GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5301: Onset and retreat 2 difficult!

Back side of the mountain! 后山! Wuqi they were shocked, a Cheng Yu sword cuts, the sword shadow also falls above their barriers has not vanished . Moreover the strength is also still consuming their barrier energy. 乌齐他们都惊呆了,程宇一剑斩下来,剑影还落在他们的屏障之上并没有消失,而且力量也还在消耗着他们的屏障能量。 Those who make them unable to believe that they above enhancements of ten knot boundary stones, this barrier were very thick, the defensive power is very powerful. 更加让他们不敢相信的是,他们原本在十颗结界石的加强之上,这屏障本身挺厚实,防御力是非常强大的。 But present barrier also, but they obviously felt the barrier weakened, they have to supplement full power is supporting the barrier. 而眼前的屏障虽然还在,可是他们明显感觉到屏障变弱了许多,他们也不得不全力补充支撑着屏障。 Although the barrier had not been defeated finally, but can be this degree, truly their these every immortals frightening. 虽然屏障最终并没有被击破,可是能够达到这种程度,确实是把他们这些凡仙给吓到了。 „Is the opposite party really a mortal?” Still swallows the saliva abundantly, some cannot believe simply. “对方真的是凡人吗?”尚丰咽了咽口水,简直有些不敢相信。 To be honest, by this time, the Cheng Yu's strength really gave them startled is bad. 说实话,到了这个时候,程宇的实力真的是把他们给惊坏了。 This fellow is not casual can display the so terrifying strength luckily, otherwise we must die today completely here!” Jiang Kang also sighed. “幸好这个家伙也不是随便就能施展出如此恐怖的力量,要不然咱们今天全部都要死在这里!”江康也叹道。 But the opposite party still had not given up, on us also few knot boundary stone, if he continues to consume like this, either we must continue to supplement to tie the boundary stone, otherwise this barrier will be broken eventually!” Saying that Townro is worried about. “可是对方仍然没有放弃,我们身上也没有几颗结界石了,如果他继续这样耗下去的话,要么咱们就得继续补充结界石,否则这屏障终究还是会被破开的!”汤罗十分担心的说道。 Ties the boundary stone like Low Grade is not the rare thing, is only Immortal World, the use is not very big. 像这样的下品结界石本身不是什么稀有之物,只是在仙界来说,用处也并不是很大。 Regarding their every immortals , can only against with be every immortal of immortal merely. 对于他们凡仙来说,也仅仅只能防一下同为凡仙的仙人罢了。 Even if they use live in the strength slightly weak empty immortal that ten knot boundary stones can still keep off, if these powerful empty immortals, ten not too many functions. 所以即便他们使用了十颗结界石也才能够挡的住实力稍弱的虚仙,若是那些强大的虚仙,十颗都没有太多的作用。 But the knot boundary stone of high even high quality was the rare thing, regarding their such every immortals, really could not afford. 而中品和高品甚至更高品质的结界石就是稀有之物了,对于他们这样的凡仙来说,真的买不起。 Even if this Low Grade ties the boundary stone . Moreover the use is not big, but the price is actually not cheap. 就算是这下品结界石,而且用处不大,但是价格却是一点也不便宜。 Because their time must come Mortal Realm to carry out the task, they are usually impossible to buy this dispensable thing. 要不是因为他们这一次要来人界执行任务,他们平时根本不可能花钱去买这可有可无的东西。 In their opinion, this thing is useless in Immortal World, casually thing that comes the strength slightly strong immortals to break open, but was different to this world of mortals. 在他们看来,这玩意在仙界没什么用,随便来个实力稍强的仙人都能够破开的东西,但到了这下界就不同了。 They face is also the mortals, this thing is useless to the immortal, but was very useful to the mortal. 他们面对的也都是凡人,这玩意对仙人没用,但是对凡人就很有用了。 But at this moment, this idea as if must change. Even if deals with the mortal, probably is not very useful. 可是此时此刻,这个想法似乎也要有所改变了。即便是对付凡人,好像也不是很有用。 Ten knot boundary stones, luckily is everyone one, if a person has ten, that really must love dearly refuses stubbornly to be possible. 十颗结界石啊,也幸好是大家一人一颗,要是一个人出十颗,那真的是要心疼死不可。 Now but Cheng Yu has not given up . Moreover the barrier is truly weakening, facing so powerful attack, they to support this barrier, their news are also many. 可是现在程宇还没有放弃,而且屏障确实是在变弱,面对如此强大的攻击,他们为了支撑这屏障,他们的消息也不少。 