GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4828: You are really good!

Various the people of peak reception were arranged after various peaks, the Cheng Family reception caused also to explain some Cheng Family customs to everyone, some place naturally people that cannot go to guarded, hopes that they do not burst. 各峰接待的人被安排在了各峰以后,程家接待使也跟所有人交待了一些程家的规矩,不能去的地方自然有人把守,希望他们不要乱闯。 In addition, Cheng Family will not have any restraint to them. 除此之外,程家不会对他们有任何的约束。 Regarding these people, Cheng Family all are quite novel, after all comes the Cheng Family person is not many truly. 对于这些人来说,程家的一切都是比较新奇的,毕竟真正来过程家的人并不多。 Moreover even these had come the Cheng Family person, that is still many years ago, that time Cheng Family and present Cheng Family are also naturally no comparison between them. 而且即便是那些曾经来过程家的人,那也是许多年以前了,那时候的程家与现在的程家自然也是不可同日而语的。 Present Cheng Family is not only filling rich Spiritual Qi everywhere, but also present Cheng Family also constructed many magnificent constructions, as well as specially attractive beautiful scene. 如今的程家不仅仅到处都充满着浓郁的灵气,而且如今的程家还修建了许多壮观的建筑,以及特别漂亮的美景。 Everyone walks in Cheng Family, simply looks like in the picture general, deluded. 大家走在程家,简直就像是走在画中一般,令人如痴如醉。 „When once Cultivation World did not have the chaos, ten Great Sects sceneries I see, but sees Cheng Family now, I discovered, present Cheng Family has exceeded past ten Great Sects!” Some people said after a sigh. “曾经修真界还没有大乱之时,十大门派的风景我都领略过,不过如今看到了程家,我才发现,现在的程家早已经胜过了当年的十大门派!”有人感叹道。 I thought that Cheng Family surpassed ten Great Sects is not the present matter, in the past Cheng Family can in the chaos not but actually, not only defeat source of chaos Profound Heaven Sect finally, but also the sects in the world income, had not proven Cheng Family is more powerful than ten Great Sects? “我觉得程家超过十大门派并不是现在的事情了,当年程家能够在大乱之中不倒,最终不仅击败了大乱之源的玄天宗,还将天下宗门收入麾下,难道不是已经证明了程家早就已经比十大门派强大了吗? Then Cheng Family fame was not big, everyone them with ten Great Sects has not linked! ” Some people analyze to say. 只是当时的程家名气不大,大家并没有把他们与十大门派联系在一起罢了!”有人分析道。 Said is also, the most famous matter that at that time Cheng Family handled was Cheng Family destroyed completely Kunlun Mountains. “说的也是,那个时候程家做的最为出名的一件事情就是程家灭掉了昆仑。 Wants initially besides four big hidden Shizong gates, Kunlun Mountains, but the heads of Cultivation World many school. Also showed that the strength of Kunlun Mountains should be the heads of ten Great Sects. 想当初除了四大隐世宗门之外,昆仑可是修真界众多门派之首。也证明昆仑的实力应该是十大门派之首。 But despite that Kunlun Mountains finally by Cheng Family extinguishing. At that time gets up, actually Cheng Family had proven own strength was not weak in ten Great Sects. 但是即便如此,昆仑最终还是被程家给灭了。想必在那个时候起,其实程家就已经证明了自己的实力并不弱于十大门派了。 However that time Cheng Family somewhat was possibly incompatible with the fame. 不过那个时候的程家可能与名气还有些不符。 Truly powerful sect gate, not only wants competent, wants famous, but also wants one to match on their fame sect gate station! 一个真正强大的宗门,不仅仅要有实力,要有名气,还要有一个能够配的上他们的名气的宗门驻地! But present Cheng Family, not only there is a strength to be famous, currently also has so magnificent broad sect gate station, it obviously was most wealthy and powerful family gate that under this day was worthy of the reputation. ” Some people also say. 而如今的程家,不仅有实力有名气,现在也有了如此壮观恢弘的宗门驻地,它显然是这天下名副其实的最强宗门了。”有人也开口说道。 From Cheng Family establishment until now world-famous, Cheng Family only used for short dozens years, has saying that this is a miracle!” Entire process history that some people recall Cheng Family, in heart admiration. “从程家成立到如今的名满天下,程家不过只用了短短数十年时间,不得不说这是一个奇迹!”有人回想起程家的整个过程历史,不由心中十分的钦佩。 Actually I felt great strength that Cheng Family you have not imagined, Cheng Family can destroy completely Kunlun Mountains in the past, basically is also the Cheng Family Lord merit. “其实我觉得程家也并没有你们想象的那么强大,当年程家之所以能够灭掉昆仑,基本上也都是程家主的功劳。 