GC :: Volume #7 王者降临

#129: Tribulations the flame

Several Demon Race elite make a move, attack the method to display, pounds to Cloudhawk one group. 数位魔族精锐出手,攻击手段纷纷施展,向云鹰一伙砸去。 Mo Ya releases one to defend magic artifact to resist these attacks, later flies the midair with Abaddon together, immediately launches with the dogfights of these two elder trusted aides. 墨鸦释放出一件防御法器抵挡住这些攻击,随后与苍冥一起飞到半空,立刻展开与这些二长老心腹的缠斗。 This group of Gehenna elite have very good strength, Cloudhawk Mo Ya Abaddon, can only contend reluctantly, but imaginary disturbing arrives fundamentally in without the wound, even just fight, was only a probe, must start. 这帮魔渊精锐具备非常不俗的实力,云鹰身边的墨鸦苍冥,只能勉强抗衡,而幻噩在没有伤到根本,甚至刚刚的战斗,只是一次试探,现在才要开始。 At this moment, several thousand bodies are not dispersing, but strongly fuses to a place, innumerable imaginary gathers one disturbingly over 30 meters in height giant imaginary disturbing, but this imaginary disturbing concentration fast changes is small, finally only remains less than five meters altitude, but in the imaginary disturbing body surface, covers entirely the scarlet eye, thousands, crowded incomparable, lets person scalp tingles. 此刻,几千具身体不在分散,而是集中融合到一个地方,无数幻噩聚集成一个身高超过30米的巨型幻噩,而这个幻噩又飞快的浓缩变小,最后只剩不到五米的高度,而在幻噩的身体表面,布满猩红色的眼睛,数以千计,密集无比,让人头皮发麻。 Cloudhawk sword simultaneous/uniform wields, two arc light cut to strike alternately. 云鹰刀剑齐挥而出,两道弧光交叉斩击。 Lifts the hand imaginary disturbingly, the palm dozens different scarlet small eyes also opens in any case, the release the gray energy shield, catches the attack of Cloudhawk together directly, simultaneously reduces and solves strength that God Slayer and annihilation send. 幻噩抬起手,手掌几十只横竖不同的猩红小眼同时睁开,释放出一道灰色的能量盾,直接接住云鹰的攻击,同时化解弑神和湮灭发出来的力量 This move very long has not used, today makes you taste the taste.” “这招已很久没有使用过,今天就让你们尝尝滋味。” The imaginary disturbing crowded eye from head to foot also opens, erupts the powerful spirit from these eyes, finally changes to an invisible spiritual attack, simultaneously covers to Cloudhawk, Mo Ya, Abaddon and three people. 幻噩从头到脚的密集眼睛同时睁开,从这些眼睛里爆发出强大的精神,最终化作一股无形的精神攻击,同时向云鹰墨鸦苍冥、三个人笼罩下去。 Flame eternally!” “永劫之炎!” Cloudhawk, Mo Ya and Abaddon, ignite the scarlet flame simultaneously. 云鹰墨鸦苍冥,同时燃起猩红的火焰。 Burning down of this flame has no way to avoid and suppress, it is not the excessive body heat, but is the fire of nihility, burns the physical body from the spirit, is unable to cause the slight bodily harm, can actually the enough ignition spirit, take the spirit as the fuel, so long as the spirit continues, the fire will not be put out. 这股火焰的焚烧没法躲避与扑灭,它并不是实火而是虚无之火,是从精神烧到肉体的,无法造成丝毫的肉体伤害,却能点燃精神,以精神为燃料,只要精神不止,火就不会熄灭。 Flame eternally? Bad!” “永劫之炎?糟了!” Mo Ya as the Demon Race most outstanding demon artisan, naturally even all divine artifact abilities, flame eternally is four elders tribulation flame elder exclusive, has not thought that four elders die for more than 1000 years after god demon battlefield, this terrifying ability imaginary disturbing was grasped and possesses of unexpectedly successfully. 墨鸦作为魔族最出色的魔匠,自然甚至所有神器的能力,永劫之炎原本是四长老“劫炎长老”的专属,没有想四长老死在神魔战场以后的一千多年,这个恐怖的能力居然被幻噩给成功掌握并且占为己有了。 This fire seems like the energy attack, is actually together the through and through spiritual attack, is only and general spiritual attack is not quite same, the spiritual attack usually carries out the spiritual attack, or manufacture illusion and illusion. 