Moreover at the current spending rate, their supplement is obviously insufficient. 而且以目前的消耗速度来看,他们自身的补充显然是不够的。 Words that therefore really must supplement, that can only with tying the boundary stone supplements. 所以真要补充的话,那就只能用结界石来补充了。 We somewhat were truly negligent, the tour of this world of mortals feared that time will not be smooth. Our knot boundary stones also truly prepared few. “我们确实有些大意了,这一次的下界之行怕是不会那么顺利了。我们的结界石也确实准备少了。 Now is but impossible to return to Immortal World to purchase again, only hopes they come time will also take ties the boundary stone. 可是现在也不可能再回到仙界购买了,只希望他们过来的时候也会带上结界石。 Must otherwise, fight again several times with the Holy City later generation, our knot boundary stone consumption will be very possibly big. ” Saying of some Wuqi also worries. 要不然的话,与圣城后人再多交手几次,咱们的结界石消耗可能会很大。”乌齐也有些担心的说道。 Everyone first do not worry, this fellow also dares to erupt the so intense attack unexpectedly, the consumption of immortal Yuan strength does not dare to imagine absolutely, especially regarding a mortal, perhaps he now is also the spent force.” Jiang Kang looks at Cheng Yu to say. “大家先别着急,这个家伙竟然还敢爆发如此强烈的攻击,仙元之力的消耗绝对是不敢想象的,尤其对于一个凡人来说,或许他现在也已经是强弩之末了。”江康看着程宇说道。 You thought that we can also be regarded as a mortal him now?” Townro said. “你觉得咱们现在还能把他当作是一个凡人吗?”汤罗说道。 After Cheng Yu appears, they thought actually they are more like the mortal. 程宇出现之后,他们倒是觉得他们自己更像是凡人。 Who sees a mortal to compel in this one group of immortals? 谁见过一个凡人把一群仙人逼到这份上的呢? Moreover now they are ten immortals resist a mortal, this said that does not make sense! 而且现在他们可是十个仙人抵挡一个凡人,这说出去也不像话吧! Do not worry, his strength truly is very strong, exceeded our imagination completely. But this did not deny that he was still a mortal, was only his status is somewhat special, because he was the Holy City's later generation, therefore had such situation, was understandable. “别担心,他的实力确实是很强,也完全超出了我们的想象。可是这并不否认他仍然是一个凡人,只是他的身份有些特殊,因为他是圣城的后人,所以出现这样的情况,也是可以理解的。 However what I am possibly affirmative, in this world, the normal mortal is not possible is so powerful. ” Wuqi answered to everyone. 但是我可能肯定的是,在这个世界里,正常的凡人是不可能有这么强大的。”乌齐向大家解释道。 But we must supplement now again a point does tie the boundary stone? This fellow does not seem to give up!” Townro as an immortal, but looks at a Cheng Yu such mortal, at heart was actually some fears. “可我们现在要不要再补充一点结界石呢?这个家伙似乎不肯就此罢休啊!”汤罗作为一个仙人,可是看着程宇这样一个凡人,心里却是有些害怕了。 This fellow was too fierce, is unexpectedly fiercer than his immortal. 这个家伙太凶猛了,竟然比他一个仙人还要凶猛。 Here has exalted lord and these mortals, he even must suspect oneself really arrived at the world of mortals. 要不是这里有主上和那些凡人在,他甚至要怀疑自己是不是真的来到了下界。 No rush, first has a look at the condition of this fellow, this fellow immortal Yuan strength are even many, always not possible is still more than us. “别急,先看看这个家伙的状态,这个家伙就算仙元之力再多,也总不可能比我们还多吧。 He always consumes, fighting was so long, moreover started twice unusual big moves, the consumption of immortal Yuan strength is enormous. 他总消耗完的,战斗了这么久,而且又发动了两次非同寻常的大招,仙元之力的消耗极大。 I do not believe him, even if broke open the barrier also to massacre us? ” Was still abundant carefully has also been observing Cheng Yu, is to see the Cheng Yu's limit. 我就不信他就算破开了屏障还能杀掉我们?”尚丰也一直都在仔细的观察着程宇,就是希望看到程宇的极限。 So long as discovered that a Cheng Yu's immortal Yuan strength consumes, he meets first to kill. 只要发现程宇的仙元之力消耗一空,他一定会第一时间杀出去。 After he does not believe does not have an immortal Yuan strength, couldn't they have taken a mortal? 他就不信没有仙元之力以后,他们还拿不下一个凡人? „ Is this unsafe? This barrier really must be broken through, we will also be very passive. Moreover we main duty is to maintain the security of channel now, cannot be swayed by personal feelings. “这不安全吧?