Then comes Profound Heaven Sect to shoulder the reign of terror in Cultivation World, actually is also because Cheng Family Lord acted. 而后来玄天宗修真界挑起腥风血雨,其实也是因为程家主出手了。 It can be said that entire Cheng Family is supported by Cheng Family Lord, without Cheng Family Lord , the Cheng Family strength at all impossible to compare with ten Great Sects! ” Some people analyze to say. 可以说整个程家就是由程家主撑起来的,如果没有程家主在,程家的实力根本不可能与十大门派相比!”有人分析道。 Your this saying some truth, Cheng Family Lord absolutely is the entire Cheng Family most competent person. If before Cheng Family prominence, Cheng Family completely by Cheng Family Lord supports, I fully approve. “你这话有些道理,程家主绝对是整个程家最有实力的人。如果说在程家声名鹊起之前,程家完全是由程家主撑起来的,我完全赞同。 But you must say that present Cheng Family was still only the words that a Cheng Family person haunched, that some were too obviously biased, too did not understand Cheng Family. ” Some people refuted. 但你要说现在的程家仍然只是程家一个人撑起的话,那显然就有些太偏执,也太不了解程家了。”有人反驳道。 „Do you have what respected opinion?” That person refuses to accept to say. “兄台有何高见?”那人不服道。 Respected opinion is far from, but I also treated so many years in Cheng Family these cities, did not say that has to the Cheng Family strength understood, but also saw absolutely strength that some Cheng Family reveal. “高见谈不上,只是我在程家的这些城池中也待了这么多年了,不说对程家的实力有多么了解,但是也绝对看到了一些程家表露出来的实力。 Said that Cheng Family extinguishes Kunlun Mountains that meeting, Cheng Family Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator is almost hard to see. 就说程家灭昆仑那会,程家渡劫期修士几乎都是难以见到的。 However I do not know whether you have to notice, today we climb mountains to confirm the status time, has many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator. 但是我不知道你们是否有注意到,今天我们上山验证身份的时候,其中就有好些个渡劫期修士 I think this situation should not only then us will exist, the situations in other thirty peaks will also be almost the same. 我想这种情况应该不会只有我们这边存在,想必在其他三十几座峰上的情况也是相差无几的。 If such a calculates, Cheng Family light/only confirms the status Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator almost to have about thousand people for us. 若是这么一算的话,程家光是为我们大家验证身份的渡劫期修士差不多就有近千人。 You believe that this is Cheng Family all Crossing Tribulation Stage experts? ” He opens the mouth to ask to others. 你们相信这是程家所有的渡劫期高手吗?”他开口对着其他所有人问道。 „, So many years, I have truly seen the Cheng Family Crossing Tribulation Stage expert on many occasions. Therefore Cheng Family should really have many experts now.” Some people approve the person of same belief. “确实,这么多年,我也在很多场合见到过程家渡劫期高手。所以程家现在应该确实有很多的高手了。”有人赞同道。 Actually this is also very normal matter, since the Cultivation World chaos, Cheng Family has occupied in this developed so many years. “其实这也是很正常的事情,从修真界大乱以来,程家盘踞于此发展了这么多年。 Moreover the resources on Cheng Family are many enough to are unable to imagine, even can also provide the resources for us, considers Cheng Family, in not lacks the resources in the situation, after so many years efforts, they won't have the expert to appear? 而且程家手上的资源更是多到无法想象,甚至还能够为我们提供资源,试想一下程家在毫无缺少资源的情况下,经过这么多年的努力,他们如何会没有高手出现呢? Therefore Cheng Family Lord perhaps is the Cheng Family pillar/backbone, but I believe, is supporting Cheng Family more and more powerful person absolutely him, but is all Cheng Family disciples! 所以说程家主或许是程家的支柱,但是我相信,支撑着程家越来越强大的人绝对他一个人,而是所有程家弟子! So long as Cheng Family has been able to provide the sufficient resources for these disciples, I believe that later Cheng Family will not have the weak one. ” Says to the person who Cheng Family favors. 只要程家一直能够为这些弟子提供足够的资源,我相信以后程家不会有弱者。”对程家十分看好的人开口说道。 „The Cheng Family development potential is not unimaginable, if can become the Cheng Family disciple now, very has the advantage. At least may be more advantageous compared with our these loose cultivator.” 