此火看起来好像是能量攻击,其实是一道彻头彻尾的精神攻击,只是与一般的精神攻击不太一样,精神攻击通常是进行精神打击,或者制造幻觉与幻境。 Cloud God is the best example. 云神就是最好的例子。 He can proficiently utilize the spiritual energy, uses all kinds of imaginary techniques. 他能熟练运用精神能量,施展出各种各样的幻术。 Flame eternally is the energetic main body of direct attack opposite party, making it conduct the self-ignition, produces the energetic flame, not only will cause very intense pain, after once move, as the spirit will enliven to burn is more exuberant. 永劫之炎本身是直接攻击对方的精神本体,使其进行自燃,产生精神火焰,非但会造成非常强烈的痛苦,而且一旦中招以后,会随着精神活跃而燃烧越旺盛。 Therefore flame eternally object, if not fear death to continue to start the magic artifact fight, every time a process that uses Spiritual Force, is actually giving the flame add fuel eternally the process, with intensity of more and more fight, tribulations the fire to burn is getting more and more exuberant. 因此中了永劫之炎的对象,如果不怕死继续发动法器战斗,每一次使用精神力的过程,其实都是在给永劫之炎添加燃料的过程,随着战斗的越来越激烈,劫火就会烧的越来越旺盛。 Once the spirit were burnt completely. 一旦精神被焚尽。 The goal must die does not have the medicine to rescue without doubt. 目标必死无疑无药可救。 Actually wants to stop flame eternally is not difficult, can only terminate the fight, henceforth motionless magic artifact, short 35 days, long, then the fortnight, flame eternally will be weaken gradually abates. 其实想停住永劫之炎也不难,只能终止战斗,从此不动法器,短则三五天,长则十天半月,永劫之炎就会渐渐减弱且消退。 However what is fearful, this flame will not completely vanish, the fire seed will infix throughout in the spirit, regardless of over the past 100 years were in 1000, so long as used Spiritual Force again, hundred will urge the round of tribulation fire on the percentage, thus fell into the danger again. 不过可怕的是,此炎不会完全消失,火种始终会深植在精神里,无论过去100年还是一千年,只要再次使用精神力,就百分百会催发劫火,从而再次陷入危难之中。 It is the curse that is unable to get rid of together forever. 它是一道永远无法摆脱的诅咒。 Therefore will be called flame eternally, past the tribulation flame elder by this ability, became the Demon Race elder ranked the fourth, the terrifying that person of dread exists. 因此会被称之为永劫之炎,昔日劫炎长老就是靠这个能力,成为魔族排名第四的长老,一个人人都畏惧的恐怖存在。 Imaginary disturbing was skilled in the fight of energetic domain, can enough grasp this divine artifact is not strange, but the spiritual attack is spans the space the forms of defensive action, once were displayed inevitably move, does not have any means of avoidance. 幻噩本就精于精神领域的战斗,能掌握这件神器并不奇怪,而精神攻击本身是跨越空间的攻击方式,所以一经施展必然中招,没有任何躲避的办法。 The Abaddon strength is weakest, was corroded by flame eternally, immediately the battle efficiency damages greatly, he has no other choice but to contact the desertification the condition. But a Demon Race elite long spear/gun seizes the chance to project, passes through the body of Abaddon directly, gives to sew him in the ground. 苍冥实力最弱,被永劫之炎侵蚀,立刻战斗力大损,他不得已接触沙化的状态。而一个魔族精锐的长枪趁机抛射过来,直接贯穿苍冥的身体,将他给钉在地面上。 The Mo Ya condition is also no better, but should be able the brace longer by the Demon Elder strength, is only under this situation, delaying the time more longer is worse. 墨鸦的状况也好不到哪里去,不过以魔族长老的实力应该能撑更久,只是这种情况之下,拖得时间越长就越糟糕。 So-called inheritance, this skill, mediocre.” Imaginary disturbing both hands concentrate respectively a jet black sickle, on the sickle covered entirely the eye, depends on you also to control Gehenna? Do not have a dream, suffers to death safely!” “所谓的传承者,就这点本事而已,不过如此。”