GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5299: Terrifying fight!

Although everyone hopes that at this time Cheng Yu hurries to leave here, but in the reality is willing is not always easy to realize. 虽然此时大家都希望程宇赶紧离开这里,但是现实中愿意总是不会那么容易实现。 After seeing only Cheng Yu all live puppet receive completely, the strength of whole person again rises dramatically. 只见程宇将所有的活傀全部收起之后,整个人的实力再次飙升起来。 Everyone withstood, this fellow has not given up, he also wants to break open to tie the barrier!” Sees this, was still abundant to be all of a sudden anxious. “大家顶住了,这个家伙并没有放弃,他还想要破开结界屏障!”看到这一幕,尚丰一下子就紧张起来了。 Cheng Yu this move of he has started to be familiar, two companions died under his move a moment ago. 程宇这一招他已经开始熟悉了,刚才两个同伴正是死于他这一招之下。 Although they have used ten knot boundary stone strengthening to settle the barrier, but saw Cheng Yu has not given up, his did not have the energy at heart. 虽然他们已经用十颗结界石强化了结界屏障,但是看到程宇并没有放弃的时候,他的心里就不是那么有底气了。 Even if he believes that this barrier should be safe, but his cannot bear at heart somewhat anxiously. 哪怕他相信这屏障应该是安全的,可是他的心里还是忍不住有几分不安。 However obviously and continues he alone is this, has not experienced beyond the might that Cheng Yu this has struck besides Wuqi and Jiang Kang personally, other these immortals somewhat are completely trembling. 不过显然并不止他一个人是这样,除了乌齐和江康两人还没有亲自体验过程宇这一击的威力之外,其他的那些仙人全部都有些战战兢兢。 Wuqi and Jiang Kang see this, also by them being made was somewhat nervous. 乌齐和江康看到这一幕,也不由被他们弄的情绪有些紧张起来了。 So is really terrifying? Did we use ten knot boundary stones unable to block him?” Jiang Kang felt that such atmosphere makes him somewhat not gasp for breath, the doubts asked. “真的有这么恐怖吗?咱们使用了十颗结界石还挡不住他?”江康感觉这样的气氛让他有些喘不过气来,不由疑惑地问道。 Keeping off should be living that keeps off, but we cannot treat it lightly absolutely. We have folded four companions, I think what no one wants then to have an accident is oneself. “挡应该是挡的住,可是我们绝对不能掉以轻心。我们可是已经折掉了四个同伴了,我想谁也不想接下来出事的是自己吧。 No matter he can break open this knot barrier, we must whole-heartedly, unable to give him absolutely any opportunity! ” Townro said. 所以不管他能不能破开这结界屏障,我们都要全力以赴,绝对不能给他任何机会!”汤罗说道。 Said is also, but this fellow unexpectedly so many immortal Yuan strength can use, this truly surprises me actually very much!” Wuqi closely stared at Cheng Yu outside barrier, in the heart was being full of the doubts. “说的也是,不过这个家伙竟然有这么多的仙元之力可以使用,这倒是确实很让我意外!”乌齐紧紧地盯着屏障之外的程宇,心中充满了疑惑。 No matter they also fly upwards Immortal World from the world of mortals, is the locally born Immortal World person, but they were not a birth are the immortals. 不管他们也是从下界飞升到仙界的,还是土生土长的仙界人,但他们也不是一出生就是仙人。 They also cultivation the boundary of immortal from the average person. 他们也同样都是从普通人修炼到仙人之境的。 Therefore they are very clear, in Crossing Tribulation Stage, the immortal Yuan strength of their within the body is actually quite limited. 所以他们很清楚,在渡劫期的时候,他们体内的仙元之力其实是相当有限的。 However this fellow not only can branch out nine clone to come, but also each clone was using an immortal Yuan strength massively. 但是这个家伙不仅可以分出九个分身来,而且每个分身都在大量的使用了仙元之力。 Even so, he also a many immortal Yuan strength ferments the so big move now, this has far exceeded an immortal Yuan strength that normal Crossing Tribulation Stage has, this is not how surprising! 即便如此,他现在还有这么多的仙元之力来酝酿如此大招,这已经远远超出正常渡劫期所拥有的仙元之力了,这如何不让人惊讶呢! Or said that this Holy City later generation isn't really simple? This fellow really has very big difference from ordinary cultivator. “要不说这圣城后人果然不简单呢?这个家伙确实与普通的修士有很大的不同。 