GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4835: Gain does not equal the loss!

Although Cheng Yu directly does not participate in the management of each lower sect, but Cheng Yu is actually various key players. 虽然程宇并不直接参与各个下宗的管理,但是程宇却一直都是各宗的中心人物。 Therefore Cheng Yu had the first being in direct line disciple, each lower sect naturally also received this message quickly. 所以程宇有了第一个嫡传弟子,各个下宗自然也是很快就收到了这个消息。 white Zhengqi in Cheng Family is very outstanding disciple, Cheng Yu not in these years, he also rushed out a fame by oneself strength in Cheng Yu. 白正奇在程家算是非常优秀的弟子,程宇不在的这些年,他也靠自己的实力在程宇闯出了一番名气。 Although the fame is also not very big, but also many lower sect know that Cheng Family has such a known disciple. 虽然名气还不是很大,但是也有不少下宗知道程家有这么一个小有名气的弟子。 However when heard he actually becomes the Cheng Family first being in direct line disciple, they are surprised unusual. 不过当听说他竟然成为了程家的第一嫡传弟子的时候,他们这些人都感到非常的意外。 They do not understand that Cheng Yu so many years had not made an appearance, but actually make an appearance receive white Zhengqi for the first being in direct line disciple shortly, this is really curious. 他们不明白程宇这么多年都没有露面了,可是却一露面没多久就把白正奇收为了第一嫡传弟子,这着实令人好奇。 Because they are very clear, has many outstanding talent disciples in Cheng Family. 因为他们心里很清楚,在程家有不少优秀的天才弟子。 Therefore white Zhengqi in Cheng Family is not considered as that the peak talent, but Cheng Yu has not chosen these more outstanding talent disciple as being in direct line disciple, actually chose white Zhengqi, they truly do not want to understand. 所以白正奇在程家并不算是最顶尖的天才,可是程宇没有选择那些更加优秀的天才弟子作为嫡传弟子,却是选择了白正奇,他们确实没有想明白。 However now hears a Cheng Yu such saying, remembered this matter to come actually. 不过现在听到程宇这么一说,倒是又想起这件事情来了。 Is it possible that this white Zhengqi is this Cheng Family only one through the person of Cheng Yu inspection, will therefore become the Cheng Yu's first being in direct line disciple? 莫非这白正奇就是这程家唯一一个通过程宇考核的人,所以才会成为程宇的第一个嫡传弟子? Right, is white Zhengqi. Everyone should know, white Zhengqi is my first being in direct line disciple, so far is only one through my person of inspection!” Cheng Yu nods to say. “没错,正是白正奇。想必大家应该都已经知道了,白正奇是我的第一个嫡传弟子,也是目前为止唯一一个通过我的考核的人!”程宇点点头说道。 Cheng Yu not, because wants to choose some disciples to conduct the test to deceive them. 程宇并没有因为想要挑选一些弟子进行测试而欺骗他们。 So far stops, Cheng Family truly only then white Zhengqi adopted the inspection. 到目前来止,程家确实只有白正奇通过了考核。 Although he cannot to these say that the content of inspection is anything, but they, so long as understands that capacity of this inspection low, they naturally also had no reason of rejection, will not naturally repel. 虽然他不能跟这些说考核的内容是什么,但是他们只要明白这个考核的通过率有多低,想必他们自然也没有什么拒绝的理由了,自然也就不会那么排斥了。 Therefore you should understand, such low capacity, I in the choice from competition your disciples, I will basically not leave behind them even!” Cheng Yu said with a smile, hopes can make them feel at ease. “所以你们应该明白,这么低的通过率,就算我从大比当中挑选中了你们的弟子,我也基本上不会将他们留下!”程宇笑着说道,希望能够让他们安心。 Head of household, since white Zhengqi because adopted the inspection of head of household, becomes the head of household's first being in direct line disciple. “家主,既然那白正奇正是因为通过了家主的考核,才成为了家主的第一个嫡传弟子。 These disciples who the head of household chooses also adopted the inspection of head of household, means they will also become head of household's being in direct line disciple? ” Daoist Green Pine asked. 那家主挑选的这些弟子也通过了家主的考核,是不是意味着他们也会成为家主的嫡传弟子呢?”苍松道人问道。 It can be said that if they really can through the inspection, I really have this plan!” Cheng Yu does not conceal them, but is the direct nod acknowledgment said. “可以这么说,如果他们真的能够通过考核,我确实有这个打算!”