幻噩双手各凝出一把漆黑的弯刀,就连弯刀上面都布满了眼睛,“就凭你也想掌控魔渊?不要做梦了,还是安心受死吧!” Two a black sickle that covers entirely the blood red eye chops. 两把布满血红眼睛的黑色弯刀劈下。 In this process the sickle above eye opens completely, erupts the vigorous energy from inside, lets these two blades not only has the terrifying destructive power, but also mixes with various energetic attacks and disturbances. 这个过程里弯刀上面的眼睛全部睁开,从里面喷发出蓬勃的能量,让这两刀不但具备恐怖的破坏力,而且还夹杂各种精神的攻击与干扰。 Combustion Cloudhawk resists the instance of imaginary disturbing attack. 燃烧的云鹰抵挡住幻噩攻击的瞬间。 The nihility flame of flaming combustion, immediately becomes more exuberant, as if had swallowed Cloudhawk thoroughly, in this process not only brings the intense pain, moreover makes Cloudhawk feel the speed that Spiritual Force drains is quick. 那些本就熊熊燃烧的虚无火焰,立刻就变得更加旺盛,仿佛已经将云鹰给彻底吞噬了,这个过程中非但带来强烈的痛苦,而且使云鹰感觉到精神力流失的速度很快。 The imaginary disturbing offensive is sharp. 幻噩的攻势非常犀利。 New Demon King and two elder fights of fast. 魔王与二长老飞快的交手。 Cloudhawk times sickles that break two elders, two elders actually can gather at the flash, his body does not have the strategic point, even if takes the annihilation of Wu Ji , can only eliminate part of body, after all Cloudhawk strength frequently, by the strength consumption of flame eternally. 云鹰一次次震碎二长老的弯刀,二长老却总能在一瞬间重新聚集,他的身体没有要害,哪怕拿着无寂的湮灭,也只能消除掉身体的一部分,毕竟云鹰的实力时时刻刻,都被永劫之炎的力量消耗。 Really worthily is the Demon Race two elders. 真不愧是魔族二长老。 Such strength and ability, coping to be truly thorny. 这样的实力与能力,对付起来确实非常棘手。 Cloudhawk deeply by the influence of flame eternally, Spiritual Force and battle efficiency continuously is dropping obviously, but the thousand items of sickle each attacks of when two elders, will attach the new spiritual attack , to promote the combustion of flame of Yongjie indirectly. 云鹰深受永劫之炎的影响,精神力与战斗力显然在持续下降,而二长老的千目弯刀每一次攻击时,都会附加新的精神攻击,间接促进永杰之炎的燃烧。 If you do like using the energetic method very much? That frequently this!” “如果你很喜欢使用精神手段?那就常常这个!” In the Cloudhawk pupil presents the scarlet flame, violent spirit to shooting down on two elders, this strength causes figure of two elders immediately, because he felt that familiar and dignified aura, before this is, Demon King Spiritual Force. 云鹰瞳孔里出现猩红的火焰,猛烈的精神冲击落在二长老身上,这股力量顿时使二长老的身形一顿,因为他感觉到一股熟悉而又威严的气息,这是前魔王精神力 Two elders were awakened by former Demon King. 二长老是被前魔王唤醒的。 First Demon King Spiritual Force, has strong shock and awe effect on two elders, but depends on this attack , can only suppress two elders shortly, wants with the energetic method solution two elders who agree with be skilled in the spirit, is almost a impossible mission. 魔王精神力量,对二长老而言有很强震慑效果,不过就凭这道攻击,也只能短暂的压制二长老,想要用精神手段解决同意精于精神的二长老,几乎是一件不可能的任务。 Energetic intensity of inheritance originally not compared with two elder. 传承者的精神强度本就不比二长老强。 Now deeply by more and more intense flame burning down eternally, even if grasps creates the annihilation of threat to two elders sufficiently, still without the means does to his slightest, therefore imaginary disturbing cannot keep the hand for oneself, only he is worried will be Cloudhawk will run away. 现在深受越来越强烈的永劫之炎焚烧,即使手持足以对二长老造成威胁的湮灭,也没有办法奈何他分毫,所以幻噩不需为自己留手,他唯一担心的就是云鹰会跑掉。 