这屏障真要被攻破了,我们也会很被动的。而且我们现在最主要的任务是保住通道的安全,可不能意气用事。 Let alone the goal of this fellow does not massacre us absolutely, barrier one broken, he affirmed that the first goal is to ruin the channel. ” Wuqi said seriously. 更何况这个家伙的目的也绝对不是杀掉我们,屏障一破,他肯定第一目标就是毁掉通道。”乌齐严肃地说道。 Obviously he too did not approve of was still abundant this adventurous method. 显然他是不太赞同尚丰这种冒险的方法的。 To be honest, although Cheng Yu stressed two, killed two, this makes him very shocking, regretted very much, but matter had happened, moreover what should rejoice is they are also living. 说实话,程宇虽然抓了两个,又杀了两个,这让他很震惊,也很惋惜,可事情已经发生了,而且应该庆幸的是他们自己还活着。 But if this channel were destroyed, that consequence is dreadful. 但是如果这通道被毁了,那后果不堪设想。 Not only they are impossible to have the reinforcements again, but also they were also very difficult to return to Immortal World again. 不仅他们不可能再有援军,而且他们自己也很难再回到仙界了。 What is more important, the strength of this Holy City later generation they were also the experiences. Today if he can ruin the channel, even if they lived, this fellow will definitely also stage a comeback. 更重要的是,这个圣城后人的实力他们也算是见识了。今天他若能够毁掉通道,就算他们活下来了,这个家伙肯定还会卷土重来。 At that time perhaps he can also lead more Holy City later generation to come. 那个时候说不定他还会带着更多的圣城后人来。 But their here also did not have the reinforcements, can they also be the Cheng Yu's opponents? 而他们这里又没有了援军,他们还会是程宇的对手吗? Therefore today they are the urinals Cheng Yu, should better not to handle affairs radically, wants steadily. 所以今天他们即便斗的过程宇,也最好不要激进行事,还是要稳重一点。 So long as preserves the channel today, to be honest, they will also fear that Cheng Yu does escape? 只要今天保住了通道,说实话,他们还会怕程宇逃掉吗? Let alone they today and Cheng Yu also first fight, at least also had a quite comprehensive understanding of the Cheng Yu's strength. 更何况他们今天与程宇也只是初次交手,至少对程宇的实力也有了一个比较全面的了解。 When they more companions come from Immortal World, they can definitely assemble a more powerful strength to cope with Cheng Yu, therefore why eagerly for a while! 等到他们更多的同伴从仙界过来,他们完全可以集结更加强大的力量去对付程宇,所以又何必急于一时呢! Yes, this fellow knows the secret of channel obviously, therefore used all sorts of methods to lure the enemy out of his stronghod us before, nothing but to ruin channel. “是啊,这个家伙显然知道通道的秘密,所以之前使用了种种手段将我们调虎离山,无非就是为了毁掉通道。 Therefore we must guarantee that today in any event the security of channel, cannot be swayed by personal feelings absolutely. 所以我们今天无论如何都要保证通道的安全,绝对不能意气用事。 So long as they are also living, the channel also still, us would the opportunity massacring him, why can go all out with him today? 只要他们还活着,通道也还在,那我们总会有机会杀掉他,何必一定要在今天与他拼命呢? I feel unworthy! 我觉得不值! Especially this fellow deeply concealed, if he also does have the subsequent hand? ” Townro also approves the person of same belief. 尤其这个家伙深藏不露,万一他还有后手呢?”汤罗也赞同道。 He truly does not dare to fight with Cheng Yu now, because they do not understand this person. A mortal compels in them this, who knows that he has also had other trump card? 他现在确实不太敢跟程宇交手了,因为他们并不了解这个人。一个凡人把他们逼到这份上,谁又知道他是不是还有没有别的杀手锏呢? Good! However the supplement tied the boundary stone also truly too early, the strength that now the barrier weakens obviously slowed down, he should soon reach the limit, we do not need to supplement that tied the boundary stone.” Still thinks abundantly, particularly heard Townro to say the opposite party possibly also had the subsequent hand, was some is not quite at heart definite. “好吧!不过补充结界石也确实太早了,现在屏障减弱的力量明显变慢了,他应该是快要到极限了,我们也没有必要这么早就补充结界石。”尚丰想了想,尤其是听到汤罗说对方可能还有后手,心里也是有些不太确定了。 