程宇也并不隐瞒他们,而是直接点头承认道。 Head of household, with all due respect, the person who since inspection such difficult of head of household, can inspect through the head of household also absolutely is the talent in talent. “家主,恕我直言,既然家主的考核如此之难,想必能够通过家主考核的人也绝对是天才之中的天才。 But where our these sect do gate have the so outstanding disciple? Even if the head of household selected them, they did not have that good fortune to become the Cheng Family disciple. ” The Mount Shu School leader profound real Daoist said. 而我们这些宗门又哪里有如此出色的弟子呢?即便家主挑中了他们,他们也没有那个福分成为程家弟子。”蜀山派掌门玄真道人说道。 His words were very straightforward, since the Cheng Yu's inspection is so difficult, even Cheng Family one person can through the inspection, even if he selected some lower sect disciples, that is still the waste time, might as well does not select. 他的话就很直白了,既然程宇的考核这么难,连程家都只有一个人能够通过考核,那就算他选中了一些下宗的弟子,那也是浪费时间,还不如不挑。 As the Mount Shu School leader, he only has a worry. 作为蜀山派的掌门,他只有一个担心。 Even if Cheng Yu said that the capacity of this inspection is low, so long as there is a little possibility, after their disciples were selected by Cheng Yu, might not come back again. 哪怕程宇说这种考核的通过率再低,但只要有一点点可能,那他们的弟子被程宇选中之后,就有可能不会再回来了。 If these disciples were really delivered by Cheng Yu, that but actually. 如果这些弟子真的被程宇送回来了,那倒也罢了。 But these disciples really adopted the inspection by some chance, that showed that this disciple absolutely is the talent in talent, actually must give Cheng Family in vain, he does not certainly want. 可万一这些弟子真的通过了考核,那就证明这个弟子绝对是天才中的天才,却要白白的给了程家,他当然不愿意了。 Therefore he does not want to know that the Cheng Yu's inspection is anything, so long as these disciples do not accept the inspection, then these disciples have kept their sect gate. 所以他并不想知道程宇的考核到底是什么,只要这些弟子不接受考核,那么这些弟子就会一直留在他们的宗门。 Is the talent is also good, is not the talent is also good, at least the person are their sect gate. 是天才也好,不是天才也好,至少人都是他们宗门的。 If they are really the talents in talent, after later they grew to the maximum level, even without inspects, they will also certainly display side of their true talent. 如果他们真的是天才中的天才,想必以后等他们成长到最高的层次以后,即便不用去考核,他们也一定会表现出他们真正天才的一面。 Therefore, 所以, Only the person keeps own sect Mencai is own, otherwise all are the empty talk. Let alone, who knows the words that Cheng Yu spoke are really false? 只有人留在自己的宗门才是自己的,否则一切都是空谈。更何况,谁知道程宇所说的话是真是假呢? If by some chance Cheng Yu wants everyone to agree that merely he takes away, therefore said intentionally? 万一程宇仅仅只是想要大家能够同意他把人带走,所以故意这么说的呢? After all they had not seen that actually with own eyes Cheng Yu how conducts the inspection, moreover this inspection also is not obviously public. 毕竟他们并没有亲眼见到程宇究竟是如何进行考核的,而且这个考核显然也并不是公开的。 When the time comes the person had been taken away by Cheng Yu, passed matter that inspects that is also not Cheng Yu a few words. 到时候人已经被程宇带走了,是否通过了考核那还不是程宇一句话的事情。 Has saying that the words of profound real Daoist are popular very much, obviously other sovereign has such worry. 不得不说,玄真道人的话还是很得人心的,显然其他的宗主们都有这样的担心。 Head of household, we also felt the profound real leader said is reasonable, the talent of Cheng Family disciple good is too more than our these sect gate disciple talents. Even they such good fortune has not become head of household's being in direct line disciple, do not say our sect gate these good-for-nothing disciples!” Other leaders also try to turn down to say to Cheng Yu. “家主,我们也觉得玄真掌门说的有道理,程家弟子的天赋比我们这些宗门的弟子天赋好太多了。连他们都没有这样的福分成为家主的嫡传弟子,就不要说我们宗门的那些不成器的弟子们了!”其他一些掌门也试着向程宇婉拒道。 If possible, they do not want to lose a disciple, even if the opportunity is small, they do not want to attempt. 