程家的发展潜力是无法想象的,如果现在能够成为程家弟子的话,想必还是挺有优势的。至少比起我们这些散修可有利多了。” Although not everyone wants to become the Cheng Family disciple, but is listening to them to the description of Cheng Family, in addition they place Cheng Family now, they can realize that Cheng Family truly is a place that made one yearn. 虽然并不是每个人都想成为程家弟子,可是听着他们对程家的描述,再加上他们现在就身处程家当中,他们更能够体会到程家确实是一个令人向往的地方。 If can become the Cheng Family disciple, after they not only, does the contribution and resources that the duty can obtain are more, but can also enjoy Cheng Family more a better benefits. 如果能够成为程家弟子的话,他们不仅以后做任务可以得到的贡献和资源更多,而且还能够享受到程家更多更好的福利。 As for some Cheng Family benefits, they are not clear, but he believes good that such Cheng Family can develop. 至于程家到底有些福利,他们并不清楚,不过他相信程家能够发展的这么好。 In addition Cheng Family treats the bystanders so to be favorable, must say that their Cheng Family treats the disciple is not good, that is absolutely impossible. 再加上程家对待外人都这么优厚,要说他们程家对待自己弟子不好,那是绝对不可能的。 The especially those Cheng Family disciple, mentioned Cheng Family each time, always proud praise Cheng Family, explained from one side Cheng Family treated the disciple is very good. 尤其是那些程家弟子,每次一谈起程家,总是引以为豪的赞美程家,也从侧面说明了程家对待弟子是非常不错的。 Therefore in the middle of these people have certainly person who wants to become the Cheng Family disciple, is not everyone is willing to become loose cultivator. 所以这些人当中当然有想要成为程家弟子的人,可不是每个人都愿意成为一个散修 Reason that they will become loose cultivator, actually also many reasons. But the most important reason, does not have good sect gate and influence either is willing to give shelter to them, either is sect gate treats the disciple to be not very good. 之所以他们会成为散修,其实也是有很多原因的。而最重要的原因,要么就是没有好的宗门和势力愿意收留他们,要么就是宗门对待弟子并不是很好。 For various reasons, finally they have to become loose cultivator. 由于种种原因,最后他们不得不成为了一个散修 Before Cheng Family, actually as loose cultivator, that is very painful matter. Does not have the resources not to have the personal connection, wants Immortal cultivation basically is difficult. 在没有程家以前,其实作为一个散修,那是非常痛苦的事情。没有资源没有人脉,想要修仙基本上是寸步难行。 But since Cheng Family had external mission, can say that brought the second life simply to their these loose cultivator. 可是自从程家有了族外任务以后,简直可以说给他们这些散修带来了第二次生命。 However although present they is also very good, at least no longer always to lack the resources worries like before, but during they are leading a pious life have many issues are the resources do not have the means solution. 不过现在的他们虽然过的也很不错,至少不再像以前那样总是为了缺少资源而发愁,但是他们在修行当中还是有很多的问题是资源没有办法解决的。 After all Heavenly Dao was extremely complex, does not have the resources to be able the promotion boundary without limits, during they always meet are leading a pious life come across all kinds of issues. 毕竟天道太过复杂了,并不是有资源就可以无止境的提升境界,他们总是会在修行当中遇到各种各样的问题。 These doubts did not have the means saying that to others, even if said that others know that is impossible to tell them naturally. 这些疑惑向别人是没有办法说的,即便说了,别人知道也不可能会那么大方的告诉他们。 But if their also Cheng Family such sect gate, then at least sect gate so many of high skill senior, can always in cultivating to travel for them on dispels doubt. 但若是他们也有一个程家这样的宗门,那么至少宗门有那么多的高人前辈,总是可以为他们在修行路上解惑的。 No one true is willing to become loose cultivator, anything is free, only then has the strongest strength, can have the true freedom. 没有人真正的愿意成为一个散修,什么是自由,只有拥有最强大的实力,才能够拥有真正的自由。 Otherwise like the present this, they, although not by the restraint of influence, when they for resources of practicing in Cheng Family receives the duty, they in fact received certain restraint of Cheng Family. 要不然就像现在这样,他们虽然不受势力的约束,但是当他们为了修行的资源在程家接取任务的时候,他们实际上就受到了程家的一定的约束。 Compares in Zongmen the restraint to the disciple, what Cheng Family is main to their restraints is in the duties with their hand is related. 