However I believe that even if his immortal Yuan strength must be more compared with general Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, but with now, me thinks that he should quick be still similar. 不过我相信就算他的仙元之力比起一般的渡劫期修士要更多一些,但是用到现在,我想他应该也快差不多了。 Therefore we want the long heart, if discovered that his immortal Yuan strength really consumes, if there is an opportunity, we must seize the chance then to take him today. 所以我们大家还是要长个心,如果发现他的仙元之力真的消耗一空的话,若有机会,我们还是要趁机今天便拿下他。 Really must make him run away, later we will perhaps also encounter a bigger problem. ” Still reminded abundantly. 真要让他逃走了,以后我们或许还会遇到更大的麻烦。”尚丰提醒道。 Truly, we are not understand to Holy City now very much, merely now is only a Holy City later generation makes us so distressed. “确实,如今我们对圣城并不是很了解,现在仅仅只是一个圣城后人就把我们弄的如此狼狈。 Who knows Holy City now also how many later generation? 谁知道圣城现在还有多少后人呢? If by some chance comes several this again, we really this/should had a headache very much. ” Wuqi nods, this point he approves. 万一再来几个这样的,我们真的就该很头痛了。”乌齐点点头,这一点他还是非常认可的。 Now they are truly distressed enough, but said, feared is no matter what no one believes. 现在他们确实够狼狈的,可是说出去,怕是任谁也不会相信。 Their more than ten immortals got so far as this situation by a mortal unexpectedly. 他们十几个仙人竟然被一个凡人弄到这地步。 But knows with the people who Cheng Yu has fought, Cheng Yu is really a person? 可是跟程宇交过手的人都知道,程宇真的算是一个人吗? What before was that row of person? 之前那一排人算是什么? But must say that this is one group of people, but fact nine are Cheng Yu's clone. Now after gathering, truly is a person. 可要说这是一群人,但事实其中九个又是程宇的分身而已。现在合起来之后确实是一个人。 But this matter passes on disgraced really! 但这事传出去是真的丢人啊! However makes them be worried that truly, truly now some Holy City many such later generation. 不过真正让他们担心的,确实还是现在圣城到底有多少这样的后人。 If each later generation has the so strong strength, he worried that their these time all immortals who carry out the task come insufficiently, that may be awkward. 如果说每一个后人都有如此强劲的实力,他担心他们这一次执行任务的所有仙人过来都不够啊,那可就尴尬了。 That didn't exalted lord say a Holy City such later generation?” Townro looked at one to be weak behind in place exalted lord, said. “那主上不是说圣城就这么一个后人吗?”汤罗看了一眼身后瘫软在地主上,说道。 I am indefinite, but he has nine Yuan gods, even if this Holy City also has other later generation, but he should still be strongest!” exalted lord saw that the people visit him, trembles at heart, hurries to say. “我也不确定,不过他拥有九个元神,即便这圣城还有其他的后人,可是他应该也是最强的!”主上看到众人都看着他,不由心里一颤,赶紧开口说道。 This matter he naturally does not dare to have the warranty, because he has seen only Cheng Yu. 这事他自然不敢打保票,因为他只见过程宇 Also has other later generation as for Holy City, he is indefinite. 至于圣城到底还有没有其他后人,他也不确定。 But Holy City has not presented nine Yuan gods, since now this fellow nine Yuan gods, how you affirm the Holy City later generation only then does a person have nine Yuan gods?” Still asked abundantly. “可是圣城从来都没有出现过九个元神,如今这个家伙既然有九个元神,那你又怎么肯定圣城后人就只有一个人拥有九个元神呢?”尚丰问道。 This......” exalted lord for a while stumped. “这......”主上一时词穷了。 First do not manage so many, that fellow must have the move!” Townro reminded loudly. “先不要管那么多了,那个家伙要出招了!”汤罗大声提醒道。 The people are ready in full battle array immediately, the output supplements the barrier full power, everyone becomes is very tense, does not dare to have slight lax. 众人顿时严阵以待,全力输出补充屏障,每个人心里都变得特别紧张起来,不敢有丝毫的松懈。 ! 唰! Sees only Cheng Yu to hold up the long sword again high, an immortal Yuan strength was a very intense degree, the sword shadow shoots up to the sky, imitates, if docks with the vault of heaven. 只见程宇再次高高举起长剑,仙元之力达到了一个非常强烈的程度,剑影冲天而起,仿若与天穹相接。 The long sword cuts to fall, the sword shadow above vault of heaven falls, clarity that scene entire inner court people look. 