GC :: Volume #8

#1: Secret

The consciousness of Dawn Polaris has been through repeatedly untold hardships probably, crawled from the abyss of bottomless chaos, under intense exhausted weak surrounding, memory also becomes fuzzy and chaotic. 北辰曦的意识好像历经千辛万苦,从无底混沌的深渊里爬了出来,强烈的疲惫虚弱包围之下,就连记忆也变得模糊而混乱。 Who am I? Sky Cloud Elysian Realm, Polaris Family, Dawn Polaris!” “我是谁?天云神域,北辰家族,北辰曦!” „Haven't I died? Why will appear here?” “我不是已经死了吗?为什么会出现在这里?” Dawn Polaris felt own deep sleep 10,000 years, in the brain has many parts to lose or blur, but some essential memory actually still very profound. 北辰曦觉得自己沉睡了一万年,大脑里有很多部分都已经丢失或模糊,可一些关键的记忆却依然非常的深刻。 She now world very unusual, cannot distinguish clearly during the daytime and darkness, being able to branch out is in the air or the water, even does not have the boundary of sky and ground, surrounding material without fixed shape, all physical principles and physical phenomena are completely not suitable in this place. 她现在所处的世界非常的奇特,分不清白天与黑暗,分不出是空气里还是水中,甚至没有天空与地面的界限,周围的物质不在有固定的形状,所有的物理法则与物理现象在这个地方都完全不适用。 Is here the world of dead? 难道这里是死者的世界? Dawn Polaris discovered oneself are unable to act, although consciousness already completely recovery, but the body was suppressed probably by some energy, but powerful wills, little formation. 北辰曦发现自己无法行动,虽然意识已经完全恢复,但是身体好像被某种能量压制住,而有一个强大的意志,正在身边一点点成型。 Human, you are very weak.” “人类,你还很虚弱。” The will in the Dawn Polaris mind having. 北辰曦脑海里出现的这道意志。 A not any language that he uses, but is comes in indoctrination directly, transforms after the brain of Dawn Polaris, easiest to understand sound and writing, will therefore completely not have the slight communication barrier. 他使用的并不是任何一种语言,而是直接将思想灌输进来,经北辰曦的大脑转化成,最通俗易懂的声音与文字,所以完全不会有丝毫的沟通障碍。 He is very powerful, probably a creator is overlooking the tiny life, making Dawn Polaris feel oneself are so small and weak tiny, seems like an insignificant unicellular organism, perhaps in opposite party in eyes, in unicellular organism with human eye, truly no difference. 他很强大,像是一个造物主俯视着渺小的生灵,让北辰曦感觉自己是如此弱小渺小,就好像是一个微不足道的单细胞生物,或许在对方的眼里的自己,与人类眼里的单细胞生物,确实没有什么区别。 Where is this? What thing are you? Why closes me here.” “这是什么地方?你又是什么东西?为什么把我关在这里。” Your place is a universe crevice, the space and time principle and physical law is not here suitable, with the words of your human, here is Olympus.” “你所处的地方是宇宙的一处裂隙,时空法则与物理定律在这里并不适用,用你们人类的话来讲,这里就是神山。” Olympus? Unexpectedly arrived at Olympus! 神山?居然来到了神山 The brain of Dawn Polaris was shocked thoroughly, Olympus is not strange to elysian, in the legend Olympus is various God the hometown, all Spiritual God come out from Olympus, but the view and legend of related Olympus are many, but never has a human to describe the Olympus scene accurate, no mankind's real has arrived at Olympus. 北辰曦的大脑被彻底震撼,神山神域人而言根本不陌生,传说中神山是诸神的故乡,所有的神灵都是从神山里面出来的,但是有关神山的说法与传说都很多,可是从来没有一个人类能精准描述出神山的景象,更没有一个人类真正的到达过神山 If here is Olympus, this mysterious existence, inevitably is a god. 如果这里是神山,这个神秘的存在,必然是一位神。 Dawn Polaris has seen incessantly a god, even if came from the Olympus high-rank god, is unable to bring such feeling to Dawn Polaris, therefore at present this mysterious existence, may is that assumes the summit of Olympus, the kings of ten thousand god wield various God! 北辰曦已经见过不止一位神,可就算是来自神山的上位神,也无法给北辰曦带来这样的感觉,所以说眼前这位神秘的存在,很有可能就是那位坐镇神山之巅,执掌诸神的万神之王! Also only then God King strength, has the possibility from the explosion to come out belt/bring of Dawn Polaris, only then the God Race ability can die thoroughly thoroughly, Dawn Polaris that the energetic soul has collapsed continually awakening to revive. 也只有神王力量,有可能将北辰曦从爆炸中带出来,也只有神族的能力才可以将已经彻底死透,连精神灵魂都已经崩溃的北辰曦给唤醒救活。 Why do the gods want to do that? 神为什么要这么做呢? Dawn Polaris does not think special what oneself have, the lifeform like her, on Earth in the universe everywhere is, why can God King give to awaken her? 