Cloudhawk to imaginary disturbing, after all is a threat. 云鹰对幻噩而言,终归是一个威胁。 Therefore must spare nothing removing it. 所以必须不惜代价将其给除掉。 Imaginary disturbingly did not seem to use to be worried again, after Cloudhawk launched the strong spiritual attack, the fire of nihility the flame burning down spirit eternally formed, had been overthrown the pinnacle, under this condition, even if imaginary disturbing did not use in make a move, he was still dies mostly. 幻噩似乎不用再担心了,当云鹰发动强劲的精神攻击以后,永劫之炎焚烧精神形成的虚无之火,已经被推倒极致,这种状态之下,即使幻噩不用在出手,他也多半是死定了。 However when imaginary disturbing thinks like this, making the matter that imaginary disturbing ten thousand have not thought of happen. 不过就在幻噩这样想的时候,让幻噩万没有想到的事发生了。 The scarlet flame of Cloudhawk nihility, the strange start weakens suddenly, later rapid vanishes to extinguish, a wee bit does not have continually remaining. 云鹰身上虚无的猩红色火焰,突然间诡异的开始减弱,随后迅速的消失熄灭,连一丁点都没有剩下。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Imaginary disturbing definitely is unable to understand this what's the matter. 幻噩完全无法理解这到底是怎么回事。 On inheritance does not have the flame eternally aura again, but inheritance does possibly decode flame eternally? He uses what strength is? 传承者身上再无永劫之炎的气息,只是传承者怎么可能破解永劫之炎?他使用的到底是什么力量 The imaginary disturbing clear and bright feeling, around the body of Cloudhawk, is surrounding a more special energy, this energy is more mystical than the space is more evasive, looked again to Cloudhawk time will discover, the left eye under Cloudhawk Mask unknown, is blooming the silver-white ray. 幻噩明锐的感觉到,在云鹰的身体周围,环绕着一种更加特殊的能量,这种能量比空间更神秘更加不可捉摸,再看向云鹰的时候会发现,云鹰面具之下的左眼未知,正绽放出银白色的光芒。 Time? Is the time! 时间?是时间! Flame eternally not really does not have the means to decode, Cloudhawk starts the ability of time left eye, causes condition that flame eternally recalls has not had, this group of fatal spiritual curses naturally disintegrated to vanish. 永劫之炎并非真的没有办法破解,云鹰发动时间左眼的能力,使永劫之炎回溯到未发生的状态,这团致命的精神诅咒自然就瓦解消失了。 Nothing can resist the strength of time. 没有什么能对抗时间之力。 Cloudhawk annihilation sword ruthlessly jabs into imaginary disturbing within the body. 云鹰湮灭剑狠狠的刺进幻噩体内。 Imaginary disturbing simply has not thought that disadvantaged Cloudhawk violent counterattack, he has not completed the sufficient defensive preparation, annihilation strength erupts instantaneously, one covers the imaginary disturbing whole body, causes body that imaginary concentrates disturbingly, immediately presents the innumerable fissures, is at the condition that the collapse disintegrates momentarily. 幻噩根本没想到处于劣势的云鹰会猛烈逆袭,他并没有做好充足的防御准备,湮灭的力量瞬间爆发出来,一下就笼罩幻噩的全身,使幻噩浓缩起来的身体,立刻出现无数的裂痕,随时都处于崩溃瓦解的状态。 „, You...... can control the time unexpectedly strength!” “没想到,你竟然……能支配时间的力量!” Imaginary disturbing somewhat regretted suddenly, if we had known Cloudhawk controls the space and time simultaneously, perhaps he really has the ability and God King resists also perhaps, but regrets that now is also too late, the action that murders the king once does, did not have the means to turn head again. 幻噩突然间有些后悔,如果早知道云鹰同时掌控时空,他或许真有能力与神王对抗也说不定,但是现在后悔也已经太迟了,弑王的举动一旦做出来,就再也没有办法回头了。 He can only die to fight, no matter pays what price, must remove this fearful inheritance! 他只能死斗到底,不管付出什么代价,都要除掉这个可怕的传承者!
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