够的压力,黄昊天给他的压力根本不够,步方也懒得一步步的感受压力了。 Therefore chooses directly strongly. 所以直接就选择最强。 Becoming with inadequate, looked at itself. 成与不成,就看自己了。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! Suddenly. 忽然。 When Bu Fang prepares to go down the arena. 就在步方准备走下擂台的时候。 Arena front void was torn suddenly, fierce rumbled suddenly erupts. 擂台前方的虚空陡然被撕裂了开来,一股剧烈的轰鸣顿时爆发而出。 Immersed all people in shock all stares. 原本沉浸在震惊中的所有人皆是一愣。 Holding breath cold air/Qi looked to there. 倒吸冷气的看向了那儿。 Ice-cold aura sends out from that void crack. 一股冰冷的气息从那虚空裂缝中散发而出。 The person's shadow is responsible for the hand together, going out slowly. 一道人影负责手,缓缓的走出。 Meng Qi City Lord suddenly that in the arena, just stood up frowned, the vision looked to the arena. 擂台上,刚刚站起身的梦琪城主顿时皱起了眉头,目光看向了擂台。 Without a doubt, was City Lord Feng comes. 毫无疑问,是丰城主来了。 Meng Qi can think that the relations of Bu Fang and that dog, City Lord Feng naturally also thinks...... 梦琪能够想到步方和那只狗的关系,丰城主自然也会想到…… If Meng Qi does not expect badly, other City Lord quickly also will possibly appear. 如果梦琪所料不差的话,其他城主可能很快也会出现。 When the time comes, was interesting. 到时候,就有意思了。 However, Meng Qi frowned suddenly, because she thought that City Lord Feng the stance of appearance seems to be different from aura some. 不过,梦琪忽然皱起了眉头,因为她觉得丰城主的出现的姿态和气息似乎有些不一样。 Some...... Too tyrannical? 有些……太暴虐了吧? The Bu Fang's step stopped. 步方的步伐停止住了。 eyes concentrates suddenly, vision indifferent looks to the front. 眼眸陡然一凝,目光冷漠的看向前方。 There, City Lord Feng slowly. 那儿,丰城主缓缓而出。 Is fifth level City Lord!” “是第五层城主!” Dog meat grandmaster will City Lord Feng appear here? Why does he block Great Devil King is?” “狗肉宗师丰城主怎么会出现在这儿?他拦住大魔王是为什么?” could it be that does Great Devil King cheat? Is impossible...... Even if cheats should not be City Lord direct make a move......” 难道大魔王作弊?不可能啊……就算作弊也不应该是城主直接出手……” Audiences holding breath cold air/Qi, feels fearful killing intent that on City Lord Feng sends out, the body is one trembles. 观众们倒吸冷气,感受到丰城主身上散发出来的可怕杀意,身躯都是一阵颤颤。 That is killing intent that Qillin Kitchen expert sends out. 那可是一位麟厨强者所散发出来的杀意啊。 Great Devil King has handled any seething discontent among the people matter, unexpectedly has angered Qillin Kitchen ! 大魔王是做了什么天怒人怨的事情,居然惹怒了一位麟厨 Bang Bang Bang!! 轰轰轰! The crack draws. 裂缝收拢。 City Lord Feng vision ice-cold falling on Bu Fang's. 丰城主目光冰冷的落在了步方的身上。 Bu Fang first time feels to palpitate. 步方第一次感到悸动。 This is palpitation from mind, the whole body as if slightly feels cold intent. 这是一股来自心灵的悸动,浑身似乎都是微微的感到冷意。 Boss of your precisely that first level restaurant...... Bu Fang?” “你就是一层餐馆的老板……步方?” City Lord Feng light saying. 丰城主淡淡的说道。 Every single word or phrase is containing tyrannically. 一字一句中都是蕴含着暴虐。 The Meng Qi City Lord brow wrinkles, thinks more and more strange. 梦琪城主眉头皱起,越来越觉得奇怪。 Because of that dog...... Also should not vent anger to ordinary Immortal Chef on, City Lord Feng some.” “就算是因为那只狗……也不应该迁怒到一位普通的仙厨身上吧,丰城主有些过了。” Meng Qi stands up, has gone down the auditorium slowly. 梦琪站起身,缓缓地走下了观众席。 Finally some people paid attention to Meng Qi, suddenly have called out in alarm make noise. 终于有人关注到了梦琪,顿时惊呼出声。 The sound of goddess Meng Qi continuously. 女神梦琪之声此起彼伏。 fourth level City Lord Meng Qi, truly is the goddess in many Immortal Chef mind. 四层城主梦琪,确实是不少仙厨心目中的女神。 City Lord Feng seemed feels dissatisfaction from Meng Qi, the mind moved, was not hesitating. 丰城主似乎是感受到了来自梦琪的不满情绪,心神一动,不在犹疑。 The next quarter, instantaneously is make a move. 下一刻,瞬间便是出手 make a move? 出手了? All people are one dull...... 所有人都是一呆…… Bu Fang is the brow wrinkles, above the body, Bird Feather Robe suddenly stimulates to movement, changed to the scarlet-red color/look. 步方更是眉头皱起,身躯之上,雀羽袍顿时催动起来,化作了赤红之色。 City Lord Feng, may not!” 丰城主,不可!” The referee facial color changes, figure flashed, keeps off in front of Bu Fang's. 裁判面色一变,身形一闪,挡在了步方的面前。 He wants to block City Lord Feng strikes, but the body was to actually just like to suffer the heavy hammer impact, the mind trembled, the mouth spits the blood, flying upside down, pounded loudly above the arena, pounds a collapse gulf the arena. 他想要挡住丰城主的一击,可是身躯却是犹如遭受到了重锤冲击,心神颤栗一番,口吐鲜血,倒飞而出,轰然砸在了擂台之上,将擂台都是砸出了一个塌陷深坑。 The audiences were shocked. 观众们惊呆了。 All people were shocked. 所有人都惊呆了。 City Lord Feng this is planned really must set at Great Devil King in deathtrap Ah! 丰城主这是真的打算要置大魔王于死地啊! Told me...... Where that dog is.” “告诉我……那只狗在哪。” City Lord Feng has wounded the referee, receives to reach behind the back, occupies a commanding position, eruption infinite killing intent, is staring at Bu Fang, indifferently said. 丰城主一击伤了裁判,收回手,居高临下,爆发无穷杀意,盯着步方,淡淡道 Bu Fang heart one cold, this City Lord Feng objective unexpectedly is...... Lord Dog? 步方心头一凛,这丰城主目标居然是……狗爷
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