北辰曦并不认为自己有什么特别的,像她这样的生物,地球上宇宙里到处都是,神王凭什么要将她给唤醒? Dawn Polaris wants to see clearly the God King appearance diligently, however in this strange space, all general knowledge was subverted, all laws have rewritten, God King possibly spoke to oneself in the side, God King also possibly beyond a lot of light years, but energetic projecting, her naked eye under this environment, simply did not have the least bit to affect, can see, only then chaos light shadow. 北辰曦努力想看清楚神王的样子,但是在这个奇异的空间里面,所有常识都被颠覆,所有定律都已改写,神王可能就在身边对自己说话,神王也可能在千百光年以外,只是将精神给投影过来,她的肉眼在这种环境之下,根本没有半点作用,所能看见的只有混沌的光影。 This is one by the space that the imagination of human definitely is unable to understand. 这是一个以人类的想象力完全无法理解的空间。 The God King will said slowly: This world does not have God King, does not have so-called Demon King, the god demon is only an illusory image, or is only a lie.” 神王的意志缓缓地说:“这个世界并不存在神王,也不存在所谓的魔王,神魔本身只是一个幻影,或者说只是一个谎言而已。” Dawn Polaris asked: All these what's the matter?” 北辰曦问:“这一切到底是怎么回事?” The universe that you live before birth, had once presented the most ancient intelligent race.” God King has not answered the Dawn Polaris question directly, this race has the inherent strong capability, they have the inherent responsibility, an instinct of creation deeply is rooted in this civilized soul, they think oneself are the universe will incarnation, has to wield the mission of all origin of life, evolution and samsara.” “你们所生活的这个宇宙在诞生之前,就曾出现过一个最古老的智慧种族。”神王并没有直接解答北辰曦的问题,“这个种族拥有与生俱来的强大能力,他们也拥有与生俱来的职责,一种创造的本能深深根植进这个文明的灵魂之中,他们自认为自己是宇宙意志的化身,拥有执掌一切生命起源、进化与轮回的使命。” „Before this universe is born, how possibly to present the wisdom?” Dawn Polaris has not understood, what meaning wields origin of life evolution and samsara is, all lives, are this race completely create? “这个宇宙诞生前怎么可能出现智慧?”北辰曦没听懂,还有执掌生命起源进化与轮回是什么意思,难道说所有的生命,全部都是这个种族所创造的? God King can easily read the Dawn Polaris thought. 神王能轻易读取北辰曦的思想。 Explanation that he continues. 他继续的解释了下去。 This great race is born in void between innumerable universes, they are grasping all universes rules and principles, but for trillion years are following the sacred mission throughout, for the creation and samsara escort of life. Whenever the new universe birth, their messengers will arrive at this universe, they do not create the life directly, will actually create the life in the multi-dimensional universe the environment, thus urges breeding and births of trillion civilizations.” “这个伟大的种族诞生在无数宇宙之间的虚空之中,他们掌握着所有宇宙的规律以及法则,但亿万年来都始终遵循着神圣的使命,为生命的创造与轮回护航。每当新的宇宙诞生,他们的使者就会来到这个宇宙,他们并不直接创造生命,却会在多元宇宙里创造生命的环境,从而促使亿万文明的孕育与诞生。” World that the innumerable universes compose? 无数个宇宙组成的世界? In each universe has the number by trillion civilizations? 每个宇宙里面都有数以亿万的文明? The origin of all civilized and even life, all from same mysterious first ancestor. 所有文明乃至生命的起源,全都来自同一个神秘的始祖。 If trades other lifeform to say these words, Dawn Polaris thinks certainly that the opposite party is speaking the crazy talk, but this exists at present after all is not the general life, he can be said as in the known universe most powerful existence, have no reason to compile the lie to deceive a tiny human. 如果换一个其他生物说出这番话,北辰曦一定以为对方在说疯话,可是眼前这个存在毕竟不是一般生命,他可以说是已知宇宙里面最强大的存在,没有理由会编造谎言欺骗一个渺小的人类。 This ancient and great instinct of race creation, created the innumerable prosperous and vital universes, but when they feel joyful for oneself masterpiece achievement, before coming to naught the disaster to cover these ancient lives.” “这个古老而伟大的种族创造的天性,缔造了无数个繁荣且充满生机的宇宙,可是就在他们为自己的杰作成果而感到欣喜的时候,一场空前的灾难笼罩了这些古老的生命。” What's wrong.” “怎么了。” They started senile and death.” “他们开始衰老与死亡。” To lifeform, senilly with death in normal, but, is any life inescapable process, but regarding one can shuttle back and forth freely, in multi-dimensional universe , and creation life wields the civilization of samsara, this without doubt is very not normal matter. 对生物而言,衰老与死亡在正常不过,是任何生灵都无法逃脱的过程,可是对于一个能自由穿梭在多元宇宙且创造生命执掌轮回的文明来说,这无疑是很不正常的事情。 