如果有可能,他们不想损失一个弟子,哪怕机会再小,他们都不想去尝试。 However they do not dare to reject directly, can only speak the words is more tactful. 不过他们又不敢直接拒绝,只能把话说的委婉一些。 Only hopes that Cheng Yu can forgive them, puts their horse, their disciples not carrying off. 只希望程宇能够体谅一下他们,放他们一马,千万别把他们的弟子给带走了。 Then, you did not agree that I did choose the disciple? It seems like before me, had said the words and had no significance!” Cheng Yu unemotional looks that these people asked. “这么说来,你们都不同意我挑选弟子了?看来我之前说过的话并没有什么意义了!”程宇面无表情的看着这些人问道。 Chooses the disciple from competition, is Cheng Family in the right that in the middle of the contract stipulates. 大比当中挑选弟子,也是程家在契约当中规定的权利。 Before he had said that he did not need these sect gate to provide the disciple to Cheng Family every year. However this does not represent him also to give up choosing the right of disciple from competition. 之前他就说过了,他不需要这些宗门每年向程家输送弟子了。但是这并不代表他也要放弃从大比当中挑选弟子的权利。 If these people think that this can stop him, that was too naive. 如果这些人以为这样就可以阻拦他的话,那就太天真了。 Some people always like reaching out for a yard after taking an inch, originally he has give away had divided the benefit, but these people are actually also thinking he can give away all advantages, is this possible? 有些人总是喜欢得寸进尺,本来他已经让出了一分利了,可是这些人却还想着他能够让出所有的利,这怎么可能呢? Originally he had not planned that robs these lower sect all outstanding disciples, he wants to try these lower sect to have the bloodlines of Holy City later generation. 本来他就并没有打算把这些下宗的所有优秀弟子都抢走,他只是想要试试这些下宗有没有圣城后人的血脉。 Feeling grateful that however these people so do not understand, does not understand to size up the situation, moreover likes reaching out for a yard after taking an inch, he naturally cannot have any good complexion to them. 但是这些人如此不懂得的感恩,更不懂得审时度势,而且还喜欢得寸进尺,他自然不会有什么好脸色给他们。 Head of household appeases anger, we are not this meaning, we thought in any case they not through the inspection of head of household, we worried that the head of household instead wasted own time!” Some leaders know that Cheng Family was definitely angry, hurrying answered. “家主息怒,我们并不是这个意思,我们只是觉得反正他们也不会通过家主的考核,我们担心家主反而是浪费了自己的时间!”一些掌门知道程家肯定是生气了,赶紧解释道。 You think?” Cheng Yu does not certainly believe that they think, but they, since looked for such a stair to oneself, he gives these person of stairs. “你们都是这么想的吗?”程宇当然不相信他们是这么想的,不过他们既然给自己找了这么一个台阶,那他就给这些人一个台阶。 However his saying asked that these people can only from this stair. 不过他这话一问,这些人就只能从这个台阶下了。 Cheng Yu naturally wants this effect! 程宇自然就是想要这种效果! This... is... is, everyone thinks!” The people first stare, some people do not want to acknowledge obviously, but some people are actually worried about these people, if did not acknowledge, will cause the head of household to be angry, hurries to take the lead to say. “这...是...是,大家都是这么想的!”众人先是一愣,有些人显然并不想承认,可是有些人却是担心这些人如果不承认的话,会引得家主更加生气,赶紧率先开口说道。 Since is this, that did not need you to be worried, although these disciples were unlikely through my inspection, but I closed up for ten years, now some are the time, therefore was not worried to waste the time. “既然是这样的话,那就不用你们担心了,虽然这些弟子不太可能通过我的考核,但是我闭关了十年,现在有的是时间,所以并不担心浪费时间。 So long as these disciples inspected to finish, I will naturally return them to you, therefore you did not need to be that worried! ” Cheng Yu said with a smile. 只要这些弟子考核结束了,我自然会把他们送还给你们,所以你们也不用那么担心!”程宇笑着说道。 What was...... the head of household says was!” Although in the people heart does not prefer, actually also helpless, does not dare to refute Cheng Yu again. “是......家主说的是!”