After all today's Cheng Yu brought too many shock to them, he truly does not dare to look down on him, did not say that he really did not have the subsequent hand. 毕竟今天的程宇给他们带来了太多的震惊,他也确实不敢小瞧了他,更不说他真的就没有后手了。 Has a look at behind channel again, he truly does not dare to take risk. 再看看身后的通道,他确实也不太敢冒这个险了。 If by some chance after the barrier breaks open, really made him rush the channel destroying, that may really go bad the important matter. 万一屏障破开之后,真的让他闯进来把通道给毁了,那可就真的坏了大事了。 However this time Cheng Yu soon has also truly reached the limit, saw with own eyes that this barrier cannot break open eventually, he also really had to receive the plan of hand. 不过此时的程宇也确实已经快要到极限了,眼见这屏障终究还是没能破开,他也确实有收手的打算了。 Of Immortal World him of matter comparison understanding, guessed on these fellows should also to have the knot boundary stone. 仙界的事情比较了解的他,猜测这些家伙身上应该还有结界石。 Now but wants to break open this barrier the words, he also needs a massive immortal Yuan strength to support is good, calculates, even if he exhausted an immortal Yuan strength completely, perhaps is unable to break open this barrier. 可是现在想要破开这屏障的话,他还需要大量的仙元之力来支撑才行,这么算下去,他就算把仙元之力全部耗尽了,或许也无法破开这屏障。 Without an immortal Yuan strength, there are these immortals, even if he broke open the barrier not to have the means to ruin the channel. 没有了仙元之力,有这些仙人在,他就算破开了屏障也没有办法去毁掉通道了。 Really can give up? On bad a little!” Soul Suppression felt that Cheng Yu's mood, somewhat is regrettable. “真的要放弃么?就差这么一点了!”镇魂感觉到程宇的情绪,不由也有些遗憾。 He knows that Cheng Yu can support at this time, is is not very really easy. 他知道程宇能够撑到这个时候,真的是很不容易了。 But others after all are an immortal, there is an own method. 但人家毕竟是仙人,也有自己的手段。 In their hands definitely also has the knot boundary stone, how I do not have the means to break open his barrier again. Fights currently me at least also to have a certain immortal Yuan strength, at least does not need that distressed use space crevice to run away!” Cheng Yu said. “他们手中肯定还有结界石,我再怎么样都没有办法破开他的屏障的。斗到现在我至少还有一定的仙元之力,起码不用那么狼狈的利用空间空隙逃遁!”程宇说道。 That but actually is also! After today you leave, later the number of immortal were getting more and more, how do you want to cope with them?” Asking of some Soul Suppression worries. “那倒也是!只是今天你离开了之后,以后仙人的数量越来越多了,你要怎么对付他们呢?”镇魂有些担心的问道。 Before this is also him, why hopes reason that repeatedly Cheng Yu can insist. 这也是他之前为什么一再希望程宇能够坚持下去的原因。 Because missed after today, these immortals who Cheng Yu is hard to fight. 因为错过了今天以后程宇就更加难以斗的这些仙人了。 Moreover met with them next time again, possibly was they leads the immortal army to kill on own initiative, at that time Cheng Yu will be only more passive! 而且下一次再与他们相遇的时候,可能就是他们主动带着仙人大军杀过来了,那个时候程宇只会更加被动! Your meaning is to let me consumes completely all immortal Yuan strength, wrestles one time with them?” Cheng Yu somewhat was truly in a dilemma at this time. “那你的意思是让我将所有的仙元之力全部耗上,跟他们搏一次?”程宇此时确实有些进退两难了。 Today after these immortals fight, he knows that the worry of Soul Suppression is very reasonable, he truly does not know how must deal with more immortals. 今天跟这些仙人交手之后,他知道镇魂的担心是非常有道理的,他确实不知道要如何对付更多的仙人。 Really can let the Cheng Family disciples and these immortals perishes together? 难道真的要让程家弟子与这些仙人同归于尽吗? This must look at you!” “这得看你!” We were ready for any sacrifice, after my immortal Yuan strength exhausts, depended entirely on you!” Cheng Yu clenches teeth, the weakened sword shadow, the strength under the supplement of massive immortal Yuan strength increased immediately! “那咱们就豁出去了,我的仙元之力耗尽之后就全靠你了!”程宇一咬牙,原本已经减弱的剑影,在大量仙元之力的补充之下顿时力量大增! What!” Wuqi and other immortals immediately complexion big change! “什么!”乌齐等仙人顿时脸色大变! https:// https:// :. 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