Actually this world does not exist eternal does not exist immortally, a higher civilization could achieve the body not in senilly, may not be actually able to achieve the spirit and soul is not old continuous, even if universe will, will have the moment of withering away, therefore existence of any great, so long as was born, definitely will welcome the end and destruction.” “其实这个世界根本不存在永恒也根本不存在不朽,一个高等文明或许可以做到身体不在衰老,可却无法做到精神与灵魂的不老不休,哪怕宇宙的意志,也会有消亡的一刻,所以任何伟大的存在,只要曾经诞生过,就必然会迎来终结与毁灭。” Did this race perish? 这个种族灭亡了吗? They become more and more weak, they in trillion years of life, felt the fear for the first time, like falling into the human in danger, the reckless expansion self-help, they will realize that the decayed aged civilization, must instill into the vital fresh blood to help oneself.” “他们变得越来越虚弱,他们在亿万年的生命中,第一次感受到了恐惧,就像陷入危险中的人类,会不顾一切的展开自救,他们意识到腐朽老迈的文明,必须灌输充满活力的新鲜血液才能自救。” They violated will never intervene life evolution and multiplication sacred bottom line, they started to enter each civilized world on own initiative, the evolution courses of revision these lifeform, hope has been saved the civilized antidote personally from these lifeform.” “他们违背了永远不干预生灵进化与繁衍的神圣底线,他们开始主动进入各个文明世界,亲自修改这些生物的进化历程,希望从这些生物中得到拯救文明的解药。” Although they to have been incapable of controlling all universes weakly, but actually can still create an absolute loyal puppet, is maintaining the strength individual by the clan, leads the puppet to accelerate this process, seeks to save their special individuals from the universe life......” “虽然他们虚弱到已无力掌控所有的宇宙,但是却依然能创造出一种绝对忠诚的傀儡,由族内保持着力量的个体,领导着傀儡加速这一过程,从宇宙生灵里寻找能拯救他们的特殊个体……” Dawn Polaris heard here as if to guess correctly the following content. 北辰曦听到这里似乎已经猜到了后面的内容。 The puppet who this mysterious race creates should be God Race in human eye, these gods' crazy spread in universe, invades the civilized world unceasingly, destroys these world unceasingly, they are intervening life evolution unceasingly, had not actually found the thing that wants. 这个神秘种族所创造的傀儡应该就是人类眼中的神族,这些神在宇宙里疯狂蔓延,不断入侵文明世界,又不断摧毁这些世界,他们不断干预着生灵进化,却始终没有找到想要的东西。 However God Race is not the perfect puppet. 然而神族并非完美的傀儡。 Because of God Race certain flaws, was used for some reasons, finally makes early a number of gods and ghosts degenerate, finally becomes so-called Demon Race. The demon had the complete self- will, they start to resist oneself duty, but this is also the god demon contradictory root. 因为神族的某些缺陷,因为某种原因被利用,最终使得早期的一批神异化堕落,最终成为了所谓的魔族。魔拥有了完整的自我意志,他们开始抗拒自己的任务,而这也是神魔矛盾的根源。 No matter but the god or the demon, they do not know, originally are created by a great life. 可是不管是神还是魔,就连他们自己也不知道,原来自己是被一个更加伟大的生命所创造出来的。 Perhaps God King is not God Race. 也许神王根本就不是神族 God King has the essential difference from other gods, therefore may is in true god level civilization, therefore he such powerful, therefore he such is irresistible. 神王与其他神有本质性的区别,所以很有可能就是真正的神级文明中的一员,所以他才会这么的强大,所以他才会如此的不可抵挡。 We sought for the innumerable years painstakingly, has destroyed the innumerable civilizations and lives, but now finally found the carrying/sustaining the unique individual of salvation mission.” God King, stops at this point suddenly, I think that you have guessed correctly, I come from this great race, but Cloudhawk is salvation who we must look.” “我们苦苦寻找了无数年,摧毁过无数的文明与生命,而如今终于找到了承载着救世使命的独特个体。”神王说到这里,突然停顿一下,“我想你已经猜到了,我就来自这个伟大的种族,而云鹰就是我们要寻找的救世者。” Dawn Polaris has not thought that the god demon the back, is hiding like this startled day secret unexpectedly. 北辰曦没有想到神魔的背后,居然隐藏着这样的惊天秘密。 Why do you want to tell me these?” “你为什么要告诉我这些?” I decided that chooses the destiny to Cloudhawk the opportunity.” “我决定给云鹰一次自己选择命运的机会。” The God King sound, powerful strength, wrap the body of Dawn Polaris at this point suddenly, the Dawn Polaris clear feeling, inconceivable strength, are transforming the body rapidly, she wants to revolt is actually incapable of resisting radically, finally lost the will directly. 神王的声音说到这里,突然有一股强大的力量,包裹住北辰曦的身体,北辰曦清楚的感觉到,有一股不可思议的力量,正在迅速改造着身体,她想要反抗却根本无力抵抗,最终直接失去了意志。
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