只是相比于宗门对弟子的约束,程家对他们的约束最主要的还是与他们手上的任务有关。 But once their duties were restrained by Cheng Family, they must be constrained by Cheng Family somewhat. 可是一旦他们的任务受到程家的约束,他们自身也就多多少少要受到程家的约束了。 Moreover, their these years have lived in Cheng Family cultivate true virtue the small town one by one, weren't they same constrained by Cheng Family? 另外,他们这些年一直都生活在程家的各个修真小城,他们不也一样受到了程家的约束吗? Therefore, although they are loose cultivator, actually has not obtained the true freedom. 所以,他们虽是散修,其实也并没有得到真正的自由。 On the contrary is the Cheng Family disciple the day, makes them envy. 反倒是程家弟子所过的日子,更让他们羡慕。 At least when they need to help, Cheng Family can help them. When their lives are under the threat of external forces, Cheng Family can protect them. 至少在他们需要帮助的时候,程家可以为帮助他们。在他们的性命受到外部势力的威胁的时候,程家可以保护他们。 However they were different, even if they, because has also contributed to Cheng Family, relies on their status token also to make Cheng Family protect them, but Cheng Family will not protect them for a lifetime, this is the difference of person on one's own side and bystander. 但是他们就不一样了,哪怕他们由于对程家也有所贡献,凭借着他们的身份令牌也可以让程家保护他们,但是程家不会一辈子保护他们,这就是自己人和外人的区别。 As far as I know, Cheng Family has many people of contribution regarding our these in Cheng Family, attaches great importance to relatively. “据我所知,程家对于我们这些在程家有许多贡献的人,是比较重视的。 If you really want to become the Cheng Family disciple, I think that they may give you this opportunity! ” Some people say. 如果你们真的想要成为程家弟子,我想他们或许会给你们这个机会的!”有人开口说道。 How do you know?” Some people have doubts visits him. “你怎么知道?”有人疑惑的看着他。 Because Cheng Family sent people to look for me, wanting me to join Cheng Family, but I rejected them!” That person of indifferently said. “因为程家曾经派人找过我,想要我加入程家,只不过我拒绝了他们!”那人淡淡的说道 What? Cheng Family Lord moves invites you to join Cheng Family, but did you also reject?” The surrounding many people stared in a big way the eye to visit him immediately, seemed very difficult to understand why he must reject such good deed. “什么?程家主动邀请你加入程家,可你还拒绝了?”周围许多人顿时瞪大了眼睛看着他,似乎很难理解他为什么要拒绝这样的好事。 Must know present Cheng Family ten Great Sects that but one-party rule, these remained initially, now becomes Cheng Family lower sect. 要知道现在的程家可是一家独大,就连当初那些剩下来的十大门派,现在都成为了程家下宗 Cheng Family can invite him on own initiative, that is regards as important to him absolutely, but he must reject unexpectedly, was really should not. 程家能够主动邀请他,那绝对是对他非常看重的,但是他竟然还要拒绝,实在是太不应该了。 Strangely what this has? Moreover Cheng Family looked for me already more than once, but I rejected. You want to join Cheng Family, but does not represent me is also like you. The people are ambitious respectively, I thought that now is like this good.” That person regarding everyone puzzled actually thinks little. “这有什么奇怪的吗?而且程家找我已经不止一次了,不过我都拒绝了。你们想要加入程家,可并不代表我也跟你们一样。人各有志,我觉得现在这样挺好。”那人对于大家的不解却是不以为意。 After all these people want to join Cheng Family, without doubt is to depend upon Cheng Family, treats as the backer it. 毕竟这些人想要加入程家,无疑是想要依靠程家,将它当作靠山。 But he thinks oneself do not need what backer, now he has massive Cheng Family contributions in the hand, so long as need, can exchange the resources that oneself want momentarily, makes him practice sufficiently, why also to tie up the hands and feet. 可是他自认为自己并不需要什么靠山,现在他有大量的程家贡献在手,只要自己需要,随时可以兑换自己想要的资源,足以让他修行有成,又何必自缚手脚。 You...... really good!” Listened to his words, the people really envy are also speechless, finally can only give the thumbs-up to him. “你......真牛!”听了他的话,众人实在羡慕又无语,最终只能对他竖起大拇指。 The «God Level Student entering in midterm» correct chapter will continue to renew in the novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend! 《神级插班生》无错章节将持续在小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐! 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