众人心中虽然不情愿,却也无奈,不敢再反驳程宇 Somewhat sovereign starts to speak but hesitates, although wants to say the words of oneself innermost feelings, rejects Cheng Yu, but has not said eventually. 有些宗主欲言又止,虽然很想将自己内心的话说出来,拒绝程宇,可是终究还是没有说出口。 Because they are very clear, in so many sovereign front, they, if really opened this mouth, that too did not give the Cheng Yu face simply, when the time comes he can definitely get angry, even got angry. 因为他们很清楚,在这么多宗主的面前,他们若是真的开了这个口,那简直是太不给程宇面子了,到时候他肯定会发火,甚至是翻脸的。 Currently speaking, they surely do not have the means to withstand the Cheng Yu's anger. 就目前来说,他们肯定是没有办法承受程宇的怒火的。 Now they can only expect what Cheng Yu said is real, his inspection is not so easy to pass. 如今他们只能期待程宇说的是真的,他的考核并不是那么容易通过的。 The disciple who so long as these settled on by Cheng Yu inspected failed, he can deliver, poured also has no loss. 只要那些被程宇看中的弟子考核都失败了,他能够把人送回来,倒也没有什么损失。 When the time comes what if Cheng Yu said is the lie, is majority is kept Cheng Family by the disciple who he picks, most everyone so many sovereign invited to look for Cheng Yu together. 若是到时候程宇说的是假话,被他挑走的弟子却是大部分都被留在了程家,最多大家这么多宗主邀好一起来找程宇 Before so many people, how Cheng Yu to quibble again embarrassed! 想必在这么多人面前,程宇再怎么样都不好意思狡辩了吧! Cheng Yu sees forced smiles of these person of faces, knows that these will of the people unwilling sentiments do not hope, but he will not say anything again. So long as he these people did not oppose that he chooses the disciple in the middle of competition then, although they opposed that is not useful. 程宇见这些人一脸的苦笑,知道这些人心不甘情不愿,不过他不会再多说什么。他只要这些人不反对他在大比当中挑选弟子即可,虽然他们反对也没有什么用。 Since everyone did not have the issue, that then watches this year's competition together. Hopes your disciples can do well, this year's award will take away!” Cheng Yu ignores their innermost feelings at this moment is anything felt, smiling saying. “既然大家没有问题了,那便一起观看今年的大比吧。希望你们大家的弟子能够表现出色,将今年的大奖拿走!”程宇也不顾他们此刻的内心是什么感觉,一脸笑意的说道。 Many thanks head of household's auspicious words!” A bitterness and astringency of people face, felt immediately, even if the award puts at present, as if becomes not fragrant. “多谢家主的吉言!”众人一脸的苦涩,顿时觉得即便是大奖摆在眼前,似乎都变得不香了。 Actually Cheng Yu is very clear three pill god imaginary secret arts is not the person can cultivation, therefore the worry books of these people are unnecessary. 其实程宇很清楚三丹神幻诀并不是什么人都能够修炼的,所以这些人的担心本就是多余的。 However he will not explain anything to these people, can have a look at the attitudes of these people through this matter exactly. 不过他不会跟这些人去解释什么,恰恰可以通过这件事情看看这些人的态度。 The Yunshou Peak first competition ended in everyone's cheers, those who win is the Mount Shu School disciple. 云首峰第一场比试在大家的欢呼声中结束了,胜出的是蜀山派弟子。 Originally as winning side, the Mount Shu School leader profound real Daoist should very rejoice be, but is actually happy does not get up now. 本来作为胜出方,蜀山派掌门玄真道人应该会很高兴才是,可是现在却是怎么也高兴不起来了。 He thinks Cheng Family, since has no longer needed the lower sect disciple, then competition should not select the person again. 他以为程家既然已经不再需要下宗的弟子了,那么大比应该也不会再挑人了。 Award resources that in addition Cheng Yu promises to him very important, therefore this competition he disciples these hideaways brought. 再加上程宇所许诺的大奖资源对他来说非常的重要,所以这一次大比他可是把那些隐藏的弟子都带了出来。 He most worries that now these outstanding disciples by Cheng Yu picking, why this is he has also been driving sovereign mood vigorously, hoping Cheng Yu can therefore eliminate from competition the reason that chooses the disciple. 他现在最担心这些优秀弟子都被程宇给选走了,这也是他为什么一直都在极力的带动各位宗主的情绪,希望程宇能够因此打消从大比中挑选弟子的原因了。 If by some chance the disciples were taken away unable to finish by Cheng Yu, that lost is too big!? 万一弟子们被程宇带走了却不回来了,那损失岂不是太大了!? 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