长剑斩落下来,天穹之上的剑影落下来,那场面整个内朝的人都看的清清楚楚。 The war of vault of heaven peak happened was so long, had attracted everyone. 天穹峰的大战发生了这么久,早已经吸引了所有人。 However no one goes to the vault of heaven peak to support, even the guard on vault of heaven peak, has not gone to the back side of the mountain to support. 但是没有人前往天穹峰去支援,即便是天穹峰上的守卫,也都没有前往后山支援。 However cultivator of vault of heaven peak has prepared to take place, defended in the back side of the mountain access completely, stood by to support. 不过天穹峰的修士早已经准备就位,全部都守在了后山出入口,随时待命要进行支援。 Can fighting they in this back side of the mountain understand can it be that? 只是这后山的打斗又岂是他们能够理解的? Even if separated by such far, they can feel that in the vault of heaven peak transmits extremely terrifying destruction aura, moreover they also saw the vault of heaven peak is having the woods to be destroyed. 哪怕相隔这么远,他们都能够感觉到天穹峰上传来极为恐怖的毁灭气息,而且他们也看到了天穹峰正有大片大片的树林正在被毁去。 Everyone was shocked! 所有人都惊呆了! „Are the strengths of these monsters so unexpectedly fearful? They went into the back side of the mountain to go luckily, if had such terrifying war here, we feared that was must be involved in this unexpected misfortune!” cultivator in vault of heaven peak outlying hill square sees the destruction war of back side of the mountain, the whole person shivered. “那些怪物的实力竟然这么可怕?幸好他们跑到后山去了,要是在这里发生这么恐怖的大战,我们怕是都要被卷入这无妄之灾了!”天穹峰前山广场上的修士看到后山的毁灭大战,整个人都颤抖起来了。 With in arched peak of this day, although they in the outlying hill, the fight happen in the back side of the mountain. 同在这天穹峰上,虽然他们是在前山,战斗发生在后山。 But the person compared with inner court any other places must realize that this war is terrifying. 可是他们比内朝任何其他地方的人都要更加体会到这场大战有多么恐怖。 They even felt that hits again like this, on this day arched peak even possibly even this inner court center must be destroyed, therefore they are really the unusual fears. 他们甚至感觉再这样打下去,这天穹峰甚至可能连这内朝中心都要被毁灭掉,所以他们真的是非常的害怕。 However they hope the elders who exalted lord mansion do not impulse, do not make them go in the support. 不过他们更加希望主上府的长老们不要冲动,千万不要让他们进去支援。 This level where fights is they can participate, if really ran, that must die without doubt. 这种级别的大战哪里是他们能够参与的,真要是跑进去了,那肯定是必死无疑。 These Protector as if not so powerful strengths!” Some elders of exalted lord mansion also in stubbornly is staring at the back side of the mountain tactical situation, on the face actually full shocks and doubts. “那些护法似乎并没有如此强大的力量!”主上府的一些长老也在死死的盯着后山战况,脸上却满是震惊和疑惑。 Strength of exalted lord mansion Protector how, they as exalted lord mansion elder, even if fully did not understand, but has certain understanding somewhat. 主上府护法的实力如何,他们作为主上府的长老,哪怕不是完全了解,但多多少少还是有一定的了解的。 Everyone is Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, the disparity in strength actually will not be big. 大家都是渡劫期修士,实力上的差距其实不会很大。 The fighting spirit that but they see now has obviously gone beyond beyond their area of competence, this made them very puzzled. 可是他们现在所看到的战斗气息明显已经超出了他们的能力范围之外,这就让他们非常的不解了。 One crowd of monsters and can Protector really cause such terrifying war to come? 一群怪物和护法真的能够弄出这么恐怖的大战来吗? It is estimated that was exalted lord acted, otherwise was absolutely impossible to release the so terrifying strength to come!” An elder said. “估计是主上出手了,要不然绝对不可能释放出如此恐怖的力量来!”一个长老说道。 As Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, I do not dare to approach unexpectedly completely, has exalted lord really achieved in the legend to cut the immortal the strength?” “作为渡劫期修士,我竟然完全不敢靠近,难道说主上真的已经达到了传说中斩仙的实力了?” Has this possibility, I have not induced to the so fearful aura, perhaps this really can cut some people of extraordinary ability imposing manners!” “不是没有这个可能,我还从来没有感应到如此可怕的气息,或许这真的是可以斩仙才有的气势吧!” If exalted lord really can cut the immortal, that Saint Court rampant doesn't get up again?” Some person joyful say/way. “若是主上真的可以斩仙了,那圣朝岂不是再也嚣张不起来了?”有些人欣喜道。 That is natural, the Saint Court Holy Lord strength is strong, how also possibly is the exalted lord opponent? Back then wasn't he distressed runs away? “那是自然,圣朝圣主实力再强,又怎么可能是主上的对手呢?想当年他不就是狼狈不已的逃走了么? If he also dares to come now, I can affirm, depends on exalted lord this terrifying the imposing manner, will not make him live absolutely again departure! ” Some person of self-confident saying. 如果他现在还敢来,我敢肯定,就凭主上这恐怖的气势,绝对不会再让他活着离开!”有人自信的说道。 In their opinion, on this day under also whose strength can compare with exalted lord. 在他们看来,这天下还有谁的实力可以与主上相比的。 If any, should also be the past years intrudes inner court the lord of that Saint Court. 如果有的话,应该也就是当年闯入内朝的那个圣朝之主。 But even the lord of Saint Court, the past strength were still inferior to exalted lord. 可是即便是圣朝之主,当年的实力也是不如主上的。 Therefore such a calculates, this exalted lord strength inevitably is the first under heaven, even if Saint Court main comes now, comes but not return inevitably. 所以这么一算,这主上的实力必然是天下第一,哪怕现在圣朝之主要来的话,也必然是有来无回的。 But I am very a little strange, the back side of the mountain has transmitted the aura that several times destroy. But by the strength of exalted lord this terrifying, should be solved long ago these monsters, why projects on now the terrifying aura to be getting more and more intense? “可是我有一点很奇怪,后山已经传来好几次毁灭的气息了。但以主上这恐怖的实力,应该早就将那些怪物解决了,为何打到现在恐怖的气息越来越强烈呢? Are these monsters also so powerful? However a moment ago time here, hasn't discovered them powerful to this situation? 难道说那些怪物也这么强大?但是刚才在这里的时候,并没有发现他们强大到这种地步啊? Really can such strong words, why they also probably escape to the back side of the mountain goes? These Protector are not their opponents are right! ” But also some people expressed the question for this reason. 真要这么强的话,他们为什么还要逃到后山去?那些护法根本就不是他们的对手才对!”但也有人却为此表示质疑。 Probably is also, but the back side of the mountain is having such terrifying war now, we do not dare to go. If you are really curious, could conduct for us looks.” Some people said with a smile. “好像也是,不过现在后山正在发生这么恐怖的大战,我们也不敢进去。如果你实在好奇的话,或许可以进行替我们看一看。”有人笑着说道。 Snort! I am not silly, such terrifying aura passed on, I must go, wasn't that courts death?” “哼!我才没那么傻,这么恐怖的气息都传出来了,我要去了,那不是找死吗?” Do not say, our vault of heaven peak isn't also some so many Protector in inside? Has them, protects your security not to have the issue.” That person continues to instigate to say. “也别这么说,咱们天穹峰不是还有那么多护法在里面吗?有他们在,想必保护你的安全还是没有问题的。”那人继续怂恿道。 Since you affirmed, you why don't have a look?” “既然你这么肯定,那你为什么不自己去看看?” So long as you dare to go, when you come back me to give you a High Grade god Yuan pill!” That person said with a smile. “只要你敢去,等你回来我可以给你一颗上品神元丹!”那人笑道。 Forget it! When you really I am silly. Although High Grade god Yuan pill is precious, but also is insufficient me with own life, when the gambling stake goes to this joke!” This person of face disdain said. “得了吧!你真当我傻呀。上品神元丹虽然珍贵,但还不至于我用自己的命当赌注去开这种玩笑!”这人一脸不屑地说道。 If trades to do usually, gambles with a High Grade god Yuan pill, what gambling house dares to try. 如果是换作平时,用一颗上品神元丹来作赌注,想必什么赌局都敢试一下。 But now, let alone was a High Grade god Yuan pill, even one bottle of god Yuan pill, he was impossible to go! 可是现在,别说是一棵上品神元丹了,就算是一瓶神元丹,他都不可能去! Such terrifying fight, did he go possibly also to come back?? 这么恐怖的战斗,他去了怎么可能还会回来??
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